Once is just not enough, part 3

Story by TauMaxim on SoFurry

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Once is just not enough part 3


about that, heard a noise. As I was sayi... CONTACT!!!" and shots started flying

everywhere. The team was hit by a wall of bullets. They barely got a chance to

return fire before they started going down one by one. First went down the

communications officer, then went down the sniper, which managed to take down a

few assailants before he was counter sniped by one of the enemies snipers. Next

went down the team leader, with a bullet right through the head, between the

eyes. The explosives expert managed to lob a few grenades their way and kill

even more of them but he went down with a few bullets piercing his "bullet

proof" vest. The last three consisted of Elizabeth, the covert ops specialist,

Brandon, the heavy weapons specialist and "Crane", a black ops member. Brandon

was very successful at keeping the enemy down and behind cover, making it possible

for everyone to retreat a few precious meters. But the enemy had the clear

advantage. Both in manpower and terrain knowledge. A few of them managed to

sneak behind the remaining trio and let lose a devastating cross fire from

behind and in front. They went down more or less at the same time, and when the

commanding officer of Tau's forces ordered a seize fire, no one was moving. But

they had strict orders. Anyone found trespassing on his property was to be

confirmed dead. And for the barely alive members of the US reconnaissance team

that only meant bad news. But still, the

defending forces approached with caution. But when they came close enough to

the dead or near dead forces that were invading, they placed two shots to the

head of each one. They eventually got to where Elizabeth was lying, still

breathing, but unconscious. It was obvious that without serious medical help

she would die in a matter of minutes. But still, orders are orders. And a

rather large ocelot with probably more brons than brains pulled out a pistol

and aimed it to her head. A moment later a loud, final shot echoed through the

forest ...

A high ranking officer of

the US Army stopped in front of the Lenson residence. Stepping out of the car,

he glides down his suit and readjusts his tie. Quickly walking up to the front

door, he knocks on it and waits for someone to answer. Dave was the one who

opened the door and as soon as he saw the suit and the medals as well as the

high rank of the man standing in front of him, he knew something wasn't right.

"Mr. Lenson I presume?" the officer asks "May I ... step in?" Almost half in a

daze, Dave waves him into his house. The silence following the knocking made it

clear that something wasn't right. First to the fore was Michael. He was

carrying his service pistol, thinking it was a robber. But the only thing he

could do, was stare there in silence and tears started to well up in his eyes.

The only thing that prevented him from going over the edge was that his mother

walking in. Both Dave and Michael had to be strong at this point, for Mary's

sake. They all sat down at the kitchen table, and the officer took off his hat

and pulled out an envelope. After the usual "I'm terribly sorry to inform you..."

he starts on about that due to the nature of the operation he can't really

reveal too much, aside from that at roughly ten past nine UTC time they lost

contact with the team sent in to the undisclosed location. "... And I'm sorry to

report we hadn't received any further contact with the team, and we have strong

evidence suggesting that the entire team is..." and pauses for a bit "MIA. Though

it is more certain that the entire team is KIA..." and reaches for a medal in his

coat pocket. "As tribute for your daughters part in assisting ..." and hands over

the medal for bravery to the father. But this is what pushes Michael over the

edge. Though no one will admit it, but anthros are often sent into the most

dangerous places on Earth. He lunges across the table, but Dave manages to stop

him just in time. "You fucked up son of a bitch! You always do this! You sent

her in there knowing full well that she and the others wouldn't come back

alive! I should..." "MICHAEL!" Dave manages to cut him off and force him back

into the seat ob the other side of the table; Michel was furious, foaming at the

mouth even. Yet the officer hardly blank an eye as he was almost assaulted like

that, and merely stood up and put on his hat. "I am truly sorry for your lose...

and seeing your emotional state, I won't press charges on the pretense of

aggravated assault. Please do try to have a nice day" then simply walks out of

the house. At this point, Michael just breaks down in tears as does his mother.

The only one that manages to keep his composure is Dave. He directs his full

attention to his wife, since Michael has already barged out of the house.

The pistol flew out of the

ocelot's paw as he hissed out loudly since the bullet grazed his paw a bit.

Everyone there just turned their attention to the direction of the gunshot and

saw Boris standing there, almost foaming at the mouth. Since the ocelot was the

regional commander of Tau's forces in the region, he was going to be in a lot

of trouble. Boris wasted little time in walking up to the feline in question,

and he was smart enough to not argue against the canine. If fate was generous,

he would lose his job, but if fate wasn't on his side, he was looking at a

lifetime of rotting in the jungle. But Boris has other concerns, and to the

fortune of the feline, just glares at him, then directs his full attention to

his daughter, who was bleeding out right on the ground. With a snarl in his

voice he barks out "Get her some medical attention, then get her to the base

immediately! If she dies, all of you will become a permanent part of this

jungle, understood?!" then leans back up as he starts to pace by her side. As

the field medics struggled to somewhat stabilize her condition, he was visibly

concerned about her. "What gave you the thought to go against my direct orders

you fucking moron?!" he snarls at the ocelot as the exposed hair on the back of

his neck visibly stood up and he was shoving his fangs. Again, the ocelot was

smart enough to not chuckle or to say something smart back at him. It was dough

full that he even possessed the mental capacity for a smart comeback. "Sir, we

have strict orders to kill everyone and everything that trespasses on this

propert ..." "Yet I gave you explicit orders to wait until I came here to watch

over this?" "Sir I ..." "You had direct orders. And following your contract, it says

that if I give an order, it overrides every other order, no matter for how long

it has stood!" Boris was furious and he showed no intention of calming down any

time soon. And the ocelot showed that he wasn't so dumb after all, since

despite that another male was right in his face, he just remained still and

looked straight ahead. Thank god, that transport came at this point, or the

ocelot would have become plant food. Once she was loaded onto the truck, he

quickly jumped on himself, and never left her side.

They soon arrived at the

secret testing facility, she was originally sent to spy on by the US

government. She was rushed past all of the testing and holding chambers, and

was stuffed into an operating theatre doing a vivisection on a subject injected

with a new strain of the most deadly virus on Earth. Courtesy on of Tau Maxim

of course. Though it didn't present any danger to anyone in the theatre. It was

a proven strain that only bonds to the DNA of the subject, and thus becomes

inert. In cannot spread to other, instead it only kills the subject that it has

infected. Quite useful to be honest. But the test subject, a female, was thrown

aside, still screaming from the knifes cutting her flesh to figure out how the

disease functioned. But the more probable cause was that one of the scientists

had a bit of a sadist in himself. She was finally silenced by a foot to her

heard, which caved it in. She was tossed aside like a piece of garbage.

Elizabeth was put on the table, and the sadist doctor was shoved aside for some

more skilled surgeons, trained in actually saving lives, not just dissecting

corpses. They soon got all ten bullets out of her, and patched her up using the

latest tech from Tau Inc. some even still in experimental stages. They repaired

severed arteries with nano-tech and even scooped out some blobs that appeared

to be tumors. A few enhancements to the heart and lungs, as well as a nanite

injection that would strengthen her bones. All courtesy of Tau Inc. and paid

for by Boris's loyalty. Of course, it was all without her consent, but he

wasn't exactly worried. The recovery would be lengthy, and he didn't want for

his little girl to wake up in a place that basically made death. So, heavily

sedated, she was stitched up and taken to the heli-pad. Boris, again, didn't

leave her side for a moment, and was even holding her paw the entire flight

back to continental Europe. It was a long flight, involving a switch of

transport on Tau's aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea. Yes, Tau has an

aircraft carrier, but like so many others, that is a story for another time.

They arrived at the private airport and she was taken t his home to recuperate.

When the flock of vehicles

arrived in front of his house, Kathalina jumped from her bed and quickly made

her way to the doors. While he didn't expect for her to open the doors for him

when he came home, he made it perfectly clear that if he had company, she is to

be on her best behavior. So the look on her maw, when armed men and doctors

started to come into the house once she opened the door, was priceless. She

just stood there, wearing nothing more than her fur. Once everybody had done

their business, she closed the doors and promptly went to her master's side.

"M-master Boris?" she quietly whispers out as she held onto his arm lightly. "Kathalina,

remember when I told you I had a daughter?" he almost whines out as he looks at

her daughter lying on his bed. She, in response, just nods lightly, as the tone

of her master's voice surprised her quite a lot. "There she is..." he continues

as his voice almost cracks. Kathalina just holds onto his paw and leans onto

it, providing as much comfort as she could, since this was new territory for


But Boris soon returned to

his usual self, in fact, it only took him thirty minutes after leaving his

daughter to rest in his bedroom before he had Kathalina slobbering over his

giant red cock. But this time, he did give her a bit of a treat, instead of just

skull fucking her. After a few minutes of her skilled tongue working over his

cock, places a finger under her chin and slides her off of his cock. A bit of a

confused merf escapes her maw, but she doesn't complain. It's not like she was

opposed to be spared her maw being stretched out with his knot. So, without

making another sound, she climbs up onto him and places his cock to her puss.

She looks into his eyes one last time, and she recognizes that look in them,

then slides down onto his cock. Sliding it in to the knot, she wiggles around a

bit before rearing up on him. She starts to ride his cock, slowly at first, and

just when he's about to dig his claws into her hips, she quickens her tempo.

Her puss quickly grows moist, dripping wet even as she coats the base of his

cock and still unclaimed knot with her love juices. That makes him relax in the

couch and a low growl to settle in his chest as he lets her ride his shaft as

she pleases. During the six years she spent with him, she has warmed up to him,

and lost most of her shyness around him. She was quite happy to bounce up and

down his cock and not at all ashamed to moan out his name as she was so

diligently taking care of her master's cock. His pre starts to ooze out of his

tip as it pushes against her cervix each time she drops down on his shaft. The

mixture of his pre and her juices starts to pool under the two, which she'll

have to clean up later with her tongue. But for the moment, she just

concentrates on trying to get his fat knot inside of her. And with dropping

down onto his cock for the last time, she does just that. It doesn't save her

from him grabbing a hold on her ass and sinking his fangs into her soft neck as

he stands up and starts to knot fuck her, like he usually does. She relaxes in his

grip and enjoys the ride. The knot rides insides of her for two to three times,

before he forces it out, and on the next shove, plops it back in with a loud

and lewd pop. He can't last forever though, since her walls were used to this

treatment, and she knew when to tighten up and when to relax her muscles. It

was like he was milking himself with her puss, and eventually he slams into her

with a loud howl. As soon as the knot penetrates her again, she clamps down on

him and grabs a hold of his with all of her limbs, including her tail. She

howls out herself into his chest as she cums herself, while he pumps her full

of his canine seed. Her belly swelled up quickly as he emptied the entire

contents of his balls into her womb. There was even so much of it that it

spilled past the knot and added to the already generous pool of sexual fluids

under them.

Both huffing loudly, he sits

back onto the couch as she just snuggles into his chest and murrs contently. In

return, he glides her back with his paw as the two fall asleep on the couch. In

the morning, she's awakened, by the now usual, shove to the ground and snarling

order "Clean up then get to making breakfast. I'm going to take a shower" and

walks upstairs towards the bathroom. Giving just a displeased whine, she gets

on her knees and with a bright blush comes across her cheeks, and starts to lap

up the by now cold mess that she had a big part in causing. After some

squirming and difficulties swallowing every last drop of the mixed liquids, she

then promptly moves to make breakfast, as to make it before he comes back from

his shower. He, on the other hand, was enjoying a lovely, steaming hot shower.

When he came downstairs, there was a hot breakfast already waiting for him, and

his little play thing, already eating her part of the meal. Murring quietly, he

ruffles her head fur and sits down besides her. And she almost went under the

table, since usually that meant that he wants her to go under the table, but to

her surprise he just holds her back and starts eating himself. After finishing

up the meal, he gets to the daunting task of reporting exactly what happened in

the jungle and how come there's a member of the US army in his house.

After a few rings of the

phone, Tau eventually pucks up and Boris awkwardly starts "Sir, about the

recent incident..." "What about it? I've already read the reports. From the men

and the doctors patching up your daughter. I do not condemn you for it Boris,

it is only natural to protect your family... But I'd like to see and talk to her

once she gets to and you think it would be okay" A few moments pass in silence,

and finally Boris breaks the silence. "... Thank you sir..." is all he says before

hanging up and making his way up the stairs into his bedroom. Elizabeth was

still out from the medication, thankfully. Kath follows close behind him, and

he murrs down to her "You take a look at her every thirty minutes from now on.

Tell me if she wakes up and make sure to get anything she wants if I'm not around,

got ir?" and pets her on her back lightly. "Yes Master Boris" she hums back,

enjoying the gentle touch of her master's paw on her back. He then moves to go

to the basement, to make a few calls and arrange for a few things.

Michael was still out as night

settled on the Larson residence. Both Mary and Dave were worried about him by

this point, since he had never done anything like this before. Mary barely

managed to calm down from the realization that Elizabeth was no more, or even

worse. It was common knowledge what Tau did with any trespassers or spies

caught on his territory. It almost put the war crimes of WW2 to shame. But it

was only speculation, since no government in their right mind wanted to cross

Tau. Tau, at this point became something like China was in the early part of

the first half of the 21st century regarding counter fitting. But

Michael was slowly coming to his senses in the bar where he was drowning his

sorrows at the loss of Elizabeth. He hated the fact, that he was in love with

his sister, even though if they weren't family by blood. But it seemed that,

like so many, he found the solution to his sorrow in alcohol. But he knew well

enough that he was hurting his parents. So, at roughly ten past ten in the

evening, he ordered his last beer. But, what he didn't notice in his drinking

was that someone was watching him the whole time. A big figure, dressed in a

black trench coat sat next to him. "Long night hmm?" the figure asks as he

turns to face the still drunk feline mix. "Non of your fucking business!"

Michael snarls back at him before downing the beer and standing up, reading

himself for a fight. But the figure just grins as he pulls out a tablet and

hands it to the other. "Da fuck is this supposed to be?!" Michael snarls once

more and immediately recognizes the pictures on the screen. His eyes turn blood red as the fur on the

back of his neck stands up, all the while his fangs are showing. The bartender

smartly stepped to the back room to "get some more drinks for the bar." Before

Michael managed to get a shot at swinging at the figure, he was cough off guard

by a kick to his balls. Eyes rolling back into his skull, he falls to his knees

as he drops the tablet and cups his balls. He even threw up most of the drinks

he downed during his stay at the bar and was lying by the stranger's feet.

Shooting a glare to everyone in the bar, he then proceeds to pick Michael up. "Come

on big boy, walk it off" the figure groans as he picks him up and walks him out

of the bar. After sitting him down on the sidewalk, he sits down beside him and

pulls out the tablet once more. Sliding through a few pictures, e then puts it

away and continues "I know you have no pretenses to trust me on what I'm going

to tell you. But trust me when I say that..." and reveals the inside of his

jacket to Michael, where Tau's logo is sewn in, "She is alive. Now, you're

probably still too drunk and well... in pain from my kick to your balls to fully

comprehend what I just told you. Now go home Michael... and we never met, I was

never here... " then stands up and walks away quietly, but not before leaving the

tablet by his side. It had pictures taken from the cameras which the soldiers

wore while the incident took place. They weren't pretty, but they do show her

in an operating theatre. Though that didn't send a reassuring message. When he

finally got out of the drunken daze, he was still on the sidewalk, and when he

took a look at the pictures, he emptied what little was left in his stomach

right onto the street. After a few more minutes of trying to keep back what

little was left in his stomach, he manages to stand up and call a cab from a

free pay phone.


getting home in the early morning hours, he stumbles through the front door and

makes his way to his bedroom. Though his father would love to give him a good

talking to, and was about to, but he was just handed the tablet. After looking

at it, he drops it to the round and yells "Michael?! Where did you get this?!"

But before he could get an answer, he hears Michael's door slam shut. All he

could do was pick it up, and when he gets to the last slide, he finds out it's

a message.

"She is alive. Do not report this to the

authorities or you and the rest of your family could be

in grave danger. This device stores all of its

data on a memory stick that can be retrieved

from the top of the device. I highly suggest

that you remove it and destroy it as soon as possible"

He knows

that this would only make things worse for his wife; after all, this is the

second daughter that they've lost. So, he takes the memory card out and takes

it to the back yard. Quickly getting the blowtorch from his garden shed, he

makes quick work at disintegrating it into nothing more but a small pile of ash.

And just to be certain, he takes the torch to the tablet as well. After

finishing up, he puts the torch away and brushes the ashes away. But as soon as

he steps into the house, the phone in his pocket rings. "Hello?" "Glad to see that you care for your family

Dave...". "Who the fuck is this?" he barely keeps his voice down as he snarls

into the phone and steps into the kitchen, away from the rest of his family. "Now now Mr. Lenson, please don't get upset.

Fortunately for you, your daughter's father can pull quite a lot of rank. And

before you want to know for who I and your daughter's father work for, no names

Mr. Lenson. Do not contact the police. The mission is so delicate that it

involves a few countries as well as many corporations. We will contact you..."  "Wait, when wi..." but the caller already hung

up. He was more than confused. First, he's told his daughter is more or less

dead, then he receives a tablet containing pictures of his daughter nearly dead

and in surgery. Then he gets a call basically explaining to him that he's not

allowed to go to the police or the government. He was so lost in his thoughts,

that he didn't hear his wife entering the room. "Hun? Who was that?" she asks

quietly before he literally jumps into the air and almost drops his phone.

"N-no... No one dear." He barely manages to answer back with a white face. Well,

as much as the effect can be seen through face fur. "What's the matter dear?"

she asks him again as she walks up to him and takes his paw into her own. Her

eyes were still red from crying all night, and through most of the morning.

"You may... want to sit down dear" he murrs in a soothing voice.


the two sat down on the couch, he takes her paw into his and rubs over it for a

bit, before she takes a deep breath. "What is it Dave? You know you can tell me

anything" she says as she looks into his eyes. "It's about... Elizabeth" and

immediately her eyes start to water "She's alive dear. Don't worry. I can't

prove it, nor can I say that the contact can be trusted. But seeing as with who

we're dealing with, I trust them" He could see the sadness in her eyes, and

just murrs "Please, trust me. I need you to trust me right now Mary..." His voice

was soft, though he barely hides his own emotions. With tears back in her eyes,

she just nods as she leans into his chest and wraps her arms around him.

Michael, however, was passed out due to the alcohol still in his system and the

realization that he got mad and drunk over nothing. Well, not nothing. The fact

that the US Government and the Army treated anthropomorphic soldiers like

nothing more than cannon-fotter. Always sending them in first, always sending

them into the most hostile environments, and they have the audacity to just

send an officer, a human one at that, who has never even seen real combat to

convey the Armies condolences when a soldier goes down. Even throwing a medal

on the table. But what has passed has passed.

Three days later ...


was doing her usual check up on Elizabeth early in the morning. But this time,

when she opened the door, she heard Elizabeth shift from side to side and groan

out. She froze for a bit, and then, with ears leaned back and flat on her head,

she approaches the bed. "M-Miss?" she asks quietly as she sees that her eyes

are starting to open. A few incoherent mumbles make the fennec approach a bit

more and lean over the bed to hear her better. "W-where am I?" Elizabeth

mumbles out as she tries to get up. But Kathalina keeps her down, and since the

other is so weak from the operations, she can keep her down without any

trouble. "Y-you really shouldn't move miss. You should get more rest, but you

are in Master Boris's house" and promptly walks out to tell her master that his

daughter is awake and somewhat at her strengths.


Boris had other ideas for the fennec once she walked up to him. The thing is,

he was doing a few errands for Tau these past few days, and he was a bit... pent

up. So, before she could even tell him the good news, she already found herself

on her knees before him with his fly dropping sooner than she hit the ground.

Barely managing to open her, she found it full with his pulsating red cock.

Actually gagging on his cock for the first time in a long time, she manages to

relax and start sucking and swallowing around his cock. "Aww, what's the

matter? So eager to suck on my cock you forgot how to relax that tight throat

of yours?"  he teases her before letting

go of her head to let her skilled maw suck him off. Her paws come to grasp at

his already inflating knot as her tongue dances across his shaft, focusing even

more on his tip, though it's lodged firmly in the back of her throat. All the

while the fennec was working on her master, Elizabeth slowly came to from the

drugs she was on during the operation and early stages of healing. Tau's drugs

have the nasty habit of just losing their grip on the patient after a set

amount of time has passed. So, just when Boris was about to unload his balls

into his little slave, she came down the stairs and all she could see, was the

little fox kneeling between his legs, seemingly gagging on something as her

ears were flat on her head. Boris is far too involved in the act at hand as his

little fennec sucked him off so skillfully. All Elizabeth can do, is watch in

awe as the other female squeezes down on his knot and starts gulping as quickly

as she can to get all of her master's seed down into her belly. With his fangs

blaring and his eyes shit, he growls loudly as the last of his sticky seed

spews at the back of her throat and is swallowed down into her belly. Moving

quickly, she pulls off of his cock, skillfully licking it clean while she does

so. "M-master Boris ..." she whimpers out as she tilts her head towards

Elizabeth. It takes him a few moments to realize that she's not just making a

request to ride is cock, but shyly pointing towards their onlooker.


Elizabeth quietly asks as she's still coming to grips as to what she just saw.

Kathalina just quickly stands up and wraps herself up with her giant tail, then

promptly moves out of the room. He has to remember to breathe as the small fact

that his daughter, who he hasn't even kept in touch with, just watched him

empty out the contents of his balls into his little pet fox. The matter was

made even more awkward that, due to the fact that he was surprised by her

watching, his cock was still fully hard, throbbing even. So, with the awkward silence

making things even more embarrassing, he manages so squeeze his erection into

his pants and under his shirt before even attempting to approach his daughter.

For the first time in years, he's embarrassed to approach someone. Especially

one of the opposite gender. She is embarrassed as well, but that's to be

expected. Seeing your dad for the first time, doing something like that. "So

umm... your girlfriend?" she finally breaks the silence as she can't help but

look to the floor. "No, actually she's my umm... pet" he coughs out, since his

numerous spies looking after his daughter found out that she isn't exactly

supportive of slavery. "Your umm... pet..." she repeats as she can't quite grasp

what she's been told. But the fact that she saw her father's schlong still held

a strong presence in her mind.


some more awkward silence, he manages to sum up the courage to place his paw on

her shoulder and says "Let's... talk about this Elizabeth" and moves to sit back

onto the couch. After hesitating for a bit, she follows suit and sits down next

to her father. "I know about your stance on slavery, as well as more or less

about your life. I have... been keeping some people handy to keep an eye on you..."

and pauses a bit, just to let her speak as well. She was aware that he had

probably been keeping tabs on her, so it came as little surprise. But she had

something else on her mind. Something she had on her mind since her parents

passed away. "D-did you kill Adam?" is all that she asks, which makes him look

at her like she just fell out of a tree. Loosening the collar of his shirt, he

coughs a bit and answers "... Well, umm, yes" He brings his arm around her

shoulder, and all she does is look at the ground again before looking him

straight into his eyes. "I'm glad you did it. To be honest I think, now at

least, that you were to kind to the bastard..." and goes back to looking at the

floor. That ... takes him aback a bit as he now has to take a few moments to

comprehend what was said to him. "You umm ... serious?" he finally has to ask,

just out of curiosity. "What? If you though that I'd be crying over his..." "No,

it wasn't that. My people, never really portrayed you as a ... vengeful person"

he replies as he pulls her in a bit closer. "So, I see that you're in the army

now?" he asks more to himself. There were a lot of questions on her mind, so

she overheard what he asked, because she was busy with deciding what to ask him

first. She dreamed and even planned on what to ask him, but now that it came to

that, her mind was blank. "E-Elizabeth?" he asks rather concerned, and before

he could say anything else, she basically snapped back at him "Why?!" That

completely throws him off guard and he has to think for a bit. But before he

could answer, she already explains further with tears in her eyes "Why did you

leave my mother? Why didn't you stay with her?!" and stands up as her paws are

in fists. She's shaking all over and tears are streaming down her cheeks as she

waits for her father to answer her. Taking a deep breath, he stands himself and

tries to come closer to her, but she just backs off. "Elizabe..." "WHY!?" "Because...

of the line of work I'm into Elizabeth. I would hardly be around, not to

mention your mother and you would constantly be in danger. No amount of money

and power wouldn't be able to protect the two of you. I have a lot of enemies

Elizabeth, please tr..." "Why should I trust you? If you would have at least

talked to me instead of giving a note to Dave! I... I..." as she slowly breaks down

into tears. She collapses onto the floor, and starts to cry loudly. Kneeling in

front of her, he pulls her into a hug as he comforts her the best way he can.

"I am truly sorry Elizabeth, believe me I am. But I had no choice. At least I

was able to pull a few strings so that there wouldn't be anything linking me

and you together... I hope that you can forgive me..." His shoulder is pretty wet

by now, as she cries her heart out onto him. "It's okay Elizabeth, I'm here" he

murrs into her ear as Kathalina brings a platter with some tea and biscuits

into the room. One look from him and at the scene makes her rethink her timing,

and silently walks back out of the room. "Dad..." she whimpers out into his chest

as he continues to comfort her.


stayed like that for a good hour or so, before she finally came down. "S-sorry

about that ..." she sniffles out before his calm voice calms her down. "It's okay

hun, it's okay..." he murrs gently to her as he keeps stroking her back lightly.

"You have a lot behind you, and you're still weak." He manages to stand her up

on her feet and walk with her to the kitchen. There, Kathalina had already

prepared a meal for the two of them, and once they came into the room, she

quickly and quietly got out of the room. "Why do you have a... slave" she asks him once she sits down.

"She was a ... gift. From long ago for a favor." "A-a favor?" she asks him as she

stares into the plate before her. A steak with some vegetables, simple, yet

just what a top of the line predator needs. "Don't ask hun... ugly stuff" he

replies simply before digging into his meal. But he almost chocks on a the

piece of meat he's chewing on, since she snarls at him "I'm not some little

girl anymore! I'm in the military now; I think I can handle it!" Eventually, when

he managed not to choke to death, he snarls back at her "And just because of

that you think you're a grownup now? You want to know what I did to get her?!

Well fine. I was sent into a remote village in an undisclosed location. I was

supposed to come to an agreement regarding that they move out of the way for

the diamond mine one of Tau's acquaintances.

They didn't want to move, so I was forced to take a more forceful approach.

There were 271 of them; 50 of them children, almost more than half the rest

women. I left only enough alive to carry the message to the other villages.

Some of the other villages moved willingly when I showed up, but many decided t

fight back. 2344 was the total number when I was finished..." and stops. It

takes him a few moments to think about what he'll say next. "I-I'm sorry I umm,

snapped like that" He manages to stumble out eventually as she just sits there.

She doesn't quite know how to take the given information in, and just sits

there. A few more tense moments pass as she finally manages to stutter out "N-no

I'm sorry ... dad" It does take him by surprise a bit. "I shouldn't have pried

like that. You must be feeling horri..." "It's not that that bothers me. What

bothers me is how you'll react when I will eventually, I guess now; tell you

that I never lost a night's sleep over that incident. Nor have I ever felt

remorse for what I've done. That's what's bothering me..."

It was

evening. And Dave's phone rang. Not recognizing the number, he picks up and

says "Hello?" "Mr. Nelson, we don't have

time to talk. I know your family is home, meaning your wife Mary and sun

Michael. How I know this information is irrelevant. What matters is that you

gather anything of emotional value." "Wait what's goi..." and hears the door

bell ring. Rushing towards it and grabbing the gun on his hip. "No need for that" the voice on the phone

says just before Dave opens the door. Before him is standing a tall and

otherwise big man in black trench coat. "No

need to fear us Mr. Lenson." And the man hangs up. "While I would love to

chat, but we sadly don't have much time. Something went wrong, and now the US

government knows that you know that your daughter is alive and what had

happened. Also, the fact that I and my colleagues work for Tau Inc. evidentially

made the whole matter even worse" And at this point police sirens can already

be heard far away, and the man turns to one of his associates "I do hope that

our little distraction is in place" The other just nods to him. But Michael,

curious as to why his father didn't call him or his wife down to meet the

guests, came down the stairs and pulled out his gun, pointing it at the

visitors. "Michael! Put the gun away!" Dave snarls to him and grabs Mary's paw.

"What are you talking about?" he then asks the man who is visibly getting

nervous "We don't have much time. Get what matters to you most and come with

us" is all he says in return before taking a look out the door as he can see

the sirens now. "I would advise you all to step away from the windows" and

points to the middle of the room they're standing in. "Why the fuck should we?"

Michael snarls back, yet the moment the last word escapes his maw, a loud

explosion rocks the quiet neighborhood. Suddenly, the sirens are nowhere to be

heard, as most of the houses have lost their windows. Picking his ear a big,

the man calmly says "Shall we?" Dave and Mary head for their bedroom to get the

family jewels, though the most expensive peaces stay behind, while Michael just

glares at the man as he tries to get his thoughts together from the explosion.

It doesn't take the parents long to rush back downstairs and fetch a few family

paintings from the wall. "Let's go" the man mutters as he puts out a cigarette

on the floor. "Hey!" Michael grows at him before he's shoved into the middle

black SUV by his father. "Oh quit whining boy, the house isn't going to be

standing much longer anyway..." and gets in himself after shutting the doors to

the car. As soon as they leave the area, the sirens start getting closer once

more. Once they reach the house and bust I, there's a rather nasty surprise

waiting for them. A full bag of high explosive demolition charges rigged to

blow after ten seconds of the doors being blown down. When the S.W.A.T. forces

found it, they didn't even have enough time to warn the others.

When the

house blew up, the family was already at the airport. Sadly, the police were

there also, but the black SUVs didn't strike them as suspicious. They were

informed that the internal services were to arrive, and everything was going

well, until another bunch of black SUVs arrived at the airport. "Piss..." the

leading man mutters out as he steps on the gas pedal. Shots start echoing

through the airport as they break down the fence and using electronic jamming

systems they manage to get past the electronic counter measures. They arrived

at the Tau's plane, which was painted to look like another private plane. Once

the bullets started to ricochet off of the fuselage, they were already in and

the engines were revving up. They soon found themselves in the air and

wandering what the hell just happened. "I know you must be confused" and waves

to Michael to keep his maw shut for the time being "And I assure you that you

didn't do anything Mr. Lenson. The fault was on our side. It seems that we

underestimated their listening and code cracking capabilities." And stops for a

moment, as a slave brings a tray of drinks to the men and the family. Dave

accepts the drink, while Mary just nods and doesn't take anything. "What is

this? Who is this?!" Michael growls out and points to the slave, who is barely

able to keep his composure with the tray in his paws. "Oh him?" one of the

associates chuckles as he turns to the slave and Michael "He's a slave

belonging to Tau Inc. Courtesy of Mr. Maxim himself to make these trips more...

endurable. " The little boy is blushing hardly, especially since he wasn't

wearing anything aside from his fur. "Oh, and Ms. Lenson, the female workers

who use this jet say that his tongue skills are..." "Excuse me?!" Dave interrupts

the iguana as Mary's cheeks turn a lovely light pink. "Please excuse my

colleague here, working for Tau does make one a pervert slowly but surely. And

he will keep his mouth shut for the rest of this trip, won't you?" and looks to

the iguana who just has a toothy grin. The slave, however, is just standing

there, with the silver plate in his paws and his groin for everyone to see.

"But anyway ..." the human clears his throat "There are enough beds on this plane

for all of you to get some rest. We should be landing in Europe in about eight


After a

vigorous shouting match revealing more than was intended, Elizabeth ran out

into the back yard with Boris following close behind. She was struggling to

keep her tears inside, but was failing more and more as her father called out

to her. "Elizabeth! Just... stop!" he shouts out as he manages to catch her and

pull her into his arms. "Let me go!" she desperately tries to shout back and

get out of his grasp. But sadly, he's too strong and keeps her in his grasp,

although strong, surprisingly gentle. "Calm down Elizabeth... I'm sorry, I'm

sorry for raising my voice on you. I'm just so used to... being in control all

the time. You deserved to know everything..." She just sniffles and sobs in his

grasp as she shakes her head from side to side, trying to dismiss everything

that her father had told her. "Why dad, why?" she eventually sobs out as she

spins around and buries her face into his chest as she clutches at his sides.

"Because, he gave me something to live for. When my parents were killed all

those years ago in the terrorist attack on one of Tau's hospitals, he took me

in. I know I was fifteen at the time, but he raised me as his own. And more

importantly, he gave me a reason to continue to live. He promised me that if I

worked for him when I reached eighteen, he would tell me who killed my parents

and give me all of his resources to take my vengeance on them. And he fulfilled

his offer, and went a step further..." he adds at the end. "W-what do you mean?"

she mumbles into his chest. Though she was still very upset, his scent alone

managed to calm her down. So strange, yet so familiar in a way. "Tau gave me... I

think you should know I'm hardly human or anthropomorphic at this point in my

life." "D-dad?" she stutters out into his chest since he's not making too much

sense at the moment.


means that I've made him something more than human or anthro Miss Lenson." Tau

murrs out as Kathalina is already at his side, holding a chilled glass with two

fingers of whisky in it. "Ahh, Kathalina, such a good girl as always" he

continues to purr as he takes the glass into his paw and ruffles her head fur.

"Tau" Boris mutters out with an un-amused voice as he cradles his little girl

in his arms. "Is there a reason you wanted to barge in right this time? Or is

there anything you want in particular?" "Oh please Boris, we've known each

other long enough for you to know exactly when I want something. I came here to

meet your daughter, who might I ask is quite lovely. Even if she is covered in

tears" and takes a sip of his drink. "I must apologize for my presence here, I

know this is a hard time, especially for Elizabeth here. Tau Maxim Miss

Elizabeth, I have read so much about you" he purrs out lowly as he sticks his

paw out to her. "P-pleased to meet you, I think" she sniffles as she manages to

pry herself out of her father's arms. She does manage to reach into his paw and

shake it, then moves to her father's arms again. "Let's go inside, shall we?"

Boris asks as e already is making his way inside. "Yes Boris, it is your house

after all" Tau complies as he swats Kathalinas ass, making her squeak out

softly and cutely.


they get inside, they sit down onto the couch and Tau gets himself comfortable.

"So, about Boris here. You see Elizabeth, he is my most capable and diligent

employee. As for him not being human or anthro, as I said, that's my fault. You

see, when he filled the employment contract when he turned eighteen, I gave him

what I promised him. The location and identity of the people who killed his

parents and destroyed my hospital. But before I let him loose on the streets, I

made sure that he was going to survive and come back to me alive..." and pauses a

bit. "What I'm going to tell you is strictly confidential. But seeing as you're

most likely on the US hit list because you know too much. So I think it's safe

to tell you. You see, I need soldiers, but not just any kind of soldiers.

Ordinary men get hurt and die way too quickly in the heat of battle. Not to mention

the emotional side effects of battle. So, quite some time ago I started a

project. It was called the Spartan project. Still is. The goal of which was to

create the perfect soldier. One that could sustain substantial damage, both

physical and mental. When I came upon Boris, in the rubble of the aftermath,

crying over his parents, I made a decision. I wasn't proud of it then,

certainly not proud of it today. On the pretense of making sure that he was

healthy, my doctors took a blood sample, and I started working on the serum."

And pauses a bit to take another sip. That's when Boris takes over. "Once I

signed the agreement, he came to me with the proposition of making me something

more than just a soldier or a mercenary. Of course, I agreed, since I knew that

the people I wanted to take out, weren't exactly the soft kind. He said that

the odds of me dying were less than one in one hundred million. So, of course I

agreed to undertake the procedure. It was painful and I lost all vitals for

more than two minutes. But when I came to, I was well, what I am now. I would

show you, but I don't think you're ready to handle he demonstration..." and

everybody just stay quiet. After a few moments of silence, and Tau's incessant

purring, Elizabeth stutters out "I-I want you to show me what you mean dad"

"Well then" Tau chirps out as he gets up and pulls out a gun. "D-dad?"

Elizabeth stutters out a bit as she gets scared by the sudden change of Tau's

mood. "Don't worry dear; he's just excited about shooting me..." "Shooting you?!"

she yells out and steps in front of her father. "Now now Elizabeth, trust me an

your father. I know you know full well that both nor your dad know what we're

doing. The fact that you couldn't find anything on your father, Kitty007" and

smirks a bit. "Now, if you don't mind" Tau purrs as he takes aim for Boris's

head. He just nods to Elizabeth and moves her to the side. "Now if you would

aim so that it won't get on too mu... <BANG!>" "Oh my god!" Elizabeth

screams out as she kneels by her father, who has a neat little hole right

between his eyes. Though let's not speak of the mess behind him on the floor

and on the wall. "Dad! DAD?!" she cries out to him as tears flow down her cheek

as she looks at her father's corpse. "Why did you do that?!" she yells at Tau

as she lunges for him. Catching her quite skillfully, he just calmly murrs into

her ear "Just relax my dear. My values may be different in every way to yours,

but I assure you, I value the life of your father far too much to just kill


And at

this point, Boris starts to grumble as he slowly gets up and wipes away the

blood that trickled down his forehead from the bullet wound. "I would have

explained to you hun, but the demonstration always proves to be more effective"

and runs a finger down her cheek. She just flinches at the act, and if Tau

wasn't standing behind her. "T-this isn't r-real" she manages to stutter out as

it shows even through her fur that her face is void of blood at this moment. "Just

breath Elizabeth, just breathe..." Boris tries to calm her down, but to no avail.

She feints right into Tau's grasp, and he just murrs "Ohhh, the things we could

do to her...." "Stop it you pervert. She's my daughter for fucks sake." Boris

chuckles back as he takes her into his own arms. "All the more reason to my

friend" Tau murrs as he finishes off his drink and places the glass into

Kathalina's paw. After that, he walks out of the house to leave Boris with his

Daughter. Besides, he had other busyness. After holding her in his paws for a

bit, to try to get her to regain her consciousness, he eventually takes her

upstairs and lays her into his bed after taking off her clothes. And since it

was evening, and he was a tad tired, he took of his own clothes and got into

the bed himself. Not short after, he fell asleep.

It was

early in the morning, and Elizabeth found herself in her father's embrace. That

wouldn't be so awkward if they wore clothes. But even that would have been

expectable, if his cock wasn't between her legs and poking out on the other

side. To make things a more... difficult, his heart was a strong one. With every

beat of his heart, his cock and already swollen knot pulsed against her sex.

Though she would have a hard time admitting it, but ever since she ran into him

having his little pet sucking him off. And she was a bit ... moist down there as

well. She shyly took her paw, and ran it down her belly till she got an inch

above her sex. Even from there, she could feel the pulsating heat radiating

from his shaft. Slowly, oh so slowly, she glides her fingers down to her crotch

and almost eeps out as her fingertips brush against the swell of his cock and

it pulses eagerly against her. Though that does send her heart racing, and the

child curiosity takes over. She manages to bring her paw back to his shaft and

slowly wrap her fingers around his shaft and give it a light squeeze. After

that, as her breath starts to quicken as she lets go of it and she slowly runs

her fingertips all the way to his tip. There, her delicate fingers find

something moist. She pulls her fingers away as she notices that her fingers are

coated with his pre and that her cheeks are burning. She almost couldn't

believe it, but she brought her moist fingers to her snout and gave them a

sniff. The musk almost sends her head back, but she barely manages to keep

herself together. But the musk did its thing. Her sex was getting hotter and

hotter by the moment, as her head is spinning a hint. Her paw goes wandering

back down to where his shaft is poking out from in-between her thighs. But she

was snapped out of her little daze when she felt something fuzzy where she

previously felt the hot, throbbing shaft of her father. Lifting up the sheets,

she's surprised to see the little fennec fox taking the cock as deep as he

could. "K-Kathalina?" Elizabeth whispers out and the other stirs around the

shaft. "Y-yes?" the fennec whimpers out as she manages to slide off of his

cock. "M-master Boris... h-he sometimes gets morning wood and it's m-my duty to

umm... take care of it." She continues as she tries to fit her master back into

her maw. But Elizabeth just places her paw in front of her snout and whispers

"You don't have to do this..." "B-but Master Boris..." she protests weakly as she

tries to get past around Elizabeth's paw. "He won't mind... not when I'm done

with him that is" Elizabeth growls more to herself. But just then, she felt

Kathalina press past her paw and slide his cock into her maw once more.

Elizabeth would push her off, if it wasn't for the fact that her snout was

brushing past her own clit. That coaxes a soft meep out of Elizabeth as she

instinctively pushes the poor little fennec a bit deeper into her crotch, and

evidentially pushes a bit more of her father's cock inside her maw.


fennec offers very little resistance to the act, she even murrs into the cock.

She starts to swallow around his cock, which makes her snout rub against the

others clit quite teasingly. Elizabeth starts to pant quietly as she has to

cover her maw with her paw, to keep any louder moans to escape from her maw. The

fact that Kath started to twist her head around his shaft made it even harder

for her to keep her composure. But it's a bit hard to keep her mind occupied as

her father's cock is pulsating happily between her legs and Kathalina's snout

brushing against her clit. And sadly, due to the lewdness of the act, not to

mention that her own father's cock was between her legs, she soon cried out in

pleasure as she climaxes and her thighs clamp around the pulsing knot as her

female cum splatters across his crotch and knot as well as Kathalina's maw. And

in return, he bucks his hips as the fennec audibly starts to swallow her

master's seed. But the cry wakes him wake up, and to murr out "Why this is new.

I do wander how you're sucking on my cock while staying ... up ... here ..." And his

heart nearly gives out as he first smells, then sees his daughter in his arms

before him as his paw was squeezing  his

daughter's breast. Once the high of her orgasm wears off, she herself notices

that her dad has come too, and suddenly, she jumps out of bed and manages to

pull the covers off of her dad to cover herself up. But by doing so, she

exposed her father who still had a hard on. And it showed no signs of going

away. Even if he wanted to get soft, she sheer fact that his own daughter

reached climax in his arms, on his cock even! Kathalina on the other hand just

quietly remains on the bed with Boris's cock still swaying in front of her.


did I end up... naked?" Elizabeth finally manages to ask as she's still trying to

cover herself up with the bed sheets. "Well I umm... didn't want you to sleep in

your clothes..." He replies as he sits up in the bed and shoves the fennec to the

side a bit. She complies willingly and stays close by, if for some reason her

master would need her. "I didn't want for you to be uncomfort..." "You just

wanted to see me naked didn't you?" she interrupts him as she manages to tie

the sheet around herself. He sits there stupefied for a moment before he

manages to compose himself and says "Well umm... I can't really deny that, even

seeing as how that's considered wrong..." and stands up. But that just makes his

shaft bob and bounce around, only showing off his proves even more to his own

daughter. "O-okay, that was a cheap shot" she stumbles out as her cheeks start

to burn again. He immediately knows what she's talking about, and grabs

Kathalina's bushy tail to cover himself up. "I didn't mean it like that. I

didn't I swear, you're my daughter for god's sake!" He tries to defend himself.

Kathalina, in response just meeps and huddles closer to him and stands in front

of him to cover him up. "How about we just umm... forget about this morning all

together hmm?" he proposes to her.

The plane landed without any delays or problems

at one of Tau's private airports. Agents already assessed the value of the

estate and house the family lost, but they all though that they were a bit too

shook up to receive a fat check from them just yet. They disembarked and there

was a limo already waiting for them. The men stay behind as they have other

things to do, and while Michael is still steaming at the ears, Dave and Mary

are more concerned as to what has happened both to their lives and their home.

The drive was rather short, and soon they found themselves in front of a large

mansion. "Welcome" Tau greets them as he himself opens the doors to the car.

"What's the meaning of all of this?!" Michael snarls at Tau as Dave barely

manages to keep his son back. "Michael! Stay down or I will put you down!" he

even growls to his son as he lets him go and turns to Tau. "Please forgive my

son Mr. Maxim. But we're all curious as to what has happened" "No need to

apologize. I have read his file, as I did yours. I would do my snooping around

your lovely wife, but she has no connections to the military. But before we

continue with our conversation, please, step into my not so humble abode" and opens

the doors to his house. Though his security personnel doesn't like the simple

fact that two of the visitors are members of the US Armed Forces. "Now, it

seems that we underestimated the US capabilities in detecting and decoding our

coms. A mistake on my part that will not happen again" Tau murr to himself as

he paces back and forth for a bit. "You are here because me and my company

don't stand well with the US Government. And I should point out that you all

have been charged with terrorism among a few other things..." "Bullshit" Michael

growls as he gets up. But he has enough in his head not to lunge for Tau, since

there are armed guards with automatic guns drawn on him. "Yes it may be. But

sadly it's true Michael. You of all people, including your father, should know

that it's true. Considering the US has almost all but declared war against me

and my company. Your daughter was sent into a country with very bad, almost

nonexistent, political relations. Not to mention that my personal property was invaded,

and that I do have exquisite political relations with the involved country. But

that's not important. What is important is this" and reaches for his suitcase.

After opening it, he pulls out a bunch of papers and hands them to Dave. "What

is this?" he asks as he takes the papers into his paws and looks them over.

"These look like..." "They look like a new start Mr. Lenson. My intelligence

people told me, just before you got here, that both yours and your son's

military access and standing was terminated. And, although I know you ay be

angry at me for this, but I managed to empty out all of your families accounts

before the government could do anything. Now, Mrs. Lenson, please do call your

side of the family as soon as you can, if they're even willing to talk to you,

that their money is safe in the accounts in and vaults of the Swedish bank.

Though granted, in my personal vaults and accounts. I assure you, once we get

everything settled, you will be given new bank accounts to which I will wire

all of the money, including some extra." "T-this far exceeds what we had

before..." Dave stutters out as he reads over the paper work and notices the

prices listed at the bottom of most of them. "Why are you doing this Mr. Maxim"

Mary ponders as she almost feinted once she saw the number. And for once, even

Michael was speechless, actually keeping his yap shut. "Why Mrs. Lenson? You

see, one of my most trusted associates... how I should put this. Elizabeth, your

adopted daughter has finally found her father. Her biological father. Don't

worry, I can assure you that she's safe" he adds as he sees that Michael's maw

started to foam a bit. "You mean Boris Antonyevski right?" Michael growls out

and both Dave and Mary look surprised at their son. "W-what do you mean?" Mary

finally asks her son and Tau steps in. "You see, your daughter has spent the

last few years vigorously looking for her true father. Now, it seems, she has

found him. Once again, I do assure you that she's fine and quite well; I've

seen her with my own eyes. But first, we have to get your... housing arrangement

in order"

"So umm, you have her suck you off every

morning?" Elizabeth asks shyly as they're sitting in the living room. "Only

when I get... I have morning wood" he answers. Although the sight of seeing his

daughter naked and sleeping next to him was still fresh in his memory. So, his

pants felt rather tight at the moment. "And umm, how often do you get morning

wood dad?" She asks as she almost sinks into the couch. "Isn't that a bit

personal hun?" he tries to chuckle and brush the question off. "D-dad would you

ever umm... consider... you know..." She starts before he jumps in "Have sex with

you?" Her blush deepens even more by now as she starts to move over to him bit

by bit. "W-would you?" she asks him as she reaches over to rub his thigh. "You're

my daughter Elizabeth..." he murrs deeply as his pants grow even tighter around

his groin. "You didn't answer my question dad" she presses a bit more as her

hand draws dangerously close to his ever growing cock. "Elizabeth, it is very

unwise to tease me like this" His voice is deep and resonates through the

entire house almost, as Kathalina just quietly moves out of the room, knowing

full well that that tone doesn't mean anything good. "D-dad, I know it sounds

strange, b-but I really want to..." And before she could finish, his fly dropped

and his cock was already poking out, straight into the air. "It's not that I

want to do it... it was getting cramped in my pants..." he grumbles as he blushes

now. Taking a few moments to compose herself, Elizabeth reaches over to gently

grab his cock and gives it a few strokes. She soon finds that his tip is

already drooling pre as well as every vein in his cock is bulging out. Though a

soft whine could be heard as Kathalina watches over the act, but soon puffs as

she notices that she's been seen and heard. "So, wanna go to my bedroom?" Boris

half growls as he fights the urge to tear her clothes off and fuck her right

there on the spot. But, sadly for her, she squeezes his cock a bit too much on

the downward stroke, and that sends him off. Rolling over her, lust takes over

in his eyes as he looks her body over and flashes of her naked appear over the


It only takes a quick gesture on his part and

her clothes are a thing of the past. Lying there, beneath him in only her god

given fur, the family resemblance becomes clear. While he has blue fur on his

shoulders and on the outside of his hips, she has it on her breasts and her

crotch. She can almost feel his gaze traveling across her body as his musk

quickly finds its way into her snout. And that is all the encouragement that

she needs. Rearing up, she topples him onto the rug by the couch and climbs

onto him with a loud purr in her chest, resembling a canine's growl. "Someone's

feisty" Boris teases as he grabs a hold of her ass. Instead of answering, she

just leans down to press a kiss to his lips and shoves her tongue into his maw.

A growl settles in his chest as he rolls over and pins his cock between his

body and her. Without any further words, he flips her over onto her knees and

presses his cock to her already wet pink sex. "Ready?" he growls as he eyes

over her little ass in his big paws. "I was born ready old man" she hisses back

as she pushes herself onto his cock with as much force as he would have used. That

hits him in his pride a bit, and just digs his claws into her hips as he pulls

out and slams his knot into her sex. "A-already?!" she hiccups out as she's

surprised at how quickly he knotted her. "You're going to pay for that little old man comment!" he growls in return

and yanks his fully inflated knot out of her. Then he proceeds to pull out to

the tip, and slam into her to the knot. A loud yip escapes her maw, followed

quickly by a loud moan. He gives a few thrusts before plunging his knot into

her once more, taunting another lovely squeal out of her lungs.

But she's not the one to take it lying down.

Far from it. After wrapping her legs around his waist, she uses her strength to

turn him over, onto his back. Still turned away from him, and with his knot still

inside of her, she mrowls. "What's the matter old man, not used to being led?"

and manages to hive her hips up and plop the knot out of her. A low groan

escapes his maw as he just grips her hips again. So, with her sitting over him

and his shaft still inside of her, she moves up and almost plops the wet piece

of burning, red, hard as steel piece of meat out of her. Then, with little

warning, she tightens up and just drops down onto the cock, effectively

impaling herself. With a load groan, he lets go of her hips as the feeling is

almost painful, but all in all it was sinfully good. Her velvet walls squeezing

on his cock ass he starts to ride on it with the vigor of a bitch in heat; all

he can do is lie on his back and enjoy being ridden. Using the limberness of

her feline genes, she spins around with him still inside of her. "So dad, do I

measure up?" she teases as she uses her inner muscles to massage his cock. "You

do far more than just measure up girl... You surpass even Kathalina..." he growls

back as he rears up and paces a paw on her ass and one on her back. "And I

would advise you to respect your elders..." He growls into her ear as he nibbles

on it a bit, enticing a loud groan from her chest.

He then plops his other paw onto her ass and

lifts her up, though he makes sure to keep his cock planted inside of her puss.

He would like for her to at least be able to sit right, since walking right was

already out of the question. He just starts to pound away at her, lifting her

up with his powerful paws and letting her drop down onto his shaft as he

thrusts his hips upward at the same time. She just keeps her legs wrapped

around him as her claws on her feet dig into his back. Her arms reach around

his shoulders so she could dig her claws in there as well. That just entices

him to increase his thrusts, and soon enough, she's finds herself between a

wall and his powerful abdomen muscles that are radiating heat as well as his

musk. And now that she's pinned to the wall, he really starts to lay on the

fucking. Re-grabbing her by her ass when she digs her fangs into his neck, he

throws her legs over his shoulders and begins to thrust with a vigorous tempo.

Yet this time he forces his three inch knot in and out of her each time he

thrusts in or out. While he huffs and growls loudly with every thrust, he is complimented

by a load and lewd moan from her. She can hardly keep her tightness up, even

though she had an encounter with a well equipped

equine. That time had nothing on her father though. A few pictures fly off the

wall as he roots her so vigorously, as a mix of both of their love juices has

already made a nicely sized pool at his feet.

He starts to growl even deeper than usual as

his thrusts become more and more erratic and hectic. She can hardly keep up

with him anymore, so she just pants and tries to moan out when she can. But

even he has his limits as he lunges himself upward and drops her down and

plants his knot into her for one last time. A growl from his side and a loud

hiss from her and they both climax together. While he pumps her full of his

thick and sticky seed, which after a while has no place to go, except past his

knot and down his thighs to join with the pool of juices. Her sex tries to

spasm and clamp down on his cock, yet her pussy is so worn out that she can

barely do anything to keep his hot load inside of her. All she could to is

splatter her own cum across both of their groins as she yells out when her womb

fills up completely. A few drops of blood later, they're both resting a bit and

trying to gather their thoughts.

"W-was that all... all you've got ... old man?" she

huffs out as she places a few licks over the bite marks on his neck. "Oh I'm

sorry" he begins "I could hardly think over your loud screams..." To that, she

just manages a weak chuckle as a light purr settles in her chest. Though, just

around the corner, soft panting could be heard. It seems like Kathalina was a

peeping tom. And her scent slowly came to Boris and Elizabeth. A huge grin

comes over his maw and Elizabeth just sighs "Do you have to torment her so

much?" "Well, I don't recall giving her any permission to watch or to play with

herself. Now hold on" And she does. Wrapping her arms around his neck and

shoulders, she manages to slide her legs down so they dangle in the air. "Well well

well, what do we have here?" he asks with the most perverted voice that he can

muster. After managing to meep out quietly, she tries to defend herself

"P-please Master Boris... please! T-the tow of you w-were making so much n-noise.

I-I swear I won't do it again, p-please forgive me this time..." and crawls to

his feet, her ears flat and her tail on the ground. "So Elizabeth, what should

we do about ... well I guess that by law you own her as well... So, you decide this

time..." he chuckles as he gently rubs over her back. "Must I?" she murrs into

his chest as she lazily snuggles into his chest. But before he could say

anything, she continues, her face buried in his chest "But it seems to me that

we made quite the mess back there dad. So I think it would be a good idea if

she cleans it up..." Ann the poor little fennec breathes a sigh of relief, but

that works against her. "... with her tongue" Elizabeth finishes as she slowly

starts to drift off to sleep in her father's arms. "Well, you heard her Kath,

get to it" he chuckles as he slowly starts to make his way up the stairs with his

daughter in his arms. A quiet whine escapes Kathalina as she slowly gets up and

starts to make her way towards the pool of cum and other juices. "At least it's

still warm" she whimpers as she places the first lick into the puddle.

 A few days later

It was early in the morning as the Lenson

family was escorted out of their apartment, straight into Tau's limo. "Where

are we going this time?" Michael grumbles as he leans on his paw and looks out

of the window, doing the best he can to avoid looking at the tiger. "Oh come

now Michael" Mary shushes him as she looks at Tau and asks in a rather quiet

voice "But I would have to agree Mr. Maxim". "No worries Mrs. Lenson, you

deserve to know. I'm taking you to see your daughter of course" Tau purred out

as his tail gently swayed between his legs. That prompted everyone in the car,

aside from the driver, too look at him curiously with ears perked up. "You

serious?" Michael asked as he leaned forward a bit, to make sure that he didn't

mishear anything. "I can assure you, when it comes to family, I am quite

serious" Tau replied as they continued to drive to Boris's house. All Mary and

Dave did was hold hands in anticipation to see their daughter once more. The

drive passes quickly, and soon, they're standing in front of a low, yet still

large house. Guards were... nowhere to be seen, oddly enough. For a moment, they

though that they were at a wrong address, and that Tau was messing with them.

Just as Michael was about to tell Tau his mind, Elizabeth busted out of the

house and made a bee line towards her foster family. That made Michael forget

all about Tau, as he barely managed to catch his sister as she lunged for him,

nearly toppling him over.

"I missed you so much!" she murrs into his ear

as they both hug each other quite strongly. As soon as they let go of each

other, Dave and Mary get their fill of hugs and kisses. "We were so worried

about you!" Dave murrs as he lets go of her. "What happened to you sweetie?"

Mary hastily asks as she just can't let go of her daughter. It is at that

point, that Boris made his way to the group, and awkwardly stood by Tau's side

as he let the family reunite again. "That doesn't matter mom" Elizabeth purrs

as she finally manages to pry herself out of her hands. "Umm, everyone ... T-this

is my umm.... dad" and points to Boris. Everyone just took a deep breath, since

they all knew that this point was coming. "Pleased to meet you all" Boris

somewhat awkwardly greets them as he extends his right paw to who was his

daughter's father for the past few years. "Wait, I remember you..." Dave starts

as he shakes his paw "You were... at the mall a few years ago right? When you

took care of those bastards?" Giving a rather awkward smile, he simply

scratches the back of his head and manages to answer "I was sure that you

hadn't seen that..." Mary just remained quiet as Michael took center stage as he

placed his sister behind him and her true father. "You're the fucker who just

abandoned her mother and later her! Only to just hand over a note!" he snarls

as his hair starts to stand up. He didn't hear his mother, sister and father

calling out to him, he was too mad. He didn't even notice that his paws were

growing into fists, and before anyone could do something, he took a swing at

Boris. Boris, on the other hand, just chough it in his own paw and bent it

around, forcing Michael on his knees. "Dad! Michael!" Elizabeth calls out and

that snaps Michael out of his anger induced daze. "Let... go of me.. .you fucker!"

Michael still tries to fight back, but he finds that the husky's grip is a tad

too strong for him to get out of. Mustering what he had left of his strength,

he tries to aim for his balls. But Boris is quicker, and catches that paw as

well. "Don't worry my dear, I'm not hurting him. But I will if he doesn't calm

down quickly!" Boris says calmly at first, but then snarls out as he turns to


"Enough of this!" Elizabeth snarls out, and

that makes Boris stir and let go of Michael, who was a bit dumbfounded by his

sister's reaction. "You" she snarls and grabs her brother by his neck "You will

calm down! And you" and looks at Boris "Just keep quiet for now" and manages to

calm down for a bit. "Mom, dad... You probably know by now, that I've been looking

for him" and sways her paw towards Boris "For a long time now. T-that doesn't

mean that I don't love you, or that I didn't enjoy the time I was with you...

it's just that..." and sniffs a bit. Mary, keeping silent throughout, just hugs

her and looks at Boris. "Shhh, it's okay love, it's okay" and rubs her paw over

her back as she speaks to Boris next. "I don't know you, and I don't want to

judge" she starts as Boris takes a deep breath as he prepares for another

bashing, "But I think, although cruel, you did the right thing. I've read about

you from the files that Tau provided... Mostly on how you took careof your daughter" Elizabeth and Boris, as well as everyone else were struck by what she

said. After letting go of her daughter, she smiles and rubs her cheek as she

continues "What you do is none of my busyness Mr. Antonyevski, but you did the

right thing by leaving. I don't mean anything bad by that" and takes a few

steps towards the husky. "I.. don't know what to say..." she stumbles out, still

in a bit of a shock from her words. Even Tau was oddly silent as he just looked

on at what was happening. "Mom! You can't be serio..." Michael starts but is cut

short by his father's glare. "No, she's right. I've read about what he does

Michael... He acted like any good father would. He protected her and her mother

from harm..." and steps closer to his daughter, then to Boris. "I don't' approve

of what you do Boris, but in my mind, you acted rightly" he says as he puts his

paw out. Taking it, Boris simply murrs "Thank you, both of you..." and presses

into a light hug. Chuckling, they let go and simply sight a bit before turning

their attention back to Elizabeth. "Well... t-that went better than expected..."

she manages to chuckle out as she looks over everyone.

Even Michael manages to keep his thoughts to

himself as he just hugs his sister once more before looking at Boris, his ears

flat on his head as he scratches the back of his head. "I umm... kind of got

carried away... She... she means a lot to me..." he says as he reaches out and

manages to look Boris into his eyes. "Oh yes, the shagging you two did more

than proves that fact" Tau chuckles. At that point, everyone just looked at

him, Boris, Elizabeth and Michael with shock in their eyes. After a moment of

the most awkward silence in their lives, Michael and Elizabeth look at their

parents with a strong blush on their maws, and Boris just remains silent as he

looks to the floor, and then to the side. "M-mom... dad" Michael starts as he

manages to look his mother into her eyes. "All I want to know is" Dave interrupts

him with a rather stern voice "from when have you two been fooling around... And

for the future Michael... I do hope that when you're staying at your girlfriend's

house, that you keep it down. For the sake of her parents who have to get up in

the morning..." That takes even a perv like Tau by surprise as he just stares at

Dave. "W-wait... y-you two knew?" Elizabeth manages to ask with the quietest

voice she had ever produced. "Since two months after Michael came back from his

tour" Mary says as she crosses her arms in front of her.  "Ummm" is all that Boris says as he takes a

step back, but internally he's laughing his ass off. Because the looks on both

Elizabeth's and Michael's maws were simply ... priceless. "We umm.. S-since I got

back... t-the" Michael starts, but Elizabeth takes over "The very day... he umm,

got back..." and looks down at the floor. But instead of being scorned, all they

hear is a sigh from both Mary and Dave. "W-wait.. y-you're not mad?" Michael

blurts out as he thought that they would be both steaming mad.

At this point, Boris just can't keep it

together even more, and before long he bursts out laughing. Everyone just looks

at him, and even Dave can't really keep back a chuckle or two. But when his

eyes met his wife's, he had to quiet down. After a minute or so Boris manages

to calm down and wipe the tears away from his eyes. "S-sorry... but the look on

your faces was just too priceless!" he manages to chuckle out as he calms down

fully. A few moments pass in silence and finally, Mary takes Elizabeth's and

Michael's paw into hers, and murrs gently "It's okay, we don't really mind. But

there's something else we should talk about... Perhaps inside?" and turns to

Boris. Both Elizabeth and Boris just smile awkwardly as their eyes meet. "I'll

leave you to it then" Tau interrupts the tension and leaves them alone. "So,

shall we?" Mary asks as she's a bit curious as to what has the two of them so

worried. "Yeah... sure" the husky finally says as he clears his throat.

All of them make their way inside, and that's

when Kathalina shows up. Wearing nothing more aside from some see-through silk

and some jewels, she freezes as she sees all the new people staring at her.

Now, Michael's jaw is on the floor, while Dave was almost red in the face,

though not because of seeing a near naked girl before him. Mary is simply

looking her over, almost admiring the curves and physique while Boris and

Elizabeth were simply trying to move everyone along. Mary, spotting her

husband's redness, places her paw into his and murrs "Now dear, don't do

anything harsh... we talked about this..." "Umm, what's going on?" Boris whispers

into Elizabeth's ear as he can't quite figure it out. "My dad.. Dave isn't

supportive of slavery... human or anthropomorphic..." she answers as she just walks

over to Kathalina and tells her to move to the bedroom. "Listen, I can expla..."

Boris starts but Dave cuts him off. "What is there to explain huh!? You some

sort of slave trafficker?  Or just some

sort of sick pervert like your boss!?" "Whoa whoa there, you shut the fuck up

about my boss!" Boris snarls back as he shows his fangs and his claws creep

out. "Dave!" Mary shouts, taking everyone by surprise. She had never raised her

voice like that before, or at least not when Michael or Elizabeth were around. "Now

you two stop this right now!" she continues as he walks over to Dave. "Look, I

know your stance on slavery... but you do, erm, did work for a country that was

one of the main propagators of it" and takes his paws into his. "That doesn't

make any difference...." He grumbles as she manages to calm down. Elizabeth moved

to Boris, to calm him down, and managed in doing so quite effectively. Michael

on the other hand still couldn't get the image of the naked fennec out of his

mind, and was standing there in a sort of a daze. "And why didn't you say

anything on the plane hmm?" Mary asks her husband as she's still holding his

paws and lightly rubs over them. "The little fact that we had to leave our

house behind and the fact that we were in a plane..." he grumbles as he fully

calms down.

The rest of the conversation passes on in

relative peace. That is, if one could ignore the obvious. Boris and Dave did

not like each other particularly well. Call it an alpha thing. But the conversation

eventually leads to a matter that could not be avoided. Kathalina just brought everyone

a cup of nice, hot tea, as Mary asked Elizabeth. "So, will you be staying with

us, or umm... Boris?" and takes a sip of the tea. After petting the fennec on her

head, she turns to Elizabeth once more, as do everyone else. A few moments pass

in awkward silence, as Elizabeth can't help but blush at the sudden attention

and the delicate matter brought to light. "Well umm..."she starts, but is interrupted

by her father.... Dave. "Don't worry Elizabeth" he says calmly to reassure her,

and that calms her a little, just enough to continue. "I really enjoyed living

with you... you were... are like a true family to me. I love all of you" she

continues as the blush persists on her cheeks. "But..." she continues, and it

doesn't particularly take anyone by surprise. If anything else, Boris was the

most surprised by what she said next "I've known you for the better part of my

life... but meeting my real father, Boris... I think I need to know him better and

get some answers" she says as she looks everyone around her in the eyes for a

moment. "I hope you're not mad" she whispers as she droops her head. But at the

same time, Michael gently lays his paws under her chin to lift her head back

up. "Hey don't worry about it" he smiles "At least our parents will be able to

sleep soundly from now on" he chuckles as his smile turns into a grin, electing

a small chuckle from everyone else. "You perv" she nudges him back as a smile

dances across her lips once more. "So it's settled then" Dave starts "Although

I may not like you very much, even a little would be overkill for it, but I

guess it's her decision to make, and her right to get answers to her questions"

and stands up, only to hug his daughter. "We love you too" Mary purrs as she

stands up along with Michael to hug her daughter good bye. "You take good care

of her" Michael says to Boris as they all start to head for the door. "Don't

worry she's in good paws" he says back as he wraps an arm around his daughter's


"Oh, and by the way" Boris says as they're

standing in the door way "Tau's always hiring, and judging by your service

record, I think you two would fit in quite well.... If you can get past the fact

that you spent most of your lives fighting

against him" and extends a paw to Dave. "I don't think that that'd be a good

idea... but seeing as I've been shunned from the US Armed Forces... I'll give it a

thought" Dave replies as he shakes the husky's paw. Boris then extends a paw to

Michael, who with a bit of hesitation shakes it as well. "I'll visit you often"

Elizabeth murrs as she gives every one of her foster family a hug again. And

after they leave, the two go back inside and sit back onto the couch. "You know...

Tau is looking for more than just your regular cannon-futter you know" And in return, she gives him a look that

could quite passably kill him. Putting on a dumb smile, and stroking the back

of his head, she punches him in between his ribs. "Oh yeah? And what would that

be?" she grins as she lays one paw on his groin. "Oh yes... he's looking for more

Spartans... and seeing as you're part me..." and squeezes her rump, making her squeak

a little. "You can't be serious...." She grumbles back, but leans into his body. "Oh

I am... I get lonely performing the most horrific acts imaginable... And I know

you. If you have even a drop of my blood in you" "You think you know me?" she

growls, which makes scares him a bit. But all fear was shoved aside, as was he

onto the living room floor. "I don't think you know me at all" she chuckles,

then presses a kiss to his lips.

At an undisclosed location

at an undisclosed time....

A large troop transport plane was flying over a

warzone. In it were a lot of soldiers. Human and anthro. All geared up and

scared out of their pants. Some might say that they didn't sign up for this.

But here they were anyways. Facing possible death. "All right, get ready. Drop is in one mice" a voice says over the

headsets of the soldiers. From the front of the plane, two figures approached

the tail loading ramp. The lights turned red just as the two made their way to

the back of the plane. "How did we get into this?" Elizabeth asks as she pulls

back the fabric of her suit. "Don't know, don't care. But we have a job to do"

Boris grumbles just as the light turns green. "30 seconds!" the intercom sounds this time and Elizabeth pushes the

button and the doors slowly creek open. Light shines into the plane opening,

illuminating the front rows of men, as well as the two Spartans. "Lighten up

will you" Elizabeth chuckles as she takes a few more steps towards the edge of

the ramp. The silver color of her suit glistened a little as the light hit it

at the right angle, and it was obvious that the two had different armor to the

rest of the men in the plane. "Last one down buys the other a drink" she yells

as she pulls the mask back over her maw and gives a rough spank across his ass.

"Why you little" Boris chuckles just as she jumps out of the plane and lunges

after her and pulls the mask over his maw as well. The others follow suit, many

of them jumping into their deaths, while a select few would become heroes in

the eyes of the public.

Stay tuned for more

A story by Tau Maxim