4 - Gettin' Head

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#4 of Welcome To School

Year 11 was moving steadily to an end with the culmination of the year taking their GCSE exams. After taking down her competition (fight fire with fire as she called it) and showing the swimming teacher a few new strokes in the swimming, Eva walked into the exam hall with a smile on her face. She had done little to study and even less of extra work but she was confident in her skills. Soon results day rolled around and Eva was struck with her expected results. Straight A*'s. With a big hug from her proud Mum (for which she was obvious very grateful), Eva soon received a surprise she wasn't ready for.

Eva paced up and down in the bathroom with her face in her hand as she held the tube in the other. Placing it on the counter she grabbed the box and used her other hand to dial her phone. The other line soon connected and Brad came picked up, "This is Brad, what's up?" "Brad. It's Eva." "Hi Eva! Ready for you lifeguard assessment? I hope you've been practicing." "Brad," she interrupted, "I have some bad news." Brad paused as he readied himself for what she was about to reveal. He slowly replied with worry in his voice, "What's the matter?" Eva could barely speak. The shock had come to her a day or two before the call but hearing Brad's voice brought it back. She was close to tears as she rushed quickly back to the door every few minutes to check for her mother. "Brad...I've missed my period......" There was no answer on the other end. Eva was concerned that Brad had just cut her off. "Brad?!?" she cried desperately, "Are you there??!!?" "Yeah, yeah I am," he replied finally. He took a few minutes as he thought of a way out. "Well," he began, "Have you taken a pregnancy test?" "I'm waiting for the results now." Eva became apprehensive that Brad thought it was her fault. She didn't want to lose his friendship especially before the big lifeguard assessment. "I swear to God I was on the pill I didn't know this would happen." "I know...I'm not blaming you for this Eva." Eva sat down heavily on the toilet as she stared anxiously at the small, white tube. "Something tells me you haven't done this before?" he asked respectfully. Eva had become much more paranoid by this point, "Well normally the fuckin' pill works!!" She burst into a flood of tears as she fell back with her head against the wall. She felt that everything was going wrong for her and the world was against her. Brad was there to calm her fears, "Hush Eva it'll be okay. Whatever happens, I'll be there for you." The guilt was building for Eva and she couldn't take it anymore. It would be her fault if Brad lost his job and his lifeguard license. That was the last thing she wanted to happen. There was an extended pause on the phone as Brad listened tentatively for any signs. "Eva honey? Are you there?" "IT'S NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" came a loud scream from the other end. Brad moved the phone away from his ear as she continued to cry in jubilation. The relief washed over the pair like a tidal wave. Brad knew he had dodged a bullet but Eva, Eva had become cocky. "It seems like that was close." "Yeah, you'll have to wear a condom next time!" "What!?!??" he cried, perplexed at her trivialized attitude. "You think that's it sweet cheeks? I'm fucking you into heaven next time!!" "But...but..." at this point Brad was far too baffled to reply immediately. "See ya soon sexy!!" Eva flicked her phone down and danced out of the bathroom with a reassured smile on her face.

Soon the same situation of returning to school rolled around again but only a week earlier for Eva. Her lifeguard course would take place over that week with training, the assessment and some fun with Brad. Eva approached the house with all her bags dragging behind her. She was now on the ground floor with her own individual study. This did cause some conflict with Eva (not being in the same room as Jessica makes it difficult to mess around with her) but at least if she gets horny she doesn't need to sneak her mates up the stairs. Eva entered her small study with a smile. Sixth Form was one of the best times of the school career; booze, boys and babes! Eva took her first deep breath of her study as she slammed her bags down and went for a bit of a exploration around the house. Since the house was split into two sides (senior and junior) and Eva was situated on the senior side. Soon Miss Robins would reveal which of the sixth form would achieve roles in the house such as Head of Seniors, Head of Sport, Head of Juniors and Head of House. Eva knew she would gain a role (not being arrogant). Soon she came to the study at the end and opened the door. This was the room she always wanted. By the books on the desk it was clear that it wasn't her study. What evaded her knowledge further was the fact that someone was back early like she was. And a whole week as well. A figure approached her from behind and tackled her to the floor. She turned as she fell revealing Jessica laying on top of her. "You snuck up on me?" she questioned, "You're getting good." "A little payback is all." Eva tried to move her hands to reach under Jess's skirt but she used her knees to lock her whole arms down. "Clever girl," she giggled, "You've learned much young Banks!" Eva moved her attention up and down Jess' body. Jess had developed even more than in 5th form and she was really filling out. Her breasts were perkier and her thighs were something to grab onto. Eva whistled to the sexy Labrador yet she didn't even flinch. "You can get off me now," teased Eva. "By the look in your eyes, no I can't," she smiled back. The door opened to reveal a creature on the other side; a hybrid of fox and tiger. She had the curvaceous body of a tigress but the head of a snowy vixen. She had the brush tail of a vixen. She stared perplexed at the pair as they kept their positions. "Er hi. I hope I'm not interrupting but I'm the new girl. My name is Kit, nice to meet you." Jess shook her hand while still bearing her position on top of Eva, "Nice to meet you. I'm Jessica and this is Eva. We're not lesbians." She looked cock-eyed at the pair, "'Course you're not. Look, I just need to know where room 7 is." "Room 7 is on the junior side in the middle of the colonnades," replied Jess. She thanked the pair and was on her way. "That was weird wasn't it Eva? Eva?" Eva still had her eyes helplessly transfixed on the door where Kit stood. "What's that smell?" questioned Jess, "And did you just get warmer......? AUGH SICK!!!" Jess jumped up and wiped her bottom from any dampness. "Eva, you need to learn how to control yourself." Jess wiped herself off as her phone fell out of her pocket making a beeping sound. Eva dived for the device and picked it up. "Hey give that back!" cried Jess as Eva held her away. Eva opened up the new text and read it aloud, "'Hi Jess. What you been you to? Wanna see each other tonight? Love, Kaz.' Kaz?" Jess snatched the phone away as she began to blush, "Kazufox. I guy...I've had my eyes on." Jess tried to flee when Eva formed her evil smile. Before she got open the door Eva had her against the bed. "So...you're seeing a guy and you never told your old pal Eva, huh?" her hand slipped smoothly past the waistline, "What a naughty girl!" "Eva it's not like that!" "Oh really?" questioned Eva as her hand squeezed lightly at Jess's thigh, "How long have you had a crush on him?" Jess's face burned with embarrassment as Eva slowly teased her way closer to her snatch. "Since the start of year 11." Eva quickly withdrew and backed away, "SINCE YEAR 11!!? And how far have you got?" "...Not far..." "Sex?" "No." "Oral?" "No." "Fingered?" "No." "Pulled?" "No." "Then what the fuck have you done?" cried Eva in desperation. "Well...we've kissed..." Eva stood in silent accusation at her words before bursting into a fit of laughter. She had experience so much at such an early age and it had taken Eva little time to lose her virginity. Jess stood there at age 16 with a boyfriend she had known for two years and only kissed. "What's so funny?" blushed Jess. "HAHAHA I COULD HAVE SHOWN YOU A BETTER TIME THREE YEARS AGO!!! HAHA OH GOD!!!!" Jess soon lost her temper, "Yeah but I love him!" Eva gradually silenced as she saw the crushed look on Jess's face. She didn't realise she had upset her. "Aw I'm sorry Jess I just thought it was funny. Tell you what; I'll help you develop the relationship. Whadda ya say?" Jess only had to look at Eva's huge smile to know it was trouble waiting to happen.

In the sixth form the pair had to choose four subjects to study further for their A-levels. Eva and Jessica had chosen the same subjects; English, Art, Chemistry and Human Biology. Technically Jess had chosen them but Eva just wanted to tag along. With four subjects alone that meant the pair had more periods per subject yet also had some free periods where they could 'study'. The two had been grabbing a few books from the library before they found a strange site. Eva hid by the wall as a teacher talked angrily on her phone to someone. It was Miss Stripes their English teacher and just didn't look too pleased, "Out of retirement? My life was finally back on track......She's dead, B......I'm sad too but we can't keep this up. We need to try and live normal lives...I miss you too.........I do love you......Term starts soon and the children need me...Okay, okay one more time. I'll see you soon......Love you, bye." She flicked her phone shut and gave a deep sigh, "Here we go again," before marching off.

"Welcome back to school! This is your final week of lifeguard training and soon you will be fully qualified. With the qualification you can be hired anywhere and you will be expected to do duties here at school; not without pay of course!" Brad looked over each one of them as they flashed a confident smile. Eva slapped her stomach and gave him a thumbs up as he just gave a shaky smile back. "Sorry I'm late," called a voice from the side. Kit had appeared to the side of the group in her swimming costume. "Ah yes. This is Kit; she has her qualification but she is renewing it here." She gave the others a simply smile and wave as Brad grabbed his whistle, "Right let's start with a quick warm-up." As soon as Kit hit the water she was off. She was much faster than the others. She used her powerful tail to whip her way through the water as it flowed sleekly across her stripes. She truly was a wonder to behold. Eva could only stare in complete amazement at the hybrid while she finished twice as more lengths than the others in half the time. Soon the training session had come to an abrupt end with Eva trying desperately to catch her breath on the side. "Good work today guys," called Brad with pride. Kit stayed in the water and asked, "Hey Mr Miles? Could I stay for an extra hour and put in some more lengths?" "I don't see why not," he replied as he grabbed his notebook and headed for the door. This was Eva's chance. Before Kit began her next length, Eva dropped in the water beside her. "You're quite the swimmer." "I train a lot." "I'm sure you do. I wonder how good you are at other things..." Eva grabbed her waist and tugged her close before she had grabbed Eva's arm and dunked her underwater. Eva jumped back up and began to cough the water out of her lungs. "Hey," she spluttered, "You could have killed me!" "Get over it. You shouldn't make a move on me anyway." Eva regained her composure, "But how can one not with that sexy body and those..." "Eva," she interrupted, "What do you want?" Her candid attitude surprised Eva but she was not one to give up, "I was hoping you would help me with my swimming." Kit pulled her goggles off and looked judgementally at the wolf, "Help you? I doubt even my training will help you pass the test by what I've seen." Eva gave her a grumble. "I guess I could help you though. On one condition." Eva hated ‘one conditions', "And that is?" "Anytime I want or anytime I ask for it I want sex in anyway I want." Eva couldn't believe what she was hearing. She could pass the exam and have sex; what wasn't to like! "So you're bisexual?" "No. Just want to experiment. You see I know quite a lot about you. You're the erotic controlling type and I'd like to see what happens when you're submissive for once." "So you're toying with me?" replied Eva in a slight huff. "Yeah. Don't you just love it?"

Jessica pulled on her pyjamas, ready for a long and relaxing sleep. She turned to her bed to find it slightly different; a bit lumpier than usual. However, she was far too drained to notice or care as she slipped in between the sheets and gave a deep sigh as she closed her eyes. A slight sensation ran on the side of her thigh. Nothing to break her from her position however until another familiar tinge ran down her thigh. She lifted up the thick covers to find a familiar grey tail stroking her skin. Knowing what was coming next she turned round to discover the familiar wolfess smiling at her. "Evening precious!" Little confused (yet not surprised) Jess replied, "Hello Eva. Get out." "Unfortunately I can't." "Are you naked? Oh get the hell out of my bed!!" "No seriously! Shut up!" The door swung open as a scantily dressed Kit appeared through the doorway as Eva dived under the sheets. "Hi...er..." "Jess." "That's right, Jess. Have you seen Eva around?" "Depends when." Kit spotted the shivering of the blankets and the leashes hanging over the bed. She grabbed the lead and yanked the unwilling wolf from the bed. "Have you been hiding you naughty girl? "No I was just...tucking Jess in." Without hesitation Kit dragged her through the door on her hands and knees back to her room as Jess just tucked herself back into bed.

Eva's eyes glinted open sluggishly the next morning. Since very little in the way of pupils were back at school, the teachers only made an appearance in the evening to see if everything was going okay. Eva glanced down at the heavy tiger paw trapping her to the bed. Kit was much larger than Eva making it seem that she was a sort of cuddly toy. Eva carefully shifted the paw off her belly and behind her as she slowly crawled from the bed. Eva loved waking up next to/on top of/in someone else but Kit wasn't any fun. Kit had only made Eva pleasure her and if Eva even touched herself then Kit would threaten her with discontinuing the training. Kit was tormenting her for fun. Eva had nearly made it out the bed before Kit shunted her to the floor onto her hands and knees. "Trying to run away were we?" "N...no..." "No what?" "No Mistress Kit." Kit gave her a smile, "Good girl." Kit produced something from under her pillow and showed the wolf. "I found this in your trunk. I want you to pretend it's real." She held a large, detailed double dildo with a harness in the middle. Sliding it into herself and pointing in front of the quivering wolf she formed a wicked smile. "Show me what you can do and, maybe, I'll treat you to something." Although Eva hated being used she had no choice. The lifeguard assessment was soon and Kit had taught her everything. She had to please her as best she could. Cutting away the humiliation and bitter taste of anger, Eva grabbed the toy and sheepishly like at the tip, coating it in a thin layer of saliva. Kit only towered over her in dominance, pleased at what Eva was doing. "This is how you work on someone huh? I bet it must feel so good..." Eva ignored her as she continued, bobbing her head slowly and hungrily up and down the authentic shaft as her tongue worked on the fake flesh. She paid extra and convincing detail to appease Kit who rubbed her budging clit in heat. "Oh God I can't stand it!" she cried as she shunted the surprised wolf onto her back. She lined the large toy up with her moist pussy lips as she worked her own. "Show me what a real bitch in heat sounds like!" With a powerful thrust she sent the toy deep into Eva making her moan. Kit pulled her legs up and onto her shoulders for support as she widen Eva with her hands. Her rhythmic thrusts pounded inside Eva sent her into wave after wave of pleasure. Eva tweaked and squeezed her nipples as the pleasure began to build. "Bark for me!" demanded Kit as she panted in her lust. "Ahhh...bark....ahh...baahhh....bark..bark...ba...OH GOD" Kit rolled her over and pulled Eva into a doggy position, pulling lightly on her hair for support. "Beg for me. Show me your teeth like a good dog!" Kit grabbed and fondled her breasts as Eva cried, "Oooo...rrrruf....rrrahh...aahh ruf ruff..aah...ruff....rrr...oh....OH FUCK!! FUCK ME!!!!" With Kit's thrusts becoming deeper and plenty of juice flowing from Eva's laboured cavity Eva could not contain herself. She cried aloud in pleasure as both neared their orgasm. "Oh yeah! Gunna make you cum like a bitch!!" called Kit as Eva panted heavily. Soon the two began to orgasm coating both sides of the dildo in juices. The dildo easily slipped out as Eva flopped to the floor, rubbing her used, moist pussy for any pleasure left. Kit removed the dildo and left it by Eva's side as she pulled on her clothes and left.

Jess stood anxiously at the classroom door as the rumbling resonance of voices inside were impossible to pick up on. Eva had finished her Unit 1 general and practical exam but the classroom where her Unit 2 site specific exam took place. If she failed either one she would lose her qualification and Jess knew it would break her heart. Eva strived at everything she did but she wasn't naturally good at swimming. Even with Kit's help the odds still weren't in her favour. The door slowly opened to reveal a empty Eva standing with her lifeguard shirt and shorts on. Her hair was still slightly damp from the swimming earlier and the lingering stench of chlorine was pungent. "Well?" asked Jess respectfully, hoping to hear good news. Eva grabbed her as the smile exploded from her face, "I PASSED!!!" Her uproar echoed down the empty corridors as the pair laughed and giggled in joy. Kit appear to their right as Eva shook her hand in gratitude. She was now a fully qualified lifeguard.

The term soon officially began as seniors and juniors poured back into the houses. Although not happy to be back at school most were happy to see their friends again. As the evening rolled in the houses began their first house assemblies of the term as the house members took their seats in the main dayroom. Miss Robins appeared at the door and held her register calling out names to check for everyone's presence. She soon finished as the quiet nattering of the pupils began. Jess, Kit, Eva and other sixth form girls sat at the front, all eager about the new house positions. "Welcome back everyone," proudly called Miss Robins with a smile, "And I hope we can call this a year to remember! I can see be the chatting and excited faces that all of you are interested in the new house positions for sixth form. I have been chatting with the other house staff and last year's sixth form and my list is complete." The room fell to silence as Miss Robins rummaged around in her file for the list. Jess expected little as Eva expected much. Both were quite flippant about gaining positions. "Ah yes. Our new Head of Juniors is Jessica Banks." The room gave respectful clapping with Eva wolf whistling beside her. She never assumed she would gain a house position and yet her she was, Head of Juniors. Miss Robins shook her hand in gratitude as she returned to her file. "Our new Head of Seniors," she proclaimed, "Is Emma Ryerun!" Again a short applause was created as Miss Robins shook the surprised cheetah's hand. "And, finally, the position and my personal assistant. Head of House goes to Eva Young!" Although some were slightly taken by surprise there was still a loud cheer as Miss Robins shook Eva's hand with a big smile. Jess beamed her a smile as Eva grinned and winked back at her.

The first term leading up to Christmas was great and Eva proved that she was a competent and confident Head of House; making sure the house was always spotless and showing the Headmaster around were two of her highlights. In the lent term Eva had decided to allow her creativity flare and worked with the drama/dance teacher on a dance show for the school. After several weeks of practice and making costumes the show was ready and the location was the main school hall. Around 50 pupils from different year groups took part and hundreds more came to watch. Jess herself took a front seat to watch the show. Everything from Scottish dancing, Russian jigs and a swan dance had appeared. "May I sit here Jessica?" Jess turned to find the Headmaster, Mr Tront, asking for a seat. "Of course Sir, be my guest." He gave her a friendly smile and sat beside her. "I'm here to see if this show is any good. I have deep faith in our little Eva!" Jess wasn't expecting quite a formal and sensible show from Eva but it seemed she was wrong. She actually felt some pride in being her friend. However, that atmosphere soon changed... ‘Something In Your Mouth' by Nickelback began to blare through the speakers as Jess' confidence sunk. A spotlight burst into life to show Eva lying on the floor in the middle of the stage. She wore black, leather cowboy leggings and matching leather bra with a cowboy hat. She jumped up and began to dance. "GOT TO MEET THE HONEY WITH THE MILLION DOLLAR BODY!!! THEY SAY IT‘S OVER BUDGET BUT YOU‘D PAY HER JUST TO TOUCH IT COME ON!!!" screamed the speakers as the guitar screeched. Eva danced around the circle of audience, blowing a kiss and swinging her curves from side to side. Jess turned to find all the males of the audience open mouth and salivating into their laps. As she turned back she found Eva right in front of her as chorus broke out; Eva pounced onto her lap and rubbed her tits in her face. "What the hell are you doing!?!?" cried Jess below the music. "Dancing honey," she giggled, "Don't you like it?" Taking off her hat and placing it on Jess' head she gave her a peck on the cheek and returned to the centre. She sucked her thumb and moved her hands slowly over her curves; teasing the audience. Soon the end was close as Eva jumped into the air and landed in a splits position as the lights cut out. Jess knew she had overdone it this time as the audience stared over at the Headmaster. "That," he began, "Was incredible!!" He stood from his seat as he clapped profoundly to Eva who bowed in the middle. Jess was stunned. The crowd stood up with the Headmaster and gave her a standing ovation as she blew kisses to them all. Jess was still stunned. (((I wanted to add so much more. Hockey match, Headmaster visit, etc... Hopefully I might have a comic based on school that I'm planning with a very talented artist, Shaon the Kozo. Kit is under copyright of Agent Drake. Jess' boyfriend will be in the next one I promise. Please comment. Thanks guys!!!)))