Keeto's New Place: Chapter 4

Story by Nogard on SoFurry

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"Hello?" a slightly higher-than-expected voice said through the cell phone.

"Hello. Whom am I speaking to?" Keeto responded into the phone.

"Wow, you used ‘whom' correctly. I'm impressed."

"... Heh, I've always been sort of a grammar freak. Anyway, what's your name?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to dodge the question. This is Shen. Who are you?"

"Hi Shen. My name is Keeto. The landlord of my apartment said that you were looking

for a place to stay, and since I don't have a roommate currently, he gave me your


"OOOOH! Would you mind if I met you later today to discuss things in person? I can't

wait to move out of my house."

"Uhh" after quickly figuring out what day it was and realize he didn't have to work,

Keeto continued, "Sure. That sounds good to me. I'm free all day so any time you want

to meet is fine with me."

"Wonderful! How about you give me directions to your apartment and I'll be there in

about 30 minutes."

"Alright, that works for me."

After giving the directions, Keeto and Shen said their good-byes and hung up. Keeto

turned to Peanut and said, "He sounds nice. I wonder why he's so avid about wanting to

leave his house. I thought that when the landlord told me about how desperate he was,

he'd be like a gangster or something. Anyway, I should let you out before you dirty up

my carpet again."

After opening the door, Peanut sprinted outside and lifted his leg on a tire of a nearby car.

While his leg was hiked up, a yell came from an open window, "You stupid dog! Stop

pissin' all over my new car! You better hope to God you're gone by the time I get out

there or I'll shove your face into that slimy tire!"

Keeto heard the voice and said to himself, "shit, shit, shit, don't let him see Peanut come

back into my apartment. I've had enough drama recently and I don't need any more."

Sure enough, after Peanut had finished his business, he slowly trotted back, and the

owner of the car came outside just in time to see Keeto try and hurry the dog back inside

before quickly shutting the door. Peanut jumped onto the couch and burrowed under a

shirt that was draped over the armrest. As Keeto started walking over to the couch, three

loud pounds came from the door. Keeto sighed before going back to the door and

opening it slowly to see a very angry wolf dressed in a full, black business suit. His

hands were on his hips and he was a good six inches taller than Keeto was so he was

looking down at the young fox giving him a more menacing look.

"Y-yes?" Keeto managed to spit out after a few seconds.

"Your little dog just pissed all over the side of my new car! I am about to pick a business

partner up from the airport and I will NOT have the passenger side smelling like

ammonia from your stupid dog. What do you plan on doing about this?"

Keeto sighed before saying, "Well, I can't punish the dog for going outside because that's

just cruel, so what do you want me to do? Get on my hands and knees and scrub the side

of your car?"

Keeto meant it as a sarcastic question and he simply sighed again as the pissed-off wolf

slowly smiled showing him that that was exactly what he expected Keeto to do. Keeto

said, "I guess I'll grab a washrag and some soap and water."

Keeto grabbed what he needed and went outside to the wolf's car and began wiping off

the wheel. The wolf paced impatiently shooting sharp glances at his watch so that Keeto

would get the message that he was in a hurry. When Keeto finally finished, the wolf said

nothing and jumped in his car and sped off, running over Keeto's washrag in the process.

"That ungrateful asshole" Keeto said as he gathered up his supplies and went back inside.

When he entered into the apartment, Peanut was now curled up on top of his shirt with

his head on his right paw, eyes watching Keeto's every movement.

"It's unbelievable. I let you outside to pee, and I still end up having to clean it up. With

my luck, I should just let you piss all over my dirty clothes so that I can just do laundry

and clean my clothes and clean up your mess all at once to save me some time."

Peanut blinked and cocked his head a little, but otherwise never left eye-contact. Keeto

sighed again and headed to the bathroom. All this talk about pee made him realize he

hadn't gone to the bathroom yet this morning. After the toilet was flushed, he came out

of the bathroom and began cleaning up the apartment. At least that's what Keeto would

have called it. Anyone else would have called it moving all the junk from around the

place onto the floor of his room. After the apartment was "clean" save for the shirt upon

which Peanut was comfortably lying, Keeto made his way over to the couch and sat next

to Peanut scratching the dog's ears while turning on the TV. Not more than five minutes

later, there was a knock at the door. Turning off the TV, Keeto got up and went to the

door and opened it to see what he surmised to be Shen.

Shen said, "Hi! You must be Keeto!"

"Hello. and you must be Shen. Come inside and make yourself at home and you can look

the place over and we can talk."


Shen walked in slowly looking at everything in site. Shen was a wolf and he looked just

as old as Keeto was. His fur was a very clean grey, and he had one black mark on his left

cheek almost in the shape of a crescent. He was about 5'9" which was just an inch or two

shorter than Keeto was. Despite it being Spring, Shen was wearing a black leather jacket

with a midnight blue, short-sleeved shirt, and dark jeans that seemed to be the exact hue

as his shirt. His ears twitched every time he surveyed something of interest which was a

little funny to Keeto, until his ears shot straight up and stayed there when he finally

noticed Peanut on the couch.

Shen said enthusiastically, "OOOOH! You have a doggy! What's his name?"

"Uhhh, Peanut."

"That's a funny name. How'd you come up with that?"

"Well, there was a little incident involving peanut butter and toothpaste when I first got

him so I thought the name was appropriate." Keeto chuckled to himself as he recalled the

events involving the landlord just the day before. There was a bit of awkward silence as

Shen surveyed the rest of the apartment from Keeto's dirty room to the bathroom and

finally to the empty bedroom. Keeto decided to break the ice with a little conversation.

"So, why are you so hell-bent about leaving your house? The landlord said you were

desperate and you couldn't wait to get over here after I called you."

"Well, it sounds like a stupid reason, but it's mainly my parents. They can't get over

what I like to do and it's driving me insane because they look at me funny all the time

because of it."

Fearing what it was that Shen liked to do that would cause his parents to react in such a

manner, Keeto almost didn't inquire what it was that he liked to do; but his curiosity won,

and he would probably need to know if he were to room with Shen.

"What do you do that they hate so much?"

"I draw and paint as my job. I work for UnderFur as a design artist, but I guess my

parents think all of my work is crap because they keep telling me that I should find a

better job and a better use of my time. I've finally had enough of it. If they can't

appreciate what I do for a living and get over it, then I'll move out. You don't have a

problem with it do you?"

A river of relief flowed through Keeto's veins. "Is that the reason? Man, I thought you

were secretly in a gang or something along those lines. I don't have a problem with that

at all. In fact, I'd love to see what you've come up with. I can't draw at all so I'm sure

whatever you do is far better than anything I could even comprehend trying to draw."

Shen's face lit up with excitement. Finally, someone who shared his passion for art. "I'd

love to show you my designs! Only problem is, I don't have anything with me right now.

I didn't want to pack up all my stuff and head over here and then be denied. You

understand right?"

"Oh, I should probably make a decision on that shouldn't I? Well, you seem really nice,

your reasons for leaving your house seem fair to me, and you have a job so I know you'll

be able to help pay the rent. I say welcome aboard and I hope we'll get along great


"OOOOH! I'm so happy! I'll go right home and grab all my stuff. Before I go, would

you mind a small request?"

"Uhh, sure. What's that?"

"Well, I noticed all of the walls in here were bare. Would you mind if I hung up some of

my designs to give the place a little bit of variety and color?"

"Oh, not at all. In fact, I'd enjoy that a lot. You know what? I just got a great idea.

Since we'll be rooming together, you should meet my parents. How about tonight I

invite them over to the apartment to meet you and we can all have dinner together to

break the ice. I'm sure they'll love you."

"OOOOH! I'd love to meet your parents! I can even cook for all of us if you want me


"Wow. You can cook too? This is going to be awesome. I can't wait until we get to

know each other better. How about we do this. I'll give you the apartment key and you

can come over here and unload all of your stuff on your own time, and I'll go back to my

house and get my parents. I'll be back around 7:00 with them. Is that alright? That'll

give me time to chat with them for a while and take care of any business with them."

"That sounds like a plan! I'm going to leave right now and get my stuff! Should I go

ahead and put up the designs before your parents get here, or should I wait until after they


"No reason to wait. I'm sure my parents would love to see some color in this place, so I

say go for it. I can't wait to see your talents. Alright, I'm gonna go to my house now.

Here's the apartment key that you need to get in. I can get the one my parents have so

that you don't have to make a spare key or make the landlord get you one. We can go

talk to the landlord tomorrow after you get settled."

"Alright roommate! I'll be back here with my stuff unpacked and dinner will be cooked

as well! See you at 7:00!"

"Alright, take care yourself."

Keeto gathered his stuff, taking Peanut with him, and left toward his parents' house. All

the while, he kept thinking to himself "I can't believe I lucked out and found such a nice

roommate, and one that could cook too! My parents are going to love him and I'm sure

Kay will as well."

* * *

At 7:05, Keeto and his parents walked up to the front door of the apartment; his parents

decided to keep Peanut for a while to make sure he had all of his shots and didn't have

anything wrong with him. All the way over, Keeto was telling his parents how Shen was

really nice and that he had a job as a designer for a company, whose name escaped him

but he was sure they'd ask Shen when they started talking. Keeto had the key and he

unlocked the door and opened it up for Leanna. His mom entered followed immediately

by Noko then Keeto who upon entering, turned around to shut and lock the door.

Before Keeto could close the door behind him, he heard his mom say, "Oh my!" followed

by his father's "Whoa!" Keeto smiled to himself as he closed the door thinking that his

parents were impressed by Shen's art that he hung on the wall. Keeto turned around to

face his parents and on the wall directly in front of him was a picture of a very naked and

very well-hung brown stallion holding what looked like a black bridle. The stallion's

other hand was cupping his balls and the base of his enormous erection. The stallion was

standing at a slight angle but almost facing entirely forward. At his feet was a black and

pink dildo about the same length and girth as his penis, and below the dildo was the text,

"Pleasure you can definitely measure". Keeto's mouth fell open in shock as he surveyed

the picture and all three of them were silent until Shen came out of the bedroom and saw

the three.

He said, "Do you like the text at the bottom? That was my idea, hehe. That's one of our

most popular models and my boss says it's all thanks to that picture."

Noko responded, "Well... It umm... Let's see... It definitely gets the point across..."

Leanna tore her eyes away from the picture and looked around desperately for something

to do. She spied the food in the kitchen waiting to be served and she started heading

toward it.

Shen responded, "Thank you sir. That means a lot!" Spying Leanna going toward the

food, Shen continued, "Oh, don't worry about the food! I'll serve it. It's the least I can

do for you and your son letting me stay with him. You three just sit at the table I set up

in the other room and I'll bring the food out and we can get to know each other better!"

Noko and Leanna didn't move. Keeto caught their attention and mouthed to both of them

"I'll explain later, let's just sit down." The two nodded and did as he said and sat around

the table. Shen began serving them the dinner while the three said their thank yous to

him. While he was serving, Keeto let his eyes wander around the walls. He noticed that

in addition to the stallion picture, there were 4 other pictures on the walls, each just as

erotic as the next. One picture in particular caught Keeto's eye. It was a picture of a

female fox on all fours with her tail raised and a dark blue dildo shoved in her pussy. She

had her head tilted slightly upward with her eyes shut and her mouth open. It was very

clear that she was in total bliss at that moment, and underneath her were the words "A

perfect fit every time." Despite the awkwardness of the situation and how shocked Keeto

was, he couldn't let go of the fact that that picture was extremely hot and he could feel

his arousal growing the more he stared at it. Leanna saw Keeto staring and turned to see

what it was that could grab his attention like that. When she saw what it was, she waited

for Shen to turn around to grab more food before slapping Keeto across the face. He

snapped out of his trance clutching his cheek in the process. He mouthed "sorry" to his

mom and stared down at the table, concentrating on losing his excitement. Finally the

last bit of food was brought out and Shen sat down at the table with them.

A few awkward moments passed before Noko said to Shen, "So... um... what did you

say your job is again? Keeto said you were a designer but he couldn't remember what

company it was."

Shen responded, "Oh, I work for UnderFur as a designer and drawer of all their


Leanna asked Shen â€" while trying to keep absolute eye contact as the stallion picture was

in a direct line behind Shen â€" "So, what is UnderFur? I've never heard of it before."

Shen said, "Oh, it's basically a pornographic store that specializes in making their own

dildos. My job is to present different designs and if they're accepted, then I help the

production team actually make it, and if there's any interest in it, then I am supposed to

draw different advertisements for inside the store and to put on the website. The store's

not very big so my manager likes to advertise only the latest merchandise. So, designs

like the ones you see on the wall were older models that don't need advertising anymore

so I get to keep them. Honestly, it's a very rewarding job since I have no qualms about

drawing anything erotic. It's just another form of art in my opinion."

Noko said, "Well, whatever you like to do you should strive to improve it. Out of

curiosity, how long have you been there and how much do you make doing this sort of


Shen responded, "I've been there for a little over two years now. I actually started on my

18th birthday. I had shown UnderFur that I was interested and they would have hired me

earlier but it was illegal for a minor to work there. The pay depends on how much I

contribute to the store. In an average month of work, I'll have one new product design

and three advertisements for it. For every successful design I come up with, I get 10% of

the sales plus a thousand dollars upfront for the idea, and each advertisement gets me

$250. We normally sell about 25 dildos a month and the new models are always a base

of $100 dollars so you can add it up but I normally make about 2,000 dollars a month so

around $24,000 a year, and because I continue to get money off the older models I've

designed from sales, that number just keeps going up. It's a very good business for doing

what I love doing."

Keeto joined in the conversation, "Man, that's almost double what I'm making down at

the coffee shop and I work 40 hours every week. How many hours would you say you


Shen said, "Well, that's hard to say. An advertisement like that" Shen pointed to one of

the other three pictures on the wall "would take me about 4 hours to sketch and another 6

hours of coloring and cleaning up everything. The advertisements are the easy part

because I have so many ideas still floating around in my head that all I need is what

product I'm trying to sell and I can get to drawing. The designs take the longest time. A

successful design will take about 10 hours to make sure it's unique and it works just as

well if not better than previous designs. A lot of research about the male and female

body goes into the designs and every bump and curve is supposed to serve a purpose. If I

think a design could work, I'll present it to my manager and we'll discuss dimensions,

color, material, changes to it, basically anything you can think of. The product itself then

takes roughly 15 hours to build and once we have one assembled, I'll take it, make ads

for it, making sure to get every detail about it down, and then I'll return it and the ads to

my manager and he'll mass produce them and hang up the new designs. So let's see...

that's 55 hours in a month on average so I'm working about 13 ½ hours a week."

The three were amazed that he could work so little in their opinions and be making so

much money, but then again, it's a business very few people would want to do so the pay

reflects that. The awkwardness of the dinner quickly went away as they got to know

Shen better and realized just what a nice guy he was. Noko and Leanna were reassured

that Keeto would have no trouble paying any bills because of Shen and that was their

main concern. After dinner was over, Keeto's parents decided to leave to take care of

Peanut. Keeto followed them to the door and stepped outside to talk to them.

"I am sooo sorry. I honestly had no idea. He said he worked for that place but I didn't

look into it and I had no clue he did that when I gave him the go ahead to put his art on

the walls."

Noko chuckled and said, "Son, it's ok. We know that you would have never agreed to

that without giving us proper warning. Although we don't agree with what he does 100

percent, he seems to enjoy it and the boy's extremely nice. You two will get along great

together, and I'm proud of you for sticking with it and giving this guy a place to stay."

Noko reached out a hand to shake, and after they had shaken hands, Keeto realized he

was now holding twenty bucks.

"Thanks dad. Mom? I'm sorry about at the table but you didn't need to slap me over it,


Leanna said, "I whispered your name three times and both your hands were under the

table at the time. What was I supposed to think? I know you just got distracted but I

wasn't going to take that chance. And you know looking at pornography is wrong."

Keeto couldn't stop himself from laughing before retorting, "It'll be difficult to explain

that to Shen. But, regardless, I won't venture down the ‘dark side' because of Shen. You

know I'm a good kid."

He hugged his mom and they said their good-byes before Keeto went back inside. He

was about to have a nice discussion with Shen.