Sabrina & Sky: Summer Camp Part 2 By: Renatamer

Story by Shalamar Fox on SoFurry

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#2 of Sabrina & Sky

As for the girls side, they were much more enthusiastic to meet Sabrina. Besides Ivy and Zilla, there was Molly and her giant lizard like Elecmon, Nugget. The other two were the twins Zeva and Zoe, and their gothic monsters. Zeva's Frankenstein like digimon Boltmon... apply named Adam, while Zeo had named her WereGarurumon, Lobo... both girls dressed in black, had silver hair, violet eyes and pail skin.

Zeva and Zoe reminded Sabrina of vampires. But other then Myotismon, there were no such thing as vampires... right?

Yet the twin sisters, other then being slightly disturbing, were really nice and easy to get along with.

It was Jessie's Lopmon, whose name was Hoppy, that took note of the time after introductions were over and called 1 hour till lights out. Quickly everyone split up and got ready for bed... though everyone knew there would be little sleep had this night.

Chapter 3

"Someone pass me the syrup," Blake asked

"What for," Molly inquired as she passed the thick stuff to Zeva. "Your pancakes are already floating in the stuff."

"Yeah," Josh piped in. "Looks like they could use a life preserver."

"Drop dead Molly," her brother snapped back irritably. "You two Josh."

"Oh come on," Nash's partner, the female Flamdramon, snorted. "Can't you kids just be a little civil... it's only our first day."

"Yeah, you two are ruining our breakfast," Nash followed up.

"Fine," Blake sighed, flinching back from the dirty looks he was getting from all at the table. "But only if Molly agrees to."

"I'm not agreeing to..."

"Please Molly," Nugget, her digimon, interrupted from the floor. "We all just want to eat in peace."

"Oh, ok..." the girl huffed before looking to her brother. "Truce?"

"Truce," Blake nodded.

As one could guess, it was the fist real morning of camp and the chow of the hour were pancakes, sausage and bacon. There were also several assorted cereals, fruits, bagels and toast... All the children and their partners were crammed into the Mess-hall for their morning meal, and while each cabin was assigned its own table, the children were encouraged to mingle about and make friends.

As it were, Sabrina, Ivy, and Kyle sat at the end of the table happily reminiscing about the fun they had had at day camp the year before. And as with all children, it wasn't long before the rest of the table was listening in. While this was going on, Sky had finished his third plate of sausage and had gone off to the chow line to see if there was any bacon left.

"Hey Ivy," Molly finally managed to ask over all the other voices.

"Yes Molly,"

"Can I ask," the girl pointed between Ivy, Sabrina, and Kyle. "Why do you three dye your hair such strange colors?"

"Oh, we don't dye our hair," Kyle answered while his two friends giggled away. "The color's natural... sorta."

This earned the trio several odd looks from the table.

"You have got to be kidding," the purple digi-dragon, Spyro, gawked.

"Not at all, Kyle's hair is canary yellow, Sabrina's is true blue," Ivy said as she nodded to each of the three. "And mine is grass green..."

"That's incredible," marveled Quick.

"What is," Sky asked as he rejoined the table, his plate heaping over with crunchy bacon.

"They were just asking about our hair color," Ivy informed him

"oh..." Sky let his inquiry go at that for he wanted to dig into his yummy smelling plate. Yet as he was just about to shovel a hand full into his mouth someone at the table took note of something even odder then hair color.

"Sabrina," Zeva asked in her quiet voice. "While we are on this thing about colors, where did you get your contacts at?"

"Yes, they are beautiful," Zoe chimed in, her voice just as soft as her sisters. "Quite the wonderful shade of yellow."

"ummm... I don't wear contacts," she blinked in confusion.

That was all it took for everybody at the table to take note of Sabrina's bright yellow eyes.

"Oh come off it," Molly gave a snort. "First you tell us that your hair is naturally blue, now you expect us to believe your eyes are truly yellow?"

"Well..." she began.

"Originally Sabrina's hair and eyes where brown," Sky answered as he prepared himself for what he knew would come after. "About two years ago, she became deathly ill... the cure for her illness changed her hair and eyes to what they are now.

"Say what," Molly flinched.

"Last year when we first met her, all the other kids were constantly making fun of her." Ivy's usually happy demeanor had become slightly more stern.

"Yeah," Kyle announced as he glared back to the others at the table. "So we asked her uncle to change us as well, that way Sabrina wouldn't feel so out of place."

"God how their moms freaked," Zilla shook his stuffed head.

"Wait just a moment, so you lied..."

"Molly, hold off," Blake silenced his sister with but a look.

"Yes," Lobo, the digi-werewolf added. "I for one wish to know just what happened to the blue haired child."

"We aren't fibbing Molly, our hair color is natural... now," Sabrina said as she looked around the table. "And Axel isn't really my uncle, he's a long time friend of my dads and my godfather... as for how I changed, you would have to ask Sky, I was in a coma when it happened."

Yep, the worst had happened for the blue digi-fox now found himself at the center of everyone's attention. This meant he couldn't finish his meal until he had answered all their questions... Damn it.

"Well," Blake asked.

"Well, what," Sky gave a snort.

"You going to tell us what happened or what?"

"Fine, I'll tell the story..." the fox growled as he pushed his plate out of temptation range. "But before I can tell you why Sabrina looks the way she does, I have to tell you how we met."

"ummm, This might need to wait," Drake's Gazimon piped up, nodding toward the 6 camp counselors just entering though the main doors.

"Can I please have your attention?" a rather short fat man called out over the din of chattering children.

However no one seemed to pay him any heed... no one except those at Sabrina's table. Quietly the children of cabin 4 watched as a rust covered Guardromon, a steam powered robot digimon, stepped forth. With a nod from the teen standing behind the fat man, the Guardromon shot a quick blast through the steam whistle atop his head.

Instantly the hall became silent.

"My name is Mr. Burns," said the fat man said to the hall of children, "and I'm your camp Chief..." After that he pulled a clip board and began to read. "Just so you all know, in the mornings we give announcements. Now this is the time where your counselors or I would read off or tell you of any changes to your schedules or events..." After re-reading what ever was on the clipboard, he shook his head and mumbled something to the teen behind him.

"Anyhow," he finally sighed, "before we can tell you about changes to your schedules... you need to have them." He then waved to the counselors behind him, "Each cabin will be taken to the craft hut where Mike, Sam, Tonya, and Griff will be waiting to help you choose from all the exciting activities we have planed..."

The rest of Mr. Buns' speech was lost on Sky for he had returned to quickly cleaning his plate... however...

Deep in the male Renamon's memory a spark had formed and was irritably growing slowly.


"Look, Even if you won't leave," the male nurse barked as he pushed Sky out of the way of the doctors. "You're going to have to stand back and let the Doctors do their work."

Less then 8 hours after finally accepting Sabrina as his tamer, with Sky sitting patiently by her side, the girl had let out a raspy gurgle and began to convulse. The various machines she had been hooked up to hadn't even started their crescendo of warning noises when the men and women in white had barged in and began talking in a language he didn't understand.

All the while Sky stood by and watched as a new and altogether perplexing feeling griping the Digi-fox, that of total helplessness.

It took what felt like a lifetime before they had finished sucking the gray puss fluid from the little girl's lungs, everything seemed to move in slow-motion, and all he could do was watch. He only relaxed once Sabrina began breathing on her own and the doctors had vacated the room.

Ignoring the complaints from the nurses, Frank and his wife Crystal forced their way into their ailing daughter's room. It wasn't long after, as Crystal pressed herself against the walls of the plastic tent, that Dr. Yamoto had stepped in and requested to see Frank privately. Taking a chance, Sky left Crystal to cry over her daughter alone and followed the fat man and the doctor.

Though the two had stepped into a small room just down the hall, they hadn't closed the door fully... this let the digi-fox listen without butting in. To Sky's great shock and horror, the doctors prognosis wasn't for the best. "Please, there has to be some way for you to help her," Frank was demanding... no, he was pleading.

In a numb, slow shuffle, Sky made his way back down the hall. He was back at Sabrina's side when Frank stepped in, looking much the way the blue Renamon felt. "Frank, what did the Doctor say," Crystal wondered, yet as she took in the sad look on his face, she broke down and began to, once again, cry uncontrollably.

Yes a foreboding mood had settled into the room, doom and gloom resting on all like a heavy weight. Even the usually bright lights seemed to have darkened, casting the room in shadow...

Sky froze, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

From out of the growing shadows he stepped, tall, regal, and frightening. He said nothing at first, ignoring all save for the sickly girl... The BlackRenamon remained silent as he took up a spot at Sabrina's side. At first Sky didn't know what to do or say, here was the most deadly and hated monster in all Renamon legend... and it was standing over his Sabrina, directly a cross from him.

A low growl suddenly filled the room.

It took everyone by surprise, Sky even more so, when they all realized that the sound was coming from the digi-fox. The warning growl died in the digimon's throat when Black slowly shifted his gaze from the sick girl, to that of the blue Renamon. Never had Sky seen eyes like that. How could one creature hold so much power, great and terrifying... and yet his glowing orbs also held a deep sadness.

"Shhhhh," Frank started to chastise the blue Renamon, only to be quieted when Black held up a finger.

"Leave," Black said in a flat voice.


"You can't be serious," the fat man gasped as he placed a reassuring hand on Crystal's shoulder.

"I said LEAVE," the god of the void snarled, his attention momentarily focused on Frank and his wife.

Sky flinched, for Frank and Crystal had suddenly vanished, leaving him alone with the BlackRenamon. Hesitantly he began to rise, wondering if he could make it to the door before the god killed him. "SIT," Black commanded as he loomed over Sabrina. Blinking, stunned to find his legs to weak to stand, Sky fell to his knees and settled back on his haunches.

"You're being rather protective," Black whispered, his gaze again falling on the blue digimon who now sat on the floor.

"Please don't hurt her." It had slipped out before Sky could stop himself.

Black's ears perked up at the Renamon's outburst, "And here I thought you didn't like being Sabrina's partner," his voice was quiet as he spoke. Yet one eyebrow had arched as he caught sight of the Digi-vice still clutched tightly by his god-daughter. "Or have things changed since last we talked, Blue?"

"Sky," he responded through a suddenly dry throat.


"It's my name," he nodded toward Sabrina. "She gave it to me last night."

"And you accepted?"

"Yes... Even after all I did, all my complaining, the times I disappeared for days on end." Fuck, what the hell was happening, why was he saying all this, why was he opening up to the evil god... and yet, he felt no malice coming from the creature, nor could he stop himself. Gently he lifted his hand and placed it on the side of the plastic tent, wanting desperately to take hold of her. "2 years of disobedience, and she still wanted to give me a name..."

"She loves you."

Tearing his eyes off his partner, Sky looked up to Black. Was the god of the void actually being civil? Taking a chance he found himself asking. "Can you save her?"

"I have a lot of power," Black breathed as he glanced at the sleeping Sabrina. "But I'm not going to be the one to save her."

"But..." Sky half whimpered, half barked, the feeling of helplessness twisting inside him, like a knife to the gut. "If you won't help her, then who can?"

"You can,"

The digi-fox froze when he felt a cool hand gently land on his right shoulder. Turning his head oh so slowly, he found that the BlackRenamon had teleported and was now standing behind him, glowing red eyes fixed on his own. With his blue fur standing on end, not caring to be so close to the evil god, Sky forced himself to ask, "What do you mean?"

"Know this young... Sky," Black's hand slipping off the digi-fox's shoulder as he took a step closer to the plastic tent. "Sabrina is my god-daughter, and I am going to do all I can for her," his voice softened even more, something Sky didn't think possible. "Yet what she needs right now, is something only you can give her..."

For a long moment Sky sat looking between the dark god of the void and the girl who's unselfish act had captured his heart. It wasn't to long ago that he would have run screaming from being so close to... him. "So what do I do," he tilted his head while keeping an eye on the dark god. For an answer, the black monster reached out and in a blur, ripped the plastic tent to shreds.

"Now then," Black nodded for Sky to stand. "I want you to take Sabrina by the hand, the one in which she is holding your digi-vice."

"er...Ok," he did as he was told, still not sure if he fully trusted the creature. "Now what do I do?"

"Easy," a manic smile spread over Black's muzzle as he seized their joined hands. "It's Magic Time!"


With a groan, Sky reached up and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands, trying in vane to bring himself back to the present.

"So what happened after that," Molly breathed, she and her brother sat on the edge of her bunk. Currently, with Sabrina sitting in his lap, the rest of cabin 4 had arranged themselves throughout the girl's side of the cabin and were intently listening to his story. Even Donny and Jessie were riveted to the Renomon's words. Taking a deep breath, Sky took a moment to remember where he was in his tale.

"I remember being swallowed by darkness, then slowly a bright light began to form before me..."

"That's the train coming through the other side of the tunnel," Blake snickered at his own joke.

"Shut up Blake," the other children all barked as one.

"Yeah," his Sheepmon, Fluff, piped up. "I want to hear this."

Again Sky waited for the arguing to stop before even trying to go on.

"Please continue Sky," Sith, Donnie's LadyDevimon, prodded.

"Yes, Please do." Molly echoed

"Well," Sky wavered, trying not to roll his eyes. "As the light grew closer, I began to make out that it was a human girl. But not just any girl, it was Sabrina. Not knowing why, I reached out and pulled her into my arms, holding her as tightly to my chest as possible without hurting her."

"To my great surprise, while she never opened her eyes, she smiled and whispered my name as the bright light surrounded us," he said, trying to hold back the emotion that sprang up at the memory. Taking a moment to breath deep, he let a smile cross his face, "And that's when the train hit me."

Everyone sat blinking in stunned silence.

"See," Blake huffed, folding his arms over his chest. "Told you it was a train."

"No way," Zeva gave a snort.

"Oh come on," Nash shook his head.

"Was there really a train," Quick tilted her head in confusion.

"Not really, no," Sky chuckled lightly as he hefted his partner up, moving her from one side of his lap to the other... sighing slightly as blood once again flowed. "In truth I'm not sure what happened. All I know is that that when the light faded, I was standing in the hospital room with Sabrina cuddled up in my arms... and she was wide awake."

"Oh wow," Sith gasped as she pressed herself closer to her partner Donny, "How sweet."

"So the BlackRenamon fixed you after all," Molly asked of Sabrina.

"In a way," Sabrina said as she took over the story...


With a flash, Sky once again found himself back in the sterile hospital room, Sabrina held tightly in his arms, and the BlackRenamon standing near by. Giving his head a quick shake, trying to blink the bright spot that filled most of his vision, he did his best to figure out what the fuck had just happened. One second he was holding his tamer by the hand, the next she was in his arms...


Jumping in alarm, the blue Renamon glanced down at the bundle in his arms. To his amazement, Sabrina was awake, her now yellow eyes smiling up at him... Yellow? "er... hey there sleepy head," he managed, then instantly felt like an ass.

"You stayed," was her only reply as she pressed herself into the white fur of his chest. "You said you would stay until I woke up... and here you are."

"What can I say," he sighed happily, "I had no where else to go."

"Well, I guess I'll just be going then."

"Uncle Black," Sabrina gasped, only now realizing the digi-god was standing nearby. "When did you get here?"

"Oh, about an hour ago," the BlackRenamon shrugged

Almost instinctively, Sky shot a glance at the clock hanging on the wall over the bed. Indeed, from the moment Black had appeared, an hour had somehow passed. While he tried in vane to remember where the time had gone, it suddenly dawned on him that Sabrina was no longer in his arms.

Alarm shot though the digi-fox when he found that his partner was now snuggled up against the dark god.

Gently the god hefted the small girl into his thick arms, much the way a mother lovingly cradled a baby. And to Sky's disbelieving ears, he was talking with her in a soft crooning voice. "Today, something wonderful has happened," Black said with a smile. "Last night, in an act of love, you gave Sky something very special... his name. Today he returned that love and gave you his health."

"You did," the young girl questioned as she looked to Sky.

"umm... yeah," again the blue fox felt like an ass for he didn't remember doing anything.

"However to do that a sacrifice needed to be made," the dark god whispered. Before Sabrina could even ask, he had held up her digi-vice... or what was left of it. "Do not fret young one..." he reassured her as he dumped the shattered remains onto a small rolling table for all to see. "...For this device was never meant to be permanent, nor would it have lasted much longer. Instead I have taken its power and placed them in a new home."

"A new home," Sky tilted his head, not sure what the god was getting at.

"I think he means he made us a new digi-vice," Sabrina began, only to become rather confused when Black shook his head.

"No, I have placed its power into you, Sabrina..." Oh so gently the evil god of the void reached up and placed a sharp claw over the girls heart. "You are now and forever linked with Sky. You now hold the power to evolve him within you... a living Digi-vice." With that said, he handed Sabrina over to Sky and began to vanish before their eyes. Yet before Black had fully faded away, he leaned close and whispered, "As long one lives, so shall the other."

While both sat blinking, very confused at the god's words, the door to the room burst open showing a very flustered and pissed off Frank.


Taking a deep breath, Sky let his mind wander back to the cabin... just in time to, for Sabrina had just finished her story.

"You don't need a Digi-vice," Sith almost choked as she sat back against her partner Donny.

"Oh my god, all this time I kept thinking there was something odd about you," Jessie slapped her forehead. "It's because you were walking around without a Digi-vice. Why didn't I see it before?"

"And she isn't the only one," Ivy giggled, poking Kyle in the side.

"Wait a sec," Molly finally caught on, pointing between the three friends. "None of you have digital devices..."

"Nope" Kyle shook his head. "Like I said during breakfast, we asked Sabrina's uncle to change us as well..."

Chapter 4

"So what are you going to do after lunch," Kyle asked as he looked over the activity checklist.

"I was thinking of going canoeing..." Ivy said as she absently beat a rhythm out on the table with the end of her pencil. "What about you Sabrina?"

"I was thinking that since the hottest part of the day is between lunch and dinner," the blue haired girl responded. "That I'd schedule some free time in after lunch, swimming after that, and crafts before dinner..."

Both Ivy and Kyle took a moment to regard each other before quickly attacking their sheets with their erasers. "What about after breakfast," Ivy asked as she corrected her list. Currently all the children from cabin 4 were at the craft hut trying to fill out their activity sheets. As it was, the list looked a bit like this...

7:30am: "wake up call"

8:30am: breakfast and clean up

9:30 to 12:30: 3 activity periods

1:00pm: lunch

2:00pm: nap time/free time

3:00 to 6:00: 3 more activity periods

6:30: dinner

7:00 to 9:00: individual cabin activities

10:00: lights out.

This meant that one needed to pick at least 5 to 6 activities to fill their day with... however, the problem was choosing what to take.

Arts and Crafts

Aquatic aerobics




Paddle boating

Performing Arts



Games (physical)

Grooming/Feeding (taking care of the camp animals)

Horseback riding

Nature studies

Digimon Nature Studies

Hiking (supervised trips to the Digi-world)


Free Time

Sabrina took a moment to think before saying anything. Because there were so many kids at the camp, one not only had to pick what activity at which time, but a backup activity incase the first one was full. "I think I'll take Archery first," she mused. "Followed by Water Front Activities, that way I can choose from day to day between canoeing, fishing, and the paddle boats... that way I can do whatever no matter which fills up."

"Crap," Kyle gave a snort. "And here I picked Sports first."

"Just after breakfast..." Ivy shot the boy an odd look.

"You don't want to take something that isn't strenuous just after eating Kyle," Ivy's stuffed T-Rex, Zilla, spoke up. "Unless you like to hurl..."

"No way," the boy swallowed hard. "Archery it is, followed by the water stuff."

"What about before lunch," this time it was Volt who was looking to Sabrina.

"I picked Games (physical)..." she said. "You know, as in Capture the Flag, Hide n Seek and that sort of stuff."

"Wow, sounds cool..." Kyle was already writing it into the given time slot.

"Hey, wait a sec," the green haired Ivy blinked, rechecking her list. "Sabrina, why did you pick Free Time right after a pre scheduled Nap/Free Time..."

"Hey, that's right," Kyle scratched his head. "That's two hours of doing nothing..."

"She took the free time so that she could explore the camp," Sky interrupted from where he was leaning against the wall. "Also, you can wonder around the camp and ask the counselors, who are in charge of the various activities, if you can tag along..."

"Yeah," Sabrina smiled.

"Oh, I see," Ivy giggled once she got it. "That way you can experience any activity you want, and not get in trouble for skipping something you already had scheduled."

"Why would you get in trouble for skipping something," Kyle looked confused.

"Weren't you paying attention," Volt scolded his partner. "They take roll call before each activity starts, that way they know if someone has gone missing and who to look for."

"Yeah," the blue haired girl nodded. "I for one don't want the adults tearing the camp apart looking for me if I decide suddenly to skip on an activity... I don't need that kind of trouble."

"Good thinking..." Kyle finally nodded...

"You know, you two don't need to take everything I do," Sabrina said as she set her checklist down. "I won't mind if you guys want to do other things."

"Yeah, we know," Ivy giggled.

"This way we can have fun together," Kyle finished. "Isn't that what friends do?"

"How does it go again," Sky added as he joined the little group. "All for one and one for all?"

"Thanks," Sabrina sighed, her cheeks slightly flushed...


With a soft sigh, Sabrina opened her eyes and looked to the alarm clock on her nightstand. The glowing green numbers glaring back at her told her it was a little after 3 in the morning. ‘damn it' she cursed softly to herself. While the days events had been only slightly taxing, at this late hour she should have still been dead to the world. ‘So why are we awake?' her mind asked.

While trying to think of an answer, she let her eyes wander about the dark cabin room. Outside the moon was full and its soft blue light filtered though the cabin's wire mesh screens and bathed the room in shadows. Sabrina was lucky for she and Sky had the last two beds in the room, so she could see all the way down the cabin, to the door that led into the main room.

Slowly, not wanting to make any noise, she rolled onto her side and gazed down the room. She wasn't sure why, but she felt that the answer to her sudden case of insomnia was somewhere in the room. No sooner had she thought this, when she caught movement halfway down the room.

There was a gasp, so soft she almost missed it, then a flash of silver. Keeping her mouth closed, Sabrina watched as Zoe slowly sat up, the light of the moon causing her naked white skin to almost glow. Was the Goth girl having trouble sleeping as well? That answer came when Zoe let out another soft moan and began to rock her hips up and back.

Zoe and Lobo, her WereGarurumon, were having sex.

Unable to do anything else, she watched on in silence. As the two continued to writhe and buck, Sabrina accidentally allowed her yellow eyes to refocus... Suddenly the whole room seemed to open up to her, lit bright as day. Now she could see everything, from Lobo's large hands gently stroking Zoe's creamy thighs, to the look of absolute rapture on the silver haired girls face.

Nightvision, it was a blessing, and at times, a curse.

Closing her eyes tight, Sabrina turned away from the two lovers and tried desperately to clear her mind. But the tickle forming between her legs wouldn't let her. Though she didn't want it to, her mind betrayed her as thoughts of earlier that night flashed before her clinched eyes.


"Its almost time for light out," Jessie said as she and Hoppy entered the room, happily taking note that all the girls were in various states of getting ready for bed. All except for Ivy. For some reason or another, the green haired girl was standing next to her bed, naked as the day she had been born, fluffing several large pillows. "Ivy, dear," the CIT stepped over to the girl. "Where are your PJs?"

"Oh I don't wear any..." Ivy replied in her usual happy tone.

"I see," Jessie blinked, yet as she was about to walk away, she remembered last night. "Wait a tick, what about last night, you slept in your undies didn't you?"

"Only because Zilla was to tired to eat me last night," the girl said as she climbed up onto the bed next to her digi-dino

"Oh, Ok," the counselor in training smiled before turning and making her way to the door. Only as she was reaching for the light switch did it dawn on her what the little girl had said. However someone else locked right on Ivy's words.

"Wait, are you..." Molly blinked almost dumbfounded. "Are you two going to have sex... here... now?"

"No silly," Ivy gave out a snort. "Zilla is a stuffed dinosaur, he doesn't have a peter, so he can't have sex."

"Oh," Molly sighed as relaxed.

"He's going to swallow me instead." Ivy smiled and hugged her stuffed dinosaur, the usual start to their nightly ritual.

"WHAT," Jessie screeched, nearly falling over.

"It's a harmless game," Sky waved off the CIT with a dismissive wave. "Plushy boy there doesn't have a stomach, so can't digest anything..."

"Yeah, Ivy uses him kinda like a sleeping bag," Sabrina said as she prepped her own bed for sleep.

With a kiss, Zilla softly asked if the green haired girl had gone to the bathroom before he began. Her only response was to nod. "Oh how I love you for this..." the ExTyrannomon breathed as placed a hand on her small chest and pressed her back into the pillows of her bed.

Ignoring the irritating looks he was getting from the peanut gallery, he instead concentrated on his tamer. Oh so slowly Zilla crawled down towards the foot of the bed and nuzzled Ivy's feet, softly kissing each foot before giving one of her big toes a gentle nip with his fake teeth. "Num, num, num..." he mumbled.

Ivy's response was to giggle and struggle slightly.

With the other girls of cabin 4 now looked on in wide eyed fascination, Sabrina, who had seen this ritual several times, tried desperately not to watch... seeing Zilla slurp Ivy down always made her crotch tingle for some reason.

Sometimes, somewhere in the back of her mind, she wished Sky could do the same thing to her...

While Ivy's struggling was largely do to the fact that she was ticklish, it was also meant to help satisfy Zilla's primal need... something they both secretly longed for, even if he was just a living T-Rex plushy. Taking hold of both feet, the dino began to rub them over his soft muzzle, sighing happily as he felt Ivy's feet and toes wriggle against his stitched together nostrils.

Ivy half groaned, half giggled, the feeling of the ExTyrannomon's soft fabric was warm against her flesh. Slowly, as everyone looked on, Zilla opened his large mouth and slide his tamer's feet into his gaping maw. With extreme care the T-Rex began to crawl forward, and to the amassment of all, the girl's feet and ankles quickly disappeared into the digi-dino's throat.

Knowing what was to come, Sky, like Sabrina, looked away and tried to suppress a shiver by rummaging around in one of his tamer's packs. Experience had taught him just how erotic watching the two could be and since he didn't wear clothes...

Lying back, Ivy closed her eyes and happily moaned as Zilla opened his throat wide, his warm maw traveling slowly up her body. Taking a moment, she gave her legs a bit of a wiggle and had to stifle a giggle when her digimon gave out a growl. Both playing their parts, one as struggling prey, the other as ravaging predator.

By now Sabrina surmised that Ivy's knees were pressing into the ExTyrannomon's gullet and she doubted there was a dry pare of undies in the room. Taking the risk Sabrina turned to see where in their ritual, Ivy and Zilla were... and immediately regretted it.

Zilla had moved up along his tamer's slim thighs and was gently working her naked hips into his mouth, his fabric covered belly starting to bulge. Lifting her backside off the bed, the ExTyrannomon walked the girl into his maw by hinging his lower jaw back and forth. Unable to resist, Ivy groaned out in reaction to the pleasurable sensations coursing through her young body.

"Wha...what does it feel like," Zoe, one of the Goth twins managed to ask.

"There's nothing like the feeling..." Ivy breathed, "...of a soft, felt* tongue sliding up my body..."

(Felt, as in the fabric)

She was enjoying herself immensely and was beginning to pant from the heat of Zilla's throat as it closed around her hips, his large T-Rex jaws moving steadily up her belly. Already she was having to curl her legs up within him so as to make more room. Absently Ivy reached out and began to stroke her ExTyrannomon's muzzle and smiled before lifting her head up and planting a kiss on his snout.

"By the Sovran," Lobo, the WereGarurumon swore as he quickly adjusted the large bulge that had formed in his jeans.

Ivy could feel the dino's hot breath as he swallowed hard and pulled her chest into his throat. Lying back, she razed her arms past her head and waited as Zilla's mouth slowly worked its way over her purity face. There was a content smile on her face when he closed his jaws over her head.

A gasp echoed through the room once everyone saw that Zilla's mouth now completely surrounded his tamer's body, only her arms remained sticking out the front of his maw.

The ExTyrannomon paused for a moment, savoring the feeling as Ivy's naked body squirmed inside his mouth, his throat and filled his insides. Giving out a grunt, he slowly rolled over onto his back and presented all with a good view of his belly and the more then visible outline of Ivy trapped within. Relaxing against the pillows that his tamer had prepared for him, Zilla swallowed one last time and with a slurping sound, Ivy's arms disappeared into the dino-plushy.

The room was strangely quiet except for the happy groan coming from the digi-dino. Amassed, everyone watched as the bulge in his throat, presumably Ivy's head and shoulders, slip down past his chest and his belly rounded out even more.

This was more then Boltmon could take, "Mmmee need to use bathroom...Now" he stammered as he quickly stood up and left the room, Zeva following along as fast as she could.

With a loud belch, Zilla reached up and began to gently rub over his fattened belly. He could feel, and the others could see, the slow movements as Ivy found herself a more comfortable position... "Sweat as candy," he grunted happily, his eyes already drooping with the need for sleep.


Sabrina had been turned on before, but nothing like this. She had never seen anything so raw, never actually seen anyone having sex before. Turning back, her eyes again readjusting, she watched Zoe rise and fall atop her werewolf. Sabrina shivered as the tickle between her legs became a fire.

Slowly, as if in a trance, she slid her hand into her underwear... and nearly yelped when her cool fingers brushed the throbbing nub of flesh at the top of her slit. Sabrina's head swam, never in her short life had she felt like this. Without thinking about it she began to circle the small, hard bud just as Lobo sat up in bed.

At first she thought the two were done, but that thought quickly disappeared.

Without warning, Zoe pulled herself off his thingy and spun around, her back now to her digimon. In the light of the moon, and with help from her enhanced vision, Sabrina stifled a gasp at Lobo's shear size. The thing had to be as thick as her forearm and almost as long. Taking a deep breath, Zoe pulled her hips back far, lined the monster pole up with her sweet opening, and rammed down.

The Goth girl did her best to silence a gasp as the thing plunged its way deep into her belly.

Almost immediately Sabrina's heart rate quickened and a flush feeling washed over her face. Swallowing hard, she gazed, transfixed at Zoe's face, her eyes wide and mouth contorted as Lobo reached around his much smaller tamer, hugging her to his chest.

Sabrina could almost feel the girl's pleasure as she rubbed her nub harder and harder, faster and faster.

In the light she could see Zoe quiver a little as Lobo gently lifted her up, exposing his thick rod to Sabrina's eyes. The sight of the Goth girl's pussy stretched wide by her digimon only added fuel to Sabrina's fire. Then as if a show of things to come, the werewolf slammed his hips up into his tamer, making her small frame fly up, and then back down the length of his tool.

Sabrina didn't have a vast knowledge of sex, but she understood the premise of making love. This however wasn't love, it was almost animal...

Laying back against his chest, Zoe began meeting the WereGarurumon's thrusts with her own. To Sabrina's amazement she stated moving her hips back and forth in a wavy fashion, pumping the wolf's rod in and out of her belly.

Oh god, how Sabrina longed to have Sky's hard shaft push deep inside her, yet all the things her mother had told her... about babies and stuff, she wasn't ready for all that. Even so, as she watched Lobo buck in and out of Zoe aggressively, her own fingers tentatively moved past her nub and pressed into the now soaked confines of her virgin sex.

Before her, Lobo was now playing with his tamers small little nipples as the base of his rod began to fatten. At first she wondered if the wolf had hurt himself, yet he looked to be enjoying the feeling of her tight sex as he pumped in and out. "uh, yesss," Zoe fought out against her moans. Her little hands reaching up to clasps onto his, as he tweaked and softly pinched her tiny pink buds.

Sabrina's chest was hammering, she had never had anything inside her before now. Not wanting to dwell, and driven by the sight before her, she pushed the tips of two fingers inside her folds. And the world stopped moving. Her mouth opened in a gasp, yet no noise was made, she couldn't even breath at the shock of this new sensation.

The same thing seemed to be happening to Zoe for at that moment the Goth girl tensed up, sucking air through clinched teeth. Sabrina fixed her eyes on Zoe's pussy as she pushed her fingers deeper inside her own wet hole. Had something gone wrong? Yet at that moment Lobo let out a deep growl and slammed Zoe's lilith body down onto the fat base of his thingy.

Sabrina followed suit, sliding her fingers in as far as she could, until she felt something blocking her way. Suddenly her whole body convulsed and stiffen. Wave after wave of pleaser sweep over her young body, her eyes growing wide and her breath becoming in quick and heavy bursts.

Werewolf and tamer gowned there hips together and as Sabrina gazed on, the fat base of Lobo's rod popped into Zoe's already stretched sex. Amazingly she caught sight of the wolf's furry sack as it started to twitch, both Lobo and Zoe shivering and shaking uncontrollably.

Rolling onto her belly, Sabrina used her pillow to quiet her moan as she began pumping and thrusting her fingers in and out of her slit. Unknowing, she began to grind herself against her hand, trying to get more of her fingers inside of her pussy. The harder she pushed, the more intense her pleaser grew. Harder and harder she pushed against the barrier, frantically pumping her wet slit.

With one swift, firm thrust, her fingers broke past the blockage and slipped deep inside of her pussy. Lightning flashed before her eye, helplessly, crying out in wanton lust as fingers slam upwards and bury themselves into silky flesh. Her legs tremble as walls collapse and shudder around her fingers, "Oh Sky!!!" she moaned uncontrollably into her pillow as she was taken by her first orgasm.


Having watched the whole special, Sky slipped out of bed and quickly teleported out into the cool embrace of the night. Deep within his heart he had longed for the time when Sabrina would call out his name while in the throws of passion. Yet there was a part of him that was scared to death of what might happen if the BlackRenamon found out he was mating the things goddaughter. "Fuck Me," he screamed out, slamming his fist into a tree.

"Careful young Sky, you might wake the world."

Spinning around, his fur on end, the blue digi-fox once again found himself in the presence of the living void. "i...I never touched her," he quickly blurted out. Yet the BlackRenamon only tilted his head and gazed at Sky with glowing red eyes. ‘Fuck, I'm going to die now,' his mind flashed.

"I think we need to have a little chat," Black's voice rumbled forth as the shadows around him quickly formed two chairs and a small table.

"I would rather stand," quickly Sky's mind finished with ‘Incase I need to run for my life.'

"I said SIT!"

Sky obeyed.