One and Only Intro

Story by danybw on SoFurry

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So i am starting another story. This one is a bit more different. Just tell me what you think in the comments.

Since i was born i knew i was unlike anyone. Everyone around me were covered with fur or scales unlike me. My grandmother used to tell me stories about my kind. The ancient era of the humans before somekind of toxin took over their bodies. She told me what great nation they were , how much great ideas they had , but avoiding their suroundings and when they all changed they became one with the nature. Grany used to say that God did that to the humans because they were really greedy and wanted everything for themselves. Disrespecting the living things around them , they were punished for destroying the nature by building houses everywhere their eyes could see , even underwater. She said they poluted the seas and air with their machines. She use to tell me about how the new kind , anthros , found about new kind of fuel wich changed the way of working of things. She used to tell me these things... until she died on new year. I was little then. When i started school everyone would look at me weird and other would call me "monster" or "weirdo". But school was one thing. Now high-school was awaiting me. I bet it's gonna be living hell there.....