caged, feeding time?

Story by elmerfudpucker on SoFurry

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#3 of caged

Human shares dinner with his captor

A silence fell upon the human as he looked at the beast, it still held his leg, not hard but human knew he was caught. "Please wait before you bite me again, how do I have legs? I know both was gone. Yet you hold it and I feel it yet I swallowed it...both of them."

The pupils slowly closed, eyes returning to golden pools once more as his other paw reached out and pushed the human flat on the table then laying it across his body holding him down. Releasing his ankle then grabing both legs, he pulled the human out from under the other paw that closed and caught his arms. "For food you ask alot of questions. " muttered the beast.

"Then why bother with the translator?" As the human struggled while he watched the beast look him over, his nose sniffing as it got closer to his navel, the warm breath moist across his stomach.

"It came with it, tho I like to hear you beg, call it a bonus." He then licked from the humans ribs up along his neck then clicked his teeth, barely catching a bit of his ear. The human's squeal of pain made his senses flare only as a predator would know.

"OWWW, THAT FUCKIN HURTS YOU ASSHOLE!" Screamed the human with utter rage, he looked at the beast and continued to cuss and yell and thrashed as the beast gave pause. Then suddenly he let him go, the human stopping only for a second then lunged at the beast with a scream, just to bounce off the massive chest and land on the floor, his legs lackin strength to continue. "Please, just tell me why? What do I have to do to make you stop?"

"Good to see you have fight left in you, but for how long I wonder?" With a click the humans stuggle stopped as the beast collected him up and slung him over a shoulder. " I still dont understand how you think there is anything you can offer to make me stop. You are mine to do with as I will." He turned and left carrying him out of the room. "The machine is a regen chamber, a damaged body, you, and a bit a power, the hard part, too long of a wait and your rebuilt. But the power and time issue, that needs to be addressed, I need to fix it so I don't need to put you in as often. "

"Well I guess you could stop eating me, that would fix the problem altogether." Muttered the human. "But that would be too easy for your dumb ass."

"Again Meat, you talk too much, not a wise idea for food." Growled the beast as they entered what looked like a workshop, devices the the human never seen nor guess what they would do.

" What? You gonna bite me? Wait! You did that already...repeatedly if you might remember you asshole! " replied the human bitterly.

With a roll of the shoulder the beast dumped the limp human on the table then spread him out face down. Then with one claw he speared the humans hand to the table, causing the him to scream in pain. Then with a thump the pain was gone." I will only say this once Meat, call me that again, you will feel how much of an asshole I can be." The removing the claw, he turned and collected more rings, but these was black and more like soft bands. He placed them over the humans arms just above each bicep and also above the thighs near the joint of the hip. Then he poked a spot on the bands and they closed snug on the skin without cutting the flow. "These will work automatically, without the implant or the remote tho the remote will override them. They can stop pain and blood from that point on rather than the whole body, do not try to remove them."

The human realized he could move and could feel his body yet his arm was numb and he looked at the hole in his hand. " That just isn't right..." he turned to look at the beast "Why did't you use these to begin with rather than the gold ones?"

The beast reached out and caught his forearm,"Because they didn't exist then, I finished them while you was in the tank, as I said time is another issue." Then he stuck the humans hand in his mouth and sucked on it. He was somewhat surprised the human didn't struggle, but instead just watched.

"One thing is bothering me tho, when are you gonna feed me? And I don't mean myself, I don't remember eating at all...but I know I should have starved by now..." as the human started rubbing his head feeling the metal at the back of his skull. The beast noticed and let go of the humans arm, yet kept the hand in its mouth. Then grabing a cable in one paw and the top of the humans head with the other, pulled the humans head down, " Hey! What the..." yelped the human as he felt a click as the cable locked to the disk on his head.

Spitting out the humans hand, the beast muttered "Leave it, it will disconect when your done, it won't take long." He then grabbed a second cable and connected it to the back of his head.

"Now what are you doing? And what is that weird feeling right now?" Asked the human.

"It's call feeding, the explanation how is only more boring by the lack of taste. Most of our kind have these inplants done to be able to travel in space, meat is not always available." The cable clicked loose from the human and the beast put it away then grabbed the humans bloody hand back in its mouth to suckle again, a rumbling purr could barely be heard.

"Your food? But if you dont have to eat...wait, you mean you are?...I just ate thru that thing you stuck to my head? Thats it? So why do you need me if you can eat like this?" The human pointed at the line on the beast's head.

With a slurp the humans hand, clean other than damp with saliva as it fell from the beast 's mouth as it answered a question with another question. " How did your meal taste?" The human looked at his wet hand then realized his place in the beast's eyes, as he looked up into the golden pools, the dark slits starting to open as the beast's cable clicked free. The scent of fear welling up in his nose as the shivering human shook his head in fear"

"Yes Meat, you are my favorite flavor now."

caged, gadgets

Blinding pain awakened him as he was drug across the floor and tossed on the table. The beast holding one of his legs in each paw, he asked" Are you ready for lunch Meat? Im not sure if I want the left or right leg first...what do you think?" As it...

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caged a shot to the head

Cold, dark, chained? The cobwebs of unconsciousness slowly cleared as he looked around. Darkness remained as only sounds and smells, the only thing to greet his senses other than the metal wall chilling his back. He heard clicking sounds, nails on...

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Your Mine! 6

The hardest job: He worked quickly, another empty pouch dropped to the ground as the pawfull of dust was quickly sprinkled on his work. His chanting does not stop, even as the storm around him rages on. His chants begging the spirits for their...

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