True Love Meets True Ecstasy

Story by Nightdown Fox on SoFurry

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#1 of True Love Duets

True Love Meets True Ecstasy (ver. 3.1)

By: BlackSin

Contact at: [email protected]

Furry M/Furry F

Warning: This story contains scenes of explicit sexual contact. You have been warned.

© 1999 BlackSin. This is my first erotic story, and any unauthorized editing or unlawful use strictly prohibited.

The television alarm woke Tegra at six o'clock in the morning. He yawned as the newscaster on the early morning broadcast droned about murders in the streets. Tegra flipped the channel to an early morning B-rate movie and scratched himself as he walked slowly towards the bathroom, still yawning. He splashed some water on his face and examined himself in the mirror.

The hybrid-human admired his mixed attributes. His father was a black man, and his mother was a white tigress. He looked like a human, though his mother had given him some of her features. Every morning, Tegra carefully studied himself, not out of vain, but rather because he was surprised at the many differences in Nature. He started with his teeth, making sure that his small tiger canines were in perfect shape. Black and white stripes covered his right arm, lightly magnifying his muscles. Both the palms of his human hands and the bottom of his feet had tiger-pads on them. His fingers and toes had small retractable claws that were more for show than actual use. The last notable part of his hybrid body was his striped member, still standing under the effects of morning erection. Many women had told Tegra that his part was the perfect size for sex, a nice mixture of length and girth. Too bad he wasn't able to find the perfect lover with whom to share his gifts...

After examining himself, Tegra took a hot shower, thinking of the day that lay

ahead. He was an editor at a book publishing company, so he knew that he could take his time. After a large breakfast, Tegra hopped in his new Chevy Trailblazer and prepared for the bad traffic. As he expected, he wound up being stuck in a jam caused by a four-car pileup. He waited patiently, sighing as he thought of his love situation.

Tegra was ready to experience true love. Although he was just 23 years old, he had countless numbers of 'quickies' and 'fucks' with women who wanted his well-built body. Of course he didn't mind this, a lot of beautiful women found him sexually attractive. Nevertheless, he realized that he wanted something more after Colleen. Tegra sighed again as he remembered Colleen. She was the most beautiful rabbit-morph that he had ever seen in his life. They hit it off immediately, and after their first date, they had mad, passionate sex at her house. He had just gotten in the door when she presented herself, panties stained with her bunny-honey. Tegra knew that his length wouldn't last in her swollen, pink cunt for too long, but in the process he tried to give her as much pleasure as possible. He enjoyed the sex immensely, and he thought that a relationship could grow out of it. So, he bought two tickets to his favorite musical, "Cats," and asked Colleen if she wanted to go. Tegra remembered the sheepish look that Colleen gave him. She wasn't looking for that type of 'relationship,' she just wanted to get pumped by one of her natural predators. The fact that he was both tiger and human meant that he was a perfect candidate. Then she hugged him and said that she hoped that they could continue their sexual relationship. The invitation sickened Tegra. Ever since then, he had been looking for a loving relationship.

After he finally got to work, he entered his small office to find that his 'in'

box was completely filled with new stories. He searched through the pile for

something interesting. A soft knock at his door interrupted his thoughts. It was Minuit, his boss' secretary. He smiled once he saw her, he felt extremely

attracted to her. He loved how she pronounced her name, like 'min weet.'

"This is a new story from the Brian client," she said with a sweet, soft voice.

"Thank you," Tegra said, wishing that he could muster the confidence to ask her out.

Minuit left the office and went back to her own desk. She plopped down on her chair and looked at the mirror on her desk. She was a skunk-morph with

snow-white fur and blue, crystal eyes. Many people mistook her for a cat-morph, but the lone black stripe that ran along her back and off her luscious, full tail told them different. The doctors did not understand what had happened, both her parents were pure skunk-morph, but her mother came from a far-off island. She was born all white, except for her stripe, among other oddities. She looked down at her navel, which was covered with soft, light-peach flesh that resembled human skin. Some parts of her body, including the pads on her hands and feet, had this furless flesh.

A sudden chirp from the speakerphone broke her thoughts. The boss wanted to see her in his office. When Minuit entered the office, she immediately sat down in a cushioned chair, crossing her legs. Her boss reminded her of an old boyfriend, a vulpine by the name of Brad.

-What an asshole- she thought to herself. He called himself being a chauvinist. He used her as a trophy around his friends, wanted her to cook and clean, and do other things that a 'woman was supposed to do.' Hah! One night, he demanded some 'pussy' and pulled down his pants. He was certainly all talk; he had one of the smallest dicks that Minuit had ever seen. She found herself chuckling at his tiny Vienna sausage, which really pissed him off.

"Bitch," he yelled, trying to slap her.

Obviously, this guy had never been with a skunk-morph before. In a flash, her

long, silky tail was around his neck, choking him mercilessly. She was

definitely tired of his antics and only dated him because she felt sorry for

him. She strangled him good, and let him go. She was not a violent furson, so

she didn't kill him. Seeing his surprised look while he gasped for air was

enough for her. Minuit chuckled out loud, causing her boss to look up. She

covered her mouth, but not before her boss got the idea that she wasn't

listening to him. He shook his head and gave her some papers to copy. Minuit

left the office quickly before she angered her boss any further.

As Minuit opened the door to the copier room, she ran right into Tegra, causing him to drop his papers.

"I'm so sorry," she said, stooping down to help Tegra.

"Don't worry about it," he said smiling, taking time to examine her. He noticed

that her red blouse matched a red ribbon in her hair and complimented her black skirt.

"Sometimes I can be so clumsy," Minuit said, giving the papers back to Tegra.

"We all make mistakes," Tegra said, trying to comfort her.

She chuckled sarcastically. "Mistakes, huh? I almost got fired for daydreaming."

Tegra rolled his eyes. "Daydreaming? That's it? One time, I got yelled at for

sleeping on one of his psychology books."

Minuit's eyes grew wide.

"Drooled on pages two through thirty-four before he finally noticed and woke me up," Tegra continued.

Minuit shook her head and laughed. "You're terrible, you know that?" she said as she turned around to use the copier.

Tegra chuckled and walked slowly towards the door when he noticed that they were the only ones in the room. It was now or never, might as well ask her out without anybody knowing.

"Minuit, can I ask you something?" he asked, stuttering.

"Hmm?" she replied, her back still towards him.

"You're the type of person," he began, "You're the type of person who?"

"Yes?" she asked.

Tegra sighed. It was time to stop bullshitting. "Will you go out with me?"

She turned her head slowly, an air of surprise on her face. "?Me??I never knew that you felt?this way, I thought that you? had someone else."

Tegra shook his head no, smiling softly as he saw Minuit's mouth, open. "Yes?I would like that a lot," she stammered.

"Pick you up at eight?" Tegra asked.

"Make it six. I'll drop my addy in your inbox later. I know a great place where

we can go," Minuit said with a smirk.

She watched Tegra leave the room, still in disbelief.

At five-thirty, Minuit finally got home. She immediately jumped in the shower to prepare for her date. After thoroughly washing, she dried her hair with a towel, and padded off towards her bedroom. She enjoyed walking naked around her house after a shower. The cool air felt good on her body, especially when it tickled her breasts and touched her lightly furred mound. After thinking for a second, Minuit pulled out some clothes that brought out her beauty. She paused before pulling her panties over her nicely formed sex, smiling to herself. If Tegra were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her blue panties, he would see that they matched the blouse, the ribbon in her hair, and most importantly, her eyes.

Minuit put on the matching blouse, not bothering with a bra. She wanted to feel free on this date, without restrictions. Besides, the blouse was not tight

enough to really expose her nipples. Finally, she picked out a black cloth

skirt, not long enough to be unsexy, but not short enough to be slutty.

By the time Minuit had finished dressing, she heard a knock at the door. She

didn't bother with any makeup or perfume, she always enjoyed her natural

attributes. She opened the door to find Tegra wearing a buttoned shirt and


"Six o'clock, on the dot," Minuit remarked, tapping Tegra's cheek as she walked out the door.

His mind lulled at the feeling of her soft touch. "Where is this 'special place'

that you were talking about?"

"It's up the street. I hope you like coffee, my sister owns a Galaxybucks. Nice

little romantic place, usually she keeps candles burning to enhance the

atmosphere. Is that your car?" Minuit checked the TrailBlazer out, murring

quietly. "I always wanted an SUV but I never could afford one."

Tegra opened the passenger door for Minuit. "Your best bet is to promise the

boss that you won't daydream if he gives you a raise," he said, smirking as

Minuit stuck her tongue out at him.

The ride to Galaxybucks was quiet as the two nervous creatures adjusted to each other. As they entered the store, a lone skunk working behind the counter looked up from a blender. When she saw Minuit, she bounded over from her post, hugging Tegra's date warmly.

"Tegra, this is my sister Soir. She is the manager of this place."

Soir shook Tegra's hand before looking slyly at her sister. "Since when have you been bringing out the hunks?" she asked Minuit.

Minuit playfully jabbed her sibling, and they both started to giggle. Tegra

looked around the store while the two talked. Minuit was right about the

romantic atmosphere; the candles added a shadowy, mysterious flare to the store. Each booth was adorned with two of the fiery swords.

Soir walked over to Tegra and smiled up at him. "Well, how ?bout I make you two one of my special romantic blends- sweet cappuccino mixed with rum, on the house."

"That sounds good," Minuit said, "It's been a long time since I had one of your... special blends."

Soir went behind the desk and turned on the cappuccino machine. "Although there is a favor that I must ask of you. As you can see, this place is empty now. I let all my employees leave for the evening, but I really need to get to a date of my own. Can you look after the place while you're here and lock up when you're done?"

"Sure, I think I still have the keys in my purse," Minuit replied as she and

Tegra sat down in a booth next to the window.

In a few minutes, Soir brought two large glasses over on a tray. "Thanks a lot," she told Minuit before shaking Tegra's hand again. "It was nice meeting you," she murred.

In a flash her apron was off and she was out the door. Minuit chuckled as the sound of tires squealed in the parking lot. "She always was a fan of 'the boys.' So, Tegra, you're a handsome guy. Tell me why you are single."

Tegra thought for a minute while playing with the whipped cream that topped his coffee. He was about to answer when a sound stopped him.

"Oh, drat, it's starting to rain," Minuit said, looking directly out the window.

"You know, Minuit, the rain reflects off your eyes beautifully. I wish I could

have a painting of you looking out of that window."

Minuit blushed, creating a hint of red in her white furry cheeks. "You're good,

Mr. Tegra. You sure know how to make someone feel special." She touched Tegra's hand, her paw feeling like cotton on his skin.

"You asked why I am single," Tegra started. "I am single because I have found that I am lacking something. I will be honest with you, something I haven't exactly done with other women in the past. I have been with other women, but I haven't felt anything inside. You probably think that this is a bull, but I am bored with ?playing.' I want someone who I can just hold instead of an easy quickie." Tegra looked out the window for a minute. "I've done some stupid things. There was this one time..." Tegra cringed as he remembered the embarrassing episode. "A couple of months ago, I was walking in a park when I saw a beautiful vixen-morph. She was reading on a park bench, just minding her own business. I had to find some reason to talk to her. I found it on a swing in the playground. There was a little girl

playing on the swing, and an idea popped into my mind. I felt kinda odd walking up to a little girl, after all I'm not a pedophile. So, I start talking to her, trying not to sound like those perverts on 'America's Most Wanted.' I told her that I would pay her twenty dollars if she would run over to the vixen and jump in her lap, and if she would play along with everything that I did. I thought that the vixen would relate more to the little fox-kid. So, I give the girl two tens, and she runs over and pounces right into the vixen's lap. I really admired that kid's trust. I ran over to the vixen and started apologizing. I told her that I was babysitting the little girl for a friend and that I had lost sight of her for a minute. The vixen looked up at me with her gorgeous green eyes and long, red hair and started to ruffle the little girl's hair. 'Cute little

thing,' she said, 'What's her name?' I thought for a minute and said 'Brittany.'

She looked down at the girl and said, 'Sally, is that your name?' The little

girl shook her head. The only thought that was going through my head was 'Oh shit?Oh shit?' Then the vixen looked back up at me, still smiling. 'It's pretty funny that you have to baby-sit my own cousin.' I chuckled nervously and kicked myself mentally for not creating a backup plan. I turned around to leave, my tail literally between my legs. 'By the way,' she said, stopping me, 'My name is Mary.' The little girl looked up and said, 'No it's not! It's Alexis!' I walked as fast as I could from there. To add insult to injury, I heard the little girl say, 'Look, Alexis! I made twenty dollars!"

Minuit, who had been sipping her coffee the whole time while listening, suddenly burst out laughing. She covered her mouth with her paw when she saw Tegra's hurt expression. "I'm sorry, you men sometimes do some, um, odd things when you want to talk to us. I'm glad you didn't do that to me."

Tegra started to play with the whipped cream again. "That's because I want to be somewhat honest. You know, just come right out and tell you how I feel."

Minuit smiled and looked out the window again.

Tegra put his spoon down and thought for a minute. "Minuit, I really like this.

If you want, I would love to do this again."

Minuit looked over, her blue eyes locking with Tegra's gray eyes. "Really?" she


She was starting to feel something inside, something that a person feels

when they know that they have found the one they have been looking for. She got up and sat on Tegra's side of the booth, still looking into his eyes

inquiringly. "You really did mean that stuff about you lacking something?"

"Of course," Tegra said, "But I do have one question? Do you like the play

'Cats?' I was just wondering?"

"I love it," Minuit answered, leaning in closer? their lips about to touch?

They kissed slowly, Tegra tasting the sweet residue of the cappuccino on

Minuit's lips. They pulled back and stared at the surprised looks on each of

their faces. Minuit hugged Tegra warmly as he rubbed her back.

"We're going too fast," he whispered into her ear, looking down at his coffee

mug, "I don't want you to turn into a number."

Minuit smiled up at him sweetly. "I believe that this is the start of a

beautiful relationship."

Tegra leaned down and their lips touched again. Their emotions started to rise

rapidly and Minuit's mouth open slightly. She moaned quietly as Tegra lightly

tasted her mouth. He licked Minuit's white teeth with his rough tongue. As he

started to pull back, he felt Minuit's soft tongue exploring his own mouth. He

was enjoying the sensations when he tensed suddenly, feeling pain in his crotch.

Minuit read the expression on Tegra's face and loosened his belt. "How's that

feel, honey?" she asked, staring down at the bulge erupting from Tegra's pants.

"Oh, that's perfect. Sometimes my pants get a little tight when I?" Tegra cut

his sentence short as Minuit looked up lustfully. She slid back and pounced on

Tegra, passionately kissing him again. Tegra pulled her tongue into his mouth

and sucked on it, causing her to moan again. He pulled back and teased her neck, lightly licking and kissing her soft fur. He looked down to see her luscious breast, nipples pointing out from her blouse in her arousal.

"No bra, eh?" Tegra teased.

Minuit leaned back against the seat cushion and smiled seductively.

Tegra needed no other invitation. He started to slowly unbutton Minuit's blouse as he gently sucked on her fingers. Taking a deep breath, he took the blouse off, causing Minuit to moan as the air lightly touched her tips. The sight amazed Tegra; her breasts were perfect, not small, but at the same time not overtly large. At the top of her white-furred breasts was a patch of the soft, peachy human-like skin that decorated other parts of her body. At the center of this skin, her nipples stood erect, rosy red with her arousal. Tegra immediately went for the gorgeous orbs, fondling the patches of skin before directly stimulating her nipples. She cried out softly, grabbing his rear and massaging the base of his tail. Tegra sucked on the nipple even stronger, his hand slowly moving down to her skirt. Minuit helped him pull her skirt off, and Tegra let up on her caps. The only clothing she had left were her panties and her bow in her hair, which Tegra suddenly noticed matched her blouse. She sat up slightly and opened her legs, her sex still hidden from view by her laced underwear. Tegra could feel his precum start to drool onto his own underwear as the scent of her excitement and wanting hit him. He felt that the scent was the best thing in the Heavens or the Earth. He leaned down and slowly pulled the panties down with his teeth, feeling the warmth of her pussy.

When her panties were completely off, Minuit opened her legs further and treated Tegra to a view of the best pussy he had ever seen. Peachy skin completely enveloped her glistening sex. Even the area around her tail hole was bathed in the furless flesh. Tegra loved it. He only stared into her folds as she stroked the pants covering his own loins. His mouth watered... her labia were beautifully contoured, reminding him of a delicate rose. Minuit smiled, purring enticingly as Tegra admired.

Tegra couldn't hold his passions in any longer, the scent... the purr... He bent

over and softly licked the hood of Minuit's clit, tasting the red member. Minuit

cried out and got up suddenly, shifting Tegra smoothly onto his back. She

crawled on her paws and knees over his body and positioned her burning loins

over his head. She placed her paws on his chest and wrapped her long, fluffy

tail around his body as she prepared to ride his mouth. Tegra placed another

soft lick along Minuit's erect nub, causing another cry to elicit from her

throat as she dripped some of her wetness onto his face. Tegra pulled out and lay back against the cushion. Minuit peered around questionably. Tegra was half tiger, so he had to toy with his prey. He looked up and saw his untouched cup of cappuccino. As Minuit watched curiously, Tegra took the cup and scraped the whipped cream topping off with a spoon. He used the spoon to wipe the sweet substance into Minuit's succulent folds as she vocally expressed her content with the idea. He continued to tease, kissing the back of her thighs, softly blowing air into her pussy, even lightly tonguing her tight tail hole as he slowly rubbed the base of her tail; a skunk soft spot. After a few minutes of this, Minuit's breathing was erratic and her cheeks were rosy with anticipation.

"Please..." she moaned as Tegra was about to directly stimulate her. He pulled back again, returning to her tail hole. "Please, Tegra," Minuit said a little louder, increasing the embrace of her tail around Tegra's body. Tegra only continued to suck on the soft flesh. Minuit turned her head around and looked Tegra in his eyes, her mouth open as she breathed erotically. A tear escaped her right eye, slowly moving down her rosy cheeks. Tegra stopped as the tear fell off her face and hit the cushion. He couldn't stand to see this beautiful woman cry, even if it was out of erotic desire. "Please..." Minuit repeated for a third time. Tegra gave in and buried his tongue deep inside Minuit. She reacted immediately, screaming out passionately as her rear haunches pressed back against Tegra's probing tongue. Tegra moaned himself as Minuit's sweet nectar spewed onto his face. The mixture of cappuccino, rum, and pussy juice made his head reel, never in his life had he tasted anything so good. He tried to eat as much of Minuit's cunt as he could, jamming his fingers into the slickness.

Minuit knew that she would cum at any moment. She raised her haunches, resting her chin on Tegra's stomach and pumped his mouth vigorously. Tegra moved his fingers with Minuit, continuing to eat as he paid special attention to a spot he found directly under her vagina. She screamed out in a mini-orgasm, clenching her teeth as she rode Tegra's mouth. Tegra knew that Minuit was about to reach her climax, so the time had come for his specialty. He moved his tongue to her clitoris and licked around it passionately. After licking the remains of the cappuccino from out of her, he began to nibble her clit determinedly. Her back arched and Minuit screamed out in ecstasy, thrusting her hips back as the first orgasm hit her. Tegra felt her muscles squeezing his tongue, he pounded his fingers into her at a maddening pace and continued to eat. Wave after wave of sweet orgasm flowed through Minuit as she shuddered violently. Finally, she sank back down into the cushion panting, greatly satisfied- for the moment. Tegra was panting, too, his face covered with sticky nectar. He looked at his wet, dripping fingers and started to lick the sweet dew. Minuit joined him, tasting her own tangy juices. They kissed one last time before Minuit collapsed onto Tegra, resting while she thought over what just happened. Tegra reflected on his own afterglow, inadvertently picking up the mug and finishing off the coffee. He

looked down at his new lover, softly catnapping, and kissed her forehead.

It suddenly occurred to Tegra that he had yet to cum, but somehow that didn't matter. Was that not the true meaning of 'making love' ? to give as much pleasure, mentally and physically, to your lover as possible? That's what he had been missing! When he was 'fucking' women, he was really pleasuring himself while bringing his partner along for the ride. With Minuit, though, that was all different.

As he pondered, Minuit woke up yawning. "C'mon, let's go," she said, reluctantly pulling herself away from Tegra.

He watched her dress, once again hiding the parts that he had been intimate

with. After one last peck on the lips, the pair got up from the booth and

dropped their empty cups into the sink behind the counter. Tegra felt the cold chill of the precum that completely saturated his underwear as he walked towards the door. After Minuit checked the booth, making sure that no evidence of their experience was left behind, she turned around to see Tegra still standing at the door.

"What's the matter?" she inquired.

"It's still raining," Tegra answered, staring drearily out the window.

"So?" she asked, smiling mysteriously.

"Do you want to get wet?" Tegra replied candidly.

"I've already been wet," Minuit teased, playfully poking him in the chest. She

grabbed Tegra's hand and pulled him out into the rain. After he got over the

initial shock of the cool water, he watched Minuit play as she splashed in

puddles like a child. The droplets rolled off her fur as if she were a duck.

Suddenly, Minuit splashed Tegra and the fight was on. They tussled in the rain for some time, each laughing as the other became drenched. Finally, the pair sat down to rest. Tegra looked over Minuit's soaked form, her nipples protruding from her wet blouse.

"What are you looking at, tiger?" Minuit asked alluringly, reading Tegra's eyes.

Tegra didn't have to say a word, the sultry sway of his tail revealed his


They jumped up and ran towards the parked TrailBlazer, pouncing into the vehicle and slamming the doors. Tegra fumbled with the keys until they finally slid into the ignition. They were dripping all over his new seats, but he didn't really care at that point.

"My house is closer," Minuit said as they drove out of the parking lot.

When they were in her house, Minuit took off her shoes and walked through the living room.

"Make yourself at home, tiger," she said winking before disappearing

around a corner.

Tegra explored her cozy home, noting how color-coordinated his new lover was. He examined her pictures, picking up one where Minuit was hugging a beautiful kangaroo-morph. "Wonder who she is?" Tegra mumbled to himself. He continued to look around her house until he passed by her bedroom and saw Minuit sitting on the bed, her voluptuous tail spread out over the pillows. Tegra sat down beside her, feeling the beige bedspread.

"Mmm, cashmere," he commented.

"Yeah, I had it special ordered. I love the soft, fuzzy feeling against my fur,"

Minuit said quietly.

The small talk ended as they kissed, their passion rising as it did in the

coffee shop. Tegra ran his hand-paw down her body and rubbed the small of her back sensually, causing Minuit to murr. After a few more soft touches, Tegra slowly pulled Minuit's blouse over her head, once again exposing her heavenly tits.

"Oh no you don't," Minuit breathed, "this time its my turn to satisfy you."

She started to unbuckle his belt, breasts swaying in the dimly lit room. Tegra

watched her dreamily as she pulled off his own shirt, then cried out softly as

she rolled her tongue around his erect nipple. She continued to suck on the

aroused nipple as she removed his pants and threw them in the corner of the

room. She kissed down his chest, stopping as she got to his underwear, and

looked up into his eyes. With one swoop of her paw, his large erection was free, standing up from his body as the male-scent rested in the room. Tegra gasped and a bead of liquid appeared on the head of his erection.

"I love the stripes," Minuit said whimsically before lapping up the precum,

tasting its sweetness. She fondled his nicely sized balls and pressed her thumb along the bottom of the erection, running it from base to tip. Tegra moaned again as more precum spurted from the head of his member, which Minuit quickly lapped up. Minuit kissed the head of Tegra's pulsating cock as he whimpered and fell back against the soft bed.

Minuit couldn't hold herself back any longer. She jumped up onto the bed and

quickly pulled off her panties and her skirt at the same time. She sat down and spread her legs wide, mixing her sweet smell with that of Tegra's own male scent and staring Tegra in his eyes as she jammed two of her fingers into her glistening cunt, pumping herself fervently. Minuit took out her fingers and lay back on the cashmere blanket, dripping her juices onto the bed.

"Now, Tegra! I need it now!" she yelled out, breathing erotically. She touched

her hot vulva and spread her wet lips.

I need him.

Minuit watched Tegra lustfully as he slowly crawled over to her, dick eagerly

hanging between his legs.

I want him inside of me!

Tegra watched her intently as his cock slid up her thigh, leaving a trail of


I want him to fuck me!!

Minuit tensed slightly as Tegra pressed the head of his shaft against her


"Ready, honey?" he asked softly.

Ready?! Impale me, daddie!

"Yeah," she breathed, preparing for the pressure.

They both moaned loudly as Tegra slid into Minuit's slick opening. Time stood

still as Tegra buried himself completely into Minuit, until he started a slow

tempo of easy thrusts. Minuit breathed heavily as she adjusted to the striped

member invading her. Tegra's thrusting increased, sometimes almost pulling out entirely before ramming back into the slickness. Minuit moved her hips with Tegra's thrusts, moving her fingers, already lubed with her juices, through Tegra's buttocks. Their heat increased dramatically, Tegra's loud moaning turning into a low growl deep in his throat. Minuit's fingers started to press against Tegra's tail hole, gently pressing against its tightness. Tegra 'mmphed' immediately and clasped his mouth around Minuit's aroused nipple.

Minuit cried out breathily, retracting her fingers from Tegra's rear. She placed

her anxious digits under her pussy, letting its juices flow onto her hand. She

returned her fingers to Tegra's tail hole, pressing against it again. After a

little tension, her fingers slid easily into Tegra's rear. Tegra gasped as his

rear pucker clutched Minuit's pumping fingers.

They were in the last stretch now, Tegra slamming himself into Minuit briskly

while trying to ride her fingers. By the look on his face, Minuit knew that he

was about to cum. Minuit herself started to feel bubbly, the stimulation of her

tight nerves was bringing her closer to her climax. She rubbed Tegra's neck and chest with her other hand, feeling the quivering muscles. Tegra collapsed onto her, laying on her as he pumped into her as hard as he could. Minuit felt it coming; it started in her thighs and breast and was slowly taking over her body as Tegra nibbled her neck...

Tegra roared carnally as his leg muscled tensed, lifting Minuit's rear slightly.

His tail hole clasped around Minuit's fingers as hot jism exploded deep into her

pussy. Minuit wrapped her legs around Tegra's waist.

"Ooh Gods!! Yes, tiggie! Sh... Yessss, my tiggie!!!" she screamed as her cunt

muscles squeezed Tegra cock, pulling it further inside of her as more semen

streamed. They held each other tight, groaning persistently, as Minuit's pussy

continued to milk the last droplets of cum from Tegra. Slowly, their orgasms

ebbed away, and they sank into the soft bed.

"That... that was great," Minuit stuttered, listening as Tegra's breathing

gradually slowed down.

"I've never had it that good," Tegra mumbled, "it feels so much better when you really care about the person."

Minuit kissed his forehead and wrapped her tail around Tegra. "Welcome to true mating, lover," she said softly, slowly drifting off to sleep. Tegra himself was in dire need of a nap; he yawned sleepily as he hugged his mephit lover.

Twenty minutes later, Tegra woke up from his catnap. He tried to move without waking Minuit up, but his efforts failed as he tried to unwrap himself from her tail. She opened her blue eyes, gradually taking in the sight before her. Her new lover stared back at her, still inside her depths.

"C'mon, tiger, let's get washed up," she said squirming underneath Tegra's body.

Tegra reluctantly let her up, sliding his now-soft member from out of her folds. Minuit got up from the bed and swished seductively over to the door.

"You want to shower with me?" she asked, looking over her shoulders pouting.

Tegra jumped up from the bed and followed Minuit curiously. He had never

showered with another woman before. Maybe this is something lovers did...

Minuit turned on the hot water and put her hand under the faucet. When she was satisfied with the temperature, she gave Tegra a fresh bathcloth and stepped into the tub. Tegra followed suit and Minuit pulled a knob on the faucet. Water rushed from the showerhead, soaking the sexually soiled pair. Minuit opened a bottle of liquid soap and gave it to Tegra. She picked up a bar of regular soap and started rubbing it over his body. Tegra soaked his bathcloth and washed Minuit's shoulders and back before moving down and softly kneading her nipples.

He didn't know what he was doing, but he did know that it was starting to affect Minuit. Another thing that he didn't know was that Minuit was still hot from a few minutes ago- the fire of passion was still burning inside of her.

She embraced Tegra and looked up at him. "Please, Tegra. I need it one more

time," she moaned into his ear.

"I wish I could," he chuckled, "but I don't think that my... um... friend is 'up'

for another show."

Minuit's eyes grew wide as realization set in, and she giggled casually. "Well,

we're just going to have to fix that, right?"

Minuit kissed down his body, teasing the special places that she had found in

the time they had spent together until she got down to his unresponsive cock.

She lightly held it up with her fingers and licked the head, tasting her own

juices mixed with bittersweet semen. Tegra tensed slightly, his member still

apathetic. Minuit smiled, getting on her knees, and took the whole cock into

her mouth. Tegra yelped, surprised, the warmth of her mouth felt just like her

soft cunt. Minuit bobbed her head on his member for a few minutes, then pulled it out of her mouth and began to blow cool air on the head. Tegra's dick pulsed and began to show life. Minuit snickered and again buried his penis in her mouth. Tegra hummed happily as a little semen from their last encounter drooled out, which Minuit swallowed contently. After a few minutes of Minuit's tender-loving care, Tegra was at full length and slowly pumping her mouth.

Minuit placed one last lick on the sensitive tip and slid it out of her mouth

with a popping sound. She slid her hand down to the base of Tegra's shaft and started to jerk it determinedly. Tegra's eyes rolled upwards as Minuit massaged his length. Suddenly, she stopped stroking and looked up at Tegra with her eyes narrowed, breasts moving slightly with her breathing.

"I think you're ready now, tiger," she whispered, standing up as the water

streamed down her fur. "I think it's time we get down to some serious business."

Minuit ran her hands down her firm thighs and chest with the water droplets. She smiled lustfully at Tegra and pressed her back against the wall of the shower. She raised one of her legs, opening her cunt fully.

"Take me, Tegra," she moaned, "Take me to new heights."

Tegra embraced her and she raised her other leg, relying on Tegra to keep her from sliding down the shower wall. Tegra positioned his cock directly beneath Minuit, letting her slide down slowly and impale herself. He breathed in heavily as he began to enter her. Tegra loved how deep and open Minuit's pussy was when he was eating or fingering it, but once a cock slid in, her muscles would contract, clenching it like a tight handshake.

The hot water continued to stream over the two lovers as they pumped each other passionately. Tegra slammed himself into Minuit all the way up to his balls, then pulled out completely. A questioning mewl escaped Minuit's lips as she opened her eyes to see Tegra staring at her tail.

"Must be another one of his little games," she thought to herself.

Tegra continued to stare at the long tail as it swayed underneath Minuit's rear.

He smiled to himself and used his free hand to lightly pick up the tip. He

pressed the tip on Minuit's open folds, causing her to squeal in delight. He

knew that a skunk's tail-tip was an extremely sensitive sexual point, and he had an idea of what he wanted to do with it?

Minuit was starting to get his idea; she was used to having her tail inside of

her, she had occasionally masturbated with it when there was no one else around to satisfy her. Now, as Tegra wrapped his dick in the tail-tip, she realized that this was going to be extremely pleasurable.

Minuit squeezed Tegra's cock with her tail, trying to pull his shaft towards her

entrance. The fur of her tail was matted with her wetness, tickling her as it

brushed her labia. She giggled lightly and looked down to find a fourth of her

tail buried inside her, more than ever before. She tensed suddenly, mumbling a tender, unintelligible whisper as her own muscles teased and stimulated her soft tail-spot. Tegra smiled, licking his lips, and tickled the underside of Minuit's clit. She raised her head and cried out passionately before looking Tegra directly in his eyes, showing her teeth as she growled lustfully, her own eyes disclosing her mad yearning.

Tegra couldn't hold back any longer. He slid directly into Minuit's warmth,

pressing into the soft bedding of her luscious tail. Minuit responded instantly,

folding her legs around Tegra as she kissed him lovingly. Their tongues danced seductively as they held each other for what felt like an eternity, the warm shower water continuing to caress their connected bodies. Tegra pressed deeper, causing Minuit to moan into his mouth.

"Make me cum, daddie," she murmured softly as she grabbed Tegra's back


Tegra began to move with Minuit's powerful hips. He passionately rubbed Minuit's shapely thighs, grabbing her ass and moving it with his intimate thrusts.

Minuit's pace sped up dramatically as her juices mixed with the shower water

streaming down her legs. She even thought about shoving Tegra's long, slender tiger-tail into her excited folds as she increased her tempo. She was now practically bouncing on Tegra's cock, wondering why he hadn't increased his thrusting.

"Alright, Minnie," he said finally, "let's do this."

Minuit breathed out excitedly. "It's about fuckin' time! Ssss...Uhhhhhhn!"

Tegra pumped Minuit ferociously, making sure to push her tail-tip as far inside

her as he could. She grabbed Tegra's head and forced his lips onto her breasts, crying out again as he licked her hardened nipples. They were really fucking each other now, their passions and energy being used to pleasure the other.

Tegra grabbed Minuit's ass a little harder as he pumped into her three times a

second. His growling mixed with Minuit's moaning as he slammed her back against the shower wall.

"Faster!" Minuit screamed, "make me cum!!"

Tegra moved at full speed, the impending orgasm starting to make its presence in his stomach. Minuit's orgasm was also starting to take over her body as her tail twisted and fluttered around Tegra's dick, trying to stimulate as many nerves as possible.

"Yes! Yesss! Gods! Ohh, Yess, my tiggie!! Uhhhn!" Minuit knew that her orgasm was going to blow her away, its pre-waves even felt more powerful than any past climaxes.

Tegra's balls bounced against Minuit's clit as he pumped frenziedly, stimulating both of them even more. He could feel his semen being pushed into his dick, any second now...

Tegra dug his fingers into Minuit's ass and completely buried his cock into her

awaiting pussy, holding himself there. He closed his eyes and roared as creamy nut exploded from his shaft and deep into Minuit's insides. Minuit continued to flicker her tail-tip, causing more semen to stream from his burning cock. Tegra thought that his balls were going to shoot into Minuit's depths as he continued to spurt his love-juice.

Minuit's face contorted and she screamed out, digging her claws into Tegra's

back. The huge cock, the soft tail-tip, the shower water, and now the feeling of thick semen seeping deep inside of her finally brought her over. The king of all orgasms had finally cum. She squealed again as her cunt clamped down on her tail and the dick probing her. The orgasm resonated all over her body, causing her to quiver uncontrollably. She screamed a third time as the climax reached her pussy again, tearing through her powerfully. She felt her musk glands beneath her tail contract, and with the remaining strength that she had with the orgasm still affecting her, she grabbed the nearest bathcloth, placing it behind her as Tegra continued to fill her.

Finally, the orgasm started to retreat, leaving Minuit like the aftermath of a

powerful storm. She laid her head on Tegra's shoulders, breathing loudly and

listening to his rapid heartbeat. When she could finally move, she reached

behind his head and grabbed a bottle of tomato juice freshener, soaking the

bathcloth. Nobody had ever made her spray before. Minuit opened the shower

curtain and threw the soiled bathcloth into the clothes hamper, still reflecting. Tegra slid out of his lover, wincing as sensations flowed through

his member and a little more cum flowed out. Minuit pulled her soaked tail from out of her, letting it fall lazily behind her. She looked Tegra in his eyes one last time, and after a small kiss on his cheek, she collapsed completely on him limply, deep in sleep.

"It took a lot out of her," Tegra thought to himself.

He held her firmly and slid down the shower stall until he was lqying under Minuit in the bathtub. He kicked the shower knob with his foot, filling the tub up to his neck with hot water.

"Mmm, my tiggie," Minuit whispered, dreaming of her new partner that had brought Heaven to her.

Tegra kissed her rosy cheeks and drifted off to sleep, also engaging in fantasies of his lover.

Writer's Comments: Ehh, my style has come a long way since '99, but this still isn't bad for a first story, eh?