Staying the Birthday Night

Story by silversnake on SoFurry

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#3 of Staying the Night

Another for Kokuhane

For a while now, the room had been filled with the sound of screaming, moaning, grunting, panting, the sound of flesh slapping on sensitive flesh... Among other things. Most of these sounds came from the sweaty mass that was the gray wolf, Joey, as he stood in all fours while his ass was heavily pounded.

"How come... you're always... this tight...?" asked Stan, his massive parrot/eagle hybrid boyfriend, as he kept shoving his dick inside Joey, panting and sweating as much as the wolf.

"I-I don't... know...!"Joey tried to talk, but his words slowly became one final, lustful scream as he shot his God-knows-what load of the morning all over the sheets. That was the final push that Stan needed to release his own load inside the wolf's ass, making him cry louder as he held his own moaning in.

Pent up, Stan fell besides Joey, who let a small whine as the bird's dick popped out of him. Panting, the two looked at each other, Stan gently caressing the wolf's cheek.

"Happy birthday, big guy"

"T-Thanks," Joey blushed brightly, trying to cover his smile.


"Hm...?" Stan was mildly shocked by the sound of his phone vibrating on the night stand, and grabbed it without delay, noting how Joey was too exhausted to care. "Hello?" he said on the speaker. "Dad...? Yeah, I'm fine. What's up...? You what... " a somewhat frustrated sigh left Stan's mouth. "Yeah, I'm coming. Gimme a sec," with that, he tossed the phone to his side and got up.

"Something wrong with your dad?" Joey asked, sitting up on the bed.

"No, he..." Stan started stretching a bit to get the tiredness out of his system before grabbing a towel from the closet. "He's downstairs. I have to go open the door for him," he said as he used the towel to wipe off the sweat and cum off his naked body.

"Oh! You didn't tell me he was coming"

"I'm as surprised as you are," Stan was now putting a shirt on. He grabbed a pair of pants, not bothering with underwear. "Listen, can you take care of the sheets while I go get him?"

"Sure," Joey started getting up as well, grabbing the same towel to wipe himself clean. "You know, this will be the first time I meet with your dad," he giggled.

"Yeah. I apologize in advance"

Arden Skye stood outside of his son's building. The large bird's green feathers, their color dulled by the age, somehow gave him an attractive look; the heavy expression on his face only added to the mysterious allure.

A simple white tank top, with a cream-colored blazer over it, and a pair of pants with no underwear underneath were Arden's preferred style. The simple air around him only helped intensify the manliness he exuded.

The building's main door opened and Arden's son, Stan, gestured him to come in. "Well now," he started, his voice as gruff as one would expect from his appearance. He walked in and turned around to his son, arms wide open. "How about properly greeting your old man?"

Stan rolled his eyes with a slight hint of a smile and complied to his father's request, surrounded by the large, muscular arms of his hug.

"Good to see you, kid"

"You too, dad," Stan stayed on his father's arms a couple of seconds more before breaking the hug, his stern look back. "What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming"

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" Arden cheerfully smiled. "You said it was your boyfriend's birthday; Jim was it?"


"Right, right," Arden laughed his mistake off. "Anyway, I came for his birthday"

"His birthday..." Stan asked, to which Arden nodded. "...Even though it's the first time you see each other"

"What better chance!" Stan raised an eyebrow at his father's reply. "No, really! Think about it: I come in as a surprise, offer to take you both to a birthday lunch and use that chance to get to know the guy who reeled in my son," Arden said as he playfully elbowed said son.

"I guess it does make some sense," Stan pressed the elevator's button, which immediately opened. Both birds got in without any other word, and an amicable silence fell between them.

Then the elevator's doors closed.

"So... You reek of sex," Stan just sighed again, not surprised by his father's statement, but surprised that it had taken him so long. "I didn't want to say anything out there so openly, but if you guys are pounding each other so early, you must be doing great, right?"

Stan loved his dad; he really did. He was an important figure in his life, and he knew how much Arden cared for him. But despite that he was also aware that his dad wasn't easy to take in, especially for the more sensible people. And that included...

"Yeah, dad... You should tone it down a bit around Joey. He's- How do I say it... Sensitive"

"What do you mean? Tone what down?"

"This," Stan gestured at his dad's whole body. "All of you. He's not Raz; he's more discreet about his sex life than the guys I tend to date"

"The guy who had sex with his cousin?"

"I know it's not the most convincing argument," Stan admitted, honestly having forgotten telling that bit to his dad. "But I would appreciate it if you tried to make things comfortable for him"

Arden looked at his son for a moment before drifting away; Stan's piercing gaze had always been one of his weaknesses. "Ok, kid," he finally said. Deep down, he could never say no to him. "I assume that includes the deal with his cousin"

"Oh, no; bring that up as much as you want. It's hilarious"

Arden laughed at his son's answer as the elevator's doors opened on Stan's floor. The younger bird led the way, opening his apartment's door. A faint smell of sweat and arousal reached Stan's nostrils, and he didn't need to turn around to know just what kind of smirk his dad had.

"Hey! What took you so long?" said Joey, coming out of the bedroom, now wearing a tank top and a pair of sleeping shorts. Stan decided not to tell him that his attempts at hiding any evidence were already futile.

"Oh! So this is the guy, huh? He's cuter and bigger than you said," Arden said while elbowing Stan again, making Joey blush at the same time.

"I-It's nice to meet you, sir," Joey headed towards his almost father-in-law, a hand slowly raising for a shake.

That is, until he tripped with his own toes and started falling face first to the ground.

"Oh-pa!" Arden rushed to stop the wolf, his head saved by the large bird's chest. "You ok, sonny? That would've been a nasty fall"

"Y-Yeah," Joey's blush only started to get deeper. Falling on your father-in-law's pecs wasn't a good first impression. And some pecs they were! The soft feathers covering the hardened muscles made Joey melt almost as much as his sizeable pack-

Joey's thought process stopped for a second before realizing it: The hand that was meant to shake Arden's had landed straight on the bird's crotch, and Joey was now groping the juicy rod that hid under those pants and-

"Maybe 'sexually discreet' wasn't precise," Arden told his son, getting Joey out of his trance. The poor wolf jumped back, his face as red as a tomato, almost about to cry.

"I-I-I-I-I'm sorry, sir! I'm so sorry! I-It was an a-a-accident!"

"It's ok, son," Arden tried to reassure the wolf, but to no avail. "I don't mind; it's actually kinda flattering"

Joey kept blushing and sobbing inside. Arden kept laughing at his fluster. Stan sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"Well, that's enough laughing. I assume neither of you have eaten- Well, eaten food," Arden nudged Joey, who just kept blushing harder and harder. "So let me take you kids out. How's that?"

"I-I don't mean to be rude, sir, but... I just got a t-text, and I have to get some things sorted for my new job"

"New job?"

"He's a cop," Stan started explaining. "Just a few days ago he finished the Academy"

"Well, that's new! We'll have to do something later to celebrate, then! In fact, fuck restaurants. Stan and I will go buy some things and I'll make you guys some nice dinner!"

"Sir, you do-"

"Nonsense!" Arden interrupted, shocking Joey when he suddenly grabbed his shoulders. "Consider it my birthday present, big guy!" he looked at Stan next. "You ok with that?"

"It's less cooking for me"

"Great! Then you keep that nice booty here while we get something to make it rounder," Arden joked, but Joey's blush couldn't get any redder.

Stan, who had been nothing but a bystander during most of their exchange couldn't help but feel bad for the poor wolf.

"Sorry," he sheepishly said to his boyfriend, getting a somewhat adorable whimper as a response, and leaving through the door.

"Now that we're alone, what did you get your wolf for his birthday?"

Stan turned around to look at his father, the large bird sitting on his car's driver's seat. He tried to analyze Arden's expression.

"Why do you ask?"

"The first present is an important one, and he seems like a keeper," Arden replied. Stan looked out the window, only half interested on his father's words. "Don't give me that look; I just want what's best for you"

"Your methods are not exactly the best"

"I've saved you from some freaks, haven't I?"

"...You have," Stan admitted. "I'm still not gonna tell you what I got for him; it's a surprise for the party on Saturday"

"Why not make the party today?"

"Our friends are working. I had to ask at work to get this day off, actually"

"That's a cute gift," Arden thought out loud with a gentle smile. "But you should still give him something"

"Oh, I was giving him something good until you showed up!" Arden laughed out loud at his son's directness and turned the car to the left. "The grocery store is the other way"

"I know," the car stopped and Stan looked out of the window to a-

"Come on, dad!"

-rather big sex shop, out there between a Chinese restaurant and a laundry. Stan had passed by several times, but never had any need to go in, not because he wouldn't buy these kind of things, but because he already had his more discreet sex shop to go to.

"You'll like it!" Arden said as he got off the car.

"How did you even know where this was?" Stan got off as well; despite the part of him that wanted to deny it, most of him was more than willing to go inside and maybe even buy indulge his father and buy something.

"Stop with your silly questions, will ya?" Arden held the door open for his son, who was quick to come in.

The store wasn't your cliché sex shop; instead of the red velvet covering the walls that was so common in movies, this store was actually quite humble, with the walls painted a nice silver-y blue color, and the stacks of diverse sexual paraphernalia (that yours truly won't describe to leave you all hanging) stood out in the clarity of the room.

Other than the windows being covered for the clients' privacy, it was a lot tamer than the sex shops Stan was used to; even the store clerk seemed less threatening than the bear-ish types from the stores he frequented. In no time, Stan felt comfortable enough to look at the harnesses, leaving his father to his own business.

For about 15 seconds.

"Hey! Since we're here, why not buy Joey a present?" Arden asked. Stan didn't even bother to look back.

"Dad, no"

"Look at this one!" Arden grunted a bit as if lifting something particularly heavy. "It's huge! Perfect, huh?"

"Dad, no"

"What? He'll like this!"

"Dad, no"

"You can use it too! It's malleable!" Stan was poked with- He didn't want to know with what.

"Dad, no"

"Oh, come on!" Arden pouted.

"Dad, no"

"Fiiiiine!" he tossed the 'thing' away. "We'll just buy him a new collar"

"Dad, n- Actually, yes"

"Good," Arden said to finish their argument, grabbing shiny new leather collar, leash included. "Now, the cake... How old is he again?"

"There's already a chocolate cake, dad. Raz is keeping it hidden at his place. Excuse me," Stan called the clerk's attention, a harness in hand. "Do you have somewhere I can try this on?"

"Over there in the back"

"Thanks," Stan started heading to the direction he was pointed out, keeping his chat with his dad. "By the way, how did you know we use collars?"

"Well, he-"

"Forget it! I don't wanna know!" was Stan's quick reply as he went into the fitting room. He took of his shirt, taking a few seconds to look at his large frame on the mirror before starting to put the leather on. "You know, I like this place, but it's a bit far from my place; I mean, my usual place is closer, so I would keep going there"

There was no reply. Knowing his father, he was probably looking at the toys and gears in the store, so Stan paid no mind and kept talking.

"You know, it did weird me out when you took that road for 'groceries', but it all makes sense now. Boy, Joey's gonna lo-" Stan stopped mid-sentence as the last belt was fastened. A single, chilling thought came to him. "Now that I think about it, why would you ask Joey to come if you were planning on coming here... That means you decided to come here after Joey told you he would stay home. Alone..." as the puzzle slowly came together inside Stan's brain, one last piece of information- one that had been carefully hidden -gave him the answer he didn't want to hear. "Dad... You did got rid of that spare key like I asked you, right?"


"Dad!?" Stan rushed out of the fitting room, still wearing only the harness, but Arden was nowhere to be found. His eyes fell on the shop's clerk. "Excuse me, where's the man that came here with me?"

"Oh, he left a minute ago. He said you would be paying"

"Fuck..." was Stan's only reaction.

Back in Stan's place, Joey had already taken care of his papers, taken a shower, put the same clothes back on to not dirty anything else, and was finally finishing making the bed. What others would call dutifulness came natural to him.

"Hello?" a gruff voice, which Joey recognized as Arden's, yelled from the door. A few seconds later, the larger bird, having taken off his blazer, walked into the room. "Oh, hi there, sonny! You done with your papers and all that?"

"Yes, sir. Thanks for asking," Joey answered. Despite their initial impression, he was sure Stan was mostly overreacting and that his father wasn't that bad. He seemed like a nice, if somewhat quirky man, and he was sure the bird would grow on him quickly.

"Of course I'm asking! You're basically my son-in-law, aren't you?" Arden reassured the wolf, grabbing him by the shoulders. The contact surprised Joey, but he shrugged it off as just a friendly gesture.

"That's nice of you, si-"Joey froze. The large hands that had been resting on his shoulders a second earlier where now heading down his back and reaching his chest from behind, grabbing one pec each.

"Hefty," Arden said, gently squeezing and making Joey let a slight whimper out. "No wonder you caught Stan's eye!"

"S-Sir... What are you d-doing?" Joey could barely talk, already panting from Arden's attentions.

"Indeed, what am I doing..." Arden stopped, resting his head on Joey's shoulder with a nostalgic look. "Do you know how many guys Stan has dated?"


"Me neither. I stopped counting after the second," Arden chuckled and started to gently rub Joey's chest, giving just a bit more attention to the wolf's nipples. "But half of them were assholes that would've cheated on him without a second thought..."

Arden stopped. Joey was breathing heavily, a deep cherry red plastered on his face, but even under those circumstances he could feel the gloomy air around the larger bird.

"I just want what's best for Stan," he continued with a heavy tone. "So I do this to make him see the scumbags and keep the nice ones. I've probably lost most of his trust and respect, but as long as he can be happy, I don't mind that"

Joey looked down to a sad smile on Arden's face; the dullness of his feather, instead of giving him that attractive heavy tone just made him look... Dull. The usually cheerful expression was replaced by that of a burdened father.

"You're wrong, sir!" Arden looked up surprised when Joey spoke up. "Stan loves you, and looks up to you. He doesn't bring you up often, but when he does his face lights up a little and I can tell"

Arden didn't say anything. He held back a small sniffle, as if not wanting Joey to hear it, and gave a low chuckle. One of his hands caressed the wolf's neck, cupping his chin and turning it around for a deep, warm kiss. Despite the shock, Joey was quick to kiss back, perhaps lured by the bird's expertise.

Joey felt Arden's hand slowly going from his chest to his waist, pulling down his boxers and letting out his round, fluffy butt and his hardening member. The bird broke the kiss and gently pushed him down to lie on the bed, making raise that bubble butt a little.

Arden's feathery hands landed on Joey's checks, squeezing just like he had done previously with his pecs and slowly spreading them while lowering his head, the musk from the wolf's balls driving him insane as he gave one small lick that made Joey shiver.

Arden's masterful tongue circled that tight ring of flesh, getting several muffled moan from Joey, who was biting on a pillow out of fluster and arousal. It didn't take long for the bird to push his tongue in, forcing it to fight back the surprising tightness inside Joey's hole.

Joey screamed in his pillow as his ass was invaded by the thick, wet intruder; he could practically feel it inside his entire body, particularly in his raging boner, which was pressing uncomfortably against the bed.

Just as quick as it had gotten in, the tongue left Joey empty again and he heard Arden fumbling with his belt buckle, as well as his pants falling to the ground. Next thing he knew, the massive bird dropped his entire weight on him, the tip of his hot, wet rod roughly prodding Joey's slickened hole.

"Don't clench," were his only words.

Arden wasn't the kind of man who would waste time on niceties and shoved his entire length in one go, making him and Joey scream in synchronized pleasure as the muscles clamped around his cock. But despite the surprise that this presented, Arden wasted no time and proceeded to ram his dick inside Joey again, in and out, over and over, already getting a decent pace that set Joey on fire, his bellyfur getting sticky from the massive pool of pre forming under him.

One of Arden's hands found its way to the wolf's balls and gave them a hard squeeze, making Joey scream louder and leak harder, all while the bird licked and nibbled on the back of his neck. The fingers of the squeezing hand started feeling wet as the puddle under Joey grew larger and Arden-

"DAD!!!" the door was suddenly kicked open and standing there was a seething Stan, his eyes fiercely locked on the image of his father on top of his boyfriend. The fact that they were both wearing tank tops and were only naked from the waist down was strangely attractive, but Stan shoved any thought of the kind aside. ""What the fuck are you doing!?"

"I want to see what kind of man my son ends up with," Arden said, looking at his son without a hint of shame or remorse.

"And you had to do it by shoving him up the ass!?" Stan asked without caring that a blushing Joey his face on his pillow.

"It's... The most efficient way...?" Arden's tone started losing confidence.

"You- I-" Stan could barely say anything as the anger drowned the words before they even got out of his mouth. At some point, Joey looked up and their eyes crossed. He couldn't help but stare at the wolf and feel... Something he wasn't quite sure he could explain. But it wasn't the nicest of feelings.

"Stan, I-"

"You're not seriously gonna blame him, right?" Arden interrupted Joey. "I forced myself on him and, well... You know him; he's kinda whiny and he just went with it"

"...That he is," Stan sighed. He took a deep breath and looked straight at his father. "You're not gonna stop even if I ask you, right?"

"Do you want me to stop?"

Stan didn't say anything. He walked over to Joey and leaned in front of him, cupping his sweaty face. "Hey..." he said to him.

"Hey..." Joey didn't need him to say anything to know what he was thinking. "I can take it," he sighed. Stan just kissed him in the forehead and nodded to his father to continue.

Once again Arden wasted no time and got back to the same pace, grunting at the abnormal tightness the wolf's ass was showing him. Joey started moaning and screaming at the thick bird cock shoved inside him, but was muffled by another bird's mouth closing around his; Stan's tongue found its way inside and started dancing with Joey's, throwing the two of them into a moaning exchange.

Stan's hand traveled down his boyfriend's back, reaching his shirt and pulling it over his head, leaving Joey completely naked. He then got up and, just like his father a few seconds ago, undid his belt and took off his pants; with no underwear underneath, his already hard length flopped out, a slight drip of pre going down it. Joey gently lapped that pre, taking in the musk and taste of Stan's manhood before said bird pushed the entire thing down the wolf's shocked throat, getting into a pace rivaling that of his father.

With a pool of pre that already reached his abs still forming under him, Joey was quickly dominated by the two large, veiny rods of bird meat. With his ass already sore from Arden's constant pounding and his jaw following a similar road, Joey still took both of them in, his body flaring up due to the excessive treatment he was been given.

Despite the warmth that Joey's muzzle provided, Stan stopped humping it after a few minutes, instead gesturing to his father to lift the wolf. Arden did as he was told and Joey fell completely on his dick, impaled by the still pumping bird and moaning even louder, his entire chest a clingy mess due to the pre-soaked fur.

Stan removed his own shirt, revealing the same leather harness he had tried on the store, and climbed into the bed with his father and boyfriend. He hugged and kissed Joey, his feathers sticking to the wolf's wet body, their throbbing cocks pressing against each other as his mouth muffled any moaning sound that resulted from Joey's ass still being pounded by his father's dick.

As Joey hugged him back, Stan grabbed both of their cocks together, already drenched in Joey's musky precum, and started jerking them together, in no time humping his own hand. He noticed Joey doing the same while Arden kept grunting as his own dick was being milked by the wolf's tight insides.

The tight insides did their work marvelously, as with one final thrust that left no meat out, Arden released a massive load inside of Joey, screaming as loads and loads of his bird seed filled the wolf to the brim. The warmth that Joey felt was indescribable, and coupled with the attention his own dick was getting he couldn't help but explode as well, covering himself and Stan in warm wolf cum, quickly accompanied by Stan's own climax, his own seed mixing with that of his lover as all of them kept screaming, their moans joining into a symphony of fulfilled carnal desire.

When all three were done, Joey leaned on Stan, panting the hardest he had so far. He looked up at his bird, a similar look on the feathered man, and kissed him without a word as the older bird rubbed his back, watching them with a smile.

"Is that... A new harness?" Joey asked sheepishly after breaking the kiss. Stan just chuckled and nodded, getting a small laugh as a response. "I like it," Joey said blushing.

"Maybe we should see what we can do with it," Arden suggested, patting his son's chest while his own rubbed against Joey's back.

"Wow... Sir, I-I'm a little bit tired, actually"

"What do you mean you're tired?" Stan asked as if he really didn't follow.

"Aren't you guys tired?" Joey was starting to get nervous.

And then the two birds said the one thing he didn't want them to say.

"But this is only warm-up"

And then a small squirt of pre came out of Joey's softening dick.

Morning came and Stan's room was a smelly mess. He, Joey and Arden hadn't left the room at all the previous day or the night that followed, both of them giving Joey a proper birthday present. Now his bed was covered with three different men's cum, two of which were filling his boyfriend and some which had found its way into his own mouth.

But the image of a sleeping Joey cuddling with him was worth all of that. The poor pup was covered from head to toe in dried cum, mostly his own, and reeked of sex and debauchery, but that warm smile made him look cute anyway.

"He's a keeper, you know?" Stan looked up at his father. The most surprising fact of the night, in Stan's opinion, was that Arden had managed to keep his tank top on all night. At this point it was more cum than fabric, yes, but it was still surprising from his father. Then again, Stan himself had never taken off his harness, so it was fair.

"I know," Stan answered, gently rubbing Joey behind the ears and getting an adorable shiver from the sleeping wolf. "But if you knew, why do this?"

"I intended to find out if this guy was just another of the assholes that you somehow bring upon yourself, kid," Arden playfully flicked Stan in the forehead. "But he's not. He is the best man you'll ever have"

"But why-?"

"For fun, silly!" Arden laughed.

Perhaps because of that rather loud laugh Joey started stirring and opening his eyes. The first thing his brain registered was Stan lying next to him. The second thing was the smell coming off his body, which made him blush a bit.

"Good morning," he said to Stan with a small kiss.


"Good morning, sonny!" Joey froze for a second at the sound of Arden's voice behind him. "You doing ok there?"

"Y-Yeah!" Joey started blushing harder, not turning to see Arden. "I'm gonna make you some coffee, sir!" he then quickly got up from the bed and out of the room, walking slowly and with his legs spread out.

"...Dad, he's walking funny," Stan nonchalantly complained to his father.

"I told him not to clench. He clenched," Arden shrugged.

"But that's-"

"Shhh..." Arden put a single finger between his son's lips and then leaned back, arms behind his head, to wait for his son-in-law to bring him a cup of coffee. And all Stan could do was sigh.

After Staying the Night

"Wowowow! Say what again!?" "Joey and I are dating," the large parrot repeated while the wolf he was allegedly dating sat next to him, his hands covering his blushing face. "Daf- Wha- No!" Raz, the equally large red dragon screamed indignated,...

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Staying the Night

"_It sure is a rainy night,_" thought Stan as he stepped into the small diner. The muscular parrot/eagle/whatever looked around as he folded his umbrella; the diner's movie-like environment gave a rather cozy and welcoming feeling. He took off his...

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Fraternity Pride

In this black night, Eric looked up to the fraternity building. Who's Eric, you ask? Yeah... It would've been better to start from there. Eric was the lanky and unimpressive young man standing in front of the building. Short, wimpy, wearing glasses,...

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