Time travellers pt. 2

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#2 of Time travellers

When they arrive at the village, they find that it has indeed been overrun by monsters. Rushing in to save the day, the fight begins. Chrono charges in with his sword and slices one of the monsters clean in half in one swipe. Before the thing had fallen, Chrono cast lightning and fried another one. Frog follows shortly and leaps up and on his way down, slices a monsters head off. Before he even touches the ground, he throws his sword and it impales another monster to a house. Leaping over he grabs the blade and continues bringing death. Ayla runs in on all fours and performs a triple kick on one monster killing it instantly and then leaps up and brings her claws down on another one killing it as well. Caroline charges in and grabs one of the monsters and rips its arms off in a gory mess. This being her village, Caroline feels the need to kill everything that does not belong. Continuing on, she jumps up 10 feet and then does a dive kick on one monster ripping its head off. Robert has no idea what to do so he just hangs back which unknowing to him was the worst mistake he could have made. No sooner had he leaned back against the epoch when a hand came out of nowhere and grabbed his throat and slammed him into the epoch. He was knocked immediately unconscious. When the majority of the monsters were dead, the rest started to flee. Chrono turns back and sees something holding Robert and charges at it but when he gets there, he is warned that should he move any closer, Robert dies. Chrono stops and everyone joins him watching what will happen. "Now, you will let me leave with my prize and you will not follow me." A female voice said. "Who are you? Why do you want Bob??" Asked Caroline. "That is for me to know and you to worry about for the rest of your life my dear now I will leave and should you try to follow me, know this: This human's blood will forever be on your hands!" "prodigium patefacio!" A portal opened and the black shape entered it carrying Robert and then they were both gone.

    • * (this is a first person point of view from Robert of what is happening) "Ugh my head. What happened? Caroline? Chrono? Where are you? Where am I?" I look at my arms to find that they are tied to posts in the ground. I try to break free but I can't. Then I realize that I don't have any clothes on. "Help!! Caroline!! Chrono!! Anyone!!!!" I hear a door open and a voice calls in "Are you awake my pet?" ‘Pet??' "What are you talking about? Let me go! Now!!" "Ahh, you still think you are free? Well we will just have to fix that wont we." "What? What are you doing?" Wham! I don't even know what hit me. All I know is that I am knocked unconscious again. I awaken again to find myself on all fours with my arms tied to the floor and a gag in my mouth. "HHLLPPPPP MM PLSSS!!" "Ahh my new pet is awake! Well let us begin training" "WT??" The owner of the voice walks into view. It is a golden fox. She pats me on the ass and then leans right next to me and whispers. "I think you are going to enjoy being my pet." I tried to yell fuck you but it came out as "FFFFKKKK UUU!!!" She replied by saying "Well, well my pet has quite a vocabulary." She begins rubbing my ass. "You like that don't you." I shake my head and try to say no but it comes out like "NNN!" "Oh really? Well your body says otherwise" she says looking at my hardening cock. "NNNNNN PLLLLLSSSS!!!" She begins to stroke my cock. My own body betrays me as it starts to spasm from the pleasure. "PLLLLSSSSS STPPPPPPP!!" "What's that? You want me to fuck you? Well it is our first date but if you insist..." "NNNNN PLSSSS NNNN" Slam! The last thing I remember is seeing her elbow rise up from my head. I awaken this time to find myself a few feet above the ground with my legs tied apart and my arms behind my head. I struggle to get loose but to no avail. I am completely stuck. She walks back into view and starts to stroke my cock causing it to harden against my will. My body begins to spasm out of control. "PLSSSS LTTT MMM GGGGG!!!!!" She calls for something to come to her and I try to break free again now even more desperate. I feel the rope holding my hands begin to stretch and I keep going. The rope holding my hands breaks and I take a swing at the fox. It was a very bad idea. Faster than I thought possible, she grabs my arms and punches me in the stomach. I had never felt so much pain before and I nearly fainted. She did not end there oh no. She punched again and again until I did lose consciousness.
    • * "Oh my god where did she take him?? Why did she even want him?" Caroline is panicking about what just happened. "Caroline! Calm down!!" "No!!! We have to find him." "Don't worry we will." "How?" "Well for starters, anyone as powerful as that fox seems to be has to be known about by someone." Asking around the town, they learn that there are rumors of a fox that has learned to harness a very powerful source of magic and they fear what will have happened to Robert. "Oh god this is my entire fault! If I hadn't used him he would not be in this mess." "Caroline, you can't blame yourself for this." "Why not? It is my fault! I brought him here! I did not protect him! This is my fault!!" "Look, saying it's your fault will not bring him back!!! We have to go and find this fox and get Robert back ourselves." "Right!" they all agreed. They all ask around the town to try and find out where this fox lives but can't get any good answers. They decide they must go talk to the king because he must have heard rumors of something as powerful as that fox. They board the Epoch and ride to the castle where they ask the king about this fox. He tells them that he has heard the rumors and has sent people to learn all they can about the fox. He also tells them that one was expected back a while ago but appears to have vanished while crossing the ocean. He made into port and even sent a letter from there but did not show up after that. They all decide that they will go find the spy. "When I find that fox, I will rip its arms off, sew them back on and rip them off again!! If she hurts Robert at all she will regret it forever!" "Caroline! Calm down for real!!" "How can I calm down when a fox could be doing who knows what to Robert! He is completely innocent! He never did anything wrong!!" "You love him don't you" "WHAT!?! What are you talking about. No I don't love him!!! It's just that he does not even belong here and I really don't want him to get hurt because he can't do anything about it!" "Didn't you say that originally you were going to assassinate him? "Well yeah but ... that was before I knew him. I had heard that he could take care of himself in any situation so I did not feel bad." ‘That should work.' "Ok sure" ‘either she is lying or she is extremely shallow' They make it to the port to find something is very strange about the town. Everyone in it is acting really strange. All the villagers are like walking as if they are really stiff. Chrono and co. still decide to find the spy. They ask around and learn that the spy made it and left the town. They asked when and were told he left as soon as he had landed. "Wait that is not right. He sent a letter from here!" "Shh!!" "Why?" "Wait. What are they doing??" "I don't know. What the Hell!?!?! They're like fusing together. They are not the villagers they're monsters!!!!" "Looks like we're going to have to fight our way out! Let's get it." "Chrono are you sure that is a good idea?" "No I am not sure it is a good idea." The "people" of the village had formed a circle and then there was a blinding light. When the group looks again, they see a giant demon standing there. "HAH! Now a real fight begins!" "Ayla are you ready for this?" "Ayla always ready." "Good because here we go." Chrono cast lightning at Ayla and charged her completely full of electricity. She jumps up and kicks the monster in the chest releasing the entire charge. To follow up with this attack, Frog performs a leap slash on one of the hands and cuts clean through it. Then the thing opens its mouth and they hear the fox's voice. "I see you are trying to rescue your friend. If you can beat my pet, I might just tell you where the spy is. Even should you find me, it is unlikely that you will ever get Robert back!" Then the beast lets out a blood curdling roar and slams Chrono into a house sending him right through it. "Chrono OK?" "Yeah I'm fine but watch out. Ayla use a triple kick on it!" "OK. HIIIIYAAAAHHHH!!!!" "Frog! Use your tongue and swing Ayla back at the thing." "Ayla when you are about to hit it, do a tail spin! I will charge you with electricity." "Ok Chrono!" "Caroline! Do something to knock it off its balance!" "Gotcha." In the barrage that follows, the attack that Chrono planned worked perfectly. Caroline cause the ground under one of the things feet to explode causing it to balance on one foot so when Ayla hit it with the combined momentum of being swung by Frog, she knocked it over and then Chrono leaped up and stabbed it in the head. Then the entire thing began to crumble and then it just literally evaporates. Searching around the town for any of the villagers, they find a locked door and when they open it, they find all of the villagers and the spy. The village thanks them and they take the spy back to the castle. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Criticism is good.