New Beginnings Ch 14a

Story by Redarian_Foxhood on SoFurry

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#14 of New Beginnings

The party arrives at Linden and do their own things for the time being

New Beginnings Ch 14A (Linden Arrival)

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(Ch 14 brings our heroes to the town of Linden, where Vael hopes to win his second gym core and Alyssa seeks some advice from the Pokémon boutique. This chapter is split into two parts further down as Vael and Alyssa will temporarily split party, but both parts will be happening at the same time.)

Vael woke up first, the usual since that first night he had met Alyssa. He assumed she had been uncomfortable around new strangers, but after everything they've been through up to this point, she was more than comfortable enough to sleep in while he cleaned up camp. Of course, her sleeping in today could have something to do with how much fun they'd had with their Pokémon. Clearly Alyssa had more males to deal with than females, so naturally she was having more fun. But that was just fine with Vael.

Eevee stirred as he finally decided to move himself into a seating position. She had literally passed out after all the excitement and her itch from the powder had finally faded. But it had been good fun and she nuzzled him tenderly when she woke up.

"Morning Eevee." She echoed his good morning with her own cute voice and watched as he stood up. "Come on...let's get some breakfast going. You wanna get the bowls ready for all the Pokémon?"

She nodded and proceeded to untie his backpack with her teeth careful not to bite down and ruin the string. Once untied, all she did was slip her paws into the small opening and pull, loosening the bound pack. Once it was loose enough she tipped it over and crawled into it, the interior smelling of fresh laundered clothing as they had needed to wash what they had previously been wearing after how dirty the clothing got. Ignoring the freshly laundered garbs, she started grabbing one bowl at a time from the pack's contents and carried it in her muzzle as a dog would a Frisbee, setting each bowl down in front of the makeshift table Vael had started placing breakfast on.

Vael smiled as he watched Eevee while he cooked up some breakfast. This routine was so normal now that he didn't have to do anything for the Pokémon. It was like she was the head of all the Pokémon, taking care of all of them, especially since the only other Pokémon who'd been with them for so long was as much a sleepyhead as his trainer. She even managed to pour their food for them, since it was stored in an easy to open pop-top can. She still hadn't mastered putting the top back on, but it was still more than enough for Vael to appreciate her help.

The referenced Pokémon was first to emerge from Alyssa's tent as Mightyena smelled the cooking food, lazily exposing the flap of the tent and allowing the scent of breakfast to seep in as he stumbled out.

Vael laughed. "Mightyena, you're so hopeless in the morning. You make me think of my parents. Neither are much good until they get their morning coffee in."

Mightyena stuck up his nose defiantly and proceeded to stretch as wide as he could, muzzle opening wide and exposing the fangs in a morning yawn.

With the flap of Alyssa's tent exposed and wafting the smell of breakfast in, she stumbled out of the tent on all fours in almost exactly the same fashion that Mightyena had, too lazy and tired to fully stand up, before she started rubbing her eyes and yawning as she too let out a mighty stretch, once again in almost the same fashion as Mightyena.

Vael and Eevee looked at each other and both shared laughter between them, causing Alyssa to look up and stand. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing. We were just talking about how trainer and Pokémon are so similar, weren't we Eevee?"

Eevee nodded smugly and Alyssa gave a grumble, then she too stuck up her nose defiantly and set them both to roaring in laughter since Mightyena had done the same thing when commented on. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You didn't take male after male last night, so give me a break."

Vael mock bowed. "As you wish, my queen." After which, he chuckled and served up the breakfast. He then called out Mothim and Purrloin from their pokeballs while Alyssa finished cleaning up her hair. She had had to bathe in the cold water last night so it was a tangled mess since she had been so thoroughly drenched in seed. Because Vael had only been drenched in Eevee's nectar around his groin and Mightyena and Blitzle's seed on his hands while making sure that the males hadn't gone overboard on his poor little Purrloin, he had finished cleaning quickly and had been the one who did their laundry in the water.

Alyssa said nothing, but she still smiled, appreciating everything Vael did for them and called out Blitzle from his pokeball, giving the zebra an affectionate pat. Once Blitzle had realized that Alyssa was encouraging his romp with her, he had eagerly joined in the fold and was now happily a member of their dysfunctional family.

While everyone started to eat, Vael paused and looked to his Pokémon. "Today, I'd like to keep all of you out and train with you as we make our way to Linden. After all, we have another gym battle coming up and this will be the first real battle you'll be in Purrloin. There will be no holding back by the gym leader so I want to get some extra training in to help all of us out."

Each of his Pokémon nodded before continuing to eat, and though Purrloin appeared nervous, Eevee gave her a reassuring nuzzle, which didn't have nearly the same effect it had when Mightyena strolled over and gave her the same reassurance. His confidence in her seemed to make her alive and she quickly finished eating, as if eager to get started on the training.

Vael chuckled softly and finished the rest of his breakfast in silence, but looked up when Alyssa spoke up during cleanup. "We definitely have to figure out how to get some of that powder made. I mean how can ekans or arbok venom mix with a flower to have that effect. I still smell cum despite how well I cleaned up."

"Well that's because I'm sure some of it got in your nose and hasn't fully dissolved. But I'm not an herb or Pokémon expert, so I don't have the answer for you."

"Well it needs to hurry up and dissolve. I feel like a bitch in heat and Mightyena isn't even turned on." She giggled a bit. "Oh well. This is why I stopped wearing panties...because I knew I'd be a ball of lusty sex. But I don't understand how I as a human am feeling affected like a female in heat. It's a good thing Pokémon can't breed humans or I'd likely be pregnant with how much seed Mightyena and Blitzle filled me with."

He shrugged and packed away the tents, almost surprised that he was treating a conversation about a Pokémon impregnating a human as normal. "Well...who's to say that's a good thing? If some Pokémon can talk, why can't some Pokémon make humans pregnant? I mean, Mightyena and Eevee aren't exactly like any other Pokémon. Perhaps his seed has affected you in some way. I mean Eevee's juice is just as enticing to me. I almost feel like I could become addicted to it, which I'm thankful ISN'T a side effect of eating her out night after night. Perhaps things that can affect Pokémon only might actually be able to affect us now."

Eevee and Mightyena had been listening this whole time and looked to each other, blushing as they listened to their trainers speak so fondly of them and their sexual fluids while putting away the Pokémon bowls in the backpack. Purrloin and Mothim were talking back and forth, wondering what Vael might have in mind for them while Blitzle just stared on in surprise at how natural the others were acting after last night's fun.

Once everything was put away, Vael and Alyssa immediately set out on the road. Since Vael was keeping all his Pokémon out, she only thought it fair that she should keep Blitzle out since he would have been the only one inside his pokeball. As they walked, their Pokémon following in tow by their sides, she smiled. "So what did you have in mind for training today as we make our way towards Linden?"

He smiled. "A chasing game. Eevee and Purrloin will chase Mothim. I'd rather not focus on Purrloin's Assist since it's a pretty unpredictable move so I'd like her to work on holding a Pursuit as long as she can. Eevee is going to hold on to her tackle. And since Mothim is gonna be the one being chased it will help out his speed too."

Mothim turned around and looked back at Vael as he stayed flying, unsure of what to think about being the bait as Purrloin and Eevee locked eyes on him. He spoke to Vael who naturally didn't understand, but the nervousness in his tone made Vael chuckle.

"Don't worry Mothim. You won't actually be the target." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small round target, big enough for the bug to hold in his hanging legs as he flew, and not too heavy. "By holding this weight it will help you get a bit more strength as well, and if you master flying with this all the time, when you don't have it you'll fly even faster than when you do. Think of it as training with weights on."

The bug type still seemed unconvinced, but took the target anyway. As expected it had some weight to it and he wasn't used to it, so he fluttered and flew clumsily while he held it, but made a few laps in circles around them to get used to the weight of it while he did so.

Vael nodded and then looked to Purrloin and Eevee. "You two will try holding your moves for as long as possible as you chase him down. Purrloin will maintain pursuit as long as she can and I know tackle is just a physical move, but I want you to keep trying to tackle that bull's eye." They both nodded and he looked back to Mothim. "You can do whatever you wish to avoid getting your target hit, like move side to side, take sudden sharp turns if you want, but I don't want you to fly higher than they can jump. Make your maximum height about as high as my waist okay?"

Alyssa giggled. "Wow...your training ideas are always so creative Vael! Fun and training at the same time. I never would have thought about that."

He chuckled as well. "Well Mothim is taking the brunt of it since he'll likely get that bulls eye hit a few times and he'll lose his trajectory and balance, but as the only male on my team, at least for now, I need you to be strong for the girls, and girls...go easy on him." They both smiled to him and nodded, which made him grin. "Alright then...Mothim...get a bit of a head start." He watched Mothim fly ahead, trying to be agile while holding that big target, and then looked to the girls. "Now Purrloin, practice maintaining that pursuit while Eevee practices chasing it down. And begin!"

The two female Pokémon were off in a flash and already Mothim was doing his best to duck and weave around their moves. Purrloin was covered in a purplish light to indicate that her pursuit was going, and while there were no clear signs of Eevee's normal type tackle move. He could tell she was using it with the force she kept using behind the jumps and blows towards the target.

Vael smiled as he watched his Pokémon work, and when Blitzle and Mightyena started showing interest in the training activity, Alyssa nodded and giggled. "Alright you two, we'll aid in the training exercise. Mightyena, I want you to focus on helping Mothim avoid getting his bull's eye struck. And Blitzle I want you to aid the girls in trying to hit the bulls eye.

Both of them licked her face to thank her for letting them have some fun too before they ran up there. Mightyena started speaking to Mothim and the two of them started ducking and weaving together even causing the two females to bump into each other as Mothim flew over Mightyena to swap places with him.

Alyssa and Vael walked together for some time longer, watching their Pokémon play and train at the same time. And soon it became more of a game to them. Vael took out a pad and pen and started writing while Blitzle and the two girls whispered quietly to each other and prepared for the next attempt while catching their breath. Likewise, Mothim and Mightyena discussed defensive strategies quietly amongst themselves. "And this is the trick to me. If I can make them have fun like this, they don't even realize they are still training. Already Mothim seems steadier flying with that extra weight and Purrloin's pursuit has clearly strengthened in power and duration as the magic light grows stronger each time she uses it. So what seemed troublesome at first to Mothim has turned into playing."

Alyssa nodded at Vael's words. "Very true. And after all this time watching them, we should already be closing on Linden in time for lunch at the pokecenter."

He nodded. "Wow...I hadn't even realized the time. Ever since they started planning different strategies as a team, I've been keeping track of attacks on the target, both successful and unsuccessful. As it stands, the three attackers to two defenders is ahead, but not by as much as you think. Mothim and Mightyena are pretty cunning with Mightyena being the defense planner. And as I'd expect from the other three, Purrloin seems to be the strategizer in that team. She's pretty creative." He held out the pad to Alyssa to show her successful and unsuccessful attempts, 10 to 6.

"They've really tried to hit the target 16 times?"

Vael chuckled. "Well it's usually in spurts. They can't be moving 100% of the time. So of course it's not going to be very many times. But still not too shabby for the defenders being down a player." He chuckled once more. Speaking to the Pokémon ahead of them, he called out. "One more attempt guys. We're almost to Linden."

The Pokémon all nodded and took that as the cue to get another attempt in. Vael raised the pad as he saw Blitzle, Eevee, and Purrloin get into a ready pouncing position. Mightyena and Mothim looked at each other and nodded before Mothim waved the target teasingly at them, as if taunting them.

Purrloin dashed in first with the other two right behind her. Mothim flew at the girls, a strategy he and Mightyena had used a few times, but with different goals each time. Eevee hopped onto Blitzle as they were running and used his taller body as leverage to jump even higher still, aiming her Tackle in a downward thrust at Mothim's target, which he easily shifted away from in midflight, taking the opposite direction she had flown at him. This had been predicted by Purrloin and she suddenly leaped at him with her Pursuit move active. Mightyena had also taken a quick sidestep towards the direction Mothim had flown and bumped back Blitzle's attempt at hitting the target, but unable to stop Purrloin's assault. However, Mothim managed to use enough force with his wing beats to halt his rapid flight forward, like a ride that went from fast to suddenly hitting on the breaks, thereby making Purrloin's carefully aimed strike fall short as she flew right in front of her intended target.

Vael marked it down as 10 to 7 and smiled, clapping his hands. "Well played guys! Lots of fun and good training to boot."

Mothim landed and held up the target as Vael approached while Mightyena strolled over to Purrloin and gave her an affectionate lick, which made the kitty purr. Of course, Eevee hopped up on Blitzle and gave the zebra a good cuddling too, thanking him for his help.

He picked up Mothim and held the bug over his head. "Give it up for Mothim, one of the best targets to use for target practice. He did the most moving today." The others cheered for him using hoots and hollers in the Pokémon language and he looked at them. "Alright. Time to give Mothim a break. We'll get you all checked up at the center in town and then get some last minute practice in before I challenge the gym tomorrow."

Once all Pokémon were in their pokeballs, save Mightyena and Eevee, Alyssa smiled and gave Vael a hug. "Thanks for letting my Pokémon train with you Vael. I'm sure they had fun...didn't you Mightyena?"

The hound's eager nod was all she needed and Vael chuckled and returned the hug. "No worries. It's so nice to have some more company to help ease the stress of our travels isn't it Eevee."

Eevee immediately nodded and licked Mightyena before Vael lifted her up and placed her in her traveling position, in the hood of his hoodie. And just in time too, for the city by the sea quickly revealed itself at the rise of a sandy hill, giving the travelers an overhead view of the town that almost appeared to be built on the water itself.

Alyssa pointed to the back of the town and a building that rested against a cliff face just on the far edge of the water. "There's a cave back there that leads to the gym. It's a water type gym and there's plenty of water, so be prepared for it. And over there..." she moved her pointed finger to the far edge of the town, to a building closest to the path north of the city, which, by the appearance, was very obviously the Pokémon center. " the Pokémon center. Right next to the boutique. So that's where I'll be once I drop Mightyena and Blitzle off."

Vael nodded. "Well I guess we'd better not keep our next stop waiting should we?" He smiled back at her. "I'll race you there!" His smile turned into a laugh as he took off down the hill towards Linden.

She gasped and dashed after him, Mightyena at her side as she started laughing herself. "Hey no fair!"

For being a small seaside down, it was bustling with people. Since it was just after noon, everybody was out and about taking care of chores, dropping off goods and doing repair work if necessary. And even though the buildings themselves looked weathered, it actually gave the town a nice antiquated look, having weathered many storms that kept the stubborn townsfolk here. Vael grinned. "Wow...this is a neat town. I would say I could live here, except that I and water crashing on my shore while I sleep would probably give me insomnia." He laughed.

Alyssa gave him a sideways glance. "Says the guy who wakes up to bird Pokémon every morning when he's at home."

"That's different. They are routine, whereas water is unpredictable."

She shook her head. "If you say so. Come on, let's get our Pokémon looked at in the center."

With Alyssa leading the way, they both eventually arrived through the automatic doors that opened into the pokecenter, greeted by a nurse joy, except this one had an Audino instead of Chansey for an assistant, who promptly stepped forward and bowed her head respectively to the guests. Vael and Alyssa smiled and offered Audino their pokeballs, while Eevee hopped onto the counter and Mightyena sat on his haunches in front of Audino.

Vael was the first to speak. "Can we get our Pokémon looked at to ensure they're in tip top shape and a room for tonight?"

Nurse Joy nodded as Audino carried the pokeballs to a ball tray that she placed onto a cart that Eevee hopped onto. "Of course. Do you want Mightyena looked at too?"

Alyssa nodded. "Yes please. I'm sure they're all fine, they might just be a little tired from some training so can we get them a nice meal when they're done getting looked at?"

Joy smiled. "Absolutely, please come back a little later and they should be ready to go." She waved to the two trainers as Mightyena followed the cart Audio pushed, full of Pokémon, all the way to the back room.

Vael watched until the Pokémon were out of sight, giving another wave to Eevee before looking to Alyssa. "I'll stick around here and wait for the checkup to finish then I'll just have Blitzle and Mightyena watch while I train with the other for the gym."

Alyssa smiled approvingly. "Thank you. In that case, I'll head over to the boutique now and talk to the beautician to get some ideas of how to get my Pokémon's fur glistening." She waved to him and headed out, making her way to a nearby building. When she entered, there was no one there to greet her, so she merely looked around, taking a gander at all the herbs and spices that could be used to showcase a Pokémon.

She was kneeling before a particularly interesting spice labelled "Bellossom Dew", used for giving grass types a particular shiny looking and well-grown pelt. Additionally, there were different scents of the same dew. Since grass types needed sun and water, an average trainer's grass type Pokémon pelt may look unkempt and raggedy, but the dew could help with that. Although there were no grass types in their party it was still an interesting appeal. "Just how does a Bellossom's Dew help?"

"It's not actually just the dew." When Alyssa quickly jumped up in surprise, she looked around hurriedly for the source of the voice. It was an attractive woman whose raven black hair was flowing in wavy locks down to the middle of her back. She was paler than normal too, but it made her appearance almost porcelain, a beautiful contrast to her well brushed black locks. She gave an apologetic smile before continuing her explanation. "You see, the Pokémon and trainers that collect these ingredients for a living actually seek out the best grassy plains to do so. The way it works is the night air will cool the ground and if there's moisture in the air, the Bellossom will seat herself amidst the tall grass and dew will form in the flowers on her head. It's the combination of this moisturizing air and the nectar of a Bellossom's flower, which is why the dew actually has a flowery smell to it. Depending on the Bellossom that created the dew it may smell different. This one here is Lavender and works especially well for pure grass types, and this Orchid scent is better for hybrid grass types who have a different coat than normal, such as Deerling or their evolved forms."

Alyssa was awestruck. The female was very knowledgeable and had an air of calm quite different from that of, say, Lizana. She smiled thinking about the dark gym leader but nodded to the lady. "Wow...I never would have guessed."

"Would to try some?"

Alyssa shook her head. "Oh no...we don't have any grass-type Pokémon to worry about. I was just drawn by the bottle's name."

The shopkeeper smiled and pulled the Lavender off the shelf. "The beauty about Pokémon products is that almost all of them can be used on humans, if not for the exact same thing a Pokémon would use them for. This Lavender makes an amazing perfume for humans. Here try some." She sprayed a little bit on Alyssa's exposed neck and it truly did smell fascinating.

Alyssa closed her eyes as she breathed in the scent. "'s so refreshing. And it's cool to the touch as well. Fascinating!"

The shopkeeper smiled but gasped when Alyssa jumped up and yelped out in pain. "Are you alright dear?"

Alyssa looked down at the source of the pain. "Ow...something bit me." But she grew a little woozy as her eyes locked on to the source of the pain. An Ekans had just bitten her. She toppled down as her body grew warm. "What's happening to me? I feel so hot."

The shopkeeper frowned at Ekans. "How could you bite her? You know what it does to Pokémon wouldn't work on her. She's human."

The snake shook its head knowingly as Alyssa's body heated up more with desire. Already her dress was getting wet as her pussy started to drip with lust from the venom coursing through her veins.

The shopkeeper stared in surprise at Alyssa as she moaned out, picking the girl up and wrapping an arm around her to guide her into the back room where there would be no chance of customers. When she laid Alyssa down on a cozy little bed used for massaging Pokémon, Alyssa hiked up her dress and rapidly started to finger herself right in front of the shopkeeper, uncaring in her lust induced haze as she drenched her fingers when her juices started to flow.

The ekans coiled itself along the bed post, using its body to climb up and onto the bed.

"Well now you've done it. The only way she'll come down from this sexual high is to get release. Way to leave me without an option Ekans."

The snake Pokémon shook its head again and slithered along the bed, heading straight for Alyssa's pussy before the shopkeeper could do anything.

With Alyssa's dress hiked all the way up, the shopkeeper got a wonderful view of the show as Ekans used his tongue to lap at her sexual fluids as the started to drain from the overexcited female.

Alyssa, for her part, was in heaven. As soon as she felt the foreign tongue and it's oh so long length start to lick and taste her nectar, she gave a powerful buck of her hips and grabbing the snake's head and thrusting it into her folds.

Ekans didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he decided to go a step further and started to slither into her depths, feeling her heated walls engulf his senses as they clenched tightly to his frame.

She continued to buck powerfully, driving the snake in deeper and deeper into her folds, crying out loudly in pleasure as her body squeezed at the creature inside of her.

The snake continued to use his tongue to explore her inner-most depths as he wiggled the rest of his body save his head in and out of the lusty femme, acting like a cock for all intents and purposes as he grazed on her nectar like it was his life blood. Unconsciously, he bit her again, injecting more venom straight into her pussy and causing Alyssa to moan loudly as the venom engorged her lips and caused another flood of her juices to fully coat the snake, allowing her body to take even more of him into her depths.

The shopkeeper was amazed that Alyssa was actually able to take almost two feet of the six foot snake into her folds, but the bed was thoroughly soaked in her juices so it was probably what allowed the snake to go in so far.

Alyssa started to pant as the venom surged through her, almost growling animalistically as the snake made her reach new heights of pleasure, driving the creature in a little further as she continued to buck in time with its rapid in and out motions along her engorged pussy lips. She now felt something else rub against the folds of her pussy in time with the motions as the sex of the snake was finally determined to be a male.

Ekans' shaft combined with his body and tongue filled her up more than she thought possible and finally drove her over the edge as she howled out in a tremendous orgasm, her walls nearly crushing the snake as they strove to drive some sort of seed further into her, nearly sucking in the snake some more until he hit the furthest reaches of her walls, yet still the snake did not falter in his tasting of her nectar his entire body covered in the juices of her release.

She felt the ekans start to thrust powerfully into her, desiring to satisfy his own lusts now that her nectar had thoroughly excited him. Alyssa continued to buck in time with the snake's motions as her needs hadn't yet been met, until he finally hissed out into her sex as he filled it with the seed her body was so tirelessly trying to obtain, which sent her into another mind blowing orgasm that she nearly passed out from. Finally, she collapsed in sweaty heap, the bed more than drenched with her dual release mixed in with the snake seed.

Ekans slithered himself out of her sex in reverse, sending small tremors of excitement through her body with each inch of the two and a half feet that had filled her. His scales were glistening with all the liquid she had covered them with.

Once the snake was fully out of her, Alyssa groggily opened her eyes, panting heavily as if she had just been through a marathon. "What...what happened to me?" She noticed her soaked dress and how it was hiked up and embarrassingly covered herself in front of the shopkeeper, remembering just how much like a slut she had looked with Ekans inside of her.

"You know...I'm not entirely sure myself. This ekans was raised in a fertility lab. On top of a beautician, I am also an herbalist. So breeders who wish to breed Pokémon come to me. Because of the lab work done to him, something in Ekans' venom induces a sort of heat like state in female Pokémon. Also...humans with fertility problems come to me and with a careful mixture of herbs and spices, I can add some venom from Ekans to make a fertility drug. Normally, it requires numerous doses over time to help bring a human to fertility. Otherwise, the poison is nothing more than painful for about a week before the poison itself is rendered useless and rejected by the body. But you....reacted just like a Pokémon would. And somehow ekans knew you would, although I still don't know what reason made him want to bite you." She scowled at Ekans who gave her the most innocent look he could from a snake.

Alyssa couldn't help it and smiled a bit. "I have a theory, though I thought I had taken care of it." Then her eyes widened. "Heat? Fertility? Wait...does that mean I'm gonna get pregnant?"

The shopkeeper laughed as she went to a closet that had some spare clothing in it. "Hardly. First of all, I may not be a breeder, but I do know that Pokémon ejaculate in much larger quantities than humans because their sperm count is low and the male seed usually just surrounds an egg to fertilize it for the birth. On top of that, the human body is incompatible with Pokémon seed. You would need a truly virile male for one and a human for two. Unless, of course, there was something that could change the way your body produced eggs. Humans give live births while Pokémon lay eggs. It would be hard...very hard indeed for either your body to turn the seed of a Pokémon into a fertilized egg to lay or even vice versa and trick a Pokémon's sperm into penetrating a human's egg rather than fertilizing it to create a living creature. And really, who ever heard of intelligent sperm or body altering seed?"

Alyssa had to admit, the idea did seem a bit farfetched, so she relaxed a bit when the shopkeeper returned with another dress for her to change into while smiling. She looked at herself. "Wow...this one is far too drenched to continue wearing. I look like I jumped into a shallow pool."

The shopkeeper nodded. "Still...I don't know what theory you mentioned to aid how he knew you would react this way." She started to caress Ekans under his head, scales already drying as they soaked in Alyssa's juices. The snake tilted his head up, giving a contented hiss. "He's so friendly to visitors so I didn't expect this to happen. I'm sorry."

When Alyssa finished changing, she moved to stroke the snake on top of his head, like she did when petting Mightyena. "No it's okay. I don't feel any pain at all, just a little sensitive between the legs. I felt so full when he was inside of me. And to help you out, I probably smell like a Pokémon to other Pokémon. I had some real fun with my Mightyena and Blitzle last night after I gave them some aphrodisiac-like powder I got as a gift from a friend."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up in understanding. "Ah yes. We sell that too. It's made from the same venom of an ekans, but mixed with the right flower, it excites other Pokémon. It can be given to both males and females to heighten emotions and feelings. It's not quite as extreme as the pure venom that induces heat like you experienced, but it does make the Pokémon more receptive to sex; kind of like...lowering inhibitions if you will not to mention increasing the amount of cum a body produces. I take it you got more than you thought you would?"

Alyssa blushed. "Yeah...needless to say I got covered head to foot in seed from both Blitzle and Mightyena. There was no way I could drink it all or even keep it inside my body."

"Here...let me give you this lavender Bellossom Dew as compensation for your trouble. I didn't mean to be privy to such personal information or interaction between you and Ekans. If you do get a grass type on your team, it will help keep their pelt pretty and clean...or you can use it as a nice perfume."

Alyssa sat down on the bed as she grabbed the offered bottle from the shopkeeper. "I guess I can do that. Thanks for everything. Sorry you had to see me so...vulnerable and needy." When Ekans slithered onto her lap and curled up as if ready for a nap, she smiled. "Apparently, your Ekans doesn't want me to leave just yet."

The other female made a move as if to grab Ekans, but Alyssa shook her head and she smiled. "Fine...if you want him, you can have him."

Alyssa's eyes widened. "No...I couldn't take him. He's your fertility drug for your breeders and customers."

She shook her head. "I have way more than enough doses. I have a whole shelf in the back labelled with the mixture for humans...and I even have bottles of his pure venom that breeders can inject into their female Pokémon. It's not like his venom goes bad. If works even better when it ferments on a good alcohol."

Alyssa laughed. "Fine...if you insist, I will take him. This will make me even with my traveling partner, since he has three Pokémon to my two. But we'll let Ekans rest in my lap. I don't mind. I'd like to actually get down to business and start talking about the reason why I came here to begin with anyway."

The shopkeeper tilted her head curiously. "Oh? And what reason is that?"

Alyssa smiled. "Beauty tips." And so...the females started chatting while Ekans rested peacefully in her new trainer's lap.

New Beginnings Ch 15

**_New Beginnings Ch 15 (Spreading the Corruption)_** **_ _** (Reuben's Snivy and Rattata finally reach the city of Rend to begin the corrupting process while Lucario and Lopunny continue their work outside under the watchful eye of Reuben, who also...

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New Beginnings Ch 13

**_New Beginnings Ch 13(Side Effects)_** **_ _** ((Reuben is ready to give his slaves their orders, but is caught off guard by something else. Another short chapter Arc with him, but it pushed some plot and story along. Hope you enjoy.)) Reuben...

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New Beginnings Ch 12

**_New Beginnings Ch 12 (Future Sight)_** **_ _** (Welcome to Ch 12. This chapter has a lot of plot explanation to further the story, but Alyssa will finally be able to select her Pokémon rare to the Kazan region. There is going to be some M/F beast...

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