The Pride & The Pack

Story by WolfLament on SoFurry

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I took what I needed out of the locker and shut the door. I locked it and started to turn just as his large hands slammed onto the lockers either side of me. He stood in front of me, wearing a towel and nothing else. He towered over my mere five-foot-nine with his impressive six-foot-three. I sidled backwards and felt the cool metal of my own locker on my back. I was a proud alpha wolf, I shouldn't have been frightened of this lion, but somehow Lian made me jumpy. It must have been an eerie scene, because everyone else in the locker room had fucked off. I'd hardly noticed them leave, perhaps that was Lian's doing too.

"What do you want, Lian?" I asked in a neautral voice.

Lian leaned into me. "Now that is a loaded question, isn't it?" he growled. Like I said earlier, Lian was impressive. He was broad-shouldered and built like most athletes were. He was the all-star basketball player in our school and seemed set for professionalism in the future. That fine, muscular chest stretched underneath the golden fur that covered his entire body. Subtle and equally impressive, his mane of deeper, chesnut brown fur proved him came from a blood line of pride and dedication to perfection. I wanted to touch him, dammit!

"And why would that be a loaded question?" I asked, in my most calm tone.

"Because it can lead to so many posibilities between us," he replied. He suddenly ran a wide hand across my head, almost petting me like the good pup I was. His hand caressed my fur. He then slid his hand down to the side of my face and cupped me there like he'd cup his only lover before a kiss.

I shoved his hand aside, unsure whether that was what he'd wanted, or whether he'd intended to indeed kiss me. I stepped around him, backpack in hand and towel secured around me, I'd wanted some privacy to change, but somehow I figured Lian wasn't done yet. I rested the bag on the bench and thought about what had happened. I'd wanted Lian to touch me. Maybe the touch would've lead to more, much more. I had wanted it badly. Almost too badly. I shook my head and looked then at the mirror opposite the lockers, beyond the benches.

Lian was stood behind me. His face no longer flirtacious, but there was something there. The heated expression you held back for that special someone. I looked minor in comparison, he was impressive, but I looked like the before to his after. Like I said, I stand at around five-nine and where wolves are concerned that's a pretty standard height. I had muscle, but I was that kind of slender-muscle that most runners or swimmers tended to have, whereas Lian looked to be more the footballer. I am covered in white fur, with a streak of black through my hair. My tail rested motionless behind me, while Lian's swished around behind him. Wagging like a happy puppy or kitten. I was almost entranced as his tail swayed back and forth. I went to my backpack and started to get what I needed. Clothes. I needed clothes. Once I was ready to leave, I could pretend this never happened. No more thoughts about Lian fucking me. No. I didn't want to be fucked and abused. I wanted him to make love to me..?

I turned, suddenly amazed at what I'd wanted and my baby-blues met those deep, chocolate brown eyes of his. He leaned down slowly without a word, our eyes met for a second, then he stepped into me, and he kissed me. I never broke the kiss, but instead endured it. He'd been a gentlemen, and not plunged his tongue down my throat. He slowly broke away from me and appeared to step backwards, when my hands grabbed his forearms and held him in front of me.

"What just happened?" I said in barely more than a whisper.

Lian smiled. "You feel it too, don't you?"

"Feel what?" I asked.

"That sensation of wanting to be with the other person," Lian replied with a pleasant smile. "I want you, Kael, more than words can describe, I don't know why, but I'm not disgusted with what I'm doing, I want to kiss you, I want to do so many things to and with you," he said in a rush of heat. He bent down like he'd kiss me again and this time his arms slid around me. "Please tell me you feel the same way?" he purred.

I thought about it and realised everything he'd said was what I'd felt moments ago. "Yes," I replied.

My hands rubbed up the smooth fur on his forearms and suddenly I found my back to those cool, metal lockers again. I'd lost track of time. When had he moved me here? I wasn't mad, or even remotely bothered. All that mattered was that I was being held by this one lion, who now seemed like the most precious thing in my life. He bent down and licked slowly across my throat. He suckled there and held me closer. The towels around each of our waists gone. When had that happened? I didn't care that I was nude and pressed to another nude male who seemed to be pretty happy to be there judging from the size of his erection.

"Wait, Lian, please," I said suddenly in a breathy voice. God he was good.

"What's wrong?" Lian asked. That heated look was there again, that flirtacious heat.

"I don't know why, but I'm cool with doing this, I'm cool with whatever you want to do, but I'm not sure I'm ready for a public demonstration," I explained.

Lian smiled that heated, lustful smile. "We can take care of that, no problem," he growled.

His way of dealing with it was to wrap my legs around his waist, hold me close to his chest, and pad to the shower cubicles. He pulled the sheet away with one hand, while holding me by my ass with the other. The tips of his fingers slid slowly between my buttocks while he'd carried me. It made me shudder and grow hard against his stomach. He yanked the sheet to and lowered himself to his knees, me pressed against the cool tile of the floor. The cubicle's were big enough that if he was cautious his tail would not disturb the sheet and reveal us. He resumed his lavish licking of my throat as my hands explored that mane.

I ran my hands through the smooth fur, stroked his head and listened to him purr while I let a deep growl out of my throat as he lowered his tongue to tease and coax one of my nipples. I then noticed for the first time that Lian's left nipple was pierced. A single silver ring looped in the flesh. I pushed lightly against his shoulder and he lifted up. My legs were still around him from when he carried me, so as he sat back, I climbed up his muscular body and found now I was level with that shimmering, silver bauble. I let my tongue explore him, the texture of the pierced flesh and the feel of rolling that ring around between my muzzle. Lian held me by my ass in place and purred as I teased him and coaxed him as he had done to me.

His voice came out in harsh breaths, like he'd been running. "Fuck, you sure you haven't done this before?" he growled.

"I'm not finished yet, there's a lot more of you that I want to lick before the big finale," I said. I had never been flirtacious before. It was odd coming from me, but Lian lapped it up and smiled. He lifted me and lowered me to the tiled floor.

"Then how about you give me a demonstration?" he stood up slowly and I was now on both my knees, level with the pride, throbbing manhood that was...his manhood. "Show me what you've got," he said in that daring tone.

I smiled and licked my lips, then slowly ran the tip of my tongue over the head of his erection and watched as his whole body visibly shivered. I licked again and again, teasing him now. I ran my hands up the smooth calves and squeezed gently before I found that prized ass of his and started to slowly massage each buttock in either hand. Lian's arms went out and he held himself up by gripping either side of the cubicle. He gazed down at me as I slowly slid his manhood inside my mouth and worked my tongue along the shaft. I withdrew, and sucked a little towards the end before he popped out of my mouth. Lian purred and moaned as I did this two more times. Enjoying the sensation of him entering and popping out of my mouth. I tasted pre-cum and knew that I'd had my fun with him.

"I can't take much more of this," Lian growled suddenly.

"Is there a problem, Lian?" I asked.

Lian looked down, heat in his eyes. "Offer me your ass," he demanded. Before I could reply he turned me and I found myself on my knees, my torso pressed to the cool tiles. My ass was now offered to the king of the jungle so to speak. I was almost exposed if it weren't for my tail, wagging like I was being petted on the head. Lian crouched a little and with one hand moved my tail aside, revealing my tailhole. "Holy shit, your gonna be fucking tight," he purred. "Then again, tight holes are always fun to open up," he added.

Before I could utter a word, Lian's hands secured around my hips and he started to push slow and easy, his manhood felt almost ten-times too big to fit inside me. My ass refused to be opened up, and then without warning the head of his lion-hood slipped inside. I let out a moan befitting the moment. I wanted him so badly now. That simple act of entering me had driven me wild. I started to slowly rotate my hips out of pure instinct as he continued to push and push. Inch by inch, sheathing himself inside me.

"How's that?" he finally asked when he was all inside me.

I was lost for words. Judging from what I'd sucked on, I'd have said Lian must've been nine, maybe even ten inches of thick lion-meat.

"Speechless, huh?" Lian growled.

He let go of me, so that only his manhood held me where I was. I growled and moaned his name as he stayed where he was, teasing me, taunting me. Then he pushed down, slowly, but with more force than before. I lapped up the attention, and moaned with pleasure as the lion started to rotate his hips and plunge in and out of me, slow at first, but picking up speed at the end of each stroke. Soon he was slamming his way inside me, making me growl with pleasure and a hint of pain. I wanted him. I wanted him so fucking much that I'd have welcomed the pain and forgotten the pleasure.

Lian moved and thrust and drew himself out all the way, then before I closed up, he'd slam his way home and make me scream with ecstasy. He rammed and fucked and growled with me, each stroke bringing him closer and closer to his orgasm. I realised we had not used a condom, and had been thankful that none of us seemed too bothered about protection. If he had been covered by some latex glove, I'd have been disappointed. I wanted his flesh inside me. I liked having the thrill of him about to unload his lion seed inside me like he could impregnate me. Protection would've ruined this moment for me.

"Oh shit! Oh fuck, I'm so close, Kael!" Lian growled as he thrust faster and faster. The hips had stopped rotating and he'd collapsed to his knees now. My ass had lowered and I'd raised up onto my elbows, but the pleasure came over me in waves as I moaned and growled and begged for him.

"Please don't stop, Lian!" I pleaded. "Fuck me, breed me like a good pup should be!" I snarled.

"Gladly," he said in a strained growl. He thrust three, four more times and then I felt him go. A wash of hot, heated lion seed spilled inside me. My own member seemed eager to follow, and without any warning I spilled my own seed across the tiled floor and some of my lower stomach. Lian never stopped thrusting and instead held me up, close to him as he slowly moved in and out of me, he gradually stopped and held me there against his stomach, while he slowly withdrew himself from me.

"Jesus," I breathed. I felt that warm rush of sperm spill from me and splash the tiles under me. That had been fan-fucking-tastic! "You always been this generous with women?" I asked.

"Only the ones I deemed worthy," he replied. I turned and met his gaze. His eyes held heat, lust...and love.

"And I'm worthy of this gift?" I asked in an uncertain voice.

He moved an inch closer and kissed me, slow, passionate and deep. Our tongues caressed one another for a few seconds and then he slowly withdrew from me a second time. "In more ways than one," he answered. He reached over me then and turned the fauset. Luke-warmth poured on us and swept away the seed that we'd both supplied.

I expected panic to set in. I'd fucked in a public place, with another man, who I barely knew, and had only seen once or twice a day around campus. I was twenty, in my last semester, and somehow it seemed complete with discovering the love of the stranger that was Lian. I'd cherish him, get to know him, and prove I was worthy of what we'd just accomplished. I knew that my body loved him, but at that moment saying it seemed minor, compared to what I should've been able to say if words had been invented for it. Maybe in the future, I'd discover the word and use it in the same breath as Lian's name. But for now, being held by him was a damn-good silver medal.