Tamby the Luxray: The Incident

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#1 of Tamby the Luxray

Tamby was on an early morning stroll, admiring the views of the forest; lush trees above, soft grass below, it truly was a great and beautiful day for a walk. She wasn't known as a friendly type for a Pokemon, trying to avoid interaction with others at all costs. She was normally quiet and amongst other Pokemon, a mix of timid and scared to mean and rough. She was a very lonely Pokemon but she enjoyed being alone to enjoy every day to its finest hour.

The black beauty of the forest was observing the roads this particular morning. She was looking for travellers ironically, looking to pick a fight for entertainment and hoped not to be caught. The thought of being owned by someone did not appease her but it was a good past time of hers. Battling not only helped her fend for herself in the forests, it made her more agile, intelligent, and she was always proud of her abilities. She may have been stern to Pokemon and others in general but she only picked fights for entertainment, not to be mean.

Tamby took today to scout out the roads, even daring herself to walk directly on the roads. She never usually found anyone, not anyone that was wishing to battle at least. When she did manage to find a sparring trainer they were no match against her. Tamby just wasn't any ordinary Luxray, she had midnight black fur and what should normally be a light sky blue was a bright, luminescent orange; she was a shiny Luxray.

She couldn't stop thinking to herself how dull the day was so far. The sky was cloudless and it hadn't rained all week, why weren't there any travellers? She tried to think why she hadn't spotted any humans on such a gorgeous day but couldn't think of a reason so she just continued searchomh, still doubting there was anyone around.

As she patrolled the roads, she started to feel her bladder tense. She had to pee, and badly at that. The last time Tamby went to the bathroom was the previous night on one of her territorial marking runs. She felt rooted to the ground as the need to release her bladder grew slowly so she desperately looked around for somewhere to take a leak.

Her bladder started to weaken rapidly, immobilizing her for fear of wetting prematurely; she never usually had to go this badly. Tamby's legs started to feel damp, several drops trickled down the inside of her hind legs. She whined lowly like a whining dog, feeling more and more helpless as her bladder continued to fill with urine, desperately wanting out from her now-wet pussy lips.

Her frantic need to relieve herself increased, the feeling of liquid droplets dribbling down her legs returning. Her urine slowly slipped past her walls and dribbled off her fur to the ground, the rest crawling down her leg, trickling and made a small puddle beneath her paw. She yipped loudly, cursing to her body. She didn't want to pee! She had to hold it! She told herself this many times, repeating it in her head.

Tamby began to strain herself, holding her breath and trying to contain herself but she yips out longingly, almost a sigh as a jet of strong smelling urine reluctantly spills from her urethra. She quickly cups her two black paws together and holds them together against her vagina, trying desperately to hold her bladder in. She luckily manages to stop her flow only a second after she started peeing, but her body was curled forward as she sat on the ground, struggling and pushing against her pussy.

As Tamby started to feel more helpless, she sat in the middle of the road, groaning to hold herself back as she cupped her paws to her privates, sitting in her own urine from her frailness. She looked around for other Pokemon that may be witnessing her; no one was found. She knew her attempts were futile, she had to pee and she had to now! She leaned backwards and quickly spread her legs. She tried to hold it a little longer but was barely managing, urine dripping into her already soaked paw pads. The poor Luxray released her paws from her damp pussy and exhaled her breath, sighing happily. Suddenly, a steady, strong flow of her musky Luxray piss spewed and squirted in a long golden stream from her moist pussy lips. She wet the ground in front of her as the urine stream sprayed freely. It created a large puddle that smelled quite strong as her dark golden pee was released. She laid back, supporting her weight with her arms, sighing from how great it felt to finally relieve herself. Her yellow fountain of urine continued to spray outward, accidentally making her pee on her legs and feet but she no longer cared, she was sitting in it and her lower half was very damp and smelly. She would definitely have to clean herself later.

As Tamby continued to urinate, she could feel her bladder dwindle, shrinking as more and more of her musky urine expelled from her bladder. Just for fun, she looked down at her pink pussy as she peed. She giggled, placing one of her wet paws into the stream, soaking it with her strong, pungent scent. The Luxray didn't notice it, but she was blushing heavily. She covered her vagina with her paw and spread her pussy to the side, twisting her golden stream as her fingers moved.

As her stream started to die down, she slipped her paw inside her pussy as the last of her urine shot out from her urethra. Finally she stopped peeing but she was so turned on. She laid on her back, first looking at the huge puddle of soaked earth she had made from her desperate accident. She slid her paw inside her pussy and gently massaged her pink inner walls with her paw pads, every few strokes swatting at her ultra sensitive clitoris. She began to pant, inhaling and exhaling from all the excitement and attention to herself. As she played with herself naughtily, she sighed into the air, moaning and smiling with half-opened eyes as the pleasure overwhelmed her body.

Tamby's panting began to get heavier as the minutes passed. She pushed deeper inside herself and increasing her accurate swiping and stroking to her pink clitty. As the Luxray sped up her pace, nearing her awaited orgasm, she started to squirm from side to side, each strike to her sensitive nub sparking a wave of pleasure as it jolted through her body. She wriggled her bottom into the urine below her, smiling widely as she enjoyed the damp, wet feeling of her warm urine. She started to love that feeling.

Tamby started to feel the muscles of her body tense. Her pleasure started to rise faster and faster through her body, causing her eyes to shoot open, she was so close! She pawed faster, swatting her clitoris swiftly and violently, moaning loudly into the air. Then it struck her. Her body began to contract so Tamby shoved her paw as deep as it would go inside of her body. Her tight pussy clamped around her paw and rippled as she thrashed her tail in front of her, shaking and trembling as she rode out her orgasm. As she moaned her paw began to get soaked further by her gushing pussy, flooding her paw with her sticky cum. Her climax began to decent so she rapidly began pumping her paw in and out and making her pussy contract a few more times, her white cum squirting onto the ground and into the puddle of urine. Her tremor of pleasure was over so she withdrew her paw and looked at it; it was so wet with her bodily fluids. She gave it a lick, tasting the bitter urine and her sweet-tasting Luxray cum. She smiled happily, turning over to her stomach and lifting herself to all fours. She wagged her bottom in the direction of the large urine puddle. She thought back to how great the past half hour was for her.

She definitely needed to do this again another time...