The Blue banadanna part 2.

Story by bountyfox on SoFurry

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Hello bountyfox once again with the continuation of the blue bandanna series.

M/F death and violence Ive meant to update this earlier but have been running a fever of

102.1 if you want to skip to the sex part skip the italisized area, but don't cuase its

important. whatever I think im dieing

From the mind and labor of bountyfox

The blue bandanna part 2

Wicked things of the past

The smoke of burning homes and bodies filled my lungs and clouded my vision as I

struggled to see past my own outstretched paw. The city of Anmar burned around me I had to get out

before I become overcome with the smoke and my body burns with those I was here to protect.

I make my run down the burning streets ignoring the wounded and those few who still stand fighting

each other. Let the fools burn. I stop just clear of the worst of the smoke falling to my knees coughing

out the cinders of the former inhabitance of this city in black clots, rubbing the ash of their bodies from

my burning eyes. Past the crackling of the flames and the screams of the dieing I hear the sound of

metal greeves approaching dozens of them. I rose to my feet as they neared I at least wanted to die

standing not to be taken as a slave as I knew many of the others were. Twelve coyote rounded the

corner led by another beast clad from muzzle to tail in dark ebony plated armor with a ornate full visored

helm the shaped like that of a dragons upon its head a wide bladed broadsword in paw a crimson

cloak bearing the symbol of coyote nobility but no sign of rank. I could not tale if this beast was coyote

or a wolf who found his way amongst their ranks. How pitiful i must have looked to him with my torn

ringed armor the battle worn blade readied in one paw while the battered wooden circle that passed as

a shield for the conscripts of the vulpine republic covered in soot half dead from exhaustion from the

days battle and the endless running though the fire in smoke in my desperate attempt to retreat from it all.

I prepared to fight the last battle of my short life. As ten of th coyote moved in surrounding me at spear

point. This was the end my last stand. I held no illusions of winning I could take one or two to the

grave with me at best. The beast stood with his two officer aides before raising his sword horizontal

one gloved paw over the middle of the blade telling them to stop. That sword... it looked so familiar

and out of place. Not like the single edged curved sabers preferred by so many of the higher up coyote

this blade was double edged and straight. As well as the style of the blade and hilt unadorned unlike

the his armor. He swung the blade around in one paw placing its side to the chest of one of his aides

before sticking it in the ground in front of him one plated paw resting on the pommel the other pointing

at me. The aide to the beast who's markings identified him as a infantry captain drew his saber and

charged me with such fervor it was as if one of his own gods had delivered the order. Gripping his

sword in both hands as he bore down on me I raised my battered shield to fend off the coming blow.

I staggered back still holding my shield as he continued on the attack with a second slash flinging me

to the ground and shattering my shield to splinters. My left arm was numb from the shoulder down I

fought to rise to face him. I would die standing, I would die free, not in the slave pins nude and used as

a tool, as a unthinking animal, broken mind body and spirit, stripped of my freedom my pride my

health and my malehood. I would die free. As my ancestors did and my soul carried on the wind to the

next life I could not allow myself to be bound to this world. Broken spirits never soar.

With a primal roar I throw myself at the coyote captain wielding my blade in both hands. Charging

him head on. He knows its a suicide charge the smile on his muzzle tells me so he knows I have noway

to beat a trained coyote captain in a duel already in his favor. He should have remembered to make

such assumptions of desperate foxes. As he readies his blade to meet mine I cut to the right drop down


knees the sharp change in direction putting me into a sliding spin. He reacts to this new turn of events

his blade to take off my head. The blow slings the helm from head, my vision fades for a

moment as the sense is knocked from my skull.

Aided by my momentum I swung my

blade back towards him as hard as my tired limbs would allow hitting him behind the knee were the

greeves met his leggings the weakest part. Cleaving though steel fur flesh bone and all. I fell to my side

losing my balance after delivering the blow that took the coyote's leg.

Dropping his blade and clutching the stump of his leg howling in pain. Using my blade I prop myself

and stood. Looking at the beast as I walked over to the fallen captain I stuck my sword though the

coyotes unprotected neck pinning him to the ground. After clutching at the blade feebly the life faded

from his body. I stared right into the soulless void of the beasts visor. Then I heard him. No words. He

just started to clap. Slapping his armored paws together sounding like a blacksmith at the anvil. I

reach around my back and pull the long strip of cloth I had stuck into my leggings out. Moments away

from death and without a helm why should I bother hiding what I am. I place it on my forehead just

above my eyes folding my ears down as cover the top of my head with it tying it around the back.

The rest of the blue fabric blows behind me in the wind. The only thing other then the color of my fur

linking me to half of who I am or rather what I am.

The clapping stops suddenly. I can see his gauntlets shaking as he clinches them together. I,ve hit a

nerve I can see. And in a blink of a fox's eye he had sword in paw and had covered half the distance

between us. Nobody should have been able to move that fast especially not someone in full metal plate.

I have enough time and sense to raise my blade in defense just as im hit full on. The broadsword

cleaves my blade in half but he cuts his attack short instead of running me though he takes one paw

and lifts me by my neck off the ground cutting off my air throwing his blade to his surviving aide he

rips my bandanna from me and holds it up to my face. Then the beast speaks.

"Where did you get this!" It says low in a hiss almost reptilian.

I lift up my left leg as far as I can and reach for the dagger hidden in my boot

" Dose it offend you and your false gods coyote? I hope so..." I manage to say though its grip on my

throat, the dagger is in my paw I wait for the right moment I know ill only get one if any.

"Who do you think you are?" It hisses once more.

I smile and close my eyes I can feel my contentiousness slipping away.

"Free..." I whisper

I thrust up from the level of my hip under his eye level my blow heading into one of the eye slits of the

visor. The next thing I know im falling the grip around my throat released. But my fall is a short one.

As I open my eyes I see that the beast has caught my paw in its vice like grip the blade no more then an

inch from the eye hole.

" ha ha ha..."It laughs its aide throws him back the blade which he sets its point just short of my pupil.

I look down the blade. Near the bottom of it I see that it is not completely devoid of decoration I see the

writing at the bottom. Not in coyote. Not in Lupine. Not in Vulpine. In runic. In Tribal runic.

The saying is simple but the meaning is more horrific then I ever could have imagined.

He squeezed my paw as hard as he could with his armored glove forcing me to drop the dagger but

still he didn't stop. Pain shot though my limb as I felt the bones inside my paw bend and snap under the

force blood trickled from between his mailed fingers.

" No... no no no" I mouth silently as the laughing beast moves the of the blade just over my eye cutting

down I snatch my head back far as I can. Far enough thankfully as the blade just cuts throw the skin

over and under almost splitting my eyelid in two but sparing the orb itself. He released his grip on my

broken paw and I slid back away from him until my back hit a wall. He walked up to me the massive

sword sheathed on his back the sword I knew the sword who's owner I knew the owner I knew could not be this beast.

"You and your tricks... such a thing would have worked against a coyote or even a wolf but against..."

He reached around the back of his head undoing the clasp and pulled the helmet from his head.

"But me? How could you think such things? Dauis?"

As he pulled off his helmet I looked upon the face of a traitor....

The face of a fox... The face of my brother....


He smiled at me mockingly looking down at me. One eye swollen shut and cut from the forehead down

Nursing my shattered paw with the other, Fighting back the rage and the tears.

"Take him back west to yani she will have some use for him." my brother said to the coyote who served

him. As the ten coyote closed in to grab me I lunged out grabbing my bandanna from were Laharl had

dropped it. I grabbed it with my good paw as they caught me by the legs, I tied it around the wrist of

my broken paw as they drug me down the street and out of the town. To the dungeons of Yani Dist. The

place were all things I loved in life would be take from me.

Dauis bolted up from his beddings. Sitting panting drenched in cold sweat the scar over his

eye hurt as bad as the day it was made over three years ago. Why could the past not stay buried? He

had escaped from Yani, Escaped from Laharl, Escaped from the civilized world to lands yet untamed

But yet it all still haunts him. He wakes in the middle of the night like a scared kit. As his breathing

calms he looks down at nude still asleep form of Aleena her body uncovered when he bolted from his

sleep he re drapes her sleeping body with the cover before sitting back down watching her sleep

peacefully, Softly stroking the fur on her head. They had been on the road together for over two weeks

now and every night she had served as his bed companion, though he hated to admit it she had gotten

into a special place in his heart. A place none have been in the past few years. It was only a few hours

before dawn and dauis knew he would not find sleep again this night so he decided to make the best of

the few hours before the light. Pulling on his pants sticking his knife down the back of them and

throwing his bow and quiver over his shoulder dauis set out into the night not even bothering with a

shirt or boots. As he moved away from the campfire his vision shifted from the normal spectrum color

and darkness faded away as his eyes reverted back to a more primitive state. The moon was full his

nightvision cut easily though the darkness. Dauis let the hunter inside take over. Taking in all the scents

of the forest. Out here all the bad memories all the worries fade away. Out in the forest there is only the

hunt. Dauis sniffs the air, something fresh, something close, Rabbit.

It was close, Close enough he didn't need the bow, He stood perfectly still for a moment, one crunch of

a leaf was all he needed, bolting though the moonlit forest following the sound and smell of the fleeing

rabbit and then he leaped, catching the rabbit behind the neck in his mouth, tumbling though the brush

before stopping himself grabbing the rabbit with one paw and twisting. The snap told him the job was

done he could taste the fresh blood in his mouth. He let the rabbit fall to his paws, panting his fangs

smeared with blood his fur matted with leaves dirt and twigs. He thought himself lucky he had not

broken his bow, no matter, Dauis stood and began to walk back towards the river they had passed not

two miles back. He had plenty of time before light and needed a good swim.

Aleena slowly opens her eyes, the light of a new day fills them she sits up on the bed roll

opening her mouth in a wide yawn as she stretched out her muscles rousing them from there sleep her

bones crackling. Standing she wiped the sleep from her eyes, she can smell the sent of cooking meat

"Couldn't sleep again?" she asks lazily scratching her breast

When no one answered she opened her eyes and looked around. No dauis.

Food was cooking over a fresh fire. Rabbit... again. He had to be somewhere around here.

She turned around looking all around the camp. No sign of him and his shirt and swords were still

laying there, something didn't seem right, Aleena began too get worried.

Then all of a sudden she was grabbed from behind around the middle and lifted up, she yelled out and

tried to elbow her assailant but her arms were pinned to her sides, "your snoring kept me awake."

Dauis whispered in her ear before gently licking her cheek then drooping his muzzle over her

shoulder as he sat her back down. She tore away from him "I don't snore!" She said with a pout

Dauis shook his head a half smile over one side of his muzzle "Yes you do." he said calmly

"I do not!" she yelled back at him narrowing her eyes as she pulled on the pants dauis had stolen for her

at a town they had passed though half a week back. "Don't scare me like that!" she continued

"Don't be taken by surprise. Breakfast is ready" dauis said as he made his way over to the fire and

taking the roasting spit off of it, Aleena made her way over to join him pulling a long tunic over her

head. After letting the rabbit cool for a moment dauis slid it off the spit and placing his claws under the

gutted ribcage tore the cooked meat easily into two halves passing one on to his companion before

sinking his fangs into the cooked flesh shredding it from the bones. Aleena doing the same.

After the meal aleena sat licking the grease from the meat from her fingers. "How long till we reach the

next village dauis?" she asked, when no answer came she looked around to were dauis was sitting.

Empty, Strong paws seized her from behind. "Now... were was I?" he whispered in her ear pulling her

tunic up and over her head. "That has to go" he said grabbing her breast rubbing it with his paw as his

other paw worked around her front grabbing her pants and pulling them back down over her shapely

hips, Aleena rolled her head back onto his shoulder, "somebodies in a good mood today" she said as

she pulled her tail free of her falling pants, Her clothing removed dauis released her long enough to

take off his own pants freeing his growing maleness, Grabbing her quickly as she tried to turn around

and turning with her dauis planted his nose pad at the base of her neck inhaling her sent deeply.

Aleena could feel his erecting penis wet and hot rubbing across the cheeks of her rear growing thicker

and longer with each passing second, raising her tail and spreading her legs slightly allowing him to

work his member between her legs its tip touching just under the lips of her sex, putting his feet

between hers dauis uses them to force her legs a little further apart and her body a little further down

the tip of his cock forcing its way though her fleshy folds into the moist warm tunnel beyond, A shiver

of pleasure shot up aleena's spine as he slid into her, her nipples erecting into hard little nubs in the

morning air, Dauis slid in and out of her building the momentum as he pushed his giant red canid cock

into the depths of her sex that gripped his meat when he pulled back out, the small bump that would

form his knot forming at the base of his penis, Dauis leaned her forward so that she was on all fours

then began really fucking her ramming his cock to the hilt inside her rocking her body causing her

breasts to sway back and forward as the two globes jiggled from the impact of his thrusts, Her teeth

bared as he rode her almost painfully her claws digging into the ground as her pleasure mounted.

Blood filled his knot as he continued to fuck her for all she was worth making a popping sound each

time it was torn back out from inside her. Before long it would not pull back out but still dauis thrusted

on locking himself deep inside her and when he could hold it back no longer he unleashed himself

inside her flooding her with his thick seed, He continued to thrust into every few seconds emptying his

furred nuts into her, filling her inside with molten fox cum until it started to leak back out around his

knot a white glistening strand hanging down between there legs still connected to her sex swaying in the

wind before becoming to heavy and snapping dropping the glob of seminal fluid to the dirt the string

holding it snapping back up sticking to under dauis spent sack. They both collapsed over to one side

still stuck together by his knot panting in the dirt covered in fox sweat, Aleena could feel dauis pulse

though his cock buried deep inside her. As his passion faded and his knot deflated dauis pulled himself

from her his cock slick with her juices slowly slid back into its protective sheath, Aleena rolled over as

soon as he pulled out spreading her legs far apart rubbing her used hot sex allowing the excess of his

semen to pour out onto the ground so that it would not run out later like when she got her pants back on

Dauis rolled over to her wrapping one arm around her pulling her close, so that his nose touched the

back of her head, "Wanna go back to that river down the road?" he asked

"Of course, I got to wash your stink off me!"

"You like it" he said playfully into her ear

"I do not your musk stinks!"

"Not as bad as yours"

Her mouth and eyes went open wide


Aleena turned around to his face teeth beared, Dauis laid there the half grin on his muzzle "You do too"

Throwing his arm off her she pushed him back rising to her feet dauis was up before her using her push

on his arm as moment to spin up for long enough to get his knee under him forcing himself up,

"Last one to the river stinks like a dead coyote" He yelled out to her as he ducked under her punch

and ran past her towards the direction of the river, As far as city furs go aleena was fast, dauis gave her

that but not quite as fast as him, still he felt he should give her this one so he slowed and let her pass as

they got closer to the river, Aleena ran and cannonballed the water just before dauis.

"Ha! I win you do stink!" She said as her head cleared the water

"Yea maybe but at least I don't snore."

"I do not snore!" She yelled at him splashing water in his direction

An hour later there fur dry there stuff packed up and there clothing on the pair started to

once again make there way down the winding road leading them to Minivar, A couple of miles down

the road Dauis broke the silence, " We have to be carefull from here on out Aleena, this is tribal lands

we are going though I could pass by but your a full blooded red they don't like your kind very much

this far north." She looked at him and asked "Like the coyotes that killed Raddich?"

He shook his head "No not this far north this close to winter these will be foxes"

Aleena looked confused for a moment "then why would they hate me?"

Dauis sighed a little "Badblood between the tribes and the legions of minavar."

"But thats because the tribals raid shipments to minivar right?"

"Yes but they steal the shipments to feed there families because the legions steal there land."

Aleena goes quite for a second

"remember what I taught you about using that saber of yours aleena"

"I know, I will don't worry."

Her lungs burning her muscles cramping many scrapes and scratches covering her body

she ran on through the bushes and the branches the forest threw in her way her newborn kit strapped

to her back crying out in fear as it was jolted around. She could here them behind her, she knew there

were at least three chasing her the fourth had seemed to stay in the village, She saw a clearing up ahead

she had no chance to outrun them there but she had no chance to change her course now either, She

pressed on, she had no choice to stop meant death for her and her child. She broke into the clearing

almost running into two other foxes, Doomed they had managed to trap her she tried to stop and cut to

the left but she was moving to fast and was too tired and soar all she managed to do was fall at there

feet crumpled into a ball praying to the god of mercy.

Dauis drew both his blades as the form broke from the forest onto the path they were

traveling turning to face it just as the rabbit fell to the ground close to his feet,

"What in the four hells!" Screamed aleena also drawing her weapon

Just then two of the foxes after her broke though onto the path, Weapons drawn both wielding swords.

"This is none of your business southlanders" One of the foxes growled in tribal to dauis.

"Nor do I wish to make it any Tribe beast" Dauis replied in tribal.

"Then stow yer blades" The fox hissed back

"No ill not you do what you have to do and let us on our way." Dauis said his eyes narrowed the grip

on his blades tightened. It was clear in the eyes of the other fox he had no wish to fight him.

The fox nodded and pointed his free paw to the prone crying rabbit and its companion started to move

towards it.

"Dauis your not giving her to them are you?" Aleena asked

"This is none of our affair" he said

"But she has a child!" aleena yelled at him and moved in front of the rabbit defensively

"Mind your bitch southlander less you lose her" the fox warned dauis

"Aleena you don't understand."

"NO! You don't understand! All you can think about is yourself! You only even have me along for the

sex she has a child I cannot let them take her, not after what you have told me of these furs and what

they tend to do with there captives!" Aleena yelled at him.

Dauis sighed and turned to the tribal fox "It is the kit that is upsetting her forgive her she is female

she acts like she is mother of all things, is there anyway we can bargain for the kit?"

"No it goes beyond barter they made a deal with us and she broke that deal, her and hers must pay your

bitch has no say" he growled

By now the other fox had moved up close to aleena.

Aleena turned her head to dauis "tell him im not giving him her!"

With her head turned the fox made its move going in with a stab dauis saw it first flinging his left hand

blade out infront of her the fox dove low out of the way of the flying blade but giving aleena enough

time to notice she was being attacked and was almost killed. The other fox charged dauis as its

companion regained its footing and squared off against aleena. Dauis easily blocked the oncoming fox's

blow with his remaining sword letting his enemy take the offensive for a moment as he sized up the

competition until he heard the arrow fly by his head. As he had believed there were at least one more

of them out in the woods and worse yet they had a bow, Aleena fared well against her opponent scoring

several small wounds across its body, while physically stronger it could not match her grace with her

saber. Dauis went on the offensive all at once slamming his blade powerfully into his enemies throwing

his weapon wide while he reached around to the back of his pants pulling the knife hidden there.

Bringing it down in a over the shoulder stab he drove the blade deep into the tribal's unprotected chest

punching though his heart and lung. Pulling the knife from the fox's body dauis looked to the forest

trying to find the archer. "Shit"dauis screamed as he threw himself in aleena's direction

Aleena dropped to one knee off to the side of the charging fox spinning her saber in a arc hitting it at


level splitting him in half. She rose to her feet "Dauis I did it!" She cried cheerfully as she turned to

face him seeing him standing right behind her an arrow intended for her stuck in his arm just below the

elbow. "Yea I saw, you remembered the thing good job." he said as he snapped the arrow pulling both

halfs out of his limb. "were is he?" aleena asked scanning the forest.

"Half way to his camp by now" dauis said as he took off his bandanna and wrapped his arm with it.

"Gone to go get the rest of them, so aleena whats your new pets name?"

The rabbit who now was standing still scared of the two foxes that had saved her spoke "What you

want with me?" in broken fox tribal.

"A name" Dauis replied in tribal

The rabbit looked worried for a moment before nervously replying "Lysia"

"Very good well ill guess you will wanting to get back to your own kind now and we need to be on our

way good travels to you lysia the rabbit and many years for you and your child both." dauis remarked

ending with a quick bow and started down the path.

"No, No I can't go back" the rabbit called after dauis

"We can't leave her dauis" aleena said to him

Dauis stopped in his tracks letting out a low sigh "Fine aleena have your pet but let us get moving."

"when that archer gets back to camp he will tell the others and they will come looking for us. The

closer to minivar we are when that happens the better."

Dauis turned back to the rabbit. "Ok follow but hurry I will not wait for you if you slow"

Now with two wards to care for dauis set down the road shaking his head.

Why did he feel so good these days? Why did he tolerate aleena and her idiotic moral beliefs?

Why was he feeling the way he used to feel before what had happened over three years ago.

Why was he feeling like a hero again?

To be continued.....

It took four hours to write with a fever of 102

Get well cards, get worse and drop dead cards, negative or positive remarks ,suggestions or desires for

new stories of parts any kind of

feedback what so ever will be appreciated.

Oh and viva los zorros

join the revolution with wipeout and the rest of the vulpine rebels to fight back against the tyranny of

are draconian oppressors.