Kismet on the Crescent

Story by Cal McQuade on SoFurry

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This story was inspired by a friend. Enjoy!

Kismet on the Crescent

Ryan blew into his paws and rubbed them together in a vain attempt to keep warm as he stood on the platform of the Salisbury railway station with his partner, a burly Rottweiler named Sam. They were both members of the Southern Railway's K-9 Unit, a special security force created by the railway to escort and protect important packages being shipped on the line. They stood next to a large crate that was to be loaded on the next train out, bound for Montgomery.

Ryan stood alert, his soft brown tipped ears pointing straight up as he listened for any suspicious sounds or movements from the crowd of people waiting for the train. He loved his job and did it well. As a german shepherd, it just came natural to him.

Soon, and right on time, the distinctive sound of a steam whistle echoed through the cold night air. The crowd began to shuffle and murmur a bit louder as the huffing sounds of the large engine drew closer. Ryan remained alert and scanned the platform once more as the train came into view.

"We'll load this thing onto the mail car and then I'll let you patrol the train," directed Sam as the large steam locomotive slowly chuffed past them with a loud burst of steam.

The warmth of the big engine seeped into Ryan's smooth fur as he pried his eyes away from the train to look at Sam. "I was hoping you'd say that. I love patrolling the Crescent."

The train came to a slow halt with the Railway Post Office car stopping right in front of them, just as planned. The loading door slid open and the two canines positioned themselves on either side of the crate.

"The report said the Conductor will be that strapping, young jackal you always fawn over," Sam said with a wink and a grunt as they lifted up the crate and slid it into the car.

"I don't fawn over him," Ryan said sticking his tongue out at Sam. "I've never even talked to him." Sam was the only one Ryan had ever confided in about his sexuality. He was very accepting of Ryan, but still liked to tease him.

Sam climbed up into the mail car and pushed the crate to the back before reappearing in the doorway. "Whatever you say, shep. Regardless, you better behave yourself," he said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah," Ryan said with a smirk. He wanted to say more, but a large figure approaching him from the side caught his attention and made him stop. He turned and looked to see the Conductor, pocket watch in paw, walking in a large stride toward him.

The jackal couldn't have been a day over 25, his large well-built form filling out his suit like a model. His tall, slender ears pointed straight up to the night sky, his jet-black fur glimmering under the bright station lights. Ryan could feel his heart pounding and his sheath began to stir under his armor plating.

"You there," rumbled the jackal, "are you in charge here?"

Ryan looked back at Sam who gave him a nod. "Y-yes, yes I am."

"The Stationmaster informed me that we have an important package to deliver to Montgomery. Has it been loaded?"

"Yes it has," responded Ryan, keeping his eyes locked with the jackal's.

"Very well, but I'll have you know I don't approve of this. I don't like anything on my train that could endanger my passengers. You'll do well to stay away from them and keep out of my way. You got that?"

Ryan quickly nodded as his ears folded back slightly. He wasn't expecting such an attack, but he couldn't deny that it turned him on ever so slightly. Before he could say anything else, the jackal had turned and was walking back to the end of the train. Despite having his head just chewed off by him, Ryan still couldn't help but notice how tightly the jackal's trousers hugged his tight rump, leaving very little to the imagination.

"Wow, what a tight ass," Sam said shaking his head.

"Yes it is...err...I mean...yes he is..." stammered Ryan as his cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"You gonna be able to control yourself?" Sam asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Ryan said, trying more to convince himself than Sam.

"Well then you might want to let that little pup know," Sam said pointing down at Ryan's crotch.

Ryan quickly looked down and turned a dark crimson as he noticed the large bulge pushing out at his pants, a slightly noticeable damp spot forming in the dark fabric. "Oh damn..."

Sam shook his head and smiled. "Don't you ever paw off?"

"Well, yeah...but...I've been really busy lately and-" Ryan was suddenly cut off by a deep, long whistle from the steam engine.

"It's time to go shep. You better get on board before they leave you," Sam said with a smile. "Good luck in there."

Ryan smiled back and hurried off to the first car where he quickly climbed aboard and closed the door behind him. He stood in the vestibule of the car and readjusted the leaking boner inside his pants while he was still out of view. He took a deep breath and cleared his thoughts, trying hard to focus on his job. He pushed back his dark brown bangs and straightened his vest before pushing open the door to the coach and walking inside.

The bright, mint green colored walls sparkled with their new coat of paint, the checkered tiles smooth and freshly polished as Ryan walked down the short hallway and into the body of the coach where several passengers sat trying to get adjusted for the long ride. Ryan quickly scanned the car, and upon seeing no signs of the jackal, decided to proceed.

His job was to look for anyone suspicious, or anyone he thought might endanger the shipment he was assigned to protect. This was only Ryan's second time to inspect Southern Railway's premiere passenger train, the Crescent, and the first time with the jackal as Conductor. Still, he had his job to do and he wasn't going to let anyone get in his way.

He walked through the various cars of the train and marveled at their design. He had always been fascinated by trains since growing up on the Seaboard Air Line in Florida. The craftsmanship that went into Pullman cars was truly phenomenal, and unlike any beauty he had ever seen. As he walked through the vestibules of two of the cars, he stopped in front of the door of the next car and slowly rubbed his paw across the smooth, gold script reading Thomas Ruffin. He smiled and walked inside, giving a kind nod to the porter, before heading down the hallway and into the first room of sleeping sections.

Most of the sections were already closed off with curtains, passengers sleeping comfortably inside. Ryan had always wanted to buy a ticket and travel across the country in a sleeping car, but work usually prevented him from doing it. Well, work really wasn't the only thing. He could take time off or go on the holidays. The real reason why he never tried it, whether he was willing to admit it to himself or not, was because he didn't want to have to travel alone.

Soon his inspection was complete, and he was walking back through the train to return to the mail car. He was still deep in thought when he entered one of the coaches, and barely noticed when one of the passengers tapped on his arm as he walked by.

"Excuse me, sir," said an elderly bat sitting in a seat by himself.

Ryan turned around and quickly cleared his head as he looked at the bat. "Can I help you with something?"

"I hate to trouble you, but can you grab my satchel for me? I placed it on the luggage rack and now I'm afraid I can't get it down," asked the bat kindly.

"Of course," Ryan said with a smile as he reached up and pulled the satchel down before handing it to the bat.

"Thank you," he replied as he took the satchel. "This is a beautiful car, isn't it?"

Ryan nodded and looked around with a smile. "It sure is. They did a great job with the rebuild."

"You know I rode in this car before it was rebuilt. No air conditioning. Of course, you wouldn't need that on a night like tonight anyway," he said with a gentle laugh.

Ryan caught a movement out of the corner of his eyes and turned to see the Conductor standing in the doorway with his arms folded. The jackal motioned Ryan to follow him, and after bidding the bat farewell, Ryan cautiously followed the jackal into the men's restroom. Once inside, the jackal closed and locked the door behind him.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked angrily.

"One of your passengers asked me for help and I assisted him," responded Ryan, holding his ground.

"I told you to stay away from my passengers," he growled back.

"I'm not going to be rude. I have manners after all," Ryan said as he folded his arms.

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" the jackal asked, stepping closer.

"It means I know how to do my job without being an ass."

"How dare you call me names on my train!"

"I'll call you whatever I want!'

The jackal let out a deep growl and stepped closer to Ryan. "You arrogant son of a..." his words trailed off as his growl softened, his eyes locking with the german shepherd's as he suddenly shoved his muzzle against Ryan's, pushing him back against the wall.

Ryan was startled at first, but instantly submitted as he caught the jackal's tender gaze and felt the smooth warmth of his lips against his own. His paws immediately grabbed the jackal's chest as he felt his hips being squeezed gently, his back pressed against the window as he melted into the jackal's kiss.

He moaned softly as the jackal's tongue entered his mouth, his cock hardening once more and pushing out at his pants as he worked at the buttons on the jackal's coat. He wanted so badly to peel away every layer of clothing from the jackal's god like body and worship every single bulging muscle that he could.

His moans began to deepen as he felt the jackal's strong paws working at the buckle on his pants, succeeding quickly and dropping both his pants and boxers to the floor with one swift tug. His throbbing meat sprung out with a large squirt of pre as he tossed aside the jackal's coat and vest and started unbuttoning his dress shirt. Each button sprung apart as the jackal's heaving muscles begged to be freed. Soon Ryan reached the last button and tore the shirt aside, beholding the jackal's perfectly carved torso.

His cock throbbed painfully as his paws traced over each of the chiseled muscles, paying careful attention to each mound of perfectly molded meat as he listened to the jackal's deep moans each time he hit a soft spot. He dragged his claws down the two columns of rock hard abs and felt the jackal's legs shake against his, the bulge in his pants large and apparent as it pushed against Ryan's pulsing member.

"You like that do you, jackal?" he asked as he leaned in and licked the sweat collecting between the jackal's two massive pecs.

" abs are very sensitive," he said looking down at Ryan. "And please, call me James."

Ryan smiled as he heard the name, nuzzling gently against the jackal's chest as he slowly rubbed over his abs. It was like he was living in a dream. He couldn't believe this was actually happening.

James leaned down and nibbled on Ryan's ears as he reached down and slowly groped the german shepherd's firm rump, eliciting a deep moan from him. "How about you help me out of these pants, sexy?"

Ryan smiled and quickly got on his knees, grabbing at the buckle of James's pants. "My pleasure," he said, quickly unbuckling his belt and tugging off his pants, the jackal's large tent pushing out and leaking against his boxers. Ryan gave it a curious sniff before slowly grabbing the waistband and pulling them down. His muzzle fell open and his cock throbbed as he beheld the site in front of him.

"James...y-you're huge..." he said staring at the thick, stallion like cock in front of him, a thick stream of pre leaking from the tip and slowly flowing down the tender underside of his shaft before dripping to the floor.

"Heh. How about you give it a taste?" James said with a soft chuckle as he pushed his tip against Ryan's nose.

Ryan blushed deeply and placed a paw at the base of James's shaft, his other paw gently grasping the jackal's plumb balls as he gave the throbbing meat a curious lick, more pre squirting out onto his nose as he did.

He had actually never sucked another guy's cock before, but he wasn't going to let James know. He licked the leaking tip again before slowly pushing his lips over it, the meat warm and salty as he slid it into his muzzle. The deep groans coming from James encouraged him to go further, and he pushed inch after inch into his tight, warm muzzle until he couldn't take anymore. His own cock throbbed and twitched below him as he slowly slid his tongue across the soft underbelly of James's hard length, slowly starting to suck the thick shaft as more pre leaked down his throat.

He tugged and squeezed the jackal's heavy orbs as he continued to taste the thick cock in his muzzle, James moaning and pulling at Ryan's ears as the pleasure started driving him wild. Soon Ryan felt James's paws push his muzzle off his cock as he grunted and panted deeply, having to prop himself against the wall as he looked down at the german shepherd.

"Damn...where did you learn to do that?" asked James between pants.

"Dreams mostly," Ryan said blushing deeply as he stood back up.

James's eyes were soft and tender, and he couldn't help but get lost in them as he stared into the jackal's blissful gaze.

"I almost lost it," he said leaning down and giving Ryan a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I'm usually able to hold off a lot longer."

Ryan smiled and blushed even deeper as his paws drifted back to the jackal's chiseled abs. He didn't know what to say. He was certainly no expert.

"I usually don't have to ask this, but with you I feel like I should," James said as he gently rubbed a paw over Ryan's cheek. "Would it be alright if I mated you?"

Ryan blushed deeply as he looked at the jackal. His body was screaming yes, but his mind was casting doubt. He had tried sex before, but it didn't end up that well. Still, something inside him wanted him to take the chance with the jackal. " long as you're gentle. I've never really done this before..."

James smiled and nosed Ryan softly. "Of course hun. We can stop at any time. You just let me know."

James kissed Ryan's cheek softly and lifted him up with his strong arms, pressing his back against the cold window behind him. Ryan wrapped his legs around the jackal's beefy waist and shivered slightly as he felt James's hard tip slowly push between his firm cheeks. He grabbed hold of James's sturdy shoulders and relaxed as he felt James's tip push inside him, slowly penetrating his tight hole and sending sparks through his body.

Ryan let out a loud moan as the thick meat slowly pushed inside him, inch after thick inch slowly stretching him out and causing waves of pleasure to shoot through his entire body. It took everything he had to keep his cock from bursting from the intense pleasure and shooting his seed all over their heaving torsos.

"'re s-so big!!" he finally managed to gasp as the jackal started slowly thrusting inside him.

"I guess that means you like it, shep," grunted James as he squeezed Ryan's hips and started thrusting harder.

Ryan moaned and panted loudly as he let James have his way with him, the jackal's thick, leaking cock sliding in and out of his tight hole, his drooling tip ramming against Ryan's prostate and driving him even closer to orgasm.

"Mmm damn you're so tight!!!" moaned James as his thrusts became harder and more sporadic.

Ryan felt like he could burst any minute as he felt James's knot form and ram against his tight hole with every thrust. He clenched his rump around the jackal's hard cock and squeezed hard, wanting so badly to feel the warm seed of his lover shooting deeply inside his body. Soon the deep churning inside Ryan's balls made it up to his knot, and he knew he couldn't hold back any longer as he felt his climax rush throughout him.

"Nnngghh!! O-oh James!! I'm gonna cum!!!" he shouted as he threw his head back and arched his back, his cock twitching heavily as his thick cumshots erupted against their bodies, shooting all the way up to their muzzles.

Ryan held onto James tightly as he suddenly felt the jackal's large knot pop inside him, closely followed by an eruption of hot seed as James moaned out with pleasure and squeezed Ryan's hips tightly, his legs weakening with the strength of his orgasm. Ryan felt his own orgasm renew with strength as James emptied his pent up load inside him, their moans echoing through the room as they released their seed together, their bodies united as one as their raw and untapped love flowed between them.

Soon their orgasms faded, and James fell into a chair still tied to Ryan, both of them panting heavily. Ryan laid his head against James's chest as he tried to gather himself, not able to speak as his head still swam in the unbelievable amounts of pleasure he had just experienced. He panted softly and nuzzled into James's warm, black fur, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. The security and warmth Ryan felt from the jackal was too great, and he soon fell asleep wrapped safely in James's strong, loving arms.

When Ryan finally awoke, he found himself tucked securely into a bed in one of the sleeping cars. He rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly, noticing the sun peeking through the shades over his windows. He had no clue what time it was, and was startled that he had let his guard down for so long. He quickly threw the sheets off his naked body, sitting up and looking around the room for his clothes.

Just as he spotted them folded neatly in a chair next to the bed, his door opened and James walked in with a bright smile.

"I see you're finally up," he said as he walked over and gave Ryan a gentle kiss on the muzzle.

"How long have I been out?" Ryan asked rubbing a paw through his dark brown hair.

"Not too long. We still have a little ways before we reach Montgomery," he said sitting down next to Ryan.

"Oh good...I was afraid I had missed my stop," Ryan said as he leaned against the sturdy jackal.

"I wouldn't have let that happen, even though I would love for you to stay," James said as he gently nuzzled Ryan's soft ears.

Ryan wrapped his arms around the jackal and gave him a tight squeeze. "That would be nice. I really enjoy your company."

"You know, I've been thinking about it, and I'm pretty sure I could pull a few strings to get you a job on this train. You could be a steward in one of the club cars, or maybe even Assistant Conductor," James said as his tail wagged behind him. "And then maybe we could even, well you know, start dating..."

Ryan's happiness suddenly turned to sorrow as he listened to the jackal talk. "James," he said as he pulled away and looked into the jackal's soft green eyes, "what we've shared is truly special and something I will always treasure. I've let you closer to me than I have anyone else, but I'm not interested in a relationship..."

The jackal's tall ears fell and his tail instantly stopped wagging. "If it was because I was rude to you at first, I was only doing what my job required...I'm sorry if that upset you..."

"No, that's not it," Ryan said as he slowly rubbed a paw across James's tender muzzle. "I'm just not the type of guy who is interested in forming a relationship. Those types of things are just too complicated."

James nodded softly and squeezed Ryan a little tighter, but said nothing.

"I'm sorry if I misled you," Ryan said as he lowered his own ears and pulled away from the jackal's grasp.

James sat silently for a moment before shaking his head and feigning a smile as he slowly stood up. "No, it's no big deal. We're just two lonely dogs who had one night of passion and I'm suddenly trying to turn it into more than it was. My heart does that sometimes. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" asked Ryan as he stood up and placed a paw on James's chest.

"Yeah, I'm sure," James said as he took Ryan's paw and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'll let you get dressed now. I'm sure you have preparations to make."

Something inside Ryan was screaming at him to tell the jackal to stay, to not let him go, but it was a part of Ryan that he always managed to silence. It was the one part of him that wasn't scared to start a relationship; the one part of him that was brave enough to take a chance with love, but like always, it was silenced.

"Yeah I do. Thanks again James, for everything," Ryan said with a smile.

"Thank you Ryan," James said, hesitating only a moment before leaving the room.

Ryan let out a deep sigh and started to get dressed, shutting out his thoughts and doing his best to forget the jackal and to move on with the tasks at hand. As soon as he was finished, he met Sam in the mail car with a cheery smile.

Sam smirked and looked his friend over. "You look clean, but you smell like jackal."

Ryan shook his head and tried his best to maintain his smile. "Let's just try and focus on the job, shall we?"

"You mean you aren't even going to tell me about it?"

"No," Ryan said as he looked out the window of the car. "There's not much to tell."

The train soon reached the station and Ryan and Sam unloaded the crate onto the platform without breaking a sweat. Ryan looked around to see if he could spot James, but the crowd was too large. They shuffled on and off the train quickly, and soon the whistle blew to signal the train's departure. Ryan stood next to Sam and watched the large engine slowly start to pull away from the platform, its long line of coaches in steady pursuit. Ryan felt a deep, sinking feeling inside his chest as the last car faded off into the distance, wondering if perhaps the jackal was looking back at him, and hoping maybe that one day he'd be able to forgive him for breaking his heart.