The Cycle of Sacrifice

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#9 of Old Standalone Stories

I've mentioned before that I like to turn generally accepted conventions on their ear when writing a story. This was another one I turned around on itself. Looking back on it, I feel like it's not quite as strong as others I've written. I had this bigger picture in my head of what this eventually might lead to, but I got distracted with other things and those notions fell by the wayside. And to those of you who might say "Well you seem to have time now, why not pick it back up?" It's not that simple. This was written years ago. I can't recall what those plans were, nor do I really want to add ANOTHER project onto my work load. I've already got quite a few in mind.

At any rate, I do hope you enjoy.

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It was a harsh day. The clouds raced across the crimson sky, casting fiery shadows about the jagged land. The craggy rocks reached up into the heavens as if clawing at the stars, desperate drag the twinkling dots down into the depressing, hellish landscape of the cold, cruel mountains. Amidst these angry fingers of stone lay a valley wide enough for a ceremonial altar and a round area surrounding it, dotted with wrought iron stands holding gothic torches aloft, the flames cupped there waving defiantly in the wind. A gathering of people clad in cloaks of red, trimmed in gold, slowly hiked the lengthy, perilous pass up to the ceremonial area. The black draconian emblem stitched onto the back of their robes betrayed some sort of cult or organization centered around the creature of legend.

As the line filed its way closer to their destination, a single individual garbed in white robes shuffled along behind the others, standing out in stark contrast to those trudging ahead. Following this "black sheep" was only one more crimson-wrapped member, somewhat shorter than the person directly in front. There was a somber, deathly serious air about the party as they slowly made their way up to the arena surrounding the stone slab of the altar. The group filed in and stood in a circle as distant from the center as they could without touching the walls as the gown of white moved to take her rightful place, standing just inches from the smooth, cold table. The shorter red-clad follower stood just behind and to the side. One of those in the circle, his cloak visibly more ornate, stepped forward, turning to look at those gathered about the area. His arms rose as he began to speak.

"My children, since the creation of our community, we have lived peacefully, protected by the beast that reigns from the peaks above. It has guarded us, shielded our way of life for centuries past and it is that on the thirteenth full moon of every one hundredth anniversary we gather here and pay our thanks. But we do more than this. Our guardian must have new flesh in order to survive, to go on protecting us. So we gather here on the night of the full moon to provide our savior with that which it needs." He lowered his arms and turned to the white cloak held aloft by the wearer underneath, a hand outstretched, "Our chosen daughter has willingly given herself. She has prepared for this day since her first steps. It is with this ceremony that we celebrate her life and her destiny. Malina, if you please." The hood covering the woman's face was pulled back, revealing a breathtaking visage: fair skin; dark, silky hair trailing down past her shoulders; graceful, slender neck; ruby lips; and piercing green eyes, almost a haunting jade hue. She bowed her head to the others.

"It is an honor to be chosen to provide for our protector. I only hope I will be satisfactory." The others bowed their heads and the woman began to disrobe, removing her only garment, revealing her perfect form. She had been groomed since birth to please the beast they all praised, and the results were astonishing. Her curves, her skin, her posture were all ideal. The young maiden grew up the envy of the other girls for that very reason. Quietly, reverently, she folded the robe and handed it to the person just behind her, offering the shorter individual a soft hug, "Thank you Ophelia, I will always love you."

The shorter woman nodded, returning the hug and Malina's professions of love. In her life, such a relationship with a male was prohibited as per the customs to preserve the girl's virgin state. As a result, it became quite common for other women to provide the chosen with the company they desired. The leader lifted his arm again, the young lady taking his hand as he guided her atop the altar.

"The moon rises. It is time. Are you ready my child?"

Malina nodded and took a soft breath before laying back, shivering lightly as her flawless skin became chilled by the cool, hard stone under her. The old man moved closer and began fastening her legs in place, parted just so and slightly bent at the knee while her arms were left unshackled. A grip was provided up above her head should the ceremony become too intense. She reached above to grasp the bar and held it tightly. Stories of what it was like had filled her mind in the days before this night. Thinking about it again made her quiver uncontrollably with a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation.

The sun slipped lower still until it vanished from sight, leaving nothing but an eerie red glow about the top of the mountain towering above them. The old man turned and lifted his arms to the peak above, raising his voice, shouting with a force his frail body seemed incapable of.

"Arise beast! Come forth and claim the flesh we have provided for you! Come and become whole once more so that you may protect us! Come and take our sacrifice, great dragon of the mountains!"

His words echoed through the stone claws that rose up around the pass, and reaching up to the very limits of the summit. For several moments, there was no answer save the howl of the wind and the fiery glare of the angry clouds above as they slowly faded to black. Whispers began to pass between the others, thoughts of doubt beginning to take root and sow dissent among the party.

"Has the dragon refused our offering? Have we offended it!? Will it no longer protect us!?"

"My children, patience. Have faith. The guardian will come. I assure you."

More time passed as even Milina began to doubt her worth. There was no mention of how long it would take for the dragon to appear. Everyone just assumed it would come immediately upon the call unless it did not cast its favor upon the chosen one. Would this be the first time the people failed to meet its approval? The crowd began to worry and whisper further as the old man turned back to the girl laying on her back, reaching to unshackle her ankles. Just as the first binding was to be removed, a terribly crack of thunder deafened the group as a brilliant fork of lightning split the sky. The whole party cowered in fear, terrified that a curse had befallen them as retribution for failing to provide a satisfactory sacrifice until the thunder faded to a mighty roar.

All eyes turned to the peak as a brilliant figure, massive and terrifying swooped down from the summit, seeming to be made of nothing but smoke, ash, fire, and cinder. Its gleaming eyes pierced into the very souls of the entire group as they began to back away from the altar again. The beast dipped lower and lower, approaching the small clearing of stone before the flame and smoke seemed to die away, fizzling away to nothing, leaving a figure of brilliant red and yellow dropping slowly into the circle. The dragon itself stood just taller than the group, its eyes slowly passing over each person. What was quite odd was that the beast seemed more human than the legend had described...and it seemed quite feminine.

"You have come to offer your flesh for me to take as my own?" Her voice was warm, soothing, and surprisingly kind. The old man nodded and bowed, backing away out of respect.

"Yes, the girl, she is yours. We have prepared her for you."

"Excellent." The beast smiled softly, strolling over to the altar, a hand on her swollen tummy, appearing to be heavy with child. Malina turned to gaze at the dragon that would take her, fearful of the pain that might come but something in the beast's eyes reassured her she would be unharmed.

"D-do I please you?"

The dragoness smiled and ran a clawed hand through the girl's hair affectionately, leaning down to offer her cheek a tender kiss.

"You are the most beautiful offering I have ever seen my child. You please me more than I can express. Soon, you will become part of me... and I you. It will be glorious." Her hand slid down over the young lady's cheek softly, caressing it tenderly as the dragon moved lower, offering her bust a soft squeeze, testing her form in a rather provocative way. A quiet moan rose up from Milina as her chest was fondled, writhing softly against the cold stone, "Oh you like that yes?"

She nodded softly.

"I do... it feels pleasant. Your hand is so smooth and warm."

"A dragon's touch can be deadly and yet quite tender. You will know only the latter, this I swear." She paused for a moment, looking up as she spotted the other young lady, eyeing her curiously as if peering into her thoughts, "You have strong feelings for this one do you not?"

Ophelia blinked and took half a step back, fearful her relationship with Milina might jeopardize the dragon's interest in her, but something compelled her to speak the truth.

"Y-yes... I... I love her."

"You do?" The dragon's voice offered no hatred or malice, but surprisingly, she seemed touched. Ophelia nodded again, a tear trickling down her cheek, knowing that she may never see her love again.

"With all my heart. If I were to have but one wish it would be to live out the rest of my days by her side... but I understand that she is to go for a higher calling and I have accepted that."

The red beast frowned sadly, almost heartbroken by the girl's somber words. She stood from Milina's side and moved to take the shorter woman in her arms, pressing her softly against the great swell of her belly and the heft of her pendulous bosom. The same clawed fingers found their way to Ophelia's hair and began to comb it softly.

"You are a brave girl... to understand what you give your love to and give it anyway. To dare to pin all your hopes and dreams on something you know could never be. I was once where you were... forced to choose between my duty and my heart. I did not know of any way I could satisfy both. I share your pain and offer my pity, and my friendship. Your beloved will not be as you remember her, but she will survive. That I assure you."

Ophelia, shocked by the dragon's sudden proximity, felt overcome by a desire to rest her head against the scaled creature's shoulder and allow herself to be held. The dragon's words were comforting and helped ease the pain in her heart, but could not wash it away.

"Please, be gentle with her."

The beast nodded and offered the young lady's cheek a soft kiss before releasing her and returning to the altar, smiling at Milina.

"I envy you... you have someone's heart. That truly is something to treasure."

The woman nodded and turned her gaze to the girl she loved, closing her eyes and turning her head to face skyward again.

"I am ready."

The beast chuckled softly and tenderly nuzzled her offering.

"I'm not. What's your name?"

The girl blinked and turned to look at the dragon.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Your name. What is it? I can't very well go through with this ceremony without even knowing the name of the woman who is offering to set aside her life in favor of some ancient ritual." It was a peculiar thing to ask at a time like this but the woman dared not defy the powerful creature.


The red dragon nodded and smiled.

"A lovely name. I don't have a name in the same sense as your people, but long ago, someone dear to me used to call me Ambrosia. You can call me that if you like."

The young human nodded and shivered softly in the cold wind, the tremor in her form catching Ambrosia's attention.

"Oh now this won't do... we can't have you freezing during the ritual!" The dragon turned to the old man, padding carefully over to him before daintily pulling back on his hood to see his face. She never was one much for formalities after all. His eyes grew wide as she stood there, frowning down at him, "My child is cold, we need to warm her. Please, go gather some firewood! And be quick! We can't have her getting ill!"

"Y-yes ma'am! At once!" He turned swiftly about to look at those who had followed him here, "You heard her! Firewood! Quickly!" The entire group scrambled off to gather what they could down below, save for Ophelia who remained behind under the dragon's request. As they waited for the others to bring the wood, Ambrosia laid down on her side atop the altar, wrapping her arms about the girl, draping her wings about the human. One of her hands guided Milinia's palm to her plump, firm belly, directing it to caress the dome.

"You understand what is in here yes?"

The girl nodded softly.

"I do."

Ambrosia smiled.

"Then you know what is to happen to you?"

Again, the human nodded softly.

"I do, and I must admit... I am afraid."

"What is it you fear, my child?" Ambrosia stroked the girl's cheek as her tail, thick and powerful coiled softly about one of her legs, squeezing gently in a strange sort of massage.

"I worry it could be painful."

A quiet chuckle rose from the red beast and she smiled.

"There may be some discomfort at first... but I assure you, it will be the most wonderful experience of your life. You will wish you could do it again and again and again."

It was a comforting thought, but her lack of experience still left Milina quite nervous. Soon, the crowd returned with the wood and as they were instructed, stacked it in a proper campfire structure near the altar. With a deep breath, Ambrosia exhaled a cloud of flame that engulfed the pyre, setting it ablaze to radiate out warmth throughout the circle. Milina had thought the dragon's body was quite warm to the touch, but the fire she produced was even more so, warding off the cold of the harsh weather. A soft purr rumbled away in the dragon's throat as she lay there, nuzzling the nude girl, providing warmth until Milina's shivers died away. A smile crept across Ambrosia's lips.

"Is that better?"

The human nodded softly, thankful for the added heat.

"Yes, thank you."

"Good, shall we begin?"

The young lady nodded, still fearful of what was to come, unsure of how she would meet it. The dragon on the other hand was confident of the child's strength and offered that confidence in support. Gently, the beast rolled atop the girl, her heavy, swollen belly pressing against Milina's firmly, movement shifting about under the dragon's scales, eliciting Ambrosia's purr once more. The human glanced down at the spherical dome attached to the creature atop her, curious of the bulge.

"What does it feel like?"

The red dragon tilted her head softly and looked down at her own gravid middle, smiling as she caressed the great lump of her tummy.

"This? It feels wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. You're aware of what this truly is are you not?"

Milina nodded, moving a hand to tentatively stroke the swell.

"All of those who have come before me. You keep them safe and warm inside you where they feel no pain or sorrow."

Ambrosia nodded softly, thoroughly enjoying the alien contact to her sensitive stomach.

"That's right. And soon enough, you'll know what it feels like. But first, the way must be paved. You are still a virgin."

The girl tilted her head softly out of mild confusion.

"Yes, isn't that what you want?"

The dragoness chuckled softly.

"It technically isn't required, it's more a formality and a luxury that is requested. What can I say? I like being the first."

This only served to confuse the human further, unsure of what was intended.

"I don't understand."

"You will, my dear. You will." A naughty grin passed over Ambrosia's muzzle before she leaned forward, pressing her lips to the girl's in a tender yet powerful kiss, their bodies mashing together as a sensation alien to the human welled up from within. Numerous times had she and her love, Ophelia, engaged in such an act through the use of one's fingers but this was far different. Something larger than a mere digit had found its way into the forbidden interior of Milina's virgin nethers, and with it came a powerful moan and shudder. The girl quivered uncontrollably as a chill ran up her spine, the new, exotic organ piercing her womanhood left her nearly breathless, able to speak but a few syllables as the mystery in the dragon's words was revealed.

"Y-you're male!?"

The red creature grinned broadly, shaking her head softly.

"No, not quite. I am not male nor female, but more than either. I am the sum of their parts."

"You're both?" Milina's eyes widened in surprise. Never before had she heard of such a thing and while a part of her seemed disgusted by the concept, a much greater part of her found it intensely arousing. She shut her eyes as the mental picture of the beast atop her formed in her mind, the portion of human anatomy she had never been allowed to explore standing proudly out from under the dragon's belly, legs spread slightly to allow for greater comfort with such a limb.

"The term my dear is hermaphrodite but yes, I am both. Now relax your muscles, breathe slow and deep, and revel in the delicious heat between your thighs."

Milina nodded softly, trying her best to remain calm, finding it quite difficult with this intense, odd, alien sensation ripping through her, concentrated between her thighs, a place only Ophelia had been allowed to partake of. Ambrosia held there for several moments, letting hir lover drink in the moment, giving her all the time she needed to acclimate to the intruder's presence. Gradually, Milina's gasps grew softer until she regained her composure, eyes closed, lips pulled into a smile. Ambrosia grinned watching the maiden's expression, pulling hir hips back to unsheathe hirself from the woman's unused passage, the look of content fading to a gentle grimace of surprise. No doubt, the absence left her wanting. The dragon would not leave her in such longing, not when there was so much to be done.

A mighty push from hir hips and an arching of hir back sent the crimson's length plunging back into the bound woman's nethers, eliciting another sharp gasp and moan from her. Slowly, a steady pace was introduced, bringing with it friction, and with that, heat, delicious heat that consumed the young woman's form as it spread forth from her groin. Moisture, slick yet sticky, coated the dragon's shaft and subsequently the maiden's thighs as the stiff rod brushed back and forth across her silky flesh. Coos and moans of delight mixed from both beast and woman alike as their coupling continued. The great swell of the red dragon's belly brushed across Milina's trim middle, the tight dome pressing against the young woman as the intruder pulsed away within her tender flesh.

"How... how many... are in there?" Her voice was almost haggard, just managing to spit the words out between pants. Ambrosia grinned, mashing the swell more firmly against the young lady, allowing her to feel the movement from within.

"You would not believe me if I told you... but you will know soon enough. Don't speak my dear, just enjoy the moment."

The words died off, replaced once more by the noises of ecstasy, climax drawing agonizingly close. Thrust after thrust seemed to find the dragon's shaft pushing deeper still into the woman's delicate flower, reaching further than anything she had ever experienced. Time and again their hips met, the crowd looking on with mixed emotions. Some stared with unblinking eyes, as if to bat them just once would dispel whatever enchantment lay before them. Others attempted to look on with disdain or disgust with the blatant display of lust, secretly harboring an intense arousal. Ophelia herself attempted to conceal the slow advance of her hand towards her own nethers.

A cry split the moderate silence as the woman, ankles still lashed to the altar, writhed in orgasmic bliss, her form contorting this way and that with every squirm. Her shriek of climax was not alone, mixed with the intense, animalistic roar of the beast atop her, length spasming again and again as a viscous, hot ooze squirted up deep into Milina's belly, providing an unearthly warmth from within. Her mind reeled as she struggled to regain her senses, rocked to her very core by the experience of coitus. Ambrosia hissed happily and slowly rolled to hir side, nuzzling the girl's cheek as hir thick member slid itself free of the tight, warm confines it had just paved.

"I trust you enjoyed that my dear?"

Milina, unable to speak, nodded her head vigorously. Despite the pain of losing her virginity, the pleasure that followed overwhelmed and outweighed it by far. Part of her was relieved it was over, hoping there would be no more, but another part, a more fervent, desperate side was practically begging for an encore performance.

"Good, I do so enjoy pleasing others. But alas, the time has come. I fear I must do what it is I came to do. Are you prepared?"

Having managed to collect herself to a degree, Milna nodded again, speaking between breaths.

"Yes, I'm ready. My flesh is yours. Take it."

"So eager to be used. You have been raised well." The dragoness offered the woman a tender kiss, surprisingly passionate for such a gentle touch, the girl's form relaxing visibly. Her eyes closed and her body grew limp as the red beast rose from the altar, moving down between her legs where another kiss was placed. A new, throaty sound of approval drifted through the tiny amphitheater as Milina smiled, already familiar with this particular form of love, reveling in it. Suddenly, it became so much more, as if the dragon's fleshy length had returned, but this was different. Before, it had been smooth and firm yet slightly yielding. This was far more rigid, and shaped differently. A hot breeze filled the woman's chasm as it finally dawned on her what was occurring, Ambrosia's muzzle was pressed deep into her folds! What was more, shi was pushing even further! It was a curious sensation. No pain to speak of like their previous coupling, but there were differences. Milina could feel the red dragon's tongue caressing the tender flesh surrounding hir, an almost maddening sensation. Deeper and deeper shi continued, exploring the woman's environs until with a soft pop and a sharp gasp from above, Ambrosia's head vanished between the girl's thighs. A swell formed in her belly, pushing up above and beyond her slender frame. The distension shocked her, surprised that she could handle so much without even so much as an ache from the tightly stretched flesh.

"I... I don't... believe it!" Ambrosia grinned deep in the girl's womb.

"You will." A firm shove worked the beast's neck in, hir fingers dancing about to spread the tender lips wider to permit hir shoulders entry. All Milina could do was moan and shift about, releasing the bar above her to hold the sides of her swelling middle. The orgasm before had been quite powerful, but it was miniscule in comparison to the explosion building up this time. The woman's breath caught in her throat for an instant before a scream filled the air, not a passionate groan or delighted cry, but a scream of pure, unadulterated inequity. Her body shook terribly as she found out just how unprepared she was for the ceremony. Nothing, she thought, could have prepared her for this. It was as if every pleasure sensing nerve in her crotch had been lit aflame with liquid passion and the heat the red dragon's form brought.

A powerful spasm contracted about Ambrosia, the girl's passage squeezing firmly about the massive invader, seeming to 'gulp' hir deeper. A giggle came from inside as the sudden 'swallow' dragged the beast's ample bust into the tight confines of Milina's tunnel.

"Ooo, good girl. You're learning fast. See if you can't do that again."

The woman gasped for air, her lover's words barely registering in her lust-soaked mind but seemed to have an unconscious effect.

"I... I don't know... if I... can. Wh-what do I d-" She was cut off by another powerful contraction, bringing Ambrosia's gravid swell to rest against her already obscenely stretched cunny, her eyes widening as the sensation from earlier returned, slowly building back up in force as she screamed again. This time, a series of powerful spasms, not just one, rocked Milina's body, her middle steadily growing larger as the dragon disappeared deeper and deeper. As Ambrosia's shifting tummy was squeezed into the woman's body, she lost her voice, not even able to cry out anymore as she struggled, fighting against the restraints holding her legs in place, bucking her hips instinctively as each contraction dragged a few more inches of the crimson form into her.

Finally, the lower curve of the dragon's bloated stomach was reached and shi began to glide in through physics alone, the woman's lips sliding effortlessly down the sphere of ruby scale. By now, Milina's mind had grown numb, her vision blurred and her thoughts nothing but a jumble of nonsensical words. The dragon's thighs came to rest between her own and she cooed softly, stroking the gravid swell as it still continued to grow, the beast curling up and pulling the last of hir form in. Within moments, hir calves were slurped up leaving nothing but hir feet and several inches of hir tail. Shi held hirself there, grinning, waiting to see how Milina would react. The woman tiredly looked down at the gargantuan dome of pink flesh standing over her bosom and sighed, sounding almost content. With one hand, she reached down past the massive sphere now attached to her and pressed firmly against the two feet protruding from her, finding they would not be forced in so easily. Ambrosia giggled and shifted about, enjoying the tickle along hir soles before Milina finally gave up attempting to push from outside.

The dragon now inside her had encouraged her to pull earlier which she had managed to accomplish without understanding how, but now, she was determined to finish the ritual and that meant willfully tugging the last of the red beast inside her. The act had to be of her own volition, to signify that she wanted the ritual to succeed. She grunted and grit her teeth, tensing her legs and rump, working to squeeze with her inner walls as best she could until she felt a very slight shift. She paused and concentrated, working different muscles until she felt the same shift again, then repeated the action that gave the result. After several minutes of practice, Milina took a breath and 'swallowed' as hard as she could bring herself to, the dragon's feet slowly becoming engulfed in warm, slick, moist flesh, hir tail joining the rest of hir in short order. The woman went limp finally, having managed to devour the beast with her ravenous nethers, holding the sides of her middle as the dragon under her skin shifted around to find a comfortable position.

"That's my girl. I'm proud of you. Not everyone can do that so soon after the first time."

Dazed, Milina accepted the compliment as members of the audience moved in to unfasten her legs. Once free of the restraints, she closed her thighs and rolled onto her side, looking down at the great bloat, Ophelia moving to her side, taking her hand.

"Are you alright? Did it hurt?"

The swollen girl shook her head, a strange smile crossing her lips.

"It felt wonderful... I only wish it could have been you."

The younger woman blushed softly and kissed her beloved, resolving to remain there for as long as necessary. Ambrosia's voice, though slightly muffled, emanated from the tight ball shi had curled hirself up inside.

"Are you ready to continue my dear?"

Milina nodded, then chuckled realizing the dragon couldn't see her do so.

"I am. As I said. My flesh is yours."

"Excellent. Then let us begin." The ritual was not yet over, but only a portion of it as it had been described since the beginning. Milina rolled back onto her back, guiding her love's hands to her ridiculously swollen middle to caress it, the act bringing with it a new pleasure she would never have thought existed. Inside, the dragon began chanting quietly, uttering arcane words in a tongue that had not fallen on the ears of those who called upon hir in centuries save the performance of the sacrificial ceremony. A tingle began to spread from the woman's swollen belly, spreading out across her form as she shuddered. The great bulge then suddenly began to shrink ever so slowly as Milina found her strength renewed, but more than that, she felt a power unlike anything before. Her mind began to unravel itself and return to order as it once was before the ceremony, but something new seemed to touch at the edge of it. Silently, she reached out in her thoughts to explore this new consciousness finding a familiar voice on the other side of it.

"Your flesh is now mine, and my flesh is now yours. My knowledge, my experiences, and my strengths will be added to your own. The memories of generations before will be passed to you as they were passed to me. The sisterhood of previous sacrifices shall be forever bound to you as you join our ranks. We welcome you, Milina. We bid you take your place among us."

In that moment, the thoughts of countless others joined hers, their voices all welcoming the young lady into their world. Outside, it appeared as if Milina were merely asleep, her form shifting and changing. Scale replaced skin, red replaced tender peach. Claws grew from nails, horns extended from her luscious, black hair. Her face shifted and pushed out into a thin, pointed muzzle, graceful yet powerful. Her breasts swelled outward beyond her already lovely bust. A long, elegant tail extended forth from her rump, coiling and twisting this way and that, joined by a pair of large, strong wings that spread out across the altar and down its sides. Finally, she opened her eyes as they changed from soft, round pupils to slits of shining emerald, the only feature she would retain from her original body through the change beyond her hair.

"I feel... so different."

Ophelia, somewhat frightened by the change, remained by Milina's side, clutching her hand.

"You are different... you've been consumed by the guardian. Shi has taken over your body and made you in hir image."

The new dragon shook her head and looked to the woman standing over her.

"No, shi hasn't. I'm still here," a new smile spread across her muzzle, "Shi and the others... they're all in here, in me. They... they are my family now. I am one of them."

Ambrosia's voice echoed softly in her mind, chuckling quietly.

"Well, not quite yet, there's one last thing to be done."

With that, Milina gasped feeling something erupt from between her thighs and press at the underside of her still swollen belly, smaller than it was earlier but still quite gravid. She reached down to feel the new formation, finding it similar in shape to the length Ambrosia had sported. Two, round, sizable spheres of firm flesh hung down at its base, resting just over her well used vulva as the new length throbbed away, making the new creature moan softly in approval.

"Oh Ambrosia... thank you..." Shi smiled, thanking all of hir sisters mentally for the gift. Milina closed hir eyes again and furrowed hir brow, overwhelmed by the sudden flow of knowledge that awaited hir, but not just information, the voices of the others trying to converse with hir and the others all at one time. It was almost too much to take in at once but somehow, shi managed, slowly beginning to comprehend the new form of communication.

"Milina? Are you alright? What's wrong!?" Ophelia, worried by the look of struggle on the dragon's face, squeezed hir hand tightly until hir eyes opened once more.

"I'm... I'm alright... it's just a lot to take in." Slowly, shi sat up and looked around, no longer embarrassed by hir nudity, "They're all telling me everything I need to know and... there's a lot to be said. They say this will be the last time this ritual will be performed. Things are changing. The forces we have guarded the surrounding land against are growing too strong for us to fend off on our own. We will need others like us."

The group all began to whisper, despair beginning to spread.

"What will we do!? How can we find more guardians like you!?"

Milina stood, one hand on hir swollen middle, the other still grasping Ophelia's hand.

"That's why I'm here. There are but a handful of other guardians spread throughout the world that must be awakened but even then, we will not be enough. I'm afraid it is my duty to inform you that all the girls of sufficient age of our village must bare the young of a guardian at least once. Should they wish to volunteer, they can give themselves to me or the other guardians to be transformed into one of us as well. The men of the village may choose to volunteer as well but we require the women for their ability to bear us children."

Silence spread through the small group as shi spoke, many of them thinking perhaps it was nothing more than a ploy to let the beast have hir way with their daughters and wives.

"Are we to be bred out then?"

Milina shook hir head.

"No, that is not what I... we want. We must make ourselves stronger, all of us, not just my sisters and me but the entire village as well. I am your guardian, I have nothing but your protection and wellbeing at heart. I would give my life to protect you... all of you," shi turned and looked into Ophelia's eyes, squeezing her hand lovingly, "Especially you."

More talk surrounded the two lovers as the villagers discussed this turn of events. Before they could finally speak up, Ophelia pressed herself against the red creature, wrapping both arms around hir.

"Let me be the first. Teach me how to be strong. Make me like you if you see fit."

Milina smiled and returned the hug, wrapping hir wings about the girl, kissing her cheek lovingly.

"If that's what you want, then I'll do it now." Shi closed hir eyes and communicated the situation to hir sisters who had been only half listening, still streaming their memories to the new guardian. They agreed and granted hir the knowledge to do so. Suddenly, hir round middle shrank away to a trim, flat waste line. Ophelia gasped at the sudden retreat of hir lover's stomach. Her shock was pushed out of her mind by an abrupt kiss, surprised by the smooth lips pressed against hers. The woman's form crumpled against Milina, melting in hir arms as they shared a moment of passion.

In a show of passionate desire similar to earlier, the dragoness and hir lover found themselves atop the altar, making love like they never had before, certain it would not be the last. The small crowd looked on mildly shocked by the woman's willingness as their mating resulted in a mixture of noises of delight before the two relaxed, the red dragoness pressing hir lips firmly against the girl beneath hir. The kiss lasted for what seemed an eternity before Milina lifted hirself up, crouching over hir lover's thighs.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you." Ophelia's answer required not even a moment's hesitation. It made the red creature smile as shi guided the woman's legs up to her chest as if she were to become a ball, gently pressing her feet into the dragon's nethers. A soft coo escaped the beast as shi moved down Ophelia's ankles and calves, the sensation bringing a soft gasp to the woman's lips. Slowly, further and further she passed from sight, finally disappearing completely between the dragon's legs, Milina reclining on the altar, caressing hir belly with tender care, greatly swollen once more, basking in the glorious sensation.

"Welcome home my love, I'll take care of you." Hir middle shifted softly, bringing a giggle from the dragoness as shi sat up, "Please, take me to the village... we have much work to do."