The Haunting

Story by Xrohne on SoFurry

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The Haunting<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

If you don't like it then leave. As this one has nothing to do with Furries/Scalies. I had made this story before I had even heard of Furries/Scalies therefore I dont care what you think I just uploaded it for fun. You can still leave your comments though, I care about them unless they're mean or hurtful. Then you can just keep them to yourself.

It all started one day some long time ago in a little town called Fisher Falls. Yes I know, it's a weird name, but this is my story and I'm the one telling it. Ok? Like I was saying Fisher Falls is a dreary kind of town where people were very tired and bored with their lives. The only pastime was a game called Mantracker for kids. And the adults were usually too lazy or fat to participate. Well one day I was the tracker when I found (quite to my surprise) that I was in a part of the forest I had never seen before.

The trees were covered in old moss. The braches were being weighed down almost to the ground with the moss; and the moss itself was the creepiest shade of green you could imagine. This was definitely very abnormal to me since I had seen every part of the forest itself at least one million times over before today and never came across this part. It felt creepy and even more dreary and foreboding then Fisher Falls. Oh, I'm sorry. I should probably introduce myself.

My names' Samuel, but everybody just calls me Sam. You probably think this is not a creepy kind of story right now but in fact it will get there eventually. So I was walking along this path in this part of the forest that I had never seen before, when I heard something growling behind me, and a just stopped in my tracks. I started to think to myself "please don't be a wolf, please, please don't _be a wolf"_and when I turned around, it was the only thing worse than one wolf. If you guessed pack of wolves you would be wrong. In fact it was a pack of spectral wolves, unlike any I've ever seen before.

I was scared out of my mind. But the weird thing was that they were just staring at me. After a while, they finally faded away, and I say after a while because I was so scared I couldn't move. I then ran home, but the weird thing was that it was the same time as when I left home to go play with my friends when I had first left. But then something weird happened. I saw myself walk out the door and go down the street toward my friends, and what did I do? I did the only thing I could, I followed.

I couldn't do anything as I watched myself walk into the spectral woods where the wolves were. Then it hit me. These wolves were distorting time around me, and I couldn't stop it. "STOP!" I tried to yell to myself. But the other version of me couldn't hear me (obviously). If you're thinking that I somehow got out of the loop. Stop being a jerk. All of a sudden, everything just went blank. And I realized that this had happened before. Then, I just blinked out of existence.

Dragons And humans

This isn't supposed to be like a journal really, but may accidentally become like one. And some people may sometimes ask "hey, why don't you speak your mind?" well its simple, as I've been going through high school I've made friends, lost friends and...