Fair Winds

Story by Jade Wulf-Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#1 of Fair Winds

The ever talented Deltroon wrote this for me as a request i hope you all like it as it involves one of my new characters Rylene who is a dragoness with a tragic backstory i will get around to writing one of these days

this is part one

All characters as Copyright player/owner

Fair Winds

On a partly cloudy Thursday morning a government official posts a message. As he nailed it onto the announcement board a few people stopped to watch him. Once he finished the official steps back to inspect his work before walking away. The people that stopped originally went on their way paying the notice little attention. Until a mature married couple walked by the board and saw the new notice posted on it.

It read: "To all citizens of Saralia Isle the pirate vessel The Phantom Reaper. Was spotted roughly three days ago by a merchant ship on a shipping lane. Fortunately the pirate's ship didn't attack the merchant ship upon its discovery. They reported sailing in a south westerly direction but, its current location is unknown. The Royal Navy is asking all citizens to be on alert until more information is available.

If you or know anyone that has information you're asked to notify the Royal Navy. By choosing to withhold vital information you will be put on trial for treason. There will be a town meeting held to tonight to discuss all these events in detail. Attendance isn't mandatory for this meeting but, everyone is asked to attend." While the old man read the notice aloud a crowd had gathered around the couple.

They start talking amongst themselves wondering if the pirates would attack. While they continued to gossip a squad of soldiers marched calmly past them. On routine patrol along the main streets on the look out for any kind of trouble. As they reached the shopping district when this strange commotion erupted nearby. The soldiers investigated while a few feet away a cloaked figure stopped to watch.

Two more cloaked figures joined the first but, stayed a couple steps behind. Before the first one could say anything a soldier was knocked flat on his back. Surprising all three figures as two more soldiers were knocked to the ground. As another soldier was knocked aside they caught sight of the person responsible. "Strange, you don't see a fox morph around these parts even his fur color is unusual." Figure 2 said.

What amazed them the most he was showing skills people take years to learn. Each time a soldier tried to stop him they wound up being knocked to the ground. She continued to watch with intrigue as the soldiers wisely changed their tactics. Until the captain realized this fox was begging for these soldiers to kill him. Knowing that all he was going to get was a one way trip to the jail instead of death.

"Alright, girls let's get out of here we can't do much to help him at the moment." Figure 1 stated. As they turned their backs a soldier got a lucky shot in knocking him out. From there they dragged him towards the nearest courthouse for a quick tribunal. Where he'd be sentenced to hang for piracy and assaulting soldiers of the crown. Elsewhere the three cloaked figures silently exited the town and entered the woods.

"Captain Shirius I don't understand you're not thinking about saving that fox?" Figure 3 asked. She stopped mid step slowly turned around then pulled back her cloak's hood. "Rye, normally I wouldn't bother but, there are moments in life you can't ignore. Besides that todd reminds me a lot of you when our paths crossed not long ago. It would be a waste to allow such talent get hung or join our enemies." Shayde said.

The young dragoness folded her arms across her chest then exhaled heavily. As the memories of their first meeting replayed she asked her about the plan. "Let's return to the ship first before making plans to spring the todd from prison." Figured 2 replied. Captain Shayde agreed as they ventured carefully to the other side of the island. Where they boarded a life boat and rowed out to sea where the ship was anchored.

Captain Shayde "Osprey" Shirius the only pirate to sail with an all female crew. To make things interesting her ship "The Phantom Reaper" isn't a typical craft. Stolen many years ago from another pirate months after her first ship was sunk. For a Dauntless Class it's still ranked a top of the line vessel by the Royal Navy. Ironically they've haven't made a fuss or even tried to steal back their military vessel.

With twenty main cannons on both sides along with eight long barrel mortars. In addition are two prototype breach loaded 12in. diameter rifled short muzzles. These two guns were added after Shayde took command of the Phantom Reaper. They proved their worth about a year after being installed into the ship's bow. When a small fleet of Royal Navy vessels attacked during a supply run for a client.

Out of seven ships three were sunk, one was heavily damaged ending the fight. The vessels that weren't touched retreated after rescuing survivors from the water. Leaving them to finish their job without so much as warning shot for goodbye. Since that day the Phantom Reaper has made several enemies within the Navy. Fortunately details of that battle have kept the Royal Navy from trying anything stupid.

By this time the captain and her subordinates had rejoined the crew onboard. "Welcome back Captain the resupply should be finished within a couple hours. It should take another hour to get everything properly secured, Captain." Scully stated. Shayde gave the black leopard's shoulder a squeeze along with a happy smile. Before walking away to check with the rest of the crew bustling about on the ship.

Once she got updated by everyone aboard then entered the navigation room. Where her top five commanding officers joined her and stood around the table. As they sat down Shayde told them about the ruckus in the market street in town. Rye voiced her opinion first then followed down the rest of the chain of command. It wasn't until, Chains a muscular and busty white lioness stretched then spoke.

"Look, if the Captain believes this guy has potential than we should support her. After all she gave our once mundane lives a worthy purpose once upon a time. Besides he'd be a lot better off with us than either dead or with any of our enemies." She informed. All around the room the sounds of mixed emotions and mumbling filled the air. Until the captain spoke up and organized a plan to rescue the fox from the prison.

They would wait until all the supplies were secured then sail around the island. Scully would take command of the raid then would fire blanks rounds at the port. This tactic should distract the Royal Navy long enough for the real raid to occur. Shayde, Rye, Chains and Helix will break into the prison to rescue the male fox. Before doing anything they planned for any the surprises they could possibly think of.

Once everything was ready Captain Shayde and the others quickly off loaded. As the long boat reached land the Reaper's sails unfurled then she got underway. Helix a crafty, nibble and pretty raccoon wisely scouted the route into town. Next she scouted and marked a few escape routes just in case the worse happens. From there she caught up with others at the pre-determined location in a clearing.

"The route up ahead is clear and I've marked four escape routes just in case. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that we don't run into problems during this. Granted we've done plenty of planning but, those unknowns maybe our undoing." Helix replied. Thanking Helix for her efforts they waited to hear the Phantom Reaper's cannons. Luckily they didn't have to wait long as three heavy thuds echoed in the distance.

Waiting a few minutes before slipping into town and headed for the prison. When they heard the bells from the base and saw soldiers scrambling they moved in. Sticking to alleys, side streets and back door routes until prison came into view. Next came the hard part finding weakness in the thick stone and brick prison walls. Rye and Helix served as look outs along with a secondary diversion for the guards.

Once Chains found a weak spot in the wall she carefully removed a brick. Reaching into a pouch she pulled out a grenade then placed it inside the opening. Next lit the fuse then had everyone move clear of the blast zone before it blew. About six seconds later this loud bang filled the air as did smoke and debris. Using the smoke as a cover the duo slipped through the large opening in the wall.

Chains repeated the process once more to gain entry into the main building. From there Chains and Shayde split up to cover more ground to find the fox. <Boy, do I feel sorry for anyone that tries stopping her cause their in trouble. Considering her fists and claws are twice as deadly any sharpened cutlass.> Shayde thought. Stopping at t-section corridor she pulled out a mirror to check around the corner.

Luckily the coast was clear so she turned and dashed down the long hallway. Checking cells as she went hoping the next one would where the fox was being held. As she cleared the floor she traversed the staircase to the next floor then resumed. It wasn't until she reached the bottom level of the prison there was a single cell. Sadly she saw five guards standing watch at the door at the end of the long corridor.

<Damn, there's no blasted way I'll able to get around them without help. I'd better go track down Chains, hopefully that lioness isn't in over her head.> She thought. Dashing back up the stairs and luckily she didn't have look hard for the lioness. When the captain rounded the next corner three guards slammed to the ground. The sound of fierce growling filled the air followed by a very tall feline shadow.

"Hiya, Captain so how's the search coming along or did you hit a snag?" Chains asked. Giving the lioness a knowing look making her chuckle she followed her leader. When they returned Chains wisely weighed their options before taking action. "Okay, according to the look of those guards they're not your run of mill soldiers. Luckily I can handle them easily enough with the help of a little smokescreen." She stated.

With a nod Chains reached into her pockets and pulled out several bombs. Since Shayde has known the lioness she's always been able to surprise her. Besides being a truly excellent fighter Chains has this insane knack for explosives. The bombs she held weren't the lethal style according to their fancy coloration. Tossing the first set of bombs towards the guards they popped instantly upon landing.

The hallway filled slowly with white smoke alerting the first pair of guards. Chains walked into the smoke shroud where she'd wait for them to follow suit. Naturally the sounds of swords being unsheathed then the sound of blows hitting. Followed by metal and bodies falling to the ground then silence filled the air. When the other guards overheard the commotion and drew their weapons then moved in.

She was more than ready for them as she tossed three more smoke grenades. Wisely the guards covered their muzzles as they walked into the large shroud. As they approached her location one by one they all ended up hitting the floor. With a whistle giving the all clear sign the captain walked over to her comrade. They waited for the smoke to dissipate before frisking each of the guards for the keys.

Sadly none of the five guards had the keys on them so they went to plan B. Chains studied the door carefully before pulling out what look like play putty. Mashing it against the hinges then pulled out two grenades with rather long fuses. Once they were in place she lit the fuses they told the captain to get clear. Roughly fifteen seconds later two simultaneous blasts erupted then the door collapsed.

Shayde ordered the lioness to remain in the hall and keep an ear out for trouble. While she went inside the cell and talked business with the prisoner in the room. Crossing her fingers the domestic feline entered the barely lit cell and found him. He was shackled up off the floor and from the look of it badly beaten as well. Gingerly reaching up with her hand to check his vital signs luckily he was alive.

With a few gentle slaps to the cheek rousing the male fox from his trance. "Good, you're still with us after all, I had some doubt that we'd get to you in time. We don't have ton of time so I'll make this quick join my crew or you can hang. So what's it going to be death or freedom?" She asked looking over her left shoulder. He didn't speak or move for the first few seconds after she asked her question.

"W-w-wHat do you want in return should I accept?" He countered weakly. "You shall serve under my command until your life debt to me has been settled." She replied. Taking a moment to think his options over before agreeing to join Shayde's crew. With the deal made she retrieved her lock picks and unlocked all his shackles. Dropping to the floor like dead weight the fox didn't have the strength to stand.

Giving Chains a whistle the lioness entered then slung him over her shoulder. From there the trio made their way towards the exit to regroup with the others. The second they stepped outside Chains pulled out a blue orb then tossed it. Once the orb was high enough in the air, then with her pistol she shot the orb. It exploded bathing the area with a bright violet light that signaled to begin their retreat.

On board the Phantom Reaper the crew saw the flash and ceased firing. Quickly stilling and stowing the starboard guns then sailed away from the island. From there they sailed to the rendezvous to pick up the captain and other officers. Meanwhile Shayde, Rye, Chains and Helix are presently running through the forest. Their collected luck held out as they reached the long boat they stashed away earlier.

Sticking to the shadows as they rowed out to meet up with their vessel. They were going to do a snatch and grab with the long boat a pretty risky move. Luckily for the captain her crew has had plenty of practice with this little maneuver. Shayde kept her head on a swivel looking out for not only trouble but, her ship. A good while passed with noting until off the distance the fox's ear's twitched strangely.

"Your ship was forced to change direction just wait here it'll be here shortly." He mumbled. Sure enough the sounds of large object approaching filled the air minutes later. A familiar shadow was the first to appear then the Phantom Reaper sailed closer. Shayde and Chains stood up then waited for the catch hooks to perform this stunt. The second the hooks descended Shayde hooked one and Chain did the same.

With a shout the crew manned the pulleys began lifting the boat from the water. The second the long boat was on the main deck Captain Shayde exited first. Followed by Chains with their guest and when the crew saw him it got interesting. "Chains, put him in the guest quarters then have, Kendra attend to his injuries. Scully plot the shortest and safest route someplace we can hide out." Shayde ordered.

The black leopard walked back to the wheel where the navigator was standing. Carrying their male guest where instructed where Kendra could examine him. When Chains exited the room Kendra a red masked striped hyena came topside. Giving all her muscles a stretch the butch hyena was built much like the lioness. Outside their breeds it's really hard to tell either woman apart unless you catch them naked.

A friendly greeting was exchanged between them as Kendra entered the room. The moment her golden eyes locked onto the male vulpine's deep green eyes. She blinked a few times before placing her medical supplies down on the table. Next she grabbed a chair, sat down then got to work checking and treating him. Carefully stripping him of all his tattered clothing to get a better picture of his injuries.

She left the cloth covering his manhood alone or she'd have a slight problem. It was bad enough before she undressed him she admired this young male. Stretching out again, wrists and shoulders before beginning to bandage his wounds. As she moved from his arms to his chest then finally down to his legs and feet. Everything looked in order outside the lack nourishment the todd was in good health.

There was some bruising he received from the guards when he got arrested. "Well, stud you'll be just fine I'll have the cook make you something filling, alright. Is there anything specific you'd prefer to eat and are you allergic to anything?" Kendra asked. When she looked at him the todd was sound asleep on the bed and didn't move. Not wanting to wake him Kendra excused herself and quietly left the room.

From there she reported to the captain to let her know what she learned. When she entered the navigation room the captain was in the middle of something. Shayde's ears perked up when Kendra entered the room so she called her over. Approaching the table the hyena waited for the meeting to end before she spoke. "Well, Kendra how bad is our newest crew member or is he going to be just fine?" Shayde asked.

"Despite the lack of a few good meals he's in rather fair health, Captain. He's sleeping right now so I couldn't get any info about what he can or can't eat." Kendra replied. Shayde dismissed Kendra then asked her to send Chains into speak with her. Bowing politely to the captain the hyena exited the room then fetched her friend. When the white lioness entered she was quick to ask the captain what she wanted.

"You're probably not going to like me when I say this but, you're on guard duty. With a male on board you know the others will be tempted for an intimate look. Besides I doubt Kendra will get jealous if her lover is watching him for a couple days. At least until we reach one of our little safe haven where we can test his skills." Shayde said. Chains didn't say anything she gave a nod then quietly went to man her post.

When she reached his quarters there was already a small crowd of women. With a heavy clap of her hands the crowd scattered back to their proper stations. Next she sat down and leaned against the door then kept an eye out for trouble. Every couple hours the captain and Kendra would come by to check on their guest. As nightfall gave way to the dawn hours Kendra took over guard detail for the morning.

While the captain and most of the crew slept Kendra was left in command. Since all of the officers, captain included had been up for two days straight. The higher ups wouldn't be getting up at least until later on this evening or tonight. Luckily the morning crew paid no mind to the new arrival and handled their jobs. Every now and then one or two crew members would come by to check on things.

As the day went on things were peaceful even the todd was rather quiet. Taking it upon herself Kendra stood up, turned around then opened the door slowly. *CRR AACKK!* The poor hyena was blindsided and hit the floor seconds later. Sadly his reprieve was cut short when he tried to run and Kendra snatched his ankle. Getting back onto her feet Kendra unleashed this angry snarl then grabbed his throat.

Muscles bulging with rage she hauled his scrawny ass effortlessly off the floor. "YOU'VE GOT SOME FUCKING NERVE STRIKING ME YOU LITTLE SHIT! IF IT WASN'T FOR MY ORDERS I'D BE RIPPING YOUR SCRAWNY ASS APART!" She shouted. The todd stared defiantly back at the furious hyena then snorted in response. Of course his lack of concern only fueled her anger until his eyes began glowing.

"Put me down and get everyone to their stations we're about to have company." He stated. Looking at him puzzled when off in the distance a soft thud alerted the crow's nest. When they confirmed what the fox had said she tossed him back into the room. Wisely she took the helm and had the crew man the guns for a counter attack. Spinning the wheel making the ship turn hard to port as every the gun portal opened.

Fetching a long range spy glass she saw squad of four vessels gaining fast. "All hands ready on the guns load the bow cannons and get ready to fight back. *grumbles, briefly.* Someone rouse the captain and tell her what's going on." Kendra yelled. Quickly doing as the medic ordered a crew member entered the captain's quarters. When the captain stepped on deck another thud and splash echoed waking her up.

Quickly taking command she double checked with the crew then got ready. Unsure what this squad of ships were after she kept all her senses on high alert. Luckily they stop firing for the most part as they came closer then raised a flag. Seeing this through the spy glass it was a white flag with a blue V in the center. This told her the shots were merely to gain their attention and they wanted to approach.

She ordered someone to raise a yellow and green flag giving one ship the okay. Next Shayde told the crew to keep their senses sharp for any signs of trouble. As the lead ship sailed closer to the Phantom Reaper, it dropped anchor and waited. When the possible enemy vessel was board and board another flag was raised. It was a flag of truce and parley waving her hand then the crew fetched a gang plank.

Both ships secured the plank at their end then sent an envoy to each vessel. Having Kendra go aboard their vessel the crew would be less likely to try anything. The envoy from other ship sent over looked like he was about to soil himself. Especially when he was surrounded by women each armed and ready to strike. When Captain Shayde approached sword drawn his eyes grew wide then settled as she spoke.

"Welcome aboard my ship, once my medic returns with your captain we'll talk. Until then make yourself comfy but, don't try anything or your vessel will suffer." She warned. Giving her a nod he found a place to sit and waited to hear from his commander. A good while passed before Kendra reappeared on the deck then gave a shout. With that Shayde walked towards their guest then asked him get up on his feet.

From there they met up with the other captain and Kendra on the gang plank. Exchanging a polite greeting the two commanders asked each other some questions. Once all the pleasantries were out of the way they got down to what they wanted. Hoisting her sword up onto her shoulder she listened to his reasons for this situation. Apparently they had received word from Saralia Isle that a prisoner had escaped custody.

They've been asked to parley with ships in the area and ask to search them. Of course any ships they stop and search are well compensated for their trouble. Not only that they've been asked to assist the Royal Navy in their on going search. Shayde didn't say or do anything upon hearing their reasons for this strange truce. When he asked for permission to search her vessel in return for a generous payment.

"With all do respect me and my crew are exhausted, we're on route home. We've been sailing nonstop for days without stopping and I must decline your request. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience, Captain but, I'd like to resume our journey. Unless there's more to this visit than you're letting me and my crew believe?" She said. The human mix was quiet for a moment before he looked into her eyes and replied.

"*sighs.* I can sympathize wanting that but, I still need to search your vessel. Sadly my hands are tied on the matter since it's a direct order from the Navy." He stated. While his back was turned Kendra returned the Phantom as Shayde spoke. "This is a freelance vessel we're not affiliated with the Navy, kingdom or the pirates. So I'm going to ask you to disembark my ship and be on your way." She retorted.

Shayde watched him intently making him think first then he bowed politely. "As you wish ma'am seeing as I'm in no position to argue with your guns at the ready. I'm sorry for the trouble and I'll be on my way now so please excuse me." He said. Stepping back he turned around next then quietly walked across the gang plank. Ordering his crew to get the ship ready to join the others and to resume their search.

"Alright, stow the gang plank and raise the anchors let's head on home ladies." She stated. Doing as ordered the anchors were pulled from the water and the gang plank stored. While the other ships turned around and went in another direction of the Reaper. Once back underway Shayde returned to her quarters and went back to sleep. Kendra resumed command until another ranking officer decided to wake up.

Several hours went by though things seemed far too quiet for the hyena. "Drop the port anchor, Abby, Jade and Willow take a long boat then scout the hull. I've got a funny feeling that search party might've been a ploy to tag our vessel." She replied. Doing as she ordered the trio launched a long boat once the ship came to a stop. They spent a good while rowing around the hull checking every single inch carefully.

Once their inspection concluded Jade informed her aside from a few barnacles. The ship's hull didn't have anything unusual when that other ship had visited. "Thank you for some reason I felt like we had a tail of some kind following this ship. Seeing as that's not the case I can breathe a bit easier for the most part anyway." She smiled. Jade gave the slightly taller muscular medic a smile and returned to her duties.

Taking a moment Kendra checked on their male guest and brought him dinner. "I've brought you some dinner if you try anything your naked ass will be on display. Now are you going to be civil or do I have to carry out my little threat?" She asked. The tone in her voice alone convinced him that she was indeed serious about it. With a soft verbal okay Kendra unlocked the door and entered the room.

As she placed his meal down the todd moved closer to the hyena slowly. Keeping his senses on high alert until Kendra stepped away then left him alone. When the door closed behind her, he sat down at the table and removed the lid. The scent of the freshly cooked food entered his nose made his mouth water happily. Foregoing table manners he devoured the food much like his feral ancestors did.

His stomach gave a happy grumble as he leaned back in his chair and smiled. The todd couldn't recall the last time he got to enjoy a hot and fresh cooked meal. Sadly he couldn't stand being cooped up any longer so he picked the lock. Turning the handle as quietly as he could, hoping that he could slip out unseen. Only to learn that he locked an already unlocked door and slapped himself silly in spite.

Quickly reversing what he did then he stepped outside onto the main deck. Inhaling the warm sea air made him feel ten times better than being in that room. Though he wasn't totally prepared for what he saw next walking about the ship. At that very instant his brain was racing to find an answer for what he's looking at. "Trying to find a handle on the moment there my vulpine friend?" Kendra wondered.

The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon 3

The Legend of Sypro: Rising Dragon 3 (Characters belong to their respective owners, including Aurora, the New Guardians and the rest to the Sierra Company. I awoke next morning to the sound of snoring next to my ears. I slowly opened my eyes...

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The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 2

I give all the credet to Heartless Dragon for this chapter and again these stroies are a collaberation between Heartless Dragon and myself! Please leave comments and rate honestly Thank you Opal Dragon ...

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The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 1

This is my first story and it is a collaboration between myself and Heartlessdragon, so please go easy on me when you rate it. Thank you Opal Dragon The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 1 It's been fifty years since the fall of the dark purple...
