Night at the Galaxy
#1 of Night at the Galaxy
I uploaded this on FA but I was told that I should upload it here as well. Please enjoy. It's a short romance story that may get more chapters eventually.
Night at the Galaxy
By: Sorakirn
Dejection, That's all Marc could remember seeing in David's eyes when he came home without his job at the Diner. The red fox's look of pure sadness reflected in those two deep pools that the Clydesdale loved so much. They had only been living together a few months and money was still a little tight but with their combined paychecks they had been able to live a comfortable life together. Money would start being tight but they had put a little extra money away just in case something like this had happened.
A few weeks had passed and David was still searching for a job both online and in the newspapers but things hadn't been going well. Fortunately, Marc still had his job as a bartender at a local gay strip club called The Galaxy downtown so they still had some form of an income. However, Marc was getting more concerned with David. Everything that he had tried lead to a dead end and no job and as the days passed David became less and less like the happy guy that he had fallen in love with. It was still early and not many patrons were at the bar and none of the "performers" were doing their acts just yet. Marc found himself leaning against the bar when the otter that was his boss approached him.
"Hey Marc, How are things going with David's job hunt"
"Oh you heard about that?"
"Well you seemed down so I asked around and found out about the predicament you two are in."
"And what's your point Russ" Marc glares
"Hey hey easy there champ, you two make a nice couple and I want to help you two out"
"And how would you do that"
"Well you know we have some spots to fill in during a few time slots and I figured David could come in and wait on some tables, do some cleaning up, maybe put on a performance or two."
Marc's voice gets a bit angry "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second. You want David to dance!"
"Oh come on you see how guys look at him when he comes in. He's an attractive guy and you're lucky to have him. But let's face it the two of you could use the extra money and he could draw in more customers. And the dancing would be tasteful I swear."
Marc sighs in defeat "Fine I'll bring it up with him"
Russ leaves him to reflect and Marc spends the rest of his shift wondering whether or not it is a good idea to tell David about the possible job at the bar. David was already asleep when Marc got home from work. He slid into bed next to him and tossed and turned for a while in an attempt to get comfortable before eventually succumbing to sleep.
The next morning David was already out of bed when Marc woke up. The scent of freshly brewed coffee was in the air as well as the smell of breakfast. Marc walked into the kitchen of their apartment to be greeted by David's slender and slightly feminine frame in nothing but a pair of tight fitting briefs that would leave very little to the imagination if he weren't wearing a white apron to protect himself from the sizzling butter that was being used to keep the pancakes from sticking to the pan. Marc's own boxers began to tent slightly but he stopped himself from acting on his urges so that his boyfriend could finish breakfast. David turns his head to him and smiles warmly.
"Morning Sleepyhead, grab a seat I've almost got breakfast done."
Marc Yawns and moves to the coffee pot to pour himself a cup before sitting at the small table and grumbling sleepily "Morning"
"Hope you're hungry, I made a little more then I should have."
"I'm starving"
"Good, Oh and Baris from the club called. He said that he needs you to come in early. Apparently there was a bit of a tussle last night after you left and they need some help cleaning things up before Russ gets in today. I guess you won't be able to help me go job hunting today." David smiles.
Marc's ears perk up a bit "Actually speaking of the club and job searching. Russ came up to me with this crazy proposition the other day."
David's ears perk in curiosity "Oh and what was it?"
"He wants you to come work at the bar and wait tables and do some cleaning up, to fill in some of the time spots that have been popping up in the work chart."
"That's awesome Marc" David jumps into Marc's arms and hugs him "We'll be able to work together."
"I know, but there's a catch."
David looks at Marc and tilts his head "Oh? And what's that?"
Marc scratches the back of his head embarrassed. "Well he also wants you to dance."
David almost bursts out laughing. "That is definitely not going to happen right away, if at all, don't worry Marc I'll talk to Russ about the dancing, but I am going to be waiting on tables."
"Fine let's finish up breakfast and we can go down to The Galaxy"
The pair finished breakfast and made their way to The Galaxy. Standing at the front door is a mountain of a rhino easily towering over Marc and positively dwarfing David. The pair looks to him and address him.
"Hey Rynn"
"Ello boys"
Marc gives Rynn a look "So how bad is it in there?"
"Well a fucking elephant tried to shove his trunk up a grizzly's arse. I'll leave it to your imagination as to how bad it got."
"Was it that really grabby one that kept groping the waiting staff"
"You kick him out for good"
"I gave him the options of leaving or me breaking his other trunk. We won't be seeing him again any time soon."
"Good, I better get inside and help straighten things up"
"I guess you should. You lending a hand today David?"
David smiles "Russ wants me to wait tables"
"Ah good on you, finally getting a job. It's about time and if anyone gives you trouble in there you come tell me. I'll deal with them."
"Thanks Rynn"
"He didn't ask if you'd dance to did he?"
"He's trying"
"He'll cave"
"I know"
David follows Marc into The Galaxy. On a normal day it appears that the club would be a nice place. The purple and cream décor bring the place together and draw the eyes to the stage featuring three poles. The bar on the opposite side of the bar has a dark purple glass counter lit from below by lights. A few purple and cream sofas and lounge chairs sit around purple glass coffee tables. The main floor in contrast is a mess. Tables and chairs are strewn about the deep purple tiled floors, some of them broken. One of the coffee tables is smashed in leaving the table legs collapsed on a pile of glass. What appear to be table lights lay trampled on the ground, a shark stands in the middle of it all, lifting up tables and sweeping up debris. Marc and David approach the shark; he looks to them a bit peeved.
The shark stares at them "Took you long enough"
Marc looks to him with a smile. "Well sorry for not rushing in so that I could clean up late shift's mess. God Baris they really did a number on the place."
"Just a couple broken tables and chairs. The boss has a few extras stashed in a storage locker on the off chance that something like this happens. I already sent someone to get what we need to replace but gotta get this place cleaned up before they can move anything in. Now grab a broom and get to work."
The group gets to work sweeping and cleaning up debris. After an hour most of the mess is cleaned up. A truck pulls up front and a ram and an octopus begin carrying in tables and chairs to replace the broken ones. David brings in a box of table lights to put on the tables. Within an hour and a half the club is in presentable condition once more. Russ walks in and takes a look at the place in surprise.
"Right, what happened last night?"
The group responds "Nothing"
Russ looks to Rynn "There was a brawl last night wasn't there?"
Rynn looks to Russ and nods.
"Did we have enough stuff to replace everything?"
Rynn nods again.
"Ok I'll replace what you took out." Russ turns to David "Ah David, I guess Marc told you my offer?"
David smiles "Yeah he did. Although we need to discuss some things."
"I hate it when they say that, step into my office and we'll sort things out."
The two step into Russ' office. After a few minutes they walk out. David runs to Marc and jumps into his arms.
"Well I have a job."
Marc smiles "That's wonderful."
"And I don't have to dance if I don't want to."
"Even better."
Rynn pokes his head in the door. "Told you he'd cave."
Marc chuckles staring into David's eyes, now shimmering with hope. Things were finally starting to turn around and now his and David's future was looking brighter then before. Now he got to see how David would handle his first Night at the Galaxy.
To Be Continued...