The Ancient Mariner Part 3: Two new to the Crew.

Story by Dance4Life on SoFurry

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#3 of The Ancint Mariner

Whew this has been a long week lol. Dance all day and come home to work on this. Well let's get back to were we left off. Remember if you haven't read the first two, I recommend you do I mean they are short and if you don't you will have no idea what is going on. Well hope you enjoy PART 3!!!


Garrett woke up to the sweet smell of bacon as he slowly opened his eyes to find his fur a total mess from last night. The breakfast smelt great and he knew Ryan must be cooking because he was the only one who could cook something without burning it. Garrett slowly got up to see the sheets a complete mess. He gathered them up and put them in the corner so he could wash them later. He slipped out of the room to sneak into the bathroom so he could take a quick shower.

Ryan's ears shot up as he heard the door shut, "Well I guess Garrett is up. How does he like his eggs?"

"Well I like them over easy but I think he likes his sunny side up." Colin said as he flipped a pancake on the stove top next to him. Colin never cooked much more then cereal and Easy Mac but hey with Ryan by his side who could be a master chef in no time.

They both had turned their heads when they heard the water start up in the bathroom. One of the only problems with the boat was a rattling pipe when the water would start. It was loud enough to get Colton now sitting up on the couch. He rubbed his eyes and tried to focus his blurred vision. "Good morning. What's for breakfast?"

"Oh hey cutie, how did you sleep?" Ryan said as he took the bacon off of the pan.

"Good morning. Well we are having some eggs, toast, bacon, and pancakes." Colin said as he took out some more mix for the pancakes.

"Well I slept well and I guess I would like my eggs scrambled." Colton said with a soft smile as he stretched through his whole body. He glanced over at the bathroom as he saw a little steam come out from beneath the door. He made his way to his feet as he stumbled over to the small bar counter top in front of the kitchen. Ryan set a nice looking breakfast in front of him. It was gone in seconds.

"Wow did you even taste it? No matter, so do you want any more?" Ryan said as he grabbed another fork out of the drawer as he dished up another plate for Garrett.

"No I am fine. I was just a little hungry from last night. I didn't get much on the drive over here."

"OK then, well my little kitchen helper, it is time for us to eat." Ryan said as he gave Colin a small smack on the butt. Colin couldn't help but to give out a little squeak as he made his way around the bar to the other side to sit next to Colton. Colin was still blushing a little from the little show of affection. Colton stared at Ryan for a moment and then let the little action go. It was not a real sigh of affection was it? Well he had too much on his mind and they had a big day ahead of them so he just pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind.

Garrett emerged from the bathroom to the mouth watering smell of Ryan's cooking. It smelt great and he was starving. He walked over to the bar with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist as he sat on the other side of Colton and asked, "Hey where's mine?"

Ryan softly turned to smile at him, "Coming right up!" He said as he flipped another pancake on a plate.


About an hour later, Colton was on the couch again looking over the map. He was still a little unsure where to go. He found himself in deep thought as he stared down at the page. His heavy thinking was interrupted by a soft voice in his ear, "Hey there cutie, know where we are going yet?" He turned to find Ryan smiling down at him as he made himself nice and comfortable next to him.

"Well I have a general direction I would like to go in. Have everything we need? You know, we are leaving civilization for a few weeks."

"Well I guess while I get the boat ready, we can have one of the twins go down to the Marina store to go get some fishing bait." Ryan said as he waited for the first of the two twins to walk into the room. It wasn't that much longer when until Garrett walked into the room. "Hey Garrett can you run to the Marina to buy us some fishing bait? It would mean the world to me." Ryan said as he made the famous puppy dog face.

"Well I was going to... I mean I still need to get dressed... Well I guess I can go. You have some money for the bait right?"

"Yea sure I will meet you at the front and give it to you on your way out."


Garrett had been walking past every vessel on the dock as he would stop to admire one now and again. It was nice and hot outside and was the perfect weather for taking a nice long swim. He had the erg to jump right off the side of the docks but contained himself as he saw the Marina.

He walked inside and was greeted by a nice female raccoon that was behind the counter. He walked to the back of the little shop to find the bait he was looking for. As he opened the small door to the freezer, he heard two people talking behind him. He never liked to listen in on other fur's conversations but he did this time, "Well is there any way to get the boat un-beached. We did not come all the way out here for no reason." The voice came from a very fine looking Fox.

"Dude lets just go home. Maybe we can find another place to have fun." Another voice came from a sexy looking Husky. The two men about Garrett's age started to walk out the door when he stopped them dead in their tracks.

"Hey wait! What happened to your boat?" Garrett said in a very shaky voice. He was so shy and he would have never met Ryan or Colton if it weren't for his outgoing brother.

"Well we are part time owners of a boat and the last people who stayed on it beached it on the side over on the other side of the lake." The Fox said as he slowly walked back into the store.

"Well your vacation doesn't have to be ruined. My friends and I are staying on a boat and staying out for two weeks. Would you two like to join us?"

The two stopped as the Fox smiled back to his canine friend. They talked it over then slowly nodded. "Thank you so much. We will go grab the rest of our things. Where is your boat?" The Husky said with a nice big smile on his face.

"The name of the boat is the Panacea. It is the biggest boat at the end of the docks, you can't miss it." Garrett said as he placed the fishing bait up on the counter.

"Great we will meet you over there." The Fox said as the two left the store. Garrett was happy that he was able to get two hunks back on the boat. That was when it finally hit him. He just invited total strangers to come stay with him for a week. He didn't even know who they were. He swallowed hard as he grabbed his bag and left back for the boat hoping that the rest of the crew wouldn't mind.

Garrett arrived back at the boat to find Ryan walking along side of it un-doing the ropes. He stopped by the front to drop off the bait then made his way over to Ryan. "Hey would you mind if I invited some freinds to come along?"

"Well sure the more the better. So what are their names?"

Garrett looked at the ground for a second then started to make his way back to the front of the boat yelling back, "Thanks Ryan they should be here any minute now so I will meet you inside."

Ryan tilted his head then just got back to the job he was doing. Ryan didn't mind that there were going to me more people on the boat. He just hoped that they weren't judgmental about the love between him and his freinds. He hopped onto the back deck of the boat then made his way inside.

It was not much longer until Garrett saw his two new freinds standing outside with their stuff looking at the boat. He opened the door and smiled as the two turned to see him. "Hey guys! Come on in, the name is Garrett by the way." He said as he helped the two onto the boat and hopped off to get some of their bags.

The Fox smiled back and replied, "Thank you so much for this. You have brought our spirits right up. My name Mathew, but you guys can call me Mat. And this guy right here is Kailer we have been coming here for years now and this would have been the first time we would have had to go back home."

"Well it is so nice to meet both of you. So come on in and meet the rest of the people you will be staying with." He said as he led the two inside the boat to show them to the rest of the crew.

After talking for about thirty minutes, Ryan had gone back outside to get the only rope still holding the boat to the dock. Colton fired up the engine to to get the massive machine going. It wasn't long before they were all on their way down the lake. Ryan had let Colton take the wheel as he made his way to the third deck. He loved it up on the top when the boat was going. The wind in his fur and the beautiful view.

Ryan was climbing the stairs to the top deck when he found Kailer at the top. The Husky was standing by the rail looking out at the canyon walls. Ryan quietly walked up and stood next to him.

"Sure is beautiful out here." Kailer said as he took a nice deep breath.

"You sure are."


"I mean yea it is. I love this place, I would live here if I could." Ryan said with a nice big blush on his face. He accidentally let that one slip. That was when he noticed a paw slide over and find it's way on top of his. He looked up to see Kailer smiling as he turned again back to stare at the lake.

Ryan turned his paw right side up and grasped Kailer's paw in his. Kailer turned again to be suddenly met by Ryan slowly moving in for a kiss. Kailer softly closed his eyes as his muzzle met Ryan's. The two fell into a deep passionate kiss. Ryan sled his other paw up Kailer's back to find the back of hie head as he pulled him in closer. Kailer pulled away from the rail to wrap both of his strong arms around Ryan.

The two slowly made their way to the floor feeling every part of one another's body with their paws. Ryan pulled away from the kiss to find the tie of Kailer's swim trunks. He slowly untied the knot as he exposed Kailer's still hardening erection. Ryan stuck out his tongue and gave it a nice long lick, getting a nice Small moan from Kailer who was now flat on his back with Ryan above him. Ryan then stuck the large organ into his maw as he slowly made his way from the tip of the head to the bottom.

Kailer arched his back as Ryan had gone to work making sure to hit every single pleasure point. That was when Ryan slid off his pants and sat released Kailer's member which was now fully erect. He moved his body on top of Kailer and strattled his body. Ryan grabbed both cocks and held them in one his two paws. The heat of the two organs could be felt through their entire body. Ryan started to stroke with both his paws.

That was when one of his paws were replaced by Kailer's who wanted to get into the action a little more. Their paws moved as one stroking one another at a nice slow pace. The two looked at one another then fell into yet another kiss. The pleasure was pulsing through their bodies with every stroke. Both of them could feel themselves dancing on the edge of their climaxes.

They released the kiss as they both arched back stroking faster and faster with every passing second. Kailer's free paw grabbed hold of Ryan propping him up strait as hot seed flew through the air. It landed all them making a wondrous mess of things. The two fell into one another's arms as they stayed holding each other for what seemed like a life time. Ryan then looked up and said. "Yea I could live out here for ever."

It wasn't much longer until it hit Ryan that he had just cheated on Colton. He could not let him know. Ryan felt terrible but at the same time questioned himself if wanted a serious relationship with Colton. As for now, Ryan made it very clear to Kailer that this was a secret never meant to get out.

Colton was still on the main floor driving the boat in the rite direction with his map close by his side. Garrett walked up to his side and stared out the window, "So what do you think of the new guys?"

"Well they seem nice. I know that one is gay and the other doesn't know that the other is gay. They are not bad looking either. I mean if I wasn't with Ryan, I would be all over those guys." Colton said as he then caught a whiff of Garrett's new cologne. Colton's body shook as the aroma engulfed his body. He turned to Garrett to see him smiling.

"Like it huh. Just something I picked up at the Marina." Garrett said as he grazed Colton's chest with his paw and casually walked back to his room where he motioned Colton to come into.

He took a deep sigh and gave it some thought. He then turned to Colin who was on the couch napping, "Hey Colin take the wheel I need a brake." He said as he slowly walked to Garrett's room. His heart was racing and the last thing on his mind was Ryan right now.

The door shut....


Well part 3 got the story moving a bit. So no worries the big 4 will be coming very soon. So pleas stay tuned for the forth. I hoped you enjoyed this one and hope you will be reading more soon!!!