Swimming Hole Activities

Story by doomkaiser142 on SoFurry

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#3 of Alex and Rocco (Crocodile) Stories

A sequel of sorts after "A New Home" that involves the pair having 'fun' in a nearby watering hole while they are still on their holidays.

I've had a request by TheDarkGod to include some foot fetish in this story, so for any who aren't to keen on footplay... You have been warned :P

This is also my first attempt at doing any footplay as involved as this, so please bear with me ^w^"

Once again, I'm always open to constructive criticism and new ideas, so feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a PM.


"Okay, got that, that and that," Alex mumbled quietly to himself as he stuffed a well-worn, red polo shirt into a small, clear plastic bag that also housed a pair of black shorts and black underwear, "Now, where did I see that last?" Looking around his reasonably small bedroom he let his eyes drift over the tidy floor and onto the empty bedside table before finally coming to a rest on the top of his bed. Spying an old, dull yellow towel hanging limply over the left-hand side of his bed he quickly walked over to it and snatched it up before returning to the plastic bag and roughly stuffing it inside.

Double checking the contents of his small, make-shift clothes bag, he smiled happily as he realized he had everything he needed before quickly standing up and making his way into the adjacent hallway. I can't remember the last time I was this eager,_he thought giddily to himself as he strode quickly down the hallway and passed a small table as he made his way to the kitchen that resided the end of the corridor, _I wonder what exactly we'll do this time. Reaching the kitchen and feeling his excitement inexplicably rise again, he quickly made his way around the dining table in the room's center and walked to the back door before stopping completely and calming himself - he had been looking forward to this since yesterday, but he didn't want to seem too eager. Calming his nerves and breathing deeply, he slowly opened the back door and stepped out into the back yard.

Looking to his right, he smiled happily as he saw his mate's relaxed form stretching out beside him on a pile of old but soft foam that acted like his own personal bed and he couldn't help but let his eyes drink in all the details of his splendid body like he'd done so many times before. His crocodile hide was coated with dark green, armor-like scales that ran from the tip of his snout to tip of his tail and only gave way to softer, more delicate white scales that lined his underside and the insanely powerful maw that contained his equally powerful, fang-like teeth. Besides the old scars atop his head that were now little more than a bad memory, the only other thing that made him look different to any other crocodile was his almost impossible size - his last measurement coming in at an impressive 28 feet from snout to tail tip. Even Alex couldn't fathom how he'd grown to be so big or how he'd managed to grow an additional 3 feet in the fortnight since the start of their holidays.

Pushing his thoughts aside and coming back to the realm of reality as he saw his mate begin to turn towards him, he stepped forward slowly and cheerfully said, "Good morning, wasn't expecting you to be up so early!"

"How could I not be up," his mate responded just as cheerfully with a voice that tried but failed to hide his own excitement, "Since yesterday when you told me we could go swimming together, it's all I've been able to think about!"

"If I'd have known you were this eager," Alex replied with a silly grin on his face, his own eagerness beginning to show, "I'd have suggested it a fortnight ago."

Both chuckling a little in the simple lightheartedness of the moment, Rocco felt his curiosity spike as he asked, "But all that aside, where are we going? You said so yourself that the pool is out of service, and it'd be too small anyway." Both turned for a moment to look at the algae and stagnant water filled pool that sat neglected beside the house and made disgusted faces before Alex turned back to him and said, "Yeah, we're definitely not going in there. No, this place is much better, its a very large swimming hole that backs onto the land." Walking over and standing beside his mate, he pointed towards a small hill in the very distance and added, "It's just over that ridge. It's a fairly big one and I've never seen anyone or anything else there so it should be right for us to swim in."

Hearing Rocco thrum happily, Alex took a few steps in front of his mate when a devilish thought entered his mind and forced a sly smile to his face. Taking another few nonchalant steps towards the ridge, he turned to his mate and teasingly yelled, "Race you there!" Wasting only a moment to see the surprised expression on his mate's face, Alex quickly turned and started sprinting towards the small hill as fast as he could; a silly laugh escaping from him as he heard his mate yell out, "Hey, that's cheating!"

Alex continued to laugh lightheartedly as he made his way over the uneven landscape and towards the hidden swimming hole with his bag of clothes in hand when he began to hear a scuffling noise quickly approaching him from behind. Not wanting to risk slowing down by looking behind him, he pushed himself even harder and tried to sprint even faster when he saw his mate out of the corner of his eye moving at an exceptional speed. Turning to face him, he saw Rocco shoot him a playful yet competitive smile before his mate increased his speed even further and easily over overtook the slower human. He watched in curious happiness as he saw his mate streak ahead of him like he was standing still and couldn't help but marvel at how insanely fast he was despite his immense size.

A few more moments passed as Alex tried and failed to catch up to his mate who dashed further and further ahead until he saw him reach the base of the ridge. Expecting Rocco to slow considerably to make his way up the incline, Alex was again surprised to see him stagger for only a moment before shooting up the incline and disappearing over the top in an impressive display of speed and agility. Feeling fatigued as he reached the base of the incline a few seconds later, Alex steadied himself and took in a few deep breaths before slowly making his way up the small ridge.

Alex sighed contently as he reached the top of the ridge and took in a lungful of clean, fresh air as he observed the natural beauty of the area that had somehow eluded him until now. The area was sparsely populated with small, dense shrubs and trees that stood tall around the water's edge as well as soft and surprisingly level land that was topped with thick, luscious, green grass that stopped just below knee height and thinned the closer you got to the water's edge. Besides the beautiful surrounds, the swimming hole was also a sight to behold with it perfectly formed, dish-like appearance that was filled with fresh, crystal clean water which trickled gently in from a nearby stream and afforded a perfect view of everything beneath the calming water's surface. He found it strange to think that he'd seen this so many times before and had never stopped to realize just how beautiful it truly was.

Looking around and spying his mate at the water's edge with his mouth agape and his eyes darting around frantically as though trying to decide what he liked the most, Alex slowly began to make his way down the other side of the small hill - the incline on this side much shallower than on the other side. Seeing his mate turn to him and smile happily, Alex smile back before asking, "So, what do you think?"

"I can't believe it," Rocco replied ecstatically, "This place is beautiful! I didn't know what exactly to expect, but this is absolutely beautiful!"

Standing beside his mate and putting his bag of clothes gently on the ground, Alex pretended to survey the area one last time until he felt a gentle nuzzling at his legs and heard his mate mate say in a loving tone, "This place is wonderful. Thank you for taking me here."

"It's alright," Alex said soothingly as he leaned down and gently ran his hands over his mate's powerful head getting a pleased coo in response, "You know I'd do anything for you. And besides, it has been a while since we've had a proper swim." Pulling back a little, Alex stared into Rocco's eyes and saw the love and trust in them that burned stronger than ever before and he knew that words could not describe how his mate was feeling.

Feeling his own mind become lost in the moment as the words to describe how happy he felt evaded him, Alex leaned forward and gently placed a quick yet passionate kiss on the top of his mate's scaly snout - a passionate coo the only response from his love. Standing back up and blushing slightly at how romantic the mood had become, he cleared his throat lightly before saying, "Come on, let's go for a swim. I just have to get ready first, but you head on in." A smile lingered on his face as he saw his mate nod happily and quickly make his way to the water before easily sliding in and submerging himself beneath the water.

Staring out at the rippling water for a moment, he watched as his mate quickly surfaced before he turned to face him and said, "Come on in. The water's great, nice and warm too!" Waiting a moment as he quickly dove back beneath the surface, Alex laughed at how quickly he'd changed from a romantic to a crocodile that was acting as carefree as a hatchling and couldn't help but feel uplifted by his mate's rapid change. Feeling invigorated, Alex quickly unbuttoned his boring red shirt and rapidly removing his dull brown shorts and blue underwear in one fluent motion before gathering them in a bunch and throwing the clothes in a heap by his clothes bag; his dark red thongs slipping off his feet and being left next to the pile of clothes.

Reaching the water's edge, Alex gingerly dipped his foot in the water to test it and was pleasantly surprised to find that the water was indeed wonderfully warm - not too hot or cold. Eager to feel the relaxing water surround him and caress his body he quickly waded in until the water reached his chin before sighing happily as the warmth spread through his body and into his core. Allowing himself a moment to revel in the blissful warmth that surrounded his body like a thick blanket on a cold night he let his gaze lazily wander over the almost glassy water's surface until he saw his mate surface again and slowly drift towards him.

Swimming over to meet him in the middle, Alex smiled happily at how relaxed and tame his mate seemed when he heard his warmly mutter, "I know I said it before, but this is great. Just the two of us being able to swim together without a care in the world. Ah, so relaxing." A small blush crept onto Alex's smiling face as he heard his mate's solemn, happy words and felt him rub his snout gently against his stomach as he gleefully replied, "I agree, I couldn't think of anything better." Swimming back a little and turning to face his mate, he felt a devious smile cross his face as he quickly added, "But even now you should be on your toes!"

Splashing some water onto his mate's head and seeing his expression change from confusion to surprise, Alex instantly turned around and started swimming away as fast as he could when he heard his mate yell out playfully, "Oh that's it. Now I'm gonna get you!"

Alex laughed lightheartedly and continued swimming away quickly as he replied, "Only if you can catch me first!" Hearing his mate splash loudly after him, he kicked harder and tucked his head down in an effort to gain more speed. He knew that he'd never be able to outrun his mate - especially in the water - but he was still determined to give him a proper chase.

Swimming along until he could hold his breath no longer, Alex quickly surfaced and listened carefully for his mate's loud splashing when he realized he couldn't hear splashing of any kind. Rubbing his eyes and letting his vision clear, he carefully looked around for a clue of his mate's whereabouts when he felt something slick and scaly knock into the back of his legs and hook itself above his ankles before it started to drag him quickly under the water. A surprised 'eep' was all that was able to escape Alex's lips before he felt the water surround him and the scaly object quickly retreat from his ankles.

Kicking furiously as he swam quickly back up to the surface, Alex spat out a mouthful of water an breathed in a lungful of fresh air when he heard a deep, rumbling laugh from beside him. Clearing his eyes for the second time in less than a minute, he quickly turned to face the noise and saw his mate floating in the distance with a sly smile plastered on his face and heard him say in a cheerful, teasing tone, "Caught ya!"

"Yeah, I guess you did," Alex replied in a fatigued tone before adding in a more playful voice, "But that just means I'll have to get you right back!"

Hearing his mate eek in surprise and begin to swim away, Alex took a deep breath and shot through the water towards him like a bullet seeking its target. Surfacing after a few moments to grab a breath of fresh air, Alex was surprised to find that he'd already managed to swim to the far side of the swimming hole. Looking around quickly for Rocco, he suddenly saw that his mate had already made his way back over to the far side and was laughing heartily as he teasingly said, "Can't catch me!"

Laughing cheerfully along with him as a cunning plan formed in his head, Alex quickly responded, "Don't worry, I'll get you this time!"

Seeing his mate crouch on the nearby rock shelf and angle his body towards him, Rocco nimbly turned and started to quickly swim away from his pursuer. He listened intently as the splashes from his mate slowly got softer and softer as he easily swam away from him when he suddenly realized that the only splashes he could hear were being made by himself. Stopping in the reasonably deep center of the swimming hole, Rocco looked around quickly in confusion as he wondered if his mate had somehow found a way to silence his splashes and was trying to sneak up behind him. Finding no sign of his mate above the water, Rocco thrummed in confusion and prepared to check beneath the water's surface for him when he felt a pair of hand grab onto his tail.

Rocco exclaimed loudly in surprise and felt himself instinctively roll onto his side in an attempt to dislodge whatever had grabbed onto his tail. Feeling the hands quickly withdraw from his tail, he instantly realized that the hands must have belonged to his mate and that he had played a trick on him to use his own momentum to dunk himself beneath the water. A small smile flashed across his face at this thought before he took in one last quick breath and felt himself fall beneath the water's surface.

Quickly righting himself, Rocco slowly floated to the surface and looked across at his mate as he casually floated next to him before saying, "Wow, you got me! That was very well done - making me dunk myself!"

"Heh, see I told you I'd get you back," Alex replied in a lighthearted tone before giggling gleefully. Hearing his mate chuckle along with him, Alex suddenly realized that this was the most fun he'd ever had on his holidays and felt something tug at the back of his mind. I've never used to have any fun before I met Rocco, he thought affectionately, And yet now I'm here laughing like a kid. I wonder if...

"Are you alright," Rocco asked in a slightly cheerful slightly concern voice as he realized his mate had suddenly gone eerily silent. Blushing hard and looking down in embarrassment Alex slowly said, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. Heck, I can't remember any times I had any fun on my holiday's before I met you. I usually just sat at home watching the world's most boring shows and waiting to go back to work. But after I met you everything's just been so much fun! I wake up every morning looking forward to the day ahead, no matter what it involves instead of just wishing I was back at work. I guess I just want to..."

Pausing for a moment to gather the rest of his thoughts and courage he slowly swam closer to his mate's side before adding, "I guess I just want to thank you for showing me how to have fun again and to show you how much you really mean to me." Hearing the nervousness in his voice and sensing the seriousness of the situation, Rocco smiled gently and solemnly replied, "It's alright, I understand and I feel the same way. I can't remember any time before meeting you that I used to have this much fun either. But you don't need to feel indebted, because as long as I have you I'll be happy. Just being with you is more than enough."

Nuzzling gently against Alex's stomach and feeling him stroke over his back lovingly in return, Rocco listened as his mate quietly muttered, "Thank you. That means more to me than you know. But I still want to thank you properly and so I was wondering if I... If I might be able to thank you with a massage." Thrumming lightly and humming gently as Alex's hands wandered over his sturdy hide, Rocco calmly responded in a gentle tone, "Of course. I'd be honored." Hearing a sigh of relief from his mate and sensing that the solemn mood had passed he added in a more happy tone, "Besides, how could I say no to someone with hands as gentle as yours?"

Thrumming happily as his mate giggled lightly beside him, he suddenly felt a devilish thought enter his mind as he thought about what type of massage he might be able to get until his mind finally settled on one he'd been fascinated about for quite a while. "I think we should move to shallower water. Might be easier to do there," Rocco said as nonchalantly as he could manage before smiling as his mate nodded happily in agreement. Suppressing his eagerness, Rocco slowly swam over to the left shore with his mate by his side before quickly rolling to lay his back against the shore's smooth stone just beneath the surface of the clear water.

Turning to face his mate and seeing him stare back at him in confusion, Rocco felt a blush creep up and hide behind his dark green scales as he said, "I know this might be a bit weird, and I know it might be a bit much to ask, but I was wondering if instead of a full body massage I could have a... a foot massage. So, um, c-could I?" Rocco waited nervously as a moment of deafening silence passed between them and he considered retracting his question or brushing it aside as a joke when he saw his mate nod cheerfully and eagerly answer, "Of course! I'd be happy to!"

Rocco felt his heart skip a beat as he heard his mate's response and watched in both excitement and curiosity as Alex slowly waded through the shallow water towards him before dropping to his knees. He remained motionless as Alex gingerly positioned his hands around the thick, scaly foot before thrumming lightly as he felt soft, subtle thumbs press experimentally into the center of his foot. The feeling was unique to the large reptile and he thrummed again as he felt the thumbs retreat for a moment before returning to push a little harder into the soft scales that lined his feet to loosen the powerful, tense muscles underneath.

"Good," Rocco mumbled quietly as he felt yet another bolt of relaxing pleasure shoot up from the sole of his heavy foot, "So good." Feeling a strangely relaxing, numbing sensation travel up his leg and disperse into his body, he took one last look at his mate as he tenderly massaged his subtle scales - a comical expression of focus etched into his face - before slowly laying his head back on the nearby dry land and closing his eyes peacefully. "You're doing so well," he uttered encouragingly to his mate as he felt the speed pick up and more tingling sensation run up his spine, "Keep going."

Alex smiled happily as he heard his mate's gentle words of encouragement and felt a strange, almost instinct-like power overtake him as he worked his thumbs deeper into the strong yet malleable scales in a desperate attempt to massage it to the best of his abilities. He knew he was no masseuse and he was certain that his simple technique left a lot to be desired, but each gentle thrum of delight that echoed from his mate's powerful jaws made him feel more and more certain that despite his inexperience he was doing a good job. Again and again he let his thumbs push gently into mate's scaly sole and relax the tense muscles underneath as he slowly became more and more confident in his abilities.

Hearing a louder, more blissful growl of delight from above him, Alex shifted his gaze up to Rocco's large head and smiled cheerfully when he saw that his mate had his eyes gently closed and a look of absolute serenity plastered on his face. Feeling the spark of pride and love in his chest ignite into a wildfire, he eagerly returned his gaze to the delicate foot scales in his grip before redoubling his efforts and pressing his thumbs deeply into the much more tense flesh below his toes. He smiled happily as he heard his mate yowl loudly in bliss and slap his tail powerfully against the water and quickly began to drag his thumbs teasingly over the more sensitive sides of his feet - the malleable scales shifting in his grip.

Another primal yowl of need cut through the air as Alex continued to massage the subtle flesh with the confidence of a professional before casually letting his gaze fall over the beautiful sole when he felt himself becoming transfixed by the rippling muscles that hid just beneath the clean, pure scales. He felt his concentration falter - mentally noting the lack of effect it had on his massaging skills as his muscles continued with a mind of their own - and felt his thoughts slow as the writhing muscles and sweet, soft flesh in his hands began to hypnotize him. Slowly, he felt himself lean in a little closer as the sounds of the world around him began to fade to silence and his attention turn entirely to the foot in front of him.

Breathing softly and feeling something egg him on in the dark recesses of his mind, he gingerly leaned in closer again until his lips rested less than an inch from his mate's middle toe as it stood at attention like it already knew what was about to happen. Taking one last silent breath he quickly leaned forward and pressed his lips against the top of the toe in an experimental yet passionate kiss. Alex mentally moaned as he felt the tender, warm scales press against his lips and felt the muscles twitch beneath them in response to his simple action.

A loud thrum echoed from above him and Alex felt himself snap back to reality and quickly pull away from the toe as he realized what he'd just done. He stammered quietly and tried to search for a way to apologize for what he'd done - having already assured himself that something like this was strange and unacceptable - when he heard his mate mumbling in not anger but what sounded like bliss. Straining his ears to hear his mate's rough, low voice he gasped quietly and went wide-eyed as he heard him mutter, "Please, do that again. Just one more time."

Blushing hard and staring back at the tender flesh as his mate continued to mumble encouragingly, Alex felt his previous worry quickly drain from him and a new feeling of fulfillment enter him. At first the kiss had been something he couldn't control - something that had just happened after the writhing muscles had hypnotized him into some sort of weird trance - and he'd worried about what his mate's reaction would be. He'd expected, at worst, to spoil the mood and at best for him to ignore it long enough that he could find a way to make it up to him, but he never thought his mate would ask for more and in a way he way happy he did.

Alex slowly leaned back in towards the scaly toes with renewed confidence as he softly planted another experimental kiss atop his mate's far left toe. Hearing his mate hiss lightly in excitement and bliss between his gentle mumblings of encouragement, Alex slowly moved his head back a little and looked again at the glorious, twitching appendage in front of him before casually leaning in and placing a much more passionate kiss on the top of the scaly sole. He shuddered in lewd delight as he felt the smooth, malleable scales press gently against his delicate lips and felt content to leave his lips against the sweet warmth when he heard his mate weakly chuckle above him.

Breaking from the kiss with a submissive moan, he slowly raised his head until his kind, lustful gaze met his mate's own lewd, loving gaze and he heard him say, "Oh god you're good. So gentle, so soft... just so good." He blushed even deeper until the pink in his cheeks turned a dark red when his mate softly added after a moments hesitation, "But if you're this good with your hands and lips... would I be able to find out how good you are with your tongue?"

"M-My tongue. I... maybe." Alex said nervously, his uncertainty and surprise at the request mixing with his more primal desire to please his mate no matter what the request, "But where and how would I even start?"

"Well, you could always continue where you left off," Rocco eagerly responded in a slightly lustful tone as he playfully wriggled his toes.

Alex stared at the wriggling toes for a few moments and slowly felt his uncertainty and nervousness fade as the scaled toes inexplicably soothed him to his core. He sighed happily as the last of his surprise evaporated into nothingness before slowly leaning back towards the top of the foot and tenderly placing yet another kiss on the malleable scales. Pushing the last of his inhibitions aside, he quickly let his rough tongue dart out of his mouth and quickly travel across to the far left of the foot before quickly retracting his tongue and sitting back up in one quick movement.

Letting his tongue rest in his mouth as he focused on the flavor, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the flavor that assaulted his tastebuds was not at all a bad one - in fact he quite enjoyed it. The taste wasn't the old, sweaty boot taste he'd feared but was instead a simple taste of pure, clean scales with a hint of bitterness that originated from somewhere he couldn't quite make out and tingled his senses enough to make him want more. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he wanted to do it again - not only because of the strangely satisfying taste or because he enjoyed the indescribable feeling of the muscles shifting under his tongue, but because he knew that from the sound his mate was making he enjoyed it as much as his mate did.

Alex felt a second wave wash over him as he repositioned his hands to give him better leverage and stroke the back of the massive foot before slowly moving his mouth to the bottom of the heel. Kissing it gently and loving the sound his mate made every time his lips made contact, he let his tongue snake its way out of his maw and push against the smooth, clean scales; feeling the muscles spasming beneath and sending waves of bliss into his body. Unable to resist his need for more, he tenderly began to trail his tongue up along the middle of the foot - stopping to return his tongue to his mouth only when he absolutely needed to - when a louder, more primal hiss of pleasure echoed loudly in his ears and drew his attention from the writhing muscles beneath the appendage.

Looking up concernedly, he saw his mate lying with his back flat against the bank with his mouth wide open as he panted and hissed loudly and mumbled soft words of encouragement. Alex's gaze lingered for only a moment when he heard another powerful growl and saw his mate's cloaca being stretched around the thick, pink rod that was beginning to emerge from its protection. He locked eyes with the leaking, pink shaft for only a second before he heard his mate almost yell, "Please, don't stop! I... I need more! Please..." Now fully aware that his mate was indeed enjoying this as much as he was, Alex quickly lowered himself in front of the large foot and took only a second to look at the clenching toes above him and the still growing shaft beside him before he felt he finalized the last details of his naughty plan.

Alex quickly returned to the spot he'd last 'cleaned' and eagerly let his tongue lap over the pliable scales as he began his ascent to the top of the foot in one relaxed motion. Feeling his nose bump against the toes as they continued to clench slowly at the air, he gave one last gentle lick across the top before stopping midway, straightening his tongue like and arrow and pushing it between the gaps in his toes. A yowl of lustful bliss from his mate accommodated his own moan of delight as he felt the muscles instantly clench around his tongue and try to draw him in further to lovingly lap across his mate's every hidden crevice.

Pushing out as much of his tongue as he could manage, he happily closed his eyes and let the rippling muscles sent jolts of pleasure up his tongue in a way that wasn't dissimilar to how Rocco's 'other' muscles had acted on his shaft during their first morning 'fun' of their holidays. The thought of what had happened was still fresh in his mind and he let himself linger on it and the thoughts of all the other 'wake up calls' he and Rocco had engaged in when he suddenly felt the muscles relax enough to let him pull his tongue free. Not wanting to lose the momentum he'd built up, he blushed as he heard his mate's encouraging words and playful teases and quickly lapped up the middle toe until he reached the top.

A soft moan and an even heavier blush burned in his cheek as he gently circled it with his tongue and built up his courage for the final act of his lewd 'massage'. Nimbly circling it one last time, Alex came to a complete stop overhead the twitching toe before slowly and lovingly lowering himself as the appendage slid partly inside the warm, moist confines of his willing mouth. He braced himself and moaned happily around the scaled member as his mate screeched almost deafeningly in bliss and slapped his tail so hard against the water and study shore underneath that for a moment Alex was worried he might break something - be it his tail or the rock beneath.

"Oh my god," Rocco exclaimed in a mix of surprise, lust and pleasure beyond words, "You... You're actually doing 'that'! Oh god, yes! Keep going, I'm so close! Please, don't stop!"

Alex felt a lewd smile try to make its way onto his face and wanted to mumble back a submissive reply, but with his mouth full of warm, slick scales he resigned to simply blushing again and reveling in the naughty, unique feeling of those blissfully wondrous scales - all the time he was content that his mate was enjoying this 'massage' as much as he was. I never thought I'd do anything like this,_Alex thought happily as he let his tongue brush up against the thick, study claw that rested in his maw, _Let alone that I'd do this and enjoy it. But something just feels so good; so right. I don't want this to end, but he sounds so close. I wonder...

Slowly pulling back and letting the toe fall from his mouth with a lewd pop, Alex casually let his gaze drift across to his lover's stomach; eager to see just how close his mate truly was. He gasped lightly in disbelief when his gaze finally fell upon his mate's enormous, slick spire as it dribbled pre-cum like a leaky faucet over his now equally slick stomach and Alex realized that his mate was much closer to blissful release than he'd assumed. For a brief moment he considered returning to his mate's foot to help tease out his imminent end when he suddenly felt his own desire for release smash into him and send yet another naughty idea into his mind.

He smiled lewdly as the idea fully formed in his head and only barely realized that this was the first time during the 'massage' that his own lust had overpowered his need to please his mate - his prior actions on his mate's scaly foot having almost entirely suppressed the throbbing in his groin. Seeing his mate shoot him a lust-hazed look, he smiled back nervously and placed one last kiss on the center of his foot before carefully standing up and straddling his mate's hips with his back to the thick spire.

"Oooh, what are you doing," Rocco asked weakly as he felt his mate lay himself down on his slicked stomach.

"Oh nothing much," Alex replied with a hint of playfulness in his voice, "I just thought I saw something else that needed a massage."

Not giving his mate a moment to ask what exactly he meant, Alex carefully pushed his hips back and ground his backside gently against his lover's sensitive tip - a spurt of pre-cum shooting over his lower back. Already feeling his own libido rise to even more unbearable levels, he quickly moved his left hand behind him and gently grasped the still leaking tip before he slid the spaded head into his tight orifice. His sharp moan of surprise mixed with his love's own drawn out moan as he felt the considerably wide head force his tunnel open and realized that his mate's recent growth spurt in the fortnight they'd been here must have had also caused his slick breeding tool to grow considerably as well.

For a moment Alex worried whether or not he'd be able to take enough of the massive spire to properly please his true love, but as he heard a more sensual thrum of need echo from his mate he realized that he was more than willing to try. He sighed happily and tried to relax his spasming muscles as he pushed more into his well-lubed entrance as he concentrated on the warm, almost soothing shots of potent pre that shot from the tip and lined his walls; easing further entry. He couldn't deny that the extra girth made him feel a little sore - his convulsing walls stretching beyond what many would have thought was possible - but he also couldn't deny the fact that he loved every second of having his orifice stretched around his mate's most sacred parts; the feeling to good to be put into words.

Rocco's mouth was opened wide and his eyes closed tight as he panted heavily and tried to hold off his end that drew increasingly near with every inch of thick crocodile meat that sank deep into the rippling depths of his smaller, lusty mate. He wasn't sure just how long he'd be able to hold out - given how far along the 'foot massage' had pushed him along - but he was determined to at least feel his lover's soft, subtle flesh press against his swollen slit before he emptied his thick, clingy, pearly-white seed deep into his submissive mate's needy body and make his stomach swell like an egg-heavy female. Oooh yes, Rocco thought lewdly to himself, I can just image him now. Filled to the brim with my hot, sticky semen. Oooh, I can't remember the last time I was this worked up!

Another bolt of pleasure coursed through his body and snapped him from his thoughts as he struggled to reel back his lust as far as he could. Although he wanted to orgasm more than almost anything else in the world and although he wanted to see his mate impaled on his spire moaning in need as he filled him with his precious cum, he was still wary of his actions and was determined not to cause any harm to his mate. No matter what reward may lie at the end of his path, he would never allow himself to harm the one he loved and would never forgive himself if he or anyone else ever hurt him. That was his silent vow, and even now as he felt the last few inches of slippery shaft spear its way into his mate's orifice - even as it gave him a different kind of 'massage' - he was determined to hold his promise to the bitter end; past the end of time if he so had to.

"How are you," Rocco asked with genuine concern evident in his fatigued voice even though a thin veil of lust still clouded his mind, "You, oooh, you aren't in pain, are you?"

"I'm okay," Alex replied with his voice barely above a gently whisper, his own voice filled with the same genuine concern for his mate, "I just didn't expect the growth spurt to have, oooh, to have had such a dramatic effect on you - I certainly didn't expect you to be so big. But now, now I need more! I'm so close and I want you to fill me; to make me complete in a way only you can! Please, can I..."

"I would be honored," Rocco replied soothingly, already fully aware of what his mate was silently asking to do, "I would be honored."

Although he couldn't see his mate's expression from his position with his head resting gently against the shore, the momentary silence followed by gentle movements as his mate eased his way to the tip and groaned lovingly was all that he needed to know that his mate was as happy as he was. The thought made him giddy with glee and he allowed himself to sink back into his dirty thought and revel in the raw pleasure that now coursed freely through his body like liquid lightening. He could feel each individual muscle in his lover's widened tunnel as it spasmed wildly around his spire and tried to push the foreign object out of his orifice but only succeeded in drawing him further in and pushing him closer and closer to the final point of no return.

He leaned further back against the shore and shuddered in delight as he felt his mate slowly raise himself to his still leaking tip once more when he suddenly felt his mate quickly shove himself back against the spire and pour undiluted bliss into his body. A loud yowl shot from his maw and mixed with his mate's weak moan at the wonderful feeling as he felt the muscles all around him suddenly tense up and drag him impossibly close to his final release. He wanted to at least mutter a word of warning to his mate but found his jaws unwilling to cooperate and his vocal cords unable to anything but growl and yowl pleasurably. He worried for a moment about being the first to finish and about not having enough energy to help his mate achieve his own much deserved release when suddenly felt the muscles constrict around his member like a vice, his mate utter a quiet moan and something warm splash against his stomach.

Alex's body tensed and he couldn't help but scream in delight as he finally reached his end and clamped his muscles tight over his mate's thick spire in a final attempt to milk his mate of all his fertile seed. Even as another squirt of liquid bliss shot from his tip and onto his mate's scaly underbelly, he felt a primal desire burn in his gut to feel himself being filled up with fresh, potent crocodile cum. He wanted to feel the fresh semen splash against his insides and watch as his belly bulged while the glorious load was delivered inside him. No sooner had he finished this thought than his heard his mate suddenly screech loudly like a wild animal.

He barely had time to prepare himself before he felt the first plentiful load spill from his mate's tip and drench the inside of his orifice with pearly-white warmth. He moaned in delight and remained perfectly still as he felt what little space was left inside of him being quickly filled with even more fresh, potent semen as his own orgasmic pleasure was lost amongst the new feelings that assaulted his senses and drove him crazy with lust. The feelings of bliss drowned out everything else as he felt the last space left inside him finally fill up as even more sticky goodness shot from his mate's tip like a never-ending torrent and coated his slick walls.

It was only then that Alex became aware of the extreme pressure in his ass and looked down in a mix of curiosity and delight as his stomach began to slowly swell to accommodate the enormous load that was still being delivered into him. He couldn't stop himself from moaning and couldn't make himself look away from the oddly hypnotizing display as the swelling continued and forced a comforting heat through his body that relaxed not only his muscles, but also his mind. Closing his eyes and concentrating on the warmth that engulfed him as the last weak dribbles of seed split from his mate's tip, he steadily began to realize not only how full he felt, but also how glad he was that his fullness came from the love he shared with his mate.

After a while of reveling in indescribable pleasure Rocco panted loudly and tiredly mumbled, "Wow. That-that was amazing. I feel so drained." Getting only a weak hum as a response, he forced his head up to look at his mate and chuckled lightly at the extremely lewd sight before him - his mate's stomach swollen and heavy with his seed in a way that nearly mirrored his naughty thoughts from earlier. "Well, you look quite full," he teased lightly as he saw his mate blush hard but smile back at him, "Are you alright? Not too much?"

"No I'm fine," Alex slowly answered with fatigue heavy in his voice, "But I feel so full and so warm and so... tired."

Smiling back at him he watched his mate slowly rub his stomach and add, "But you know what, I don't think I mind being this full. What do you think?"

"I don't know. I could definitely deal with seeing you like this," he responded cheekily as his mate patted his stomach and did his best to strike as a lewd a pose as possible from his position on his mate's thick shaft, "Matter of fact I think I quite like it."

Panting and chuckling along with his mate, Alex responded, "Well, maybe we'll have to come back for another swim again soon. You seemed to quite like this one."

"I did, and maybe we will," Rocco answered with a hint of lust in his voice, "But only if you give me another 'massage' next time too."

Smiling as he saw his mate give him his most innocent look, Alex blushed hard and simply said, "Deal."