The Magic Inside Him: Chapter 4

The Magic Inside Him **Chapter 4** Marcus fell against the bed and kicked off his pants as Gabriel unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside and climbed on top of him. Marcus rubbed the broad shoulders of his coyote and kissed him deeply as they...

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The Magic Inside Him: Chapter 3

The Magic Inside Him **Chapter 3** The loud vibrating noise from Marcus' phone woke him up the next morning. He groaned and turned over in his bed, reaching for his phone with his eyes still closed. He grabbed the thin rectangular object and pulled...

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The Magic Inside Him: Chapter 2

The Magic Inside Him **Chapter 2** As Marcus walked back to the hotel, his mind continued the battle he had put on hold while with Hayden. Should he call the coyote or not? He may not even answer; it could be a fake number after all. This calmed him...

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The Magic Inside Him: Chapter 1

The Magic Inside Him **Foreword** _Marcus is a good wolf and a hard worker. When he sets his mind to something, he devotes everything he has to it until the job is done. It sometimes gets him into trouble, but he's just stubborn like that. I guess...

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Kismet on the Crescent

Kismet on the Crescent Ryan blew into his paws and rubbed them together in a vain attempt to keep warm as he stood on the platform of the Salisbury railway station with his partner, a burly Rottweiler named Sam. They were both members of the Southern...

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