Uriel's Fire

Story by Lobito on SoFurry

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Uriel's Fire

Story copyright Lobito (2003)

Written as a commission for Flipper

Luce glanced at his chrono as the lift dropped him down to C-level. 0810. Wonderful. Usually he couldn't care less that he was lateâ€"he, like most of the breeders, viewed punctuality as a pointless anachronism, hardly worth heeding. But today he was paired with Garrett, of all people. Ass-kissing rules-stickler Garrett. All of the breeders hated him, of course, but the higher-ups adored himâ€"after all, how could they refuse such a brown-nosing yes-man? No doubt the smarmy fennec had already reported Luce's tardiness, which meant another "talk" with Dr. Lowen, who was head of the program. She was vicious when angered, and Luce was not pleased at the idea of getting another reaming by her. God, he'd only been awake for twenty minutes, and it was already obvious this day would be hell.

It wasn't his fault he was late, the ocelot acknowledged as the lift coasted to a halt. He slipped through the opening doors and took a sharp left to sector 5, trying to straighten his clingy uniform as he paced briskly down the hall. He hadn't been able to sleep last night, kept up by the aching void of a need that he was unable to satisfy alone. Oh, sure, as a ‘morph, he certainly had a couple of advantages in that area; opposable thumbs gave him at least some options in the arena of self-satisfaction. But it wasn't nearly enough to quelch this fire, this hunger in him. It had been long, far too long, since he'd last been able to share his craving with anotherâ€"three weeks, in fact, since he had shared a risky and pleasurable encounter with that lovely lupine breeder, Kahna. The stirrings in his blood had kept him awake far into the night, and he'd slept right through the soothing tones of his alarm this morning, leaving him mere moments to get dressed, run his hands through his black-and-blue striped hair, and dash out the door.

And now he was late, and both Garrett and Dr. Lowen were going to read the riot act to him. Just perfect. Luce braced himself as he reached the entryway to the C-5 surveillance area, only briefly glancing at the sign which read Tursiops truncatus: Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin to make sure he was in the right place.

"Here we go," he grumbled, mustering his most acidic smile as he hit the touch-pad and stepped inside.

The room was dark and empty. Garrett wasn't there, hadn't even started up the equipment yet. What luck! Luce grinned, punching up the lights and dropping into a synth-leather chair. If Garrett wasn't here yet, no one could accuse him of being late. He flipped the starter switches on the computers, watching the dozens of screens flick on, some with video images of empty rooms or motionless pools, others with calendars, charts, and graphs of statistical data. Luce ignored most of itâ€"he knew which ones he needed to look at in order to do his job and which were extraneous.

But first things first, the ocelot decided as he tapped a screen in front of him. Time to check his messagesâ€"maybe Garrett had sent something about being late. As serendipitous as it was, it was unusual for the little snitch to ever be anything but on time, so something was bound to be up.

Luce poked his finger at the screen, flipping from one message to the next. Mass crew mailing, stating that they were now about eighty-thousand kils from Xioudus, or about fifty more years of travel. After that, they only had another seventy-five years before they reached Tolion 3, their destination. Luce smirked at the cheerful demeanor of the news. Whoopee, he thought, I'll only have been dead for sixty years or so by the time we finally set down for good. Really, though they had pounded into his head from the moment of his birth on this hunk of metal some twenty-odd years ago how important and vital their mission was, no one had ever explained to Luce why anyone would want to colonize a planet so far off. Wasn't there some hunk of rock a little closer to their side of the universe they could've chosen (preferably one that didn't require over four generations to be reached)? Well, whatever. It wasn't his concernâ€"as long as he kept doing his job, everything would work out fine on Tolion 3 and he'd live a long, moderately contented life here on the Uriel. The ocelot brought up the next message.

Memo from one of the other breeders saying they'd been having trouble with unregulated mating in the canine sectors, particularly with the Malamutes, and to keep a close eye on them. While Luce couldn't blame the ‘Mutes for being antsyâ€"the seemingly insatiable hardness that kept him up last night was a testament to the power of hormonal urgesâ€"he knew that any unplanned births could pose a problem for the crew's staff. Resources were limited, and there were only so many mouths that could be fed (not to mention the problems that an oxygen shortage might cause). Restrictions were set for the numbers of any given species that would be allowed on the ship and used to colonize Tolion 3. Due to this, it was essential that every mating was heavily policed, determined ahead of time by pairing up the most genetically suitable animals when fertilization was most likely. The powers above demanded only the genetically finest offspring with which to colonize, so any mating that wasn't stipulated was strictly against the rules. It was unfortunate for many of the animals, some of whom only got the chance to mate once every half-decade, but it was a necessity of their situation, and it was a breeder's job to maintain that delicate balance, keep the system under control. Of course, there was nothing wrong with some rule-breaking once in awhile, and most breeders (Garrett excepted) realized that, but when transgressions became too numerous, as in the case of the ‘Mutes, problems could arise. It was a constant struggle to keep everything in check. Luce shook his head. The Malamute situation would work out, of course, they'd just need to be watched a little more carefully for awhile.

The next item on his screen was an innocuously professional-sounding message from Kahna saying that she and Luce were paired up to work the lapine section next week, and for him to please plan to spend his lunch break helping her analyze some data she'd been having trouble with. The ocelot grinned at that one; she'd been careful not to say anything out of place, as all interpersonnel messages were monitored, but he knew she was offering another rendezvous, and that was an offer he would be only too glad to accept. It was too bad it was a whole week away, thoughâ€"just the memory of their hot encounter earlier that month had brought back his achings with a vengeance. The slim feline closed his eyes for a moment, simultaneously enjoying and hating the feeling of his member tingling and stiffening inside its sheathâ€"God, if only he wasn't assigned to Garrett today, maybe he could find some way to work this damn edge off. Well, nothing to be done about it now; the fennec could show up anytime and Luce didn't want to get caught pawing off while on duty. He tapped the screen again.

The final and most recent message brought a huge grin to the ocelot's face.

Breeder L. Ardale:

Your assigned partner, Breeder G. Romer,

will not be reporting for duty today. He

seems to have picked up the virus that several

other crewmembers have contracted; we believe

that he may have caught it from one of the

rodentia in G-8, but we are still unsure. Use

proper precautions with all populations until

true cause is known. Due to staff shortages at

the moment, no replacement could be found; you

are to work in sector C-5 alone. Contact me in

case of any problems.

Dr. P. Lowen

"Maybe today will be better than I thought," Luce mused as he closed his messages and turned to the day's calendar. With Garrett gone he'd at least be free to satisfy himself a couple times in the isolated surveillance room, if no other opportunities came up. If fate continued to smile upon him, though, he might be able to let off some steam with one of the cetaceans he was working with today. He brought up the schedule, and saw that he was in luck: there were two female dolphins who were suspected to be ovulating and were up to be mated. It was the first time for one of themâ€"that should be fun. The male for the second mating was nothing specialâ€"a reliable stud who had sired more than a couple calves already. But, much to Luce's gleeful surprise, the male chosen for the first-timer was also a novice, which meant that their pairing would require special attention.

"And I intend to make it very special," the ocelot grinned, shoving the chair back and standing. He paused only to bring up the number of the chamber where the first mating was scheduled to occur in less than half an hour. Today had just gotten a whole lot better.

Adain nervously circled the bottom of the pool in the dimly lit room, rising to the top briefly to clear out his blowhole with a sharp blast of air. Though he appreciated that the water here was deliciously clean, the feel of its silkiness caressing the exposed parts of his skin did little to ease his anxiety. He knew what he was here forâ€"the crewwoman in his living sector had no qualms about informing him. Mating. He was finally eligible for mating.

Not that he wasn't excited, the dolphin thought as he poked his head through the surface of the water once more. Quite the contrary; he could feel his body buzzing with anticipation of the event, a buzzing that had been building, more or less, for over a year, nearly since he had turned ten. The urges would strike quite unexpectedly, sudden desperate cravings that would leave him shyly swimming in an isolated corner to hide the obviousness of his stiff arousal pressing against the skintight spandex of his bodysuit. All his kind wore identical suits, black, shiny garments that covered all but the flukes, fins, and head, and he was often grateful for the small amount of modesty it provided him in his times of desire.

But now... now it was the real thing. Mating. Shedding his suit, being naked. In front of a female, no less, though he hadn't so much as talked to a woman ‘phin for several yearsâ€"his female friends had matured much more quickly than their male counterparts and were separated to prevent any attempts at unregulated breeding. And he had never let another ‘phin see him outside of his suitâ€"only the crewmembers of the Uriel had ever been able to make him act so far against his modesty. And now they not only expected him to just strip down for a woman but... mate? He didn't even know her name, had probably never met her before in his life! Oh, this was too much, Adain fretted. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't.

"Hey there," a voice hailed the dolphin when he next surfaced for a breath of air, startling him. Snapping his head around quickly, Adain saw a feline ‘morph standing by the edge of the pool, obviously a crewmember by the design of his black-and-grey uniform. His fur was short and yellow, covered with brown-and-black spots, with black stripes marking his face in an attractive pattern. He was grinning, a playful and cocky smile that just exposed his sharp canine teeth. Adain opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the sound of an underwater door sliding open behind him. The cat grinned wider.

"Showtime," the feline laughed, and Adain turned to see a beautiful, sleek female ‘phin timidly edging around the pool. They locked eyes for a moment, then both looked away.

No, Adain thought, I definitely cannot do this.

Luce laughed to himself as watched the male ‘phin waggle his flukes nervously. Boy, no doubt he was a first-timer at all. The girl wasn't any more confident than he was, judging from the way she kept paddling away the moment they drifted any closer together. It's a good thing I'm here, he thought, or these two would never get anything accomplished.

"Well," he said to the two, "let's get this started, shall we?" With that, he reached down and stripped off his tight shirt and threw it to the side, following suit with his pants right after. Guiding first-timers was part of the job and was not only deemed kosher, but was expected. Just because it was S.O.P., however, didn't mean that he didn't enjoy itâ€"his cock was hardening already in anticipation, slipping out of its sheath to pulse expectantly in the cool air of the breeding chamber. The ocelot wasted no time and stepped into the shallow end of the warm water, gesturing for the maleâ€"Adain, the bio on the computer had saidâ€"to come closer.

Adain had no choice but to follow directions, swimming closer to the feline crewmember, his eyes riveted on the slick-looking pink shaft that had begun protruding from his fur. The dolphin, though inexperienced with ‘morph anatomy, could certainly guess what that wasâ€"could it be the breeder was excited about this, too? The thought inexplicably made the cetacean shiver, and he felt some stirrings of his own, deep inside his body, made only worse by the fact that the female was still there; he could see her inching closer out of the corner of his eye. Adain swam up next to the feline after it gestured again, and the ‘morph kneeled next to him, stroking a hand softly down Adain's snout. The dolphin closed his eyes and shivered againâ€"something about the gentleness of the cat's touch made the growing sensations just beneath his navel that much worse.

And then, before he knew it, Adain felt the spandex that usually clung tightly to his body being peeled back. He panicked. What was this? Usually they were allowed to undress in private, using the hooks that were positioned in designated areas to strip from their suits for their bodily needs. No one had ever done it for him before! The dolphin struggled slightly, trying to pull back, but felt a soft, furry hand stroke across his face and on the underside of his beak.

"Calm down," the cat's smooth voice cooed. "You knew this was going to happen. Just enjoy it."

Adain tried to calm the pounding of his heart, feeling water caress his body all over as his protective suit was removed with an agonizing slowness. He kept his eyes clamped shut, but had to admit to himself that he enjoyed the sensual feeling of the feline's hands sliding down his back and over his pecs and belly. He couldn't help but let out a tiny gasp of air, sounding almost like a whistle, as the suit slipped down over his now-quite-erect penis. For just a moment, he felt the feline's hand wrap around it, and it was the most wondrous feeling, that tight pressure all around the need of his member. It felt so right, and the dolphin felt heat deluge his whole body, particularly his erection. But the sensation was gone all too soon, and, involuntarily, Adain found his body thrusting slightly at the space where the hand had been a moment before.

He was nude. The suit was entirely gone. Adain tried to clamp down on the urge to madly swim across the pool, and managed to stay next to the crewmember, despite all his brain's urgent warnings. His brain was no longer the only part of him sending messages, and the excruciating feeling of his penis rigidly hanging in the water, begging for something to surround it once more, was too strong to ignore.

"Roll over," he heard the feline command, and, with just a hint of shyness, Adain complied.

Luce couldn't help but lick his lips at the sight of the ‘phin's body. The sleek sensuality of his slim white underside was only enhanced by the bright red erection that pointed up toward the ‘phin's head. It was long, by ‘morph standardsâ€"a good twelve inches, tapering from a deliciously thick base to a thin, almost rounded point near the tip. The feline motioned impatiently for the female to swim closer and observeâ€"he was nominally doing this for her benefit, so she would better be able to see exactly what was going on. At this point, however, he would've done this whether or not she was there; his desire had built to painful levels, and he was going to do something about it.

"This is the male's penis," he told the female, Fianne, as casually as he could, stroking his hand down the slick, slightly rubbery flesh of Adain's pectorals to rest just above that enticingly hard and eager member. "This is what is inserted during mating." Fianne nodded shyly, her eyes wide, obviously too embarrassed to speak. Luce couldn't help but grin at her timidityâ€"oh, to be so naïve again.

"The mating itself will only last a few moments," he continued in a professional tone, moaning internally as he let his hand wrap once more around the warm, rubbery flesh of the male's cock. His own member pulsed in response, engorging even further with blood, every nerve in his groin on fire. He was so ready, he felt like even just the light lapping of the water over his dick's flesh would set him off. But he wasn't ready for that, not yet. Cutting off his educational monologue for a moment, the ocelot let himself revel in the feeling of the rigidity of the ‘phin's erection as he slipped his hand up and down it easily, gently stroking it. It was so hot it felt as if it might singe his fur, and he had no doubt his own cock was about to make the water boil with heat of its own.

Luce flicked his eyes away from the female down to the hard, inviting staff in his hand, marveling at the curved, slim beauty of it. Adain's eyes were shut tight and he was making soft whimpering sounds, and Luce was tempted to make some of his ownâ€"the feeling of that firm but slightly squishy flesh under his fingers, burning with lust, was too much for him to bear. He knew that he was about to do something quite against the rules, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time, and, besides, with Garrett gone, no one was monitoring the chamber. The ocelot glanced back at Fianne once more.

"This," he said, "is what is going to happen once he's in you." And with that, the feline dropped to his knees in the water.

Oh, Adain felt as if he was going to burst. The soft, furry hand of the crewmember was caressing his cock in a tight but gentle grip, slowly working its way up and down his sensitive length. Blood was pumping all through his body at a high pace and he felt as if his sense of touch was magnified, as if he could feel every single damp hair on the feline's hand as it stroked his flesh. It was magnificent, unlike anything he'd ever experienced.

And then, unexpectedly, it became a thousand times moreso. The crewmember said somethingâ€"Adain wasn't listening anymoreâ€"and then there was a splash and the tip of his cock suddenly burst into an all-enveloping flame. Dully, the dolphin opened his eyes, craning his body up to look down.

"Oh, God," he moaned, his first words spoken in front of the female or the breeder, at the sight of the feline's head hanging down above him, the muzzle closing around the tip of Adain's straining cock, the man's eyes closed in a sort of lustful rapture. The breeder's hand continued stroking at the thick base of the stiff member as his mouth sucked eagerly at the sensitive top inch of its length. The dolphin couldn't help but thrust his body up, splashing water as he writhed at the feel of the cat's mildly rough tongue lapping, caressing, surrounding his erection with a fiery heat that Adain felt to his very core. It was getting to be too much to bear, and the dolphin found himself making a high-pitched wail, a noise that came from deep inside him, a place he never before knew he had.

Luce's moans were muffled by his muzzle's greedy grip on the ‘phin's cock. He relished the smoothness of its tip inside his mouth, the way the dolphin struggled and bucked with enjoyment. With his free hand, the ocelot stroked his own member, his fingers easily slipping over its hardness underneath the water. He could feel the prehensile tip of Adain's penis responding to his attentions, occasionally wrapping itself around his tongue in a painfully sexual kiss. The ocelot reveled in the slightly bitter taste of the dolphin's skin mixed with the vague saltiness of the water, the pulsing of the ever-thickening flesh in his hand, the soft murmurs coming from the motionless female who was watching them both.

And then, as Adain let out a sort of desperate whine, Luce knew it was time. With one last reluctant lick, he pulled his face away, letting go of his own cock and centering all his attentions on firm, hard tugs at the base of the dolphin's shaft. With a violent buck of his pelvis that could've likely broken Luce's neck had continued his oral administrations, Adain momentarily jerked his body off the surface of the water as his erection swelled and then contracted. A stream of white, hot fluid shot from the tip, firing in a low arch far past the dolphin's head and into the water beyond, followed by more thrusts of the ‘phin's cock as he continued coming, his seed splattering over his pecs and belly, the off-white liquid not quite blending in to the brighter shine of his flesh. It seemed like an eternity until he was finished, gasping softly as he floated, unmoving, on the surface of the water, half-covered in his own juices after an orgasm so intense even Luce found himself breathing heavily. He couldn't help but lift his hand up and steal a taste of the dolphin's seed, savoring the mild salty taste of the sticky fluid as he licked it off his fingers.

With a grin, the ocelot glanced over at the female dolphin, who was staring wide-eyed at Adain.

"All that," she whispered, finally, "goes in me?"

Luce pulled away from Adain and paddled lazily toward her, running his hand down the side of her snout. "Mm-hm. It's an adaption to the nature of mating in salt waterâ€"sperm can't survive long in such a corrosive atmosphere, so male ‘phins just make a whole lot more of it." He could tell she was nervous, and he stroked his hands soothingly over the top of her head, her ‘melon' as it was technically termed, as he began slipping the spandex suit off her body. "Trust me, it feels good. Or so the other dolphins have told me." That seemed to calm her a bit, and her body relaxed as he massaged her flesh, tracing his fingers down her pecs, rubbing her belly, lightly caressing the long slit that contained her clit and entrance, letting his fingers slip inside for a moment. He could tell by the way that she closed her eyes and moaned softly that she was ready, that watching him bring off Adain had excited her far more than the usual foreplay would. Even so, he let his digits linger in her as he tossed her suit to the side, toying gently with the hard shaft of her clit that lurked just inside her. She responded positively, thrusting her pelvis slightly at Luce, and he could feel her muscles tensing beneath him, as if her vagina was grabbing for his fingers. He grinned and pulled his hand awayâ€"might as well leave her wanting more.

Adain was watching intently, he could see, and was already well on his way to being fully erect againâ€"Luce certainly envied the short refraction period for male ‘phins. He had Fianne roll onto her back and stroked his hands over her slit, eager to get the ‘introduction' over with so he could attend to his still-needy cock and the mating at hand.

"This is her vagina, this is where you'll insert," he said briskly to Adain, and gestured for him to swim a little further out, to where the shallow end just began to merge with the deeper. With gentle nudges, he urged the female to follow, then had her lay on her side, floating on the surface of the water. The ocelot positioned himself behind her, shivering slightly as his cock rubbed against her smooth flesh. With a slight smile, he nodded at the hesitant-looking Adain; it was time to mate them.

Adain wavered just as he neared the female. There was no question that he wanted to join herâ€"the breeder's release of his seed had only made the dolphin even more hungry for mating, more desperate to be one with this other ‘phin. She looked so inviting there, her eyes slightly open, staring at him, but he just... he was just frozen. And then she spoke.

"Come on, I want this," she whispered, and she gave a slight thrust of herself at him for emphasis. That did it; those words and that slight gesture broke down his last ounce of control. Adain swam to her, diving below and coming up beneath, instinctually knowing how to press his body up against hers from underneath. He felt the warm hand of the breeder wrapping around his cock once more, guiding it, pressing its tip against the spreading slit of her entrance, and then... heat. Tenseness. Sensation. Silk. Words had no meaning for the dolphin anymore; the experience was far beyond description. He was lost in her.

A soft moan escaped Luce as he felt the dolphin's shaft slide under his fingers, into the waiting entrance of Fianne. The pressure pushed her back against him, her body rubbing tantalizingly against his needy member. She was moaning, writhing slightly, pressing herself down and forward against Adain, who was just under the surface of the water. It wouldn't last long, the ocelot knew, but it was so incredibly erotic to be able to experience with his own hand the envelopment of the male's shaft by her desperate cunt. Unconsciously, he rubbed his hips on her, stroking his cock on the slick, soft flesh of her back. She began shivering, her moans growing in strength and he knew that Adain was swelling inside her, preparing to fill her with his copious amounts of seed, and Luce was so close, too. He turned to lie in the water behind her, wrapping his arms around her and stroking both of their pecs as he ground his body against hers, water splashing over him, over his hot, needy shaft, lubricating his thrusts against her cool, firm skin.

Fianne's moan suddenly metamorphosed into a desperate, needy whine of air and he could feel her entire self shudder. She bucked against the other dolphin, but then was thrown powerfully back against Luce by the male's own urgent throes. "Yes," she gasped, still trembling. Just as he neared the edge, the ocelot reached around, wrapping his hand around the thick base of Adain's cock just in time to feel the last of his powerful spasms release one more load of his hot fluid into Fianne. The feeling of that scaldingly hot member pulsing in his hand was enough to push Luce over. With a deep, unbidden growl, he wrapped his free arm around the female dolphin and brought his hips slamming against her back, the friction of her wet, rubbery flesh against his erection's sensitive underside causing all his muscles to contract as his consciousness imploded inward until there was nothing but the tense need of his groin. And then the universe exploded back outward, and he heard himself scream some wordless obscenity as he emptied himself, firing his seed against the dolphin's back, into the water. His body jerked, and he had to fight to keep his claws retracted as he continued thrusting his hips, the very feel of the air around his cock milking more of his juices as he came down from the indescribable high of climax. He slumped back into the water and let himself hold Fianne closely for a moment, just floating next to her as the aftershocks made his arms and legs twitch involuntarily. Adain surfaced quietly and stared at them both. Then, finally, after several minutes had passed and Luce had finally pried himself from the female in order to wade shakily back to the shallow end, he heard the male's voice come from behind him.

"I-Is it always like that?" he asked, awed. The ocelot turned and felt another grin come to his face.

"It is if you're lucky enough to have me around," he replied, winking. He got dressed and left without saying another word.

Vera swam uncertainly into the chamber. It was strange that she was the first one there; every time she had been mated before, the male and the breeder had already been in the room, waitingâ€"she'd once heard another female say that the male habitat was closer to the breeding chambers, which was why they always arrived first. Whether that was true or not, Vera had no idea. All she knew was that she'd been mated over a dozen times already and that this was the first time the chamber was empty when she'd arrived.

But, no matter, she decided as she made a lap around the pool to work off some of her nervous energy. The others would be here soon enough, and then it would begin. She was anxious, of courseâ€"no matter how many times she did this, there was always a twinge of fear at the idea of being mated to some male she didn't know, being stripped of her suit and having her body exposed to both fellow dolphin and breeder, of the embarrassing business-like nature of it all. But despite all that she was excited, too. Since she had been pregnant and only recently birthed her calf, she hadn't been mated for far over a year, and she was most certainly ready for it. Even while she had carried the child within her, she had felt the painful stirrings, longings for the sheer physical gratification of the act, the hot, needy sensation of being filled. Oh, yes, she could feel the pangs of wanting within her even now. She wanted this.

When she surfaced for a quick breath, Vera was startled to see that the breeder was already there; he must have slipped in while she was lost in her thoughts. The dolphin felt a twinge of embarrassment at the nature of her ponderings, though she knew that the breeder had no idea what had been on her mind. The ‘morph was a supple feline whose tight uniform betrayed a frame that was thin yet well-defined with muscle. Vera thought she recognized his species as an ocelot, but she wasn't entirely sure. He grinned toothily as soon as he caught the dolphin's eyes and wordlessly began stripping out of his clothes.

Playing with the virgin couple had been fun, no doubt, but the moment Luce had left the breeding chamber, he knew he needed more. Usually, an orgasm would have quelled the fire surging within him, but not today. Instead, that session had served only as an hors d'oeuvre that piqued his appetite, making what had, before, been a hunger that was merely nagging now one that was insatiable, ravenous. And so he had gotten on the phone as soon as he'd returned to the surveillance center; one well-placed call (with a quick lie about schedule changes) later and he had this fine cetacean female all to himself for a half-hour before her mating partner arrived. This sort of thing was nominally against the rules, of course, but that hadn't stopped Luce (or any of the other breeders, for that matter) yet. As long as it was kept infrequent enough, no one of authority would notice and everything would continue to run smoothly.

The female dolphin, Vera, was already in the breeding chamber by the time the ocelot got there. Perfect. Just so much as thinking of what was about to transpire had made his cock harden uncomfortably inside his uniform. He wasted no time in ridding himself of his bothersome clothes, noting with some amusement how the dolphin's eyes widened at the sight of his obviously-ready member. Not what she was expecting, he was sure, but the reports had said that this specimenâ€"Vera was her nameâ€"had, despite seeming shy at the outset, pursued her matings with a high level of enthusiasm.

Which makes her just perfect for me, the breeder thought with a grin. His body as aching for vigorous, frenzied coupling, for the powerful climax, for the heat of a body surrounding him. He needed sex, real sex, and, judging from her track record, he guessed that Vera would be most accommodating in that regard. With a predatory smile, Luce slipped into the pool, near the shallow end, so that the water only came to mid-thigh. After that, he simply stood, quietly, waiting for her to come to him.

Vera couldn't help but let out a small gasp of surprise at the sight of what was unmistakably a fully excited erection on the feline breeder as he slipped his pants off and threw them aside. He certainly wasn't the first breeder to undress before assisting in a mating, nor the first one whom she had seen aroused. But none of them had been so obviously desirous at the beginning of a mating session. Nor had any eyed her in a manner such as this one did; she could see a hungry glint in the brown depths of his eyes, even at this distance. His motions were laced with a smooth, assured sensuality, as though he were performing some elaborate dance instead of simply lowering himself into the pool's waters. Then, surprisingly, he stopped and simply watched her. Vera stared back for a moment, nervously. Then, overcome by curiosity and deciding it would be rude, not to mention awkward, to sit in silence without at least some sort of idle chatter (most of the other breeders had at least asked her how she was feeling that day), the dolphin paddled uncertainly closer to him.

"Is... Is the other on his way?" she queried shyly. "I-I mean, the... my..." Embarrassed by the thought of speaking so bluntly about the reason for her presence there, Vera stumbled over the words, but the breeder grinned and completed her question in a low voice, almost like a purr.

"Your mate-to-be?" he asked. Vera nodded timidly. The feline's grin grew wider, and he took a step closer to her. "He'll be here in due time." He motioned with his head for her to approach, and she complied, swimming close enough for him to reach out one of his furred hands and stroke her snout in a remarkably gentle manner. The dolphin closed her eyes, enjoying how he let his hand glide all the way from the tip of her beak down her face, to the very edge of her suit, just below her blowhole. It felt nice, sweet. This one was certainly different from the other breeders, not so methodical or rushed. The feel of his hand caressing her head was so relaxing, she almost didn't notice when he first started peeling off her bodysuit.

The dolphin jumped as Luce began to undress her, but he simply caressed her snout again, whispering to her in a soothing voice, "Shh, it's alright. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." The 'phin relaxed slightly, but she was obviously still a bit uneasy.

"Do you need to be doing that right now?" she asked as he guided her fins through the holes in the fabric, continuing to bare her sleek, smooth form. Luce just chuckled.

"It has to happen at some point, doesn't it?" he replied.

"I-I guess," she admitted weakly. "But the other one isn't even here yet..."

The ocelot paused for a moment in his disrobing of the cetacean, letting his hands slide around her body, over the sensitive skin of her pectorals and down to her navel, trying his best to quell her anxiety. "No, he isn't. But that means it's just you and me here, and you don't have anything to be shy about in front of me, right? I've done this a lot."

Vera didn't reply, but she did seem to become a little less tense as he pulled the suit down around her flukes and off her, tossing it to the side of the pool. He ran his hands up her back, letting his fingers trace along her fins, giving her time to warm to his touch. The phin's eyes closed as he stroked his hands up her sides, a reaction which made Luce smile. After a moment's hesitation, he pressed one hand down, around to her belly, his fingers pressing ever-so-lightly on her slit, lingering for several moments of tender rubbing before finally retreating. A little nervously, though he would never have admitted he felt so, the ocelot waited for her response.

Vera froze. What was he doing? Without her mate here, there was no reason for him to be touching her, especially there. She almost pulled away, asked him, but... oh, that felt good. His fingers were so soft and gentle, and it had been so long...

...and then the feeling was gone, his hands moving further up to caress her pecs again. With an unexpected amount of difficulty, the dolphin cracked open her eye to look at the breeder. To her surprise, he was staring right back at her, a question hidden in the intense set of his feline features. And, suddenly, Vera realized why the other dolphin hadn't arrived yet, why the breeder wanted her already undressed. Her eyes drifted down to his hard member, its enticing, shiny pink flesh sticking proudly out of its sheath, bobbing slightly just above the surface of the water. It wasn't as long as those of the males she'd been mated to, and differently shaped; instead of going from a thick base to a thin, flexible tip, it stayed the same moderate thickness for all its hard, round length. She wondered what it felt likeâ€"was it as painfully rigid as the base of a dolphin's member, or as delicate and bendable as the tip? Or was it something in between, something firm, but forgiving? Soft, gentle, and present, like the affectionate hands that patiently massaged her body? Letting her eyes shut once more, Vera took a breath, and then, burning with embarrassment and excitement, she rolled to her side, exposing herself to the breeder, the feline, the man, silently assenting to his unspoken request.

Though he had been hoping for a positive reaction, Luce was somewhat startled by how bluntly the dolphin made her answer known. The ‘phins on the Uriel had been conditioned and socialized to be as sexually repressed as possible, despite the fact that they were originally quite sexual creatures in their home environment; it helped keep unplanned matings and breedings to a minimum. As a result, they were all quite shy when it came to their bodies. So the fact that this one, Vera, would so readily turn on her back to allow him to view her underside meant that she was certainly amenable to share pleasures with him. He needed no further encouragement than that.

Though he could feel his hardness already begging for attention, the ocelot intently focused on Vera's belly with his hands, letting them play along the flesh of her navel, which was now a pleasantly bright shade of pinkâ€"a common cetacean sign of arousal. His fingers trailed lower, and he could not resist the temptation to slip one just inside her slit, letting it brush against the hard lump of her clitoris. She gasped and thrashed slightly in the water, and Luce grinned, slipping another finger inside to join the fun; he was going to make sure she was as desperate for culmination as he was.

He had only been touching her for a minute, but already Vera felt as if this moment was stretching on into eternity. There was only this, had only been this, and would only be thisâ€"she had not been alive before this moment. The feline was pressing some point on her, in her, that sent indescribable lightning through her body. At first she tried to keep track of what his fingers were doingâ€"tight circles around the hard, aching area that he was so mercilessly teasing, gentle strokes along her lips that begged to be fed with something more substantial, light tracings around the outside of her slitâ€"but soon it became too much, and she was lost in the pure sensation of it, the mindless heat that she was drowning in thanks to his actions. Lust, pure and desperate, filtered through her, filling her blood and her mind; she had never longed for something as much as she found herself craving, now, to be filled.

But just as she thought she might scream from the frustrating pleasure of it all, the sensations changed, and she instead choked on a gasped moan, a strangled cry that eked its way from her mouth, as her slit was doused in hot moisture. There was the unmistakable sensation of whiskers and a cold nose pressed against her, and she knew that he was down there, his long tongue lavishing her with intimate kisses. She could feel it press inside her, its touch against her hard and eager treasures causing her to buck and writhe. It felt as if her whole self had been suddenly enveloped in a hot liquid that seeped right through her flesh. Every soft, warm bump on his tongue sent fiery messages through her nerves, an exquisite pleasure so sharp it was barely distinguishable from pain. She could hear noises, strange, desperate, shrill screams that were totally alien to her. Only after several more agonizingly delicious lashes from his mouth did she realize that those noises were coming from her.

Luce moaned into Vera's slit as he covered it with a generous coating of licks. He dipped his tongue inside her, letting the musky, pleasantly sour taste and scent of her overwhelm his senses. Oh, she was exquisite. Delectable. If it wasn't for the fact that his need for culmination was exponentially increasing to overpowering levels, he could have continued doing this forever. As it was, he remained for a few moments more, keeping his muzzle clamped tight against the dolphin despite her frenzied writhings. Soon, gasped words began joining her moans, interjecting themselves between her helpless sounds of pleasure.

"Oh... Oh, God," she whimpered. "Please do it. Please mate with me. I need to be filled. Please."

That was the final straw for Luceâ€"her soft, shy voice begging for him inside her was too much for him to resist. He wrenched his mouth away and placed his hand on her side as he walked toward the shallower edge of the pool. She paddled after him weakly, her breath quiet and shaky. When the water level was low enoughâ€"just above his kneesâ€"he stopped and wordlessly turned to face Vera. She was floating on the surface of the water, belly-up, watching him with her big black eyes. He laid down in the water with his left arm supporting him, wrapping his right around her slippery body and turning her to face him. Vera understood perfectly; she rolled onto her side and drifted closer to him, until her belly was nearly bumping against his.

"Perfect," Luce whispered as he moved his right hand down, wrapping it around his aching member. "Just let me line us up." And he guided himself toward her, until he could feel his sensitive head nudging between the folds of her slit. Then he let go, moving his hand back to her, licking the underside of her beak tenderly, before murmuring to her, "Now... push."

Vera eagerly brought her pelvis forward, moaning as she felt his hard, beautiful ‘morph erection slide into her. It felt so different and new, the way it was straight and thick all the way down, stretching her out and filling her. Finally, this hunger, this void inside her was being satiated. She clenched around him, grabbing him with her muscles, pulling herself close and sighing contentedly at the sheer perfection of him, at the way his fur rubbed sensually against her pecs, the feel of his rough tongue running over her snout, the intense sensation of being filled by him. Oh, this was heaven. Her body began shaking, trembling from the pure sensation of it as she became totally overwhelmedâ€"oh, she wouldn't last long.

"Jesus," Luce breathed. He'd never actually mated with a cetacean before, but... wow. Vera was incredible. Her insides were slick and fiery, surrounding him with an intense heat. And then she began clenching, her muscles performing some intricate and indescribable series of contractions that was like the most experienced hand touching him in just the right ways. He could feel her shivering as she began letting out a piteous squealing noise, and he knew that he, too, would only be able to hold on for a moment more. Wrapping his arm around her, he held the dolphin close, giving her one last sensual lick as his body began moving of its own volition, meeting her thrusts with his own. He could feel himself swelling in her, and her muscles clenched even tighter as she came, catching his cock in a tight grip that pushed him over the edge. Luce screamed and rammed himself into her, letting himself go into her body, making soft mewling sobs as he felt her insides convulse, massaging him, milking the seed from his pulsing member. He gasped for his breath and clung to the dolphin, floating with her in the water, licking her and stroking her back as her vagina softly squeezed him inside her its last few times.

"Oh," Vera muttered in his ear, her voice weak, "thank you. That was wonderful."

The ocelot gave a tiny smile and nuzzled against the dolphin's beak. "No, Vera," he said back. "Thank you. You were perfect." She looked away shyly, and the breeder smiled as he gently separated himself from herâ€"that was probably the first time she'd ever been complimented on her mating, but she certainly deserved it. He climbed from the pool and slipped back into his uniform as Vera floated lazily back toward the deeper end of the pool.

"Hey, don't go anywhere yet," he called to the dolphin, causing her to glance back at him. He gave another one of his flippant grins just as a door slid open in the pool and a male dolphin swam quietly in. Luce nodded in the newcomer's direction and winked at Vera, stating playfully, "We've got a mating to do."

At 1500, several of the computer screens blinked angrily at Luce, their usual reminder that one of the day's appointments was approaching. The ocelot yawned and rubbed his eyes, still waking up from the short nap he'd stolen to recover from his morning's exploits, and glanced, confused, at the nearest console. He'd checked the calendar this morning and had only seen the two matings that were upâ€"did he miss one? A couple taps of his finger confirmed that he hadn't; all the day's matings were already completed. Then what else...

Damn. Luce kicked off from the console, swiveling his chair around as it rolled to the screens on the other side of the room. He'd forgotten to check if there any of the ‘phins were due to be let go today. Stupid mistake, but understandableâ€"since dolphins were only let go once they were deemed too old to be efficient for reproduction, it only had to be done a few times a year, tops. It was easy to get in the habit of ignoring that calendar. But today, Luce saw as he brought up the screen, was one of those rare days on which a dolphin's release would occur.

Yep, there it was: Casis, age 33, no longer fit to sire. To be let go 1515 in chamber C-21.

"Well," the ocelot sighed, "guess I'd better run over." He shut off the screen and pushed himself from his chair, ambling slowly toward the door. The idea of releases used to bother him; there was something that seemed cruel about killing off someone just because they couldn't make as many kids as they used to. But over his years of working as a breeder, he began to see their purpose: more and more animals were being birthed every day on the Uriel and they couldn't support an indefinite amount of them. All the creatures being released understood and accepted their fate, which they had known was coming since the point at which they'd reached sexual maturity, if not before. It wasn't any different, really, than how things had happened back home; the old and weak served as food for the young and able. It was just... more organized here, not to mention more consensual. They'd rarely had any individual resist their release. It was just how things were.

Luce arrived at C-21 at 1513, and as he opened the door to peer into the large chamber he saw that he was just in time. The orca was already thereâ€"after all, C-21 was a feeding chamber for the whales, so their living quarters were directly adjacent. It floated idly in its side of the giant pool, lazily poking its head out to clear its blowhole and give a silent nod to the ocelot. Luce nodded backâ€"there wasn't a whole lot that needed to be said, really. While they waited for Casis to arrive, Luce couldn't help but admire the pure size and power of the orca. It must've been around 30 feet long, give or take, and when it moved, it had a grace that didn't betray the fact that it weighed far over 4 tons. They were amazing creatures, ones that, actually, he never got a chance to work withâ€"because of their size, whale-breeding was reserved for only the most highly-trained of the crew. But feeding... well, that was a lot easier.

As if on cue, the door on the other side of the pool slid open, and a dolphinâ€"presumably Casisâ€"swam in. Luce hopped onto small shallow ledge in the edge of the pool, and gestured for the ‘phin to come up to him. It complied, surfacing only about a half-foot away, looking the ocelot right in the eye; though he knew that generally animals were accepting of their release, Luce was still surprised at how calm and serene an expression Casis had. He knelt in the water, running his hand gently over the dolphin's melon.

"The Uriel thanks you for your faithful service." The official statement came out softlyâ€"there was something sacred and silent about this place, something Luce didn't want to disturb.

"And I thank the Uriel for its care and protection," Casis replied. There was no formal reply that was supposed to be given; indeed, many of those to be released said nothing at all, which made it all the more startling to the breeder that this ‘phin had such an appropriate response on hand, and was able to say it so contentedly. Would that we all could approach our ends with such poise, Luce thought as he unhurriedly peeled Casis' suit from him.

"Is there anything you'd like before you're let go?" he asked quietly as he worked the spandex around the cetacean's flukesâ€"Casis had turned sideways to assist in the removal of his garb. The dolphin turned to glance at him once more, and simply shook its head. He was ready.

"Well," Luce said, gesturing with his hand toward the center of the pool, "then farewell, Casis."

"Thank you," replied the dolphin simply, and it swam out into the deeper waters, situating itself on the surface, a short distance from the orca, who had remained silent and still throughout the exchange; the whales very well understood the solemnity of the occasion and never acted in a way to break it. Luce was slightly awed at the fact that the dolphin, who was about a third of the size of the orca, would be able to fit inside of her at all, much less in the painless fashion that was prescribed for release.

Almost as though she could hear the ocelot's thoughts, the orca spoke in her low, deep voice to Casis. "Don't worry, little one," she said calmly, "I'll be gentle."

The dolphin's response was wordlessâ€"he simply nodded, waited for the whale to open her mouth, and then began to swim towards her.

Maybe he should've felt nervous, Casis supposed as he traversed the small distance between himself and the large, beautiful orca. Or at least, perhaps, he should have been sad. But he wasn't. He had felt ready for this for many years now. All his kind new that such a day would come, eventually, when their use to the society would end and when they must move on. This, Casis thought, was no great lossâ€"he had lived a full, happy existence on the Uriel, and was glad to make room for new life by being released. And he was glad to have this one last exciting, unknown experience before he left, an adventure in a society that was built upon routine.

He came up to the whale's mouth just as he finished that thought, and he lingered one moment in front of her opened maw to look inside. Within, it was a bright, moist shade of pink, interrupted by white rows of teeth along the edge. It looked just about the right size for Casisâ€"not some gaping cavern, but instead a sheath for him to snuggle into. He gave a tiny smile, took a breath, and pushed himself forward.

His head and front half were in the mouth before he quite knew he had even passed through the opening. The orca's tongue rose slightly and pressed against him as he moved further in, his dorsal fin catching on her teeth for just a moment. Already he could tell that it was incredibly warm and wet inside and he closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her large, gentle tongue on his belly. It had an entirely wonderful, unique feelâ€"lightly textured with taste buds but soft and sensual. He couldn't help but become aroused at the feeling of it stroking his body, caressing him with its muscular length. Oh, it felt grand...

...and then he was inside. Her mouth closed closely around him, and he was encased in the dark. But still, Casis was unafraid. Much to the contrary, he felt ecstatic. The sensations around him were indescribable. He was entirely surrounded by living, breathing tissue, warm and wet and full of life. Her tongue was moving beneath him, lapping at him, rubbing him with gentle strokes, causing him to shiver at the feeling of it surrounding his now-erect member. But this was so much more than mating, oh, yes. It was like all the sensations that his erections received during mating, all the silky heat of the vagina, the muscular clenchings that had so often brought him over, were now acting upon him as a whole, as if his body itself were the instrument of mating. Slick saliva coated Casis, and he found himself sliding further into her, goaded gently by that affectionate tongue as it covered his body in a kiss unlike that which he had ever experienced.

His surroundings grew tighter, more restrictive, but not unpleasantly so. The flesh of what must have been her throat gave itself slightly, enveloping him in a tight embrace as the whale began to swallow him. It felt as though Casis was wearing a bodysuit of living, loving skin that covered him and pulsed and throbbed around him. The orca's tongue, which continued down into her throat, maintained its tender fondling of his underside as he wriggled to aid her ingestion of him. Oh, this was such a blissful feeling, to be so securely held, enwrapped in the pitch black heat. Muscles squeezed around him, forcing him further into her, rubbing his body like a deep massage as he was pushed toward her stomach. Casis could feel his senses letting go, and the darkness that surrounded him was more than purely physical, but he had no care. He was glad, knowing that these pure sensations would be his last, that he would be inside this tight, slick embrace for eternity. Her throat gave one last contraction around him, pressing him down into the hot womb of her stomach, and the dolphin closed his eyes, fading into the heavenly grasp of oblivion.

Luce stood quietly for several moments, still amazed by the sight of the dolphin entering the orca's mouth, becoming a bulge that slid down her body and disappeared into her insides. But, finally, the whale dived underwater and the spell was broken. He exited the pool, shook himself dry, and tapped a control panel that opened the door back to the whale's living quarters. She swam through, and he was left alone in the empty room.

Idly, the ocelot cracked his neck and stretched his arms behind him. That was it for the dayâ€"all that he had to do now was shut down the terminals and figure out what he was going to have for dinner. Maybe, he thought with a grin, he should see if Kahna had finished her shift yet, and invite her to eat with him. After a full day of work, he still had a little energy he could work off, for sure. But, if she wouldn't, he could always save it for tomorrowâ€"if he remembered his schedule correctly, he was assigned to work with the equines, and they were almost always ready for some fun...