Laru: Chapter 1

Nightmares have been haunting my sleep lately. I can't sleep because of them. Each night, it's the same one. I'm eight years old, I walk into my parents room because I heard a noise coming from the room. Walking in, I see my parents, brutally murdered,...

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Kazuo: Part 2

Sitting up I called out, "Who is it?" "Clyde Jonson! We know you're in there! Open the door now!" I got up and unlocked the door. The person knocking on the door slammed the door open and walked in. He had a weapon with him. "You're not Jonson!...

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Kazuo: Part One

(The story will now be in Kazuo's point of view) It's been five years now, since my family and friends deaths. I went back to my village, it was completely abandoned and smelt really strong of blood and southern wolves. In these five years, I learnt...

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Kazuo: Prologue

It was like it came from no where... Wolves... They attacked the village, screaming from every direction, but was soon drowned out from howling. The scent of blood filled the air. A wounded female fled with her son, nearly eleven years of age (In human...

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