Kazuo: Prologue

Story by NightEye88 on SoFurry

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It was like it came from no where... Wolves... They attacked the village, screaming from every direction, but was soon drowned out from howling. The scent of blood filled the air. A wounded female fled with her son, nearly eleven years of age (In human years). She was gravely wounded, but the fox moved with ease. She got far enough from the village and gave the pup one last kiss before she died.

"I love you..." she said.

The pup began to cry, then he ran. Ran as far as he could. He started to feel tired and couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. He fell asleep only moments later. Hours later he was awoken by the sounds of footsteps. He opened his eyes and say a old lady moving towards him. He growled and snarled at the hag.

"Now, now," she said with a smile, "I'm not here to hurt you young one. In fact, I'm here to help you!" She laughed

"What could you possibly help me with?" said the pup growling.

"Revenge on the wolves that killed your family and friends!" she answered.

The lady began chanting strange lines and the young fox began to feel major pain. He passed out due to the pain. When the pup woke, he looked around to see if he could find the hag. She was no where to be seen. He felt strange as though his... appearance had changed. He stumbled towards a puddle that was in the ground. When he looked into it he screamed. He'd turn into a human, despite still having fox ears and his left eye looked somewhat evil. He looked at his haunches and saw he still had his tail as well. He looked to his right and saw strange robes. He decided to put them on. The robes covered every inch of his body except for his right eye.

He was sure that if any other human being saw his tail, ears, or eye, they would fear him. Under the robes were a pair of daggers, and a bow with arrows. He had no knowledge of these strange tools, but he had a feeling he would need them. When he got back up he scented something, as if someone or something, was watching him... He quickly turned and saw it was only a owl.

He sighed and wondered where he would go. He knew of a small town nearby that may be a good place to start. He began to walk to a road nearby and began his journey. He did want revenge, but how was he supposed to accomplish anything in... this? He hoped that the town had someone who could teach him how to use these tools he'd found. Was this the end? or was it the beginning?