Enduring Love Chapter One

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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I decided to start things off innocently. A typical day of charter school awaits you in this story. Also HE is introduced. I can't bring myself to even type the name. So I made one up.


I had slipped out of my room to use the gay teen chat and see if I could find a boyfriend locally In the dim light of the computer screen I watched the text of the chat room scroll by. The small clock on the bottom of the screen showed 1:00am and as I watched the text I moved the mouse to click on a name and start a private conversation with another user.

His username was Angel and I felt a tingle of hope. I decided to keep it simple.

Nine Tailed Fox:Hello

Angel: Hi

Nine Tailed Fox: How are you tonight?

Angel: I'm ok. wbu?

Nine Tailed Fox: kinda bored. What brings you here?

Angel: I'm looking for someone.

Nine Tailed Fox: I am too.

Angel: cool.

We continued to chat for at least another hour and I felt good about him. I felt I could trust him. So at the end of the night I left him my phone number then shut off the computer and snuck back to my room. I yawned mighty as my head hit my pillows and I stretched my cramping paws.

I thought over the conversation and I smiled. I really looked forward to hearing from him again. Even If I was two years younger then him. My tails wagged happily for a bit then ceased as the dark abyss of dreamless sleep covered me in its comforting embrace.

An explosion of sound made me jump up in the morning and I slammed my hand down on the snooze button of my alarm clock. My fur was tangled in knots and my eyes were only half open. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was only 6:00am.

I struggled to my feet with a tremendous yawn and then moved zombie like towards the bathroom.Once I was there I quickly splashed my face several times and managed to wash away the grit that had clung there. I looked at myself in the mirror that was part of the medicine cabinet and then groaned at the reflection.

I pulled the mirror back and reached for the eye drops and used 2 on each eye. It would reduce the redness but wouldn't do much else. I closed the cabinet and the headed back to my room for my glasses and slipped them on making the world come into focus.

I blinked a few times and then headed to the kitchen to grab a quick bowl of cereal and some orange juice before my grandparents could make their way into the kitchen. I finished fast and then washed and dried my plate and cup. I shuffled back to my room feeling slightly more awake and managed to slip inside just before my grandparents started to stir.

Behind my closed door I gathered my school things and then walked out and put them on the table. I made sure everything was in place and then started to cook grandpa's breakfast and fixed his coffee. The sound of Grandpa's cane proceeded him down the hallway and I hurriedly pulled out his chair for him before squeezing myself against the stove as he passed.

Grandpa was a red fox and his fur had faded to silver in his old age. It suited him well and his eyes always shined with a kind intelligence. On the surface he seemed to be OK and in his own way he was. However if you were secretly gay like me then you had just stepped into homophobic hell.

Many a time I had to remind myself that it was not worth opening my mouth as his house is the only place I had to stay. Still sometimes I bit my tongue so hard it started to bleed. This morning everything seemed to be going OK. I fixed Nanny's cup of coffee and then checked the clock and went to got brush my teeth. After I finished with that I got the detaining brush and started to brush out my fur wincing as the brush got caught on each knot. When I was done I pulled on my light jacket and gathered my school things then headed outside to the bus stop.

It took several minuets for the bus to arrive so I passed the time by watching the traffic go buy. When the bus arrived I got on and made my way to the back. The other students were quiet because of the early hour so I took my seat in the back without much incident.

My fellow furs were to busy with their own thoughts to pay attention to me so I let myself think of the boy I had chatted with last night. I felt my face grow warm and I smiled as my tails wagged slightly. The bus turned around the bend and then started heading towards my school.

I go to a charter school and I am a junior in high school. I am working on getting the last credit I needed to get moved up to senior year. I headed to Reading Class where the Owl Mr. Futrell awaited me. I found his class very enjoyable and I loved to read.

I open my reader after ording my lunch for the day and start reading at random. I'm so absorbed in the story that when the bell rings I jump. I take a moment to calm my rapidly beating heart and glance up to see that Sarah has taken the seat across from me. She was a nice cat with a heart of gold.

Very few people could sense the damage that was hidden beneath her smiling face. But I did and I was slowly working on bringing it to the surface and helping her heal. Some might call it a gift and others might call it a curse but I knew pain and the people that it touched. Even if I couldn't find any peace from my own personal demons I felt better helping others with theirs.

"How are you today Sarah?" I asked quietly. She glanced up and then looked over to make sure Mr.Futrel was occupied. "I'm doing good so far." I nodded and let the conversation subside as I studied her for a few moments.

She seemed to be OK yet there was something there that I couldn't put my finger on. I didn't say anything just continued to watch her as Mr.Futrel passed out some worksheets. I turned my mind to my work after that resolving to find out about it later.

I finished the worksheet quickly and turned it in. a good twenty minuets remained before the bell rang so I studied Sarah again trying to find out what had tripped my mental alarms.The bell rings before I can manage to find out what had me agitated. I frown at the interruption but shake my head and gather my things.

I walk towards my economics class and keep to myself.I take my usual seat and when Kiera (kee-air-a) comes into the room I wave to her. She is a good looking Collie and has a sharp tongue to rival my own yet she is loyal to her friends.

"How was your weekend?" I ask while opening my book to page eighty three and beginning to read the lesson. Ms. Augastine walked into the class seconds later and her scales caught the light from the sun and sparkled as she passed the Window. She is an amazing teacher and she truly cared for her students. However she could cuss with the best of us.

Kiera opened her book and traced a paw along her right arm before saying. "Went down to Barkers this weekend with a few friends. It was fun." I nodded and grinned softly as I continued my reading and started to answer the review questions.

I felt a tap on my back and glanced back. "I need help on question 4. Do you know where to find it?" I glance back at my paper and then flick threw the book before saying "Its somewhere on page ninety"

I then returned to my own work and started on the next question. It doesn't take long and when I finish I turn the paper in and then flick ahead in the book and start looking at the next lesson. The bell rang before I even finished the first page thought.

Pretty much my whole school day was a repeat of my first lesson. Enter the class do some book work talk to a few people then get out. I got on the bus when school ended and settled near the back before getting out my phone and texting Sarah.

"Hey whats up? Something seemed off in class today. I hope your ok." after hitting send I pocketed my phone and watched the scenery go bye. Almost instantly my phone started to buzz and thinking it was Sarah I answered it and put it to my ear. "Hey beautiful" I joked. There was dead silence on the other end of the line before a hesitant voice said "Nine Tailed Fox?" My breath caught in surprise then I asked "Angel?"

"What made you decide to call?" "Well I just wanted to know what you were up to tonight." I sighed and tapped my fingers against my leg. "Well I was gonna meditate tonight. Why do you ask?" "You meditate?" I mentally cursed myself and my tone was defensive. "Yes I do. When you go through what I do it helps to have that type of focus." My words must have confused him or he must have noticed my tone.

"Ok I'll back off then. Sorry if its a touchy subject. What exactly do you do?" There was a note of intrest in his voice. Possibly he was wondering what skill I had that required meditation. "I help people. People that generally have had a problem or something like that usually find me. I meditate to unwind and to relax."

I spoke softly and I don't know if he heard me."I can respect that. I'll leave you to your meditation then." He didn't speak with ridcule or malice. A quiet respect was in his tone. Then he hang up and I stared at my phone blinking slowly.