Story Commission: Foreign Policy, Chapter 3

Story by Sluimarath on SoFurry

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#3 of Story Commission: Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy, Chapter 3


A wooden walk ten yards wide ran the length of the harbor-shore, starting at one end of the curved bay and surrounding the water in an approximate horseshoe-shape. A host of packed wooden docks of every shape and length bristled alongshore for three miles, displaying a multitude of ships of every description.

Everyplace along the bayside walk where Khireseph and her guide stood one could see nothing except rows upon rows ships at their moorings, all alight with scores of swinging lanterns that cast their oscillating light onto the moored and lightly bobbing vessels, simultaneously reflected in the night-black waters. At the same time the light illuminated the broad wooden walk where Khireseph and Ara walked arm in arm with one another.

Arm in arm they had walked to the harbor, with the much taller dragoness holding the umbrella over the two of them until the rain had ceased to fall. After a brief wait, Ara mentioned shyly to Khireseph that she really wished to kiss the dragoness right then and there, even if it did mean causing a delay.

Though the forward approach didn't much appeal to her, Khireseph complied amiably enough, remembering her diplomatic duty. She allowed the small she-marsupial to caress and tongue-kiss her while she explored Ara's mouth and nuzzled the roo's soft neck and breast. The kangaroo let out a sigh as Khireseph put her long, forked tongue into her mouth while Ara caressed her big scaly muzzle and hugged Khireseph's warm breathing snout against her furry chest, moaning the dragoness' name often, though not too loudly. They did as much as they were able to get away with in public, and after a time Ara withdrew from her, smiling.

Smiling back, Khireseph gestured once with a sideways motion of her head.

Ara nodded, understanding her meaning, and without losing her smile she took Khireseph by the arm and led her.

"It's this way," Ara told Khireseph, pointing to a jetty in the distance. "The ship, the one I chartered..."

After speaking this piece, Ara turned and led the dragoness away to the long jetty where the ship awaited them. The two arrived at last at a mooring cable tied to a dock-post, and attached to the other end of the cable was a sort of square floating platform that was lifted several feet above the water's surface by three big pairs of gas-filled metal pontoons which had been welded to the platform's underside. A waist-high railing ran all the way round the perimeter of the square deck, and a network of metal posts and rafters uplifted a vast parti-colored canopy that shaded everything aboard. Hard benches had also been installed in this vessel, in a square that ran all the way round the deck after the fashion of the railing.

Khireseph stared at the floating platform, dumbfounded for the moment. "It's..."

"We'll be all by ourselves," Ara pronounced dreamily. "No one to see us, no one to judge us... anything at all, you promised..."

"It's a barge," Khireseph finished at last, exhibiting mild shock.

"It's a pleasure-craft," Ara corrected her hastily. "Yes, that's it. A floating, er, uh, entertainment, uhm, platform... craft... I--I thought it would be perfect," she admitted with eyes downcast. "I should apologize," Ara continued, sounding like her feelings had been hurt. "I thought you'd be all right with--"

"No no, it's perfect," the dragoness consoled her, cutting her off in mid-speech. "I love it. I promise. It is the perfect, uhm... it's... perfect. So then, let's go aboard, shall we? And cast off..."

"The waterfront's so lovely at night," Ara told her as she and Khireseph crossed the small wooden foot-bridge to board the ship. "I intend to see none of it." And with that stark announcement she undid the cable and cast off from the dock. "You're the reason, the only reason.... I wanted you all night. I wanted to put my t--"

Ara looked away shyly, and appeared either unable or unwilling to complete her statement.

Khireseph lifted both eye-ridges in a look of pleasant surprise. At the same time she thoughtfully rubbed her throat up and down with a fore-claw, while she lifted her golden gaze towards the canopy-ceiling wearing an amused, contemplative expression. "Well now," she said, "that's an interesting proposal. But perhaps there are others aboard this pleasure-craft who do not share your opinion. You may be asked to perform far less than you'd hoped."

Ara was just about to activate the ship's outboard motor. When she heard this, she paused and turned to stare worriedly at Khireseph, who continued to smile.

"Don't be nervous," the dragoness reassured her, approaching Ara and reaching out for her. The kangaroo fluttered her eyelids and clasped her forepaws together in front of her chest and heaved an expectant sigh. The she-dragon's slender, long-nailed claw reached for her, and...

"Oh Khireseph," Ara moaned in ecstasy.

Khireseph's arm reached down past her and started the outboard motor.

Ara blinked in surprise as she heard the engine roar to life behind her. "Oh," she muttered, disappointed.

"It's all right, Ara," Khireseph replied. She nodded towards one of the benches. "Have a seat over there, won't you?" she told the kangaroo as she was steering them out into the bay. "I'll be over presently."

After Khireseph had set the course for the ship and had cut the engine's power to ten-percent, she approached the spot on the bench that Ara had chosen. The kangaroo boldly offered herself to Khireseph, who was nearly twice as tall as she and appeared far larger than the she-marsupial with the broad dimensions of her wings.

Instead the dragoness tenderly took both of Ara's forepaws in hers and restrained the creature after a fashion, giving her two of the most tender, passionate kisses she could have imagined. Momentarily calmed by this deed, Ara stopped squirming, stopped trying to force her way in between Khireseph's thighs, and instead permitted the much larger creature to take hold of her body and wrap lithe, scaly arms around her.

Presently, Khireseph clasped Ara to her soft-scaled breast and snaked her supple green neck around underneath the roo's head, pushing herself between their two bodies to flick her tongue across Ara's brown, lightly-fuzzed nipples, in the same manner as a snake that is exploring some new terrain.

Khireseph used her tongue all over Ara's breast until all the roo's fur shone wetly from the she-dragon's licking, and the she-marsupial could do little except writhe and moan passionately while she lay in Khireseph's warm, scaly embrace.

"Ooh, my lovely," Ara proclaimed, caressing the raised, symmetrical crest of Khireseph's horns. "You're so lovely.... Ooh, my beloved Khireseph, my--ooooh, ooh yes, oooooh! Ohhnnh! Unnnh! Nnnnh--"

Firm, slender green arms pressed Ara's face tight against a pair of green-scaled breasts as Khireseph forced the roo to snuggle closer. At the same time the dragon deftly slid her claw across the roo's stomach, and from there moved it towards her crotch, to where she was able to softly rub Ara's clit.

The watercraft had already floated far out into the bay, away from the shore and from the other ships that traversed the bay at that time of night.

Now that they were totally alone Ara was able to truly cast her inhibitions aside when Khireseph began to stimulate her sexually.

"Ooh, ooh, yess," she moaned, kissing and panting into the she-dragon's mouth, breathing only Khireseph's warm breath as the lovely dragoness made out with her passionately and at the same time gave her clit the most pleasurable of claw-massages. "You're ss--so lovely! Ooh! So lovely, yes--ooh! G--gods! Yes! Ooh, yes! Ye--ess! Rrrrgh! Nnnh!--oohh! Nnnh! Unnh! Ooohh!"

"I'm about to become lovelier," Khireseph promised, and while the kangaroo remained seated on the bench, the dragoness unfolded her arms from around the smaller creature and knelt before Ara. She spread the roo's already parted legs slightly further apart.

Ara's sucked in her breath. She trembled while Khireseph leaned forward, pressed her muzzle into Ara's crotch, and started to lick her. Khireseph teased the roo at first with little light slurps, but soon thereafter Ara started to gasp with rapturous wildness as the long, slippery tongue pushed its way inside her and wet her vaginal walls. Lots more of Ara's moisture suddenly pulsed into the tunnel of her sex. This action combined with the she-dragon licking her pussy thoroughly wet her exterior as well her interior and sent waves of pleasure through her that caused her to squirm and moan unreservedly. Her pre-cum came forth in a clear, slow glistening that soon had her well lubricated.

All the while Ara caressed and fawned over Khireseph's lovely muzzle with both forepaws and explored the curvature of Khireseph's ivory horns. She watched the way the she-dragon sinuously moved her body and waved her tail to and fro, moving her rear-end in a slow, sensuous dance while she licked out Ara's pussy. While Khireseph danced with her serpent-tail lifted up, the great membranous expanses of her green dragon-wings lifted on either side of the kangaroo, and they rose and fell gently in time with the she-dragon's passionate breathing against the roo's clit.

Captivated, Ara reached out with both trembling paws and felt the wings' smooth, almost oily texture while Khireseph continued to pleasure her orally. She was well on her way to climaxing as she ran her paws over the dragoness' wings: "Mmm, oooo, mrrr, mrrrrrr, ohyesohyesyesoh--" she cried, her lust mounting. "Ooh ooooh, K--Khireseph, please! Yes! P--please! Oh yes, yes! Oh yes, yes, my dragoness, the l--loveliest... the loveliest... of all living k--cr--oh--unnh--unnnh--rrrrh--"

The rest of Ara's words were cut off by her panting. She both guided Khireseph's muzzle into her crotch and was forced to submit to its lustful bumps and licks, until at last Ara arranged to leave her seat and joined Khireseph on the deck, with the dragoness setting her down gently in a place where a gap existed between two of the long benches. As she sat down in that place, Ara's tail dangled off the side of the ship, almost touching the waters below, and in the throes of her ecstasy the roo involuntarily wrapped her magically prehensile tail around one of the vessel's ring-shaped life-preservers, which she began to shake. On the verge of climaxing, the kangaroo piston-drove her crotch against the she-dragon's snout at times hard enough to stun Khireseph momentarily and make her pause. At the same time Ara started to rhythmically slap her tail against the side of the ship over and over, hitting it with the life-preserver and producing a loud, staccato *thwack*ing sound each time.

"Ooh, y--yes, nnnh, unnh," Ara moaned, panting and thwacking her tail against the side. "Do y--unnh--you hear it my love? It's my tail... s--seized hold of l--unnh--a lifesaving--nnnh--float--rrrh--I--I'm so--unnh--in love, so... I c--cannot--nnnh--c--control myself--hnnnh--f--you're soo--unnh--oooh--so y--yeess, Khireseph, ooh, oh yessooaaah! Yes! Yes! Khireseph!"

She began to scream Khireseph's name over and over. The she-dragon's tongue was sending her into hitherto unattained realms of orgasmic pleasure.

Suddenly a very loud burst of flatulence escaped from Khireseph's ass. Instantly everything stopped, the dragoness cringed on her knees in mid-suck, with her tail lifted in the air and a mortified expression on her face, while Ara remained seated in mid-squirm and wore the foolish, deliriously delighted smile of pre-climax.

Khireseph looked up sheepishly from in between the kangaroo's thighs. Her great golden eyes were huge and horrorstruck with embarrassment.

But Ara merely laughed at Khireseph's fart. "That was uncalled for!" she shouted, almost sounding joyous while the she-dragon looked mortified. "You ought to be ashamed!"

"I am," Khireseph admitted dolefully. "I am so sorry--"

"It's no bother, really," replied Ara, still chuckling. "Everybody does it. It just... well, I suppose I never thought of lovely, elegant she-dragons doing such things as farting very loudly and... well, it wasn't too loud I suppose," she amended when she saw the hurt expression that Khireseph wore.

"It's not all that common," Khireseph assured her.

"No, no, of course not, but--"

"In fact in my case it was quite abnormal. Some sort of condition that developed while I was being transformed from my normal size into a being much closer to your size. It's... very difficult for me to explain."

"Well then don't explain," said Ara. "No explanation is required. In fact, I like to hear you fart, and I think it's adorable how embarrassed you became just now. Perhaps later I'll join you; that is, if I am able to squeeze a few out of me."

"Er, no, that's quite all right," Khireseph answered her hastily, as she returned to licking out Ara's pussy, trying with all her cunnilingual skills to bring the kangaroo back to the place that she had taken her to before, right to the verge of climax.

Soon Ara was all moans and squirms again, caressing and petting Khireseph's muzzle as she bumped and nuzzled the roo's crotch. The she-dragon's warm, slippery tongue pleasured Ara's inside and outside until the roo was panting strenuously and she seemed about to lose control and begin wailing with pleasure. Ara was nearly yelping with every panting breath she took, and she was hardly able to speak at all. Her brown eyes remained nearly closed--dreamy and opiate--while her red tongue hung dopily from between her parted jaws.

Khireseph farted loudly again, even louder than the last time.

Ara closed her jaws with a snap and looked surprised and a bit ruffled.

Blinking away the rest of her surprise, the kangaroo exclaimed with a laugh, "Ah-ha! Another enormous one! My gods! Why, you've certainly defied my expec--ugh!" Ara grinned down at the dragoness while Khireseph cringed lower and seemed to want to hide her head down between the roo's thighs. "Gods! Oh, that's hideous! Hearing is one thing, but when you fart that way.... That's truly foul, Khireseph! Ugh! Eh!"

"I apologize, truly," Khireseph moaned. "Please excuse me. Please please, it's not intentional," she begged, while inwardly she was thinking, "Oh no, no, it can't happen again, not here. I have had nothing at all to eat since my last major... event. Oh no, this cannot be, no, no, no..."

Khireseph farted loudly a third and a fourth time while Ara still laughed at her. The kangaroo covered her nose with both small forepaws, while she wrinkled her muzzle in a laughing expression of disgust.

"Ugh, no, wait, it's entirely not my fault," Khireseph cried in her own defense. "It's a condition."

"It's really foul," Ara choked, trying to laugh in spite of the fact that the stench was now getting to her.

More farts escaped Khireseph's ass-hole, while her cunnilingus became more and more frantic the entire time. "Please no, oh no, oh no," she muttered as she ate Ara's pussy, kissing her passionately, sucking her clit, tonguing her insides, and massaging the roo's ass with her claws as she spanked her smartly on several occasions, or periodically smoothed the soft fur of Ara's prehensile tail, which curled gently around her claw as she stroked it.

But in spite of all Khireseph's attentions, she was unable to get the mammal to stop laughing into her little forepaws while she covered her up nose, or to stop talking about how foul the stench was. And poor Khireseph's supply of farts showed no signs of arriving at depletion anytime soon.

Soon, however, Khireseph once again had Ara on the verge of loosing her flood of cum, and the she-marsupial was writhing and laughing while at the same time while she wore an expression of severe, nose-wrinkling disgust.

"Ugh, how f--foul!" Ara said. "Ooh, unnh, it's h--hideous, hideous, those--unnh--those farts of y--aah--yours, ooh, ooaah... Oh, my beloved K--Khireseph, ooh, ooh, the stench, it's--"

At that moment a look of intense dread appeared on Khireseph's face, and the dragoness nearly panicked as she cut a particularly moist-sounding fart, and she felt the warm, wet, almost-shit sensation of a near-accident come from her ass-hole. Terrified, Khireseph reached back with both fore-claws and instantly clamped down on either side of her rump, trying to squeeze the cheeks of her ass together in order to prevent any shit from escaping, which in turn caused her to lose her balance and fall forward directly into Ara's crotch, landing snout-first against Ara's pussy at the precise moment of her climax.

While poor, suffering Khireseph continued to unleash one wet-sounding fart after another while desperately trying to keep her ass-hole squeezed shut, she was forced to lie belly-flat on the deck, as joyous, squirming Ara climaxed, and an unforeseen eructation of cum came flooding out of her and drenched the end of poor Khireseph's snout. The little she-marsupial cried with delight and grasped the dragoness by the horns, pulling Khireseph's muzzle in tighter against her crotch as she rode out the orgasm, grinding the dragoness' face with her spurting sex while the rest of her climax emerged.

Humiliated by the unrelenting farts she was unleashing and the ignominious cum-bath her snout had just received, Khireseph lay flat on her belly, sniffled, and nearly wept as she cringed, while her ass-hole let out even more of its foul flatulence. At that moment she arose to a sitting position in front of Ara, and stared dazedly at the roo for a moment or two, while Ara giggled at her farts and the slimy, sticky traces of cum that dripped from the end of Khireseph's muzzle.

She pointed to Khireseph's face. "Oh my, look, my mucus has soiled your lovely snout," she said brightly, wearing a playful smile. She laughed while Khireseph sniffled and made silly faces without speaking. "What's the matter? Are you--"

And as she viewed the she-dragon's facial expressions, Ara suddenly became aware that Khireseph looked like someone who was about to--

"Ah-CHOOO!!" Khireseph suddenly sneezed right into Ara's face, spraying forth twin geysers of slimy, green-yellow, disgusting snot from her snout. It came out flying of the she-dragon's two naris-slits like water spraying from a pair of cracks in a severely damaged dam, and the nasty stuff drenched Ara thoroughly, leaving the kangaroo a slimy, dripping mess.

It took Ara several moments to recover from the sneeze. Blinking from behind a dripping mask of dragon's snot she asked quietly, "Er, ahem, what was that? Did you--"

"I'm terribly, terribly sorry," Khireseph apologized, sniffling. She used the back of her scaly wrist to wipe some of the slime from her snout. "Ugh, ooh, oh gods," she moaned, "now I have a cold as well."

"Yes, I would say that you have," Ara agreed. "But what a cold... Wha--oh no, please," she pleaded suddenly as she saw Khireseph lifting her eyes skyward, leaning her head back, and opening her jaws all in the same motion.

Ara clapped both forepaws over her eyes, as yet another storm of sticky mucus was unleashed upon her by a second sneeze. Only this time her face was mostly spared, as seeming gallons of the warm, slimy substance drenched her breasts and flowed down over her stomach into her crotch.

After laughing weakly, Ara uncovered her eyes and suggested, "Why, Khireseph, you know you haven't had your turn yet. I could--"

"Ah-CHOO!" Ara was caught off her guard by the suddenness of the third sneeze and did not have time to avoid the result. Once again, colossal jets of greenish-yellow dragon-snot sprayed forth from Khireseph's snout, catching the kangaroo full in the face so that afterwards Ara could do nothing except stare at her with a shocked expression as slimy globs of her mucus dripped from the end of her nose, as well as from every other part of her furry body.

"Er," Ara continued, wiping some of the thick, sticky mucus from her face, "I can still pleasure you orally for as long as you wish, if only you would not sneeze on me, and also refrain from f--"

At that moment Khireseph's ass-hole let out another embarrassingly loud fart, and the dragoness covered her face with both claws and trembled with humiliation as her farts continued to emerge, filling the air with noise and stench.

"Er, yes, no more of that now," Ara continued. "Please no more, I'm begging you, Khireseph. They're really foul, your farts, ugh..." She made a face.

Khireseph grinned desperately. "Please, it isn't my fault," she explained. "It's my condition. I told you alr--rrrrrrgh!" The she-dragon growled in a sudden, rising panic as her ass-hole unleashed an extremely wet-sounding burst of flatulence. "Ohnoohno, let's trade places, shall we?" she suggested. "I'd like to dangle my tail off the de--ooh!" she cried, quickly lifting the kangaroo from where she was seated on the deck and took her seat. Khireseph immediately placed Ara where she'd been kneeling.

"Ooh, Khireseph," Ara moaned, still basking in the after-glow of her orgasm. "I can't lick out your pussy, not when you're farting that way."

"Don't," Khireseph panted, quickly taking Ara's former seat and dangling her own rear-end and tail off the edge of the floating platform. "Kiss me now!" the dragoness cried. A look of total humiliation and desperation overwhelmed her already tortured expression, as poor Khireseph farted again quite loudly and began to shit off the side of the deck in a wretchedly uncomfortable, supernaturally contiguous flow that left her anus feeling continually stuffed or near-stuffed.

She quickly engulfed the roo's muzzle with her wide-open jaws, swallowing Ara's whole head almost as she strove to prevent her from seeing, hearing, or smelling the torrential loads of vile excrement that came squirting forth--nearly pouring forth--from her ass-hole, and which were accompanied by loud, ripping farts.

"Ooh, mmm," Khireseph moaned wordlessly, desperate to suck Ara's muzzle and kiss her and forcefully lick all over her face.

"Don't stop," Ara pleaded while she sucked the she-dragon's tongue in a dozen different ways. "Kissing... Ooh, ugh, mmh, that foul odor... your farts... mmh, mrrr, hideous... ooh, Khireseph, stop that..."

"Mmh, llmh--I--I'm so sorry, mmh," Khireseph whined pathetically, and she kept kissing Ara in that same way. "Please, I'm really, really trying not to."

But the more she tried not to shit, the more of the foul substance seemed to fill her anal tract to the point of discomfort and come squishily spurting out of her ass, so much so that Khireseph felt she was truly unable to make it stop. And she nearly wept as she still swallowed the entire head of the animal in her embrace.

And then the defecations and farts all stopped at once.

Khireseph immediately removed her jaws from around the head of the kangaroo and looked her over breathlessly. Ara's furry, slimy, snot-drenched chest heaved, and she wore a smile of contented delirium and dreamy, post-climactic weakness.

"Putting your mouth over my whole muzzle while you farted, that was a good idea," Ara admitted. "But it didn't work, not the entire time. Can you not stop fart--"

"No, I can't, I told you. Here," Khireseph offered Ara her seat, lifting the smaller creature easily and setting her down again at the edge of the deck, allowing her to dangle her tail off the side of the ship again.

Without further pause, Khireseph got down on all fours again, and from there got onto her belly crawled on the deck as she had previously, slithering in front of Ara with her muzzle pressed tightly against the kangaroo's sex. Ara used the she-dragon's horns to pull her in tight against her pussy, letting the waves of rapture that emanated from Khireseph's licking tongue overwhelm her senses, while Khireseph remained in a far less comfortable position in front of her, and was once again forced to submit to having the end her snout drenched with Ara's cum, as the roo's pussy continued to pump its juices out onto her muzzle and drench her.

Having her horns tugged forward by Ara was rapidly becoming uncomfortable for Khireseph, and the poor dragoness would have liked to have told her as much, but every attempt she made at speaking was a failure: "Ahem, ple--ommff--please, please don't pull my--mmff--my horns, Ara. Ouch! Pleas--aouf--wait, er, ah, Ara... Ara, did you hear me?"

Khireseph glanced up at her momentarily. Ara had her head leaned back and her eyes half-open. She looked down, viewing the dragoness out of the corner of one pleasure-lidded eye. "Mmm, no, no... I was completely... enraptured, ooh," she moaned. "Please please don't stop--"

Ara farted suddenly, and laughed about it a moment later. And because the dragoness was lying prone in front of Ara with her muzzle shoved into the roo's crotch and no way to pull it out, what with Ara's paws clutching her horns, Khireseph received a generous snootful of her fart.

While Ara laughed, Khireseph lifted her muzzle from between the roo's legs and raised herself almost to a kneeling position in front of her. Ara watched with interest as Khireseph's expression changed: her head tilted back, her jaws opened, as though the pleasure-fits of some climactic orgasm were about to seize her, or she was about to sne--

"Oh n--" was all Ara managed to say, and afterwards all the fur on her face was once again blasted backward by the two near-endless geyser-force jets of mucus that left her even more wretched and slime-drenched than before.

"Ooh, oh gods," the roo moaned, when she could talk again.

Khireseph farted several more times in succession when she sneezed, and for a few moments she knelt in front of Ara sniffing at the thick, hanging mucins depending from her snout, wearing an expression of purest despair as the ill-smelling vapors continued to seep out of her ass in a single long fart almost like a musical note.

"Er, Khireseph," Ara began unsteadily. "It's not... nearly as amusing as it was... and it's really getting foul aboard with all the farting that's taken place, even with the winds blowing in from the bay."

"Gods, Ara, I am so sorry for all this," Khireseph nearly begged the roo. "Please please do not tell anyone about this, and please don't dislike me because of this dreadful thing, this--I--I never, ever intended for it to happen this way. You must believe me. On my life, I swear i--ohrrgh!"

Before she was able to finish speaking, Khireseph cut a terribly loud and moist-sounding fart, and she instantly seized Ara and lifted the she-marsupial out of her seat, switching places with her so that it was Khireseph dangling her tail over the side while the kangaroo knelt down before her.

Without hesitating for a moment, the dragoness threw both arms around the roo in and began to kiss her as she had before, swallowing Ara's muzzle whole as she made out with her, with Ara enjoying every moment of it. At the same time, Khireseph felt her bowels letting go incessantly over the side of the ship and splattering whatever lay below, and she felt another squishing, spurting mass of excrement stuff her anal tract full of thick turds, each of which squeezed its way uncontrollably out of her ass-hole.

All the while she moaned uncomfortably as she sucked at Ara's face and kissed her adoringly with as much passion as she could muster. Khireseph soon found it difficult not to whimper in a panic as seeming hundreds of pounds of warm, squishy, vile excrement emerged from her ass. As before, with the roo's head inside her mouth, Khireseph was able to mask the sound of her shitting over the side of the ship, not so much the smell. But now her defecations had grown even louder, and their stench was fouler by far, so that she had to create a new diversion. Khireseph's muscular serpent-tail seized what felt like the ring of the ship's life-preserver hanging from the side of the ship, and the panicking, powerful she-dragon instantly wrapped this appendage around this object and started banging it against the side.

As her tail thwacked what she believed was a life-preserver against the side of the vessel, Khireseph let go of the roo's face for a moment, just long enough to inform Ara of her excitement: "Oh Ara, listen. Listen, I'm so in love wi--ooh, I--I--my tail is so--ooh, ooh can you hear it, my love?"

"Yes! Yes, I can hear it!" cried Ara, right before Khireseph kissed her.

"Oh, my love! My love!" Khireseph shouted after removing her jaws from Ara's muzzle, straining to fill her voice with conviction while she faked her orgasm, while every pleasure that could have been hers was removed by the unending flow of foul feces that emerged from her poor, incessantly expanding and contracting ass-hole.

"Ooh, ohIcannotstandit--oh, ah, aah!" Khireseph cried out, and once more she leaned in and kissed Ara deeply, fitting almost the roo's entire head between her long, saurian jaws. Thereafter, Khireseph paused in between kisses in order to shout: "Oh, ooh Ara! Oh Ara, th--the way you--oh! Ooh!--oh, gods, I'm juicing all over myself and down my legs, and--ooh, oh Ara! Oh, n--no! I m--mean, yes! Oh n... es!"

After a particularly violent blast of farting and defecating Khireseph at last felt the terrible pressures inside her stuffed anal tract diminish. Afterwards the shit ceased to come thrrrping out of her ass-hole and loud farts were all that her bowels seemed capable of producing for a time.

Seizing on this advantage, Khireseph unwound her long tail from around the life-preserver, flinging it away, and she switched places with the roo once again. She intended to continue crawling on the deck and licking out Ara's pussy, while the she-marsupial sat with her tail dangled over the side and her back to Khireseph's terrible mess, which the fearful she-dragon was sure would be noticed sooner or later. Therefore she sought to continue pleasuring the roo's labia and her vagina, seeing how deep as her smooth, slippery tongue would go, and how slowly she was able to draw it out.

As soon as Khireseph got down on her hands and knees, leaned her head down, and placed her claws gently around the roo's ass, Ara would not allow the she-dragon to push her muzzle in between her legs. She refused, and helped Khireseph to rise instead.

"W--what's the matter?" Khireseph stammered. "Do you prefer high kisses to low, or--"

"It's the stench," Ara interrupted, causing the dragoness to cringe and attempt a disarming smile.

"But--but I told you," she explained weakly, "it's not--"

"Intentional, I know," Ara finished for her.

"But it isn't. I promise," Khireseph insisted.

"But it's revolting nonetheless," Ara concluded, making a face at Khireseph's continuous farting. Then, addressing her in a tone that seemed almost cross, the roo said, "Will you PLEASE stop doing that?"

"I can't," the she-dragon complained desperately. She sounded close to tears.

"Then plug up the hole," Ara declared, clasping both forepaws over her dripping, snot-beslimed nose and making a face. "Ugh, ooh, it's hideous. It's terrible. I'm scarcely able to breathe. Ughh...."

"Ooh! Ooh, stop it, please!" Khireseph pleaded, covering her face with her claws in a fit of ashamedness. "Please please, why won't it stop? Oh no, noo, nonono..."

"You're not exactly the dragoness I had envisioned," Ara admitted rather solemnly. "You're quite, er, inelegant."

And right after she'd said so, Ara herself farted loudly and then laughed about it, somewhat more reservedly than before. "Well," she declared, "that was ill-timed."

At that moment Khireseph farted loudly again, and to make matters worse it was the kind of squashy, moist-sounding flatulence that immediately prefigured another huge fecal surge from her bowels. Wearing a grin of absolute panic, Khireseph once more clapped both fore-claws on either side of her green-scaled ass and squeezed, trying with all her might to keep any shit from escaping within sight of Ara. Thus far, the kangaroo had only seen and complained about Khireseph farting, and she had no idea that the curse-afflicted dragoness was producing tremendous amounts of fecal matter as well. As mortifying as the thought might have been for Khireseph of having to answer to the kangaroo about her farts, the idea that Ara might also catch her openly shitting herself in public filled her with even greater fear, and she reacted instantaneously.

Uttering a breathless cry of "Oh no!" at the sound of her fart, Khireseph quickly switched places with the roo again, this time seizing Ara in her jaws and lifting her by the scruff of her neck, so that within a few moments Khireseph was once again sitting and dangling her tail off the side of the ship, with Ara kneeling in front of her.

As before, the dragoness engulfed the kangaroo's muzzle with her long jaws and started to suck Ara's face with the greatest passion. At the same time Khireseph's bowels let go. The poor she-dragon panted hopelessly onto the roo's face and her great golden-yellow eyes begged as she feebly flapped her wings and shat her poor ass to weariness over the side of the ship. She defecated continuously, with more shit than ever before coming out of her with eruptive power greater than anything in her previous experience.

Khireseph moaned with her mouth full of kangaroo's muzzle: "Ohnrrr, mmm, mrrr, ooh...Oh, Ara!" she cried suddenly, once again seizing the life-preserver with her serpent-tail at that moment when she started to loudly defecate. She seized Ara's face in her jaws once again and kept her jaws fixed over the roo's muzzle while she rhythmically thwacked what she believed was the life-preserver against the side of the ship, doing so over and over as torrents of vile shit came squishing out of her tired anus, and frequently squirted out of her in projectile fashion. It must have--she felt sure--made a complete mess of the life-preserver, as well as much of the ship on that side. In the midst of her anal anguish, Khireseph realized that the truth about her curse would be uncovered as soon as the kangaroo saw that side of the ship with its feces-smeared life preserver and brown-spattered metal float.

"Ooh, oooh," Khireseph moaned, thwacking the side of the ship with the life-preserver as hard as she could as she shat all over it. "Ooh! Agh! Please!" she implored in a full-mouthed voice. "No! Pleasn--nnnffh! Sawph! Sawph!" she nearly wept then, crying out loudly for the shitting to stop while Ara thought that the dragoness was merely on the verge of climaxing like never before.

"Oh my love!" Ara moaned from inside the dragon's mouth. "Ooh, stop! Please stop farting, Khireseph, you foul, awful creature, you--ooaah!"

Immediately the roo's demeanor changed from breathless and pre-climactic to breathlessly apologetic.

"I'm sorry," she and Khireseph both said at once, pulling away from one another.

"No, I'm sorry," Ara countered immediately. "That was rude. But, er... could you please stop doing it?"

"I c--can't, I'm sorry," Khireseph declared in a voice of total defeat as the feces continued to spurt out of her poor, wearied ass, out of Ara's sight. "Oh please please don't tell the others. I didn't mean for this to--oh, damn, ooh, damn shit! Urrgh! Unnh!"

In those moments the dragoness transitioned from suffering complete humiliation to a realm bereft of any hope that the shit would cease to come from her ass-hole. It was as she reached this realization that her defecation was finally brought to a close, with a lot of farting that subsided at last as Khireseph tightened her tail's coils around the life-preserver and shoved the object directly against her ass-hole, to block up the hole until the last of her farts had emerged.

Shivering and swallowing in fear, the dragoness scorpion-flicked her tail once in order to fling the shit-stained life-preserver away, but at that moment Khireseph felt the elastic ropes securing it to the side of the ship retract it, and swing it back towards the ship. She heard the life-preserver collide with the side of the ship with a surprisingly loud bang and another noise that sounded like "Agh!"

Upon hearing this sound, Khireseph and Ara exchanged looks of wonderment and perplexity, and they approached the rail together and simultaneously peered over the side. Upon doing so, both creatures immediately discerned the cause of the sound: Max was hanging from the side of the ship, struggling close to the waterline. The crocodile's filthy, shit-smeared, green-brown body had been inserted through the life-preserver's narrow ring, pinning both arms to his sides, while the reptile's tail and part of his rear-end had become hopelessly entangled in the rope. Max's sharp-tipped cock was distended from beneath his belly scales and dripping pre copiously.

As Max squirmed, kicked, and struggled like an insect caught in a spider's web, he noticed them looking down at him over the rail. All at once the croc ceased to struggle and instead bared his fangs at them in a desperate, fawning grin.

"Would it be all right," Max asked them in a wretched hiss, "if I were to surrender now, right this moment?"

After a brief, shocked pause, Ara began: "Max, you filthy vermin! You loathsome perverted--ooh!" She gritted her teeth in a snarl. "How dare you come here and spy on the two of us! And look at you, wallowing in the stinking filth of other creatures, or is that your own shit, you wretched, vile--ugh! You loathsome, baseborn beast! I suppose that it wasn't only this she-dragon's foul farts I was smelling this whole time!"

Behind her, Khireseph cringed slightly.

"And to think you might've been watching us this entire time!" Ara continued.

"Yes, you ought to be ashamed!" Khireseph hastened to agree with her, although she spoke without much conviction. "Shame on you, Max. A handsome, sexy reptile such as you ought not to develop such proclivities. Ugh, it sickens me!"

Max's yellow eyes widened, and his prick grew an inch and a half. "Handsome? Sexy? Did you s--"

"You deserve far worse!" Ara proclaimed with grim finality. "Since you seem so captivated by this idea of having kinky sex with creatures larger than yourself, Max, and since I feel that no one ought to suffer the pain of loneliness--"

As she spoke, the kangaroo reached deep inside her pouch and withdrew from it a small bottle of clear glass, which bore a white label that read: "Bull Orca Pheromones, Formula XXX. Naturally Enhanced! Super Fast-Acting! Female-Attraction Agent!" Half a liter of clear liquid sloshed around inside the bottle, which Ara held up for Max to see.

"Ulp!" the croc swallowed audibly. He trembled with fear and shook his head. "Ooh no. Now, now, Ara... Ara, let's not act rashly or out of spite or anything like that, uhmm... Please now, please don't do th--oh no," he whimpered, as the roo unscrewed the cap from the bottle, holding her nose away from its strong-smelling contents, and she splashed a bit of the solution onto the end of his snout so that it landed directly on the croc's nostrils.

"Ooh, the stench is even worse!" Max cried out as the liquid landed on him, and he squirmed within the confining ring of the life-preserver, struggling to free his arms.

In the midst of his escape attempts, Max's scaly forepaws involuntarily wrapped around the shaft of his erect, straining cock, which his restrained arms did not prevent him from reaching. As he hung from the side of the ship, hopelessly entangled in ropes, the croc twisted his body in order to view Ara standing above him.

The roo grinned down at her shit-covered, humiliated rival and announced, "I suppose that stench thrills you as well, foul thing! Yes, look at how huge your prick's become!"

"Oh no!" Max cried, glancing from her to his cock. "It won't go down!"

"And it looks like your companion's about to arrive," Ara declared, pointing away across the waves, to where a large, glistening-black dorsal fin was cutting a path through the benighted waters, creating a visible wake of foam. "Farewell, Max, my love! Enjoy the macro companionship!"

Max screamed as the female orca arrived at his tail and leaped onto him, and her tremendous, black shape came crashing down, tearing the trapped crocodile loose from the life-preserver's securing ropes along with the life-preserver itself and much of the cordage on that side of the ship. The whale's violent assault caused the entire platform to rock, and for a few moments afterwards the deck rolled underneath their feet.

Khireseph turned to Ara and asked, "Ah, are you... quite certain you should have done that to him? Perhaps he needed help--"

Ara seemed to take offense at this suggestion. "Help?" she cried. "Him? You need to beware of him, Khireseph, my love. He's a traitor, a pervert, and a filthy predator, just like that bloated bitch Rapha."

"We dragons are also predators," Khireseph reminded her quietly.

"But not filthy," Ara amended swiftly. "Never once in all my days did I think of dragons as foul or--" As she spoke she glanced at Khireseph, who shrank and looked miserable as the roo continued, "Or anything like that. I suppose there are exceptions, of course. I didn't mean to make you think I was disappointed in the sex in any way at all. I just... Dragons are still the most passionate, most sexually desirable creatures in the world to me. It's just... the farting has to stop, Khireseph. Not all the farting, but--"

"But it won't," Khireseph insisted sorrowfully. "I don't know what to do."

"Then I'm afraid," replied Ara, "that there cannot be any more love between us, not till you've been cured of your--er... illness."

Khireseph shook her head. Tears glistened in her lovely eyes. "I'm so sorry for everything," she whispered.

"That's all right," Ara consoled. "Set a course for the docks, will you? Here, I've an idea that'll make everything better as you guide us back into port," the roo murmured seductively, and she approached the spot where Khireseph stood next to the outboard motor. While the dragoness set the course, Ara seized hold of the middle of her long serpent-tail and began coiling it into a spiral.

"What are you doing?" asked Khireseph, staring but not trying to stop her at all.

"You gave me the idea," replied Ara, continuing to manually coil the dragon's tail while Khireseph aided to aid her efforts. Then the she-marsupial stuffed the coiled spiral of the tail into her pouch, an act which caused her belly to appear large and fat, and the roo climbed onto Khireseph's thighs and threw both paws around the dragon's ass as she started to lick and nuzzle at Khireseph's tits, smoothing their soft-scaled flesh beneath her paws as she ran her tongue passionately over first one nipple then the other.

Khireseph's coiled up tail was stuffed inside her pouch all the way up to its thick, scaly base, and the roo rode her with her body between the she-dragon's legs. Ara filled the space in between Khireseph's thighs while at the same keeping her partner's overly flatulent ass-hole pointed directly into her pouch, so that any farts would be directed inside her.

Noticing instantly that this was the case, Khireseph sought to warn Ara about her course of action. "Perhaps, ah, you shouldn't put my tail inside your pouch that way," she said, "Ara, my love... I think perhaps you ought to--"

"No, it's all right," Ara interrupted eagerly. "I completely forgot until now. I'm equipped with a 'Pouch Enhancer.' That's a magical tool that increases the holding capacity of my pouch, for carrying all kinds of things. You can fart into it all you like."

"But your pouch won't stay closed with my tail stuffed inside," Khireseph tried to argue. "The smell will escape--"

"No, it won't," Ara explained, "because my 'Pouch Enhancer' comes equipped with 'Pouchscent.' Anything that goes into my pouch comes out smelling of cinnamon, even air. I promise you nothing will go wrong."

Hearing these words made Khireseph even more apprehensive, and confused. "Who thinks of in--that's just strange. B--but your pouch will be filled to capacity," she stammered, "by my--er--farts. So you will need to take my tail out right this moment. Rrrrgh, please, oh please I'm begging you, take it out. This is about to become--"

But Ara wasn't listening. The kangaroo was too busy feeling the she-dragon's breasts all over, wetting them with her tongue, and moaning in ecstasy.

"Listen to me!" Khireseph begged, nearly shouting. "Once your pouch is filled to capacity, the farts that come afterwards will overfill the pouch, overwhelming the ability of your 'Pouchscent' to produce enough scent, leading to leakages that are as foul-smelling as any--"

"Of course not!" Ara quickly cut her off. "Mmmfh! Ooh!" she moaned while she tongued Khireseph's breast. "That--mmfh--won't happen because--llmmm--because my pouch is equipped with 'Pouchalert.' So--mm--I'll hear the alarm before--mmfh--pouch is about--llmmm--to be--mmh--filled--"

As loud as any of the others was Khireseph's next fart, and the next one, and she cringed at once in anticipation of another rank foulness, but instead it was as the roo had predicted: all she smelled was cinnamon, with no trace of stench.

"It works," the dragoness admitted, "but--"

"Mmfh, yes," replied Ara. "Fart all you like, my lovely."

"No, no, I can't," said Khireseph. "Listen, you must--"

Just then the dragoness farted again, prematurely ending her own speech with the loud disruptive flatulence. Afterwards she tried once again to make herself heard, the roo did not pay her the least attention; Ara was laughing joyously at her fart.

"Ah-ha! Cinnamon!" she shouted, and Khireseph felt moved to desperation. She made one single attempt to uncoil her tail and slide it out of the roo's pouch, an attempt that Ara neatly terminated by reaching into her pouch and apparently manipulating some artificial pouch enhancement.

"There!" she said, withdrawing her forepaw.

Khireseph tried once more to uncoil and slide her tail out, only to find that she was unable to do so; the doe-kangaroo's pouch seemed to tighten around its thick, coiled spiral each time she attempted to pull it free.

Nearly panicking, Khireseph shouted, "Trapped! Oh no, Ara, you have to let me out! Please! Please!"

"No no, not yet!" Ara cried, tightening her pouch up to Khireseph's ass-hole. "I haven't finished yet."

"Yes, you have," Khireseph disagreed and promptly started trying to pull the roo down, to get her tail out of the she-marsupial's pouch, but it was enhanced by some sort of sorcery that made it impossible for her to escape. "Ow! Let go!"

"Oh, Khireseph!" Ara moaned, deliberately ignoring the she-dragon's pleas.

By now Khireseph was well beyond exasperated. "That does it! I am--oh no, no, no please," the dragoness found herself babbling suddenly and frantically as another fart prefiguring a fecal incident escaped her ass-hole.

Poor Khireseph could not get her tail out of her partner's pouch in enough time. She gazed down at Ara wearing a strange expression of dread, and the little marsupial, thinking she was about to sneeze again, instantly covered both eyes with her forepaws and awaited the sneeze.

But no sneeze arrived, and at that moment Ara uncovered her eyes and glanced up at Khireseph uncertainly.

Then poor Khireseph's bowels let go, and she suffered the terrible indignities of being caught, of seeing the kangaroo's expression change to one of horror and loathing, and of having nowhere at all to go. Ara was right there in front of her, appalled beyond words, lifting both forepaws to cover her gagging sneer of disgust.

Khireseph apologized copiously, "Please, please f--forgive my--oh shit, oh--my, er... terrible--"

"You're atrociously foul," Ara complained into her paws. The stench caused her to wrinkle her nose and muzzle so that she squinted. Then suddenly she was no longer squinting, no longer covering her nose with her paws. A look of panic came alight in her eyes, which she opened wide when she heard a loud, tinny pre-recorded voice announce from deep inside her pouch:

"Pouch Alert! Pouch Alert! Pouch Alert!"

"Oh my gods," Ara declared in quiet yet deadly serious accents. "Get your tail the fuck out of my pouch right this second!"

"I can't," Khireseph told her. "Release whatever's holding it."

"I am! I did! Pull it out!"

Khireseph complied at once, and her tail came out of the roo's pouch as she fell backwards and immediately commenced a scrambling, backward-crabwalk toward the edge of the deck in order to shit over the side.

"Wait! Khireseph!" Ara called to her, while the voice inside the roo continued to warn her of a "Pouch Alert" over and over in the same monotone. "I'm coming over!" she announced, and she began to make her way towards Khireseph in a slow waddle that took many steps for her to arrive. "I have to open it and unload everything into the bay!" she said, as she waddled over to stand next to where Khireseph was sitting, and shitting.

"Oh gods, Khireseph, that's atrocious," Ara complained, looking at the dragoness next to her, while Khireseph could do nothing except sit and defecate and hide her ashamed, mortified expression behind her claws. "You are truly--Khireseph!" Suddenly the voice addressing her became an urgent whisper, and Ara went on speaking to her in the same fashion. "Khireseph! Do... not... move. Do you realize... your tail seized hold of something... from my pouch."

Khireseph turned her head to look down, and saw she was holding the bottle of orca pheromone solution with the tip of her soiled, shit-slicked tail, and it was almost ready to slip out and fall against the side of the ship.

"Don't... move," Ara repeated. "Now... very gently... I want you t--"

"Ah--CHOO!" The dragoness unleashed yet another tremendous, eruptive, snot-ejecting sneeze that sprayed her slimy, green-yellow nasal fluids three-quarters of the way across the ship's deck.

The seizure was more than violent enough to cause Khireseph to involuntarily smash the bottle's glass against the side of the ship. The concentrated bull orca pheromone was subsequently released into the bay, and no more than three seconds passed before their floating platform was once again assaulted, this time with enough force to fling the dragoness out of her sitting position... to land directly on top of Ara, who was struggling to keep her balance while at the same time straining to hold her pouch closed.

Khireseph's larger size instantly crushed the roo underneath her, and Ara's paws loosed the contents of her overfilled pouch all over her body and the body of Khireseph who lay on top of her. While Ara's pouch continued to warn of a "Pouch alert!" without cease, what seemed to be almost a ton of sticky, squishy, pasty, nasty brown excrement exploded from the depths, hitting the two of them in the face with a continual stream of erupting shit, all of which smelled of cinnamon, as well as retaining more than enough of its original odor.

After it was finished, Khireseph lay on top of the roo. Slimy drippings of her own filth fell from the end of her muzzle down onto the roo's beleaguered expression.

"Uhm," Khireseph began, and the smile she wore was one of pure desperation and total humiliation, "I... apologize?"

"Take me back to shore," Ara said tonelessly. "Take me back to shore, now."

Cringing, Khireseph nodded. "Right, er, right away," she said, and she hurried to comply with the request.


Written by Sluimarath in 2005

Story Commission: Foreign Policy, Chapter 4

Foreign Policy, Chapter 4 88888 (below you'll find 2 short chapters of scene continuity for the character Max; restart time back to the beginning of Khireseph and Ara's sex scene) 88888 "Tonight I'll take a new direction," Max thought...

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Story Commission: Foreign Policy, Chapter 2

Foreign Policy, Chapter 2 88888 "So let's review this once more," said the white wolf, who was seated in his oak-paneled office with his two fellow Ministers seated at his side. His sleek fur was as pure white as the snow, and had a slightly...

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Story Commission: Foreign Policy

Story Commission: WARNING: This story is XXX-rated fetish material. It focuses on explicit bodily functions exaggerated by a curse, and the humiliation of the main character who is so accursed. The text describes many atrocious things happening to...

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