A Deeper Friendship 9: Guilt

Story by awesomeos on SoFurry

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#9 of A Deeper Friendship

My ninth installment of the Deeper Friendship series.

Sorry it took so long to get it out to you guys, this month has been hectic for sure with midterms n' shit.


This story contains all the spare time that I have between university classes and homework.

(Actually contains reference to rape, Sadness L, snuggling and vore (but for real, holy shit my life is cray cray)

Zack laid still. He felt so lucky. He had finally found someone who liked him as much as he liked them. Kara continued to hug him tightly, closing her eyes in preparation for sleep. Zack looked outside. Seeing the sun slowly descend below their plateau, he decided that Kara's exhaustion was justified. He wrapped his wings around her, keeping their warm bodies separated from the cold. He looked down at his lover who had swiftly fallen asleep in his paws with bliss. 'You are so weird.' He thought, stifling a chuckle. It was true; she had a weird personality, both for a dragon and a human. However, Zack didn't see it as an issue, he enjoyed her complexities. He enjoyed how she was strong, yet gentle. Fast, but always within reach. Fiery, yet sweet. He was always intrigued by her very opposite personality. One second, she was the dominant, seductively frightening dragoness but in an instant, she would curl up to him and fall asleep in his arms, totally under his protection. He loved it.

Looking outside one last time, Zack felt his eyes start to get heavy. He looked outside one last time and closed his eyes. Sleep came easily.

Zack's eyes opened. He was surrounded on all sides by spruce trees. They seemed much smaller than they should be. Zack looked down only to find that he was still in his dragon form. Confused, he started walking forward. The trees seemed to guide him. They remained thin in front of him, almost as though it was a path. He looked at the grass below, which surprisingly had no indentations or markings of any kind to indicate that this was a path. It seemed to be newly forged as though the trees moved to accommodate his large frame. He continued padding along.

Suddenly, he heard voices. Crouching low, he peered through a set of conveniently placed thick trees in his path. In front of him, two darkly colored dragons appeared from a different path into a clearing, one dark purple, the other a deep maroon. It seemed like the purple one was much older than the maroon dragon.

The purple one spoke, a raspy growling voiced emanated from the old purple dragon. "Okay, boy. You know what to do. Don't make me ask twice or you know the consequences will be painful."

"But Uncle!"


The young maroon dragon whimpered. Zack looked at the purple dragon and noticed that he was erect. It finally became clear to Zack what was happening. He looked away as the young dragon approached.

Suddenly, he felt his world shift. Opening his eyes cautiously, he found that he was in front of a cave. He heard voices again. They were familiar but Zack couldn't put his mind on the voices. In front of him, from the heavy fog, emerged the dark purple dragon and the maroon dragon. Zack looked around for a place to hide. They approached him, not paying attention to his existence. Zack was confused. He wasn't sure if they hadn't noticed him or if they just couldn't see him. A tickling sensation came over Zack as they walked into him and through his form. Zack looked around in alarm, watching their bodies disappear through him. He turned around, flustered. The two dragons continued to walk towards the cave.

Pausing for a moment, the older dragon looks at the younger one. "You know what to do." He said to the younger one.

The young one froze in obvious discomfort.

The older one glared at him. "You take the loot while I take care of the dragons." The older dragon explained with obvious impatience. The young maroon ran inside. The dark purple one sauntered inside smugly. Zack followed close behind. He followed the older purple dragon. Hearing rummaging from his left, Zack looked over. He saw the young dragon trying to carry as many valuables as he could from a massive pile of collected objects. Looking forward again, he saw the purple dragon continue towards the back of the cave. Zack walked past a small opening, just barely enough room for a young dragon to walk through. The older dragon paid no attention to it. Zack was pretty sure that he missed the opening entirely.

Finally, they reached the end of the cave. Zack walked up beside the purple dragon to watch what he was going to do. An evil grin spread across his scaly lips as he looked forward. Zack looked forward again, noticing the two dragons sleeping on the floor in front of him. Zack heard a scraping of some sort. Looking at the purple dragon, he noticed a black sword-like object in his hands. Zack knew he couldn't interfere. An overwhelming sadness welled up inside of him. In what seemed to be slow motion, the purple dragon jumped towards his prey, a navy blue male. The purple dragon was extremely precise and efficient, an unfortunately well practiced skill, Zack thought to himself. A small struggle was seen but the blue dragon was unable to even make a noise before the deed was done.

The purple dragon got up, slightly winded from the exertion and turned to the female that laid sound asleep beside her deceased mate. Without hesitation, the purple dragon flipped the sky blue dragoness onto her back, waking her from her dreams. The dragon held his sword, still bloodied from its previous victim, to her throat. She roared in fear. The purple dragon forced her legs open and stuck his erect penis into her. Zack looked away again. He was so disgusted by what he was witnessing. Tears started to form from his sorrow and sympathy. He wanted so badly to do something about it but he couldn't. from behind him, he heard claws scraping slightly. Zack looked back to see a young, navy blue, dragon watching in horror at the obscene scenario that was being played out in front of her. Her mother, Zack assumed, made eye contact with her little one and gestured for her to run away. The little girl silently pleaded with her mother to come with her. Shaking her head, the mother apologized for not being able to watch her baby grow up.

The young dragon ran. Zack turned and ran after her. It was not hard to keep up to the young dragon as he was much larger but she did have quite a bit of stamina. She ran for hours, not looking back, tears flowing from her eyes the entire time. Zack kept up with her, running just behind her small form. She reached a mountainside that Zack knew too much. During the run, he had a lot of time to think about what had happened. He hoped that it wasn't true but it seemed to match up. The little dragon in front of him was Kara. He watched her climb the mountain, sliding down sometimes when she didn't get her footing right but eventually making it to the plateau. Zack climbed along with her until she reached the top. She saw a cave right in front of her. Sighing in relief, she ran towards it. Exhausted, Kara collapsed, still crying, and fell asleep. Zack felt the need to lay beside her and make sure nothing happened to her this night.

Zack woke up with a start. He felt his face was wet. The salty taste of tears met his tongue as his mouth lolled open in a yawn. He felt Kara stir within his embrace. He loosened up his wings so that she could move. She popped her head out from between his wings. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying as well.

"Zack, were you crying? Your eyes are all red." Kara asked.

"I think I was, I had an awful dream." Zack responded.

"So did I," Kara said, sniffling.

"What happened in it?" Zack asked, afraid that he knew all too well.

"It's a dream that I get a lot. It was of the night that I ran away from home.

"I think I had the same dream as you."

"What do you mean?" Kara asked, confused.

"Well, I saw a maroon and a purple dragon enter your house. The maroon dragon took all the valuables while the purple one killed your father and... your mother got..." Zack trailed off. He looked at Kara. Tears were streaming from her eyes as she recalled what she saw when she was younger.

"It was awful what that purple dragon did to my mother!" She angrily cried. Zack held her close and comforted her through her pain. He licked the top of her head as she buried her face into his chest. They stayed silent for a while, save for a few sniffles from Kara.

"Thanks Zack," she choked out, hugging him even tighter that she was already.

Zack licked her head lovingly again.

"Thanks Zack," she choked out, hugging him even tighter that she was already. They laid together for another small while in silence. Zack held Kara tightly as she finished crying.

Zack looked out of the cave, seeing the sun rise. He looked back at Kara who was laying her head on his chest. "Are you hungry Kara?"

"I don't know if I feel like eating anything right now," Kara responded sadly. Her stomach growled loudly.

Zack giggled. "I think your stomach says differently," He said with a lick of her muzzle.

She smiled, feeling slightly better. "Okay, maybe I'm just a little hungry."

"I'm going to go get you something quickly then."

"But you don't know how to hunt, Zack," Kara pointed out.

"It'll be fine, I'll learn quickly."

Kara got off of him, looking at him uncertainly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon," Zack called, running out of the cave. He jumped down the Cliffside, sliding along the rocky surface with his claws, and bounding off into the forest below. Kara laid, waiting for Zack's return.

Zack rushed through the forest, sniffing and trying to pick up tracks. Suddenly, movement caught his focus to the left. Some wild turkeys pecked at the ground, completely oblivious to the large predator watching them. Zack snuck up behind their group. Nearly silently, he pounced. Muscles rippled within his large form as he captured the chickens within his claws. Muffled squawking escaped his clutch as he walked back towards the cave. He smiled, hoping that Kara would be happy with his catch. He climbed the wall clumsily, cursing his inability to fly. Finally, he reached the plateau.

Kara looked up from within her curled up form, surprised.

"That was quick!" Kara exclaimed, surprised.

"There were some chickens not too far from here, actually. I didn't really have to hunt for very long." Zack said, placing the frightened chickens down in front of her.

"Mmm, I haven't had chickens in a long time. Thanks Zack." Kara said, licking him on the cheek.

Zack licked her back. He picked a chicken up and dangled it in front of her nose. The chicken flapped feebly as Kara licked her lips. Her tongue snaked out of her mouth and wrapped around the chicken. Pulling it from Zack's grasp, her tongue slowly receded into her mouth. The chicken's protests were once again muffled, this time by Kara's maw. She lifted her head up and swallowed. A slight bulge formed, slowly rolling down her long neck. Zack licked muzzle lovingly. The second one went down in the same fashion, Kara savoring every second. Zack picked up the final chicken and dangled it in front of her like the previous two. This time, she engulfed his hand, sucking on it slowly. He released the chicken near the back of her throat, feeling it slowly slide along her tongue. He felt her tongue squish his hand between it and her palate as she swallowed. One last bulge rolled down her throat. Kara let go of his hand, licking it one last time.

"Hmm. You know, Zack, those chickens that you brought me were only somewhat filling. I think I need something more; Maybe some dessert." Kara said provocatively.

Zack looked at her questioningly. "What do you mean?"

Kara pounced on him, pinning him down. "You know what I would really like sliding down my throat, Zack?"

"What?" Zack said, slightly startled by her sudden dominance.

"I would really like to feel a struggling human slip into my depths. I want to feel his naked form on my tongue. I want him to fight back and struggle like a good prey should. Do you know where I can find something like that?"

"You certainly couldn't mean me, could you Kara?" Zack played along.

She licked the side of his neck provocatively

"Oh, I never thought you would volunteer for something like that, Zack. How nice of you to give yourself to me."

Zack closed his eyes and transformed back to a human with ease. Kara looked away as the bright flash of light engulfed the cave. When the light subsided, she looked down to see nobody. Zack had disappeared. She stood up and looked all around for him but didn't see anyone.

Then, a call from within the cave reverberated towards her. "If you want to taste this human, you'll have to catch me like a good predator should.

Kara smiled, she was up for the challenge. She bounded after the sound, excited and hungry.

She slowed down to a crawl and rounded the corner slowly, looking for any sign of movement. She saw Zack curled up in a dark corner looking around for his huntress.

Her attack was swift. She grabbed Zack from the corner and padded out into the light once again.

"How did you find me so quickly?"

"Did you forget that dragons have the ability to see in the dark? You were right out in the open." Kara pointed out, smiling mischievously.

"Oh, right. I totally forgot about that." Zack admitted.

Kara giggled. "I hope that you can learn to see in the dark because you'll be going somewhere quite dark... and wet."

She opened her mouth, tongue squirming in excitement, longing for a taste.

Zack smiled at her. "I guess fair is fair. You did catch me after all."

"I'm glad you agree my little snack. Now," She said, slowing her advancements towards Zack, "take off your clothes, I want to taste you."

Zack stripped down in her hand all the way to his underpants.

Kara inspected her meal. "Hmm, close... but you're missing something, I think." Kara grinned deviously, pointing to Zack's underpants. "It seems as though you forgot to take off _all_your clothes."

Zack looked at her shyly, hesitant.

"Oh, come on, Zack, it wasn't a problem when you were a dragon. Why is it a problem now?"

"I don't know," Zack said, still feeling uncomfortable.

Kara took matters into her own hands and slowly pulled Zack's underwear off with two of her claws, careful not to scratch him. Zack recoiled slightly in surprise but slowly lowered his guard. He stood on her hand, covering his private area as Kara brought her mouth closer.

Kara became slightly impatient, shaking her hand to cause Zack to lose balance, he moved his hands away to try to catch himself but ended up landing flat on his back on her hand. Kara wasted no time in licking his entire form. Zack shuddered. She continued to lick him, entranced by his flavor.

"Hey Zack?"


I'm so glad that I picked a fight with you that one day. Who would have thought that you were going to be the most amazing person I'd ever met?"

Zack smiled. "Thanks Kara." He said sincerely.

She licked him happily.

"You know Kara, you're not the only one who is lucky; I'm lucky too. I'm glad that I found you as well." He hugged her tongue as it slipped across his body.

Kara stopped her licking for a second. "Zack, I'm sorry that I put you through this. I know that you don't like it, it's just that... well... you taste better than any other human I've ever... had. And I don't know why, but you just keep getting better.

"Listen," Zack started. "You might be right that I don't enjoy the idea of being eaten as much as you enjoy the idea of eating me but I trust you more than I trust anyone else and I'd be happy to be a snack every so often if it means making the most important person in my life happy."

Kara felt as though she was about to cry, she was so happy. She licked Zack again, lovingly.

In between licks, Zack started to talk again. "Besides, your mouth isn't so bad."

Kara licked him again, laughing. "I know that you're lying through your teeth right now Zack. Don't try to outsmart me."

Zack laughed as well. "I'm not lying."

"Oh yeah?" Kara grilled.

"Yeah." Zack responded, fairly sure of himself.

Kara brought her muzzle close to his face and opened wide, showing her teeth and tongue. Her throat opened with every breath she took. Hot, moist air wafted out, blowing Zack's hair back. She closed her mouth again to see his reaction. Zack had paled to a white color and all of his hairs stood on end.

Kara giggled. "See? I knew you were still afraid of me, and after all this time..."

Zack looked down, ashamed.

"Hey, don't be so glum; it's natural to be afraid of a predator's mouth, even if you are in a relationship with that predator."

"Eat me Kara."

Kara was taken aback. "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said eat me. I give you full permission to have me."

Kara looked at him. She opened her mouth to speak, not really sure of what to say. Zack wasted no time in jumping in. Kara was startled by the Zack's actions. She felt his body land on her tongue, spreading his flavors instantly across the large muscle. Instinctually, she curled her tongue around him. Zack smiled, knowing that she couldn't resist him. He heard an audible moan escape her throat, assaulting his eardrums from every direction. Zack started to playfully struggle within the strong grip of her tongue. He tried wrestling the large slippery muscle but Kara's tongue was far too strong. She had him wrapped up in her long tongue, sliding it along his body purposefully. She made sure to get as much flavor as possible out of Zack.

Zack laughed as her tongue tickled and probed. He could tell she was enjoying herself, swallowing his flavor down greedily. He hugged her tongue as she pressed him against the top of her palate.

Kara was in heaven. She felt Zack's meager struggles against her tongue. Giggling, she wrestled his small form, wrapping around him and squeezing him playfully. Although Zack was losing, he was relentless, trying to pin her tongue down futilely. Slowly, she eased him towards the back of her throat.

Zack still fought with her tongue, unaware of his slow slide towards her gullet. Suddenly, he felt his feet get sucked into her esophagus. He kicked and squirmed, playfully fighting against her force. His heart raced, adrenaline pumping through his veins as his body begged to protest her swallowing. Zack continued to repress his instincts.

Kara felt Zack's struggles increase in intensity as she swallowed slowly. Guilt began to spread through her body, carrying a shiver down her spine. She knew that Zack was starting to actually become scared by her. She could feel his heart race. The guilt continued to well up inside her as she felt her body become excited by Zack's fear. Her heart started pounding in her chest as well. Zack's fear fueled her voracious passion. Swallowing hard, she felt Zack get dragged down her throat. The bulge that was created by Zack slowly descended down her long neck. She brought her paw up to feel him slide down, embraced by her flesh.

As she felt the bulge disappear inside her chest, she made sure that Zack was deposited inside of her storage stomach. As her pleasure wore off, her guilt overpowered her emotions, taking control with a vengeance. She started to panic, feeling awful about her actions. She had to admit, however, that Zack curled up inside her tummy felt really good. She wanted to keep him there.

Zack felt himself stop, reaching the end of the long squishy tunnel that was her neck. He felt himself slowly deposit inside her storage stomach. Covered with saliva, he could not get any proper footing to change his position. He did his best to find a comfortable sitting position but the walls gave way every time he put pressure on them. Exhausted from the experience, he curled up and fell asleep.

Kara laid down on the cave floor. She looked outside, contemplating what she should do about Zack. Her head ached just thinking about it.