Bloody Sunrise: Act 1

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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#1 of Bloody Sunrise

Bloody Sunrise (A story of horror, passion, and suspense)

Act I: Barricades

"It happened about five months ago, the apocalypse as some of us called it. The ones that people laugh at and said couldn't happen; a horrible event that would terrify the young, and old in movies. They rose from the ground if there was still flesh and fur on them and a good portion of their brains had not decayed. The walking dead..." said Brad solemnly.

Jenna stared at Brad who simply looked out the window. Brad's tail twitched as the feline looked upon the masses of undead that were in the streets, shuffling around outside the building. The Vixen sat down next to the Doberman who cradled his shotgun possessively. Jenna had been on the run for a while now and she hoped that the gas in her car would last until she got to a gas station clear of the undead.

However, it had chosen to die out in the middle of a town with not a gas station for the next mile or so. She had walked on foot with a spare gas can hoping that she would not run into the masses of hungry corpses. She was wrong. She was holed up on a telephone pole, and she was fortunate for her that the undead were not smart enough to use hand holds.

It had seemed like days but in reality it was only two hours before her saviors arrived. The survivors Brad, Victor, and Anthony; with a highly modified, jury-rigged hybrid car, had crashed through the undead horde and had gotten her to safety. Brad was a short-haired cat with white fur and seemed to be the one who was up close and personal with the zombies. Anthony was a Doberman who was a police officer and had been on the force for eight years. Victor was a wolf lifer who ate, drank, and breathed Marine Corps, and was even in an elite sniper unit.

The three males and one female had been holed up in a small grocery store. It was barricaded and now there was only one way in and one way out. Through the reinforced roll up doors that kept the undead from entering. All operated by Fran who was the manager of the grocery store. The female equine made sure each night the doors were locked and the barricades were still in place, all of them slept on the top floor in the managers office and employee break room.

"What caused it?" Jenna asked nervously.

"Who knows... a virus, some kind of bio-weapon, the supernatural, take your pick." Victor said wiping down the bolt carrier assembly of his AR-15 rifle.

"Nobody really knows." Brad said looking over his shoulder.

Jenna looked down at her hands and then back up at Brad.

"So what's your story?" Jenna asked Brad.

"Brad is a civie, but he has a taste for the orient." Victor said with a grin. "Not tough enough for the Corp... but tough enough to be respected." The wolf hastily added as Brad shot him a glance. When the group had first met up Brad and Victor got into an argument and then had a brawl. Victor found out that even with military hand to hand training, Brad was very capable, then again Victor had not known that Brad had studied mixed martial arts including the book form the Navy SEALS and Krav Maga.

It was a very unpleasant surprise for the Marine who got as good as he gave and in the end Anthony had to break it up. After some distance between them they grew to a mutual agreement and since then they had not been at odds. Jenna didn't know much about the undead outside and so decided to ask.

"So is it the bite? or the blood? or an injury from them?" She inquired timidly.

"Not the blood" Brad said "At first I tried to avoid getting blood on me, but when I got hit with some accidentally and I didn't turn I assumed that it's the injury or bite." Brad glanced to his equipment that in some places still was encrusted with blood.

"Not from minor injury..." Anthony said pointing to his forearm where he was scratched.

"Must be the bite..." Victor said and he slid the bolt carrier group back into the receiver of his rifle and snapped the pin close. He then charged it testing its operation.

"Maybe you don't turn until you're actually dead." Fran said crossing her arms.

"Maybe..." Victor said darkly and locked and loaded a magazine.

Night fell and with it came the horrible sounds of the distant moaning monsters outside. Jenna could hardly sleep a wink even with the others rotating out shifts during the night. After the first watch she could no longer stay in the make shift bed of cardboard boxes, towels, and aprons. She got up and cautiously she tip-toed down the stairs. The store was dark and only the emergency lights that were on. Jenna was walking down one of the aisles looking at the items on the shelves.

"They mostly come out at night... mostly..." Jenna nearly jumped out of her fur as she spun around to see Brad there wearing a strange mesh suit under his clothes. He had a motorcycle helmet on but the visor was up. In his hand was clutched a gleaming oriental style sword.

"Asshole! Don't ever scare me like that again!" Jenna bit out and tried to calm her racing heart. She also stifled the urge to hit him for good measure.

"Well don't worry, Fran did her check today and all doors are locked, as long as there are no excessive lights or sounds we will be safe for now." Brad hefted the katana on his shoulder and sighed.

"So what the heck is that?" Jenna asked pointing the strange mesh that Brad was garbed in.

"This is a shark suit. Of course I made some modifications to it. I got it from a dive shop after the first week of the event. It's guaranteed to stop anything short of a high caliber bullet. Also I took some of the plastic polymer plates from a skate shop which makes it possible for me to stop a bite from one of those bastards with a forearm if I have to." Brad indicated the bite marks on the plates of his left arm.

"And the sword?" Jenna asked skeptically looking at the katana in Brad's grasp.

"A gift from my kendo master when I graduated his class, Full tang, carbon steel, and extremely sharp." Brad looked to the katana then back to Jenna.

"So what's your story?" Brad inquired as he looked at her taking off his motorcycle helmet and holding it under his left hand.

"I thought it was going to be another night at the strip club. Guess I was wrong and I've been on the run ever since." Jenna answered hastily. Brad smirked a bit, but nodded respectfully and replaced his helmet.

"Well I suggest talking to Victor and Anthony so that they can teach you to use a gun, I have a feeling that we might need another person for what we have to do tomorrow..." Brad then walked off leaving Jenna just a tad more nervous than before.

"All clear..." Victor said into the radio looking with his binoculars from his rooftop perch. The rollup doors rose as slowly and as silently as Anthony could muster in full riot gear. Brad was watching the doors, his katana held at the ready as Fran nervously held her shotgun pointed at the entrance. Jenna was in the car of course and slowly drove out stopping as Fran ran to Anthony's position and got ready to release the door reel.

Brad and Anthony edged to the reinforced doors and bolted fenced windows of the vehicle and got in quickly as Jenna scooted over for Anthony to drive. Victor came sliding down the spring-loaded fire escape ladder which automatically retracted back up when he jumped off.

"Let's roll!" Victor said as the rollup door swiftly closed behind the car and they took off. Luckily the zombies that were out and about could only shamble after the car as it sped down the street and during the day it was much easier to avoid the walking monstrosities.

"So where are we going?" Jenna asked nervously.

"We need to get a bit more ammo and some gas." Anthony said as Brad pulled out a map of the city and began to trace a finger along it.

"So far we have nearly drained every gas station within twenty miles of here dry, so this time we have to go out of our way." Victor said lighting up a cigarette and puffing a smoke ring.

"No smoking in the car." Brad remarked dryly, Victor huffed and took another drag before carefully putting the end out in the ashtray and tucking the remainder of the cigarette in his left breast pocket.

"Killjoy." Victor said dripping with sarcasm. It was still quite a while till they arrived at their destination; a small gas station that was off near the south edge of the city.

"So what's the ammo count?" Anthony said loading and then cocking his shotgun. Victor rummaged through the duffle back in the back of the car.

"We have three full magazines of five-point-five-six for the AR-fifteen. Seventeen shotgun shells, and two and half mags of nine millimeter pistol rounds." Victor said wit a frown.

"Not enough for a prolonged fight but enough if we encounter a small amount of them." Brad said latching his katana to his belt.

"Ok hot stuff crash course in shooting one-oh-one." Victor said to Jenna, for five nervous minutes Victor showed Jenna how to handle the pistol, activate the safety, operate the slide, using the magazine release, clear a jam, and how to reload. Jenna assured them that she would be able to use the pistol if it came to it and they quickly spread out to gather what they needed from the station.

A few minutes later they were off again, this time with a full tank of gas and two three gallon cans of gasoline in the trunk.

"We are making a stop, there is a hunting goods shop on the other side of town but we are going to have to make the search and supply quick because that place is heavily infested." Anthony said looking at the map as Brad pointed it out to him.

"Well we'll have to be sneaky." Victor said as he headed down a street for the shop. After a long tense drive they arrived at their destination after avoiding two blocked roads and having Brad notate them they all sat in the car as they cautiously rolled towards the edge of the street. Victor slowed to a stop then checked the gun in his lap.

"Jenna you stay here and get ready to go when we jump in. Put the blinders up into place." Victor referred to the dark drape of cloth that would cover the inside of the windows of the car, an external camera was mounted to give a view of the outside of the car. They set up the canopy in place and then got locked and ready.

"These will keep those shambling bastards from looking inside, in fact they should just wander around the car without causing much trouble. Only when the car moves or there is loud sounds do they come after you." Anthony explained. Jenna nodded nervously and watched as they quietly departed for the building across the street.

Victor motioned to Anthony who nodded, covering the area with his shotgun as Brad lowered the visor on his helmet and drew his blade as Victor did a low shuffle-jog to the door of the store and then after looking around motioned for the others to follow his lead. Brad sprinted out and Anthony followed slowly, his riot armor slowing him considerably but he felt like a tank.

Victor had to make due with his jury-rigged armor made from hockey and football gear, allowing him freedom of movement but left some of his body exposed to injury. Victor motioned to Anthony who went to work picking the lock on the door. The trio were rewarded with a click as the door opened up and Victor pulled up his monocular style nightvision sights and peeked into the store.

It was deathly still. No movement, each of them turned on their red-lens flashlights and entered cautiously. They looked to Victor to throw hand signals as they fanned out to secure the store. Anthony immediately began looked for more shotgun shells. Victor began searching for camping supplies, while Brad looked for miscellaneous items they could use.

The store was not huge but big enough they had to split up. Victor moved to a door labeled "stockroom" and carefully cracked the door open before swinging his AR-15 in and sweeping back and forth with his sights. After there was still no movement he entered in and began looking around. Most of the items had been cleaned out, there was scares amounts of things like mini-propane tanks for field stoves and strike anywhere matches, but every little bit helped. Victor pulled off his pack and opened it stuffing what he could into it, he was even lucky enough to find some MRE, meals-ready-to-eat, in tact.

Meanwhile Anthony was overjoyed to find that the shotgun cases still held their gleaming prizes. They even had nearly a dozen boxes of shotgun shells in the gauge he needed. He tugged on the glass case trying to open it only to find that the lock held; Anthony frowned and tugged a bit harder. In the meantime, Brad was looking over at some of the other oddities of the shop and he sheathed his katana to pick up a compound bow. He tested its weight and pulled it back to full draw.

Just then there was the sound of a thunderous crash of shattering glass. Brad looked up to see Anthony sheepishly grinning over the now toppled over and broken display case.

"Whoops..." Anthony said through gritted teeth and began picking up the boxed of 12 gauge buckshot. Then there came the sound of shuffling steps. Brad slowly lowered the bow string back into its first position and picked up one of the scattered aluminum arrows that lay about his feet. He nocked it and drew back again as the shuffling sound started to get closer.

Jenna watched and on at least four different occasions the stumbling undead horrors ignored the car and kept walking on. Jenna was getting anxious about the three males that had left just a less than half an hour ago. She only hoped that they would return soon, the car was dark except for the light of the internal monitors showing the horrid undead that began to seem to crowd around outside.

"Your fault!" Brad grunted as he decapitated the zombified wolf that was advancing on him. With the compound bow strung over his back with the accompanying six arrows in it's side holder he fended the zombies off as Anthony pumped his last shotgun shell into the head of an undead ferret.

"My bad... Vic, we are leaving!" Anthony shouted as he reloaded his shotgun with another seven shells. Brad provided cover for him by lopping off limbs and heads of their zombie assailants. Victor came out of the stockroom and popped two rounds into the head of the nearest zombie before acquiring another target and giving that one a double tap for good measure.

Brad raised his left arm up as a zombie's decaying teeth found the tough plastic forearm guard too thick to penetrate, and responded by running his katana through its left eye and out the back of its skull. They lay down a swath of destruction as they headed for the vehicle with the slow shambling undead on their heels.

Jenna was startled as she heard a loud thunk and looked at the monitors to see Brad, Victor, and Anthony running up on the car. Victor went around the back and ran back to the front with some bottles in his hands. Jenna could only surmise that they had opened the trunk by remote. Victor and Brad lit up the bottles which could only be Molotov cocktails and tossed them into the street as Anthony opened the driver-side door and started the car. Victor and Brad also got in and they closed the doors locking them as they tore down the drapes.

Jenna stifled a scream as one of the undead masses, still on fire none-the-less, belly-flopped onto the hood of the car. Anthony gunned the engine and the zombie-tiger slid off the hood of the car and the entire party was treated to sickening bumps as the car ran over the still immolating creature.

Anthony plowed the car through the hordes with relentless brutality before they finally broke the through the ranks of rotting evil beings and sped off.

"Well that was fun..." Victor commenting as he reaching into his breast pocket and pulled out the haphazard remains of his cigarette. He looked at the now ruined tobacco product and sighed "I know... no smoking in the car."

Just before sundown they came upon the stores back lot. Fran was already rolling the doors up for them as the pulled in and the doors quickly were shut and locked.

"Check!" Victor said and Fran handed the wolf a sick with a mirror tied to the end. Victor then used it to look under the car to make sure there were no sneaky undead on the underside of the vehicle.

"They do that?" Jenna asked Brad.

"Not on purpose, that's how we lost our other two survivors. We ran over some zombies and there was one that was found half clinging to the underside." Anthony said following Victor along the edge of the car. When they were sure it was all clear they relaxed and Fran and Victor went to make sure the doors were all secured. Brad removed his helmet and sighed as he went to the washroom to clean off. At least he had gotten a new weapon out of the deal, and Victor had found a bit more food.

"Here try one of these..." Brad said handing Jenna one of the rations and sat down on some compacted cardboard boxes. Jenna eyed the food warily.

"Lizard frankfurters?" the vixen said and stuck out her tongue looking at the four pieces of elongated and preserved meat cylinders that were vacuum-sealed.

"Ooh! The four-fingers-of-death! I'll take those if you don't want ‘em." Anthony said, Jenna smirked and decided it was better than nothing and tore open the package. Overall the food was not bad, but still it was much less than gourmet. After they were settled down from the day's event, they began to catalog the days earnings. They were only slightly better off than when they started the day, but at least they had plenty of gas and on top of that there were no losses to the group.

"I count that as a good day" Victor said and set down the shotgun shell he had been inspecting. Fran then stood and she walked to the door.

"Let's close up shop early I'm going to check to make sure the doors are all secured." She said over her shoulder as she hefted a cricket bat and walked out the door.

"I'll go help her, just in case." Anthony said picking up his shotgun and started out after her. Brad sighed and looked at the new weapon sitting on the table. Overall he wished they had grabbed more arrows but when your running from a horde of zombies there was no time to count, so he had six arrows total.

"I'll go light the beacon." Victor said and stood up.

"The beacon ?" Jenna asked

"It's my old strobe light with an I.R. lens, anyone with nightvision goggles can see the strobe, but no visible light is on. Other survivors that have a helicopter and NVGs will spot us." Victor explained, the wolf then got up and walked out to set the beacon.

"Well that's the last door and we are all set in here." Fran said as Anthony checked over the barricades. "We should be safe for the rest of the night." Fran turned to the Doberman who looked back to her and nodded.

"Well we have some time to kill before we have to get back to the others." Fran said in a suddenly mischievous voice and Anthony knew what she was thinking.

"This morning wasn't enough?" The canine inquired with a slight smirk. Without a word the female equine led him away from the door and towards the back room where there was mostly storage. Hastily Fran doffed her clothes watching Anthony undress as well. They had been doing this for quite some time now and usually when they made love it was wild and passionate, because it could be potentially the last time.

Then Fran gasped as she felt Anthony's hands now grasping her breasts as they backed towards a pile of burlap sacks that had once contained dozens of potatoes. Now it would serve as a cushion of lust for them. Anthony licked over her nipples with great fervor his hand trailing down to rub over Fran's needful mound. She squealed in delight, but then remembered to try and keep it down least they alert anyone to their affairs.

Anthony was wasting no time now as his already throbbing cock was at full erection his maleness throbbing in eager anticipation as his finger dipped into her, pressing roughly to her g-spot which in response Fran gave a muffled gasped. Fran wantonly spread her legs allowing Anthony better access to her honey pot of lust.

Anthony was happy to oblige her by slipping two digits in and slowly pumping them in and out of her as Fran softly bit her lower lip and whimpered. Anthony then lapped his tongue against her extremely sensitive clitoris as his fingers continued to work her into a sopping wet frenzy of heated need.

"Oohh... fuck me, fuck me hard and fast!" Fran hissed to Anthony as he raised his head to look up to her. Anthony only gave a grin as he settled into position between Fran's spread thighs and pressed the tip of his cock to her quivering slit.

"I want to hear you say it like you mean it." Anthony growled moving his hips around teasing her with the treat of penetration.

"Fuck me, fuck me ha-ooohh!" Fran's eyes widened and she gasped, breaking her sentence off as Anthony suddenly thrusted into her up to his knot. The tip of his penis instantly found her cervix, mashing to it deep within her warm confines. Anthony had to hastily cover Fran's mouth as she let out a now muffled scream of pleasure as he pulled back and thrusted forward hard making her breasts bounce.

Fran's fingers raked down Anthony's back as the canine now thrust into her with greater fervor than before. With each thrust his knot rammed into her sensitive vaginal lips and making the sensation increase as his cock pounded away in her belly. Fran's mind was screaming with inner monologue about how deep he was in her and how hot it felt. She rutted back up to him as her breasts flounced wildly in front of her lover.

Anthony took the liberty of pausing to grind hard into her which made Fran only flail in a futile gesture of pleasure. He then gently licked her nipples before resuming his berserk ravishing of her body. Fran now gripped the burlap sacks as she ground her hips against Anthony's thrusts, her eyes squeezed shut as she felt him climbing that all too familiar hill towards an ever impending and massive climax.

"Say you love it you dirty little mare..." Anthony grunted as he pumped away toward his rising release.

"Yes! Yes! I'm your filthy little fuck filly, come deep inside your mare bitch." Fran hissed in eager anticipation. Anthony suddenly slammed into her and his knot brutally squeezed into Fran's already crammed passage. It took all of Anthony's will not to howl in pleasure and Fran had to stifle a scream of mixed pleasure and pain. A hot burst of liquid fire exploded in Fran's belly as Anthony's cock filled her uterus with his steaming white seed.

Fran thrashed as she felt him nearly overflowing from her and after a few more spasmodic jerks of her body she collapsed with a sigh, and Anthony gasped and then sighed laying his head on her breasts panting. They lay there in what seemed to be an eternity of pleasure before Anthony pulled out and grunted as he began getting dressed.

Fran sat up with a slight moan and smirked winking to him as he looked over his shoulder. She knew it was time that they got back lest everyone got suspicious or worried. She donned her clothes and both of them carefully snuck out of stock room unaware that a pair of eyes were watching from the shadows as they left.

The next morning came as the lazy sun rose up and the undead hordes seemed to retreat further into the shadows of abandoned buildings and houses. Brad stretched as the sun now shone through the semi-opaque curtains. He picked up his katana and then went up to the roof to get down the beacon, carefully climbing the steps with his blade at the ready. When he opened the door he was stunned to see Jenna laying back in a pool chair with a pair of sunglasses and shorts and not much else.

"Oh! Good morning!" she piped up happily to him despite the feline's obvious surprise at the half naked vixen.

"What are you doing up here? Some of those things can climb you know." Brad tried incredibly hard not to stare at Jenna's chest.

"I wouldn't worry about it. After all its pretty high up." Her tail swished gently back and forth. Brad cleared his throat and turned away to get the beacon.

"Ever seen a female naked?" Jenna teased seeing Brad's tail twitch nervously.

"O-of course! Just..." Brad paused after he picked up the strobe turning it off.

"Just what ?" Jenna said with a light smirk.

"Just not as shapely as you." Brad said and turned back struggling to keep his eyes gazing at her face.

"Aw... that very sweet, but don't be all to shy. It's not like I don't have males ogling my body all the time." Jenna stood up and did a little pirouette.

"So what kind of dancing have you taken?" Brad said again trying to center his focus on her eyes. Jenna sauntered up to him and smiled.

"Oh all kinds of dancing, but I was one heck of a pole dancer. I could hang with the best of them." Jenna almost seemed to be bragging. Brad allowed his own curious smirk and laxed his eyes a moment to gaze over Jenna's body.

"Well you have quite a figure." Brad fidgeted uncomfortably. "I'd better get back make sure you watch yourself up here." He said turning away from her and started down the stairs, when the door finally closed he paused and softly whistled to himself.

That day they all went about business as usual making sure that the store was all secured and then sitting down to play cards or chat. When night fell once more Victor went to put out the beacon, and Brad accompanied him.

"So what do you think about Jenna?" Victor asked as he walked up the stairs ahead of the feline.

"Saw her half naked today." Brad commented dryly "But let's keep that between us."

"Lucky bastard." Victor said with a chuckle. They reached the rooftop and Victor turned on the strobe, the light flashed three times before he put the I.R. hood down over it and set it up on the make shift platform.

"Why do you always do that? You know it attracts the attention of... those things." Brad said as Victor walked towards the door.

"Have to make sure its working." Victor responded.

"Why not check it before we go outside?" Brad snorted. Victor looked thoughtful for a moment. Then there was the sound of something, scrapping and a sort of rasping breath. Brad drew his sword and Victor switched the safety off his AR-15 to single fire. They both scanned the rooftop and then something moved off to the north end of the roof.

Victor turned and fired a single shot at the shadows. Then suddenly an ear wrenching screech was heard and from the darkness came one of them, but this one was not shambling. It bounded towards them with an ungodly speed and Victor flipped the rifle to burst and while backing up he raked his fire trying to hit the zig-zagging fiend which had once been a rabbit.

The hare leapt and was met with cold steel as Brad stepped to Victor's side and cleaved the zombie neatly in half. Quickly they retreated back through the door and slammed it shut putting the barricade in place.

"Shit! Shit! What the fuck was that?! Did you know they could move that fast?" Victor said a bit shaken as he reloaded.

"Haven't seen any of them move that fast before!" Brad said calmly before sighing in relief as he whipped his blade flinging the blood off his sword and sheathing it.

"They usually can't move any faster than a tortoise." Victor huffed and thumbed the safety back to its secure position.

"Maybe that one was a fluke?" Brad said hopefully.

"Let's pray so."

It was not a fluke, the very next day when they opened the roll up doors to move out, instead of the shambling staggering walking corpses that had they had once been ,the zombies ran down the street for the opening roll-up door. Victor had to hastily put his binoculars away and make some precise leading shots with his rifle as Fran closed the doors in a frantic fumble.

"What the fuck?!" Anthony said getting out of the car as they heard the clanging of rotting fists against the metal of the doors. Victor was already inside the security hatch panting.

"Not... fluke..." He said as he dropped the empty magazine from his rifle and locked and loaded with a full one. The pounding stopped after nearly ten very tense minutes. Everyone was silent and all of them were on the alert.

"Think they are gone?" Fran whispered.

"Let's not take chances, secure this room and make ready the blender." Anthony whispered back. The blender was somewhat of a weapon of last resort. A series of twelve chainsaws that were bound together on a rack. It had only one purpose: to clear the way of zombies if they had to flee.

The room now locked and if they had to go back in they would do so guns blazing, so to speak. They had no choice but to wait out the rest of the day and at night they cautiously put the beacon back on the rooftop.

Brad was somewhat sound asleep when he felt something warm and furry brush up against him. Instinctively he grabbed for his katana, but got a good look at what was on him before staying his hand.

"Jenna? What are you...?" He began but Jenna quickly put her finger to his lips. Brad calmed his racing heart, was he dreaming? Jenna was in nothing but her underclothes. Brad noted that the others were not in the room with them. It had to be a dream, but it was a dream that Brad might as well enjoy while it lasted. His hands moved smoothing over her flanks and she softly moaned.

Jenna's lips pressed to his and he did not refuse, his lips kissing her back hungrily as her hands moved down his body to help him get his clothes off. They didn't say a word to each other Brad undid Jenna's bra and then slipped his hands down to grasp her buttocks tenderly. In return her hands went down his boxers so she could stroke along his sheath urging his maleness to emerge.

Jenna was pleasantly surprised to find that he was already at full length and she breathed a bit heavier from feeling the heat and thickness he would offer her body. Brad shifted his hand down to her front and his fingers stroked over Jenna's clitoris and she gasped soundlessly ,her face a mask of cool and calm enjoyment. Brad experimentally dipped a finger into her as his semi-rough tongue licked her left nipple.

Jenna returned the affection licking into Brad's ear as her hands moved from his boxers and she pulled her panties off. Brad's boxers followed shortly thereafter as they now meshed together, rubbing body to body. Jenna kissed Brad again and her hand moved down to guide his throbbing shaft to her entrance letting the tip of his phallus rest at her now eager and inviting slit.

Brad pressed his hips up a bit letting the head of his malehood tease her vaginal opening. Jenna was a bit more eager as she slowly slid down holding her breath as she felt him enter her under her own will. With the current position of woman on top Jenna shifted her position so she could move her body and hips the way she wanted. Brad reached up to cup her breasts in warm and tender hands.

Jenna now dipped down allowing Brad's penis to enter her to the hilt and they both let out a hot gasp of pleasure as she felt him nearly bottom out within her. Now with their hips meeting and establishing a comfortable position for both of them they began to move. It was slow at first as they both got use to the feeling of ecstasy, letting the rapture flow. Then as Jenna got use to Brad she began to ride him a bit more enthusiastically moaning as her hips rolled.

In response to this Brad rolled his hips to hers and was rewarded with a gasp from the sexy vixen that was now cupping her own breasts as she regulated how fast she bounced on him. She intended to make their time together last as long as it could. Brad however, was nearly unable to contain himself, the sight of the beautiful female over him and the sensation in his loins made it hard not to come immediately.

Jenna stiffened as she felt Brad rest his hands on her hips, and she playfully grinned as his face contorted with the tell tale signs of an impending orgasm. She stopped for a moment and leaned close and her tongue licked over his lips. Bra was shuddering now with all his might to hold back his climax, but Jenna's gaze met his eyes and it was almost an instant of pure Nirvana as her eyes seemed to tell him to release, to let loose as much as he wanted, because she wanted it too.

Jenna then mashed down hard upon him and Brad gripped her hips hard as he let himself get lost in the moment of climactic bliss. Jenna savored the feel of his hot ropes of cum that splattered into her womb which set off her own orgasmic chain reaction as both of them froze in the moment which seemed to last for an eternity; even in this hell there was a little bit of heaven for both of them.