Laru: Chapter 1

Story by NightEye88 on SoFurry

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Nightmares have been haunting my sleep lately. I can't sleep because of them. Each night, it's the same one. I'm eight years old, I walk into my parents room because I heard a noise coming from the room. Walking in, I see my parents, brutally murdered, there heads cut off, clean, their limbs missing from their torso's. I then run into my baby sisters room, and find that... she is missing. As though she was never there to begin with.

These nightmares are true, my parents were killed and no trace has been found of the killer, my sister was kidnapped a long time ago. I tried to find her, hoping to find a trace of her. But, I have had no luck. Each night I'm reminded of how lonely I am. My grand parents won't take care of me, they don't want to even talk to me, they think I'm a lunatic and that I am the one who killed my parents. I know it wasn't me though, I loved my parents dearly, along with my sister. Each night, I wake up frightened and in tears.

Waking up from the same nightmare, I begin to cry. Through my tears, I look a the clock on my night stand. Quarter until five, better go ahead and get up, I guess. I got up and walked over to my dresser and undressed then I quickly threw on some clothes. I grabbed my school bag, and walked out the front door. Locking it, I heard someone call my name.

"Uziel! Hey, how are you pal?" It was Camden. He's been my friend since the first-grade. "Hey, Uziel, how have you been? It's been a few days since I last saw you."

He's right, I've been in depression for a week, at least. My doctor prescribed me anti-depressants. But, I refuse to take them.

"Oh, uh sorry." I said. "I've just been in depression for the last week."

"Rally dude?" He said, "You really need to let that go. Your family died years ago."

"You try losing your parents!" I retorted.

"Whoa, bro, I didn't mean it. I was just joking." he replied.

With that we walked to school, without saying a word. Where I am, you have to be at school by 7:30 a.m. and you leave at 2:30 p.m. When I entered the school, I barely noticed the rain clouds moving in. It was near winter to, so the rain will be freezing cold. After school hours the rain was pouring down, it didn't seem like it would stop anytime soon either. I brought my jacket in these cases, for it rains a lot where I live. I decided to walk home alone. It wasn't a long walk either. Walking home I heard movement in the bushes.

"Meow, mew." I looked closer and saw a cat, It had silky white fur and blue eyes, but it'sbleeding heavily, and very thin. It looked at me, I saw the fear in it's eyes. It's previous owner must have beaten it and then abandoned it. I put my hand out to it and it hissed at me.

"Hey," I said, "I won't hurt you, I promise." It seemed to understand me because it calmed down. I reached out to pet it, and when my hand touched it, the cat was shivering terribly. I took off my jacket and wrapped it in it. Not forgetting that it was bleeding the picked it up carefully and ran home. Walking into my house, I put the bleeding cat on the couch and went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. I sat it down near the cat, and it jumped.

"It'll be alright" I said, "I'll help you get better." Again it seemed to understand me. I unwrapped the jacket, The inside was stained red from the blood. I grabbed rubbing alcohol from the box and put some of the liquid on a cotton ball.

"This may sting a bit." I said with a calm voice.

I dabbed he wound on its left hind leg and the front right leg. It flinched but it lay still. After that, I grabbed wrapping bandages and wrapped them around its legs. As I did this, I noticed it was female. After I finished putting the bandages on its legs, I swore I could hear it purr.

"I know you're probably starving but... I can't get you any food until tomorrow, can you hold off until then?" I asked it.

"Meow!" It said happily. I put my hand out to her, she rubbed against my hand. I laughed, for some reason, I felt happy. I didn't feel alone anymore. I yawned and walked over to my room. Somehow, she followed me and jumped up on my bed. She got onto my side of the bed to put it at that.

"Hey, that's my spot." I said. "Oh well, I will make an exception this time." Lying down on the opposite side from her, I got under the blankets, and she burrowed under them next to me and began to purr once more.

Before I fell asleep, I thought I heard a someone say "Good night." But before I could get up and look around, I fell asleep.

~End Of Chapter 1~