Bloody Sunrise: Act 2

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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#2 of Bloody Sunrise

Bloody Sunrise (A story of horror, passion, and suspense)

Act II: Fortress

"I don't mean to ruin the mood... but why now?" Brad asked propping himself up on one elbow. Not more than five minutes ago Jenna and him and been in the throes of pleasure. Now they lay side by side looking at each other feeling not too awkward and at the same time not all too comfortable.

"This might be our last night alive, and everyone knows it." Jenna said with a soft sigh. The vixen turned to him and smiled.

"Well can't say I'm disappointed at all." Brad gave her a lustful smile. "Not everyday you get to make love to a stripper."

"An exotic dancer." Jenna gently corrected him tweaking one of his ears.

"A beautiful exotic dancer." Brad said in an attempt to flatter her.

"I decided on this after I saw Fran and Anthony..." Jenna said.

"Fran and Anthony?" Brad arched and eyebrow.

"Well I was not going to approach Victor, I've been harangued one to man times by a drunken Marine or Sailor." Jenna's smiling expression melted into one of seriousness.

"Well Vic is a good guy, but I have to say I'm glad you picked me" Brad gave an accent to his voice to make himself sound like some kind of English gentleman.

"We'd better get dressed just in case the others come back." Jenna was smiling again, and both of them stood and absconded to the restrooms to get cleaned up.

Jenna was out before Brad, but when he stepped out Victor and Anthony were already putting on their gear. Brad was thrown his equipment by Fran looking at all of them with a puzzled expression.

"Quick put it on!" Fran said as she also started to put on the padded jumpsuit that she kept for just such a situation. There was the sound of a thrumming engine, but it was not a car. Brad hastily donned his equipment and Victor locked and loaded.

"We are getting out of this dump." Victor said with a grin.

They made their way up to the roof, keeping the unarmored Jenna between them for protection. The thrumming got louder and when they opened the door to the roof they saw a helicopter hovering ten feet over the roof. Victor looked back to the rest of the group to assure them.

"Stick together and stay calm!" Victor said and then he gave the signal and they moved. With only the weapons, armor, and clothes on their back, they made their way towards the hovering angel of mercy. Suddenly there was an unholy howl as multiple undead horrors crawled up from the sides of the roof. Victor picked his targets carefully as he moved popping zombie heads with each shot as the group dashed towards the vehicle amidst the bounding and running mass of zombies.

Brad sliced off the head of one of the terrors that tried to pounce on him. Jenna huddled near Fran as the equine took three or four pot-shots with her revolver. Anthony patiently waited until the monsters got nearly on him before he blasted them with lethal buckshot. The helicopter lowered and touched down on the roof carefully and the unmistakable sounds of two mini-guns went off as the gunners on each side of the chopper unleashed hot lead death on the masses of undead.

They reached the whirly-bird and ushered Jenna on first with Fran climbing in next. Brad was right behind her. Anthony clambered into the transport and went to the other open side of the helicopter hooking a lanyard up to his vest. Victor hopped in last and also hooked a security strap to his load-bearing vest and then gave the thumbs up to the pilot who began to lift off as the mini-gunners sprayed the area clear.

They were about fifteen feet up when suddenly there was a loud clunk and Anthony found zombified squirrel's jaws gashing against his helmets face shield.

"Holy shit!" Anthony shouted and pumped two rounds into the creature decimating its lower body, it's upper body still clung to his clawing and trying to find a vulnerable place in his riot gear. Anthony was out of ammo and the gunner was futilely punching the monster trying to make it let go. Then Fran's slender equine arm passed by Anthony's helmet and the zombie squirrel found the barrel of a 357 Magnum revolver in its mouth.

"Taste full metal jacket mother fucker!" Fran yelled and fired. The upper body of the creature fell from the helicopter and hit the ground splattering into a gory mass of blood, snapped-bones, and goo. Fran sighed in relief and Anthony was visibly shaken.

"Are you bitten?!" yelled the wolf mini-gunner to Anthony. Anthony shook his head quickly as he patted himself to make sure.

"No! no, It chewed up my riot armor though." Anthony swallowed as he continued to check himself for any hurt areas. When the results came up negative, they all breathed a sigh of relief. The party watched as their former home and sanctuary was now over flowing with flailing screaming zombies as the helicopter carried them off into the night.

Jenna awoke and immediately was hungry, cold, and itchy. Her itching due to the fact that her fur was shaved short. Her once silky smooth fur on her body and tail was reduced to what could be call long stubble. She also noted that her skin was a bit irritated and she sat up. She was in a white room with only one door and a mirror, most likely, a one way window.

The door buzzed and a female mouse in a orderly uniform entered and tossed something akin to a hospital gown on the bed in front of Jenna. Then Jenna noticed that the orderly was flanked by two guards in full riot armor and shotguns. Jenna hastily donned the gown; as the orderly left the guards entered the room and then from behind them a male hyena dressed in a white lab coat walked in.

"At ease gentlemales, there were no bites marks on her." The hyena said and the two guards turned and walked out leaving the door opened.

"Quite an experience you had there madam. Don't worry your friends checked out fine as well. I'm Professor Wrighthouse special Bio-hazards Division." He extended his hand to her. Jenna took his hand and he helped her out of the bed. The floor was cold and Jenna shivered.

"We had to make sure that there was no sign of infection and we also had to decontaminate all of you. You'll be fine in a few days, fur grows back quick." The Professor led her out of the room and down a corridor to another room marked: Cafeteria.

"Your friends are waiting inside for you." said Wrighthouse and opened the door, immediately he was tackled as Victor now drenched in blood tore the Professor's throat out with a single bite. Jenna screamed in horror and backed away as Victor's head turned towards her. His eyes were glazed over with white irises, and his snarl was feral and full of blood lust.

Jenna turned to run and didn't make it more than twenty feet when from out of the side corridor Anthony sprang out nearly sinking his teeth into her arm. Jenna scrambled down the opposite corridor and stopped seeing a female figure standing there.

"No... Fran..." Jenna gasped as indeed it was Fran also infected and shambling towards Jenna with her mouth working in a false chewing motion. Jenna backed up and bumped into something and whirled around to find Brad there, but it was not the friendly face she knew, instead it was half torn away dripping with blood; his mouth was wide open as it came toward her face. Jenna screamed...

"Wake up!" Brad's voice came to Jenna's ear. Jenna opened her eyes panting. They were in the white sterile lounge, all of them clothed in light gray jumpsuits. Jenna was on the couch trembling with Brad holding her shoulders. The rest of her group were all sitting in chairs looking at her.

"Bad dreams again hon?" Fran asked standing up and moving over to Jenna, looking into her eyes with concern.

"Y-yeah... guess I dozed off." She replied. Now it started to settle back in for Jenna, they had been there for three days now, indeed Jenna saw her fur was growing back well. Victor was watching the television and Anthony idly yawned as he read his book. The door opened and Wrighthouse walked in.

"I have news for you. The zombies you all encountered atop the roof of the store are the same as the previously slow moving ones on the street." The Professor paused to let all of them gather their composure. "Come with me."

They all stood up and cautiously they followed the Professor down the long corridors of the facility. Victor quickened his pace to query the Professor.

"Where are we anyway?" Victor said scratching his shoulders a bit due to his still regrowing fur. The Professor didn't even break his stride as he spoke.

"Your in the middle of a lake. On a series of barges actually, this was a pre-planned platform designed specifically for a situation like this." The Professor stopped at a door and swiped his card through the security slot. The door swung open and there in the center of the room encased in a steel cage surrounded by bullet proof glass walls and a laser fence after that, was a rabidly chomping zombie rat.

The group stood in horror as the thing got up and with frightening speed rammed into the cage bars and screamed when is failed to break the steel of the cage. Wrighthouse circled to one side.

"We have been studying this one for quite some time, and it seems that the mutagen is evolving." The Professor said picking up some papers and looking them over.

"Mutagen?" Anthony said "Explain."

"We created a mutagen called E.E.M.C.2: Extensive Enhanced Mutation Compound Mark- Two. The purpose of it was to cause dying cells to mutate back to life. The first compound was unsuccessful, since it did not work once something was already dead. With E.E.M.C.2 we added a mix of stem cells along with a reactive agent. Not only was it successful, but it was also unpredictable. It reactivated the brain and caused it to fire synaptic impulses to cause the basic functions of the body to react, it would even compensate an organ of the body was unavailable. As long as most of the brain remains in tact the body will move." The Professor paused as once more the zombie rat screamed and lunged but merely bounced off the cage bars again.

"What about the transmission of this... plague?" Asked Brad.

"The bite? The mutation has made the teeth of the victim much like syringes, their gums become like venom sacs carrying the mutated E.E.M.C.2 and delivers it upon penetration of the skin. However, it so far had not become blood-borne or air-borne, nor has it crossed into the plantlife, or wildlife. But it might not be long before the mutagen finds its way into different strains." The Professor continued.

"Can we stop it? Isn't there something like a cure or vaccine?" Fran inquired.

"We have composed an anti-gen to counteract E.E.M.C.2. But it is untested and there are not many who are willing to try it." Wrighthouse looked down and sighed. "The last time we tested it, we did it on a zombie and it instantly died. This is also assuming that if we inject someone living with the compound and they get bitten they will die too."

"What a time to be ethical..." Anthony said sarcastically.

"What about testing it on a criminal?" Victor suggested.

"Truth be told. We never rescued criminals or deviants, we scoped out every potential party for rescue and we do not want to invite trouble. Criminals would just as soon want to take over this place than cooperate with us." Wrighthouse put the papers down and looked at the group.

"So you left them to the slaughter?" Jenna said tears starting to form and brimming from her eyes.

"Would you like to have someone in here so desperate to live, or so violent that they would hold a knife to your throat?" the Professor asked calmly.

The group looked at each other and sighed in agreement.

"I'll do it." Victor said. Everyone was in shock looking to him.

"What the hell is going through your mind?!" Fran yelled at the wolf.

"Look guys... I know that being a Marine means that you have to be the toughest of the tough, but I'm tired of running and I can't stay here forever. I'd rather have them test it on someone willing and have positive results, or I'll die in service to the greater good." The group could not believe what they were hearing. Nor could they contain feelings of confusion or anger. They started to plead with Victor but he stopped them.

"Shut the fuck up! Marines are first to fight. Look if I don't make it, your all in pretty good hands I'd like to do some good before I check out." Victor looked to the Professor.

"Are you sure you want this son?" Wrighthouse asked with a shuddering sigh.

Victor was strapped to the table and he was more nervous than the first day he was in boot camp. But he was ready to go, after all the worst that could happen was that he could die, or come back as one of those things be killed anyway. He was just too tired of running and this time he was ready to face the walls of finality. If he showed signs of turning they would lock him in the room and incinerate him. Wrighthouse held up the syringe hesitantly as he approached Victor.

"I've also laced this dose with some of your blood and the reaction from that should stabilize and adapt it to your body." Wrighthouse explained.

"Just do it Doc." Victor said impatiently. The Professor nodded and then stuck Victor's arm with the syringe emptying its contents quickly. Victor stiffened as he began to felt a burning sensation in his veins.

Wrighthouse entered the waiting room five hours later as Fran, Brad, Jenna, and Anthony looked up to him. The Professor was expressionless and without a word he turned and walked down the opposite corridor.

"Did someone die?" Victor said from the doorway that was still opened. Everyone looked back to him surprised. The wolf looked a bit haggard, but other than that he seemed to be fine. He walked over to them and gave a smile.

"Well it seems to be working..." Victor said holding up his left arm, showing it bandaged up but blood was seeping a bit through the bandage showing the tell tale mark of a zombie bite. They all stepped away, yet Victor looked fine.

"Guess their experiment worked, they are going to try and start working on the vaccine right... a-a..." Victor stammered then grabbed his head growling and huffing.

"Oh Shit!" Brad yelled and the group stepped back as Victor began to roll around on the ground snarling and keening. The suddenly he stopped and lay still. They all froze as the guards clamored into the room shotguns at the ready. Slowly Victor's right hand raised up and clenched into a fist and his middle finger extended as a noticeable smile came to his muzzle; then he burst into laughter.

You fucking dickhead!" Anthony yelled as Victor sat up slowly.

"Hey I had to see your reactions, besides this bite was over three hours ago and so far the blood tests show the anti-gen cells destroy the E.E.M.C.2 infection." Victor was still chuckling to himself as the guards also started to laugh a little.

"That was not funny, bastard asshole!" Brad said visibly shaken.

Victor made his fingers as if pointing a gun at Brad and made a little click and pew sound. "Gotcha back dude."

Victor had been in observation for nearly a week now and nothing was showing adverse in his blood or tissue. There were slight abnormalities, minuscule blood sugar drop, short adrenaline spikes, and slight increases testosterone, but other than that nothing was wrong. Wrighthouse made sure they planned for every contingency and mutation if necessary. During that time all the rest of the group was out of quarantine and were walking around the facility, they even had their own quarters.

They were also integrated with a handful of other survivors. On this particular day Brad found Jenna up on the deck of the facility looking at the sun set over the still and quite lake.

"How are you doing?" Brad asked, Jenna turned to him with a smile.

"Doing much better, the Professor says that everyone can be vaccinated tomorrow." Jenna smiled then blinked seeing that Brad had a bandage wrapped around his arm.

"Exceptions are made." Brad flexed his arm. "They refined it. Victor said it burned and it hurt like hell. But this just made my arm feel stiff."

Jenna ran a hand over his bandage and looked up to him. She knew Brad had been thinking fondly of her, but she knew also that now that they might have a chance to live that there was no way they could be together. Different species could never breed, but sex was enjoyable in concern to the individuals.

"So, could I can go and get a shot like this?" Jenna asked Brad who nodded and smiled.

"I'll have to go down and get one then, and after that come to my room..." She said over her shoulder coyly.

Brad knocked on Jenna's door and she opened it as she normally would. Once the door closed the two of them mashed together into a passionate kiss and began to wildly strip off each others clothes. They mutually steered to the bed and Brad nearly torn Jenna's bra in half to get it off, Jenna on the other hand squealed in delight, she already had Brad's clothes off and her hands toyed with his cock. Both of them collapsed onto the bed, both of them nude except the bandaged around their arms.

Brad was kissing down Jenna's neck as his hands gingerly fondled her breasts which Jenna reciprocated by massaging Brad's testicles. They kissed again their tongue dancing over one another as hands groped, squeezed, and explored. Jenna lay back this time eager to let Brad take control of the situation.

Brad took the lead alright as he raised her legs and began to lap over Jenna's mound tenderly, that semi-rough tongue making Jenna shiver with pleasure as he pleasured her with that probing oral muscle. His hands were fondling and moving her breasts as he diligently kept at his actions. Jenna could not keep the urge down, and she reached down and held his head ruffling her hands through the short fur on his head.

He kept at it until he felt her shivering with an impending orgasm and he stopped moving up over her as his cock tip pressed to her now sensitized vaginal entrance. Jenna gasped in delight and she braced herself to make sure she was a tight as possible for him.

"Ready...?" Brad whispered huskily into her ear.

Jenna nodded and then felt him slip his shaft into her slow and gradual until their groins collided. Jenna gasped once more as she felt him deep within her, feeling as if his penis head was actually in her uterus and with such thoughts she got even more turned on. She ground her hips up to his wantonly and grunted feeling him return the motion stirring himself around inside of her.

Brad seemed to coo and purr as he began to slowly pump into her, his thick member sliding smoothly in and out letting his pistoning pole glide in and out of her eagerly awaiting honey-pot. He kept a steady pace for a bit before he changed his rhythm to a quicker pace watching as Jenna's beautiful breasts jiggle with every thrust. Jenna lay back and relaxed, letting Brad do as he willed, she gently bit her lower lip and flexed the lower half of her body making Brad grunt in pleasure.

Soon they found themselves not just settling on one position, but Brad was eager to expand the exploration of different positions. Brad now had her on the edge of the bed while he stood up and leaned over getting in some deep penetration. Then after a few minutes of that they switched again, have her on the bed on her hands and knees as Brad knelt behind her taking her from behind, one hand wrapping around her hips the other cupping her full swinging breasts.

Brad was showing much more stamina this time around, he pulled Jenna up to him and she wrapped her legs around his waist has his hands supported under her buttocks. Using one hand to help with supporting herself, she reached down and guided his cock to her eagerly awaiting slit and she let herself drop down upon him deeply moaning as Brad bucked his hips bouncing her upon her as he stood.

Jenna threw back her head and gasped letting her lover take her in every possible way he wanted. Finally she was laid on her side with Brad behind her entering her from behind. He started to pump at a frantic pace as his lips mashed hotly to hers. It was blissful finality as she prepared to receive all he had to give. Brad buried himself to the hilt within her and grunted as his cock terked in her still stroking passage.

Jenna stiffened as she felt Brad's release into her, his thick hot sperm pouring into her inner sex chamber. Her own body reacting to that as her own body peeked in rapture and she came as well. Her lungs swelling with air before she let out a long satisfied breath as they broke their kiss. They were both panting and laying motionless for a bit before Jenna began to chuckle then laugh.

Brad looked over her and began to laugh as well as they kissed in a brief and tender moment.

"Have to say, that was the most fun I've had since... since... a very long time." Jenna could almost be seen blushing under her fur. Brad smiled and nuzzled his nose to her shoulder.

"You know I'll admit I thought that I would have died a virgin if not for you." Brad said with a snort. Jenna rolled over to look at him.

"Well for a first timer... you're pretty hot in the sack on your second time." Jenna kissed him softly on the cheek and for the next few hours they slept in each others embrace.

Victor stood on the up-most deck looking out at the nearest shore of the lake. He had come up there because he felt hopeful; there was a chance for everyone. But even now he felt that hope crashing down as he sighted in on his target. At first the guards had thought it was a survivor, but Victor looking through the scope of the PSG-1 Sniper rifle saw that the otter swimming across had white iris eyes, and that tell tale frenzied look.

"They can swim Gunny?!" one of the guards asked.

"Looks like now they can, just like back when I was trapped in the market... they use to shamble, then they started running, and jumping, now I guess they can swim... next they come at us riding unicycles." Victor paused, but the guard did not laugh. Victor clicked the safety off and let out his breath slowly squeezing the trigger. The guards covered their ears before the shot rang out and suddenly the swimming zombie's head was gone in a pink mist. The zombie's arms kept flailing for a little more before they stopped and the headless body bobbed a few times before sinking under the water.

"I suggest we put out some counter measures now, because things look like they are going to get dicey." Victor shouldered the rifle as he began to walk back in to report. "And just when I thought we had the demons against the ropes..."

Mona had been the assistant to Professor Wrighthouse for quite some time. She was in charge of processing and inspecting the survivors as well as doing any job that the Professor asked of her. Victor had told her of the situation, and she filed her report to the professor. However now, this job she was doing was not instructed by the Professor and it was with a survivor no less.

"Mmm... Victor, what if someone sees us?" The white furred mouse asked looking up at him from her kneeling position. She had taken to this wolf's somewhat arrogant attitude and of course his hints and advances over the week; she was the one who had initially brought him his gown after the cleansing process and now she was on her knees in front of him licking and suckling on his penis tip.

"Don't be shy nobody is going to catch us, not with everyone running around." Victor smiled down to her. "Don't feel dirty, you're a beautiful female."

Mona blushed at his comment and went back to the task at hand. Her tongue swirling around the tip of his wolf cock, Victor moaned letting the sensation flow. She paused again and looked up to him.

"A-are you sure this is safe? I mean you got the vaccine and you were bitten..." Mona began, but Victor stopped her with a finger to her lips.

"You got vaccinated right?" Victor asked and Mona nodded. "Then we should have nothing to worry about."

Mona looked into his eyes which radiated confidence... or horniness. But it did set her mind at ease. She continued her hands caressing his balls as she licked over his cock and then took the head of it in her mouth and sucked on him gently.

"That feels wonderful baby." Victor said with a shudder and licked his chops watching her boldly go to work as she sucked him off. Her tongue seemed to wrap around his member as she performed her dirty little deed. He could not stand it much longer he would definitely have to get inside her soon.

After a few more moment he could not resist any longer. He pulled back and he looked down at her helping her up from her knees.

"I want to be inside you..." Victor aggressively reached under her skirt and tugged her panties aside slipping a finger into her pussy. He reveled in the fact that Mona gasped from that and he grinned.

They moved over to a relatively clear lab table making sure that there were no test tubes or beakers in the way. Mona squeaked as Victor turned her around and bent her onto the table. Mona felt the cool surface of the table through her lab coat and clothes as she felt Victor flip her skirt up and yank her panties down. Mona looked back over her shoulder to see Victor positioning himself, his cock head poised at her little mouse-hole.

"Now I'm not going to hurt you sweet thing, but I am going to try to give you the fuck of a lifetime." Victor grinned as he gently took a gentle handful of her hair with his left hand as his right hand was placed in the small of her back to pin her in place. Mona's toes could barely reach the floor and she realized at that moment that she was helpless to stop him now. Of course this is what she wanted, so she instead relaxed herself to allow herself to enjoy this little game of his.

Victor teased her rubbing the length of it to her clit and he was rewarded with a gasp from her as he pressed the tip to her letting it enter just a little. He was delighted to find that she was nice and tight and from her little groans he determined that she might not have had someone as large as him before. He experimentally dipped the head of his cock into her which made her squeal out and writhe. Then he sank into her all the way not stopping even as she let out a yelp. To Mona he was going deeper than she could have ever comprehended.

Mona then she felt his knot starting to press into her and she squirmed even more gasping as that knot started to part her little vaginal lips and enter her. She let out a sharp gasp and struggle a little knowing full well it was hopeless to try and protest now. She let out a soft but throaty cry as she felt that knot enter into her passage and locked his penis into her.

"Sshhh... Let me hold it there for a bit." Victor hissed to her and licked into ear savoring as her pussy contracted from the assault of sensations of pain and pleasure.

"Aahhaa! W-wait my internal organs are there!" Mona voiced shakily, her body trembling as she felt Victor move his hips around a bit stirring it around in her, she could feel the tip of his cock rubbing to the back of her womb as he was locked and bottomed out inside her.

"Your so sweet, I've never had been this deep in a cunt like yours. Tight, wet, warm, soft, and deep." Victor growled as he moved his hips even more.

"No! D-don't move! D-d-don't stir it around!" Mona gasped, her body arching with each movement that Victor made.

"Ok I'll start thrusting instead." Victor said grinning and bucked his hips to her grinding it into her defenseless mouse-hole. Mona gave out a sharp soft cry as she felt him press his cock tip to her already invaded womb. Victor did not stop there though as he thrusted again and again grunting as he did so. Mona was nearly speechless from the sensation that was coursing through her hands reaching to the other side of the table and grasping the edge of it, not as if there was anything she could do now to make him stop, but soon what at first seemed like pain started to melt away into the sensation of pleasure.

Victor watched as this seemingly shy and naive little female was becoming his wanton little sex-fiend. She no longer tried to writhe away and instead she tried to push back towards him her teeth gritted and her face a mask of lust.

"Yes! Yeesss Victor fffuuuck mmmmeeee!" She squealed in a sexy-feral and guttural voice. Which Victor was only too happy to oblige her. He quickened his pace now each thrust making Mona's ass-cheeks jiggle and some of the held test tubes on the table swayed as he thrusted. Victor leaned close to her ear before he spoke.

"Tell me you want it sweet little cunt, tell me you want my hot load." Victor hissed and increased his pace.

"Please shoot it in me! Flood me with your hot cum!" Mona said surprising herself with her own eagerness. Then suddenly Victor grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him all the way in.

"Here it comes!" Victor grunted and suddenly Mona felt hot liquid splash into her belly, filling her with molten sensation as she stifled a scream. Victor let deluge after deluge shoot from his wolf cock into Mona, letting her thrash in helpless ecstasy as he emptied himself into her depth.

"Yeessss..." Victor grunted and then sighed loosening his grip on Mona's hips before he leaned over to her ear. Mona was panting and trembling as her creamed womanhood overflowed and dripped out with Victor's semen.

"MMmmm I hope that wasn't too rough baby." Victor kissed over Mona's quivering ears and licked her cheek.

"Oh... I've never felt anything like that before." Mona gasped, she felt Victor pulling back and with a slurping pop his knot pulled out and she felt him extract ever inch of his cock from her as semen dribbled from her opening of lust. Victor gathered Mona up in his arms and turned her to face him and kissed her.

"I must say your one wild lay baby." Victor gently bit his lower lip his eyes gazing over her now used but lovely body.

"Well hon if you'll excuse me I'll have to clean this up before the professor checks in." Mona indicated the small puddle of liquid on the floor and table. Victor nodded and smiled.

"Maybe later? If yes our place or mine?" Victor wiggled his eyebrows hoping the response would be positive.

"Yes and we'll make it my place, cube 237, its sound proof... you can howl all you want there devil-dog." Mona said with a wink and she gently hoped down from her seated position on the table and began to clean up.

There was considerable concern as the crew set up ‘The Fence' a series of dinghy's which had a variable length cable to reach the bottom of the lake. Every five feet along that cable was a high powered photon emitter which could project a cross grid laser net. The main dinghy was hooked into a high capacity generator that ran on hydrogen. The whole set up could run for a few hours if needed.

"Why didn't we have this stuff before?" Victor asked Wrighthouse.

"We did... the military secretly has technology ten years in advance of anything current." Wrighthouse said turning to Victor and smiled. "Also we have something for you too." The Professor snapped his fingers and Mona, now all cleaned up, came out the door holding a large bulky looking gun.

"An O.I.C.W.?" Victor said as Mona handed him the weapon with a wink. The O.I.C.W. stood for Objective Individual Combat Weapon, it wasn't even suppose to be integrated into the regular military yet. Despite its bulk it was much lighter than it looked. Victor figured that it was made of composite materials and high grade refined and tempered steel. He examined the knobs and levers on the gun and looked to Wrighthouse.

"Actually it's the newest version, the F-2100, its ammunition is thirty rounds of five-point-five-six millimeter, composition of space-age polymers, nightvision sights, range finder, thirty times scope, as well as threat assessment lock feature. It holds three twenty millimeter grenades. Since there is potential to sink the platform with normal grenades we have special grenades for you, stuff like quick hardening foam, high strength glue, and even anti-gen chemical splatter, we have also including buckshot cartridges." Victor grinned, this weapon would come in handy and from the looks of things it would be put to good use very soon.

"Groovy..." Victor hissed.