D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive Part 3.

Story by Goldelite on SoFurry

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#3 of D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive

D'sim let out a soft, audible moan. He felt warm all over his body, a pleasant tingling in his limbs. Instinctively, he tried to and shift position as he slept, only then realising that he was upright, and mostly unable to move. Feeling a warm wetness over his body, he slowly remembered where he was. Attempting to take a deep breath, he found that it was hindered by the hugger still attached to his face, his breathing limited to what the sacs on the bottom of the creature let into his lungs.

His neck muscles twitched as he felt the warm slimy tube within it starting to wriggle around before slowly starting to retract. The tendons in his neck protruded as the writhing tube triggered his gag reflex, his throat muscles helping to push the withdrawing tube out. As the end of the slimy tube got to his mouth, he felt the tight fingers that were wrapped around his head loosen, and the tail around his neck uncurl from it. Finally, the long bony fingers of the creature released his head, the hugger falling to the ground beneath him. The creature's legs twitched as it lay on it's back before it went still.

His face was covered in a thin layer of slime from the underside of the creature. He slowly opened his eyes, looking around the darkened chamber again. He tugged at the resin that was holding him up on the wall again, giving a frustrated grunt as they didn't give. Something seemed different now, he knew that the creature had done something to him, but he wasn't sure exactly what it was. He felt slightly warmer, or maybe he was just thinking it. A few moments later, he felt something shift slightly in his chest, then shift again. It wasn't painful, but he knew that he didn't will that to happen. Slowly he began to realise what had happened. He could vaguely recall the lump sliding down his throat from the creature, and his breathing rate increased as the pieces fell into place and he realised why he was brought here. He was here to be some sort of host for the creatures.

Now starting to become stressed, the elite huffed and pulled at the glossy black resin harder. It wasn't long before his activity attracted the attention of a familiar looking drone. She padded over to him with a slight smile on her face, pleased that he was now awake. Clambering up the wall, she dug her claws into the resin that encased his arms and legs and began to pull and tear it off. He was soon free of all but a few pieces of it, and a good tug from his arm pulled them away. With nothing holding him against the wall anymore, he moved himself forward, accidentally slipping over the slick, smooth surface of the ledge between his feet. He yelped as he began to fall towards the floor, but before he hit, the drone caught him in her arms, hissing and holding him almost protectively.

Holding him in her arms, and with her tail wrapped around his legs, she gently lowered him to the floor and set him down on his hoof like feet. Giving a low, churring hiss, she placed one of her jet black clawed hands on the lower part of his chest, rubbing it slightly. It was this that confirmed it for him more than anything else that something living had been put into him. Stray thoughts in his head said that he was to be the host to a new creature.

If he had not been has observant, he probably wouldn't have even noticed that the thoughts weren't his own. He looked into the eyeless face of the drone that was holding him, realising that it was she who was thinking them, but somehow projecting them into his head. Another rogue thought strolled across his mind, he got the feeling that he wasn't going to survive the birthing of the young alien, knowing that it was her who was telling him this he began to whimper.

Something else went across his mind now. It wasn't a thought, but more of a feeling, and it was stronger than the other thoughts that he had felt from her. It was concern for him, affection even. As he realised what the drone was telling him, he blushed a deep blue colour, although difficult to see it in the dim light of the hive. The drone purred and rubbed her dome over his neck, her hand wandering over his shoulder and back. He felt more appreciated by her here than he had felt by anyone back at the base.

Slowly she released him, and stood back a bit from him. Turning tail and going on all fours, she began to walk towards another tunnel. She flicked the blade of the tail towards it, motioning for him to follow, as well as giving him the idea in his mind that he should follow her. As he got into the narrow tunnel, he found it much darker, the light in the other chamber from the semi-luminescent growths on the walls did not seem to be present here. He felt something poking against his arm, and soon realised that it was her tail. Grabbing onto it, he followed her lead through the twisting tunnels. The air seemed to grow slightly warmer and more heavy laden with the musky smell that permeated the air of the hive.

As he neared the end of a tunnel, he saw a dim, misty blue glow at the end of it. The drone led him into a chamber that was even bigger than the one that he was in before. It was better lit than the previous one, he was better able to see the details of the drone that led him, but more prominent than that was what was in the centre of the chamber.

Hanging from what appeared to be long, thick resin spikes was by far the biggest alien he had seen so far. It's body seemed to be in different proportions, it had a large crested head, and a smaller set of secondary arms on it's chest. The most notable feature though was the thick, large, whitish yellow tube that was suspended from between it's legs. It pulsated gently, and at the end of it, it narrowed. Watching it, he saw it deposit a greyish brown oval shaped object, an egg. It took him less than a second to realise that this creature in the centre of the hive must be the queen, the leader of it.

The drone began to lead him towards it, but just as he began to move he felt a strong, overpowering presence invade his mind. The chamber went blurry and he felt unstable on his feet. Instinctively he resisted it, but couldn't hold for more than a few seconds as he felt it invade his mind. The consciousness that invaded his seemed animalistic, primal. Yet somehow at the same time it had a strong intelligence, along with what could best be described as a distinctly female motherly instinct. Just as soon as it had come in, it left. He found himself slumped forwards over the female drone, apparently she had managed to catch him before he collapsed on the floor.

Still dizzy, he managed to pull himself back up again, looking around the chamber again. He heard, and also felt a strange high pitched buzzing noise in his head. He could also feel foreign thoughts mingling with his own, and these were much more strong than the ones of the female drone. Looking at the Queen, he realised, or more precisely was told by her, that she was able to communicate with him on a mental level much better than any other member of the hive could. Her thoughts weren't shown to him in the way that words would be spoken. They were raw ideas, images and emotions, the thoughts themselves.

He seemed to be able to remember things about the hive, even though he had never known them before. This Queen was allowing him to remember some of her memories. It took him less than a few seconds to gain a much greater understanding of the hive, how important the new life inside him was, how the Xenos were all completely sentient, all individuals. All of their minds and thoughts were linked together through the Queen, she directed their collective consciousness and kept order in the hive. He began to understand why he had been taken here, even starting to accept it a little.

He was shown the memories of the female drone now. It was of a few weeks ago, she was being sent to scout out for food and new hosts. The hive already knew about the strange new creatures that had landed on the planet, in their pinkish-purple ships. The Queen had already instructed Y'thnam'sss to be careful around these strange aliens, they seemed to possess quite formidable weapons. The young drone was curious though, she wanted to see what they were like, how they talked, what they did for passtime, perhaps even how they mated?

Y'thnam'sss wasn't foolish enough to go near the base, but she did know about regular patrols that had been sent out into the forest. She could observe these without going too close to the base. Over the weeks she had seen a few of the large aliens come out, sometimes accompanied by the smaller, more annoying ones. She had taken particular interest in a creature that walked around regularly. He always wore red-coloured metal on his body, and always came alone. She had managed to hide nearby in trees, not too close though, but close enough to be able to hear some of the things that he was thinking about. He hated having to serve the Coveee-Nant, he had no real friends in it. He did like coming out into the forest though, at least when it wasn't raining. Over time she made a habit of following him. She managed to grow an understanding of him, sometimes even managing to pick up a few rather personal thoughts that drifted through his mind, she liked it when he thought about that.

Eventually she reached the conclusion that she could help this alien, by taking him away and bringing him to the comfort of the hive, where everyone was happy. She talked to the Queen about this, and upon hearing about how the drone had managed to hear most of his thoughts, she gave her approval, knowing that it wouldn't be in his nature to bring any harm to the hive out of cruelty or hatred. She planned to do the ambush of him with another drone, by killing one of the smaller aliens and leaving it for him to find. What she intended was to make it look like he had snapped, killed the small alien and run off into the forest.

D'sim stood mostly still as the shared experiences made their impression on him. He managed to pull out of his daze, looking around the chamber once more, and then looking to the female drone, who he now knew was called Y'thnam'sss. He was surprised, yet happy to discover how she felt about him, how she had felt this way about him without him even knowing of her existence. He felt so happy, now he finally found someone that he could be close to. She sensed his thoughts, and moved forward, wrapping her arms around his back while churring lowly. He welcomed it, rubbing his head against hers. He had never felt like this before...sure he had mated with others, but he had never been this close with someone.

He had accepted what was going to happen to him now, he didn't regret that he had been facehugged and impregnated, he only felt a small amount of fear now. He realised that this would be a release for him...once the alien came out he would finally be free, and he would be able to live on through it. The Queen told him that he would die, but his consciousness would able to live on through the new alien, although changed somewhat to suit the needs of the hive. He would still have his memories, and his personality.

Sighing happily, he relaxed into the warm embrace of Y'thnam'sss, finally feeling at peace. She pressed her maw against his mandibles, and sensing her intentions he flared them. Her inner jaws slowly extended and moved into his maw, rubbing around and filling it with her warm drool again. He purred, rubbing his tongue against her jaws, closing his eyes.

A familiar scent reached his nostril slits, and Y'thnam'sss began to purr softly and rub her body lightly against his. She pulled out of the kiss, and slowly lowered him backwards, her arms around him so that he didn't fall. D'sim soon found himself laying on his back, the smooth resin floor feeling nice against his skin. Her large, clawed hands rubbed over his chest and belly, the scent she was releasing steadily growing stronger.

Moving down his body, she placed her head over his crotch, and extending her inner jaws she began to lick over his slit. He gasped as warm slime dripped over is crotch, groaning out loudly as her inner jaws spread his slit and began to slide into it. She was careful to keep her teeth retracted, not wanting to injur him as her inner jaws found the tip of his hidden member and clamped around it. His legs twitched and he groaned louder as she used a powerful suction from within her inner jaws to pull his length out of his slit. The sensations caused him to become fully erect in a matter of seconds, Y'thnam'sss hissed happily as he became hard, pulling her inner jaws off him and eagerly moving back up his body.

She was horny enough to hilt herself on him completely as soon as she could, making him gasp at the same time that she hissed in pleasure. He was the one who began the thrusts however, moving his hips backwards and pushing them forward forcefully into her, causing her to squeal out happily each time. Her tail whipped about behind her as she was penetrated by him. He managed to keep thrusting into her for a good few minutes, both of them increasing their pace as they got closer. D'sim was the first to climax, the male crying out in joy and hilting himself as deep in her as she could manage. A second later, she felt her sweet release as well, her walls clamping down around his squirting length, screeching out as his hot seed filled her.

As he slowly came down from the climax, he purred softly and rubbed over the smooth chitinous exoskeleton that covered her body. He was just about to lick her, when he yelped out loudly as he felt a sharp, jabbing pain in his chest. His breathing rate instantly shot up, his eyes going wide in sudden panic and fear. Y'thnam'sss gave a worried hiss, and stroked her hands over him, trying to calm him. She let her thoughts into his mind, soothing calming thoughts and feelings. He whimpered softly, holding onto her.

Another, stronger jolt of pain shot through him, making him yell out even louder, his body tensing up. He could feel something pushing, ramming against the inside of his chest. Deep blue blood started to trickle out of his mouth, his back arching in pain as he felt his ribs start to crack. He hadn't yet felt it over the pain, but Y'thnam'sss was still pleasuring him, trying to make him feel some pleasure in his last moments. He felt dizzy for a moment, and the same presence that had entered his mind before entered it once more. A moment later, he realised that he was not feeling the pain, the Queen somehow being able to stop him from feeling it.

He groaned out as Y'thnam'sss ground herself down on him. Looking down, he saw his chest bulging, before it burst outwards, releasing a spray of blood, flesh and fragments of bone. Looking down, he saw a pinkish creature now sticking out of the large hole in his chest, covered in his deep blue blood. It almost seemed cute, and gave a high pitched squeal. He couldn't take in very much air now, but he managed to emit one final gasp as Y'thnam'sss drew him to a climax, his shaft pulsating in her as he came one final time. The burster wriggled out of him, moving off to one side as Y'thnam'sss lowered herself on top of him, hissing softly and rubbing her hands over his head and neck while she curled herself protectively around him. His breath rasped as he lay on the floor, he could feel himself becoming dizzy, everything around him becoming slow and faint. He rubbed his mandibles weakly against Y'thnam'sss, giving one final breath before he felt himself lose consciousness, going limp in the grip of the female drone.