Captains Orders

Story by Absorbentgene on SoFurry

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#3 of Among the Dragons

the next part in the story. I first off wanna apologize for the delay in posting. I want to keep to at least a 1 story a month time frame, and while it the last was technically posted at the beginning of September, I still wanted to get this out far sooner. I blame shenanigans of the life. Was very busy with dumb stuff but got a chance to sit down and finish it today. So Gene wakes up in the paws of Rauka, But Kazul wants to find out what makes this fox so special.

Gene would wake with a start as the big dragon shifted, giving a big yawn right next to his head, giving the little fox a good look at the jagged teeth and strings of drool, Making the fox blush furiously and shudder visibly and squirming in the dragons grip a little, hoping to avoid being a breakfast meal for the big dragon.

He was lucky though. Last nights... Cleaning... Had bought him some more leeway with the feral. The big dragon would stand up slowly giving a lick along the side of the fox warmly, leaving a trail of drool behind, nuzzling down gently on his fox.

The camp stirred to life quickly. The anthro's getting up and stoking the fire but only warming up some left over meat from last night as well, for the most part ignoring the cages and the waking vulpine inside as well.

Still as a whole they did need to get some stretching down and they needed some food and water as well... But Kazul had it planned. After a little while they would stand up and get ready to go, Kazul looking down at his mount and the fox, the big dragon looking down thoughtfully at the two of them before looking at Rauka. "Either eat him or toss him back in." He said curtly.

It didn't take too long for the dragon to make a decision giving a bit of a soft whine clearly wanting to keep the fox around a bit longer but not let him slip away to another as well. Finally giving in though, the big dragon would nose bump the fox forwards towards Kazul

Their was little Gene could do as he stumbled towards the big captain a little nervously as the big dragon looked down at him a couple moments seeming to be rather annoyed but would rumble a little, looking back over the cage a couple of moments. "Hmm... seems the Jizz rag stinks... You all do." He said grumpily over them and rubbed his chin a couple of moments. "Well there's a stream not far from here... You can get washed there... a drink of water... maybe a bite to eat as well... You are all probably hungry..." He said rumbling a little unhappily as he picked up the fox by the scruff examining him for a couple moments before deciding that it was more work than it was worth to open the cage and toss him in, carrying him over to the front of the cart and dumping him unceremoniously onto the wood seat.

Gene would blush quite a bit and look up nervously as the big anthro plopped himself down next to him and rumbled a little as he sat back, Another one of the dragons getting up on the other side of the little fox as he ended up getting mushed between the two of them, nervously whimpering as there hot bodies pressed against him threatening to crush him if they moved in closer.

Luckily they weren't interested in moving any closer, and for the moment he was just stuck, the rough leather of their armour but he could smell the scent of them on it too, there musk engrained in it and also, more disturbingly, a coppery smell, that took a couple moments for the little fox to figure out before realizing it was the scent of blood.

Gene didn't have to stay long there though and after about 10 minutes of riding along they would end up at a trickling stream, the water clear and crisp. The dragons would stand up freeing the little fox but they didn't give him much of a chance, grabbing hold of him in one big hand, would toss him nonchalantly into the stream, the fox landing with a splash in the water and spluttering as he coughed and got himself righted.

The water was up to his waist and it actually seemed to be the deepest part of it, and a few moments later he was joined by others, stepping out into the water, to rinse themselves off and clean up a little as well as get a drink, Most of them having had nothing since yesterday afternoon. The dragons themselves for the most part just watching over them and making sure no one was going to try to escape as they stood quietly.

They gave them about 15 minutes to get washed up before they were barked at to get out, all of them splashing there way out, none of them dawdling, refusing to be the next one ending up as a meal. Once they were ashore, the dragons took a head count, and satisfied that none had slipped away, they would reach into one of the bags on the cart, and pull out some big hunks of bread. "Line up!" he called out to them and they would do so with the captain watching over them making sure there wouldn't be problems.

Once they were lined up they would slowly file towards the dragon handing out hunks of bread, each one about the size of there heads, and they would be directed to head back towards the cage, gnawing and chewing on the obviously stale bread.

Gene was middle of the line and when he got to the dragon, he got his piece of bread but instead of walking to the cage, he would yelp gently as he felt his tail grabbed hold of and dragged over towards the big captain and would gasp and look up at the one named Kazul terrified, convinced that he was about to be gobbled up.

The dragon would growl down menacingly and rumble out to him lowly. "Finish your bread quickly... You're on extra duty the rest of the trip." Gene would blush furiously and start to get that stale bread down as quickly as he could, totally unsure of what extra duty entailed, but it didn't take long for Kazul to pick out a second fox, a nice looking vixen and ordered much the same thing he had to Gene.

Gene would blush looking over at her nervously, the two of them side by side he would whisper to her a little shakily. "I-I'm Gene... W-what's your name?" he managed to get out to her.

She would look back at him looking just as terrified as he was and smile a little weakly. "I-I'm Sasha..." She managed to get back to him looking up at the distracted Kazul a moment then back to Gene "D-do you know what we're going to be doing."

Gene would shake his head back at her nervously but try to smile at Sasha reassuringly. "I-It can't be that bad... O-otherwise they probably wouldn't have fed us too." He suggested to her and she gave a bit of a nod back and grimaced once more as the last of them got into the cart and the door shut behind them leaving the two of them to look up at Kazul who now stood alone.

He looked down at the two of them and growled a little getting a bit of a dark smile at them. "We've got the front all to ourselves..." Said to them grinning and licking his lips slowly reaching down and grabbing hold of them around there waists as he stepped back up onto the seat of the cart and leaned back looking between the two of them. "And the rest of the trip will go at least past lunch..." He said slowly and enjoyed the surge of panic present on their faces. "So I think we shall pass the time with some fun..."

The two blinked a little nervously and looked at each other wondering what exactly he meant by the statement of fun, But the big dragon really wasn't going to let them dwell on the thought. He would set them down one on each side of his legs and would rumble a little smiling down at Gene a little toothily. "Guess I get to see why Rauka likes you so much..."

Gene would look up at him curiously and immediately go scarlet red as he began to realize what exactly the kind of fun Kazul was looking for. The dragon would lean back and spread his legs, having removed the armour that had covered his legs and a sizable sheath along with a set of balls hung low, the scent of male dragon swirling over the two little ones as they looked up at it wide eyed.

Kazul gave a bit of a smirk leaning back against the cart, taking the reigns to the pair of draft horses that were leading the cart and edged them on as he looked down at them. "Well? Get to it!" he growled out at them again and they would both blush quite furiously, Gene leaning in to nuzzle at the side of those heavy balls and Sasha doing the same for her side though she was certainly more timid about it.

Kazul would give a soft growl and relax there for the moment, and just let the cart trundle onwards as the two little fox's nuzzle and lick at his balls, enjoying the sensation of the two little fox tongues working over him while the two almost cringed at the extremely male musky taste coming from him. Gene was steadily warming up it, finding the taste incredible arousing, Much to his chagrin but the female only worked at him halfheartedly, Kazul not really seeming to care for the moment as he continued to watch the road and steer with half lidded eyes, lost in the sensation of having these little slaves work at him.

He groaned and panted softly his sheath bulging quite a bit as his shaft started to grow out of it, but for the moment he largely ignored it and just let the two of them lick and slurp his balls more, sighing softly, quite relaxed and enjoying himself quite a bit the entire time.

Finally though, he wanted more. Reaching down to pat both of them on the head as a reward he would growl a little down at Gene smiling broadly. "I see why Rauka likes you... You have a very good tongue... and you get eager quickly." He said chuckling, reaching up with a foot paw to gently grind it against Gene's bulging sheath making him whimper in response, while he looked down at Sasha and licked his lips. "Only reason I picked you was cause you've got someplace I can properly stuff this." he said, and would take hold of his large shaft and drop it against her muzzle making her gasp and scramble back a little, but he was too fast for her, grabbing hold of an arm and lifting her up by it growling down at her softly.

"Oh no you're not going anywhere..." He growled at her softly, reaching down and taking hold of her other arm, would pin it above her head as Sasha whimpered pathetically, squirming in his grip and

ended up straddling his groin, knee's resting on his big thighs and big dragon shaft underneath of her as she fought with all her strength to keep herself from getting forced down over him while he took of a small strip of leather and began to tie her arms together, Continuing to growl at her, her struggles just annoying him at this point.

He would look past her and down at Gene a moment, who had continued to slurp at his balls nervously, just trying not to draw much more attention to himself but it seemed Kazul had other ideas. "If you like her you'd better lube me up quick..." He scowled down to Gene.

Blushing furiously he would work up to the dragons shaft and start to lick and slurp over it quickly now the member itself throbbing and hot to the touch not to mention the natural male musk coming from it, but Gene did have a good idea of what was coming for the vixen above him and wanted to make this as painless as possible as her slobbered as much drool as he could over the cock.

He wasn't given much time. The moment the bindings on Sasha were done she was forced down over the shaft, a scream erupting from her, feeling like she was being split in two while the fox underneath whimpered a little licking along the shaft and her own sex now as well trying to sooth the pain she was in.

The licking largely did nothing to help her unfortunately even though the intentions were pure, She would continue to grunt and yelp with each thrust into her sex, squirming and wiggling against him constantly. Luckily, her body betrayed her and the juices started to pour from her sex and lube him up further making the sharp jabs of pain slowly become much more enjoyable.

Gene just continued to slurp and lick away between the two of them, tasting Sasha's juices as they mingled with Kazul's musk, making the little fox shudder, finding it that much more delicious if anything. As sympathetic as he was to the vixens plight, he found himself almost completely addicted to the dragons taste, his musk... even they way he was treating the others... something about it drove him wild.

Kazul wasn't doing this to take his time however... he wanted some release and then to get going again. Already drooling pre into the vixen, he became rougher with her each passing moment, claws digging into her sides and starting to draw a little blood while working harder into her.

Sasha was in a great deal of pain as well as pleasure. It took all of her willpower just to hold on and keep from passing out as she was forced to ride the dragon, gasping and grunting with each thrust, when she felt him tense up against her, and would look up, almost begging him to not finish, but it was too late.

With a thundering roar, he gave a firm thrust up into her sex, causing it to bulge painfully, and a flood of hot draconic seed began pouring into her sex, almost burning with how hot it was, her body was far too small to accommodate the full load and much of it spewed back over Gene's face, making him yelp and squeal softly in delight, as he didn't flinch or pull back much to Kazul's amusement as he panted heavily and held the vixen down firmly, giving a couple of extra thrusts to make sure he was properly drained while Gene continued his licking never stopping despite the mess.

With his Lust sated now, Kazul had another itch that needed satisfying... Gene had done well... The dragon had not planned on having him for dinner from the start. Rauka like the fuzzy little thing too much and he didn't want to take that away from such a well trained and loyal beast... But Sasha did not have such an interest in her.

Kazul wouldn't even give her a chance, as he suddenly opened wide, and at the same time, his claws still dug into her sides, lifted her up, quickly taking her up to her breasts in his maw and her arms getting pinned to her sides, as she began to kick and struggled immediately.

Gene just watched on blushing furiously, still licking at the shaft, though more to clean up the mess that remained at this point, he didn't want to upset the big dragon as well, and wouldn't stop his licking until ordered to.

The big dragon continued to gulp and swallow rather eagerly over the vixen, more driven out of hunger, than lust or enjoyment. She wasn't the best tasting thing he'd had but she also wasn't the worst, as he shoved her in more, her belly coming next. He wanted her alive for this... Squirming always felt night, so he only gently chewed over her, opening a cut here and there but making sure not to get too aggressive as he gave another hearty swallow and sent her hips in.

He would however give a low pleasured growl at a long swipe of that fox's tongue on his cock though. He would have expted any other to stop with the mess there but he was cleaning up rather nicely. Another firm swallow started working on her legs, while he gave a bit of a cringe at the mixed fluids of his cum and her juices flowed over his tongue, as he let go of her, reaching down to start stroking over the fox's head and rewarding another long lick with a little spurt of cum, mostly just the dribble that was left over, finally tossing his head back to suck the vixen down the rest of the way.

He would lean back and give a loud belch, patting his belly, as it filled out and began to thrash and bulge about as she began struggling inside, looking down at Gene with a rather vicious smile. "Hmm... You like this don't you? You like watching others getting eaten... being raped... You like being a little cum slave don't you?" The dragon said slowly grinning down at Gene.

It made the fox blush furiously and bring him to the reality of what he was doing. He had just helped the big dragon rape and devour another of his kind, and then had even cleaned up afterwards, the shaft covered in a layer of drool now, but that would dry quickly. He felt his head pulled away from the shaft and suddenly brought up to be pressed against the squirming bulging gut, feeling the heavy balls and firm shaft against his fuzzy chest, as he was forced to listen to Sasha's screams of pain and fear, The loud gurgling and groaning of the stomach around her, starting to digest it's meal, and the distant heart beat of the dragon, powerful and steady.

Kazul would chuckle softly and would look back to see that everyone was following the cart. "Alright let's pick up the pace... we've got another couple of days to get there." He called out to the convoy, and with a snap of the reigns, got the cart he was sitting on moving faster, Rauka walking beside it with an eye on the little fox, while Gene had his head rubbed over gently and kept firmly against the dragons belly, Listening to the fate he would one day meet.