The Will of Kings - Chapter 11

Story by Mewjen on SoFurry

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#11 of The Will of Kings

Outside forces have always governed Set's life, twisting his memories, taking away those he loves. Now he demands control. But will he have it?

Disclaimer: The following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and will involve interpretations of deities from various religions. No offense is intended. This is copyrighted to me (mewjen(at), so no using it without my. This is a work of fiction.

"Ra!" I shouted. "What did you do to me?"

I moved with speed and determination as the portal closed behind us, Jaller trailing behind me, as he slowed, trying to take in his surroundings.

"Set, where are we?" he asked, but I ignored him.

I was not allowed to travel directly to Ra's chamber, instead the portal opened into an empty cell, one that seemed very connected to the flashes I was seeing in my head. I followed the path I remembered with every step seeming to trigger more disjointed flashes. I expected Ra to answer, to defend himself, but he was quiet.

Upon reaching his cell, I found his eyes closed, as he struggled with his emotionless façade. I started to speak, but Jaller interrupted me.

"Ra?" he asked gently. "What has happened?"

Ra's eyes opened instantly, as he stared down at Jaller, before he turned to me. "How could you bring him here?" he snapped angrily. "How could you betray my son?"

"And how could you betray me?" I roared back. I heard Jaller move closer to me, but I moved away, focusing on Ra. "How could you sell out your protector?"

Despite whatever was distracting him, I gained his full attention. "I did no such thing."

I felt my anger clouding my judgment, as I retorted. "That's not what I remember. But then apparently my memory isn't completely honest."

He stared at me, probably trying to figure out how much I knew. "Neith?"

"Neith," I confirmed.

He shook his head in frustration. "She did not have permission to reveal any details other than what you remember."

"What I remember?" I shouted. "You bastard. What did you do to me? What did I do to deserve your wrath?"

His eyes turned away from me, almost showing guilt. "You should not blame yourself."

"I don't," I stated, biting into the words. "I blame you...and An." I didn't mean to say it. It felt like it was forced out of my mouth, but still Ra and Jaller reacted. Jaller backed away, probably questioning his trust in me. Ra reacted with paternal anger.

"Is that why Jaller is here?" he snarled. "To punish my son for my actions?"

"No," I said softly, my need to rage broken by my outburst, but I still felt its fire, as I looked up at him. "But why?" I asked. "I was loyal to you...and not because of my brother."

He refused to look me in the eye. "I was protecting Anubis," he muttered.

"Did you torture me?" I questioned, testing the memories that had shaped much of my life.

"Yes," he answered, showing true sorrow for the first time. "What I did was torture."

"I am not asking about the aftermath. I know with certainty what happened after. What I did to Anubis is not in question." I felt the tears of my torment burn against my cheeks. "I will not let you claim responsibility for my actions."

"I am responsible." His gaze finally met mine again. "More so with you than any other. If I had the foresight you never would have left Horus, and I would never have needed to manipulate you away from Anubis."

"And would I still remember you torturing me?" I questioned.

He took half a moment, before answering, "Probably."

"Why?" I asked, frustrated with his dodging around the heart of my confusion. "Why am I seeing Osiris hurting me, but not remembering it? If he is the one, then why do I blame you?"

He waited to collect himself, before he responded, showing no emotion, "I cannot answer that."

I felt my anger flare back. "If you know the truth then why hide it?"

Again he paused. "Because you asked me to do so."

"What?" I muttered, before I stumbled back a step, as a flash of Ra staring down at me filled my vision, mirroring the present, but from so long ago.

I saw his pity, but also his resolve. "I will not tell you what happened. I will stop these resurgences. However, there are things you cannot handle."

I looked up at him, trapped between confusion and wariness. "Tell me the truth," I pleaded, begging for answers to justify my conflicting past.

He shook his head slowly, patiently. "You begged me not to reveal what happened. I am bound by that request."

"Horus is in danger," I countered, trying to get something of value out of these fake memories of his. "You, me, Jaller, An, we are all in danger. Tell me, at least, how I escaped this collar."

Again he rejected my appeal. "If you have to be told, then it will not work."

I grit my teeth in annoyance. "Are these flashes real?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. Finally, a partial answer.

I pressed on, trying to gain momentum. "Why would you want me to hate you?"

His gaze turned downward, as his eyes avoided both Jaller and me. "I needed you away from my son," he uttered softly.

I answered with the thought that had been going around my head since I learned the truth of his actions. "You could have told me," I countered, "told both of us, instead of making us suffer in ignorance."

Ra's gaze stayed down, but there was a hint of that eternal arrogance in his voice. "There are secrets about my son that no one should know, but you and Horus are his most trusted friends and because of that, Osiris shares in that knowledge, in those secrets."

"Oh, I always planned to pluck his secrets," Osiris' voice boomed, as he appeared behind me, "to extract every last one."

I spun around, but Ra spoke first, as I was startled by Osiris' chosen form.

"You son of a bitch!" Ra roared.

Osiris spun around, showing off Anubis' body, complete with tail and golden eyes. "I thought it would be a fitting tribute," he teased. The only difference between An and him was a green tinge to the dark fur when the light hit at just the right angle.

"What the hell?" Jaller had moved closer to me, assuming I could protect him.

"Ah, you brought me a prisoner," Osiris said with playful delight, before returning to his stoic gravel, thankfully not mimicking An's voice. "Come with me."

Jaller held back, but I felt the ring on my finger burn, until I followed the unspoken command, grabbing Jaller by his arm and dragging him along.

"Osiris!" Ra shouted, but Osiris just opened a portal and walk through it.

I felt Jaller fighting my grip, as my hand started heating up, so I threw him to the ground and knocked him unconscious.

"You have to fight him," Ra said softly from his cell.

"And become your puppet?" I replied, picking up Jaller's limp body.

"You know the answer," he countered.

I turned to him. "I loved An before," I said, guessing at the truth of the collar, "but now I have no one. Nothing can free me from this leash."

I saw nothing but pity in his eyes, as he tried to give me hope. "They will rescue you. Just make sure you are still you."

I carried Jaller through the portal, leaving Ra behind, as I crossed.

Osiris had taken over my home. The hall was restored with the family portraits I had refused to recreate. Five generations, starting at Ra's second creation, staring down at me, at the diseased runt, who dared be in their presence. I was crying as I climbed, still holding Jaller. Osiris had taken the warmth of my home and replaced it with the memories that haunted my nightmares, memories of the day I was sent to die.

Horus' things were gone. I could only hope they were undamaged wherever Osiris sent them. I placed Jaller on the bed in the room that was once Osiris' and lock the door, as I returned to my brother's side.

He sat at the dining room table, facing the wall that was now covered in poster-sized pieces of paper that held various drawings and writings, the history of his attempts to overthrow Ra. He had pull the furniture away from the wall, as he used every inch to plaster on his thoughts and plans, save for one sheet that he left blank in the center. He had placed himself directly in front of that blank canvas, with Sobek off to his left.

Sobek kept his head down, as Osiris addressed him. He answered every question promptly and took notes on his pad. He fought to keep control of the shaking that occasionally crept along his body, doing his best to hide the fear my brother demanded.

When I drew close, just before I could catch the last few words said, Osiris stood up and motion for Sobek to close his notes.

"Ah, finally," my brother spoke, keeping An's face impassive. "Set, if you could be so kind as to restrain Sobek for me."

I obeyed without question, walking behind the crocodile, grabbing his hands, and twisting his arms, so I could hold him with one arm.

"What are you doing?" Sobek sounded quite panicked, as he struggled against me.

"Tck. Tck. Tck." Osiris shook his head slowly. "You forget, Sobek, how I rule."

I felt the tremble course through Sobek, as he fought his desire to flee.

"I have a very simple philosophy," Osiris continued. "I am always honest with those under my command. I chose you, Patron of Armies, to help rebuild my forces, not because you are particularly necessary, but because of the debt you owe me. You pledged yourself to me, but you consorted with my enemies-"

"I would never betray you-" Sobek started.

"Silence," my brother hissed.

Sobek gulped back his excuses.

"You should feel honored that I am giving you this opportunity to redeem yourself. But still, you must be punished."

Sobek shook his head, silently pleading for mercy.

"And there is only one punishment worthy of such a virile specimen." Osiris nodded to me, and I followed his will.

I ripped away Sobek's lower garments and stroked his slit.

"No." He forced his arms out of my hold, but I reacted instantly, quickly wrapping my arm around his neck, holding him in place, even as he pulled at my arm.

"Is this your version of loyalty?" Osiris asked loftily.

"Please, don't." Sobek's voice shook. "There is no need for this."

Sobek's crotch had grown quite warm, as arousal was forced on him. His slit was starting to bulge, as I slid a finger along its length, barely parting it.

"Release me," he hissed, trying to escape my touch, but instead he just ground his rear into my crotch, causing my pleasure-starved body to return the grind.

"You surrendered to Ra, the moment you saw him." My brother raised An's hackles slightly, in his disgust.

I bent my head forward and touched my snout to Sobek's neck. I took in his scent slowly, enjoying his musk. Being a fertility god made him the epitome of male, pure unadulterated masculinity. His ability to seduce any female to his bed was working quite well on me. I felt myself growing hard against him.

"Your kind also took something from me. Something I have missed." Osiris leaned forward, as he took hold of the crocodile's snout, holding it still, as he spoke, "Maybe you would like to offer your penance?"

Sobek pressed back into me, and I responded, driven by my lust to lick along his neck, following the path of his spine to the top of his head. I savored the taste of his scales, as I began circling my finger around the part of his shaft that had pushed itself free.

I was beginning to lose track of everything that wasn't Sobek. His cool scales had become quite hot. Every brush of our flesh caused my lust to deepen. I wanted to rid us of the cloth that kept us apart, but I couldn't let go of him long enough to make any progress. His arousal was intoxicating. I wanted to take him, to bend him over and taste everything he had to offer, before giving him what his scent craved.

My hand had become soaked in his fluids, his pre dripping from his harden tip and the lubricant that seeped from his slit. I wanted to tease him, to play a little lower, to graze that spot he kept hidden, but I couldn't fight the need to taste his nectar. I cleaned my hand almost instantly, and it wasn't enough.

My body was on fire, as I moved both hands to his crotch, gripping his hard cock, as he let out a deep groan. His hands were on my arms either to fight me or to encourage my strokes. I could not tell in my clouded judgment.

I guided my fingers under his slit, caressing his perineum, as I continued lower. He gasped when I touched his rim. I started to press inwards, but he forced himself free, causing me to fall back, as he staggered forward.

I looked up at him, as I sank to the floor. My head landed at the perfect angle to see that beautiful tight slit of scales that needed my touch and the glorious shaft drooping downwards under its own fat weight. I clawed my way to him, as I reached for that needy tower. I could smell the scent of his coming seed in the air. I needed to be near that smell, to taste him, to let his lust cover me.

But my brother had other plans. He pushed Sobek upright, as he pulled a metal ring from his pocket. Both Sobek and I cried out, as he jammed the ring on the crocodile's cock.

Sobek howled, as the ring tightened. His shaft shrank, along with the ring, as it retracted back into its slit.

I felt the trance break, as Sobek's slit closed. I was panting heavily. My arousal was painful, as I regained conscious control of myself. I could still smell Sobek's musk, as it tried to draw me back into its bliss. Glancing back up at Sobek gave me another view of his hole. I felt an almost overwhelming need to pounce him and fill that virgin cavity with the contents of my aching balls.

Sobek glanced back at me, and after seeing my lust, he responded with contempt, as he obstructed my view with his tail, before turning back to my brother.

"Remember that ache," my brother spoke softly to Sobek. "Your uncontrollable libido is no longer an issue. Your life is mine. Your desires are mine to dictate until your debt is repaid. Failure to follow my orders will cost you greatly."

Sobek bowed his head. "Yes, my lord."

Osiris turned to leave. "Set, a word," he said, as he walked away.

I hastened to follow, even as I tried to hide my fading erection. As I passed Sobek, he turned at just the right moment for our bare arms to touch, sending an electric spark through my body.

We were silent for several minutes, as he led me back up the stairs, towards the room holding Jaller.

"So, what did you think of him?" he asked, after we passed the first hallway.

I stopped dead. "What?"

"You seemed pretty drawn to him," my brother pointed out playfully.

"He's a sex god," I retorted angrily, embarrassed by my lack of control.

"I know," my brother said stoically, keeping An's face impassive, as he turned to me. "That is one of the reasons I chose him."

I stared at Osiris in confusion. "What are you planning?"

"A compromise," he offered. "I cannot change you, but if you like him, I can make him more compatible."

I remained dumbfounded.

"He would adjust quickly," Osiris added, as though he was soothing a tiny wrinkle. "A slit is a slit. I will even keep his current scent, and you can work towards using the right hole."

"Are you serious?" I asked, flabbergasted. "You think turning a guy into a girl will make me straight?"

He didn't really react in any decisive way. He just stood there in An's form and shrugged. "If it makes you feel better, he is probably going to screw up and lose it anyway. You are the one who was so certain that the person mattered more, that you love whom you love."

"I don't love Sobek. I don't even know him." This behavior seemed completely counter to his previous actions.

He raised an eyebrow. "You don't love anyone," he stated firmly. "Horus is hoping you will fall for him again, but you've changed, and he hasn't. I'm giving you a way out. He will always be the female you love."

I stared at my brother, trying to figure out the layers of his plan. Was he really trying to compromise his delusions, or was this another attempt to break me?

Osiris wrapped his arm around me. He had replicated the texture of An's fur perfectly, as he brushed the back of my neck. "Don't fret. It doesn't have to be Sobek. I'm not forcing you to rush. In fact, I would prefer if you waited until after Sobek follows through with his tasks, but who am I to stop you."

I pulled away and walked over to the banister. Leaning on it, I asked, "What about Anubis and Horus?"

"This isn't a trade," he answered. "I can't help you." I could hear the frustration in his voice. "Ra has prevented that, but maybe I can still save you. One kiss and she will be yours. You just have to try."

I shook my head, refusing to look at him. "You are blind," I said finally.

"I see more than you can imagine." He clapped me on the shoulder. "Now go get to know him. He might be the one." He walked away, continuing his journey to Jaller, as I stared down at the archway that led to the dining room.

I played with the ring I was forced to wear, as I felt my brother's words work their way through me. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to fight back the tears caused by my heartache. Osiris was wrong. I was very much in love. Sobek's ability to pull at me without any desired on his part was proof of my longing. My heart was out of control. It couldn't see the reasons against, and the separation was only causing my feelings to grow. Ra, Jaller, they seemed so certain, yet they were blind to the pain that I am. If I listen to them, I will just turn back into myself, a chaos-bringer, who loves to inflict pain.

I opened my eyes and stared down at the ring. The trip into the desert had manage to nearly cover it in sand, but my struggles with Sobek had completely soaked the grains. I rubbed the sand into my trousers, leaving the ring with a slight red-ish glow.

My brother was right. I could use Sobek to twist my heart away from him, keeping him safe, while I fell.

Sobek smelled great. He was sitting at the table, pawing at his crotch, as he tried to sate his lusts. His hand was covered in the fluid that had escaped his slit, but with Osiris' intervention, his attempt was futile.

"That will never work," I stated, as I walked over to him.

He jumped to a standing position, hiding his hand from my sight. When he realized it was me and not my brother, he began backing away, trying to keep his distance from me.

"Look I know your preferences," he said, calmly, "and how my pheromones could cause an unexpected reaction with you. But I am not like that."

His back hit the wall, forcing him to stop, as I continued to shrink the distance between us.

"I do not appreciate being touched," he continued, "or used like that against my will. I understand Osiris is a controlling factor here, but if we could just minimize our interactions, I believe we can work together professionally."

I stopped in front of him, and he relaxed for a moment, before I pulled his arm out from behind his back, and began to lick his fingers clean.

He tried to pull his hand from my grip, but I held on tightly. "Look," he whispered, "I get that I sold out Osiris. But I helped you."

"And you put him back together," I hissed, as I released his hand, just to rip open his shirt. I kissed his collarbone, as my hands explored the muscles of his chest. His scent had resurrected the throbbing between my legs.

"Set, please don't do this," he pleaded, as he tried to push me away.

His scent had made me rather vicious, as I snarled, "If you want me to be gentle, I suggest you accept this." I waited for him to continue fighting, but he just let his shoulders sagged in defeat.

I let myself slide down his body, running my face along his chest and abs, as I knelt before him. I pressed my nose into his crotch, enjoying being this close to the source of his lust. I lapped at his slit, not moving my nose from his body.

His slit rather lacked flavor. His scales were unique. The lubricants oozing from him were divine. Inside his sheath was almost overpowering. Just the slit itself was rather bland. I explored every square millimeter of that cavity. His cock ignored every graze of my tongue, but I could feel it twitch when I touched a particularly sensitive spot elsewhere. I made out with his slit. Even the metallic taste of Osiris' ring around his shaft wasn't enough to deter me.

I heard him whimpering, begging for release. I placed my hand below his slit, feeling the heat from those desperate balls inside him. I slid my fingers backward, but his legs got in the way. I glanced up at him. He shook his head, but spread his legs anyways, when I shoved four fingers roughly into his slit.

I waited for my fingers to become coated in his fluid. I would take his remaining virginity as painlessly as I could. "Relax," I whispered, tracing a finger around his entrance. "Let us become one, my love." I kissed his navel, before I eased a single finger inside.

He was tight, and his body tried to reject me. "It would be easier if your legs were not supporting your weight."

He took several deep breaths, before he slid down the wall. His tail, lacking the flexibility of other species, due to its size and purpose, moved in front of him, causing me to straddle it between my legs. His lower torso was pushed away from the wall, as he presented himself to me. His head and snout rested against its surface, as he stared up at the ceiling.

The change in position showed off the scales of his belly. The new lighting caused beautiful shades of color to flit around the edges of his opal scales. The spots of purple gave him a regal quality that drew my hand to trace one such spot. Even the sharp transformation, where his scales turned green, showed a wondrous bronze shine. It must take quite some time to maintain that lustrous shine.

"Ready?" I asked, placing my hand at his entrance again.

His answer rumbled through his chest. He wasn't ready, but I pressed in regardless. He hissed when the second finger was added. He whimpered, as I twisted them and curled them inside of his tight channel. He jumped, gouging the wall with his head, as my tongue joined my fingers.

His taste was clean and distinct. Unlike his slit, which tasted of lust and arousal, this taste was pure undisguised, unhindered male. This hole had never been used to provide pleasure to a male, not even himself. Oh, how I was going to show him what he had been missing.

I took my time, waiting for his muscles to stop fighting me. I toyed with that button inside of him, getting him used to the idea of a new source of pleasure. By the time I pulled all four fingers from him, his façade was breaking. His body was desperate. It knew what I could give him. It needed me. I just needed his mind to accept that fact.

I stripped away my garments, before returning to his lap. "This may hurt a bit," I warned, as I placed my shaft at his upper slit. We both groaned, as I slid inside, stopping only when our groins met, cocks touching within his body. I fell forward, draping myself over his form. I was in control. No annoying power games, that endless suffering I was put through. Just my will. And it was glorious.

I stayed like that, letting his lubricants swirl around my shaft, enjoying the contrast between his inner warmth and the chill of his scales. I bit into his neck, wanting to mark him as mine, but his scales proved stronger, leaving only my saliva. I pulled my shaft free and began humping against his body, letting my cock travel between his slit and vent.

My scent was beginning to overpower his. My arousal was coating his flesh, pouring out pre just to mark him the only way I could. I drove my nose into his neck, missing his musk. I could smell his fear.

At that moment, two jets of seed escaped from my shaft. He shifted, expecting that to be the end, but I held him down, as I rested my still hard cock against his tail vent. I used a finger to collect the mess that covered his stomach. First, I smeared the tip of his lips with my lust. Then I coated that same finger and slid it inside his mouth.

His tongue encircled my digit, clearing away every drop, until both my finger and his stomach were clear of any evidence.

"Good boy," I whispered, leaning forward, as I kissed his throat.

"Please," he mumbled. "I can't take this...."

"What do you need?" I asked with another kiss a little higher.

"Release. Please." His voice had become low and husky, despite himself.

"Say it." I said with a kiss to his chin.

"Fuck me."

I moved down his body, as I aligned my shaft with his vent.

"Take me," he cried without prompting.

I sheathed myself in his body, and our groans echoed through my home.

I couldn't control myself after that. I rode him hard. My cock pistoned in and out of his hole. I couldn't slow down, as I claimed the object of my lusts. He was mine, and he knew it. He grunted lewdly with every graze across his prostate. The scent of fear was gone, replaced by our shared fervor.

I came inside of him, filling him, even as I continued to thrust, not stopping. The squelching sound echoed off the walls, as my seed overflowed and leaked out. His legs wrapped around my waist, as he pulled me in harder, using me to sate his own needs.

I allowed him that, as he proved my ownership. As he taught himself to accept a source of pleasure and release. His musk was pouring off him. His pre was gushing out of his slit, as I stimulated his factories directly. And he was enforcing the lesson, learning that I was his only source of relief. He needed me. His heterosexuality could never fulfil his requirements now. He was my lover now, and in time, he would accept his place.

His gasps had become rapid. His pleasure was becoming painful, as he fought to get over that final peak. His hands had moved to his groin, as one rubbed at his slit and the other rubbed around our joining, as he worked himself into a frenzy, desperate to add enough stimulation to end the pressure.

I bit down into his shoulder, hard enough to break parts of his scales, and he came, filling his slit with heavy cream. After that, every volley caused his seed to squirt out, covering our abdominals in that heady juice.

His haze of relief left him in quite a suggestible state, and we enjoyed the richness of his semen together, as I continued to ravage his rear.

I came inside of him two more times, before I pulled out, completely soft. Until he started fingering my seed out of his hole and into his mouth. Ten minutes of watching his show, left me quite firm, despite the pain of being erect again.

So I gave him a direct tasting, while I cleaned out his slit.

I didn't notice until later how bright the glow of my ring had become. It didn't burn. It didn't hurt. It was just one with me, as I surrendered my heart to the object of my love.

I awoke laying on top of the crocodile. He refused to look at or even speak to me, as he stood up quickly, keeping his head low.

I turned to find my brother standing at the kitchen-side entrance. He tried not to look at us, tried to hide his revulsion.

But I didn't care, as I moved to stand next to him. "So, my brother, what is the next step?" I asked with a hint of glee at his discomfort.

"First, you two clean up," he answered. "And until you kiss him, no screwing near me or my work. That is just disgusting."

"And then?" I pressed, letting my excitement bubble through.

He waited, analyzing me.

I stood there, waiting for his command, waiting to please my older brother, to give myself to his plans.

He smiled at me, and I felt such joy in return. "The police force his become rather lax without my presence," he stated. "I think you can provide a gift to them."

I smiled in dark revelry. "Let chaos reign."

"Don't get too carried away."

"Yes, my lord."

Author's Note: I when back and forth on parts of this, especially with whether Set should fall and whether I was okay introducing Sobek without giving the character a moment. I am also really hoping that I'm not taking Set too far.

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