Malicious: A RP log!

Story by Vulpsis on SoFurry

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A Mega Mawille satisfies her desires with a Blaziken with her two large maws! An RP log converted to a story.

This "story" Is actually a log I changed up of a past RP I had done! I changed the name of my partner for anonymity. Each new paragraph is actually just the reply from the other so I apologize if it's a little hard to understand

In the woods a lone Blaziken stood up against a tree atop a slope Hill. His hawk like eyes peered off into the distance and fixed onto a certain someone whom took a leisure stroll across the Plains. "It's her..." He muttered, his heart skipping a beat. He was excited that she kept her word on the meeting place but didn't want to seem desperate to her... She teased him enough as it is. As she drew closer her slender yellow and black body grew detailed. Her two large maws hung back like hair while her youthful face caused him to blush with that flirty smile and lists red eyes. When she finally was with arm distance she spoke first.

"Hello, darlin'"

"Darling? Oh, don't flatter me with such titles, cutie... I'm surprised you're here... I didn't expect you to come along just to fill someone's desires... "

Malicious looked up at Blaze as her hand idly stroked and rubbed along that naughty spot between his legs "I can say the same to you ~ but I want to assure you that this is me fulfilling my desires~" -While she spoke her two large maws wriggled and rose up to nuzzle Blaze's cheeks. The maws opened just enough for the large meaty tongues to be seen dripping with lust...- "Had you put any thought in the choices I offered earlier, Sweetie?~"

"m-me cute? p-pfft..." His blush that filled his cheeks grew some, or rather, quite a bit more than just some, his cheeks where full of blushing at the current time, much due to those large maws given the displays of lust dripping tongues... He had something for those tongues, it was shown between his legs to that he was so far enjoying it, his flacid rod giving a twitch, as her stroking hand was slowly bringing it to life, he leaned down slowly, and gave her ear a lick as he whispered "Oh, if it's you fulfilling your desires... Well, why should i chose? Why not just let you do just that?"

Malicious felt her blush grow vividly across her face, that small delicate hand now tracing along the stiffening rod, her fingers slowly feeling the outline of the heated member... "My desires?~ Well... then let's begin~" She pushed Blaze with her free hand to get him to stand up straight against the tree while both her maws moved on down. her hand then gripped at the base of his cock as both those maws seemingly sniffed at the thick length, Malicious winking up at him as she stood against the Blaziken, her hand reaching down keeping his member still as she reached up with the other one to brush along his fluffy chest. Soon the two maws parted, the large meaty tongues wrapping across his exposed manhood and draping it in smooth, warm and wet muscle ~ saliva coated his length and dripped on down, the two large tongues wrapping and tangling around his cock as Malicious looked up at Blaze with lust filled eyes. She licked her lips, the Mawille able to taste everything her two large maws sampled "Ohmy... you're pretty tasty... oh? is that your pre spilling out? naughty bird~"

Blaze would keep quiet, not letting words cross his lips for now, however, with her small hand gripping and teasing his cock, he couldn't help but keep growing, at a quite fast rate, it wouldn't be long before he stood stiff, his two hands reached behind him, gripping into the ground with his talons to support his position, and with those maws closing it... Sniffing at him, seemingly and it was confirmed that they had taken interest in his meat the moment that those two maws parted, his eyes closed, and he would let out a soft chirp as those large, meaty tongues wrapped across his malehood, he squirmed softly at the attention to his sensitive parts, those large, warm and wet muscles... He had never tried anything the likes of this before, and with his member nicely coated, and those tongues wrapping around his cock, he couldn't help but let out a soft moan as indeed, pre leaked from the tip of his warm meat, directly onto her tasting tongues, he couldn't get himself to counter, answer to her calling him naughty, it only further fueled his blushings.

Malicious audibly smacked her lips, her own little mouth dripping from the deliciously hot member as she continued to tease him. "I can taste every inch of it, you know~ it's hard not to lose control of these two... but you don't mind at all, don't you? I can make it even better for you, watch~" One of the two maws retreated while the other remained, the large maw closing around his throbbing cock and suckling on it, massive amounts of gooey and viscous saliva swirled along every inch while the tongue swirled around it, her "teeth" dangerously close and occasionally grazing harmlessy inside as Malicious gave off a little moan, her own body beginning to succumb to the heat of the moment "so good... aaah~"

Blaze couldn't help but nod at her softly, god, it was heavenly, especially with him having that secret fetish for big tongues, that no one had explored as of yet, until this Mawile happened, his eyes kept closed as he tried to keep his beak closed to, yet, failing to do so, it would slowly open and let out a soft, lewd moan, a show of how much that he was enjoying this so far, the feel of saliva, everywhere on his dick, along with the large maw that.. c-closed around his member! This mixed in a bit of fear, especially with those gracing teeth, yet, it only turned the moment that more sexy to this horny and lusty bird, that once again could hold away the moans that came out of his beak.

Malicious giggled when she heard the bird moaning softly, beads of sweat forming on the Mawile as she tried to hold herself back and not lose control to her instincts... for the bird's sake. Her little hand reached down and began to feel around the bird's crotch which had gotten soaked from the cookout amounts of saliva that leaked out. "Are you ready, sweety? you're about to feel something so amazing that no male had ever lasted against... " Her maw pulled back, the tongue slipping off his saliva covered cock as it was left bobbing out in the cold air. her maw then opened widley, the jagged horns for teeth out on display as the teeny tiny throat hole of the maw was exposed. The maw inched closer, Malicious gripping and guiding the cock into the tiny hole as ber maw pressed against his crotch, the lips opened completely sideways as his cock slipped in and literally became swallowed. Blaze would then feel an overwhelming sense of heat as the throat constricted tightly around it, the cock being dipped into freshly producing saliva that gurgled around his cock as Malicious audibly swallowed again and again, the cock being massaged by that hot tunnel of soft flesh that seemed to be made just to bring a man to orgasm within moments...~

Blaze couldn't help but stare at her big maw opened wide, a thing no male had ever lasted against... W-what could that be?... his question was quickly answered as her maw would pull back, an open, however, each moment that Blaze spend outside her maw caused it to be left cold... To be left wanting, which only further amplied his lust to both know... And feel what no man had ever lasted against, he stood still, eyes staring into the tiny, throat hole that was approaching his member, and with her hand guiding him nicely, it was happening... His member would be forced into the heavenly pleasure that was the throat of her big maw, his eyes quickly closed again, and he threw his head backwards staring up towards the skies as he would moan loudly, and not just moan anything "M-mal... M-malicious! " He would be moaning her name out loud as her throat, with all the freshly produced saliva, unbearable tightness, and overwhelming heat-like sense, within second of her audible swallowing, she would find heavy amount of pre leaking down her maws throat, and not even a half a minute of this would go by before the bird would almost screech out in pleasure as he was quickly forced to a powerful, explosive orgasm deep within her maws throat.

Malicious Shivered as she felt the streams of the bird's seed shoot right into her throat, her little body shaking as a hand reacged down and grabbed between her legs as she began to pant "Oh Blaze... it's so good, so tasty... give me more!~" She didn't give him the break he would desperately need. Her maw pushed further, the tip of his cock prodding at the deepest point of her throat anf rub against the glands that produced such hot and fresh saliva! desperate to pump out more of that delicious seed her other maw wrapped around him and slithered that large tongue between his cheeks, the smooth muscle prodding against his tail-hole before slipping in inch by inch. The large tongue attempted to pump right in him, the saliva soaked muscle exploring and rubbing along every inch until she felt his weak point... in moments his prostate was massaged, licked and played against all the while his still sensitive cock was subjected to pleasure that bordered along pain as her throat continued to swueeze and milk him, the goopy saliva feeling so hot against his already burning member as Malicious moaned and shivered against his warm body, her free hand now playing and pleasuring herself as she moaned his name while she licked and smacked her lips...

Blaze's orgasm had hit strong. He sat back panting some, trying to rest, but given not even a second to do her he would squeal as his member would only be forced deeper into her maw, his member madly twitching inside with each milking squeeze onto his cock that he was forced to take, it felt way to good, but it brought his extra sensitive tip to feel a highly ticklish pain. He tried to pull back but the maw only sucked him in even more. He could feel the pleasuring pain build up in him, and oh it felt like nothing he had ever tried before, yet, he endured... For now, he would be able to hold back, just for a bit, yet, that did not last for long, with her other maw quickly approaching his rear, and with that tongue prodding against his tail hole, he would be forced to moan out, he was deeply enjoying that feel, and with it quickly trying to pump in, and explore his depths, it would without doubt only take her moments to find that one weak spot that was inside him, with that tongue playing around with his weak spots, both on his member and deep inside his rear, he could not hold back for more than mere seconds before he would give in to fulfilling her desires, another orgasmic wave hammered through his body as hot, creamy cum was milked out of his member.

Malicious's throat contracted tightly as his milky white tongue mingled with her fresh and warm saliva as her large tongue pumped in and out of him. Malicious' own body finally fell onto her knees as she succumbed to her own orgasm, her two large maws vibrating from the intensity of her climax as she moaned out Blaze's name one last time... when it finally died fown she finally brought her maws back, the Mawille getting back onto her feet as she playfully wiped her lips with a hand. She hopped up and planted a smooch against his cheek for a brief moment before hugging around his legs, his cock still coated in cloudy thick saliva "Hehe if I kept you in there any longer and I would've melted you 3~"

With her finally retreating from ravaging the weakest spots of his body, the birdie would quickly fall onto his back, panting out loud, he needed a little breather before he even had the air to reply to her! his cock gave a few twitches within the thick, cloudly saliva that still covered it, and a good deal of his lower body, it was slowly deflating right in front of her, he needed rest now that he had been... Quite 'emptied' by the Mawiles suckling throat, indeed a pleasure that no man could stand up against... but also a pleasure that no man wished to stand against, the saliva on his crotch would also serve as a reminder of the mawile, until he showered, but for now, rest was first priority, but with her pressing her lady-juice covered lips against his cheek, he would blush heavily, and finally, open his beak to talk. "T-that was... I-intense... " ... He replied before a few second after, reaching with a single hand down to softly stroke her head.

Malicious giggled as she enjoyed the petting before she would lay down next to him, an arm reaching across his chest as she nuzzled her face against his "You're such a naughty bird ~" she teased as she wiggled her little body against his~

S-schh... y-youre such a naughty Mawile..." he replied, which he found more true~ Teasing a bit back he would hug her close, and press a soft kiss onto her lips. "How about some rest...?"

Malicious blushed as she was kissed, her hand reaching up to graze his cheek as she looked back at him with innocent eyes "Hehe, yes let's rest~"

Blaze And in just moments after hearing that, his head would drop to the ground, his eyelids quickly closing, and he would fall into a deep slumber...

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