Port Dore - Chapter Two

Story by RSM on SoFurry

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Chapter Two: A New Friend

I opened my eyes and looked up at the person who'd just sent me onto the ground. "Oh man, I'm so sorry." The person reached his paw down to help me up. "Let me help you." I grabbed his paw and he helped me up.

We just stared at each other for a second. He was a dingo, and he almost looked identical to me, except the colour of his fur was orange, and mine was just plain grey. "You new here?" He asked, glancing at me. "You look like a lost puppy." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm not sure where to go." I reluctantly confessed.

"Don't worry. What've you got anyway?" He asked, glancing at the timetable I held in my paw.

"English in room E3." I answered, folding up the timetable and putting it in my pocket. "You know where that is?" I added.

"With Mr Black?" He asked.

"Um...I think so." I replied, looking back at him.

"You're in my class then." He said, starting to walk down the hall. He noticed I wasn't following and turned back to face me. "You coming?" He asked.

I nodded and followed him down the hall. We slowed down to a slower pace and began talking. "What's your name?" The dingo asked.

"Sid." I answered. "What's yours?" I asked.

"Cody." He replied. He reached out his paw and I shook it. "Nice to meet you." Cody said, smiling at me. I returned the smile and we continued to walk to our class.

Eventually, we made it to the classroom and we walked in. "Mr Ray, nice of you to grace us with your presence." The teacher glanced at us boys as we entered, with a pissed-off expression on his face. "And who is this?" The teacher asked.

"This is Sid, he's the new kid." Cody said, before I even had a chance to speak. Immediately, the whole class looked at both of us, some of them snickered, while the rest just glared at me. 'This is gonna be great...' I thought to myself.

"Sorry we're late Mr Black, he was lost." Cody said, walking to an empty desk at the front of the room.

"Go ahead and find somewhere to sit, Sid." Mr Black said, before turning his attention to the board again. I noticed there was an empty seat beside Cody and I didn't waste any time. I quickly sat beside him and put my backpack beside me.

"Please take out your books." Mr Black said, writing a word on the board and underlining it. "Let's keep this lesson short and simple." He said, standing beside his desk. After he finished his sentence, the students pulled out their books and waited for the teacher to address them again.

The class remained silent. "Cody, can you grab your book?" I heard the teacher say. I looked to my left and noticed Cody staring at me. "Cody." Mr Black cleared his throat to get Cody's attention.

"Oh, sorry." Cody cleared his throat and grabbed his book. The class laughed softly. "Settle down, now. We're working on something simple. We all know..." The teacher walked back over to the board and begun talking about simple things that we learned when I was in grade three and four.

The lesson went by pretty quickly, without any issue. The bell rung, and a few seconds later, I was standing outside the classroom, glancing at my timetable. "Hey." Cody greeted, walking up to me.

"Hey Cody." I greeted. "What have you got?" I asked, putting my timetable away.

"Physics." He answered.

"Damn, I got Algebra." I sighed. "Well, I guess I'll see you at recess then." I said. I was about to walk off, until Cody grabbed me by the wrist to stop me. I glanced at him with a confused look and he let go of me. "Yes?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"S-sorry! I was just curious if we were friends now or whatever." He asked, with a nervous tone. "If you're cool with that." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Sure. I mean, why not right?" I smiled at him. "Anyway, I gotta get to class. I'll see you later Codes." I said, walking down the hallway. 'Did I just call him 'Codes?'' I asked myself.


'Did he just call me Codes?'' I thought to myself, as I watched him turn a corner. I slowly walked to my next class. 'Why did I stutter when I talked to him?' I thought to myself, as I neared my next class. 'I always seem so nervous when I talk to him, I guess I just don't want to come on too strong.' I thought.

I noticed a few of my classmates enter the class and quickly caught up to them and entered the classroom. I took a seat at the back of the class and pulled out my Physics textbook. "Hey." My friend Josh greeted me, taking a seat beside me. Josh was a dingo, same as me, though he was shorter than me and had brown fur, instead of orange.

"Hey man." I replied, opening my textbook.

"You know Taylor, right?" Josh asked me, pointing to a girl at the front of the class.

"Yeah, I know her." I glanced at him. "Where are you going with this?" I added.

"Well, she told me that _you_are crushing on the new kid." Josh playfully punched me on the shoulder.

"Say what?" I widened my eyes. "Why would she even tell you a lie like that?" I asked, a little too defensively. "Oh god, please tell me she didn't tell the whole school." I added.

"Um, no. She only told me." Josh smirked. "So, it isn't true then?" Josh asked.

"No, it isn't." I rolled my eyes and focused on my textbook. "And besides, you know I'm not into that stuff anyway." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I know." He replied, with a hint of sarcasm. I ignored the comment and just continued doing my work.

After period two finished, the recess bell rang and I waited outside of Sid's classroom for him to come out. After waiting for about five minutes, I realised that he may have already left before I got there.

'I shouldn't be waiting for him, I'm sure he's fine.' I thought to himself, getting off of the wall. 'He's probably sitting outside.' I told myself.

I walked out of the side doors of the school and into the courtyard, where usually, all of the students would be sitting. But oddly, the tables and chairs were empty, just backpacks and lunch boxes were left behind.

"Fight!" I heard students chanting around the corner of the school. 'Probably Shane fighting Blake again.' I rolled my eyes and walked around the corner and to the crowd. But to my surprised, Shane and Blake were both at the back of the crowd.

"You going to fight or what!?" I heard someone shout. "Come on, get up!" The same person shouted.

I noticed Josh standing on top of a table, to get a better view. "Hey Josh, what's going on?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Not sure, I can't see!" Josh replied, trying to see over the crowd of students. "All I know is someone is about to get pummelled!" He answered.

"Come on new kid! Get up and fight!" I heard the same person shout again.

'New kid?' I glanced at the crowd.

"I don't fight." I heard a familiar voice. "Can't we just talk, I mean we can jus-..." I heard the crowd gasp.

"Oh I can see now!" Josh shouted, looking down at me. "Some kid just got knocked down." He said, glancing down at me.

"What's the matter? Can't take it? Need your boyfriend to protect you?" I'd heard enough. I pushed through the crowd as quick as I could to reach the front.

Eventually I managed to push the last kid out of the way and what I saw shocked me. I could see a kid towering over Sid, who was laying on the ground with both of his paws in front of his face. I immediately recognised the kid towering over him, Trevor; one of the members of the Port Dore football team.

He noticed me and I approached him. "Here he is now." Trevor laughed in my face, but I stood my ground. "Come to 'save' him?" He pointed to Sid, who just remained hidden behind his paws.

"Leave him alone." I said. "Don't you have something better to do? Other than pestering and bullying someone else?" I asked, staring into his eyes.

"And what're you gonna do about it?" He stepped forward, so his chest was touching my face.

I didn't answer, I just stared at him. "Just leave." I said, pointing in a random direction. "There's no point in pestering someone who isn't your own size." I pushed him, causing him to take a small step back.

"Don't touch me, fag." He spat in my face. "But wait, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?" He grinned and knelt, to my level. "You _do_realise, that I'm taller and stronger than you are." He flicked my head and stared at me.

Josh must have noticed that I'd entered, because he pushed through the crowd and managed to get to the middle. "What're you doing Cody? Just leave him be." Josh tried to help. "You don't want to be making enemies." Josh warned.

I glanced at Sid, who was still cowering in fear. Poor kid, this must be a massive crushing blow to his 'ego' that he wanted to keep.

"Well, you going to listen to your friend?" Trevor asked, spitting in my face again. I balled my fists into balls as he continued to insult me. "You don't like it when call you names, right?" Trevor asked, in a mocking voice. "Well too bad." He laughed. "Because fags like you just can-..." Before I even realised what I was doing, I raised my arm and punched Trevor in the face.

He was taken aback by this sudden outburst, and fell on his ass. The students - who were still crowded around us - gasped.

"You've done it now." Josh face-palmed. Trevor stood back up and glared at me. He laughed. "You get that one for free, Hawk, Dan, let's get out of here." Trevor pushed through the crowd, followed by two other furs.

The crowd of students dispersed and the bell rang. After all of this, the thing that astounded me the most wasn't that I just punched Trevor, nor Sid being punched himself, it was that not a single teacher came outside to see what was going on.

I just stood there for a second, watching the students re-enter the school. "Now look what you've done..." Josh sighed and walked off.

Sid removed his paws from his face and looked up at me. I offered to help him up and he accepted. He grabbed my paw and I helped him to his feet. "I'm sorry for that..." Sid rubbed his shoulder. "I can't believe I let him do that to me." He added.

"There's no need to apologize, are you alright?" I asked. "You took a massive punch there." I noted.

"I'm fine." He sighed. "Thank you...for defending me." He smiled at me. "But...can we just pretend that didn't happen? I don't want my parents finding out, and besides..." He cleared his throat. "Recess is over, we should probably get going to our next class." He said, walking back towards the school. I watched him walk away, but he turned around before he entered.

"You coming or what?" He asked, in a joking manner. I just shrugged and followed him inside the school.

I felt sorry for Sid, it was his first day and already he'd been beaten up. I glanced at him, studying his body language as we entered the school building. He was frightened. He knew about the rumours about me crushing on him, and he knew that his time at the school wasn't going to go well. I could see the sadness in his eyes.

We remained quiet and away from one another for the rest of the day.

Was this chapter good? Bad? You tell me in the comments below! Also, I apologize if chapters don't come any quicker, I'm going through a bit of a rough patch, but otherwise, I'll try to update as soon as possible. Thanks for reading, fellow furs.