Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Twenty.

Story by Andalite on SoFurry

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It's finally here! Amazing! Sorry for how long this one took, things have just been busy lately. And... admittedly I've been writing three stories at once, so I think I'll focus more instead of spreading the love around, just for sake of finishing them. But, do enjoy, and hit fave and hit yadda yadda.

And you know who you are person out there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXvRr9M6O0c (Puscifer - Momma Sed) See if you guys see the relevance ;P

Chapter Twenty

When he woke it was to the soft light of morning worming its way in, the stone ceiling high above still managing to hold onto its inky shadows. He realized that meant he had slept through the night, and no one had woken him for a watch. Falren didn't entirely agree with his companions taking the burden for him, but as he made to pull himself into a sitting position he wasn't entirely ungrateful for it. A good part of his torso was sore, especially his back and head from when he'd been slammed into the wall by that Sergal.

He was able to sit himself up with a grunt though, resting his arms on his knees as he looked around. The room was a bit gloomy, but it didn't take him long to find the familiar form of Vel, nor did it take her long to come over to him as she noticed he was awake.

"Falren." She said in greeting, lowering herself down in front of him and leaning forward to nuzzle him with her snout.

"Hi Vel." He replied, stroking the side of her head. His wounded arm was a bit stiff, but didn't give any pain so long as he didn't flex it too much.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Sore." He said simply, giving a small grin. "Like I've been thrown against a wall and bitten one too many times."

Vel gave a huff as she licked at his neck gently, apparently having the humor lost on her right then.

"Where did Naleen go?" He asked, the only other thing present with them being his horse, the vibrant female nowhere to be seen.

"She went to scout around the place." She murmured, pressing up closer and putting her arms around his torso.

"Ah." He breathed, resting a hand on her mail covered side and returning her embrace as well as he could. "How long has it been morning?"

"A couple hours or so." She hummed, resting her snout on his head. "I didn't want to wake you, you needed the rest."

"I don't like staying here longer than needed, but... thanks." He said, resting his head against the unfortunately cool metal covering her chest. "Nothing else of note happened while I was asleep then?"

"Nothing." Vel agreed, pulling her head back so she could lick at his face.

"Good." He said with a grunt, rubbing a hand along her jaw and the side of her head when she stopped licking him. "Sorry again, Vel."

She gave a snort. "No more apologies, you are back with us now." She stated. "Are you hungry? We made sure to save more meat from that carcass and, ah, smoke it while you were asleep."

"I suppose I could use some food." He mumbled, to which she lifted herself from him and stepped over to her pack.

Vel quickly returned to him after a short rummaging with a thick strip of the meat from last night, now dried from smoking over the fire that was now nothing more than ash and charred wood. He took it with a thanks, biting a chunk from the slightly tough meat as Vel took a seat by him. She took to running a hand lightly across his back, following the trails of the bandages. Falren enjoyed the moments of peaceful contact as she leaned against his shoulder, happy to be back with her.

The still silence was eventually broken by the sound of claws lightly scratching though, making him look up to see Naleen striding back into the room. She wore her armor still; spear in hand with the familiar smile on her face when she saw him awake.

"Hello, Falren." She greeted him, coming to a stop around the burnt out remains of the fire.

"Naleen." He nodded to her. "Glad to see neither of you harmed."

"And I am glad to have you back with us, Falren." Naleen stated, emerald eyes looking over at him as she sat down. "No doubt Vel is as well."

Velanis nuzzled into his neck at that, as if proving Naleen's point. He glanced over at her, ambers eyes shining happily as she looked back at him.

"How did you two find me, anyway?" He posed to them both, curious now what the answer to that question was as he stroked his mate's neck lightly.

"Well, I wouldn't have thought to come looking for you so soon if your horse hadn't started getting restless." Vel replied. "When I realized why I came running to the stream, but you were already gone. I started following the scent trail they left behind, but it stopped when they turned into the water."

"Ah... so that's what they meant." He mumbled thoughtfully to himself, chewing a mouthful of the smoked meat. "How were you able to pick the trail up again?"

"We couldn't." Naleen spoke up. "I and the youngling flanked the stream for a ways, but we never found it again. It was your horse that eventually led us to you. Since we couldn't find your trail, I decided to see if the creature could find you with how much of a... bond it seems to have."

"Seeing as that idea worked, I guess I have it to thank just much as you." He stated, looking over to the animal standing idly nearby. "But how did you get in here when you found this place? I'm fairly certain it wasn't through the front..."

"That part was easier than finding you actually." Velanis replied, grinning slightly. "One corner of this keep is collapsed, and once night fell we were able to climb through the hole. We had to move a bit of rubble, but the inside was mostly intact."

"They didn't have anyone outside?" He questioned, raising a brow.

"There was one." Naleen informed, quirking her head. "But he was... simple to take care of, yes?"

"I see." Falren uttered, swallowing the final bite of meat. "After you got inside?"

"Naleen led me through the keep." She replied with a small shrug. "We didn't encounter anyone else until we got to the cells you were in, but all we found there was a body. You had already escaped, and when we went to follow your trail out another Sergal spotted us and ran. That's when we decided to just find you as quickly as possible, and then..." She waved her hand around.

"I guess I could have waited a little longer to make my escape then." Falren mused, to which she huffed. "I wasn't sure if you'd be able to track me down though... nor did I want to put you two in harms way for my mistake."

"It's alright." She mumbled, bending over to lay her head against his shoulder. "You may have gotten less bruised up, but it worked out."

"Aye..." He muttered, stroking her head. "You did well fighting as well, and you too Naleen."

Her response was to nuzzle into him a bit more protectively, giving a hum.

"It had been some time since I was in a real fight." Naleen replied. "But my edge was still sharp, yes?"

"It would seem so." Falren agreed, turning his head to the red-furred female with an odd look. "Naleen?"

"Yes?" She prompted.

"When you called us your 'family', what did you mean by that?" He asked, Velanis' ears perking up at that as she took her head from his shoulder slowly.

"Ah, well... you are my family now, no?" Naleen stated, tail twitching slightly as her green eyes stared across at him.

"I suppose I could consider you as much, after all this." He muttered. "But I've never seen you grow so... vicious."

Naleen didn't answer him right away, eyes glancing over at his mate. If he'd been able to see Vel's eyes, he might have seen the fiery look she was giving Naleen, amber eyes filled with a firm statement. They shared that stare for long moments that left him wondering, before Naleen looked down with ears lowered, hands rolling her spear between them.

"There..." She started, giving a breath. "Is something I have been keeping from you, Falren, and after this I realize I should tell you while I can."

Velanis hugged the arm around him tighter, claws pricking into him gently as her muscles tensed up. Naleen sighed, reaching under her armor and pulling that necklace she'd taken to wearing free, rubbing it between her fingers.

"You remember I told you my mate gave this to me, yes?" She asked.

"I do." He said with a nod, watching her curiously.

"I met him so very, very long ago it seems now." Naleen mumbled, green eyes staring at the jewelry. "I was just a young female then, wandering Nel'Vrak trying to survive. The clan I had been born to was wiped out, leaving me scattered to the wind with no family or home."

She looked up to him with a sad smile. "That was when I met him, my mate. He wasn't so at the time, but he gave me this spear and offered me a place amongst his clan. I accepted, and was brought in under him. I lived in that clan for years, proving myself, before I eventually became close to him, through both position and... feelings."

Naleen took a shaky breath, as if she was trying to restrain herself. "He did not openly feel for me the way I did at first, out of some respect or seniority maybe, but the time came when I couldn't keep my feelings subdued. We became mates that day, and afterwards he finally showed me his affections. He gave me this necklace, as a symbol and reminder of the feelings we shared. Would you... like to know what the inscription says?"

"If you are comfortable telling me Naleen, I will hear it." He replied, both his and Vel's eyes watching her with mixed apprehension.

"It says..." She began, staring at the back of the necklace. "I hope that my existence brought as much warmth to yours as you did to mine, and I am sorry if I could not give everything you needed Naleen. My heart will always be yours... Vrelik."

Falren had to stop and blink as she uttered the last sentence, mind going blank as he processed that. The older female had tears welling in her eyes now, giving both a sad and apprehensive smile as she looked up at him.

"You... were my master's mate?" He questioned slowly as his mind took that in, Velanis resting her head against his as she looked over at Naleen.

"Yes." She replied with a sniff. "I'd always wanted to bear his young, but he was never able to give them to me. He gave me you though, Falren, and I raised you like my own."

"So, you were that Sergal in the hood, then?" He asked, frowning.

"I was." Naleen nodded. "I can still remember holding you as a hatchling."

He blinked, unsure of what to say to that as Velanis nuzzled into his ear. It left him with a multitude of questions, that was for sure, but it also left him with a strange feeling. For the longest time he had believed that everyone he knew was lost or worse, yet here was one who wasn't, his master's mate even.

"I am sorry for keeping it from you." Naleen uttered, tears running down the white fur below her eyes as she clutched her necklace.

Saying all this seemed to have taken a lot from her, and he felt... bad for her because of it.

"You knew who I was ever since Amara, didn't you?" He asked, though it was more of a rhetorical question.

"Yes." Naleen mumbled, ears drooping. "It was coincidence that we met. I... never thought I'd find you again, after what happened."

"Why keep it secret so long?" He questioned quietly, giving a frown.

"At first I had to make sure it was you, but the way you treated Vel and how you two got along soon proved it to me." She said, wiping her eyes. "After that... I was just afraid you'd be angry at me, or... hate me for what happened."

"I do not hate you Naleen." He muttered. "And I am not angry with you, just... confused why you'd stay silent about this so long. Since that day I've assumed everyone was dead, and now I find that one of that clan, the one who took care of me and my master's mate, is still alive."

"I was not sure if knowing who I truly was would simply bring you more pain." Naleen said, green, watered eyes looking over at him. "But... your mate convinced me that you deserved to know who I was."

Velanis nuzzled into his face at that, warm tongue flicking out to lick at his cheek. He turned his head to her and raised a hand to stroke her ears, her amber eyes looking back at him.

"So this is what you didn't want to tell me, isn't it Vel?" He asked her.

"It wasn't that I didn't want to tell you." She said, ears dropping under his hand. "I just wished you to hear it from Naleen rather than me."

"I'm not upset with you Vel." He told her, her ears rising again under his stroking hand.

"It was I who asked her not to speak of it to you." Naleen stated. "I wished to tell you myself, but I wasn't quite... ready then."

"I can... understand that." He said flatly, looking over at the red-furred female. All this was... something that truly gave him pause, and put his emotions in a mix.

"I know this may all be surprising Falren." Naleen said; ears lowered. "I wanted to be able to tell you in some way that wouldn't, but after this I realized that no amount of waiting would take the edge off of it or make it easier."

"I've had my suspicions that I may have known you before with how... familiar you acted, but..." He mumbled, silver eyes looking down at the fire. "It's hard to describe how I feel right now, or how I even should feel."

"I am sorry." Naleen stated, climbing to her feet. "I will... leave you some time alone with your mate, yes?"

At that she strode to the main door of the hall, wiping at her eyes with a furred hand as she went. Velanis raised her head from his to watch her go with a concerned expression, nuzzling into his cheek as the door creaked closed. He was left in silence, mind trying to think its way through what he'd learned as Velanis' warm form pressed against his side.

"Falren?" She questioned quietly.

"Yes, Vel." He replied, rubbing one of her forearms idly.

"Are you alright?" She asked, resting her head against his.

"I'm fine." He said slowly.

Vel reached a hand up to hold his jaw, turning his head gently to face her. He gave a frown as she stared into his eyes, her ears lowered.

"Falren?" She questioned again, softly holding his head in her padded hands.

"I'm just unsure what to think." He said with a sigh. "Over these past months I've experienced and felt more with... you than I ever have. And now after trying to put the past behind me for so long and forget, it turns out Naleen is my..." He paused before the next word. "Mother."

"She loves you like her own, Falren." Velanis murmured to him, passing her snout over his face. "It's just as hard for her, if not harder from being unsure for so long if you were even alive."

"I know." He mumbled, closing his eyes as she pressed her head to his. "There's just a lot of mixed emotions to go along with that time in my life."

"I understand." Vel replied. "Just... don't be angry with her. She was afraid of losing you again."

"I am not angry at her, Vel." He sighed, looking down at his hands. "It's just hard to believe she was the Sergal who'd always tended to me. It's been years, but I can still remember those days so clearly." He clenched his hands together at that. "I can't remember speaking a single word to her, or truly seeing the Sergal under those robes."

"Why don't you talk with her then?" Velanis uttered, putting her hands over his clenched ones. "Just because you didn't know her then, doesn't mean you can't know her now. She thinks of you as her own child, I'm sure there's a good reason she kept herself hidden from you."

"Maybe." He mumbled, letting out a tense breath as he opened his hands to hold hers. "It just seems so... strange."

"Go speak with her Falren. Talk with her knowing now that you both shared in those same experiences." Vel stated, squeezing his hands. "And after, you can talk with me. I'm here for you mate, there's no need to try and keep everything to yourself."

Her amber eyes looked into his with a smile at that last part, ears perked up and corners of her mouth slightly raised. She lent in to nuzzle his face affectionately, making him rest his head against hers with a breath.

"Thank you, Vel..." He said quietly.

"Of course." She replied. "Now go on, talk with Naleen."

Falren knew from the tone in her voice she wouldn't take a no in response to that statement, and he decided that she was right on this one. It was best to talk with Naleen about it, instead of trying to think about something, or someone, he truly hadn't even known until such a short time ago. He had no idea what they would talk about, but he supposed it was best to just speak with her in this case. He climbed to stiff legs, Vel running a hand down his arm as he stood away from her. He made sure to return his sword and dagger to his belt, before turning and walking towards the door.

It let him work some of the tightness from his muscles at least, legs carrying him to the door Naleen had left through. Thinking of her as his... "mother" was an odd thing, especially when he knew more of her as Naleen than that Sergal from so long ago. Maybe that would change after he talked with her. He made it to the door, pulling it open on heavy hinges and stepping outside. Late morning sun greeted him, shining down from the open sky above the keep and bathing the ruined gate yard in warm light. It didn't take long to spot Naleen, the red female sitting on the lower steps leading down from the door.

He stepped down to her level, taking a slow seat near her as her emerald eyes stared off at the surrounding walls. It looked like she'd stopped crying, but there was still a large amount of mixed emotions flitting around in her eyes. They sat in silence like that for a short time, with only the sounds of the forest beyond breaking it as she stared forwards.

"I... am sorry, Falren." She finally said.

"You don't need to be sorry Naleen." He replied quietly, arms over his knees as he sat.

"I feel I should be though." She stated, green gaze turning to look at him. "I don't know how much what happened hurt you, but I know that it... hurt me deeply. I've had to watch too many people I loved die, and it was painful to think it had happened again. I can only imagine it was the same for you and I should have told you who I was sooner, because knowing you were alive Falren... It was hard to believe at first."

"It was hard for me too." He replied, clenching his fists. For him it was anger at the helplessness he'd felt though, with the undertones of sadness. "It's hard to think that after coming so far and long, that someone from my Mater's life would cross paths with me again."

"I understand." Naleen mumbled; ears drooped and eyes shining again. "I remember when Vrelik first gave you to me."

He looked up to her as she gazed at him, a sad sort of smile on her face as she held back more of her emotions.

"And I remember how it felt to think that I had lost one family only to find another and lose them too." She said, hands rolling around her spear. "I loved Vrelik with everything I had, and I loved you like my own blood. It hurt so much losing you both, then I found Velanis, and when she told me what Human accompanied her I thought it was a cruel joke."

Naleen's smile took on a slightly happier note. "But it wasn't a joke, and when I saw you that first time it was all I could do to keep myself restrained. I doubt you'd even have believed me if I'd told you then though, or if you'd have even remembered me at all."

"I... probably wouldn't have, to both of those." He admitted. "Until I got... close to Vel I'd just been trying to forget what happened."

"I understand that, yes? There was nothing but pain in those memories I imagine." She said, wiping her eyes. "It made me so happy to see you again Falren, grown and with a lovely female you were getting close to. It was a bit of a surprise to see you so welcoming to our kind still, but I guess Velanis was something special, no?"

"Ah... Yeah, I guess she is." He replied, giving a cough. "I've always been more comfortable around Sergals than other races though."

"Nevertheless, seeing the child I'd raised still alive was... a difficult thing to explain." Naleen said. "I never would have imagined I'd find you again Falren, and over the years that slowly ate away at me. You... you are my son Falren, in everything but blood."

He let out a breath as those words sunk in, thinking them over. There was a fair share of sorrow, pain and even happiness in her voice, and he didn't have to question what she said was true. She'd already said more than most would know about him and it was hard to question all the emotions she held, and to question the bond of trust she'd managed to form with him and Vel. Still, regardless of if he questioned her or not, it wasn't a quick transition to start thinking of her as that person from long ago. But then, maybe he wasn't supposed to think of her as that person...

"Naleen..." He began slowly, looking at his hands. "I believe you, and I am not angry or upset with you. I also know that you think of me as your son, but it's just... an odd thing after so long.

"I... I understand." Naleen uttered, green eyes watching him apprehensively as her hands gripped her spear.

He could see the tenseness in her form, muscles taught as she seemed to be waiting for him to say something he had no intention of saying. Despite the things he may have felt, seeing someone he'd come to know over the months prior be in such a state was not what he wanted. He took a breath, scooting close to the female as she stared at him.

"That doesn't mean I can't grow used to it, Naleen." He added, silver eyes looking over at her. "I don't want you to think I am denying you the right to call me your child because of this, I can't ignore all you did for me back then. I am thankful to both you and my master for raising me, Naleen, but I think it's better if I called you by name rather than... that. It's not that I can't think of you as my... mother, Naleen, just for now it's an odd thing to start calling you that."

The female's jaws quivered slightly at his words, her muscles tensing right before she lent forwards and wrapped her arms around him. He gave a grunt, Naleen's strong arms grabbing him tight and pulling him into her as she pressed her snout into his head.

"Falren." She said shakily, pressing her head down into his as she seemed to fight the urge to cry. "My child."

All he could do was let her hug him, patting her armor-covered side. Dealing with emotions wasn't exactly what he was good at he, but he did legitimately feel concerned for Naleen.

"It seems like so long ago that I held you as a hatchling." She said quietly. "You would cuddle into my chest and stay there for as long as I let you. You never cried Falren. Not when Vrelik brought you to me. Not when I had to leave you for those short times. You would always just wait until you could be held in my arms again. That stopped as you grew older, but I will never forget those years."

He let out a breath, putting an arm around the Sergal reassuringly.

"I know it is a strange thing to think of me as your mother, and stranger still to call me that." Naleen said, squeezing him tightly. "But I can be happy knowing that the little one I raised is back with me again, and that you know who I am and don't think less of me for it."

"I don't Naleen." He uttered into her chest.

"Good." She said with a final sniff, releasing her hold on him to lean back. "I am glad for that."

Falren lent back into his own sitting position, flexing his back from the death hold she'd had on him. Thankfully she hadn't squeezed over his wounds, whether that was intentional or not. Naleen had returned to staring out at the walls and trees above, her eyes less of a maelstrom of emotions now at least.

"Why all the secrecy Naleen?" He asked. "Before now, back then with the clan."

"Ah..." She breathed. "You know Nel'Vrak is not always a kind place Falren, after you'd grown I thought it best if our connection to each other was not so easy to see. I wish we could have all just left that path behind, Vrelik and I and you all just gone and lived as a... family. Vrelik was too stubborn for that though, to loyal. And... I suppose you'd have never met Velanis if that happened, so perhaps in a strange way it is good what happened."

"Maybe." He replied with a snort, remembering all that had happened. "It's hard to say what happened was good, but... I am glad I met Vel."

"And I am happy you found someone to confide in." Naleen said. "It is a wonderful thing to share that with someone, just... hold her close, yes?"

"I wouldn't think not to." He responded, looking over at her.

"Good." She said with a small smile. "Never let each other go."

"You cared a lot for my master, didn't you?" He asked, seeing the hint of sadness in her eyes.

"I did Falren, a great deal." She replied, ears drooping. "He... helped me find life again after everything was taken from me and I was left alone."

"What was he like Naleen?" He asked quietly. "Before I became his apprentice."

"He... had a dark past, before even I knew him." She replied, holding her spear in both hands. "He was old, many moons older than I when I first started to feel love for him. Vrelik may not have allowed many things to the surface, but he cared for you and I Falren, and he felt responsible for how you came to be with us."

"How did I come to be with you, Naleen?" He questioned, looking over at her.

"I only know what Vrelik told me." She said, emerald eyes coming to his. "You were part of some sort of small caravan and a scouting party from the clan had found it, and... taken it upon themselves to act. Vrelik didn't show it, but he was furious at the time. When he found you, he... took you in, much to the disbelief of some of the clan members."

She took on an almost sad look. "There was a time when Vrelik wouldn't have twitched an ear at what happened I think, but as he grew older he gained a different view on things. He was tired of the violence, the fighting. Towards the end he just wanted to be with me, and you, and see his clan stop repeating the same cycle. He... always knew it would turn on him though, and the stubborn fool he was he tried to serve his legacy even to the end. I miss him Falren, I miss him so much."

"I know Naleen, I... miss him too." He muttered in reply, mouth becoming a hard line.

"Falren, there is something I wish to ask. Vrelik, my mate..." She started, swallowing and taking a shaky breath. "Do you... do you know how he died?"

"I don't know exactly, no." He replied quietly, seeing flashes of those memories. "I wasn't with him when... that happened. It was late, before the evening. One of his close advisors came to me suddenly, that horse of mine saddled and ready to go. He had his sword drawn, and he told me my master had demanded I leave as fast as I could. I wasn't sure at first, but I grabbed the sword he'd given me and went outside with the Sergal. I couldn't tell what was going on, until I looked across the grounds towards my master's tent."

He had to let out a breath at that memory. "There was fighting, and I saw him near his tent with his personal guard. He only had his sword, no armor. It looked as though the fighting had just started, without warning. The advisor told me to go, right before he ran off to help... Vrelik. I was too stubborn to listen though, and no sooner had he run off I followed to help him as well. It was a... foolish decision in hindsight, that battle was already lost, but it was instinct for me to aid him."

"No one took a second glance when I joined the fighting, and we held there for a time, forced to fight those who had once been our own clan. Some fell to the attackers through numbers, but that was not what truly lost that day." He gave a slow sigh. "One of my master's guard, I didn't know him that well, turned out to be against us all along, turning to my master after we'd stood there felling his comrades. My master wasn't slow enough for him to land a fatal blow, but he still managed to land one across his back before he turned and ended the Sergal."

"That was when he turned to me, the rest of his guard circling around to defend him after the attack. He took the pendant from his neck and held it out to me, the blood of foes and his own alike staining it. That was the first time I'd ever seen his eyes look that way before, and as I took the amulet he told me to run and never look back, and... that he was sorry." Falren swallowed. "I obeyed those words as they came from his mouth, and two of his guard pushed the attackers back enough for me to slip free and make it back to my horse. I... didn't look back as I rode. I was afraid of what I would see."

"After that..." He waved his hand. "I found myself in these lands."

Naleen's green eyes had watched him intently the entire time he spoke, ears perked. It was on his last words that she squeezed her hands around the spear haft, lower jaw quivering again. He understood quite well that she didn't want to cry, and he felt bad for her. He reached a hand up and placed it on the back of her neck lightly, hand sinking into the thick, red fur there. She gave the slightest of whimpers, giving a small, bittersweet smile as she got control of her jaws.

"I was out at one of the nearby lakes diving for fish when it happened. I wanted Vrelik to come with me so we could share some time together, but he said he had matters to take care of." Naleen told him, a droplet running down her fur when she blinked. "When I returned... I knew something was wrong, but I was too late to do anything. I wasn't even able to hold him a final time, or... or see his body and say goodbye. At first I wanted to believe he was still alive, but after trying to scout around what was our clan I realized it was our clan no longer.

"Eventually I knew I wouldn't be seeing him, wouldn't feel my mate again." She said with a sniff, looking down at her hands. "I left that place, wandered out into the plains and forests. At first... I wondered why I was cursed to always watch those I loved die, see my families perish. It had seemed like I'd only just healed from the first time, and then it happened once more. I... didn't understand why I always lived when those around me died, and I'd wished I had died with him that time. I decided though, that if some cruel fate wanted to play with my heart, I would deny it. I kept going, I left Nel'Vrak, and I simply hoped for something better."

He remained silent, features neutral as he rubbed his hand into the back of Naleen's neck. She lifted her gaze to his, giving one of those warm smiles he's grown used to her so often giving. It was... the smile of a mother, he realized, those features appearing so comforting despite their different visages and the sorrow she had beneath.

"Thank you, Falren." She said to him

"You're... welcome, Naleen." He replied in turn.

"Why don't you go be with your mate now, yes?" She stated, wiping her eyes one last time. "Let some happiness shine light on all this darkness."

"Are you sure?" He questioned, giving a frown. "If you need the... company, I can stay and talk more."

"No Falren, it is fine." She said with a shake of her head. "We have talked enough for now, and my worries have been put at ease so that I can rest comfortably. Go be with your mate, the past doesn't need to consume you when she is waiting and you have the present to look forward to."

"Aye, alright Naleen." He agreed slowly, standing to his feet on the steps, looking down at her. "And... thank you for telling me who you truly were. It's a bit strange, but it does help to know that someone that was so close to me is still alive.

Naleen looked up to him with a small smile. "Go on." She stated, gesturing her hand back to the keep.

He gave short grunt of a laugh, but turned and started walking back up the steps nevertheless. He came to the door, pulling it open once more and ducking inside, leaving Naleen to her quiet as he shut it nearly all the way. It was such an odd and unpredictable thing, but he decided it was more good than bad that she was who she was. It brought back some sore memories, but on the other hand it left a sort of... apprehensive feel for what her being alive may bring about. Openly regarding her as his mother would be a difficult thing to grow comfortable with, but he wouldn't deny that she was.

A mother was something he'd never truly known, or perhaps even a father for that matter. His master, Vrelik, might have been the closest thing he had to one, but he was more a mentor and teacher than a true parental figure. Naleen on the other hand... she seemed to fit into that role, especially now that he could look back and realize that all those actions that hooded Sergal did was actually her. It was a very different mix of emotions and thoughts, and it would take him time to sort them all out.

"Falren?" Velanis voice came, making him blink and look up, finding himself standing near their camp spot.

"Hello Vel." He said, sitting himself down on the bedroll. He must have just walked in absentmindedly while he mulled on his thoughts.

"How did it go?" She asked quietly, scooting over to sit beside him.

"It's kind of a lot to explain, but..." He replied, blinking. "We settled it, more or less, and there are no ill feelings. Just a lot of thoughts and emotions."

"Ah... Good then." She stated, nuzzling into his neck happily. "Are you alright, knowing she's your mother?"

"I'm fine." He said. "It's a bit much, but I have more concern for her than myself. We talked about some things, old things... and it got to her pretty deeply."

"I see." Velanis mumbled, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Is she doing alright?"

"A little worked up, but I think so." He replied, leaning back into her form.

"Anything you want to talk about?" She asked, pressing the side of her head into his.

"No." He declined, reaching up to rub the other side of her face. "Naleen and I talked about it, now I just need to give it some time to let it settle in. It's... strange."

"Alright Falren." She murmured. "You can talk to me if you need to."

"I know Vel." He uttered.

She pressed her snout into his jaw, squeezing him tighter with her arm and draping her tail over his lap. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better in the mean time?"

He turned his head to look at her, finding her amber eyes staring at him curiously with head quirked. Falren stroked under her jaw, giving a chuckle as he thought about what she may have meant.

"What?" She questioned, ears lowering as his hand rested below her chin.

"Did you have something in mind already?" He asked pointedly with a hum.

"Well... Not exactly." Vel uttered, tail twitching in his lap. "But I know that you like being close to me, and I thought it might make you feel better. And..." She trailed off at that, letting the next words die as she twitched her ear. "I just want to help you, mate of mine."

He hummed, trailing his hand up over the black lips joining her maw, making her smile slightly in reflex at the touch.

"It probably doesn't help I've been saying no to you." He mumbled.

"That's not why." She stated, taking a hold of his hand and pressing her face into it. "You're my mate and I like being with you. If it helps you feel better, then it makes me even happier."

"Aye, I know..." He said quietly, rubbing his thumb into the fur that covered what served as her cheeks.

Velanis smiled at him as she sat, his hand pressed against the side of her face. "If I can do anything, just ask. And if you wanted to mate, I wouldn't mind..." She murmured, lowering her head down to butt against his.

He closed his eyes and lent his head against hers comfortably, enjoying the feeling as she lifted her other arm around him and pulled him into her chest. Much as he didn't want to keep saying no to her, Falren was content to simply have a moment of peace with Vel. She didn't seem to have any argument against that, nuzzling into his head as he calmed his mulling mind. Naleen was... right when she said he needn't dwell on the past with Vel around, the warm presence helping to keep his thoughts away from it. He'd learned to simply get through the present, the future holding nothing to look to and the past holding pain when he looked back.

The future seemed to be holding more for him though, having gained a pair of close companions in their own way. What it held exactly he couldn't be sure, nor could he predict what would happen when they arrived at the distant end of their journey. That, however, was something he preferred not to think about for now, leaving that train of thought for a later date. A soft nudge from Velanis' reminded him that she was awaiting a reply, setting aside his thoughts for now. She was looking at him expectantly, head quirking to the side with a smile.

"Alright." He said, stroking the side of her face. "I think I've been saying no to you long enough."

Velanis smile widened happily, taking her arms from around him so she could start undoing her armor. It didn't take her long to remove the pieces covering her chest, the thick blue and white fur coming into view as she exposed her torso. He lifted his hands to her chest, making her pause as he sunk his fingers into the soft fur, feeling the warmth of her form and the hard muscles underneath. She curved her back slightly as he trailed them down her chest and over her belly, settling them on her sides as she showed her form off and smiled for him. After a moment she lent down into him, nuzzling at his face affectionately as he felt her soft fur under his hands.

She did something different then that she hadn't done before, pressing her joined maw to his face and touching her thin lips against his. It was a different sensation than the licks she always gave him, her snout turned at an angle so she was able to press her lips to his. He let out a breath through his nose as she reached up to hold the sides of his head in her larger hands, tongue flicking out gently to lick him as she pressed their mouths together. When she pulled back there was a spark in her eyes and a sheepish smile on her face, before she set about removing her lower armor as well.

He watched as she did so, the coverings soon coming free of her legs and tail until she knelt in nothing but her thick fur. She smiled at him again, shifting over to him and reaching her hands down to his own coverings. Vel slipped her hands under his linen shirt, trailing her claws lightly up his torso while being mindful of the bandages and scrapes. She dragged the shirt upwards with her arms, until he was forced to lift his own and let her remove it entirely. She brought her hands to his chest after she'd set the clothing aside, pushing him gently to make him fall onto his back.

She bent down to lick at his neck and chest then, tongue lapping gently at the skin that wasn't covered by bandages as her hands drifted down to his waist. He rubbed her ears lightly as she fooled with his belt, undoing it more confidently now that she'd learned how. She scooted forwards once she'd gotten it free, coming to kneel over his waist as she hovered her face over his, amber eyes staring at him.

"Just relax this time, alright?" She said quietly, trailing a hand down below his waist.

There wasn't much to argue as she took a hold of him and lowered herself down, closing her eyes and licking at him gently as he met her. She moved slowly at first, keeping her chest down over his as she nuzzled at him with her arms braced on either side of his head, her thick mane of hair hanging over her shoulders. He soon found himself wrapping his arms around her, feeling her muscles flex under the fur with each time she bobbed her hips.

Vel was tender in her movements, nuzzling his face softly and not picking up her pace beyond a rolling rhythm. Falren didn't hold any complaint with that either, resting his head against hers and rubbing her sides as he slowly began to forget about all but Velanis. He paid little attention to how long they laid there, the only care he had being the warm, comforting love she was expressing and how it distracted him...

It wasn't until he was spent inside her and she pressed her lips to his once more that he opened his eyes, finding her arms and tail wrapped around him. She was breathing heavily, the motions of her body stopped as she looked down at him with happy, amber eyes. His mind was in a daze, but he was still able to lift his hands to her head and hold the sides of her face, pressing back against her. Vel gave a happy murmur, tongue flicking out to lick him gently. She laid on top of him like that for a pleasant time left uncounted, before she gingerly pulled her head back and rolled to the side, disentangling herself from him.

"We probably can't stay like this forever, much as I'd like to." She murmured, licking his cheek. "And Naleen is probably wondering what's going on."

"I don't think she's wondering." He replied quietly, pulling himself upright with her and setting about getting his state of dress in order.

Velanis gave a snorting chuckle, reaching a hand over to trail down his back and bandages.

"Do these need to be changed?" She questioned.

"Eventually, not right now though." He told her, buckling his pants and pulling his shirt back on. "I think it's probably best if we get ready to depart soon. We've dallied here too long for my taste."

"It's alright to just rest a little while you can." Vel said, putting her arms around his chest from behind and nuzzling his neck. "There is no rush to make it to my valley, and it's not as if we need to race the seasons. Winter is still quite a ways off."

"I know, but..." He replied, looking around the abandoned interior. "There aren't many places I am content to grow comfortable in, and this I believe isn't one of them."

"Still, we can be cautious without being hasty." She said.

"Maybe." He mumbled in reply. "I just prefer to get moving as soon as possible."

"I understand." She murmured, pulling back from him to work on re-donning her armor.

Falren decided he would give her a hand in doing so, Vel giving a smile as he shifted over to her and started helping her pull the lined mail back on. It was relatively painless for her to get it on now, the pants and piece for her tail being set into place quickly. The jacket took a bit longer than it should have however, namely being because he took the moment to wrap his arms around her belly. Vel gave a hum at the unexpected embrace as he hugged briefly into her back, her hands rubbing lightly over his bandaged arm.

"I'm glad you're feeling alright." She said with a chuckle, leaning back into him.

"Better than I have in a long while." He admitted quietly.

She gave another quiet hum, squeezing her hands over his affectionately. "Good."

Falren reluctantly parted from her after a moment, allowing her to finish pulling her attire back on. He was starting to wonder what Naleen was up to, or if she had simply been sitting out there on those steps the entire time. The latter answer seemed likely, and that made him give a slight frown.

"What's wrong?" Vel questioned curiously, noticing his expression as she finished buckling up her jacket.

"Just thinking about Naleen." He replied, casting a glance to the door. "She's been sitting out there awhile."

"Well..." Velanis said with a quiet chuckle, nuzzling him momentarily. "I don't see why she needs to sit out there alone now that we're finished."

"No, I don't either." He uttered.

"I'll go get her, and we can eat something." She stated, climbing to her feet and giving a brief stretch. "Then we can see about when we're setting off again."

"Aye, alright." He agreed with a nod, watching her stride off towards the door.

That left him sitting alone then, at least briefly, while she went to check in on Naleen. Or mostly alone, considering his horse stood idly off in a nearby section of the hall, seemingly uncaring as always. He gave a sighing hum, flexing his stitched arm slightly as he reached his other hand up to his own pendant hanging under his shirt. His past had never truly left him alone, but at least now it was granting him some small reprieve in its odd way. Although, Velanis was more than a small reprieve, rather a much needed splash of color.

And Naleen, well, that was not a quick subject to sort his emotions on, but he imagined that to be a good thing too. If anything it would be... nice to have someone who lived through the same thing as him, and be able to share and talk about it. Velanis would hear anything he had to say surely, but there were some things he didn't wish to burden her with. Her presence was one of the largest comforts he'd ever had, and that in itself was enough. She would need to learn of Nel'Vrak sooner or later though, in a bit more detail than just the passing explanations he and Naleen had given.

Still, he wasn't even sure if what he could tell her held true anymore, having been disconnected from that land so long. That was to come however, quite a large stretch of ground and time sitting between them. For now, he imagined there was quite enough on his mind. He let go of the pendant, letting it fall back to rest above his chest as he wondered what was taking Vel so long. He didn't have to wonder though, knowing full well she was likely talking to Naleen and seeing how she was.

That was fine though, deciding in the meantime that he may as well get their food ready and check over their bags. He didn't foresee them staying here much longer, so it would do well to make sure everything was still in order before they left...