One and Only THE END

Story by danybw on SoFurry

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Finally i ended a series! After this i'll think of some stuff for Unexpected Love. Anyway. Enjoy ! x3

Note the fact i can't post any adult content! Sorry! ><

He pushed me againts the lockers and pressed his body againts to mine. "I don't like it when they run." Everyone stared at us.

"Let me go" i said quietly . Jason backed away. He saw my red face. I was angry at him. I can't really give a logical reason but i knew that i was damn mad at him.

*3 months later *

I ignored the feelings I felt when I was around the tiger. I tried to get away everytime he was near me. Everything was alright. After few months though there was a new student in the class. He was a tall pitch black husky with blue eyes. He was really handsome. That day Julias was sick so he couldn't come. The Art teacher told the husky to sit beside me. He sat down silently.

"Hey" He said in a calming tone. "My name is Lio."

"Hi." i said

"And your name is?" He asked.

"Oh sorry. I'm Danail" I was very distracted.

Class ended with complete silence and i got out of the classroom. It was Friday and we had Art last so all i had left was to go home and enjoy a lonely weekend but the husky stopped me.

"Are you free tonight?" He asked all of a sudden.

"Am....." I hesitated for a long time. "Yeah ... Why? " Not that i didn't realise why.

"I thought we could go out to one place." He answered quickly.

"What like on a date? " I wasn't in the mood for such things.

"What? Is it bad?" He tilted his head sideways.

"No , I mean . You don't know me. I don't know you. And how are you so sure i am gay?" I asked in one breath

"I didn't say that. Well maybe I could get to know you if you gave me chance and if you're not gay than don't think of this as a date." He gave me a straight answer. "So can you get to _Warday _restourant around six pm?" He asked and I accepted. I guess I needed to get my mind off Jason. I was still angry at him for what he did.

I got home and started doing my homework. I always liked to not have any work at the weekends. I usually do my homework earlier everytime so I didn't need to worry about it. It was time for me to get ready for my date or whatever. I took a shower. My hair was short so i didn't need to brush it. I got some black jeans on , a grey T-shirt and my usual black jacket. It was already time for me to get going . I got my shoes on and started walking to the restourant. It wasn't that far. Atleast it wasn't as far as the school was. I met the husky and we went in. There wasn't anything important about what happened. We sat down and talked. Well I was mostly silent. We got out and he offered to walk me home. We were infront of my house when he stopped.

"I had a lot of fun tonight." Lio spoke in his calm tone. He then held me close. I was shocked. He was about to kiss me when I heard a motor engine. It was Jason. He looked really pissed. He parked infront of my house and walked towards the husky. Then he landed a punch. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" Lio shouted.

"Fuck off doggie." Jason sounded really angry. The husky looked at me weirdly and ran away. Jason was now facing towards me. "So you like that kind of pussies?"

I looked away. "I don't like him. "

"Oh so you ARE a slut after all." The anger was obviously building inside him. I was silent. "I guess i had to realise that when you played like you liked me and at the end you ran away! IS THAT WHAT YOU DO WITH EVERYONE?!" I didn't even make a sound. "ANSWER ME!"

"NO , OF COURSE. I DON'T LIKE HIM! I LIKE YOU!" I didn't care who could hear me. "But i have never... you know.... had a relationship and.... it's all new to me plus you never thought what I would say." Suddenly i saw him standing infront of me. He moved his hands around my waist and pulled me into a deep kiss.

The kiss felt like eternity until our lips parted. "Well... what are you going to say about that?"

"I ..... uh ......" I couldn't say a word. He lifted me up. I guess I wasn't really heavy for him. After all he was a lot more stronger than i was. We got in through the front door. My mother wasn't home again and that didn't suprise me. He didn't ask me where was my room , he just walked around with me in his hands until he got to it. Then he dropped me on the bed and he started getting my clothes off. "Wh-what are-"

"What does it look like." He got my jacket off and literally tore my T-shirt apart. The rest of the night? Well... It's a secret.

_The End _

Once again i am sorry that i didn't post the rest of the night but i can't post any adult content SORRY!