stage one: Rebellion

Story by Almeric on SoFurry

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#1 of New beginnings

"Oh god!" Helen shouted in horror as she witnessed her body expanding before her very eyes. She had been standing in the women's bathroom at the bar she'd gone to that night and now all of a sudden she felt like she'd just consumed an entire wedding cake. She was wearing a red tank top and skirt which were now expanding outwards in front of her. She pushed her hands into her sides to try and stem the tide of fat that was rapidly covering her body but it was no use. She could feel the new weight begin to ooze around her fingers which were themselves beginning to plump up. Her stomach bloated out in front her, pushing her tank top until it was scrunched under her expanding breasts which were quickly testing the limits of her bra. Flesh poured out over the top of the bra until the bra was merely covering her now coin sized nipples. At first she just watched in horror as her body grew like a time lapse of bread dough. She had to get out of there. She turned towards the entrance to the bathroom and tried to run but could only manage a wobble by now. Her thighs had grown together now but she could still move, although it was a slow process. Her body shook and rippled as she half waddled have ran out into the crowded bar, knocking over a young fox that was serving drinks.

"Her watch where you're going-" She yelled but trailed off when she got a look at the skunkette who was still trying to escape. She had grown even bigger now, her rear end bumping into the heads of the bar patrons as she went by.

Trailed by cat calls and whistles she made it outside and moved towards her car. She reached her car finally and went to get side. She had left her purse in the bathroom! Her dread was compounded by the rolls of fat she could feel on her side where her purse should have been. What could she do? She was growing faster by the second and judging by the tightness of her clothes it was only a matter of time before there was a very fat and very naked skunk standing in front of a bar. She would not be able to live that down.

"Excuse me miss!" a voice said behind her.

"Oh no please no!" Her mind screamed at her as she heard footsteps coming towards her.

"I think you left this inside." She turned to see a tall male fox holding her purse. She looked down at it, then back up at him, her new chin wobbling as she did so.

"Er thanks" she said quickly and fumbled around inside. Her fingers had gotten considerably bigger; it felt like her hands were tipped with sausages. Finally she found her keys and bent down to open her door. She heard a rip signaling the end of her skirt's Herculean effort of holding her rear in check. Now it sagged down and her face went red. She started to sob and sobbed harder as she felt her entire body jiggle with every gasp.

"Miss wait." The fox said but she had finally gotten the door open and pulled herself inside. Where immediately her now enormous breasts sagged down onto the steering wheel and causing the horn to blare. She fumbled a fat arm down around her side until she felt the seat adjustment bar and the set went back as far as it would go. Her still rapidly growing belly was jutting into the wheel but at least the noise had stopped. The fox was knocking on her window but she ignored him. She had to get out of there. She put the car into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the dark highway that led to her house. At least the highway was relatively empty this time of night.

"Damn it she's gone!" the fox shouted as he watched her car speed away.

"This isn't safe." A voice came from behind him. "She's only halfway done. It's dangerous for her to be on the road."

The fox turned to the owner of the voice. "I thought you said it was a safe change?"

"Of course it is. But not while one is driving where her body could fill the car and cause her to go off the road."

"Why didn't you mention that?! I would have stopped her!"

"Well I'm sorry." The unknown voice went on. "But cars are new to me. I'm still attempting to understand computers and mp5 players' as you call them."

The fox rolled his eyes and looked over at his car.

"Is there any way we can track her?" he asked.

"Of course Nathan." The owner of the voice said. "Just get on the road and follow her. I have a link with her until she's done. You just get into your car and keep going down the road. Hopefully she'll pull over to the side of the road."

"Hopefully?" Nathan replied.

"Just go!" the voice said. With that Nathan jumped into his car and sped off after Helen. The stranger watched the car disappear then dug into his pocket for a cigarette.

"I don't understand mortals and their affection for these things." He said and kept puffing as he disappeared.

"Ohhh nnoooo" Helen wailed as she pulled the car over to the side of the road. Her breasts had grown to the point that the blocked her view entirely. She felt her seatbelt dig deeply into her new stomach which pushed out and over her steering wheel. She somehow managed to turn the car off and, after some digging through several large folds, managed to unbuckle her seat belt. This was as much movement as she could manage at the moment. Her ass thighs and hips had grown to fill into every space in the front seat of the car. Her head bumped into the ceiling of the car as her fat pushed her up out of her seat.

"What am I gonna do!" she howled as she suddenly heard a creaking sound. She was driving a small car and it must not have been able to withstand the weight because at that moment four loud bangs signaled the tires of the car could take no more. Her tail was completely covered by her back fat as her rapidly expanding body filled the last few crevices in the back seat as well.

"I'm gonna be crushed." She thought to herself as tears streamed down her now quite bloated face. Suddenly she heard a car pull up behind her.

Helen was filled with a mixture of horror and relief. On the one hand someone would see her like this. On the other hand someone would be able to help her. Although what help they could give was a mystery to her. She listened as someone walked up beside her window and tapped on the glass.

Nathan looked into the car and couldn't believe it. He couldn't even see her face for all the fat that had filled the car like a large black and white jello mold. There was a muffled sound from inside the car.

"Helen?" he said.

"mmpphhh...Nathan?" a muffled voice replied. Nathan went for the door and opened it. Thank god her car didn't auto lock when it got to a certain speed Nathan though. Once the door had opened he watched as a roll of fat spilled out and pushed up against his side. His eyes rolled back into his head at the feeling of the warm fat but he got a hold of himself and proceeded to get a hold of Helen. He grabbed as much of her as he could and tried to pull then stopped. It was pointless to try this. She was clearly stuck inside. It would take the Jaws of Life to get her out of there.

"Can I be of some assistance Nathan?" A voice said behind him.

"Moon? Thank god!" Nathan shouted to the skeleton who stood behind him smoking a cigarette.

"Why are you smoking?" Nathan asked as Moon, somehow, took a deep drag and finished his cigarette.

"I wanted to see what all the fuss was about." He said then tossed it to the ground and rubbed his hands. "Alright now lets see what we can do here. We don't need that bit." He said and pointed to the front of the car, which instantly vanished. "Or that." The roof vanished. "or that part too." The rest of the car disappeared and Helen dropped heavily onto the ground, her fat body finally allowed to settle around her. Her stomach was easily 6 feet across now and sat on her huge thighs and hips. Her tail was all but gone as her titanic ass stretched out behind her. The fur on her fat face was streaked with tears and she tried in vain to wipe them away with a flabby paw. Her body expanded a few more inches and then stopped. She looked over at Nathan then back down at her body.

Why did this have to happen when he was here? She knew Nathan from work and had always had a crush on him. Now he would probably be revolted at the fat blob she had become.

"Hele are-" Nathan cut himself off. He was going to ask if she was okay, but it struck him as an odd thing to ask a woman sitting naked in gravel who had just gained almost a ton.

"I-" he said.

"I think what he means madam." Moon put in. "is that Nathan has had his eye on you for some time now. And this new development hasn't diminished his affection for you. And I think" Moon said nodded down at Nathans pants. "It has increased somewhat."

Helen sniffed. "Really?"

Nathan blushed and nodded his head. "Yes I love you." He said out loud.

"Oh Nathan I love you to!" Helen said and raised her flabby arms. The two embraced. Nathan loved the feeling of her soft warm body against his. They kissed passionately for a few seconds until Moon gave a polite cough. Nathan turned towards him.

"How can I ever repay you Moon?"

"No need." Moon said and pulled another cigarette out of his pocket. "It's my pleasure to serve." With that Moon snapped his fingers and the couple disappeared. He sent them to a place where Helen could continue to gain without hindrance. They would have enough money and would eventually have children. Moon knew all of this because it was his reason for existing. He was a server. Meant to please whoever desired it; although now he could choose who he wanted to make happy. He smiled inwardly as he lit is cigarette and disappeared, leaving a wisp of smoke as the only evidence of what had happened.

"I told you so sir." A voice said over a radio. "It's just like the incident last year with the otter."

"Right right." A voice on the other end answered. "Rapid weight gain followed by the disappearance of the subject and someone close to them...Interesting."

"Your orders sir?"

"I want to meet this Mr. Moon. Take us to the contact phase Captain."

"As you wish sir."

Carol sat alone in the coffee shop in a stall near the back. Everyday she would come in during lunch time and watch the other people come in for lunch. One person in particular always interested her. He was a young red fox she had leanred was named Brad. He was a med student and above all quite handsome. Everyday he would come in by himself, sit at the counter, order the same thing and read from his notebook. She would sit back and fantasize about him coming over and talking to her. She'd never have the courage to go over there herself. Who would want her? She drifted into another fantasy and brought her fork up to her lips and...

Nothing happened.

She was suddenly frozen in place. So was everyone else in the diner as a matter of fact. Actually, in order to be completely accurate everyone in the entire realm of existence had stopped suddenly and abruptly without knowing it.

Save for one person.

Moon looked down from behind the paper he was reading, blue fire arced from around his head while he froze time. He folded his paper and moved away from his table. He casually walked over to Carol and sat down in front of her and looked her over. Letting his eye sockets bore into her very soul and innermost desires. He then moved over to Brad and did the same. Then, nodding to himself, he came to a decision and sat back down at his table, but not before taking a trip into the kitchen and looking at the various fruits available and picking the biggest melon he could find. He placed it in front of him and looked it over, checking for any blemishes or bruises. Finding none he traced a boney finger along the diameter of the melon. It split perfectly and landed inside down on the plate in front of him. He cracked his knuckles and slowly began to massage the two melon halves.

Over at the other side of the diner, the frozen Carol could be seen slowly inflating. First her breasts began to inflate and push outwards against her blue tank top. Moon made the decision that a full morph wouldn't be a good idea. She hadn't made the conscious decision to change, which is why he had to use a conduit, but she would like the changes. Her breasts continued to push against the fabric, remaining full and plump. Meanwhile her stomach began to balloon out to give her breasts something to sit on. It pushed her tank top up over her stomach until the fabric sat scrunched under her now enormous breasts that were pouring out of the top of her poor top. Of course with this increase in stomach size which was now threatening to fold up onto the table, her hips had to grow as well to balance her out. Carol's thighs and hips began to swell as the expansion of her gut and breasts slowed. Her shorts luckily were made spandex and managed to contain her now enormous thighs which drooped slightly over the sides of the booth.

Suddenly the growth stopped. Moon rubbed his jawbone. He may have made a mistake here. She was now completely trapped in the booth and Moon couldn't touch her without causing a ripple in the time flow. He would have to get her out of there some other way. Then, with movements akin to a concert pianist getting ready for a concerto, Moon began to grow her rear.

The expansion of a woman's rear end was one of the more difficult areas of the body. One had to be sure it was large, but not so large that it wouldn't pull her down and leave her unable to walk. Likewise it shouldn't be too light so that she fell forward. It acted like a counter weight to his target's bloated front. Cellulite was up to the preference of whoever he was expanding. However he oddly found little call for it. Just was well for him though. Those little bumps always left him with a bit of a headache.

Carol's rear began to grow and envelope her booth. This action caused her to rise up higher from her seat. Thus causing the table in front of her to groan in protest as her stomach and thighs were pressed into it.

"Just a little more." Moon said to himself as he twisted the melon halves in front of him. Carol's stomach, thighs and breasts wobbled and jiggled as her enormous frame was pushed harder and harder into the table. Finally the table could no longer hold up to her body's onslaught and there was a grinding of metal as the screws fastening the table to the floor gave out. The table tipped forward and fell to the floor with a crash. Now Carol's frame was free to drop out in front of her. Moon looked at her in silence. He may have overdone it a bit. Her stomach now draped over her legs and crotch, however her body still looked firm and he didn't doubt that she still would retain most if not all of her mobility.

"Now for the clean up." Moon said and waved his hand. The booth and ruined table disappeared, leaving Carol floating in the air for a moment and letting her now ample rear to droop down below her. He waved his hand again and a new table and now a reinforced chair slid in front and under her, cushioning her quite nicely. Moon then covered the table in food and snapped his finger's again. The blue fire around his head disappeared and time suddenly jumped back into motion.

Carol was ravenous today. She didn't quite know why her appetite was so big. It had been big ever since she could remember. She brushed some red hair out of her face and brought a cheeseburger up to her pudgy face and bit down, grease ran down onto plump paws and she looked around for a napkin. When she found one she looked up and saw Brad, mouth hanging open, staring right at her.

"Can I help you?" She said, her voice had a richer, deeper sound to it now.

"Y-y-you're beautiful." Brad managed to stutter out. Carol blushed and motioned him to sit across from her. He sat down silently and watched as she continued to eat. It was incredible! She inhaled everything in front of her!

Finally, after stifling a burp Carol laid a hand onto her bloated stomach and smiled at him.

"My name is Carol." She said out loud.

"I'm Brad." He replied, still in a stunned state of infatuation. "uhhh....You wouldn't want to go somewhere and catch a movie would you?" he asked.

Carol thought about this for a moment. "Yes" she replied. "I think I would, although I seem to have spilled on myself. We'll go back to my place and I'll change into something clean... but you'll have to help me up." She replied and raised her arms up. Brad got up and pulled the table away from her, causing her belly to drop down and jiggle as it settled on her lap. He reached out and grabbed onto her blubbery paws and pulled. He worked out as much as possible but it still took him a few tries until she finally came up out of the chair and almost landed on him but he managed to hold her up. The two of them walked out of the diner together holding hands and kissing deeply.

Back at the apartment Brad sat down on Carol's couch while she went into her room. After about ten minutes he could hear grunting from somewhere down the hall. After summoning the courage he walked towards Carol's room and found her struggling into a dress that would only have fit her if she was 500 pounds lighter.

"This used to fit." She said as she tried to work the zipper on the back. This motion caused her entire body to bounce and quiver in such a way that made Brad barely able to control himself.

Carol caught the look in his eye and stopped trying to zip it up.

"Would you help me?" she asked. Without speaking Brad tried to pull up on the zipper.

"No no not up; down." She said.

Hands quivering, Brad pulled the zipper down and the dress fell off Carol's lard filled frame. Her bra and panties held on with deal life. Her bra flew across the room as it was undone and she gestured for him to follow her to the bed. She laid down on the bed with her enormous gut in the air and kneaded it.

"Ooohh that was a good lunch," She said. "But I think I could go for a little more."

Brad looked around and saw a funnel that hadn't been on the floor a moment ago. He picked it up and put it into her mouth. Her lips closed around the sides and she closed her eyes. Brad looked down and saw he was now holding a strange bottle of something that looked like milk. As if in a trance he tipped the contents into the funnel and Carol moaned with pleasure as she drank from it, rubbing her stomach as, to Brads delight began to expand right before his eyes! Her tail was quickly engulfed by her ass that was now pouring over the sides of the bed. Her stomach rose higher and higher and draped farther over her crotch until she had to push her legs aside in order to accommodate its vast size. When she finished the strange liquid Carol somehow turned her fat ringed head toward Brad and licked her lips. "Come here." She said and beckoned him with a plump finger. He pushed his hands into her stomach and felt them sink in. He rubbed and rubbed her body. Delighting with every ripple and fold until he couldn't take it any longer. He threw off his clothes and jumped onto her.

When he landed Carol had a brief glimpse of sad, skinny female fox sitting alone in a diner. It seemed somehow familiar. But the thought was gone as soon as Brad began.

"Sir you can't smoke in here." A waitress said to Moon.

"I'm not smoking." He said, waving a hand in her face.

"Oh sorry, sir." She replied.

With that Moon took another drag on his cigarette.

"My god!" Eric gasped as he leaned against the desk for support. He had just been hit by a tremendous blast of power from somewhere on the planet. It had taken every ounce of strength he had to keep it from affecting him.

"What's wrong?" The general shouted. He was an older looking black horse who was now moving around his office desk to help Eric into a chair.

"He stopped time" Eric finally managed to blurt out once he'd recovered somewhat.

"What do you mean?" The general asked.

"He stopped time. He just stopped everything in the universe except for himself."

"Is that even possible?"

"My god what power." Eric said, ignoring the general's question. "He's far more powerful than we imagined. We may have to rethink our plan."

"Oh no," The general replied. "I'm not wasting anymore time with planning. We have a working plan. And as you said before he's gaining power."

"I know I know." Eric said as he brushed some hair out of his face. "If he continues in this fashion there's no telling what he'll be capable of."

"So it's settled then." The general said as he picked up a phone on his desk.

"We'll begin the mission and make contact."

Sheila stepped out of the change stall and walked out into the warm noonday sun. A small wind brushed at her brown hair and at her fur. She was an attractive vixen by any standard. She moved towards the pool with hips swaying slightly. Reveling in the stares she knew she was getting because of her new blue two piece bikini. She stepped over to the edge of the pool and looked around before finally diving in. After a few laps (and some suggesting looks to the more attractive men watching her) she finally surfaced at the shallow end and looked up in disgust to see a plump female leopard stepping into the pool. She was wearing a two piece like Sheila's. Only this one was ridiculously small for the DD breast and large belly she was sporting. The leopard waded into the pool gracefully despite her size and lowered herself completely in the water.

Sheila's look of disgust turned to pure hatred once she saw the looks some of the males watching had given the leopard. Oh she'd take some of the air out of that blimp.

Silently, Sheila went down under the water and swam up behind the leopard. She came up quickly and pushed her hands into the girls back, almost gagging with the feeling of fat flowing around her hands as she pushed into the leopard's thick frame.

"Watch where you're going!" Sheila shouted at the girl who was so surprised by the shrill yell she lost her balance and fell forwards with a loud splash. This got a strain of laughs from the spectators.

"I-I'm sorry." The girl said as she pulled herself up and looked down in horror to see the top of her bikini floating away in front of her. The girl looked down and tried to cover herself up but there was no way she would be able to cover breasts that big. Her face turned red and she snatched up her top and ran out of the pool; her breasts and ass swaying and jiggling energetically as she ran for the change rooms.

"That'll teach her." Sheila thought to herself. How did someone like that even get into a country club anyway? Weren't there standards? Oh well she'd have a word with her father about that and he'd talk to the owner of the club. Maybe they'd put a weight limit on applicants. Sheila smirked at that thought and decided to do a few more laps before going to the spa for the rest of the day.

Megan sat in the changing room with her head in her hands; her eyes were read from sobbing. She looked down at the broken remains of her new swimsuit and then down at her body which made even more tears well up in her eyes. Why couldn't she lose weight? She'd tried everything but no matter what she did she always seemed to gain everything back or end up gaining more. Today's experiment on just being confident in yourself was a total failure. Why was that girl so mean to her? She should never have even bothered coming to the club. Who was she to try and be beautiful? Who'd want a repulsive ball of fat like her?

With these thoughts running circles in her mind Megan slipped even deeper into misery and began to cry harder.

"Excuse me?" A voice from the entrance of the changing room. "Is someone in there? Is everything all right?"

Megan looked up at the doorway. That was a man's voice wasn't it? Wasn't she in the lady's changing room?

Another wave of embarrassment washed over Megan as she realized where she was. In her haste to get out of sight she'd mistakenly run into the men's changing room. Her cheeks somehow, grew a deeper shade of red.

"Can I help with any- Oh my goodness I'm sorry!" someone said. Megan looked up to see a tall, thin...make that VERY thin man standing beside some lockers with a hand over his eyes.

"I'm sorry miss I didn't know you were in here."

"No it's alright." Megan said, trying to wipe some of the tears away from her eyes. "It's my fault. I'm in the wrong changing room."

"Are you alright?" the man asked without moving his hands from his eyes. Megan was surprised. She thought any man would want to sneak a peek at a woman without a top on. Although why anyone would want to look at a fat cow like her was beyond her. This new thought threatened more tears but she quickly pulled them back.

"May I ask why you've been crying?" The man asked. He was wearing what looked like a pair of black shorts and a white top and, despite the obvious attempt at being casual, the man still looked rather serious, like a man who doesn't really understand how not working can be fun.

"Well it's just...Oh never mind. Its nothing you can help with." Megan said.

"Really?" The man replied. "I find it hard to believe that. I also find it hard to believe anyone as beautiful as you could have problems."

"Beautiful?" Megan asked astonished. "Have you seen me yet?"

"I saw you out in the pool just before." The man said and still he hadn't taken his hands away from his eyes. "I must say it was a bit of bad luck with what happened to your,"

"Oh this?" Megan looked down at the ripped fabric on her top. "It was Sheila. That skinny bitch; I hate her!"

"She did this?' the man asked.

"Yes she does this kind of thing to all the big girls around the club and around town. She thinks that just because she's skinny she can do whatever she wants." Before she knew it the man had snatched the bikini top from her hands.

"Really? Interesting." He said as he turned away from her and did something to the top.

"I should have a word with this girl."

"Oh, don't bother." Megan said, bringing her hands up to try and cover her ample chest.

"She always acts so sweet and innocent to people who may be able to get her into trouble."

"Well I've always found." The man said as he turned back around with a hand over his eyes. "That I've had a way with words." He handed her back the now fixed tank top.

Megan looked down at it. It looked as good as new but somehow it also looked different.

"This... This isn't the same fabric as before is it?" Megan asked.

"Hmm? Oh of course it is." He replied, now turning to leave. "I think I'll have a little talk with this Sheila girl.

Sheila had just finished her final lap and was swimming towards the edge of the deep end. She planned to come up out of the water soaking wet and in such a way so that no man would be getting up for at least an hour. When she reached up to grab the ladder bolted to the side of the pool she instead wrapped hew hand around something bony. She looked up and a scream escaped her mouth as she looked into the eyeless sockets of a skull. She drew back pushed away from the side. She could now see what it was she grabbed fully. It was a skeleton wearing black shorts and a white top. Although it didn't appear to have any facial features it still managed to express a look of distaste for her.

"Who the fuck are you?!" she shouted at Moon.

"My name is only known by those who deserve to know it." Moon replied to her in a harsh voice. Sheila looked around for some way to get away from this creature but found the other sides of the pool to be slippery for some reason. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't pull herself out of the pool.

"Someone help me!" She shouted but it seemed as though everyone else was frozen in place and unable to hear her.

"There's no point in that." Moon said as he pulled himself up to his full height.

"They can't hear you. The only things right now that can move are you and me."

"What's going on?!" Sheila shouted; panic was now gripping her.

"I saw what you did to that poor girl." Moon said. "And when you grabbed my arm I found out everything else you've done to other girls in your life." Moon followed Sheila as she desperately moved around the pool trying to find some way of escaping.

"You call bigger girls names. You make their lives a living hell just because they are larger and more beautiful than you."

"Are you nuts?" Sheila replied. Fear had not completely dumbed her. "Those fat pigs are beautiful?"

"More beautiful than a thin little stick like yourself or so I'm told. Apparently a large majority of men prefer larger women."

"What are you going to do to me?" Sheila asked. All this talk about fat people had made a ball of cool terror form in her stomach.

"Oh you?" Moon replied raising a non existent eye brow. "Well not much. I suppose I could turn you into a fat girl."

Sheila's ears flattened on her head when she heard this.

"Oh please no!" She shouted. "Anything but that!"

"Yes I suppose not." Moon said. "It's a bit too clichisn't it? I meant I'm all for a good comeuppance but not for ones so overtly ironic."

A faint feeling of relief washed over Sheila as she stood in the deep end. Suddenly the water felt very odd. As if it was thicker than normal. She looked down in horror to see the water had been replaced by what looked like chocolate pudding.

"Then again," Moon said as he lit a cigarette. "I am not someone to whom originality comes easily. You'll eat until the pool is empty."

"What makes you think I'll do that?" Sheila said; her body now covered in the sticky chocolate confection.

"Simple." Moon replied, blowing a square of smoke out of his mouth. "You either eat or you die."

With that Sheila was suddenly pulled under the surface and felt like she was plunging down into the bottom of a black abyss. She tried to scream but her mouth just filled with pudding. She was forced to swallow it and was surprised to find it the best tasting thing she ever had. Without thinking she opened her mouth again and let more pudding flow into it. She tried to fight it but it was just too good. She opened her mouth again and again and again. She could feel the pudding begin to fill up her stomach until she was full. She thought for sure she'd suffocate but the full feeling subsided and she felt the pudding turn into fat and move into different parts of her body. As she continued to eat she felt her hips expand out farther and farther, becoming increasingly laden with fat. Her stomach bloated out in front of her with amazing speed and despite the feeling of buoyancy it draped down in front of her crotch and folding into two enormous parts. Her belly button was now well over a foot deep and it showed no signs of stopping. She could feel her breasts grow bigger and bigger, shooting past DD and into the farthest reaches of the alphabet until resting large and lard laden on her enormous stomach. Her ass shot out and almost drooped down past her legs. It had six large folds of back fat sitting on top of it and rippled and shook with cellulite. Her arms grew as well and her hands looked like hams with claws poking out of the ends. Her biceps had grown and draped out like huge flabby wings sitting on her bloated middle Her face was now unrecognizable under the layers and layers of warm fat which now caressed it. Once a fourth chin appeared Sheila could feel herself suddenly begin to jiggle. Slowly at first but it continued until every part of her was rippling and undulating in a motion which made her feel every inch of her ever expanding body.

"You'll know every pound you gain." Moon's voice said from out of the darkness.

"Unlike the other's you won't get the trance I put on them to avoid having to experience this. But you don't deserve it."

With that the pudding seemed to force its way down Sheila's throat; making her obese, jiggling body expand even faster. Along with the jiggling she now felt like hands were kneading and pushing on her. Every fold and love handle was being massaged and shaken; making her aware that her once skinny body was now a huge sack of lard and fat. She was laziness personified now. Nothing would move her again. Mobility was a foreign concept. Her legs had been swallowed up by her thighs and hips. Her ass was now the size of a truck and her stomach and breasts obscured her view completely. There was only the pudding constantly adding more and more weight and the feeling of her entire body acting like a jello mold in an earthquake.

All of this Sheila was aware of. She wanted to scream, she wanted to beg for it to stop but it wouldn't. Her body was ruined. She was a ball of blubber now and still there seemed no end to the pudding that surrounded her. Her eyes were pushed closed by the fat surrounding her head and she drank and drank until there wasn't any more.

Megan heard the shouts of excitement outside and ran to see what was happening. She stopped dead in her tracts when she looked at the pool and saw something the size of a two story house, quivering and sloshing around inside of it. It looked like Sheila. Megan didn't know how she knew but she knew. It was Sheila. She must way well over ten tons now! People were poking her sides and watched as the slight motions sent huge waves over the vixen's body.

"I think I may have over done it a bit." A voice beside her said. Megan turned to see Moon rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"I better take it easy from now on. "He said to no one in particular.

"You did that?" Megan asked.


"Could you...Do it again?" Megan heard herself blurt out the words. She couldn't believe she had said it.

"To you, you mean?" Moon asked.

Megan nodded.

"Alright." Moon replied. "But rest assured it won't be as pronounced as that and of course you won't still be here in the end."

"I don't care. I just want to be huge!"

"Fair enough." Moon replied and snapped his fingers and disappeared.

At first Megan didn't notice the change. But it started slowly; working its way through her body. It seemed as though she was being blown up like a balloon. Every part of her body began to fill with more fat. She passed 400, 500, 600 pounds in rapid intervals. Her body blowing her bikini away and she moaned with pleasure as she began to jiggle as well. Her breasts laid snugly on her huge stomach which drooped down to the ground. She waved her arms and fell backwards onto a newly padded ass which oozed out around her. This was truly paradise. Suddenly she vanished. No one seemed to notice however. They were too busy trying to figure out what the huge ball of fat sitting in the pool was.