CSAA - The Social Experiment

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#1 of CSAA

Nobu Watanabe is invited to a mysterious school to partake in a "Social Experiment". It isn't until he arrives that he is confronted with things he never could have expected.

//If it goes well I'll continue this as a series, however, I feel as if the initial plot was somewhat rushed in some places and I hope it doesn't ruin the story to the point that it is incoherent. I'm not going to do a disclaimer, no reason to, this story was tagged as extreme and if someone happens to see it that shouldn't, that means they signed onto this sight, activated extreme and then managed to stumble on this of their own accord. It's not my fault, for lack of a Gene Snitsky reference.

Nobu reached out to hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. It was 7:00 AM and despite the fact that today would mark the first day at a new school, the boy was subconsciously attempting to squeeze at least five more minutes for sleep. With a loud thud, the alarm clock hit the floor, managing to wake Nobu up.

He shot out of bed with replenished excitement, finally realizing what today really was. He rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and at least attempt to brush the messy mass of short black hair on his head. He quickly removed his pajamas and instead grabbed a new set of clothes he had set aside especially to kick off the school year.

The school was an interesting one, inviting him as the sole student to participate in a 'social experiment'. Nobu wasn't told much about the school but he had learned that there was no dress code to follow and that he would need to pack up because the school would require that he would live on their campus. Considering Nobu, who had only just turned thirteen in May, was now a freshman could only be attributed to the fact that he had managed to skip the eighth grade due to outstanding performance in the previous year.

Nobu dressed rather casually, wearing a red shirt and a pair of baggy jean shorts he seemed ready to go and he grabbed a bag on his way out of the door. The resourceful teenager took the bus about a block away from the school and from there he traveled on foot with his bag over his shoulder and against his hip. The school remained just outside of town where the city streets had faded into grasslands and heavy forests but yet a path had been made from nothing but rocks that presented a makeshift trail of sorts.

Nobu followed the path until finally he caught sight of the large set of buildings hidden in the trees. The school was pretty big and it seemed the dorms were separated into two symmetrical buildings separated from the school by a few feet with a walkway, fountain and garden within the gap. Nobu approached the school with butterflies in his stomach. He knew that inside he'd be dealing with kids who would all be older than him by at least a year.

He sighed deeply, trying to shake off the nervous sensation as he neared the entrance to the building. Over the doorway was a quote that read, "A NEW BEGINNING". Nobu was certain that the buildings address matched the one on the note he received, he had planned his methods of transportation for at least a month now. It was finally time to open the door and begin his new journey. He'd be doing it on his own but with a mother and father that worked so often it wouldn't be anything new... or would it?

As Nobu reached the door he hesitated for a moment, drawing in a deep breath and then finally forcing the doors apart. Then, his heart nearly stopped... On the other side it wasn't just older kids roaming the halls, focusing on their first classes of the school year or even simply talking the passing period away, no, it couldn't just be that simple...

Instead, Nobu was faced with perhaps the most intimidating thing he could ever imagine. Not one of the older students were even human. Sure they stood on two feet and shared stature with humans but they all resembled animals or creatures of which he had never even seen before. One walked right past him covered in thick fur with a canine facial structure, his hands resembled paws to some degree but were just human enough to resemble human hands. Next passed a student that stood eight feet tall, towering over the awestruck human whose measly height at 4'8" left him out of place amongst the others.

Nobu's panicked daze held out for a few seconds before a tall draconic male dressed in a suit that almost looked too small for him, reached out to him and slightly shook the boy. His muscles bulged against the clothing, making it look pretty uncomfortable. "You must be the new student. First off, welcome to Crowler's School for the Anthropomorphic Advancement, my name is Azrael and I am the principle of this prestigious academy." He said while Nobu slowly turned with a "deer in the headlights" expression on his face. His eyes stayed focused on the dragon without a word. "I apologize for never mentioning a lot of things in the note we sent you but we expected the initial reaction would be something we'd need to take into account."

The dragon began to guide Nobu into the hall, walking him to his office where he would continue to explain the situation. After an hour of explanation, Azrael handed Nobu a keycard and smiled as the boy looked it over. "What does this go to?" The boy asked, looking the dragon in the eyes.

"It will open your dorm room, locker and can access a few other things to be discussed on a later date. I want you to relax and experience the school year like any of the other students. As much as they seem strange to you, they will feel the same. Very few anthros have met a human in person due to our desire to live separately from them... This social experiment was implemented to study how a human would react to being surrounded by our kind and how our kind will react to meeting a human. If anything it is dually educational. Also, I have expressly partnered you up with my son as far as dorm rooms are considered. He will be your roommate."

"Your son?" Nobu asked, he thought it would be pretty cool to live with a dragon for a while. "When will I get to meet him?"

"Hopefully within the next half hour, your classes don't begin until 10:30 considering we expected you would need some time to adjust so I've given you the first period off for today. Drago will be there momentarily and I explained to him that he should answer your questions, provide a little bit of help if necessary... Think of him as a sort of body guard." Azrael said with a light chuckle. "He's been going to this school for the last three years which makes him a senior. As such his classes are a bit sparser than yours. He can drop by your classes and provide you with help if you need it, I suggest you get to know him well."

"Alright, thank you. I appreciate the advice." Nobu said, his nerves slightly eased the boy gave Azrael a smile.

"You're dismissed, Nobu. I'll be seeing you around." The boy got up from his seat and headed back into the hall. At this point it had cleared up quite a bit but with the first period free, Nobu was unbothered by this. He headed toward the park set between the buildings and he looked at his keycard. The room number was on the key, "Building 2, Room 203" it read. Building Two was on the right highlighted with red fluorescent lighting; it looked futuristic in its design.

With Building Two empty, Nobu quickly located his room on the second floor. He used his keycard in a panel beside the door to release the lock and he entered it. Someone was taking a shower so he assumed it had to be Drago. The room to the right of the doorway seemed to lead into the bathroom and it was the only one there was. Then there were two beds in the room against the wall with separate closets beside them. It appeared there would be enough room for their things to go.

Nobu finally dumped his back into his closet and slid the door shut, he'd organize it later but for now he wanted to wander the room and check things out. There was a desk by both beds with a laptop on them, their names on sticky notes. The desk would apparently be used as a side table as sorts for the bed, placed right where one might put it. Nobu liked it, even if the room would need some rearranging sooner or later, it was symmetrical for the time being which made it look nice.

There seemed to be plenty of room for that a lot of things. It did appear the room was designed with consideration for the fact that two anthro sized males would be living within so come of the stuff, ie., the bed was a bit oversized for the boy. At level between the beds on the adjacent wall was a single flatscreen TV sat up on a pedestal that was built into the wall. The big screen between two people seemed ethical enough if the two roommates could agree on what to watch, Nobu guessed.

He sighed deeply, lying back in bed then looking up toward the ceiling. The shower water began to ebb until the pitter patter ceased entirely. Drago's shower seemed to have come to an end. He must not have expected the boy have come yet because he walked out in a towel. His muscles were surprisingly firmer looking than his father's, with a darkened red shade that only highlighted the muscle on his body while leaving the rest a lighter shade of crimson.

"Oh, so you're the new kid. Name's Drago..." He extended his hand, seemingly unbothered by being virtually naked in front of the kid. "Welcome to CSAA, I'm sure my father's told you all about me. I was designated as your guardian and being as you're new here, I want to bring you up to speed rather quickly. I won't beat around the bush."

"Alright, Drago. My name's Nobu, just in case you didn't know that. I'm not sure how much you know about me to be honest, though. Today sorta caught me off guard..." Nobu proclaimed with just about enough courage to say at least that in front of a large masculine lizard.

"Alright, first off its typically not the time of year that you want to come off as appealing so I suggest wearing clothing that shows off as little skin as possible, I know it is still practically summer and it can get hot but I don't encourage loosely fitting clothing or tank tops unless you want to get mated." Explained Drago, "Now, I can see that look of confusion in your eyes and bear with me but there is an alternative that can by you some time in regards to that. It's painful though and I don't think you'll like it."

"What is it?" Nobu asked out of curiosity. Oh boy, he clearly didn't notice there was already this heavy social difference between humans and anthros but then again there was an almost predatory look in Drago's eyes.

"I'm not sure how the humans operate but to me, you're highly attractive Nobu. During this time of year our hormonal levels skyrocket, it's a sort of breeding mechanism engrained in our brains from birth and I'm sure humans share it but our society, by what I've heard, is highly laxed when it comes to sex whereas human society is somewhat hypertense about it. The last few years since I got here I've been with almost every species in the school at one point or another except for horses, bulls and lions but that's considering our borderline dominant stances. Now, compared to most you're incredibly short, almost bite-sized, y'know? It would be interesting to see how you take being fucked."

"No way, man. I just got here, do we have to be talking about how cool it might be to see someone doing something like that to me. Isn't it too soon for that kind of stuff?" Nobu asked, still slow to notice the inherent difference.

"To you it does sound a bit strange, huh? Well, here they don't exactly think similarly. For most, they don't do much asking. You could end up on your back getting bred like a one of the female cats around here. They may scratch and stuff but they probably cry out the loudest when--"

"Ok, ok, I get it. Dress in layers, right?"

"It'll keep your scent relatively hard to detect but I don't recommend making friends with wolves if you're going to just try to dodge it. Those clothes won't make a difference; they'll pick up your scent anyway." Drago chuckled, but seemed almost distracted despite his focused gaze on the boy. "Look, remember when I said there was an alternative but it would hurt?"

"Y-yeah." Nobu said, stuttering slightly. He figured he knew where this was going so he made an attempt to change the subject. "But if it hurts I don't think I'd be interested. How does lunch and dinner work?"

"There's a cafeteria in both buildings and its open virtually 24/7. You can make a call for a snack at any point in the day but major meals throughout the day will be prepared specifically between 7-9:00 AM, 11-2:00 PM and 6-10:00 PM, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner respectively. But anyway, I think you should... chances are, between you and I, I can mark you and keep the others off you but if one of them does it they won't be thinking about your wellbeing. Look Nobu, it may be asking a lot but think it over during your classes today. When you get back tonight, I'm going to ask you again."

"What if I say, no?" Nobu said, asking perhaps a very good question.

Drago sighed, noticing his advances probably wouldn't coax Nobu into agreement. However, it dawned on him that Nobu's care was entrusted to him. He hadn't had this problem in previous years but because he had never crossed a human before and the size of his recent roommates was compatible enough with his own, it really didn't take much effort. They all went along with it because they too were in need of rut. He had to assert himself somehow, he couldn't let Nobu get hurt because some bull decided they could avenge some distant relative, forced to be toyed with for "their" enjoyment.

"As a sensible guy, I'd probably say you have that right and you can go do what you want but as a guy whose father would be disappointed with me I'd honestly breed you forcefully. In other words, you can either consent so we can do things at a manageable pace for us both or I'll force you onto your hands and knees and take things at my own pace."

"So you'll just rape me if I don't say yes, huh? What's the point of even asking then?! Either way you're going to do it, right?!" Nobu shouted. Despite the fact that Nobu was usually a rather peace loving, happy-go-lucky kind of kid, his mood had soured now that he was under duress. "Y'know what? Fine, I'm not coming back to the room later. If I don't come back, you can't ask and if you can't ask I won't say no and you won't rape me. How's that?"

"Hey, Nobu... it's not like that, ok? You don't understand what it would mean if you got hurt under my care."

"But hurting me is fine, isn't it? You threatened it by saying that you'd 'take things at your own pace' implying that I'd get hurt. I just don't know how to deal with that..." Over the intercom, the sound of the first period bell could be heard. Nobu gave a final glance to the half-naked dragon and then he left the room.

"I've got to do something..." Said Drago under his breath in a somewhat irritated fashion. Unfortunately, Nobu had left him with little choice.

Nobu went from class to class with very little happening within them but as the day wore on; he started to notice the same predatory gaze in increasing frequency. He took note midway through the day that he hadn't changed his clothing, maybe they could smell him, and perhaps they found something in his scent that they liked. What could he do but avoid them? Create some distance and stay away just long enough to last until the fourth and final period's bell. Then what? Keep it going for the rest of the school year? Socially distance himself until he was certain that he wasn't going to be raped? That wouldn't do any good and he knew it.

The final bell rang and Nobu exited into the hallway, passing by these masculine freaks of nature (in his perspective) with the occasional female student roaming the halls beside him. By his estimation, the male population was greater than the female population by 1/4 which meant there was only a small 25% female population. Nobu wasn't stupid; he understood the basis of how sex worked. It had put him into a very awkward position, hadn't it? Since the male population would be busily protecting the women or the alpha male being the only one to have their claim, it meant the weaker ones would be the outlet.

Nobu wasn't weak by the standards of a teenage boy; he was a martial artist and gymnast with a nicely toned body. He was hardly what someone would call weak but in comparison to the muscularly gifted anthros surrounding him, no amount of physical strength with such a tiny frame as him could prevent being overpowered.

Nobu looked over his card; the number of his locker was on it as well, 224. He followed the numbers on the lockers around him, cycling the school a while before, finally, he had found it. He ran his card through the panel on the front of the locker and it opened with a satisfying click. He sighed, tossing his books inside before he shut it again.

"Well, well... what have we here?" Nobu let out a gasp, surprised to come face to face with a wolf. Its fangs glistened in the light while he smiled in a hungry fashion. It was probably the worst situation to be in, wasn't it? The hypothetical one that Drago had brought up earlier had come to life. He had no doubts when he noticed that the wolf's pants were much more ill-fitting than they should have been due to some extra baggage in the front... really big extra baggage.

"N-nothing, we have nothing. I-I gotta go, ok?" The wolf brought his body in front of Nobu as to keep him from escaping, his tight abs pressing against a shirt that looked almost as tight itself. His abdomen came to the boy at chest level and the wolf's chest was pressed against his chin.

"Nah, not yet. Not until we have a little 'fun'." Nobu gulped but suddenly the wolf was pulled off of the boy by an even tougher looking form, Drago's. The boy couldn't have been happier to see him.

"Stay off of him! Couldn't you smell my scent on the boy?!" He bluffed, angrily shouting at the wolf that to Drago seemed almost normal in his own height.

"Your scent?" The wolf said with a hint of fear in his voice. "I smelled no such thing but to me it sounds as if you're claiming you mated the human child! You're a dragon! I would have smelled your thick reeking odor all around the school!"

"The child and I were joined so deeply that I could feel the rapid flutter of his heart, so hard that his body went limp for well over five hours while I continued to use his body to please me and I continued to breed him until my own exhaustion had settled in and I filled him with my fluids. You mean to tell me that you smelled none of that and yet you call yourself a wolf?! You're no more than a common dog!"

"I-I... y-yes, sir. The child is yours; I must be weak in my senses. I will excuse myself." The wolf was genuinely terrified and without a word, he turned and walked off at as fast of a pace that he could without running.

"Th-thanks..." Nobu muttered, his back still pressed against his locker.

"Go to the room..."


"Did you think I was bluffing when I said I would forcefully fuck the life out of you? It was no joke and after that it has become a painful reality that you cannot defend yourself from any of them... That was too much of a close call but don't worry. I have informed my father that you will not be attending classes for the remainder of this week because you will be recovering..."

"Recovering from what...?"

"The next three days..."

"Drago, I don't--"

"Go!" Drago shouted, glaring at the boy as he slowly turned to face him. "What I said to the wolf... What I told him I 'did' to you... That is soon to become a reality. You need to go to the room /now/ or else I may be unable to gain your forgiveness for what I may have to do if you resist..."

"I'm not resisting!"

"Four days!"

Nobu sighed deeply, frustration finally giving way to a burning courage deep down inside of him that was ready to burst into the forefront. "I'm not going back to the room! I told you I wouldn't! I have a choice to make and that does not inclu--"

Or maybe an outburst like that was just really stupid...

Drago snatched Nobu up into his arm and casually carried the struggling boy off. Nobu could tell he was in a bad spot it was only a matter of time before they were back in the room. The dragon seemed unaffected by this, seemingly pushed too far he was. When they arrived in the room, Drago tossed Nobu inside with minimal effort. "Don't move, don't undress, don't speak... I'll do all of that for you."

"You can't just--" Making good on his threat, he scooped Nobu off the floor and slammed him onto the bed. He grabbed for a shoe, plucking it off, then his sock. He very slowly took it off the boy's foot, almost teasingly, before he shoved it in his mouth. Had today not been so stressful, the sock might not have been so damp with perspiration.

"Spit it out and I'll shove something else down your throat." At this point, Nobu understood these were no longer idle threats. Overpowered and defenseless, he was in for the most dominant pounding of his life (so far). It was only added irony that it would be his first.

Drago was wearing a tight t-shirt at the moment as well as a pair of jeans. His clawed feet seemed too big for shoes which explained their absence. Nobu seemed to have been confused as to why these beasts didn't have clothing their size, was it a preference? Like skinny jeans perhaps? He couldn't say for sure... not that he could focus on the thought long enough with the taste of his own sweat on his tongue.

The dragon walked into the bathroom, tossing off his clothing as he entered through the door. He grabbed his massive erection, that to him was normal physically, and he stroked it, letting his pre ooze out into a puddle beneath him. He took a bottle of lube for good measure and spilled its contents onto his large spire.

Drago returned into the room with completely exposed this time, his draconic maleness was different aesthetically in that it seemed designed with the capacity to fuck smaller creatures in mind. The whole cock was in the shape of a spade which would allow it to part even the tightest hole wide enough to for penetration; it continued to only expand making its widest point the middle. Even so, it was also equipped with fin-shaped ridges that would cause traction on a larger hole and keep it from being forced out. Pushing down on these would only allow them to remain buried well enough to keep it stuck inside.

That didn't sound particularly comfortable when you take into account that you're a virgin, teenage boy that's never experienced anal sex especially with something as big as a dragon's cock. Though, Drago was 2/3 good intentions he was also 1/3 horny out of his mind. A defiant boy like Nobu who made it easy enough to both find him attractive and make you angry enough to cram yourself balls deep inside of him was an excellent outlet to sexual frustration.

"Maybe if I like you, I'll make you my fuck toy for the rest of the year. How's that? To them you'll smell of dragon seed, the most potent ejaculate of them all." The dragon brought his body over the boy's; snatching his shirt off of his body like a child would the wrapping on a present. Nobu whimpered, muffled by the sock he was too afraid to spit out. "With that hole of yours stuffed, it looks like I can get right to business."

Drago's tip was spewing pre, dribbling it onto the toned abdomen of the child. It puddled in his belly button, slipping down his side and then into his bed. All of this had transpired and he had only just now realized that this was only day one. Could it get any more traumatic? What really seemed to upset him was the fact that he knew he could fight but it wouldn't change the outcome... well, not for the better.

Drago played with the boy, taking off his other shoe, stuffing the second sock into his mouth and then giving the sole a slow lick. The boy could've run but that was a strange observation itself. If he feared the boy running away, why wasn't he making sure he was bound and incapable of movement? Easy... he wasn't. So it meant he was faster than him too, huh?

He pulled off his pants teasingly and then a smile crept over his face. "You like this, huh?" Drago said, pointing out the erection in Nobu's boxers. His cheeks went red and his heart began to pump faster and harder. "Don't worry kiddo. After I mate you, we'll be doing this quite a bit."

He sat his cock with a heavy thud against his belly, precum and lube splashing onto his skin, and that's when it finally settled in how big it really was. Nobu in his hazy daze wasn't able to calculate the exact length but he estimated it was over eighteen inches and incredibly thick. This estimation had been made considering the tip stopped on his chest and the balls were pressed up underneath his hole.

"Hm, looks like I'm gonna skewer you. That'll be pretty neat to see, I wonder how it'll feel." He slowly trudged his cock against Nobu's stomach, grinding the ridges against him. The spade head came right up against his hole and then he pressed forward, even with Nobu whimpering increasingly louder as the tip stretched him wider and wider. Then his hole contracted, closing down on the base of the tip. He noticed that the skin on the cock was different; it was tight and slippery like the skin of a frog. The dragon flipped Nobu onto his chest with the tip still buried inside.

He hooked under Nobu's arms and lifted him off the bed, straightening up his cock underneath the boy. Just like that, five inches disappeared into the boy with a muffled moan escaping him. "Heh, that was quick... must be the lube." Nobu could feel a few ridges against his sensitive nerves then he began to force him down pulling the boy towards his balls.

Nobu's breathing had quickened, his head lying back while the dragon tried to force more inches inside. Again, a number of inches quickly slid inside and a slight bulge formed beneath the naval. A ridge was pressing into his prostate, making the boy's cock perk up and drool precum itself.

"Aww fuck, so tight..." He said under his breath, his cock still slowly deepening. It progressed past the naval, growing thicker and making a more prominent shape in his tightened abdominals. As more slipped into his belly, the tightened muscles squeezed more of the clear thick liquid into his guts. It slicked the innards, leaving them easier to shove more cock inside.

Then the balls met, Nobu's head only slightly pressed against the dragon's chest. Their difference in size was highly noticeable. Nobu felt fuller than he ever had before with the bulbous spade head resting just beneath his chest cavity. With every breath his abs would contract by mere reflex, forcing more pre to gush out.

The taste of sweaty feet on his tongue and his stomach so full, he sobbed silently. His body was shaking from the insane amounts of nerve stimulation, the dragon wrapping his arms around his chest. "Now, for the fun part..." He pulled the boy up, taking half of his cock out before forcing him back down. He repeated this brutal motion, the boy fulfilling his part as a toy. The ridges on the cock caused bumps in his belly and stimulated nerves all throughout his bloated body. He slowly quickened in speed, from hard thrusts to a quick pounding burying his cock deep inside him.

Within the first three hours, the boy had cum at least three or four times his lower stomach covered in a layer of cum. The dragon began to caress his body, pulling him closer to his body while he used his body as a toy.

The next day, a boy rode his bike towards the school. He had been given a few things to take to Nobu. Interestingly enough, Nobu had left a number of books he had meant to take and his mother gave his friend the note the school sent him.

He looked over the address one more time and with a confident smile and walked up to the door. He walked through the front door without looking forward; he kept his eyes focused on the bag as he walked down the hall. He navigated this way for about ten minutes but then he lifted his head and with a start he found himself standing in front of Azrael.

"This place isn't easy to find so I'd have to assume you must be one of Nobu's friends, yes?" Asked Azrael with a friendly smile.

"Y-yeah. I'm just here to drop off some stuff for him, you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit?" He asked, despite the situation, this boy was a bit more focused. He seemed to be forcing himself not to freak out and it was working.

"Why, of course..." He chuckled, "his room is in Building Two, Room 203. What is your name by the way?"

"My name's Ryo. It's nice to meet you, Mister Dragon, sir." He said, only now looking around him to see the others surrounding him. He kept on along, focused on moving ahead. It took about fifteen minutes for him to find the room and at first he did knock. He noticed the door was cracked open just slightly but he didn't intrude immediately. He gave it a few seconds and then opened the door.

When he saw what was going on, he dropped the bag to the ground. "Hm? Another human boy?" Drago asked, Nobu had gone limp from exhaustion a few hours prior. Drago was sitting on the ledge on the bed, Nobu sitting against his lap. "Why have you come?" Drago asked.

"I-I... had something I needed to give to Nobu. Wh-what are you doing to him?" He took note of the socks that were dangling freely from his mouth. He was so confused about it but strangely drawn in.

"He wouldn't cooperate with me... I was trying to help him but he wouldn't let me, so I helped him anyway." Drago explained vaguely.

Ryo stared at the bulge in Nobu's stomach, the shape of a throbbing cock inside of him. "C-can I touch it?" He asked, approaching the dragon and closing the door behind him.

"You like?" He said with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around Nobu's chest and pulling him into a tight embrace. Nobu began to squirm and moan out. "Take the socks out of his mouth, please. I want to hear what he has to say..."

Ryo held his hand out, plucking the socks from his mouth. Nobu responded by letting out a gasp as he slowly awoke from his sleep. "N-nobu, its Ryo. Does that... hurt?" Nobu responded with a weak nod, his consciousness slowly returning to him.

"It hurts now, but he'll get used to it. What, did you want to take a ride?" He asked the boy with a predatory tone.

"N-no... I just-- I'm concerned." He found himself reaching out to the bulge in Nobu's stomach. He rubbed it slowly, forcing a moan to rise from the dragon. He didn't seem to mind it otherwise as he continued to thrust into Nobu.

Ryo found the discomfort in Nobu's face, contorted with pain he started to think about how he could ease some of that. Without much thinking behind it, he began to trail his tongue right below Nobu's naval and up until he met the bulbous tip.

Nobu began to moan softly and so did the dragon, the pain in his face started to fade into a peaceful look of ecstasy. Ryo licked Nobu's nipples, teasing them gently before he brought his tongue to his neck. Nobu was stirring into full consciousness and the pain started to dissipate.

Drago hilted Nobu again but grabbed Ryo, slamming him onto the bed and laying Nobu on top of him. He tore Ryo's shirt off and bit down on his neck, tasting the boy's blood while he pounded Nobu furiously, grinding his body against Ryo's. The ridges brushed against him while he shouted loudly, with the jagged teeth rooted deep in his neck but with Nobu's warm body brushing against him, he shot a load of cum and stained his pants.

Nobu came again when he found himself pressed against Drago's tightened balls. The dragon's saliva began to heal Ryo's wound but it left a circular scar from his neck to his collarbone. Then a warmth filled Nobu up, his stomach full to bursting he spit up a heft bit of the cum onto his exhausted friend. To his surprise, the ridges had hardened and left themselves rooted where they were, a makeshift breeding mechanism no doubt.

The dragon could've gone on if he pleased but with both his new toys exhausted he decided instead to let them rest until later. He laughed softly, comfortably lying in the bed with them. "Well, sleep tight. We'll see what to do next in the morning."