GBL High: Chapter Four

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#26 of GBL High (Fave)

So this is what it was all leading up to.

Timmy gave a gently yawn as he woke from his sleep. He giggled as he got up, pressed his alarm clock and hoped right into the shower. He didn't feel tired, he didn't feel fatigued. He was excited.

Today was his final day of school for a good 4 weeks.

It was half way through his final year of school. He was so close from being done and graduating. But besides that, There was going to be a week were it was going to be just him and Ryan.

They had decided (after their fight) that they were going to go out camping. Get away from it all and just relax with no school, no parents, not even friends. Just them.

Timmy smiled as he washed through his fur, getting himself all pretty and smelling nice for his final day. But besides that, tonight was the big performance. His speech, his song with Ryan's band and his half year celebration.

Tonight after the ceremony at GBL, they were all going to a pent house suite that Coles' dad owns. They were going to party, drink and just celebrate that this part of the years study was over.

Timmy stepped out of the shower and quickly scrubbed himself over with his towel. He then got to his hair, giving it a quick brush then got to packing all he needed for tonight.

He packed his hair straightener, his comb and brush, some extra deodorant and his toothpaste and tooth brush. He then hurried out into his room and got into a pair of purple skinny jeans and a white and black marble shirt. He then went back to his room and got his nicest pair of denim skinny jeans, his silky soft white shirt followed by Ryan's checkered hooded shirt he bought previously.

He smiled as he softly packed it all away into his small compact bag he had. It then grabbed the bag and hurried up the stairs. Smiling as went over his speech in his head. Saying it line for line perfectly as he opened the door.

"Morning bro!" Sean said as he stepped through.

"Morning!" He giggled gently, "How'd you sleep?"

"Yeah alright," Sean chuckled, "Laura snuck in last night."

"I know," Timmy said with a playful annoyance, "whose door do you think she snuck into?"

"Oh yeah." Sean said, chuckling to himself after,

"I'm so excited for tonight." Timmy said smiling, "you and Laura still coming?"

"Yeah of course numb skull." Sean said, padding over to head lock his brother, "As if I would miss my brother knocking people out with his voice."

"Oh hush!" Timmy laughed, reaching around and pushing into the back of His brother's leg, causing the larger male to kneel, and allowing Timmy to back out and jump onto the larger males back.

Sean knelt there, his eyes open and his mind blank with confusion. His brother had never done that before. Never had he actually gotten out of his holds before. His brother was now resting with his head above his, a gentle giggle ringing in his ears as he knelt there in defeat.

"Well then, you giving me a lift or what?" Timmy asked as he walked towards the door.

"Y-Yeah sure." Sean said as he stood slowly, giving just a gentle chuckle as the realization hit him. Timmy wasn't the helpless little tiger he used to be. He was no longer that sad feline he used to be.

He was Timmy, the confident, the happy tiger that no longer needed anybody else to look after him.

He was dependent.

"So what are you singing again?" Sean asked as he closed his car door.

"Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus." Timmy said with a smile.

"Oh awesome!" Sean said with a chuckle followed, "hate the singer, but I'm sure you will make it better."

"Oh please. Miley is awesome!" Timmy giggled, looking in his bag to double check he had everything. "She may have fucked up her life a little, but she is still very talented. It's kinda like Justin beiver."

"Oh come on! He's not talented!" Sean shot back "He's a tool."

"Actually no, he is a good singer. But he is definitely a tosser. He thinks he's top shit and that's his down fall."

Sean gave a little bit of a groaned response. He knew his brother was right, but there was no way in hell that he was going to admit to anybody he though Justin Beiver had an alright voice. His masculinity wouldn't allow it.

"So what's your speech like?" Sean asked,

"I like it!" Timmy said with a smile, "it flows has a little bit of humour and even says how proud I am of my sexuality."

"Very nice!" Sean chuckled,

"I thought so. Tonight's going to be very good. We have the best from every class presenting something. Well, only for Fashion, Drama, Music, English, Graphics, and Art."

"Oh cool," Sean said as he pulled into the school, "So Laura will coming tonight, that's cool yeah?"

"Of course!" Timmy said, leaning over to hug his brother, "Love you." He said getting out and waving as he ran off. Sean couldn't help but smile and shake his head. His brother had changed so much in such a small time, and he had to say. He was very proud of who he had become.

He was stronger, he was more confident, he had somebody who he fell in love with, and he was happy. Sean gave a gentle chuckle as he had to force back a rouge tear.

He wiped it away and laughed as he shook his head.

"God dammit Timmy." He laughed, sniffing as he gently turned to go down the hill.

Timmy on the other paw was on his way to his all day rehearsal. He giggled as he skipped his way down, responding to every hello and or wolf whistle he got. He got around the random people around him and very soon pushed the auditorium doors open and wandered in.

The rest of the day seemed to hurry along. Timmy and the band (who were ditching school and or work to be there) had to perform a few times, give a few details, alter the drum kit for wheels to be added and before too long, it was an hour from the show to start.

Timmy was sitting next to Ryan, his paw held tightly as they sat in the seats below the stage. Their practices going without a hitch each time. Timmy was smiling as Ryan pulled his paw away and reached around to pull Timmy into his body.

"Sook." Timmy giggled,

"Shush boi." Ryan chuckled placing his paw on his lovers side.

"Ok people!" said the sudden happy and cheery voice of Stewart coming through the speakers. The crowd of people in front of him all looked up. Some seemed scared, some more confident, but each one had their eyes on the fox who smiled down at them with a smile that could melt away anybody's heart.

These were his students. The ones he had helped move forward through their barriers. The ones who were now able to say there gay with ease, and not feel so scared.

They were his kids, and he was their mentor

"So in about thirty minutes; parents, friends and other family are going to be walking through the door, but not only them a special guest." He said softly,

The group of kids began to get confused,

"Special guest?" A loud voice from behind Timmy asked,

"Yeah Tommy," Stewart said gently, "I didn't wanna tell you guys before now because if I did, you would have been freaking out. Now, I just want to say that this is the best half year celebration we have ever had so far. You are all extremely talented and you should feel so proud of yourselves like I do right now. Alright?" He asked, getting some nods and some blushing faces here and there. "now the school undergoes a yearly inspection. It's a stupid thing just to check that we aren't a bunch of pedophiles that are here to rape you." Stewart growled into the microphone, "Stupid homophobic bastards. Anyway, we throw the inspector a little show, show them around, talk to a few students to make sure we aren't sticking our fingers inside you."

"Question?" A gruff voice asked,

"Yeah hun?" Stewart asked,

"Are we aloud to stab and or murder this guy?" he asked, getting a happy laugh from the group of people,

"Sadly no hun." Stew giggled a little, "but we can smile at him, show him that being gay is a very happy thing."

"Well where is the fun in that?" He asked chuckling a little after,

"You're scaring me dude." Ryan chuckled,

"Good, hopefully it'll scare this douche bag." He chuckled, Ryan laughing along with him.

"Behave you two. No scared the nice... stupid man." Stewart said, confused by his own words. "Anywho. Go get ready my little ones, I am so very proud of you and you are going to have a wonderful night."

The large group all cheered and all got up on stage to then make their ways back stage to go get changed. Timmy was smiling as he and Ryan moved back stage quickly, both of them paw in paw as they hurried into their two person stall.

"So, excited?" Ryan asked,

"Heck yes!" Timmy asked as he reached for his shirt, and quickly pulled it off, "I feel no nerves right now. None! I am actually pumped for it all!" Timmy giggled,

"Oh yeah?" Ryan asked with a chuckle behind him, Timmy pulling off his jeans as quickly as he could, leaving him in just his black underwear. Timmy was about to undo his bag when he felt a paw on his back.

"Hey Kitten."

Timmy turned and with a naughty smirk, giggled as his eyes gently wandered up and down his lovers naked body. His muscles gently bulging as Ryan showed off, but what got Timmy's attention, was the Semi hard black member poking out from the stretching sheath.

"You can't help yourself can you?" Timmy asked padding over gently to be met with gentle paws pulling him in, and a soft passionate kiss being planted on his lips.

Timmy softly reaching down to gently paw and tug on the large member. The Larger being giving soft groans of pleasure as his mate teased him so well. His member throbbing harder and harder until the large member throbbed in-between them.

Timmy then moved back and giggled shaking his head.

"Tonight in the bathroom?" He asked,

"What?" Ryan whined, "Get me harder and then walk away?" he asked softly,

"yeah and deep-throating will do good for my throat?" Timmy asked with a giggle,

"Ahh fuck." Ryan said with a laugh, "good point, but you get that ass ready for me."

"Will do sexy." Timmy said getting changed, then making his way to the make-up room, and pulling out his hair straghteners. Smiling as he pulled out his brush and comb after plugging in the hot irons, then waiting for them to heat up.

After a few minutes, a gentle beep was heard and Timmy began to work on his gently wavy hair. He pulled it through, section by section, not letting anything distract him as he worked it to the place he wanted it to be.

It didn't take him very long to get his clothes into the place they needed to be, and soon after finish it all off with cleaning his teeth and putting on his deodorant. Then it was a matter of sitting against the wall and gently going over his words and speech with a smile on his face.

Nothing could ruin this night. Nothing.

He closed his eyes and sighed softly as the nights atmosphere sunk in further into his body more and more. He felt so good tonight. He was about to get up and double check the mirrior, but as he phone began to vibrate, he pulled out his phone and smiled as he saw a message from Sean.

He clicked the message, and as his eyes hit the text, a soft paw covered his eyes, causing him to see blank.

"Hey there sexy." Ryan voice chuckled.

"He-He hey cub." Timmy giggled as he turned his phone off, and took his lovers paw away. Smiling as the large Tiger slid down next to him and leaning in to softly kiss his mate.

"You look so good sweetie," Ryan said with a smile,

"And you look so very handsome." Timmy giggled, looking at his mates eighties bad boy get up with his blue denim jeans, his plain white shirt and black leather jacket. His hair spiked gently and his features masculinised.

"Sexy even?" He asked with a chuckle,

"When aren't you?" Timmy asked with a giggle. Ryan and Timmy then let out a soft laugh before the lights began to flicker on and off. Timmy giggled as he watched a small corgi giggle to herself and pad towards the stage.

Timmy could hear the beginning of the show. Hear as the small Corgi began her gentle cover of 'time to say goodbye', then an applause softly following. It went on and on like that until it was getting closer to the end of the night.

It wasn't too long before Timmy and the band were standing just before the curtains listening to the loud Applause heard for the fox who had taken them on a virtual tour of his created hotel. It was well earned as well. He had thought about everything down to the carpet material.

Timmy smiled and held the curtain open and smiled as the fox came through,

"Great work Duncan." He said with a smile,

"Hey thanks man." He said, his tongue piercing glimmering as he talked. "You'll knock 'em dead dude."

"Hehe thanks hun." He said with a smile, the two waving gently as they parted.

"Ok folks," The gentle voice of Mr. Denbell said coming from the stage. "Now for our final act this evening is quiet the talent. He's new to the school, only being with us for half our year and very quickly being welcomed in. Here's Timothy Parker, performing with his band."

Timmy walked in and with the burning lights on him; he smiled with the other band members behind him. He made his was to grab the microphone from the large panda and made his way to the middle of the stage.

He smiled as gently flicked his hood up onto his head and giggled a little as he saw Stewart giggle and roll his eyes. The small Tiger flicked the microphone on and after hearing the clicks of the drum sticks, and the gentle guitar riff took a deep breath, and with ease began to sing through.

He flicked his hood back and gently sung through the verse, the band flowing through the happy up beat song into the chorus. The crowd cheering as the belted chorus hit the speakers.

Timmy felt a surge of energy run through his body as he felt the praise and admiration come from the audience.

He had never felt so alive. Never felt so energetic or so in the mood to just scream. His song went further and further until the final chorus. Timmy didn't hold back, letting out the high belts, the runs of his voice and at the end made an ending punk pose that felt all too stupid to him. But he couldn't help but laugh as he got applauded.

He stood there, panting heavily with a gentle sweat running down his forehead. He backed up and with a gentle pat to his back, the band walked away. Leaving him alone to walk over to the podium, where a sheet of his speech lay in-case.

He knew he didn't need it. He knew this speech back to front. Up and down, left and right. He would be fine.

The lights went up and soon it was Timmy staring hundreds of people right in the face.

"Good evening Parents, teachers, family, friends and Mister Dravoawn. I would like to personally thank you for coming and supporting my fellow students tonight in celebrating our final half year." Timmy paused as a gentle applause filled the room but then died down. "This half year has been... Indescribable. I may seem confident from what was no doubt the best show since wicked," he paused for the laughter, "but at the start of this year, there was barley a hope in heck that you would even have me here talking to each of you all. Outside GBL High, life wasn't life for me. Life was something to get over and done with. I went on, day by day, trying to fight through my depression, and my anxiety, just trying to find somebody who would give me just a small amount of kindness.

My school life was filled with day after day of being called 'useless', 'pathetic', 'loser' and 'fag'. It got to the point where I began believe it. I began to see what they saw. Every single time I looked into a mirror I saw these words singed into me. For what? For something that was a part of me, like my own arm or leg. Something that I had no control over.

I began believing it was indeed something to be ashamed of. I looked up websites, I looked up 'cures' and things to stop being this thing that everybody around me told me that was wrong.

Then as I was looking, when I was so close from beginning to self harm again. A shred of hope showed itself to me. A shred of hope that told me that everything was going to be ok. I applied to GBL High. It wasn't too long that a certain fox replied back with my enrollment needs and application forms. And then soon enough I was waking up to my first day of GBL High.

My anxiety levels were going crazy, I just heard over and over in my head that all that was going to happen was I was going to come into this school and once again be the outcast I was at Kuthria high, where the popular ruled the school, and the teachers did nothing because they didn't care.

But from only being in this school for a mere ten seconds, I received more kindness, a more welcoming atmosphere then my entire schooling career in Kurthria.

I met new friends, I got close with so many others, and soon found myself in the paws of somebody I love so dearly. He means just so much to me and every day that I am here shoves my depression further and further that I can't even feel it anymore.

I stand here now a change person. No longer do I feel the ashamed feelings that I once did for being the tiger I am.

My name is Timothy Parker and I am a proud Homosexual. I am proud to stand here to say I love my boyfriend, that I love being the person I a..."

"You're a what!?" Came the loud booming voice from the back of the auditorium.

Timmy's heart gave a hard thump as he stood before the crowd. The familiar voice ringing in ears as he looked up to see the enraged face of the only person he hid from all these years.

His Father.

"D-Dad?" he asked

"You're a fucking faggot!?" The Larger Tiger yelled out,

"Dad calm down." Sean said standing forward,

"Did you know about this!?" Dale yelled looking towards the tiger,

"Of course I did!" He said back, "Can you please just calm down?"

"Dad, please." Timmy said gently, his voice gently louder into the speakers. He was shaking now, His eyes were watering, his entire being had changed.

"Shut your faggot mouth!" The larger feline called out.

"Mum!" Sean said looking at the now shocked feline. She looked at the small feline on the stage as if he were a stranger who had told her her son had died; but to dale.

He was.

"How could you do this to us!? To the family!?" Dale yelled out,

"Mister Parker!?" yelled the now angered voice of Stewart, "Will you please calm down and see what you are doing to your son!?"

Dale stared daggers into the fox, before flickering over to the small feline who was now shaking with tears running down his face.

"I don't have a son!" He yelled out. It was like ice cutting its way through the small feline as those words. They tore through his heart like a serrated blade on a screaming victim.

He no longer had a family. He had nowhere to live. No one to look after him. But that's what he deserved wasn't it? For running his family?

Timmy's tail gently wrapped around his leg as he closed up and looked gently down at his speech. Tear after tear fell down his cheek as the silence around the room stung Timmy's entire core.

"Come on Jenny lets go." Dale said as he reached for his wife.

"You fucking ass hole!" Sean yelled out, "Are you fucking serious!?"

"Shut up Sean and let's go." He growled, "You don't have to pretend any more, he isn't your brother!"

"Who's pretending here!?" Sean yelled, tears in his eyes now. "He's my brother, He's my blood and I love him more than anybody! He's the same fucking tiger you had loved and raised since he was born!"

"I didn't raise a queer!" Dale yelled back, "faggots are disgusting people and they deserve to burn in hell."

"Then why the hell did you send your son to a gay school!?" came the enraged voice of a horse standing and turning from only a few seats down. "You dare stand there and insult a sexuality you don't even understand when you are disowning your own blood!"

"Shut up you filthy fairy! You have no right to tell me how to handle my family!"

"At least he loves all his kids for what they are!" came a loud snarl from a few seats away.

"You're a disgusting person." Came a low growl from Laura, tears gently in her eyes. "I have known Timmy for only a few years, and he's one of the most gentlest souls I have ever known, idolises you and wanted to be like you for so long. But for his sake, I hope to god he doesn't."

"Shut your mouth Laura!" Dale growled,

"Don't snap at her because you know she's right!" Sean yelled out,

"One more fucking word Sean and I'm grounding you for the rest of your damn life!" Dale yelled out,

"I'm fucking petrified!" Sean yelled back with a sarcastic angered tone,

"We are leaving now Sean, come on!" He yelled, his fists balled nearly causing blood to run through his paw.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Sean yelled,

"It's us or him Sean. What's it going to be!?" The large feline growled suddenly into the muscles feline.

"Its hi..." Sean began,

"S-Sean please." Timmy's voice sounded through the microphone. "D-Don't ruin your life on my account. E-Enjoy what I obviously don't deserve."

Sean's heart was breaking gently as he heard his brothers words.

"Smart fucking words queer."

"Shut the fuck up!" Sean yelled out, "If he didn't say that, if he didn't just open his mouth I would have chosen him. But let me be very clear right now. I fucking at you." Sean growled. "I'll be at the car soon."

"Now or you're walking," Dale growled,

"I'll fucking walk miles for my brother." Sean growled.

The Two tigers looked at each other. One with pure and utter hatred, the other with livid anger.

Dale looked up from his son and store at the tiger on the stage and shook his head.

"Disgusting fucking faggot." He growled, then with his wife in hand, turned and slammed the door.