On the Moon

Story by Mohawk Puma on SoFurry

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Just something quick, and a taste of my attempt at poetry. Saw the full moon tonight, and figured, "Why not?" Apologies in advance for any errors found. The imagery is drawn from Mohawk traditions about the Moon and Sun, respectively.

On the Moon

By Mohawk Puma

Look upon the Moon,

see her lovely silver face.

Wise grandmother, keeper of the tide,

grandmother to all children.

The People look to her and say,

"Keep us safe, Grandmother,

You who watch over the night,

the tides, our children, our women.

Guide us and protect us, through the

Long nights of winter."

And the Moon does this, for she smiles

upon her children. And they

honour her with ceremonies and praise.

For it is she, and the Elder Brother, the Sun,

who watch over the skies, night and day.

So it shall be, and so it ever will.

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