Beer and Whine make Everything Fine

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#5 of Bottled Whine

I had intended, during my hiatus in writing, to peruse SoFurry a little, since all I do on a normal day is write, write, write. Then the forces of evil struck, and I was back to writing while I waited for the valiant furs to fend off the attack of the hordes of DDOS minions. So here you go; have another story.


there! Greg again. You know, the one who started banging his little brother. Yeah,

it's sort of funny how I've gone from doing girls to going both ways. It would

totally flip my parents out if they knew, so I kind of keep it quiet. No point

in distressing them over things that don't much matter in the long run.


was my backup date when any of the school girls were busy, and he was getting

to be pretty good at what he did. The other nice thing was that I didn't have

to wear protection. I saved a bit of cash not having to buy condoms all the



funny thing was, when this first started, he and I were at odds, and the sex

was more of a punishment. But now we were pretty tight, and the sex was more a

bonding than anything else. And I wasn't beyond being the giver now and again.

There was no point in being a jerk when there was no call for it anymore.


funny thing was, neither of us had the time for much of anything. School kept

him busy, and my job was taking up prime snuggle time.  I did have an upcoming weekend off but our

parents were going to be home. So I cooked up an idea.

                Dad had

a lot of camping stuff hidden in the attic above the garage. I asked him if I

could borrow it to set up in the back yard. At first he hemmed and hawed

around, but mom stepped in and said it was fine. "Harold, you haven't even looked

at that stuff in years. If the kids want to camp out in the backyard, let

them!" She gave him a nudge.

                I had

to smile. Mom probably figured if we were out of the house for a while, she and

dad could have some alone time too. He seemed to get her drift. "Fine. But if

you set it up, you need to break it down when you're done. I'm not going to be

putting it away."


On Friday I had the back corner of the yard all set up, with a fairly big

canvas tent, a fire pit, camp chairs; pretty much everything. When Daryl got

home he came out to the yard and was nearly bowled over. "Dude, I can't believe

you did this!"


flipped open the cooler. "Yep! Food and drinks!"


leaned down to grab a soda and stopped. "Is that beer under there?"


had better believe it. I got one of my friends to buy it for me. It's been hell

keeping it hidden. So you can't go crazy sucking them down. I don't need to get

in trouble over this."


popped open his pop can. "I promise. But what if I have to piss?"


you'll l do it out here. That's part of the reason I set us up in the back."


the other part?"


that we can't be heard if we get a little loud."


smiled. "Do you mean it?"


course little dude," I said as I ruffled his fur. 

                He ran

back into the house and amazingly, finished his weekend homework that very night.

He even almost worked through supper. When he was done eating he grabbed his

pajamas and his pillow. I already had the sleeping bags outside and of course my

own clothing and accessories. I didn't think we needed a lot of stuff, just the

basics, like lube. Of course, I had it hidden in my pillow in case anyone came

out to look things over.

                No one

did. I think the parents were more than happy to have the house to themselves,

and I was glad to let them have it. By evening I had a fire going, a little

Rock and Roll playing, and my little bro and I were enjoying a beer together.



                "Do you

still hate me?"


how can you ask that? I've never hated you. I just thought you were a little

annoying shit. And to be honest, you were."


I guess so. Thanks by the way."




everything. I'd probably be in deep shit by now if you hadn't gotten after me."


Yeah, you probably would be. But then again, I never thought we'd be sitting here

hanging out either."


smiled around his gulp of beer. "My either. Kinda glad we are."

                He was

so different from those earlier times. I still got a hard on remembering him

stuck in the window, and pulling his pants down and nailing him good. Of

course, I felt a little bad about it now, but not too bad. He had it coming.

And he had grown to like it. I wasn't as rough as I used to be. He occasionally

reminded me of that. It was one of the things he had grown to like. Yet it was

still difficult for me to go hard on him anymore. We had shared some pretty

interesting things together.

                As I

drank more of the beer, I felt the urge to try and repay the little twerp. I

finally made up my mind and made him stand up. He was a little wobbly from his

intake, but he was able to stand long enough for me to drop his pants. He

plopped back down and I pulled them the rest of the way off.


gives?" he asked.


didn't say a word, but I put my head in his lap, pulled down his sheath and began licking his cock to

bring it to life. It was a first for me, and I figured if I was ever going to

do it, it might as well be to him. He groaned and leaned back in the camping

chair. It didn't take long for his red shaft to slide out into the open. I went

down on it, allowing my tongue to curl down and lick his furry balls. I nearly

gagged for trying so hard, but I was proud that I was able to do it. I had once

dated a girl who could do that, but she wasn't the kind you kept around for

long. You know the type.


gingerly put his hands on my head as I worked him over. His little groans and

grunts were a turn on, and I knew that once he came, he had better be ready for

getting on his stomach, because I was going to be doing some grunting of my


                I took

my time though, knowing full well that the happier I made him; the happier he

was likely going to make me. I really started to get into this cock-sucking,

and turned it into a game, to see how quickly I could get him off. As it turned

out, it wasn't long.

                It helped

that I started to play with his butthole, fingering him until he was loosened

up and was ready to accept my intrusion. I worked it in, and then pushed until

I was in deep. I used the tip to rub his insides, tickling his sensitive spot

until his grip on my head became painful. His knot went hard in my mouth,

adding to the volume. But hey, what were brothers for?

                When he

let go, it was like a garden hose. I fought down the desire to spit his cum

out. I was doing this for him, but a definite newbie. But when he began face

fucking m, I nearly lost my cool. Still, I let him do his thing, for all those

times I had done them to him.

                By the

time he was done, I had cum on my muzzle and he was lying limply in his chair.

The smile on his face was almost worth it. And overall, it wasn't so bad. I had

kind of figured it would be sort of nasty tasting, but it was just a little

salty. It was a taste I could live with.


grabbed a towel and wiped my face, then picked him up and dragged him inside

the tent. He didn't twitch a muscle. I got undressed, pulled out the lube and

dragged his ass in the air. A quick application to my cock and I was ready to

go. I grabbed his tail and with a sharp stab, nailed his hole. He grunted as I

pushed it in, not bothering this time to go easy on him. We had all weekend and

I intended to get as much mileage out of him as I possibly could. I wanted to

see just how many times I could fill up his ass before I ran out of steam.


first orgasm came pretty fast on the heels of me buggering his hole. I hadn't

drained the tank in awhile so I blew after only a few minutes. Daryl didn't

even groan out a complaint. He knew me well enough by now to know I had more in

me. Heck, I hadn't even had time to knot up. That came about ten minute later

and my knot filled him up and stretched him tight.


leaned back, and instead of pounding him, I jerked backwards, pulling him along

with each tug. That was one of the great things about being able to knot up.

Since you couldn't slide out, you could do things a little differenlyt than the

other species around could.

                It was

enough to drive the little guy out of his mind. I probably could have forced my

cock out, but that wasn't the point. I was reverse fucking him, pulling him

into me instead of driving into him. It was a blast to watch him dig into the

sleeping bag, trying to halt his backwards journey.

                I did

that for a few minutes, and then leaned into him again, pushing with all my

might. He grunted with satisfaction at having my front solidly paddling his

butt with each thrust. I applied my thumbs to either side of his ass and

pressed them together, forcing him even tighter. He groaned ever louder as I

renewed the vigor of my thrusts.


He cried out as I had a slam-fest on his ass. Anyone watching would have

thought I was hurting him, but the little perv was pushing back against me as I

railed on his tight little bung. He wanted it as much as I did.


finally grabbed his tail in both paws and literally slammed him down on my

cock. I was feeling like I was going to explode any minute and the harder I

tried to let go, the more it escaped me. His throat was reduced to uttering

guttural sounds as I hammered away on him, probably more so than I had ever

done in the past. I suppose it was the beer, or maybe just the fact that we

were alone, or maybe it was the fact than he was into it. I don't really know.

What I did know was that if I didn't cum again soon, he was going to be in a

world or hurt.


forced him onto his side and grabbed his leg. I would have rolled him all the

way over, but my knot was in like it was glued in place. As it was, it took some

doing to slip myself around to get him on his side. I hoped that his hip joint

was going to be still in place by the time I was done.


seemed to take forever before my wad crept up to the point where I knew I could

finally cum. It built up to an apex until it hurt. But come it did and I exploded

inside him again, like a bomb. There wasn't a single girl that I had ever

bedded that had made me feel like this. Oh, they were fun, and different, but

nowhere  close to delivering the

satisfaction I felt from blowing it inside Daryl.


having unloaded twice, my cock was nowhere close to subsiding, and I figured

I'd pound him until either or I came again or my muscles gave out. It was sadly

the latter. I finally couldn't do it anymore.  But that didn't stop him. He pushed up and

said, in a wavering voice, "Roll us over."


wasn't that easy. I was beat, but with his help, we managed it. He was now on

top, in the reserve cowgirl position. I think he would have liked to have

turned around, but there was no way that was going to happen. Making the best

of it, he started to work himself up and down. I could feel his movements quite

well, and I lauded the little guy for his persistence.


leaned down and grabbed my knees, working hard to lift his ass high. I thought

a couple of times my knot was going to finally get yanked out, but it was in

there like a persistent club bouncer at a posh nightclub. It's wasn't going

anywhere. Until it did however. He was finally able to pull off of it with an

audible pop. He sighed and dropped back down, resting on it.


stayed like that for a moment or two before he starting riding my shaft like

there was going to be no tomorrow. It didn't think I had anything left in me,

but about ten minute of that and I was feeling the heat. So was he, and I could

feel his body tense as his orgasm hit. 

As he lost control over his body again, I yanked him back, drew up my

knees and pummeled his ass again until I delivered another load to his much

abused rectum.

                We lay

there panting for a while before breaking it off. We both had to pee really bad,

and I think he felt the need to clear out his ass. He quietly snuck in the

house and used the downstairs toilet so as to not disturb our parents, in case

they were getting busy with it too. I took a piss outside and sat waiting for

him to return.

                I had

to chuckle a little as I watched him head back out to our camp site. He was

backlit by the porch light, and I could see a distinct waddle in his movements.

He was going to be sore for a while. Too bad I was going to be all hard and

randy come morning. I always was!


crawled into one sleeping bag. Before we drifted off to sleep, he asked me,

"What time are we getting up?"


always up in the morning dude."


didn't catch on. "I mean did you set an alarm or anything?"


I have an internal alarm clock, why?"


wanted to watch some television in the morning is all. Do you think you can

wake me before nine?"


you up? Sure. But I don't know if you'll make it into the house before ten."


Why?" Then he paused. "Oh! Never mind!"