The Interview - From the LICA Archives

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#19 of Old Standalone Stories

A while back, a guy I used to chat with wrote a story. His name is DJ Galven (, and the story he wrote was Hurricusian Delights ( which took place in a futuristic setting, a college on the surface of the moon. We discussed it a bit, spitballing the idea a bit before he wrote the story (at least from what I remember, I may be wrong about that) and I really liked the idea of a college on the moon in a cool future-y domed city. I asked him if he would be okay with me writing a story that took place in the same setting and he said it would be fine.

As such, this was written. It sees Jessie return again, a character I should really use more often. This time, shi's actually a descendant of the original character... or something like that. Shi's basically the same character really, and shi is part of a family that owns a company know for producing these curious little devices used for body modification. Looking back on this story, I really liked the concepts I used. I should come back and do something in this universe again sometime. I did write a short that kind of followed up after this story some time later, but it was only a 5-pager. I should do something else. I even created a fictional sport just for this story. The tech involved in the whole setting was fun to play around with.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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From the Archives of the Lunar Intergalactic Collage of the Arts

LICA originally created by DJ Galven

The smell of sweat and the sound of synthetic rubber striking smooth, metallic surfaces filled the chamber. Ten bodies floated gracefully about, chasing down the two spheres that bounced off the walls. It was like an intricate ballet that mixed the discipline of choreographed dance with the athletic prowess of the ancient days when basketball, football, and other similar games ruled the airwaves. A crowd of onlookers cheered and screamed frantically as the two teams combated against one another. They fought to keep the other from letting either of the orbs past them, leaping off the walls, twirling about to build momentum before hurling the ball, even colliding with each other to prevent a play or block a pass. The score was dead even, six to six, and the clock was running down quickly. The announcer kept the spectators well informed of who was doing what while his translators provided the same courtesy for those that did not speak universal Terran.

"We're down to the last minute on the clock and Lunos has been struggling to get back on their feet after Alpha Centauri's three goal streak! Klemons takes possession of the Centauri ball, taking a running start from panel three on his home side. He leaps, he spins, he flings! The blue ball passes Lunos' forwards, reflecting off of the opposing panel six. Jamison tries to catch but he's just a few centimeters shy! It hits Lunos four! Tarpen can't get there fast enough! We get a proximity alert from the goal zone, passing the three, the two, can the goalie snag it in time!? No! It hits the goal plane and Alpha Centauri scores again! Seven to six! What a throw by Jarvis Klemons! I'd call that the play of the game! With less than thirty seconds left, I'd say LICA is gonna hafta just pack it in and wait for next week's game to get back into the swing of things!"

As the visitor's ball was released back into the playing field, a dark brown figure caught it before it could pass back into the opposition's territory. He stood silently for a brief moment, his mind freezing the scene before him and analyzing it for possible openings, speaking to himself in thought alone.

"Reflection pass off of panel three to second forward. Second forward flips attacking Centauri forward and throws to panel six. Catch on top side of Centauri five. Kick off towards opposite corner, using primary blocker to change trajectory towards Centauri three. Secondary blocker attacks, grab the outstretched arm and use the two opposing momentums to spin and throw. Ball spirals to Centauri two lower panel, then lower left, then left, upper left, top, upper right. Use residual momentum from collision with blocker to kick towards center goal."

The clock seemed to be slowed to a bare crawl as he watched the other players staring at him and moving into position. The announcer began to narrate the action as time picked back up.

"Thomas Platt catches the Centauri ball on the rebound, his blocker holding tight onto the Lunos ball. He starts to run... looks like he's gonna try for one last move!"

The tall equine charged forward, lifting his gaze to the hare floating overhead.

"Mike! Alley-oop!" Without waiting for his partner forward to respond, he hurled the ball to the floor under him, the orb bouncing hard off the smooth surface. His offering was quickly collected by the floating lapin, doing exactly as the horse had planned out. His hooves clopped away swiftly on the polished game floor, running with all his might in the low gravity area near the platform to pick up the speed he would need. The announcer was on top of it already, sounding far too excited.

"Platt bounce passes to his other forward! He charges the visitor's side! Torry catches as the Centauri forward makes a move! They connect! Oh! Torry turns him end over end and throws, aiming deep into Centauri territory!"

The chocolate stallion kicked hard off the floor and rocketed up to the opposite side of the room, snagging the ball out of the air before it could reach the hands of the Centauri team. With a deft motion, using the ball's own speed, he turned head over end and his hooves connected with the ceiling of the oblong octagonal room, turning to run once more, gaining speed one more time. He leapt again, pushing deeper into the defending side's territory. Just as he predicted, one of the two blockers raced up to meet him, and in the moment they connected, the horse turned himself on his side. The sudden shift in the blocker's target threw him off, the horse colliding with him in just such a way that to keep each other form harming one another, they were forced to part once more, making Thomas' angle of entry much more shallow, letting him even further past the defenders.

"Platt drives deep into Centauri territory! Centauri's second blocker moves to intercept! Platt grabs him by the arm and pulls him into a spin! The ball is free! And it's blazing! It hits the visitor panel two! It bounces to the red zone! To the orange! To the yellow! Still within the two! Ten seconds left! Platt is loose! He's moving! Jackson tries to keep up! He better not let this by or Alpha Centauri might be looking for another goalie! Five! Four! It hits the green zone on panel two! Three! Platt kicks! Two! Jackson can't get in the way fast enough! One! It hits the plane! It's a center strike! It's good! It's good! Lunos wins eight to seven! Oh my god! Platt delivers another miracle! The Werewolves move on undefeated! The Centaurs will have to wait for a rematch!"

The crowd roared as the buzzer sounded, a green octagon still lit in mid-air along the line designating the goal zone. The visiting team groaned as they drifted down slowly to the floor, the anti-gravity field dissipating gradually. The Lunos players all raced towards the horse that had delivered the winning play, crowding around him. They led him out through their own exit, one panel in the tapered end of the goal zone flattening out to reveal the tunnel back to the locker room.

It was a good day.

The victory was all over the local news, leading the sports section of any 'paper' the faculty or student body downloaded. Thomas had been interviewed almost immediately in the locker room following the game, interviews that he politely took. Thankfully though, they died down quickly and he was permitted to go back to his usual life and classes. He wasn't terribly fond of the limelight, at least when it was just him. He preferred to share it with the rest of his team. After all, what good was he if the other team had an easy shot of his goal? No, the others were crucial in the game. He knew that, and he never stole the spotlight intentionally. He didn't care about fame or glory. He only cared about the game itself, at least while playing anyway.

School was important too after all.

The dome's radiant shield was not active at the moment, providing the denizens a perfect view of the night sky while the artificial sun, created by clever use of the interior of the very shield that protected them all, trekked its way across the 'sky.' The young horse enjoyed the light, even if it wasn't real as he sat comfortably in the grassy field of the quad, his books laid out in front of him, a notebook in hand and a pencil scribbling away onto the paper. Though he was a fantastic athlete in the anti-gravity room, he was still a fastidious student, taking notes, completing homework on time, even doing extra credit purely to have something to bolster his knowledge of a particular subject. He was an oddity among the sports world, one that his friends and teammates were not about to take for granted. But that oddity was the very thing that attracted the attention of one of the school's journalists.

As the studying continued, a slender feline of orange, black, and white approached dressed in a professional looking pantsuit, hugging her form nicely. She watched the mahogany fellow continue his work without interrupting him, just drinking in the sight of the sculpted male. He wasn't the sort to work out until he was so bulky he might explode, no, his build was just right for the sport she came to discuss with him. Finally, after several moments of silent observation, the tigress could not hold back any longer.

"Excuse me. Mr. Platt is it?"

The stallion lifted his head upon hearing the lovely feminine voice. He smiled politely, setting his notebook aside to offer her his full attention.

"Yes, that's me. How can I help you?" He was so well mannered. It was almost as though he were the perfect example of how a man should present himself, a feature many a lady, and like-minded male, did not overlook.

"My name is Jessica Walker. I write for the LICA school paper, the Lunar Times. I was wondering if perhaps I could have a few moments of your time." She extended a single hand in a friendly gesture which was quickly accepted by a deceptively gentle grasp.

"Well, a few moments I think I can spare, but not too terribly long. I'd like to try and get my work done before it gets too late. I hate having an assignment hanging over my head when I have the time to take care of it."

Jessica nodded softly, pausing as he let go of her hand.

"If you'd prefer to wait until after you're done, I can come back. At least then we would have more time to spend talking about Gravitas."

The equine sighed inside, not daring to show his disenchantment with talking about himself and how great he was at the game he loved to play. Still, she was being polite and Thomas was not about to be rude on the matter.

"I think that would work out rather well. Give me about an hour and I'll be done. Forgive me if this sounds too much like I'm asking you out on a date but perhaps you would like to conduct your interview over something to eat?" The tone of his voice suggested that he was genuine in his offer. It was something that, again, was lacking in most men.

A smile spread its way across the feline's lips. Her experience with the opposite sex had given her enough history to know when someone was trying to come on to her and when they were trying to be accommodating. She was pleased to find that he was the latter.

"Dinner sounds wonderful. I know a nice little dive near the edge of the dome. It's fairly popular but it has its charm even when packed. Meet me at the Looney Bin down on the south side?"

The horse snickered quietly, never having heard of such an establishment. It was common for all sorts of shops and eateries to use some sort of moon related pun for their name but that one was probably the most amusing one he'd come across so far. Thomas nodded gently in approval.

"Sounds good. I'll see you there in an hour or so." He bid the feline farewell as she left, returning to his school work once he was free to do so.

Jessica grinned softly as she took her leave, finding the interaction to be quite encouraging. His demeanor was pleasant, and he was courteous enough to set aside his work to engage the lady in conversation. All good signs in her book.

The hour passed quickly and Thomas packed his belongings after finishing his note taking to meet the lady at the appropriate location. With a little work, he managed to find the little pub facing the outlying surface of the natural satellite, its grey, snowy surface pock-marked with craters giving the view a serene, almost romantic quality. He pushed the door open and stepped into the little restaurant, finding it to be filled almost to capacity with hungry guests. His rich, brown eyes scanned the area until he found a table occupied by the very striped feline that had approached him earlier. He made his way over to her and greeted the lady in due time.

"I'm sorry for not getting here earlier. I wasn't sure where it was." He remained standing, knowing it was impolite to sit unless offered to do so.

Jessica turned her head about at the sound of the stallion's voice, smiling happily as she realized it was him.

"Oh don't worry about it. I'm in no rush. And if you were having trouble finding the place, why didn't you use your visor? Is it broken?" She tapped the very device resting over her own eyes as if it were a pair of glasses, letting it take in all the information it could about the handsome athlete; height, weight, muscle mass, estimated strength, estimated top speed, and various other statistics she might be interested to include in her story.

The horse continued to stand, not having been offered a seat yet, shaking his head lightly.

"Oh, no it's not broken. I just don't like using it. It somehow feels like I'm cheating."

The tigress found that to be quite strange indeed. Everyone she knew, even the people she didn't know but simply walked past in her day to day life used a visor of some sort for whatever reason. And every student in the school used it when doing homework or studying. He was the first one she had ever met that did his school work the old fashioned way.

"Cheating? I think you're going to have to explain that a bit better. Have a seat and we'll get started."

Finally, Thomas could sit down without feeling awkward about it. He settled into his chair and watched as his new acquaintance tapped a small device at the edge of the table. Suddenly, the room quieted down tremendously, the sound-proofing barrier doing wonders for keeping conversations private and intimate. It didn't drown everything out completely, but it did so just enough so that it didn't require either to shout.

"Well, think about it. This little gadget does everything for you. It directs you to your destination. It scans objects, places, and people so you can know exactly who or what you're looking at. It doesn't let you think and try to figure it out on your own. Not to mention the fact that so many students use them to just cram information into their heads when they're studying. Honestly, are you really learning the knowledge or are you just storing it in your visor for later recall?"

The feline blinked softly as he spoke. He was rather articulate on the matter and his point did make a sort of sense. Still, the fact that he preferred not to use it was a curiosity that she wanted to explore more of, to find out if there was anything else about him that was out of the ordinary.

"Well, I guess that explains why you were using good old fashioned books and pencil-to-paper note taking. To each their own I guess, but I would like to talk more about Gravitas. I'm not interested in what you have to say about the last game you played, I'm sure enough people have asked you that to the point where you're probably sick of it. I'm more interested in discussing the game in general with you. I want to know why you play it, how you got into it, and what you've had to do to get as good as you are."

It was a refreshing change from what had been expected. Thomas sighed happily and reclined in his seat, no longer worried that he would quickly become bored with the conversation.

"Well, I play the game because it's challenging and it's fascinating. I know that's not something you really expect to hear from a jock but it's true. The countless ways you can reflect the ball off the walls, how you can turn an opponent's attack into a chance to score. When you step into that court, the laws of physics command your every move and it's a matter of using them to your advantage. It's not just a sport, it's a mixture of science and art. The symmetry and the balance of motion and energy, it's almost like a form of poetry." His voice quickly turned from a simple explanatory tone to an almost dreamy, philosophical timber.

Jessica not only listened but watched as well, her mini-recorder picking up the entire conversation for later use. Something about this oddly thoughtful and strangely retro stallion resonated with her, and that usually meant she would be able to put a passionate spin to her story and make it a better read. This would be a good interview.

"You almost sound as though playing Gravitas is... dare I say, a spiritual experience for you."

Thomas paused at the comment, not out of offense but being taken aback slightly from how well that seemed to fit. Slowly, he began to nod.

"I suppose you could call it that. When I'm in there, I can see things before they happen. I can predict plays, I can understand how the universe works. I'm at peace, centered, focused. It wasn't always like that. Before I found this game, I was looking for something. There was this gap in my life, a hole that needed to be filled. In fact, when I first tried to play, I was told I wasn't right for the game, I was too big, too rough. I actually broke a few ribs on a few of the others, even fractured someone's wrist. I was playing it too much like a contest of strength and that's not at all what it is." He sat back, looking off into space as he recalled his early days in the sport, not terribly fond of how they played out in the beginning, but he still considered them good memories.

"Wow, really? You mean there was a point where you almost didn't make it into the game?" She was certain that no one had bothered to ask him of his origins in the game. No interview before had covered this. This was going to be a story worth reading! The equine nodded softly.

"That's right. My first coach didn't want me in the court because he thought I would mangle the other players. He sat me down after my first practice and told me exactly what was wrong. He said I had to find something more suited to my... personality. I wasn't going to let that be the final word so I investigated. I watched the professional games. How they moved, what they did when they ran into one another, how they threw the ball, everything. There was a Zen-like quality to it all. In fact, that was the word that came to my mind."

Jessica began to see where this was leading, moving to lean onto the table a little bit, supporting her chin with a lightly balled fist. He had her full attention. There was nothing else she really cared about at the moment. She was liking this story.

"Lemme guess, you started studying martial arts."

Thomas nodded again, pausing to take a sip of the glass of water that had been resting there on the table prior to his arrival.

"Yes I did. I spoke to a sensei about my problem, needing to learn how to transfer energy and strength without hurting someone. There wasn't any one form that he thought would work well for me so he taught me a variety of moves. Before long, he was developing a whole school of techniques designed specifically for use in Gravitas. Last I heard, he was teaching over fifty students in a given class."

The feline grinned softly, her tail swishing gently behind her as she pictured the stallion before her practicing in a gi. Normally she would let her mind go to a rather impure place but for some reason Thomas had managed to keep her on the straight and narrow so far. Her eyes remained locked with his even if his gaze did not match hers.

"So, because of you, there are high school kids learning the same moves you use on the court. You are the first of a whole wave of miracle makers in Gravitas."

"Oh I don't know about that," he was blushing by this point, realizing how presumptuous it could sound, "It wasn't my intention to have followers. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there are kids learning how to play the game because it keeps them active and forming bonds with other kids. I just learned it on the face of it so that I could play the game, and I'm glad I did."

Jessica let a quiet purr slip from her lips as she listened.

"So that's sort of your origin story, a boy who became a martial arts master, a martial arts master who became a Gravitas champion."

Again the tawny fellow blushed, clearing his throat softly.

"I wouldn't describe it as grandiose as that, but yeah, I suppose that's my origin story... lord that makes me sound like some sort of comic book hero." His cheeks were quite flushed by now, looking down at his menu and hastily selecting something to try and distract him a bit. Such a flustered attitude he thought wasn't terribly desirable.

On the contrary however, his rather bashful shift when discussing himself seemed to interest the lady even further. She had already chosen something prior to his arrival, waiting for him to put the order through. Sensing that Thomas was somewhat uncomfortable with not only discussing himself but with as little modesty as she was allowing him, the tiger decided to change topics.

"Well, now that we've got your past pretty well covered, how 'bout we talk about where you're going. I happened to catch a glimpse of what you were studying earlier. You're major is physics? That's kind of uncommon for someone with a Gravitas scholarship don't you think?" She watched closely to see if it would ease his nerves a bit. Thankfully it did.

"Yes, I guess it is. So many athletes in school think that if they're good, they can just ride on their abilities without having to have a fall back position. I'm the other way around. I don't plan on going professional with Gravitas. I would rather keep it as a hobby and work somewhere that offers a little more of a contribution to society. It just happens to be rather convenient that I have a scholarship to pay for my classes."

Jessica nodded thoughtfully, spinning the straw in her glass as she listened, working to push him into a more specific direction rather than staying so general.

"A contribution to society you say, care to elaborate on that a bit? Maybe share some of what you plan on doing after college?"

"Well, there are plenty of positions available for someone with a healthy background in physics. I'll still need to complete my higher science courses, advanced quantum mechanics, hyperspace theory, relativistic diffusion, things like that. I was thinking maybe getting an internship at the Titan Shipyards. Probably would start off as a low level engineer's assistant but I'd like to work my way up to design, fabrication, maybe research and development. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be flying a consumer level ship I built." This particular topic seemed to ease the equine fellow a good deal, the discussion flowing more easily and more naturally than his exploration of what he did on the court.

His interviewer stifled a quiet purr, not wanting to sound too comfortable or unfocused. She wanted to present an air of professionalism.

"Wow, that's a lofty goal. If you're even half as good determining the behavior of particles in a vacuum as you are in the suit and on the court, then I think I'd be the first one in line to buy one of those ships. Is that your focus? Design and fabrication?"

Thomas shook his head, sitting back as the waiter brought their orders, waiting politely to start eating until he had answered her question more fully.

"Actually no. I'm looking into alternate forms of propulsion."

"Alternate propulsion? But isn't that sort of a dying field? With the advent of mark five Boseman Slipstream engine isn't it a little pointless to try and reinvent the wheel?" Her tone was not that of someone looking down on his position but one who truly wished to better understand him.

"And how many times have there been ships reporting the inability to use that engine for one reason or another? I'm not looking to completely replace it, but supplement it. If there is a catastrophic engine failure, you could be in a position that might require you to use some method of propulsion, be it to stabilize your orbit, bring yourself to a stop rather than falling into a dense asteroid field, or attempt to reduce the amount of time it takes for rescue and service vessels to reach you. Not to mention what goes on in between spin-ups and jumps. And not only that but not every ship out there uses the mark five. Interplanetary craft are not equipped with something so fast because they don't need to make such rapid jumps. The engine's method of propulsion is too violent and difficult to fine tune without a massive ship around it equipped with various other systems to counterbalance it. That would be one expensive, and exceptionally brief, trip from Mercury to Neptune."

"Wow, you've really thought this through. Your future must look pretty bright. I bet your girlfriend must be just waiting for you to put a ring on her finger."

A soft blush spread through the stallion's cheeks, unsure if this was part of the interview and whether or not it would be put in the article Jessica planned on writing.

"Actually, I don't have a girlfriend."

That surprised her.

"Oh... well, I guess, he must be a lucky guy then."

Thomas' rouge deepened further as he corrected the feline once again.

"Not a boyfriend either. I'm... I'm not romantically attached to anyone. Haven't been my whole life." He seemed mildly ashamed. Normally it wouldn't bother him but letting such information be added to an article that so many people would be reading. Something about sharing such a personal detail seemed to nag at him.

The sudden revelation that the handsome, intelligent, athletic stallion was single and had been throughout the whole of his days piqued Jessica's interest while simultaneously mystifying her.

"You've not had a single boyfriend or girlfriend, looking like that, playing like you do, and as smart as you are? How is that possible?"

Thomas continued to blush, greatly embarrassed all over again.

"I guess... I guess I just haven't found the right person yet. So many of the people interested in me just sort of threw themselves at me and... it was... well, kind of a turnoff. I saw how a lot of the relationships based on looks and ability turned out. I didn't want to get roped into something like that. I want a real relationship, one that has some chemistry. The kind where you can just look at two people and see that there's something more there than what's on the surface."

His feline date nodded as she slowly began to approach her plate, developing a strategy for how to attack her hamburger, massive in scope.

"I can respect that. And since you're not romantically attached to anyone, I guess that means there's not anyone to get jealous or upset if you teach me a few of those moves you mentioned." She could easily see that she had dug a little too deep, pulling back to help ease his tension by returning back to a more familiar arena. A calculating one, she was.

The russet horse bobbed his head as he worked to clear his mouth of the first bite of his own meal. He wasn't about to talk until after he had swallowed. It wasn't polite to spray food at one's guest.

"I don't see why we couldn't. The gym's got a few smaller practice courts, good for one-on-one games. They even have suits you can borrow if you don't have one of your own." In his mind, it was just a simple extension of the interview. Little did he know that by solidifying those plans, he was giving the feline more time to soak up more of his presence.

She didn't care so much about the game as she did just learning more about this surprisingly complex fellow. There was an alluring quality to him that could only be appreciated by those who were not taken in purely by the aesthetic of a situation. She turned off the recorder as they ate, engaging in only light, idle conversation to keep the mood of the evening from turning sour. She had managed to skillfully avoid such a fate earlier, partially because of the young sports star's willingness to explain himself. She wouldn't let that happen again.

The gymnasium was fairly quiet. At that time of night, much of the population that inhabited it was off preoccupied with other matters, like food, schoolwork, or sleep. Thomas chivalrously escorted the young lady at his side through the complex towards the Gravitas courts, requesting a little private time from prying eyes. He didn't care for spectators during his practice sessions, they could be distracting and he enjoyed not needing to focus quite so hard to isolate his mind. With the observation decks cleared and the windows shielded, he and Jessica would have all the privacy they might need. Just as he had proven to be a gentleman before, once in the co-ed changing room connected to their private court, he turned to look away as the feline changed, a gesture she took note of.

Out onto the court they stepped, the panel granting them access back to the locker room rising to seal them in as the gravity systems were brought online. Jessica shivered as she felt herself grow lighter, stretching this way and that in her form-fitting suit, accentuating various curves along her lovely figure.

"Wow, that feels interesting. I've never been on a ship that didn't have gravity plating before so... this is sort of a new experience for me. What do we do first?"

Thomas chuckled as he watched her acclimate to the new environment.

"Well, how much of the sport do you know?" He watched as she seemed to just stare blankly at him for a moment, suggesting that it wasn't much, "Alright well we'll start with the basics. Two teams of five, one on each side. Each team gets a ball. If you score with your team's ball, you get one point. If you score with the other team's ball, you get two points. There are twelve panels, or zones if you want to call them that. Distance markers are all they are really. It helps spectators get an idea of where the ball is relative to the goal lines. Zone one on each side is the goal zone. Zone six on each side meets to create the half-court line. We have different colored portions of the court to designate which part of a particular panel the announcers are talking about or where fouls occurred. Red on the bottom, then next to it is orange, then yellow, and on around until it gets back to red. Only the two forwards on each team are allowed to cross into the other side's territory without the ball in their possession. If someone has the ball though, it doesn't matter who they are, they can cross over into the other team's side. There aren't any real rules over how you move the ball. You can kick, you can throw, you can bounce it off the wall, or even other people. But because of the low gravity, you have to be careful how you do it or you could end up making yourself sick."

The tiger nodded, watching as her instructor gently pushed himself off the floor and moved to float in the center of the court, where she quickly joined him, still getting used to the strange weightless sensation.

"Make yourself sick?"

Thomas nodded and offered the lady a ball. He could hold it easily in a single hand. She however had a little more trouble gripping it, requiring two hands. He was a big fellow after all.

"I want you to take this and throw it as hard as you can at one of the goals."

The cat agreed and swung her arm back, finding it awkward to try and keep the sphere in hand, before slinging it forward. The semi-smooth object was launched easily enough but as a result, Jessica went tumbling backwards, spinning rapidly but traveling fairly slowly. She cried out in dismay as Thomas moved to stop her, helping her to correct herself.

"Okay... I see what you mean by that. What just happened?"

The equine snickered, having been far too amused by the attempt.

"The laws of motion. One of them states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. To throw that ball, you had to be thrown with the same force in the other direction. We can use that to our advantage though, but we have to focus that energy a little better. Here, try again but I want you to try it differently. Hold the ball with both hands in front of your chest, nice and close. Then, push it away from you as hard as you can and be ready to use your thrusters to stop yourself." He handed over the other ball that had been delivered to him through the court's automated rebound system, able to target the two players and fire it gently to them.

Jessica took the second ball and held it as she was instructed. With a careful aim, she shoved hard, straightening her arms with great force. The ball was launched swiftly towards the goal, this time in a straight line that held true rather than a bizarre trajectory that brought it into contact with countless panels. She flew back from the horse with a bit less speed than the object she had projected but more controlled than before. She tapped the controls at her waist to slow her velocity until she stopped. The buzzer sounded, notifying all in earshot that she had scored a goal. She cheered herself and grinned over at the horse floating towards her.

"Hey! I did it! And I didn't go spinning out of control! Man, this game is a lot harder than I thought it was. I figured with you guys moving so slowly that it was so effortless and easy. If anything, it's harder than a game that keeps gravity at a normal level."

Her tutor nodded and stopped just a meter shy of her, carefully guiding them back to the floor.

"Yeah, it takes more control and discipline to keep from making yourself tumble off in the wrong direction. Now, how would you like to learn a bit about the kinetic transfer techniques I've been using?"

The feline seemed quite eager to learn, settling on the floor and getting a feel once again for standing rather than floating.

"Sure, go right ahead."

Thomas nodded and took a stance that could have been pulled straight from any martial arts action film.

"First off, you need to have an idea of where your opponent is coming from. If you can't see them or know where they are, then it's all rather pointless. Second, you have to know where you want to go, or where you want to send them. If you want to go forward, you have to somehow use their energy traveling towards you to send you in that direction. It greatly determines what technique you use. I'm going to come at you. I want you to reach out, grab my arm, and pull yourself towards me but not to run into me, to pass me. Use your arms to keep from actually running into me but guide yourself around me."

Jessica took a similar stance, assuming that it was required for the lesson. She studied the equine carefully as he stepped away, putting distance between them before rushing forward again. It looked so silly watching him attempt to run in such low gravity. It was as though he was trying to run through mud or deep sand. He leapt from the floor to let his momentum carry him the rest of the way. The tiger folded her ears back, startled somewhat by the assault. Even in her stunned state, she had presence of mind to do as she was told. The slow velocity helped as well. Once he was close enough, she quickly snatched his wrist in her hands and pulled herself forward, finding it to feel rather awkward. She yelped in surprise as she lost contact with the floor and risked simply striking the horse. Hands moved swiftly to cushion the collision, pressing against his chest and working to 'climb' over his form. It was a good first try, but it ended up pushing her towards the floor, landing on her back while Thomas drifted up towards the center of the room.

"That was a good try, but as you can see, you didn't execute it with as little energy being directed away from your desired path. It's tricky and it takes getting used to. Get on your feet and come at me. I'll show you how I do it."

The journalist nodded and with a bit of effort managed to pull herself into a standing position. From there, she kicked off with a hard thrust from her legs, sending her sailing towards the chocolate stallion. He hovered there, waiting patiently until she reached the range of his arms. He quickly and gently collected her wrist and forearm, dragging her past him. The position of his body and how he locked his elbow into a particular angle kept them from running into one another and sent him gliding towards the floor as she continued on towards the ceiling.

"Wow, that was amazing! I hardly felt anything!"

Thomas nodded with a chuckle as he landed, remaining anchored on the floor for the moment.

"What you didn't feel was me stealing some of your energy. You had given yourself a good deal of kinetic energy when you jumped towards me. I simply redirected some of that so that I could use it to go the direction I wanted. With the right application of strength, you can actually give back some of that speed so that they never notice you using them unless they're already familiar with the move. Want to try it again?" He didn't even have to ask. Before he finished the question, she was already flying towards him again.

An hour or so passed before the two felt Jessica had learned enough of the basics to try her hand at playing the game against him. With a simple one-on-one match, no second ball was needed, it only got in the way and confused matters. Thomas went easy on the feline, so new to the game as she was. There was no point in showing off his prowess here. It was meant to be a learning experience and entertainment. And entertaining it was. Before long, the two had worked themselves into a state of mild fatigue, both sweating and panting softly as they drifted past one another, trying to score, trying to block, trying to steal the ball, trying to bounce it past one another. The cat was a quick study, taking what she had learned and putting it to good use. Thomas was deeply impressed.

As they strove to best one another, Jessica offered one last hurl of the ball, finding the strength to continue on to be quickly melting away. Her opponent masterfully collected the sphere from the air before it could move past his reach and turned about, bouncing it across the court, using the energy from the throw to let himself drift up and away, approaching the feline as they watched and listened to the final goal of the game. There was no official score. There was no point to keeping it. They had simply worn one another out, the feline more so than the equine. They finally bumped into one another, still struggling to catch their breath as Thomas held the striped lady by the shoulders, her hands on his chest. She chuckled and mewled softly to him as she felt his grasp holding her fast.

"I guess... you win."

The deep mahogany stallion nickered quietly, gazing down into the cat's eyes, finding something there that he had not seen before. There was something about this lady that seemed to resonate with him, something he had not sensed in others, at least not to this extent.

"Only if you say so. I think that's enough for now."

Jessica nodded in agreement, ready to put the game aside for the time being.

"Yes, I think so. But, what happens next?"

It was a curious question, one that would normally have been answered rapidly and confidently, in no uncertain terms. They would leave the court, remove the suits, shower if either of them desired, get dressed, and part company. But something seemed to slow Thomas' response. He had spoken earlier of chemistry. Could this be the early hints of just that very aspect he sought?

"Well... I guess... we should go get cleaned up?" It was all he could say. Anything more definite in their going their separate ways seemed rude, and hinting at something that kept them together felt chauvinistic.

A quiet purr rose from the feline's lips as she let her fingers slide slowly across the smooth fabric covering the stallion's firm chest.

"Clean is good. Let's do that." Instead of turning to head towards the passage back to the locker room as it was slowly revealed, Jessica remained in the large horse's embrace, staring inexplicably into his eyes. His touch was rather inviting. She found herself hesitant to pull away from that warm grasp. Slowly, the normal feel of gravity brought them back down to the floor and without pulling from one another's embrace, they made their way back out of the court, returning to the locker room.

Thomas finally came to a halt before the showers, looking into the tiled chamber then back at the feline in his arms.

"I should probably rinse off. If you want to do the same, you can go first..." He was such a gentleman.

Jessica chuckled and leaned up, offering the sizable equine a soft lick on the nose.

"It's a co-ed shower honey. You're welcome to join me. We're both adults. We don't have anything the other hasn't seen before." With that, she managed to pull herself away from his chest, as much as she didn't want to. Instead of heading into the shower, she made her way to the locker that held her belongings. Deft fingers began to unfasten the suit covering her luscious form.

The stallion blushed and moved to look away, doing as she did, removing his suit before going to shower. Every now and again though, he caught himself glancing over his shoulder to see if she was still there. What he saw eventually came down to an orange and black striped back covered only in a white undershirt that failed to reach her waist. Below it rest a white undergarment, not quite what he expected a lady to be wearing. They appeared to be more like boxer briefs, hugging her upper thighs quite closely. It was an alluring sight, one that made him jerk his head back around to face the metal storage bins in front of him.

The feline giggled softly, knowing exactly what he had been doing, finding it adorably amusing. If only more men were like him, the universe might be a little bit more entertaining. Once she was undressed entirely, the feline slinked her way over to the showers, stopping at the entrance to gaze over her shoulder at the stallion.

"Don't leave me waiting too long. I do get lonely rather easily." Her tail flicked as she rounded the corner, disappearing from sight. She was rather enticing and hoped that Thomas would let his inhibitions slide.

Hesitantly, he did, uncertain of whether or not the repercussions of what he was about to engage in might cost him his future. Still, he wasn't about to deny the advances of an attractive young lady who seemed all too interested in him. The stallion, no longer covered by anything save a towel about his waist, followed into the shower area shortly after her, swallowing softly as he found the feline basking under the warm spray of the steamy water. It was an image he was certain any other male would have given almost anything to even catch a brief glimpse of. Upon seeing him approach, the striped woman turned about, making no effort to cover herself. He swallowed again and offered a subtle word of warning.

"Like I said earlier, I've not been in a relationship before."

The tiger chuckled as she strolled closer, noticing that his gaze never fell lower than her eyes. Her hands reached out and began working about his waist, attempting to remove the towel.

"Oh now don't think that a single night's fun will be enough to qualify this as a relationship. Let's just enjoy ourselves and see where that takes us." It wasn't her intent to make it sound as though she wasn't interested in the notion, she very much was, especially after seeing his physique revealed from under that rather flattering suit. Instead, the comment was meant more to help ease the horse's nerves, thinking that he might be at least somewhat similar to other males and be at least somewhat fearful of commitment. She was once again surprised to learn otherwise.

"No, what I mean is... I'm still a virgin. I don't know if you've done this before or how often but I don't have any experience at all. I might be a little... unsatisfying." He was aware of what remaining abstinent could mean for the other partner, mindful of a potential mate's needs and desires. How on earth could this fellow not have let himself at least enjoy one night of passion? He could have anyone he wanted!

"Oh don't you worry about that sweetie. I've got just the thing to help you out with that... of course... if you're willing to try it. I know you're not entirely fond of using the visor but it does make certain things much easier," She purred and pulled his towel away, revealing his uncovered groin. A gasp escaped the feline as she gazed upon his manhood, marveling at its scale. There was no way he could have been born with that, "Are you a modder?"

Thomas furrowed his brow, still blushing furiously as he watched the tiger react to seeing his sheath and twin swells below, unsure if her question was meant to be out of awe or disgust. In fact, he wasn't even sure he knew what a 'modder' was.

"A what?"

Jessica looked back up to the horse, lifting a hand to her chest, lightly pressing her fingers to the odd object lodged in her just below where her collarbone should be. It was an oval shape, no larger than three centimeters long, almost like a precious stone rubbed perfectly smooth by a river or the waves of the ocean. Around it, nested in her creamy fur ran several azure lines looking not unlike circuit pathways along the surface of her skin which seemed to vanish only a few centimeters or so out from the stone itself.

"A modder. Someone who uses a body enhancer to modify themselves."

The equine furrowed his brow again, trying his best not to stare any lower than the stone out of sheer habit.

"N- no, I haven't used one of those before. I didn't even know there was such a thing. I think it would be against the rules of the game to use one of those," Tentatively, he reached out to run a single finger over the top of the strange gem, then down into the lady's fur to examine the connections, "Does it hurt?"

The tigress shook her head, purring softly as he caressed along her skin, enjoying the contact.

"Not at all. Not even when it first bonds. It's designed to be painless. My mother made sure of that," She watched as he tilted his head, waiting for her to explain, "My mother owns the company that makes these. They have a wide range of practical applications, but more often than not these get used for... shall we say... adult entertainment."

That brought a new blush back to the stallion's cheeks, realizing that the lady standing before him was indeed a very sexual creature, acting on desire and lust more than the average individual.

"I... I see. And... and do you use yours... often?"

The cat shrugged softly, turning to lean her back against the horse's chest, taking his arms and wrapping them around her in a warm embrace.

"Pretty often I suppose, though I do keep it fairly toned down when I'm out in public. But when I'm with someone in private, I tend to get a little... exotic with it." Her purrs continued to rise up to the chocolate equine's ears, her nude form offering a heat unlike anything he might have experienced before, and she realized that. Her tail flicked about down near his ankles, brushing against them softly as he tried to speak.

"Exotic? H-how so?" His stutters continued to flow, gradually beginning to nag at Jessica until she could not let it go any longer.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

He blinked at the rather sudden turn in the conversation.

"Un-uncomfortable? N-no! N-not at all!"

She raised an eyebrow as she turned back around to face him, still pressed fairly close.

"You seem rather nervous, which I suppose is understandable since you've not done any of this before. Is it because I'm a girl?"

He didn't want to admit it but her lovely shape, those luscious curves and swells he had trained himself to ignore over the years, did have a rather profound impact on him.

"Well, I... I suppose so. I... I'm not used to being in the shower alone... with a girl. Especially one so pretty as you. It's usually a bunch of other boys chatting, cracking jokes, snapping towels."

Jessica giggled and leaned up to offer the horse a kiss on the end of his nose, stepping back softly.

"Well if it's a boy you're used to, then perhaps that's where I should start. We can get back to this side of me soon enough." She closed her eyes and purred, a hand lifting to her visor, thankfully one of the waterproof models, and allowed it to interface with the stone in her chest. The gem began to glow softly, sending waves of radiant energy through the pathways visible under her fur, pulsing gently as her shape began to change.

Thomas watched in awe as the feline before him shifted, her form filling out in certain areas while flattening in others, slowly morphing into a more masculine shape, though still rather slender. Within mere seconds, the horse stood there before an effeminate male tiger, utterly stunned by the ease and speed of Jessica's transformation.

"How... how did you do that?"

The new boy chuckled and moved back to lean against the stallion, amused to find that he wasn't exactly as timid when dealing with someone of the same sex.

"It's connected to my body, able to access my genetic code and modify it in real time, then spread the changes throughout my system. I've got a few bodies saved in my 'favorites' rather than manually going through and selecting things menu by menu. What do you think? Is this better?"

Thomas wasn't sure if he should admit it to himself, let alone another, but it seemed to ease his troubles. The great dark fellow nodded and eased his arms back around the cat, stroking along his spine tenderly.

"Oddly enough... I... I think it is. At least for just getting started. I don't know if I'm one way or the other... I haven't really thought about it much. Maybe trying one then the other would help?"

Jessica, now going by just 'Jess,' chuckled and nodded, offering that broad chest he was pressed against a firm lick, dragging his rough tongue up along the well toned equine's musculature.

"That can be easily arranged. Now then, why don't you just have a seat and get comfy while I take care of the rest?"

Thomas nodded as his feline friend coaxed him into a seated position, his firm rump settling on the smooth, cold tile. A shiver ran up his spine as the tiger slipped into his lap, nuzzling into his form and moving lower oh so slowly, paying special attention to those firm pectorals, then the tightly coiled abs below. It wasn't long before Thomas felt the alien sensation of another person's breath washing over his groin. What came next would certainly be completely foreign to him.

Jess mewled softly and dragged his tongue across the horse's sheath, sampling his flavor. The resulting moan and twitch made the feline chuckle. Again he licked, amused by the sport star's reaction, urging him onward. Gradually, the stripped male picked up speed until finally he sealed his lips around the end of the great bulge, suckling away firmly as his lover's length began to emerge, filling his mouth with musky horse flesh. The warm, moist environment of the tiger's mouth left Thomas able to do nothing more than moan and shudder, but this was to be very short lived. Instead of finishing the job orally, the feline pulled away and moved his lips back to the equine's chest, kissing it tenderly. Below, Jess shifted his hips about, angling the firming rod up under his own tail.

It was a thought the stallion had let pass through his mind on occasion, but not with any real seriousness. Now however, it was actually happening. He would experience it first hand. He would find out if he was gay or if he in fact preferred the fairer sex. A groan escaped him as the tight pucker of the tiger's rump squeezed itself down over his protruding length, stretching and filling the feline quite well. Jess simply mewled and purred, more than pleased with the sizable monster he was sliding down on.

"Mmm, hard to believe you didn't mod this. It's sort of rare to find someone so well equipped without having done at least a little tweaking. It's kind of refreshing." Down he slid, finally settling completely into the horse's lap, those powerful arms wrapped tightly about his slender body. A visible swell had formed in his cream-colored belly, pressing against Thomas' stomach. How he was able to stretch so far without injury or pain stunned the horse but he could not possibly think about it now. He was far too engrossed in the tactile experience.

The two sat there for a moment, the tiger letting his new lover drink in the feeling of having tightly-gripping flesh wrapped around his manhood. He probably wouldn't know quite what to do from here, so Jess did the work for him. The striped male slowly slid back up along Thomas' form, shivering softly as he felt that void return under his tail, only to push right back down on the offending spire, moaning in delight as he was filled again. The act gave the stallion reason to pant, never before even conceiving that something could feel like this. He nickered and grunted, slowly beginning to try and shift his hips, uncertain of where he should push or when. Thankfully, the tiger riding him was more an expert, guiding him in his efforts.

"Ooo, yeah, just like that. Keep pumping... just... like that." The feline twisted himself slightly to one side, only to turn back in the other direction, adding a new level of friction to the grinding between them, panting happily as his own length bulged and throbbed between them, already leaving a thin smear of clear ooze in both his fur and the horse's. Strangely enough, Thomas didn't mind the sensation of another male's form pressed against him. It was an experience he actually found fairly pleasing. Maybe he was gay after all.

Speed was not a concern, though the tempo did increase slightly as the two pumped away, hands groping at one another to find the best anchorage to maintain their level of passion. The stallion lost all notion of performance and focused purely on the moment, not caring if he was good or bad, just wanting to feel it all. Jess was more than satisfied with the result thus far, clenching firmly around the ample shaft lodged inside him. Had he not known any better, he would have sworn it was someone's arm.

Louder they moaned, brushing back and forth against one another, harder and faster, aching for release, gasping for air, fingers dragging across one another's backs. It was quite the display, and one hell of a way for Thomas to lose his virginity. If this was how relationships started, he certainly was not about to dismiss the idea this time.

The spray of the showers drowned out the sounds of their love-making, flesh slapping against flesh, wet squelches echoing off the tile, but the one thing the sound of the water could not cover up was their vocalizations, moans, mewls, nickers, and yowls. They were a noisy pair and they didn't care who heard them. Heat built between them as the passion came to a head, threatening to tear them both asunder until at last, the great stallion filled the room with a neigh that could likely be heard down the hall outside. His shaft pulsed with an unearthly strength, unleashing a tidal wave of seed into the thin tiger. A noticeable, spherical swell formed in Jess' middle, stretching his luxurious fur as he was filled, left panting and moaning. It was worth mentioning that Thomas was in awe of what he had just been a part of, and there was so much more he had yet to partake.

"Ooo, are you sure you come by this naturally? Most folks I've met who can balloon someone out like that have to mod in order to get that kind of production." Quietly, the tiger considered the possibility that perhaps it was merely years of repression that resulted in such a release.

"I... I promise... I've not done anything... to change how I look." He was still breathing quite hard, his head swimming through the aftereffects of his first true climax. He had begun to wonder if it was such a good idea to have denied himself all those years. No, it was fine. It wasn't as though he had been suffering. He just didn't know what he had been missing out on.

"Mmm, well how 'bout I just give you a demonstration of what this little gizmo can do for you?" The smaller male twisted his hips, grinning softly as he elicited more moans from the horse under him, squeezing the ample shaft still tucked neatly into his rectum.

"Sure... why not? You can undo it right?"

"I promise, nothing I'll have it do to you will affect your performance on the court. Now, carry me to my things?"

As if under some strange spell requiring Thomas to do all as he was told, he sat up, pulling the striped cat to his chest firmly as he worked himself onto his hooves, clopping casually if somewhat unsteadily from the shower back to the lockers. There he sat down on the smooth bench just in front of the metal panels housing their belongings. Jess giggled and leaned up to lick under the equine's chin as one of his hands fiddled with the wall just behind the mahogany fellow. The sound of one of the lockers opening came forth and the feline reached in, retrieving something from his purse only to close the door once again. A second perfectly smooth stone was revealed and held up for Thomas to view.

"I usually keep a few spares on hand for just such an occasion. You'll need your visor for it to work."

The exasperated horse nodded softly, fumbling with his own locker before retrieving his own device, lifting it to slide it over his eyes just seconds before the feline snatched it from his fingers. Jess played with the equine's trinket for a moment before returning it to him, giggling a little.

"Sorry, thought it might be a good idea to link mine to it so I can walk you through the setup. It'll make it go much faster."

Thomas nodded and collected the returned visor, slipping it on before blinking several times as it brought the interface into his field of vision. He was so unused to using the thing he had forgotten how strange it felt. The loading screen passed quickly as the computerized display booted up, finally reaching stand-by mode. Without saying a word, Jess tapped in through his own visor and began the process of connecting Thomas' new plaything. The stone in the feline's hand pulsed and flickered softly as it linked with its new owner's visor and the striped male pressed it softly against the stallion's chest.

"Is this going to be permanent?" He still seemed concerned over the legality of having one of these things attached while on the court.

Jess shook his head and nuzzled into one of the larger fellow's pectorals, purring deeply.

"Not at all. You can take it off at any time, it just takes a little while for it to... 'let go' so to speak." As he held the smooth stone to Thomas' chest, a similar network of circuitry began to emerge, pushing into the horse's skin. It was painless but not totally without sensation, and the sensation was quite strange. He shivered while the cat watched, giggling quietly until the oval object was in place, holding firmly to the equine's form.

"Okay... it's on. Now what?"

"Now, we let it map you. Should only take a few seconds," Just as he said, the device automatically examined its new owner and popped up with a curious display of the horse's body, "There we go, now, we'll save what you've got currently as a baseline. That way, no matter how much you mod, you can always come back to your original profile. We'll start off nice and easy and just make one or two simple modifications, nothing too drastic." The cat then went into action, entering commands remotely until a single 'button' appeared in Thomas' eyes reading 'apply changes,' flashing softly. It was selected and immediately, the stone in his chest began to pulse and glow once more, sending out waves of energy through the connections it had made with his body. A curious, warm, tingling sensation spread quickly across his entire form, making him shiver before it faded and the stone ceased to glow. All in all, it appeared as though nothing had been done.

"What was that? It felt really weird."

"That was the update process. Once you've selected all the changes you want to make, it goes through and sends out a signal to your body to modify your genetic code to apply those changes. I've only added a few little things, nothing that should affect you on the court, but it should make our fun a lot more interesting. You just lay back and let me take care of everything honey." He cooed, offering the equine a firm kiss on the lips.

To Jess, it was nothing he had not done before, but to Thomas, it was his first time kissing a boy. Something about it felt very odd, not unpleasant, but indeed different. He had no real basis of comparison having never kissed anyone, male or female, prior to tonight but it didn't change the fact that he still wasn't sure if he 'swung that way' yet. While they pressed together in the affectionate embrace the feline had instigated, Jess slowly lifted himself up, hesitantly removing the equine's member from his heated grasp. It felt good having it in him, but he had other plans, and more than likely, he'd get a chance to have it back in him again soon enough.

A mewl escaped the tiger once he was no longer impaled on that firm rod, settling back in Thomas' lap as the kiss was broken. He grinned, offering not a single word as he went to work again, taking that firm length in one hand and stroking the tip with a single finger from the other. The sounds that came from its owner brought a grin to Jess' lips. His grin widened as he watched the horse shiver and moan deeply once he began pushing a single finger into the narrow opening so much seed had flowed through just moments earlier.

It felt amazing. Thomas had imagined something like that would hurt a great deal, but thanks to whatever it was the stone on his chest had done to him, no such discomfort resulted. Instead, it was quite the opposite. So strong was the positive reaction in fact that Jess felt encouraged to continue with his plan, lifting a single foot and poking his big toe against the stretched slit. The cat giggled the whole time until the pressure from his leg saw the whole of his paw slip out of sight, stretching Thomas quite far.

"Oh god! Wh-what are you doing!?"

The tiger refused to answer, simply pushing his leg in further, lifting his other foot to add to the first, oh so slowly pressing it down into the hot, musky depths of the rippling shaft. As it stretched further to contain both of Jess' feet, its owner moaned and squeezed his eyes shut, no longer paying attention to the readouts of his vitals. All he could think about was the sensation of having two feline legs pushed into his member, and it felt wonderful. Further Jess shoved himself in, passing his knees in short order. The grip of that great, dark shaft around his thighs brought a shiver of his own up his spine, cooing happily as he felt the salty, transparent ooze so frequently associated with arousal flow up around him and mat his fur down.

Within only a matter of minutes, the cat was lodged in Thomas' rod right up to his hips, the feline's own shaft pulsing and throbbing away powerfully, only a small portion of it poking out of the hungry monster slowly devouring him. Jess brought his hands up and wrapped his arms about the stallion's neck, kissing him deeply once more, holding it for as long as he could muster. Thomas' powerful arms curled tightly around the lithe feline's form, mashing him to his chest, losing himself to the moment, not caring what gender his lover was, only that they were sharing an experience he would never forget for the rest of his days. Hours it seemed passed like this, the tiger half trapped in the black python attached to his equine companion, his feet wriggling away in the bulging swell below, already able to feel the sticky, viscous pool he would be curling up in. It excited him. Finally, after an eternity of silence, he pulled away and grinned broadly at the horse.

"I'll see you in a little while. Once I'm in, you just do whatever you like. Go practice s'more, maybe go back to doing your homework, or you could just go straight home and let me back out. I'm your prisoner, yours to do with as you please." He winked and released the horse's neck, letting the firm sucking of the great spire of manhood below continue to drag him in. With nothing left to anchor him, the cat slid down past his stomach surprisingly quickly in spite of his gurgling, sloshing tummy, bloating the equine's scrotum further and further. He pushed his hands in so that his arms would be trapped, now wedged in right up to his chest while Thomas simply panted and watched through glazed eyes.

The scene before the equine continued on without his aid, his hungry shaft gulping his feline lover down without any difficulty at all. Soon, all that was left was the tiger's head, the horse's member 'kissing' at his neck and holding there for a moment. The stallion groaned and arched his back, unable to contain himself any longer. A mighty climax washed over him and a thick spray of creamy white gushed up around the slender cat, splattering onto the horse's chest while the trapped feline vanished from sight, dragged right down into the musky chamber below he would remain in until Thomas saw fit to release him. It was incredible.

A hand moved to the corpulent sac below, squeezing and kneading over the tremendous bulge as if to see if it was indeed real, if Jess had indeed been crammed inside him. The resulting squirms and giggles that ensued destroyed all doubt. He had consumed his first sexual partner with his penis, and lord it felt wonderful. Thomas sat there, lounging against the lockers behind him for quite some time, just panting to catch his breath, messy once again from their exploits. A new image appeared on his display, showing the image of a familiar looking tiger as well as his vital signs. Everything appeared to be stable; breathing, heart rate, pulse, and a few other key levels. He could keep track of his occupant without even needing to speak to him. How convenient.

With a grunt, the horse rose to his feet, staggering slightly under the added weight between his legs, surprised somewhat by how his shaft seemed to have gained a bit of size, possibly merely a result of stretching so far to consume the little tiger. From there, without a word, he crossed back into the shower and began to clean off. As he rinsed the spooge from his chest, he could not help but fondle himself, stroking over the gravid orbs containing the striped male that had offered himself as a sacrifice, nickering now and again. His other palm moved to his engorged mast, passing slowly up and down, again and again as he marveled at what had just transpired. He continued in such a fashion until he realized it was becoming a bit too much and he filled the room with a whinny. A powerful blast of seed gushed out onto the floor, carrying with it a drowsy feline, his fur soaked in the horse's essence.

Thomas slumped to his rump as he panted, coming down off the intense orgasm before noticing he was no longer carrying. He whimpered quietly and moved over to the poor, shivering tiger. He was cold, having gotten used to the pronounced heat of the horse's scrotum. Without a moment's hesitation, Thomas began working to slide the cat back into himself, shivering and grunting as he fought to keep from losing himself in the sensation all over again. With half of the cat tucked back away into him, he cleaned Jess' cheeks softly with his broad, flat tongue and nuzzled into the orange fur he found as if to thank him. From there, he pushed the tiger down once more, forcing him back into his heavy balls again, shivering as his shaft sealed the cat back away.

Just the act of doing something so outrageously impossible tantalized the stallion. Even if Jess was not interested in a long term relationship, maybe he could find someone else who wouldn't mind getting stuffed away in there from time to time. And at least it would be easy to get him back out when he was ready.

The water was turned off and the horse slid his shirt back on, uncertain exactly of how to handle his pants. They would never fit over such a massive swell. But what about his sweat pants? Would they stretch enough? Maybe. It was worth a try. Luckily, he happened to always keep a pair in his gym bag. Out came the unflattering grey trousers and over his hooves they slid. With a good deal of stretching, grunting, and squirming, struggling to tuck this and that past the elastic waistline, the horse managed to miraculously conceal his bloated testicles behind the fuzzy, warm fabric. At least he wouldn't appear completely indecent, though with such a tremendous swell between his legs, it would be hard for anyone not to notice.

Thomas gathered his things as well as those of the feline who had once been female, packing them all away in his bag before throwing it over his shoulder. With a bit of practice, he found a gait that would allow for relatively ease of movement without jostling himself too much. As he left the private court, he did garner a few looks and stares from others he passed, bringing a furious blush to his cheeks. Thankfully, no one spoke to him on the subject. It seemed that most considered it to be a private matter that should not be pressed. Others simply stared as if to drool. That more than anything made Thomas blush all the harder.

The trip back to his dorm, which was for all accounts accomodations unlike anything a regular undergraduate student should have, was relatively short, and thanks to his scholarship, perfectly private and nicely furnished. There he dropped his bag on the couch, tossed his shirt to the floor, and worked those confining sweat pants off before flopping down on his back atop the plush bed. There he lay, groaning quietly as his hands reached down to explore the tiger's form through his flesh once again, careful not to excite himself too much. He was exhausted. He wasn't even sure he had enough energy to try and let Jess out at the moment.

Within mere seconds, he was unconscious, rumbling away contentedly in his sleep. The tiger would just have to wait until morning. At least it was Friday. No class tomorrow. They could take all the time they wanted to exploring one another.

The artificial sun rose and fed its light through the narrow slats of the blinds, warming the dark stallion as he snoozed on his back, sac still quite full. He yawned and stretched, smacking his lips as he stared dazedly at the ceiling. Could last night have been nothing more than a bizarre dream? What did that say about him? His mind conjuring up tigers that changed genders and willingly fed themselves to other people's shafts? That just didn't seem like something he would ordinarily dream about. Of course, once he sat up and saw the gargantuan bulge between his legs, he realized that it wasn't just a dream.

Initially, he was whipped into a mild frenzy, cupping his hands around his scrotum, worried that perhaps the feline had been left inside him too long. The visor sensed its owner coming back from sleep and restored the display of vitals for both the wearer and occupant. Everything checked out and he could even hear and feel a gentle purr rumbling away under his skin. He was perfectly healthy, if very sticky.

Unceremoniously, the stallion hoisted himself off the bed and clopped into the bathroom, switching on the shower and drawing the curtain before quickly beginning to stroke himself. His fingers brushed over the tender flesh of his shaft liberally as he squeezed his eyes shut, grunting in exertion. Never before had he even considered the notion of masturbating to make sure someone was alive, but here he was, unwilling to trust the readouts of his visor, pumping away furiously. He shivered and worked his arm rapidly, a burning sensation beginning to build in the muscles until finally, he found release. He threw his head back and cried out as his member spasmed, splattering the far wall with a gooey, creamy stain as he felt the feline's form slide up and through his throbbing shaft, stretching it once again. However, something felt strange this time. Jess didn't feel quite the same. Perhaps the bulge he had given the cat had finally shrunk away, but that didn't seem quite it.

Out slid the feline, landing on the smooth floor with a wet plop. There was indeed something different. The tiger looked much more like the figure Thomas had encountered initially, feminine, including the same breasts he had stuttered and blushed over, but the sheath from the male shape remained. It was quite curious. Tenderly, he scooped the lady up in his arms and held hir under the warm spray of the shower, cleansing hir fur of his sticky contribution. Shi mewled and yawned as shi slowly came around, purring happily as hir eyes drifted open to find shi was curled up in the strong arms of hir equine lover.

"Mmm, and good morning to you handsome. How'd you sleep?" Hir emerald eyes sparkled as shi melted into the horse's embrace.

"I slept well, better than normal I think. Last night was... was interesting."

The tigress giggled and leaned up to offer Thomas a kiss on the nose, slowly moving to support hirself on hir own legs.

"Well I hope you enjoyed it because I know I certainly did. Tucking me back away for a second time last night, that would seem to suggest that you liked it." Shi winked at the large fellow, turning to press hir back against his chest and purr.

Thomas simply blushed and nodded, lowering his head to nuzzle into hir cheek from behind.

"I did. Very much. I didn't know something like that was possible. And... did staying in there so long change you? You didn't look like this when we met or when you slipped in." He released his grip on the lady as shi moved to step away and turn about, offering him a complete view of hir body, not at all modest about it.

"Actually no, you didn't do anything to me. I did this. This is how I am naturally... well, with a couple of tweaks. I was born a hermaphrodite and I use the stone to kind of downplay that when I feel like it would be helpful. You don't mind do you?"

The stallion shook his head vigorously, reaching out to pull the feline back into his arms and stroke over hir back, rumbling quietly as he spoke.

"No, not at all. In fact, I think I like it better than either one by themselves. Just a guy, sure, I didn't mind it but it still felt a little weird. Just a lady, I felt really nervous and awkward. But this, I dunno, I feel really comfortable around you when you're like this." His nose lowered back into hir fur, inhaling hir scent as he cradled the cat against him.

Jessica cooed and purred, running hir hands up along the stallion's muscular sides, enjoying the affection a great deal. Shi was a feline after all.

"Mmm, good, then I can just be myself whenever I spend the night." Shi grinned up at the horse, waiting to gauge his reaction. And it seemed to be an acceptable one.

"Spend the night? R-really? Does that mean-?"

"That we're a couple? Well that's up to you really. I certainly wouldn't mind. Would be a hell of a lot of fun teaching you all sorts of kinky things in the bedroom... but if you're not interested in that, I suppose I can just let this whole thing be nothing more than just friends with benefits." Hir voice held only a tiny hint of disappointment at the notion of parting ways. Shi really did want to see just how far shi could take him in the bedroom before he said stop.

"Well, if you don't mind me being nervous a lot, sure. I wouldn't mind finally having a girlfriend. At least for the rest of the semester. I'm sure you've got plans of your own and I don't want you to feel like you have to put them aside or anything." He was quickly silenced by a firm kiss, stunned softly by hir reaction. When shi finally pulled away, he was left just a little dizzy.

"Mmm, oh I've got plans alright, but they're easily shaped to fit where I want to be and who I want to be with. Don't think you're going to get rid of me so easily." With that, hir stone began to glow again, shimmering as hir form changed once more, this time growing, making hir taller. Soon shi was a good ten centimeters taller than the stallion and adorned with quite the physique. Within a matter of seconds, shi had taken on the appearance of a body builder.

Thomas blinked as he witnessed the transformation, now having to look up to meet Jessica's eyes, suddenly finding himself with his muzzle pressed into hir much larger, pillowy chest.

"Wow... I... I didn't know you could do that too!"

"Yeah, it's a neat little trick. This one I don't get to use just a whole lot. Do you like it?"

The stallion quickly nodded and nuzzled down into the tiger's chest, closing his eyes and rumbling away gently. All he heard after that was a simple, quiet 'good' from his new girlfriend. What followed was done without a single word being uttered. The feline's hands moved down to cup the horse's firm buttocks, hoisting him up off the floor and holding him against hir chiseled form. He didn't seem to fight hir in the slightest, eyes still closed as he was 'manhandled' ... or in this particular case, perhaps 'tiger handled,' not noticing the sizable increase in hir manhood that came with the jump in muscle mass. That ample sheath, at least as wide across as Thomas' palm, bulged and dribbled lightly under him. He had given the feline a ride last night, now it was his turn.

Again, without a single word, the feline lowered hir horse down over hir manhood as it slowly began to emerge from hir sheath, purring deep in hir throat as it transitioned from one warm place to another, making Thomas squirm and moan. His anus stretched easily around the offending shaft, filled effortlessly as the length, easily bigger than his, slid into him. Again, it was a new experience, one that left him unable to sit still, but it certainly was not an uncomfortable one. His lips parted as he groaned again, his arms tightening around the tigress holding him aloft. Finally, he felt two ample swells press up under his tail. It was hir scrotum. Whatever changes shi had made to hirself, shi had not skimped in any department, and Thomas found himself beginning to drool a little in absolute lust.

The feline bucked hir hips, stealing away the horse's breath. That gargantuan rod trapped in his rectum pulsed and slid freely against his flesh, soaking his insides in the clear ooze that only made the going easier. Again shi bucked and he moaned, the slow start to a repetitive, glorious thrusting that left poor Thomas unable to speak. He merely nickered through his pants, squeezing his cheeks around that powerful invader as the friction built a powerful heat between them, a heat he had felt the other side of only the previous night. Never before had anyone even tried to dominate him like this, and he found himself enjoying it even more than being the one on top.

Harder and faster the Amazonian tigress pumped, growling softly as shi reamed the poor pony's backside, pushing so deep into his rectum he could feel that ample girth pressing up towards his stomach. His own length bucked wildly between them, brushing against the creamy fur wrapped over Jessica's sculpted abdomen, feeling each mound of muscle and reveling in the power they held. Being able to give up all his control to this beautiful, unstoppable force was rather liberating, not to mention the fact that he was finding out that anal sex was indeed quite enjoyable.

"Oh god! I'm almost... I'm almost-!" His voice caught in this throat while Jessica just purred and continued hir work, chuckling gently.

"I know." Shi growled again, nibbling at the horse's neck affectionately as shi squeezed hir arms tight about the stallion, hissing through hir teeth as shi unleashed a flood into him. Just as shi had been given a nice bloated belly full of seed last night, so too did he receive the same. His abdomen bulged as his length twitched wildly, splattering his own essence between them as the rod locked under his tail pumped what felt like liters and liters of wild tiger seed into his colon. He was left breathless, even unable to make any sort of noise of climax. Jessica simply purred and kissed his cheek tenderly as he trembled and fought to recover himself. One of hir hands moved to his swollen tummy, stroking it, feeling it slosh about under his short fur.

There was something about this situation that both of them adored. Thomas being the submissive, Jessica being the dominant. Sure they wouldn't keep it like that all the time, that might get boring after a while, but it would certainly become one of the horse's favorites. He closed his eyes and fell limp against the lovely goddess holding him, panting heavily as his mind reeled.

"Awww, did I wear my little pony out? Maybe I should put him to bed." The feline grinned and licked hir lips, dragging hir rough tongue across the equine's cheek. He offered no response save a quiet rumble in his throat. He was truly spent, and shi wasn't about to let that stop hir from enjoying his company. The feline parted hir jaws and lifted Thomas' head to hir lips, sliding his long muzzle into hir maw, slurping quietly at his form as shi swallowed. Shi wasted no time in dragging his head from the world outside. Another firm tug saw his shoulders disappear as well. Shi was making short work of him, and he was in no condition to try and stop hir. In fact, a curious little grin spread across his muzzle as shi devoured him. Shi wasn't about to kill him off, not after mentioning shi wanted to show him what shi could do in bed. No, this was just another fun little trick.

The tiger's jaws passed quickly over hir lover's chest, sliding him in right up to the bulge in his gut, still sloshing and gurgling away on the seed that had been pumped into it. Much to Thomas' dismay however, shi was being forced to retreat from his rump, leaving him feeling a bit empty. It was of little consequence though, he'd have hir back under his tail soon enough. Or him under hirs. Or somewhere else. Whatever the case was, he was sure to enjoy it.

Jessica stretched hir jaws wider still, managing to work that noisy belly into hir mouth, pulling the stallion's sagging rod in with it until hir tongue fondled away at his groin, teasing and tasting away. Now wasn't the time to try and bring him to orgasm again. There would be plenty of other opportunities for that. For now, shi wanted him to be comfortable and well rested, and what better place to do that than in his girlfriend's belly? Down he slid, finding the slick, spongy walls surrounding him to be rather soothing, as well as the powerful thumping of the lady's heartbeat. He didn't seem to think it odd at all that he found hir stomach to be a comforting place, wrapping him up in hir all encompassing embrace. It was actually rather romantic the more he thought about it.

Down slid his thighs, filling the tiger's throat as shi hoisted his hooves skyward, gulping quickly until they reached hir teeth. Hir jaws snapped shut behind them and one last powerful swallow sent them into hir throat. The last bulge he made traveled out of sight to join the rest of him in hir round, rotund belly. Hir palms caressed over the great swell as shi purred, letting a soft belch escape before shi turned hir attention back to the shower, cleaning hirself off. He was quite the filling snack, and shi was sure he'd think the same of hir when he got the chance to play the predator. For now though, bed sounded good.

The water was turned off once Jessica was clean and shi dried hirself, admiring hir horse-filled belly in the mirror before turning to head back to hir lover's bedroom. Shi hiccupped, settled atop the sheets, and purred, curled up around his form tucked so perfectly under hir fur.

"You better rest up real good in there honey. You've got a long weekend ahead of you. It's a good thing you got your homework done already because we're just getting started."