A Dragon Slave: Chapter 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Yes, this was taken off of the discount story list, but the guy that got the original story wanted to continue it, so here's a second chapter of Draconicon's life as a slave to a kitsune. Hope you enjoy it.

A Dragon Slave: Chapter 2 By Draconicon

Draconicon had heard of what having a master was like, but he had never expected Lord Amatsuki to go so far beyond the stories. After being trained by the kingdom's brothel masters in the bedroom arts, the dragon thought that he'd learned every shameful thing that a male could do to please their 'master'. Over the last four months, his kitsune 'owner' proved him wrong.

He paused in his tracks, turning to look at a portrait of himself in the hallway. The naked dragon couldn't imagine what had possessed him to go along with the idea, but Lord Amatsuki was very...persuasive. He'd been pinned down for the artist, his ass up in the air as the lord impaled him. The angle of the painting was such that one could see the dragon's hole spread around the kitsune's cock, and he shuddered, his hole twitching to the memories.

It was absurd. He was a seven foot tall dragon with powerful magic, and he was being made to submit to a kitsune so much shorter than him that he needed to bend over to be at eye-level with the noble. He growled under his breath, but the sound quickly turned into a moan.

"Blasted enchantments..."

He glared down at his body. During his four months of captivity, his 'master' hadn't seen fit to give him any clothes. The kitsune seemed to take pleasure in keeping him as exposed as possible, and the harness and cock ring the kingdom had outfitted him with certainly accomplished that.

It was the latter making him moan. The runes around the metal band flared, sending a bolt of magic through his cock. It left him leaning against the wall from the pleasure, panting hard.

Sometimes he swore that his 'master' knew more about magic than he claimed. The ring had never been so intrusive before Lord Amatsuki got his hands on it. But that was impossible. Dragons had the greatest magics in the world. That was why the kingdom had declared war and captured them, and then humiliated them like this, renting them out like prostitutes.

Another bolt of magic shot through his cock, making it twitch. Draconicon cupped his hand under it as it continued to throb, catching the strings of pre shooting out a few seconds later. He shook his head, bringing his hand to his mouth and licking it clean. Much as he hated the taste, it was better than making a mess and dealing with the lord's punishment for damaging his home. Just remembering his last punishment made his feet ache.

When his cock softened, the dragon continued down the hall. The rug underfoot was a small comfort, but it failed to distract him from his memories, each one more perverted than the last.

Lord Amatsuki had a shockingly vibrant imagination. Whether the kitsune was renting him out to guests - and earning enormous profits from it - or making the dragon transform his body for constant variety, the noble seldom repeated himself. If anything, each act seemed to inspire something new. If the dragon had been an observer rather than a participant, he would have been impressed.

Over the last four months, he'd been turned into a female, made hyper-muscular, and at one point, even made to imitate the body of a guest so that the visiting noble could fuck himself. That night had been strange on many levels, but it was one of his few good memories. Maybe Lord Amatsuki had a feud with him, or maybe the visitor wasn't a top, but it had been his first night fucking rather than being fucked since he'd become a slave. First, and only.

His normal form, or at least, what his 'master' had decided was his normal form, was tolerable. He still stood seven feet tall and retained his wings and muscles, neither small nor large. He wore a collar above the chest-harness, the latter connecting the collar and cock ring to each other. He was still...mostly himself.

He groaned, stopping again as he was reminded of the changes that hadn't been reversed. Looking down at his cock again, his face burned in humiliation. The first thing the lord had done when he'd arrived was order Draconicon to shrink his cock. It had been halved to six inches that night, and he'd lost two more since.

It wasn't just the humiliation, though. In Lord Amatsuki's household, the smaller one's cock, the lower their place. The smallest cock in the house - namely his - had to submit to everyone. Draconicon dreaded the day when someone with less than four inches might arrive, as the lord would likely have him shrink yet further.

The other persistent transformation was less obvious, but no less humiliating. After the first night, his 'master' had decided that he liked a dragon that could self-lubricate, and had ordered him to keep his ass like a pussy, releasing juices whenever he was aroused. Since then, his hole had functioned like a toy than anything else, remaining wet oiled all day long. He still hadn't gotten used to the sensation of his ass cheeks sliding against each other from the lubrication.

He growled, about to punch the wall in frustration when he stopped himself. Considering how annoyed the 'master' made him, there would be a great deal of damage if he lashed out. And considering the punishment for that...

Draconicon shuddered. His memory of it was hazy, but he remembered being hung by his ankles and his feet whipped with a metal rod. Oddly enough, he remembered enjoying it before he was forced to suck on the kitsune's cock. His feet were whipped continually until his 'master' blew a load all over his face. The kitsune had left him hanging there with a long piece of...something...shoved up his hole all night long.

He thought that there had been something else, too, but he couldn't remember. It was too far back for him to see in his head. But it had been bad enough to make him think twice about damaging anything else.

The dragon paused as he reached a cross-hallway. The red carpet went everywhere in this place, but when he saw that he'd left the tapestries behind, he realized that he was getting dangerously close to the lord's personal quarters. Draconicon shook his head, reorienting himself.

Going backwards would take him towards the guest quarters, which he'd just left. Going to the left would take him to the 'master's' room, while going to the right would take him to the kitchen. He figured that a little food wouldn't hurt, so he chose that.

No sooner had he rounded the corner than a fox ran into him. The smaller male bounced off of his chest and fell to the ground with a clatter and clang. The guard groaned, shaking his head before pulling himself to his feet.


"Only Lord Amatsuki calls me that."

"You dragons don't remember things too well, do you?"

The fox chuckled, fondling himself. The dragon clenched his jaws as he refused to rise to the bait.

"What do you want?"

"It's not what I want. Lord Amatsuki is waiting for you out at the front gates. I imagine he has something he wants you to do for him."

"He always does. Why didn't he tell me himself?"

The guard chuckled, already walking around the dragon. His tail dragged along Draconicon's shaft, and the dragon bit his lips to stifle a moan. It didn't quite work, and his face burned as the fox grabbed his ass.

"Slave, you really need to get it through your head. You're not going to be a free male anymore. You're a toy here. Get used to it, and you'll probably start enjoying it a lot more."

He growled at the fox, but the guard had already moved on. The dragon shook his head, biting his tongue to keep from embarrassing himself further. Any more arguments would not only be pointless, they'd probably tempt the guard to fuck him on the spot to teach him his place. Considering that Lord Amatsuki didn't like tardiness, he couldn't afford to be late.

Damn that kitsune. Since when did I care about what others thought?

Grumbling under his breath, the dragon examined his mental map of the manor. With the guest quarters behind him and the kitchen on his right, the main hall would be straight ahead. Going through that and then out through the greeting hall would take him to the front doors in little more than a minute.

Forced to run, he was all too conscious of the way his ass cheeks rubbed together, spreading the slime that his hole exuded all over them. Every now and then, he caught a flicker of light against the wall, and knew it was the torchlight reflecting off his wet scales. He increased his pace; considering how he knew it must look, he didn't want give any guards in the halls a chance to stare for long.

After passing through the main hall and the smaller, shadowy greeting hall, he slowed down as he noticed that the front doors were open. The dragon sidled up to the doors and peered through the crack.

His 'master' stood beside a carriage, the kitsune dressed in leather armor of all things. It was a surprising choice, considering the kitsune's preference for soft silks.

He expected to see a dozen guards around the carriage, but the kitsune had only chosen two. Was Lord Amatsuki expecting no trouble during his travels? Or was his 'owner' planning on using dragon magic as a defense? He almost hoped that was the plan. Maybe he could delay things if they were attacked and break free.

He looked down at his collar and his hope died. As long as he wore that, the kitsune could command the dragon's magic as if it were his own. Without overwhelming numbers, few things could stand up to dragon magic, not without magic of their own, and most bandits didn't go in for that.

"Slave, if you're done spying, I want to set out. Come here."

Great. So he hadn't been as stealthy as he thought. Shaking his head, Draconicon pushed the door open and stepped out. The doormen smirked at him, one of them smacking his ass as he passed by. He whipped around, but the lord called him again, this time with less patience. He hurried to the kitsune, noting the noble's annoyance.

"After four months, I would think you'd have learned to follow orders immediately. I see that I'll have to be less lenient with you."

"You're holding me against my will. Do you really think that I'm happy about what's happening to me?"

"You don't complain when you have my cock up your ass, dragon. But then, perhaps you simply need to pretend you never fell." The vulpine shrugged casually, much to the dragon's annoyance. "Some people have to cling to their delusions. But regardless, you need to obey. I will not tolerate any embarrassments in front of other nobles."

"Does that mean I can disobey you in front of peasants?"

He jumped as he was slapped from behind, a tail-shaped mark left behind on his ass. Rubbing it, he glared at his owner. A futile gesture, as ever. Lord Amatsuki barely looked annoyed, let alone angry at his defiance.

"You will learn how to behave. Your behavior reflects on me, and while I will allow a certain amount of freedom -"

"I've yet to see any."

The kitsune's eyes narrowed. Draconicon reached back to catch the tail when it came, but a second one slipped past and caught him across the outer thigh. He barely had a chance to grunt at the impact before two more tails wrapped around his waist, lifting him off of the ground.

"I will allow a certain amount of freedom, but only if you treat me with the proper respect. The more you fight me, the less I allow."

He couldn't imagine the lord granting him any freedom, considering the past four months. A sex toy being passed between servants and nobles alike was hardly a life of freedom, nor in any way dignified. The fact that he climaxed from the various encounters didn't that he liked it, either. It was just a physical reaction, nothing more.

At least, that was what he kept telling himself.

The tails squeezed him tightly as they turned to the carriage. For the first time, he saw that there was no luggage along the roof, nor any trains of supply wagons. Either the lord had an exaggerated idea of his conjuring skills, or they weren't going very far.

"So...where are we going?"

He gasped as the tails squeezed tighter, forcing the air from his lungs.

"Where are we going, my lord, is the way you should say that."

"Where are we going...my lord?"

"See, we'll have you saying 'master' and treating me properly in no time."

Draconicon rolled his eyes. The noble had another thing coming if he thought dragons broke that easily.

"To answer your little question, we're going to a trading outposts at the edge of my lands. I need to collect a few taxes and pick up a number of things, so why not combine the two?"

"So why do you want me to come along? Tired of seeing your men fuck me?"

"Oh, don't be coy. You love it, slave."

He growled, only to be spanked again.

"At any rate, slave, I want you to come along. I want you to see the lands that belong to your master, and there are a few things that I'll be buying that I'll need to fit to you."

Fit to me? That didn't sound good. If the kitsune was starting to customize his equipment, it meant he was thinking of longer term ownership. Possibly he was thinking of going against the slave rules, of holding onto him past the year's deadline. The thought of being stuck with this lord past a year made him shudder.

They barely entered the carriage before it set off. He almost fell out of his seat as they rounded the first bend on the hill road, and struggled to keep his seat afterwards. Keeping a grip on the carriage window, he tried to calm down by watching the landscape as it fell away. It held his attention for perhaps a minute before something else pushed at the edge of his senses.

It was subtle, but impossible to ignore. Tickling his nose, he eventually gave in and took a sniff. Sharp, almost biting musk filled his nose, and he tensed up as he recognized the scent. The dragon refused to turn away from the window, even when the kitsune pulled the curtain shut with a tail. Another tail pressed at his head, pushing him to look at his owner. He fought it, tensing his muscles against it, knowing what he'd see if he lost.

Of course, eventually he did. The tails were too strong to fight, and his head was forced around. His owner's pants were pulled down, his sheath and balls hanging free. The scent quickly grew stronger as the windows were covered, and the dragon tried to cover his nose. Unfortunately, the noble was too quick, grabbing his arms with several tails to keep him breathing that musky smell.

"It's going to be a fairly long trip to the trading post, but lucky us, I know just the way to pass the time."



The dragon shook his head. The musky smell was so strong. Every breath filled his head with a warm fog, making it so hard to think. And...was he on his knees? Why was he on his knees? He'd been sitting -

His nose pressed against the kitsune's sack, his next breath pulling in a more concentrated version of the scent. It was sharp, slightly spicy as well as musky. He shuddered, his cock rising as he took another sniff.

"That's it, dragon. Breathe it in, and just forget."

Forget? What would...wait...he...There was a reason he shouldn't do this, right? There had to be.

He fumbled, trying to push himself back, but his strength had been sapped away. Three tails and a hand kept him pinned to the furry sac, and he took in more of the lord's musk with every breath. With each breath, more of his strength flowed away, and he slowly stopped struggling as his reason for it faded from his mind.

Soon he was pressing his face against the furry balls of his own free will. He found himself seeking out the musky scent, trying to find stronger concentrations of it, and he was nuzzling all over the kitsune's balls and the base of his sheath for the strongest smelling spots. It had somehow shifted from an annoyance to a need.

With every breath he felt a sharp tingle run through his body. It was very pleasant, very pleasurable. Sometimes he moaned from it, his miniature cock throbbing between his legs, twitching in happy tune with his breathing.

Despite enjoying himself, he felt...incomplete. Like there was something he was forgetting. That, and there was something throwing a shadow over his face. Tilting his head back, he saw the kitsune's cock. It throbbed above him, three times the size of his shaft and dripping over his snout.

"Heh, look what you've started, dragon. You know what to do with this."

He did? Yes, yes he supposed that he did. Draconicon slowly smiled as he dragged his nose along the kitsune's shaft, nuzzling it as he approached the tip. The scent got stronger, and he pushed himself further, moaning along the side of the big cock. He kissed it, licking along the sides wherever his nose picked up more of that strong, alluring scent.

As he reached the tip, the hand that had been holding him down pushed against the back of his head. He grinned, taking it as permission to do what he wanted, and slid down. The slick tip of the kitsune's cock parted his lips, and his tongue was coated in musky, salty juices as it slid inside. He moaned around it, eagerly sucking in more. How had he forgotten how much he enjoyed this?

Despite loving it, he was thankful for the hand pushing him down. It helped him accommodate the greater size with ease, and he quickly reached the base of the large, throbbing shaft. He tasted the juices at the sheath opening around the base of the kitsune's cock, and he stuck his tongue out slightly, lapping at it while he could.

Still, he couldn't hold himself there for long. He pulled back, feeling the cock head pass back into his mouth and out of his throat. The end was still saturated with the taste of pre, and he took a moment to savor the taste. It left his tongue tingling with the variety of flavors, and he moaned as he pursed his lips, pulling back to lick it directly.

Just as it passed his lips, they hit a bump. The impact sent him forward and the kitsune upwards, ramming the shaft down his throat. It was hard enough to make him gag, even though he kept sucking it the entire time.

"That's it, dragon. Keep it up, and maybe you'll have a nice treat by the time we get to the trading post."

He couldn't not, so he grunted. He felt the cock in his mouth throb a bit, a little extra pre spurting over his tongue. It was like he'd gotten a particularly strong burst of musk down his nose, and his own needs faded away, replaced by his owner's.

And he knew just how to satisfy those.

He bobbed his head along the shaft, sucking it into his throat and swallowing around it. Holding it there as long as he could, he eventually pulled back, suckling along the tip and whipping it with his tongue. His cock throbbed between his legs, matching the master's own twitches.

The bumps continued along the road, always surprising him and filling his entire mouth and throat with the master's cock. The forceful nature of each bump drove him crazy, feeling like he was completely at the whim of the large cock. He forced himself to relax, taking each bump as they came, and he slowly got used to them. Soon, he took each thrust-bump easily, going all the way to the base of his master's cock.

He even managed to take the knot this time. Too relaxed by the musk and pre in his mouth to care about the bulge, it rammed right past his lips and locked with his jaws. His master moaned, cock throbbing as it emptied a large, thick load. The dragon moaned around it, smiling as the kitsune put a hand on his head.

"Mmm, that's a good dragon...let's see if you can do that again."

It took the door opening and a gust of wind to wake him up. Draconicon groaned, rubbing his head as the musky cloud faded.


"Now, now, you shouldn't be sleeping, dragon. Come along."

He felt a tug around his neck, and he went with it, almost falling out of the carriage. Hitting the ground with a grunt, the dragon laid there for a moment before pushing himself up, too lost in his master's musky haze to think.

The world swam around him as he stood up. He could barely make out the shapes of rough, squat buildings - none taller than one - and the silhouettes of people moving from one place to another. Draconicon shook his head, but the blurriness refused to leave.

He soon forgot about it. The master's tail pulled him along, and as long as his master knew where they were going, he was sure they'd be fine. Particularly with the other, very nice foxes following at their sides.

"Welcome to Halstir Outpost, dragon. This is perhaps my favorite place, outside of the capital and my own home, of course. Can you guess why that is?"


"Of course you can't. My little slave is still out of it after having his master's sheath in his face the whole way here, isn't he?" The kitsune laughed. "It will wear off eventually. Do tell me when you figure it out, though."

His nose...sheath...what? He didn't understand, and he didn't know why. Was it the...or the...

Draconicon groaned, rubbing his eyes. He couldn't think. Any sort of puzzling out he tried just made his head swim.

As he brought his fingers down, he felt something wet. Holding them in front of his eyes, he saw something white against his black scales.

Cum? The thought came after a few seconds. He shrugged, licking it up as they stepped into a store.

The blur had faded a bit by then, letting him make out the items in the shop. Leather items lined the walls, ranging from simple harnesses to things more esoteric. Should he be blushing? He kind of thought so, but again, he couldn't think of why.

To his relief, the customers were less blurry, too. He was surprised to see that the store was owned by a panther, considering that they were still in fox and canine lands, but the feeling quickly disappeared. A few foxes and a wolf roamed through the rest of the store, each one eventually looking towards him.

Interestingly, they looked as strangely dressed as he was. The most any of them wore over their cocks was a leather thong, and most left their bits hanging free. Some wore x-shaped harnesses over their chests, while others wore a leather vest. The smell of sweat was almost as strong as the smell of his master's musk had been, and he wondered just how much they'd been doing in here...and why they were looking like they were ready for more.

The feeling of surprise - when it was strong enough for him to feel - faded quickly. It took too much thought to be surprised, just like it took too much though to feel embarrassed when two foxes followed them to the front of the store. The panther waved at them,

"Welcome to my shop, Lord Amatsuki. You bring me honor with yet another visit."

"Initsu, as long as you have the quality, you will also have the honor."

A strange shudder went down his spine as the panther looked at him. The hunger in those eyes...

The thought was gone, and he simply stared again.

"What may I find for you today, my lord?"

"What else, good panther? I come to the best to outfit my slave properly."

"Ah, say no more, Lord Amatsuki. Say no more."

It was like the feline's birthday had come early. Grinning widely, the panther ran off, leaving the dragon to stare into space at the spot he'd been. He vaguely heard some rustling, and figured that the shopkeeper was finding some back-room wares.

His thoughts were brought back to the present as his cheeks were spread. He looked back, seeing the foxes from before pulling his ass cheeks apart. One stroked a finger over his hole and gasped.

"I thought you brought us a male, Lord Amatsuki, but he's slick like a female back here."

The kitsune laughed. Draconicon turned to his master, only to have several tails grab his ass cheeks and pull them apart even further. A few puffs of air blew over his hole, and it puckered in eager response.

"See? It is a male's hole."

"But it's so wet!"

"That's because this dragon is a slut. And I'm making sure that everyone knows it."

His blush burned a bit. He shook his head, but it was a slow movement, more amused than in denial. The foxes chuckled.

"Well, he certainly isn't refuting it."

"What do you expect? If he's really a slave, he'd be trained to deal with it by now."

"Boys, boys."

The lord reached around him. A furred finger slipped between his ass cheeks, pressed against his slick hole and slid in. Draconicon hissed, standing on tiptoes.

"I appreciate the compliments to my slave and his training, but let's not get sidetracked. I have plans for him later; would you like to help me?"

They had to be grinning wider than the panther. There was nothing else that would explain that feeling of unease at his back.

They were interrupted by the panther Initsu before it could go further. Weighed down by metal and leather, the panther immediately caught the dragon's attention. His eyes followed the various accoutrements that the feline carried, attracted by the glimmering light off of the metal buckles. The foxes giggled behind him.

"Anything you let us do, we'll do, sir."

"Excellent. Now, slave, stand still while we outfit you in your new 'clothes'."

Draconicon nodded, submitting to the tail around his neck as it dragged him against the shop counter. As he bumped against it, his tail slid over the top, and his bare rump flattened against the edge. Another hand - not his master's - pressed against his ass cheeks, rubbing them. The panther, he assumed.

He barely noticed it, more focused on the equipment being dragged over him. Two long leather straps stretched around the chest harness he wore, threading through it to be incorporated with the design. One went down towards his crotch, ending in a piece of metal sliding over his shaft, while the other went over his shoulder and down his back. The leather was smooth between his wings, keeping it from becoming irritating.

Rather than going around his ass cheeks, the leather split in two to go around his tail and then under it. The metal ring at the end pressed right up against his hole, sending a shiver up his spine. It slid along the slick scales, but the master managed to keep it on track. With a firm push it slid inside him, holding his hole gaping open.

He gasped, his cock leaping up at the strange feeling. For the first time his blush darkened, and his master chuckled.

"It seems that you are taking well to your new pieces of equipment. Boys, how does he feel?"

The dragon shuddered as several fingers slipped inside of him. With his rim held open, they just slipped right in, rubbing against his inner walls. He couldn't keep them out, not that he would...would he? He didn't think so, but...

The probing fingers made it so hard to think. There were more than two fingers inside him now, he was sure of it, and it was making his cock throb. The rings around his cock - the original enchanted one and the new metal one - helped that along, sending natural and magical pleasure through his cock. He almost fell over as a particularly strong one almost made him cum then and there.

Another finger inside, from each of them. Six fingers in total, he slowly put together. They were stretching him out so much inside, making him feel so good. He moaned, slowly rocking his hips back against them.

"Man, he feels so loose. You must have fucked him every day for weeks, Lord Amatsuki."

"You are not wrong."

"You mean you have?!"

"Well, me and several members of my staff. I always reward excellent service."

"...Is there an opening, milord?"

"Hahahaha! So respectful all of a sudden."

He almost collapsed again when they pulled their fingers out. Were it not for the tail around his neck, he would have. His master pulled him along with it, dragging him towards the door as he moaned, his hole flexing around the ring keeping him spread open.

Stopping at the door, his master shouted over his shoulder as he threw a bag of coins to Initsu.

"If either of you are serious about working for me, please come by the manor in a few days. I'll see about having my slave check your 'qualifications.'"

"Thank you sir!"

"Yes, thank you, Lord!"

The two of them left the store. As he stepped outside, he realized more details were coming to him, and with them, thought. He could see people looking at him, and he was starting to understand the looks on their faces.

"Hmm? Is something the matter, slave?"

"I...where are we? What are we doing?"

"...Did you forget something, slave?"

"I...I don't think so...except maybe clothes..."

Lord Amatsuki frowned. The dragon rubbed his head, feeling like he was on the verge of something. The haze keeping him from thinking was thinning, and -


The lord yanked him down, holding him against the moist fabric of his crotch. The dragon breathed in and the warm musk filled his nose. Details faded, and he sagged against the kitsune's body as he relaxed again. Soft fingers ground his face into the wet fabric, soaking the scent into his scales as well as forcing it into his brain.

"Just relax and enjoy it, slave. You can't fight against your master's musk. Just forget about your worries and do what I say."

Do what...do what the master says? Yes, that seemed...that seemed reasonable. That's what he should have been doing. After all, master was master, and in charge. Otherwise, what was the point of having a master?

He nodded. The hand pulled back, allowing him to stand upright again. He walked with a wobble behind his master into another store.

Everything turned hazy after that. The shops blended together, and the people in them were vague shadows. Half the time, he couldn't remember leaving a shop, but somehow knew that they were in a different one. And every time, he felt like he was missing something obvious, something very important. As much as he tried to figure it out, however, it slipped away from him before he could focus on it, and soon, he stopped caring.

After all, he needed to pay attention to the men around him. While the men themselves weren't clear in his mind, the master's command in dealing with them was. With his master skipping ahead in line, angry mutters followed from those that had been waiting. The dragon focused on those, and did everything that he could to...soothe them.

Such soothings were indistinguishable from each other, mixing together until they were a single, long session. His hands were soaked with the emissions of males, and his feet left muddy footprints from the times that they were used. Through it all, his cock remained hard, and he took it as a sign that he was doing well, that he was doing what he should. After all, his master wouldn't lead him astray.

But something about it bothered him. Even with an erection, he couldn't shake a vague sense of dissatisfaction. He was a dragon, after all, and that meant something. But what? Well, dragons were big, powerful. He was stronger than his master. His magic burned underneath the haze and the restraints that he wore, and it was strong enough to overwhelm anyone around him.

Yet, he was a slave. A slave who followed orders. So why did following these orders bother him? Wasn't that what he was supposed to do?

He shrugged, trying to let go of his worries, but as he followed his master through the trading post, it consumed him. This time, he didn't speak up as the haze faded. His master didn't need to be bothered with it, and he needed to think. If he was put under again, any chance of reasoning this out would be gone.

Logic returned slowly, as did the details around him. As the haze around the silhouettes faded, the dragon started to realize why this place was so special to his master. There were only men around, for one, and for another, not a one of them dressed normally. Leather vests seemed to be the only tops worn here, and bottoms varied between leather thongs and cut open leather pants. Here and there were men wearing collars, but most seemed above that.

Several of the latter tried to grab him as he walked past, but Lord Amatsuki's tails kept them at bay. There was only one word exchanged in explanation.


Nearly everyone fell in line behind him, and he could feel their eyes locked with his ass as he followed his master. Occasionally he heard some whispered comment, either about the state of his ass or his smaller 'size' in front, but they were too quiet to make out in full.

There was something else that was bothering him, now. It was the word 'master'. It just seemed...wrong...to apply it to the kitsune. Yes, the noble was in charge of him, somehow, but the word 'master' seemed too strong. But why? Why did he feel like that?

He was distracted again as he realized they weren't in the streets anymore. The dirt path turned grassy, and trees rather than buildings surrounded them. They must have been in the trading post park. What were they doing here?

Despite his growing awareness, he continued to follow, led along by the tail wrapped around his neck. As his head continued to clear, he started to understand some of the whispers behind him.

"I've never fucked a dragon before. Do you think he's going to be worth it?"

"Don't you pay attention? The kingdom spends fortunes on training these bitches. It's gonna be the best lay of your life."

"Eh, I don't know. Look at that saggy cunt he's got. I don't think I'm even going to feel that."

"Then just use his mouth, idiot."

The comments aroused him, his cock twitching and his hole squeezing on the ring in it, but also angered him. He was a dragon, and they were nothing but common foxes and other canines. They had not even purchased -

Purchased. Slave.

The two words combined and scattered the fog in his head just as they reached a clearing. The dragon looked with clear eyes on a set of restraints laid out between two trees, consisting of ropes, chains, and solid metal bars. Other assorted 'toys' like wooden paddles and thin but solid reeds were also laid out, confirming his owner's intentions.

His captor turned around at that moment. Even as he braced himself, the dragon was yanked forward and forced to kneel before the kitsune. Draconicon glared up at him, and his owner blinked. Lord Amatsuki recovered quickly, and smiled.

"It's time for your treat, dragon."

"I...no, you're not...you're not going to do this."

"I think, slave, you will find that I will do a great deal more than this."

Draconicon struggled against the tails around his body, but without access to his magic, he couldn't even stand. He could, however, hold himself here and not open his body. As long as -

"Dragon. I order you to use your magic."

Oh damn.

"Use your magic to change the trees, and lift yourself off of the ground."

The dragon growled as his hand raised without his consent. A beam of light connected him to a nearby branch branch, turning the end of it into vines. They snaked out from the tree, wrapping around his arm and spiraling over his torso. As he was lifted in the air, several vines tied his arms to his sides, and one pulled his tail up and out of the way. In short order, he was airborne and helpless.

"Now, create a few stepstools. One behind you, and several in front."

Once again his magic was used against his will, streams of light leaving his fingers and entering the earth. With a rough wrenching sound, the earth pushed itself up in pillar-like steps, forming three lines of stone and dirt up to his level. One approached him from behind, while two others came up a bit higher and to his sides.

His 'owner' walked up the one to his lift, smiling as he reached the top. The toys down below were forgotten, it seemed. He growled as the lord chuckled.

"You should have gone along with what I said, dragon. If you'd just done what I said -"

"Yeah, give up and just get myself fucked? Not going to happen."

"...Well, I'm afraid it is, dragon. And judging by the way that you're still hard, I don't think that you're going to mind overmuch."

You didn't need to remind me of that. He looked down at his crotch. His cock was as hard as ever, and he could still feel the magic in the cockring rushing pushing him to further arousal. It left him shaking in his restraints, and soon brought him over the edge. As he arched his back with a bitten off moan, the kitsune reached up and wrapped a blindfold around his head.

"If you had done what I said, I would have let you see the people using you. Now, you'll just have to guess who is using you, and whether they've already had their turn."

"Had their -"

"Oh, didn't I say? You're the town's public toy, until sundown, at least."

He tried to remember where the sun had been before he'd been blinded. Midday? Before? After? He didn't know.

His owner walked away, the kitsune's claws clicking on the stone stairs. Draconicon jerked his head around, trying to push the blindfold off to get some idea of what was going on, but Lord Amatsuki had tied it far too well.

No sooner had the kitsune's footsteps faded than he heard new ones take their place. He tried to pinpoint the sound, but it was coming from all around. Even the crowd below - and it was a crowd, from how loud they were - made themselves known, cat-calling and shouting up at him and at each other.

The first 'customer' came from behind. Large, furry hands - much bigger than fox hands - grabbed his ass. The claws scraping along his scales were too blunt to be feline. Canine? It would have to be. They were the only other species to live around here, in his memory.

As his scaly ass cheeks were pulled apart, he felt hot air puffing over his hole. He was licked, repeatedly, and he shuddered and moaned as the wet tongue dragged up towards his hole. The sound immediately sparked a few chuckles from the people around him, and his cheeks burned.

A musky shaft bumped against his cheek, goo oozing along his scales as it moved towards his mouth. Smell and size suggested a fox cock, he had time to think before it was shoved down his throat. He'd dealt with enough of them to recognize one, even blindfolded. He stifled a moan at the memories; he was a dragon, he shouldn't take pleasure in being used, not -

Oooooh damn...

The tongue teasing his ass rammed into his hole, licking over the exposed inner flesh. The ring in his rim left him defenseless, allowing his 'customer' to use him as much as he wanted. The dragon moand loud, particularly when the tongue hit that little sensitive spot inside.

His moans gave the fox the chance to thrust further in, and he would have gagged if it had been a longer cock. The shaft was slick and salty, and he hated that the flavor sent another twinge of pleasure to his cock. It kept coming, and while he wished he could blame it on the magic, it was a genuine reaction to the taste of fox pre.

It was a new experience, being tied up and used in mid-air. With no defense against tongue or cock, he was rocked back and forth between his 'customers', each hole getting violated. At least the fox seemed to be getting off quickly. The tip of his cock was throbbing, and the knot was already forming at the base.

It was be easier to be angry about it if the tongue licking his ass didn't feel so good. He growled at the thought, trying to push it away, but it lingered on the edge of consciousness. He felt so empty, and that dog probably had something nice and big to fill him up.

Another cock slapped against the side of his face. The newcomer - someone bigger than a fox, he guessed from the hand grabbing his horns - wrenched his head away, and the dragon gagged as a bigger cock slammed down his throat. Most definitely not a fox, and much more invasive, he thought as he was passed back and forth.

He gasped and slurped on their cocks, barely catching his breath in between being shoved down a new cock. In short order, he was gulping down pre - out of necessity, he told himself, though his cock twitched madly - and sucking them eagerly.

The fox came quickly, and Draconicon forced back a moan as hot goo covered his cheeks and lips. He could smell it, and he couldn't hide his moan. His ears rang with the fox's laugh, which slowly faded as he seemed to walk away. It didn't take long for him to be replaced, and Draconicon grunted in discomfort as his head was wrenched onto a new, even larger cock, one with an equine flare around the tip.

"Hey, he was sucking me, you prick."

"Yes, and now he's going to suck on me."

"I was here first!"

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Why yo-"

Slap! The complainer went quiet, and so did the crowd for a second. Draconicon wondered if he should have felt flattered or worried about being fought over.

He didn't get a chance to consider it. The new horse grabbed him by the sides of his head instead of his horns, dragging him along the thick shaft. Despite taking a fairly large cock only seconds ago, this felt huge, and he gagged instantly.

"Don't pretend you don't love it, dragon."

The accent didn't match the place. The horse must have been a traveler. Probably considered himself damn lucky to be in the trading post and fucking a dragon.

He was reminded of the 'customer' behind him as something harder than a tongue slipped inside him. The cock in his throat kept him quiet as it slipped in, sliding past the ring and slowly stretching his insides open. It didn't take long for the dog fucking him to start moaning, even with his ass loose as hell.

Spitroasted properly, Draconicon knew he wasn't going to last long. His body was responding to the cocks more than he wanted, his cock oozing pre onto the crowd below each time one of them filled him. The dragon tried to resist the pleasurable feelings, but they kept slipping past his defenses, leaving him a moaning wreck.

It was strange to feel no stretching from being fucked, only penetration. In a way, he almost wished the ring wasn't there, because it meant that he didn't feel the pleasure of being stretched out. In another, he preferred it. There was less pain, and more pleasure from his little nub.

He shuddered. No, he didn't want to think like that...did he?

"Look at that dragon. He's gotta be a slut slave."

"They don't train dragons to do that, do they? I thought they were all magic slaves, you know, to make their masters lives easier."

"Well, look at him. His cock's hard as a rock, and - GAH!"

"Hehehe, that's what you get for standing under him, cum-face."

The dragon shuddered. That last one hadn't been an orgasm, just a stronger than usual spurt of pre. That they thought it was an orgasm meant that he had changed more than he thought. After so long, his balls must have been producing more cum and pre to keep up with demand, and now it was showing itself.

Suddenly the canine slammed in, hard. The ring kept the knot out - something he was thankful for - but it didn't stop the dog's climax. A flood of cum filled him to the brim before gushing back out. He heard the crowd below laughing as they dodged the inevitable shower of backwash when the dog pulled out of him. The stallion using his mouth laughed.

"Think that he came a lot, dragon? Well, you're going to get even more from me."

That's what he was afraid of. Draconicon flinched as the horse started fucking his face harder, almost bruising his chin with heavy, leathery balls. The scent clung to his scales, and soon every breath was tainted with horse musk.

The frantic pace brought the horse over the edge quicker than the dragon expected, and the first shot went down his throat before he was ready for it. Gagging around the thick cock, he coughed and spluttered as it was yanked from his throat, the rest of the horse's orgasm spraying over his face. It was thick, plentiful, and it soaked his blindfold. He closed his eyes, feeling the damp cloth pressing down with the weight of the horse's cum.

"Heh...that's a good look for you, dragon. If I do well enough with my trade this year, might just see if I can buy one of your kind for myself."

Whatever retort he might have summoned was interrupted as another male grabbed his face. Another fox, he quickly realized, though a bigger one than the first. This one's cock was closer to his master's in terms of size, and it filled up his throat in seconds. He was almost thankful to the stallion for opening him up. Almost.

He was used roughly, sloppily, and it didn't take long for part of the blindfold to slide off. Feeling the weight slip from his eye, Draconicon opened it, desperate to see what was going on and what he had in store for him.

If his mouth had been free, he would have gasped. Instead, he was forced to whimper. A good dozen foxes and wolves were lined up on the stairs in front of him, and in the moment he had to glance downwards, he saw an even bigger crowd watching the show. He could only imagine how many lined up behind him.

Looking up, the dragon winced two things. First, the fox fucking his face was part of the Lord's bodyguards, and one that was damn rough. The second, and the more disheartening, was the position of the sun. He'd hoped that his time as was at least halfway done, that the sun was close to the horizon.

It wasn't. It wasn't even noon yet. He had many hours left of being a toy.

As he whimpered, the fox looked down. Immediately seeing the problem, the guard adjusted the blindfold.

"Heh, you know what your master said. No peeking."

Draconicon couldn't even protest. He'd just have to take it, he thought as he went limp. As he felt another large cock pressing against his rump, long and hard, he wondered if he could make it through this.


He lost consciousness no less than four times while he was being fucked. The first time was after a pair of twins - from what he could gather - couldn't decide who would go first, and settled on both fucking him at the same time. They'd been rougher than the others, pulling the ring out of his ass so that they could double-fuck him, and the shock of it knocked him out.

The other times hadn't been as physically painful, but were a bit more humiliating. Three big cocked travelers - including a minor stag noble - decided to make him deepthroat them until he passed out. Each time, he'd woken up to find a different tasting cock in his mouth, so apparently it worked for them.

After the twins used his ass, he stopped feeling ass fucks for a while. Even when it came back, it was harder to tell when one person had started and another had stopped. Even the different cock shapes and tastes in his mouth had started running together after a while.

There were a few things he did know. He knew he'd cum on the crowd at least three times, driven to orgasm repeatedly by the customers he'd taken. He knew that he was covered in cum from head to toe, as some people had used his hands and feet to cum on. And he knew that he reeked of fox cum, far beyond normal. Despite his orgasms, he still burned with need, only matched by the red marks on his ass and feet from the people that had decided to use the master's toys after all.

He didn't know how long he lingered in that blind level of need and heat before he felt something tug on his arm. It was a short tug, followed by a sharp jerk. Before he knew it, the support holding him up disappeared, and he was falling to the ground. He shouted in surprise before he landed in a cluster of tails, panting softly as he realized that his master had just cut him down from the tree.

"Calm down, slave. You've finished now, and we can go home."




"Correct, slave. You did well, and earned me a few hundred gold for this."

He thought he'd been a free toy, but as his blindfold was lifted up, he saw the kitsune carrying several large purses in his other tails. They had noble seals on them, but he couldn't tell whose. There must have been more visitors to the trading outpost than he thought.

His master patted him on the back as he settled the dragon on his feet. Draconicon groaned, following behind his owner as they walked out of the park towards the waiting carriage.

"You were a good toy, dragon. Tomorrow I may reward you for that."

"T-thank you...master."

The fact that the kitsune smiled when he used the word drove that invisible knife into his pride a little deeper, but he couldn't stop himself. He had been fucked so hard, and he could barely even think. Resistance and another punishment was something he desperately wanted to avoid right now.

As they reached the carriage, he recognized one of the guards at the side. He blushed slightly, but the fox soldier just laughed, spanking the dragon as they stepped inside. The lord sat opposite him as the door closed, and undid his pants.

"We'll have to set you up like this again sometime, but for now, you know what to do."

Draconicon groaned, already falling to his knees. Fox musk was one thing, but kitsune was far stronger, and it permeated the carriage. In seconds his face was buried against the lord's crotch, and he felt the familiar throbbing that meant his master was getting aroused.

His last thought before his brain was completely buried in the lord's scent was simple, but short.

This is going to be a long night.

The End