Chapter 4: Duetto Secondo

Story by Nachtwolf413 on SoFurry

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#4 of Those College Years

Hey everyone! It took a little while (probably due to scrapping the first attempt and starting over), but here is Chapter 4 of Those College Years. Thanks to all those who have read and commented on previous chapters; your kind words make it easier to get through those bad cases of writer's block!

As always, the warning re: adult content applies. I would hope that's self-evident by now icon_razz.gif


* * *

Jayden smiled as the warmth started to creep into him, and as his sleepy eyes slowly opened, he vaguely registered the presence of warm bodies snuggled up against his. Ethan, his roommate, was curled in front of the dragon, his tail occasionally stroking him as the golden retriever enjoyed a particularly pleasurable dream. Behind the dragon slept Ty and Mark, characteristically spooning each other and enjoying the warmth that flowed off the other bodies. Naturally, the dragon was in the middle of the pack of very hot-bodied dogs; no wonder he had woken uncharacteristically early.

Stretching his wings as best he could, Jay took a moment to think back on the warm memories of the previous night. He had known it would be only a matter of time before he and Ethan had some sort of escapades together, and he had half-expected Ty to be involved as well (especially given the small wolf's eagerness in such matters). Jay smiled at the thought of the new possibilities, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to explore them to their fullest.

As quietly as he could, the dragon extricated himself from the furpile and located his boxers. Ty stirred fretfully at the dragon's absence, sleepily scooting to grab the nearest warm body (Ethan) in a warm embrace. The golden murred quietly, and Jayden grinned, wishing he had a camera. The three canines looked astoundingly cute all snuggled up on his floor...and he wouldn't mind having the photograph to hang over their respective heads.

* * *

By the time Ethan's eyes crept open, Jayden was already done with his shower and had logged onto his computer. Looking groggily around the room, the golden cocked his head when his eyes landed on the dragon; Jayden was never up before him! The dragon saw his look of confusion and smiled.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," he said softly, trying not to wake the two wolves.

Ethan frowned.

"You're one to talk," he replied, still half-asleep, "I don't think you've ever been awake before me."

"Yeah," the dragon replied, "but you weren't in the middle." He raised an eyebrow. "Though I must say," he continued with a wide grin, "you all look sho cute," he said in a childish voice.

Only then did Ethan register Ty's arms wrapped around him, and only then did the previous night's activities spring into his mind. For a moment, his eyes flashed in shock, but he recovered just as quickly; he was among his closest friends, the people he trusted the most. As the warm thoughts of their inseparable bond flowed through him, he gave Ty a playful squeeze, eliciting a contented sigh from the sleeping wolf.

"I'm sure we do," the golden said with a lopsided smile, "and I bet you're jealous."

"Uh huh," the dragon responded simply, his voice dripping with deadpan sarcasm, "but you should probably put some clothes on."

Ethan blushed, his face turning bright red as he spied his now discarded boxers a few feet in front of him. He may have been totally at ease with his friends, but he definitely wasn't used to being in the nude with them. Growling slightly, he eased himself out of Ty's arms, grabbed his underwear, and quickly clothed himself, beet-red by now. He had to admit, though, that his fantasy had so far been everything he had desired...and then some.

"Jayden," the golden began softly, "just to be sure...did last night actually happen?"

The dragon fixed him with a stare.

"You're naked, with two gay wolves on your floor," he said in his usual deadpan way of replying to such questions, "and up until a second ago, you were very happily cuddling with said gay wolves. And oh," he went on, "if you haven't noticed, you're covered in cum. So yeah," he finished matter-of-factly, "I think the odds are pretty good."

The dog blushed again, looking down at his chest to confirm that he was, in fact, covered with what could only be Jayden's seed. Looking at Ty, he noted that his close friend was similarly afflicted. He looked back at Jay, who merely stared back with a cocked eyebrow.

"Wow," was all that Ethan could muster. "Is the shower free?" the dog asked urgently, trying to hide the fact that the recollection of the night was exciting him once more.

Jayden merely shrugged, and Ethan rushed out of the room to clean himself. The dragon chuckled at this; he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ethan had enjoyed himself, but the dog's youthful embarrassment always brought a smile to his face. That problem, however, was easily corrected.

* * *

The sun was high by the time Mark and Ty stirred from their slumber. Mark was the first to open his eyes, and the sight of his lover curled in his arms filled the white wolf with warmth. He gave the smaller wolf an affectionate nip on the neck, stroking his sides gently.

"Wake up, wuff," he whispered in his ear. "I think you've wasted enough of the day."

"Define 'wasted,'" Ty replied, nuzzling closer to Mark in defiance.

"I think you know what I mean," the white wolf responded, planting a wet kiss on Ty's ear. The grey wolf groaned at the attention, and Mark noted with satisfaction that his lover's heartbeat had suddenly jumped.

"Besides," he said, licking Ty's ear "if you don't get up, I'll just have to keep this up."

Ty yawned. "That doesn't give me much incentive, now does it?"

Mark growled softly in response.

"Yeah, but think of what you could get while awake," he said suggestively.

Ty murred playfully at the idea.

"Why don't you just take me right now?" he suggested. "I always thought a little yiff was a great way to start the day."

Jayden, who had been listening to the quiet exchange with interest, spoke up.

"Ok, but I get exclusive video rights to that."

Without even opening his eyes, Ty squeezed Mark's arm.

"Mark, dearest," he began, "we're not in my room, are we?"

"Um, no," the white wolf chuckled, "but in all honesty, I think your friends would be quite interested in seeing the two of us 'get intimate.'"

Opening his eyes for the first time, Ty noted with mild shock that Ethan and Jayden were both staring at the two wolves. He also noted with a smile that both animals were obviously aroused by the idea.

Turning in Mark's arms, he punched him playfully in the shoulder, earning a hurt look from the larger wolf.

"Now what was that for?" he asked with fake - but convincing - pathos.

"For letting me embarrass myself in front of my friends," Ty responded. "And not kissing me as soon as I woke up," he finished, planting a passionate kiss on his lover's lips.

Mark smiled.

"Babe, after last night, I don't think you have to worry about getting embarrassed with this group."

Ty's eyes crinkled as he pushed through the fog of sleep to recall the previous night. As his mind shifted into gear, a wide grin spread across his face.

"Oh yeah," he laughed, turning to face the dragon and golden. "I knew that was going to happen at some point," he said with a wink.

Ethan scoffed. "You enjoyed it, and you know it."

Ty merely shrugged.

"Perhaps," he answered playfully. "Now where are my clothes?"

* * *

The departure of Mark and Ty was followed by a brief but awkward silence. Ethan and Jayden simply gazed at each other, not sure how to start the conversation they knew was coming. Instead, they simply stared blankly, both fighting a smile. Jayden was the first to say anything.

"Well," he started, "your fantasy came true. Was it good?"

Ethan fixed the dragon with a look that screamed "what do you think?" This was all Jayden needed, and he laughed in response.

"I think we may have to do that again," the dragon said simply, returning his attention to the computer screen. This was definitely shaping up to be a very interesting semester.

* * *

As it was a Tuesday and none of the furs had class, the family decided to go out for dinner, and they invited Mark to join them. The white wolf was overjoyed at the chance to participate in his first "family dinner," and to celebrate the occasion, they chose their favorite Chinese restaurant. Of course, within moments of being seated, they had resorted to their usual habit of goofing off and trying to embarrass each other, much to the consternation of the wait staff.

They ate quickly, starving due to the fact that they had all missed breakfast (meal time was also the only time they declared a brief truce in their playful endeavors). After sloppily downing their meals, they quickly asked for the checks, eagerly awaiting the barely palatable fortune cookies that came with them. They came within moments, and in a tussle of fur, claws and shouts, the cookies had been annihilated, their contents resting gently on the table. This was their favorite part of the meal: the reading of the fortunes.

Mike went first. He unfolded the scrap of paper, chuckling as he read.

"You will discover something new about a close acquaintance," he read with relish. "Sounds about accurate!" he said loudly, looking at the dragon and golden and earning loud laughs from the group.

"Ohh," said Jayden after quieting the furs, "listen to this: 'You will have an exciting new idea this week. Be prepared to act on it.'" He looked suggestively at Ethan, earning a blush from the dog and eliciting a hearty round of laughs from the group.

Silencing them again, Ty read his fortune next.

"A friend will go to great lengths for you this week," he read, nudging Mark. "Sounds like we may in for some interesting times, huh?"

The white wolf turned red as the group guffawed, stammering a half-hearted defense. Ty reassured him with a gentle kiss and playful squeeze, nuzzling close to his wolf. Mark obviously had yet to acclimate to the no-holds-barred intimacy of the family, but his humiliation passed quickly as he squeezed the small wolf tightly.

"You just can't get enough of that can you?" he asked, instantly regretting his choice of words.

"Oooh," responded Ty, rubbing Mark's chest, "you have no idea."

Mark knew better than to try and respond again. He simply planted a kiss on his lover and held his tongue, smiling.

Ethan was the last to read his fortune. He threw an askance look at Jayden before saying anything.

"Be willing to try new things with your friends. Now is the time!"

Ty choked on his drink at the words.

"No way!" the small wolf shouted, "gimme that!"

Ethan handed Ty the small slip of paper, and the wolf nearly fell over laughing. Jake and Mike chuckled awkwardly while Jayden elbowed the dog, making him blush and earning a warm "awww" from the two wolves.

Sometimes those things are just eerily accurate.

* * *

As soon as they arrived back on campus, the family said their goodbyes before splitting to their various rooms for the night. As always, Ty and Mark walked together to the grey wolf's room.

As soon as the door closed, Ty jumped into Mark's arms, nearly causing him to knock the computer off the desk. He squeezed the larger wolf tightly, moaning into his warm, strong chest. The white wolf returned the embrace, licking playfully at the top of Ty's head. Sighing contentedly, the grey wolf looked up and peered into Mark's deep blue eyes.

"You are an amazing wolf," he said, planting a kiss on his wolf.

"I know," Mark responded with a smile, squeezing Ty playfully once more and returning the kiss with passion.

The larger wolf moaned as he begged for entry at Ty's mouth. The grey wolf was more than happy to oblige, and they groaned in synchrony as their excited tongues explored their gaping maws. Ty was panting when he came up for breath, and he moaned loudly as Mark began to kiss down his neck, nipping him affectionately and slipping a hand under the small wolf's waistline. He was pleased to find a very hard cock already peeking out of its sheath.

"Ooh," he growled, "does someone need attention?"

Ty moaned at the touch, his body shaking in eager anticipation. He grabbed onto the larger wolf for support, letting himself melt into the warm strength of his companion.

"Oh honey, you have no idea," he panted, grinding his crotch against Mark's.

The white wolf smiled.

"I think we can deal with that."

With one swift motion, Mark deftly removed Ty's shorts and boxers. The small wolf gasped as the cool air wrapped around his erection, and he pulled Mark into another passionate kiss. Ty's hands quickly found their way beneath Mark's shirt, and he nearly ripped it as he pulled it free of his mate. Growling, he ran his claws across Mark's strong chest, earning a throaty rumble from the larger wolf.

Encouraged, Ty suddenly dropped to his knees, his eyes level with Mark's wolfhood, which was now clearly visible through his pants. He playfully rubbed the tented clothes before pulling them down quickly. Mark's cock sprang to attention before him, nearly hitting the small wolf's face as it gained freedom from its fabric prison. Drooling now, Ty looked up at the white wolf before taking the entire length all at once into his mouth. Vaguely, it occurred to him that this was the first time for him to suck off another guy, and he looked up imploringly for direction.

Mark merely nodded, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Ty may have been a novice, but he still knew well enough what to do. Bobbing his head slowly, he placed one hand at the base of Mark's rod, massaging the quickly-forming knot and eliciting another ecstatic moan. Growing in confidence now, the small wolf picked up the pace, and Mark placed his strong paws on the top of his head, guiding him as much as he could. It was quickly becoming difficult to concentrate; intense waves of pleasure were rocking up and down his body, making him moan and whimper in pleasure.

Suddenly and without warning, Ty shifted his attention, beginning to lick the tip of the shaft. Mark yipped in surprise, nearly coming all over Ty's face as his member twitched in time with the licks. Within moments, he regained control, however, and stopped the small wolf. Ty looked up with confusion scrawled on his face.

"You know," Mark said gently, "it doesn't have to just be one of us."

Ty smiled, nodding eagerly at the suggestion. They lay down on the floor, each wolf's face now inches away from a throbbing, begging cock. Simultaneously, they began sucking each other, moaning and panting as pleasure wracked their bodies. Slowly, almost subconsciously, Ty moved a finger to Mark's tailhole, rubbing around it gently before plunging into the tight pucker. Mark, who was not used to being penetrated, gasped and writhed in bliss at the new sensation. The small wolf quickly synchronized his sucking with the pumping of his finger in and out of Mark's ass, nearly causing the larger wolf to derelict his duties as he groaned and yipped.

As well as he could, the white wolf focused his attention on the throbbing member in front of him. Ty's attention had brought him very near to the edge, but he was determined to hold it in as long as his partner. Growling, he picked up his own pace, eliciting a pleasurable moan from the small wolf. He could feel Ty's body trembling, eager for release and thrusting into Mark's mouth. And try as he could, Mark couldn't keep himself from thrusting as well; his animal instincts were burning through in the unbounded emotion of the moment.

Suddenly, Ty moaned loudly, and Mark felt his cock tighten. With one final effort, Mark took the entire length in his mouth, relishing the hot, salty wolf cum as it oozed down his throat. He sucked and massaged the member, eking out every last drop of seed. Ty panted in pleasure, but he fought through the hair-raising orgasm to continue sucking Mark's shaft.

Ty could feel that his lover was close, but he still wasn't done with the larger wolf. He pulled away from Mark's cock, kissing the head as Mark whimpered. The throbbing member twitched in the air, pre and Ty's spit dripping temptingly from its tip. With an imploring glance, Mark moaned again; never before had he been held this close without release. Smiling wickedly, the small wolf licked the cock as lightly as he could, and Mark nearly jumped as the tickling sensation wracked his body, sending it into involuntary convulsions. He thrusted into empty space against his will, nearly blowing his load then and there.

"Oh no," Ty murred quietly, "I don't think you're done quite yet." He licked the hot shaft again, eliciting another whimper from the white wolf. "There's one place that's allowed to end up," he said with smile, flipping onto his back and wagging his tail suggestively.

Growling lustfully, Mark could barely control himself as he aligned his member with the tight pucker and hilted into the smaller wolf. Ty groaned loudly, letting himself float away in bliss as Mark's slick member prodded and penetrated him. Mark began to thrust wildly, his feral instincts bursting through as his lust overpowered him. Ty moaned loudly, and the sound only encouraged the larger wolf even more. His knot was knocking against Ty now, slapping noisily against the grey wolf's rump.

"Oh gawd...Mark," Ty gasped, overcome by pleasure as the larger wolf pounded him relentlessly, "gawd...tie...ahhh."

He whimpered as the knot unexpectedly popped through his tailhole.

Mark's thrusting had reached a fevered pace, and his tongue lolled out as his climax approached. He looked down at Ty, losing himself in the deep green eyes as his cock spasmed, coating Ty's insides with the hot wolf cum. Ty gasped, his entire body shaking in euphoria as his cock pulsed once more, shooting strings of hot cum over both of them. Roughly, and without regard to their tie, Ty reached up and grabbed Mark, pulling him into a rough, noisy kiss.

"You are most certainly an amazing wolf," Ty panted when they came up for air.

Mark smiled, pulling his wolf close.

"I love you, too."

* * *

Ethan stared warily at Jayden. He wanted to ask him, but he just couldn't force himself to do it. Time and again, he had found himself cursing his misplaced sense of propriety, and this time was no different. He had never felt pleasure like what he had experienced last night; it had seemed every nerve was alight with the fire of ecstacy. And now he wanted another taste.

Jayden caught the golden's eyes, and Ethan looked away, blushing. The dragon knew perfectly well what was on the other's mind, but he had every intention of forcing the dog to say it himself. And he was going to relish the moment when it came. Until then, however, perhaps it would be wise to provide the golden with a little extra encouragement. Trying to disguise his intentions, he pulled up his favorite porn site and began to browse his recent submissions with avid interest.

The new activity caught the edge of Ethan's vision, and with growing interest, he leaned to peer over the dragon's shoulder. With slight apprehension, he realized that he was very quickly becoming very, very aroused. But he still couldn't get himself to say anything. He wanted so much to recreate the ecstacy again, but something within him kept tugging at his desires, pulling him back to the safety of familiarity.

Periodically, their eyes met, and Jayden smiled at Ethan's pathetic attempts to hide his interest. They had lived together for too long, and both knew they could read each other perfectly. Why they persisted in this game of subtlety was beyond them, but persist they did. Both animals were now sporting sizeable erections, their pants visibly tented, and the scent of arousal was creeping through the air. Still, no one said anything. Ethan fidgeted madly in his seat. It was now or never.

"Let's paw off," he said finally.

"Lord," the dragon sighed, "how long were you planning on keeping me waiting? You have been hard for the past ten minutes!"

The golden blushed; part of him was still not at ease with this new experience. Jayden could sense this, and he couldn't help but smile at the dog's naivete.

"Well?" Ethan inquired, with more urgency in his voice. He was obviously eager for release.

The dragon looked at him before slowly answering.

"Ok. Clothes off," he commanded.

They both stood and stripped quickly. Ethan's embarrassment was quickly overshadowed by the excitement of what was to come. Sighing with anticipation, Jayden moved in close to the golden, and Ethan's heart nearly jumped out of his chest.

"It's ok," the dragon said softly, reaching up slowly to take Ethan's rock-hard cock into his hand.

The golden gasped. He was still not used to the touch of another fur, and the thought of it made his cock twitch. With slight trepidation, he placed his own paw on Jayden's member, stroking it slowly and eliciting a low groan from both of them. Jayden responded by stroking Ethan's own member, making the dog jump.

After a couple more light strokes, Ethan wrapped his hand around the dragon's member, and Jay moaned in appreciation before doing the same to the dog's erection. They began to pump slowly, matching each other's rhythm as their musk filled the room. The eager anticipation had primed Ethan, and he nearly lost it as soon as Jayden's hand started moving; groaning loudly, he fought to regain control.

"Wow," Jayden laughed, earning a scowl from the dog. "Someone's eager."

Pre was now oozing out of both members, shooting now in spurts and stops and making both paws slick as they rubbed each other enthusiastically. Their moans filled the room, the sound driving each fur perilously close to the edge. Ethan began to pant, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as the waves of sensation trickled up and down his spine.

"Ohhh," the golden groaned softly, barely able to keep himself quiet. This was almost too much for him; he was now starting to regret holding off on the question for so long. The drawn-out suspense had primed him for what was to come, and it wasn't going to take that much more to draw it out.

Without warning, Jayden moved in close to the golden, suddenly rubbing their cocks together. Ethan looked up confused, but the look on Jayden's face assured him. Slowly, being careful not to blow both their loads, Jayden began to trace circles around their heads, rubbing the two shafts together and earning groans from both of them. He could see that Ethan's cock was twitching, on edge and ready to spread his seed over both of them. His own member was equally ready, and with one steady motion, he grabbed both cocks and stroked slowly up and down.

One stroke...they moaned loudly, bodies quivering and begging for release.

Two strokes...Ethan began to thrust against his will, rubbing his canine shaft against the dragon's. It wouldn't be much longer now.

Three strokes...Ethan and Jayden both groaned loudly as they came simultaneously, shooting hot, sticky cum all over their chests and faces. The amount of semen was unbelievable; it seemed that the two members had tapped into unlimited potential as they shot out string after string of the juices. Finally, the spasms slowly subsided.

The two animals panted, awash in their orgasms and saying nothing for a few minutes. The rolling euphoria blinded the two animals to all but themselves, and as a consequence, they didn't notice Jake walking in with his laptop balanced precariously on his arm. Thankfully, he didn't register them, either.

Plunking himself onto the futon, he flipped open his computer without looking behind him.

"Guys, you have got to see this," he said excitedly, finally turning around.

The panther's eyes shot open in shock when they fell upon the dragon and golden, naked and covered in their own cum. He could hardly stutter an excuse.

"Um...I'," he said urgently, leaving the room as quickly as he could.

Ethan vaguely noticed the cat as the door closed behind him, blushing again at the thought that he had been caught in the act. He brushed the thought aside, though, and merely regarded his roommate.

"I think that's the best fortune cookie I've ever gotten."