Bloody Knuckle -Ronson's Story [Re{LOAD}ed]-

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#11 of Bloody Knuckle

Ronson finally gets some answers, and some help. Sounds like he's serious..

The newest Bloody Knuckle folks!

Bloody Knuckle Ronson's Story [Re{LOAD}ed] I drove, careful not to make any hard turns as we made our way back into town. Knuckle wasn't in good shape, and me drivin like I was just out for the night wouldn't cut it. I had him carefully laid out from the passenger's seat, his upper back across my lap. We weren't even close to the Alpenwolfe yet. I changed lanes, makin sure not to put anyone else into a panic and I came to a red light. Knuckle whimpered and I set a hand on his chest. {Poor guy..} Before I pulled him out of the back hatch, I got to see what happened. One of his verts was outta place a little, pokin to the right, off-center. "Ronnie.." he groaned, and I started to get a little mad. See, Chief told me something I needed to hear, needed to know. Knuckle was mine now. I looked down at him, twitchin just enough to feel, but otherwise invisible. "Yeah bud, I'm here." I assured him, and my hand rubbed his chest in a circle. He looked like he wanted to bawl...and I wouldn'ta blamed him. "Knucky, I'm so sorry..." I whispered, and his eyelids crunched before he groaned again. "Heh.. I'm..surprised you don't...have your dick in my back.." he said with a hiss, and a forced chuckle. "You don't have to make this better for me Knuck.." I told him, and I took one of his trembling hands in mine. He burst into a fit of hushed laughter, then groaned again. "Make this better for you?" he said with a forced smile. I glanced up and saw the light was green, and drove on. Shortly after maybe about..three miles, I noticed we were in a part of town I hadn't personally looked forward to bein in. Nine months is a while. Especially when you're busy. Drivin around I saw a flickerin hologram. No way... I got in the lane to turn into the parkin lot, and I noticed the building was practically a halfway house. The Red Elk had fallen so far. But I had an idea. "Knuck, we're at Chaz's place. Maybe Eduat can help ya.." I told him as I came to a slow stop in an open spot. "The snake huh? Argh.." he groaned. I nodded. "We're gonna hafta go upstairs. But I'll carry you." I said, and he didn't look too happy with the idea, but he didn't protest. "You're light enough to hoist and hold. No problem." "You..ah.. What's he gonna do to me?" "He might be able to pop your bone back into place." "Like a massage?" "That's the plan." So I kill the engine and open my door, carefully shufflin Knuckle aside so I could get out. My hooves met concrete, and I stood up to stretch for a quick second before I went to the other side and opened the passenger door. When the door opened, the light kicked on again and I got a look at Knuckle, stretched out and twitchin. "This might hurt a little bit.." I said. I eased between him and the dashboard, cradling his back and legs in my arms. I lifted and eased to my right, and repeated until we were free in the night air. Knuckle grunted and I froze. "Keep..goin." With Knuckle in my arms I took it step by step until we made it to the lobby entrance. The Red Elk, Revisited- The lobby was trashed. The glass doors at the entrance were broken, and shards of glass were scattered on the floor. The place was a mess, and unattended to boot. What happened? "I'm..glad we got you outta here.. You coulda been off so much worse.." Knuckle said. "Yeah. I owe you two. I owe Chief tons." I said, and paused. [Thanks Chief.] I slowly marched to the elevators, mashed the button with a fist and waited. After a bit, the elevator doors opened and we stepped in. I stood in the center. My arms groaned a little bit, but I was determined to see this through. " you Ronnie.." Knuckle said, and he sniffed as I could fel his back spaz out. "Shh, shh bro. We're almost done." I said, but... I lowered my head and kissed him on the forehead. The ride up was quiet. I held Knuckle in my arms unflinchin, standin still as the floor-counter gave out our remaining time. I blinked sweat out of my eyes; Knuckle was gettin heavy. His twitchin wasn't helpin me out much, but soon enough the door opened to Chaz's penthouse suite. It looked no different as I slowly hoofed through the scattered papers. I didn't hear anyone. Every step I took reminded of me what I came from, and that I showed my worth keeping my horns clean. I made it back to my old room and found that my bed was still there, so I carefully set Knuckle on the bare mattress. "I don't think Eduat's here Knuck.. I'll go look for some painkillers. Sit tight for me.." I said, rubbin his belly just a bit. He WANTED to enjoy it.. "...Alright." he groaned.

I stepped out and closed the door behind me, makin sure it latched. Then I headed to Chaz's office and rummaged through all I could see. Filing cabinets, desk drawers..and nothin. The elevator buzzed as its door opened, and I froze as I heard voices. "-gonna do about your losses?" "We will ssell double the product's normal price to make up for losses in ssaless. Are your people sskilled at...reduction?" "My guys could cut the formula with fuckin CHALK DUST and the buyer would never know!" *** The voices I heard were comin from the room over, and I immediately made out the Python's voice. The other was vague. "Would you receive a drink?" the snake hissed politely. "Uh, yeah! I gotta piss though, I'll be right back!" the other voiced, and took off with a little spring in his step. I waited and listened for more, knowin I was too damn big to try and hide. But Eduat knows me. I doubt he would wind me up and pop me after so long. But where the hell was Chaz? -The toilet flushed and I heard the door open. Then silence. "This ain't bad! You're a pretty good drink mixer ya know?" the unknown voice said gratefully. "Thank you. I wass the attendant of my employer before I wass releassed. He required much to drink, sso I developed sserve him." Eduat explained. He was right; Chaz liked his booze as much as he liked snortin powder. "I'm gonna pass out. That other bed still here?" "Yess. It remindss me of.. better timess." he said, and I felt a little assurance. I shrugged and made my way to announce myself, but the other voice yelped and I was instantly on my guard. "HOLY SHIT!" the voice called, and I threw the door open. I was right on one account. Eduat was here, and I was relieved. "Uh..hey.." I muttered, and Eduat slithered into a pile at my hooves, then stood up with a portion of his body to look me in the eyes. "Hello Ronsson." he hissed..happily. I looked past him to see the darkness of the room Knuckle was in, and a figure backed out. A dog it looked like, with green hair on his head with baggy jeans and a wife beater. [OH..] "There's someone in bed!" the dog said, and he turned to look at Eduat..then me. "HOLY SHIT! DOUBLE FEATURE! WHAT'S UP DUDE!?" he barked. "Its Grinny G!" he said with outstretched arms and twinklin eyes. "Yeah, hey." I waved at him, and he rushed over to hug me. I was a little..on guard, but his arms reminded me of Knuckle. I hugged the eager dog, then let him go to address the snake. "Eduat, we got a problem..." I said with a low voice. I told him everything that happened since I left Chaz. About Chief, Knuckle, the Pazzieras and their demand that we pay them back. His face looked like he was watchin a really good movie. Grinny piped in with some additions. "I am not ssure if I could help him. Ssuch an injury may be beyond me.." Eduat said lowly. "Ya gotta help him Eduat, you gotta try!" I snorted. We were running out of time, and the Pazziera family showed they had capability. "Indeed I will." *** The three of us (Grinny, Eduat and me) stood at the edge of the bed, all of us a little sobered up from watchin Knuckle in so much pain. "The Pazzieras' enforcers did this huh?" Grinny asked. "They thought we were tryin to run. But they burned down Chief's place so we couldn't sleep there anyway." I added, annoyed at how drug dealers and mobsters don't screen for smarts. "Let me check hiss sspine." Eduat instructed. Me and Grinny gently rolled Knuckle over and the snake coiled up on his back, slowly windin around. Eduat added a little pressure and Knuckle grunted. "Ah. I ssee now. The injury wass bound to occur; the trauma from the wreck wass what sset it in motion." Eduat told us. "Hold him sstill." he said, and he began to wrap and bind Knuckle's back with his body. Knuckle shook with pain, growlin as the pressure grew. "Ronsson, hiss arms. Grinny musst hold hiss legss!" he hissed and we took out spots, pulling hard enough to lift him. Eduat coiled around his waist tighter, and Knuckle yelped helplessly. "Twisst!" he hissed, and I shifted to Knuckle's shoulders as Grinny handled his waist. We twisted poor Knuckle as Eduat constricted harder and harder. Knuckle looked like he'd had it. "I can feel it, almosst there... Closser.. There!" he hissed as he tightened up even more, and when Knuckle's legs faced the right from his torso (and his eyes were wet with tears) we heard a crack. Knuckle's eyes went lazy and his body went limp as we held him. Eduat released him in a flash and sat coiled between me and Grinny. "Sset him down sslowly and do not move him. Sspinal injuriess are the worsst to deal with. He had a light healing factor at work, held in check by the dislocacion." he said. "The wreck only did half the work huh? You train too hard! You hear?" I gently chided Knuckle as he layed there still and silent. I guess he passed out from that guantlet. I knealt by him and rubbed his back. "Hell, I guess I can't go to bed huh?" Grinny asked with a chuckle. "Give him two dayss. He should be on his feet soon. You will sstay with him Ronsson?" Eduat asked me. "You gotta ask?" I said, puffin out my chest. "Of coursse." he said with what I guess was a smile. "Thanks Coach" I said. They left us alone right after that, and I nodded off as I listened to Knuckle snooze easy. ***** ***** Two Days Later Knuckle was much better. He took his time on his feet whenever he was on 'em. If he stumbled I wasn't too far away, and if I helped him keep his balance he didn't snap at me or push me off. He was really grateful, and gentle. Like he was an entirely different person. We sat on a couch I brought up the day before, and he leaned against me as time passed. We talked off and on, about our plans. Namely one, where we agreed to fight for Grinny G, our new manager. We could get back into the ring and do what we did best, slowly earnin enough to get these rats off our asses for good. Knuckle was fine with the idea, but I could tell he was holding back his feelings about this gigantic mess. But I was okay with that. He didn't wanna spill it, I wouldn't tip him over. 3:18 p.m. Me and Knuckle were on the couch, relaxed. He layed on my lap, driftin in and out of a dog nap as the sun passed through the sky. If this wasn't the product of some dirty dealings, I wouldn't mind bein here with him till we both turned grey. We hadn't heard back from Horus. While Knuckle was down I took a drive and saw the Alpenwolfe was closed. I hope he was okay. Eduat managed to sneak me the details of what happened to Chaz. Shortly aster I made for greener pastures, Chaz couldn't keep his money straight and fired Eduat. More and more people came knockin, and he snorted himself to death on really cheap powder. Might'a been sink cleaner or somethin like that. Rest in peace ya bastard. The elevator dinged its arrival and Grinny stepped through, bobbin his head to some music in his earphones. He knelt by the arm of the couch, watchin Knuckle a bit. "Good news everyone! I got you two a gig! Friday night, clean betting too!" he said with excitement. Our first bout after so long, and Grinny's first night as a manager. Kid doesn't have the experience, but that's where we come in. All we need to do is win and the rest is in the bag. "I uh...can't train you guys, but you two know what to do, dontcha?" he asked us. "Yeah, we got the hard stuff down. Just get us some weights, we'll spar and work out together until then." I said. Knuckle suddenly sat up. "Ronnie its Wednesday. Two days?" he said, soundin a little doubtful. "Yeah. The Underground won't have missed us at all." I said, and Knuckle looked at me with narrowed eyes. "That place is gonna be more trouble than its worth." he said. Grinny got to his feet. "I can get you your weight sets, don't worry about that. And guys... I know I'm not your old manager. Gimme a chance though." "We ain't gonna do ya wrong" Knuckle said as he slowly stood up and stretched. Grinny snapped his fingers. "Howsabout you two come down to my place? The Pit Crew would be honored to have you!" Knuckle shrugged with a nod. "Sure." "Great! I'll meet you guys there if you wanna catch up later.." Knuckle looked at me, then smirked. "Let's knock the rust off Chuck!" he said eagerly. [Atta boy Knuck.] I stood up, popped my neck, and rushed him.

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