Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 3, section 1)

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#4 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

This is my very first story, and I would like it if you wouldn't mind giving me comments and constructive criticism at the bottom. All responses are welcome, fully appreciated, and will be taken into consideration for my next story. And you can reach me by email if you have any ideas or suggestions you would like to tell me, I'm at [email protected] And now that we have finished with the formalities, just enjoy the story that I have created for you, the loyal reader. I hope that the tale I have weaved will keep you on the edge of your seats be it for suspense, or for....other reasons. (hint hint....wink wink)

Remember folks, all the characters in here are copyrighted to me...Cyan, and I really don't want to sick my pack of trial lawyers on you...just too much of a hassle. So please...ask before wanting to use them.

This story is dedicated to one of my best friends Soul Hunter. I wish you only the best and that Jason, who was tragically taken from us, will be missed terribly. I only hope that you will be able find a sense of peace at some point, for I'm sure that's what he would have wanted. Please always keep a smile and that sparkle that has touched so many. And to all my other friends who gave me the courage to do this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Sincerely an enthusiastic writer,

Cyan Spirt

p.s. I know this one is a bit shorter, but that is because my computer will be staying at a repair place for over a week, and I didn't want it to leave before i got out another part. So don't fret my loyal readers, there is plenty more to come in this chapter...I promice.

p.s.s. I know it says bathing out there on the little keywords, but it's actually grooming...they just didn't have the word. just wanted to clear things up....now enjoy!

Maxi slammed open the bathroom door as he heard the thud of the doorknob going into the opposite wall. He had to squint his eyes as he viewed the dimly lit surroundings, the only light coming from the beams that escaped from the bathroom and flowed around his body. As the lion's gaze finally adjusted to the room, he noticed that the bed where he had laid Jason down was no empty as he began to get worried. "Jason...where are you?...it's me, Maxi" he spoke quietly incase there should be someone else in the room.

He secured the towel around his waist as he slowly strolled over to the edge of the bed on the opposite side of where Jason was supposed to have been. He noticed that the blankets and sheets were missing as his feline ears picked up a weak noise from somewhere in the room. They began to focus on what seemed to be muffled groans as he walked around to the other side of the bed and gasped as he beheld the sight.

For there on the floor was the dog, wrapped tightly in his blankets like a cocoon, as he struggled to get himself upright. Then Jason took notice of the feline as Maxi slowly kneeled down over him and removed the blankets from around his muzzle so that he could speak. "Wh-what happened Jason?....I heard a loud thump, is everything alright?...are you hurt?" as Maxi said as he took a quick glace to make sure that there was no obvious damage.

It was then the lion noticed the canines tear soaked cheeks as he brushed them off with the back of his paw while Jason spoke. "I was trying to move...but due to my wounds, and my condition, I ended up just rolling off the bed. And I now I've really done it...my body aches everywhere. I'm so sorry I wasn't stronger...I'm so sorry you have to see me this way...I'm..." his voice trailed off into whimpers of pain. He turned this way and that while still covered in the blanket to find a better position, though that only seemed to make his situation even more hurtful, as more cries of pain came from his bruised muzzle.

Clad only in the small piece of cloth, Maxi gently slipped his arms behind and under the canine as he strained himself to lift Jason back onto the bed. After a bit of a struggle, he finally succeeded in getting the neatly encased canine up onto the mattress. "There...now, tell me what hurts...and I'll see what I can do. But before, close your eyes, I have to turn the light on if I'm going to examine you." As he waited for the dog to shut his eyes before reaching over and turning the knob a couple of times before the lamp finally went on.

Jason saw the flash of light as he woefully opened his eyes and had to shut them again until he finally got used to the breams of radiance now surrounding him. "Everywhere..." he mumbled as he best he could, groaning as he was softly laid upon the caved in mattress. The dog then began to sob softly as more tears rolled down his already soiled cheeks, "please Maxi...do something....it hurts...so much..." as he would have crawled into a ball if his legs weren't so bruised.

Maxi watched on, horrified at his lovers condition, as he let his paws slowly slip under once again as he tries to undue the blankets tightly wrapped around Jason's form. "Of course I'll help....I'll do anything I can..." as he could see some of the small cuts along his entire body had reopened and were now spilling a new wave of blood onto the sheets. Slowly, he leaned over and gave the dog a kiss on the nose as the feline suddenly felt a cool breeze of air rush against his body, and was shocked to see that his towel had come off. Which of course left him a very bare, and very embarrassed lion, "I'm...umm...sorry Jason...I uhh." His cheeks now flushed as he stammers, trying to think of what to do.

Jason finally wiggles out of the confines of the cloth as he laid facing the ceiling dressed in his tattered white shirt and ripped black jeans, his paws then draping over Maxi as he looks up at him. "Remember kitten....I've already seen you naked before...besides, I love you...and I think you are the most beautiful lion out there.." cringing a bit from having to move. He then settles back down onto the bed and closes his eyes as he breaths between gritted teeth, the noise is horse and painful for Maxi to listen to as the feline simply stroked the dogs hair.

Maxi blushed a deep crimson under his gold pelt as he let a single silent tear roll over his tired cheek. He could only watch as the dogs eyes slowly close themselves as he didn't think he could even imagine how much discomfort Jason was in. The lion gently shifted one of Jason's arm to allow him a place to sit as he stroked the tightly curled fur of the other's arm. "The-there is something...my mother used to do it for me..." as he cringed a bit at the memory of his family before swallowing and continuing, "when ever I was hurt she used to...well...give me a bath."

Slowly Jason's ears pivoted to catch the words as he opened his un-bruised eye and stared intently at the lion, who's head was bent over as he stared at the floor. "I can't take a bath...I can barely move. Right now it's taking all my remaining energy just to keep this conversation going." His lungs then jolted a bit as he coughed brutally and let a few flecks of blood land on his shirt. They formed red splotches that were easily seen against the faded shirt and the muted colors of all the other stains that were present.

A low, sad chuckle escaped the lion's tired muzzle as he shook his head back and forth, his eyes never leaving the injured arm of the male that now resided in his lap. "It's not that....kind of bath. It's a...well...it's a tongue bath. She used to...well groom me when ever I was in pain." He then took in a deep breath as he continued, not wanting to look into the dog's face. "I know it's something that usually only...felines do. But it did feel good...and I well..." his voice falling short as he was afraid that somewhere deep in the canine's heart, he resented him for being different.

The dog's arm in Maxi's lap gave the feline's thigh a slight squeeze as he rocked his head back and forth. "P-please...Maxi...please" Jason whimpered as he could feel drops roll from his eyes. The spheres of water flowed over the bruises, maneuvered their way around the scabbed over cuts, as they flowed onto the soiled pillow. The rest of the canine's body gave small convulsions as he couldn't even lift his head to see if the cat had heard him. He only wished that his pain would be relived in one way or another, and regardless of what species his lover was, he was thankful to have one at his side right now.

Maxi turned his head slowly until he took in the sight of the tears on his lover's face, as thoughts raced into his head. Any doubt that Jason even considered their species differences when he saw them together simply vanished from his mind as he leaned over until his face was hovering only inches above the canine's. The lion's tears fell quietly unto the brown curled fur as he lowered down and licked at the furry cheeks of his dog guardian. "Of course Jason...of course I will..." he said softly in-between laps of his rough tongue on the curly pelt of the canine's face.

Instead of whimpers leaving Jason's mouth, small murrs escaped instead and filled the room as both sets of ear picked up on the change of sounds. "I...I-I love you...you are my...kitten" the dog spoke slowly as his face was being licked from all sides. He felt the rough tongue slowly remove some of the set in grime that had stuck to him over the hours. And though he couldn't move to tell the lion that he was happy, his rapid breathing told Maxi all he needed to know.

Maxi worked over each cheek of the dog just as his mother did to him when he was cub, as he tries to smooth out the distraught brown fur that plastered his head. Every so often he had to force himself not to gag as he took in what ever foul substance his love had been subjected to. The smell sometimes made him nearly halt in his procedure, but seeing the pain in the canine's face made him brave on, in his attempt to demonstrate just what Jason meant to him. "I...love you too...my little puppy..." as he stayed away from the burned muzzle and gently lapped at the blackened and closed left eye of his friend.

Jason didn't even talk now as he felt the wet tongue slid over his eye and brush against his hair. The only sound that instead left his lips were a few low whimpers from the added pressure. The dog was able to sense the fact that Maxi had placed his paws on either side of his head so as to not press onto his brown chest and give himself a better angle to clean the him. Jason then winced as he felt the licks at his badly cut ears that had small nicks all over them as they laid against his head. The small red welts plastered his hearing organs as he resisted to cry out in discomfort, knowing that Maxi would certainly stop in fear of hurting him anymore.

The lion couldn't see his companion's face from his angle as he continued working on the right ear, before hoping over his matted and sticky hair to gently work the other ear. He had positioned himself so that his front paws were on either side of Jason's head, while his knees hit the bed on either side of the dog's waist, leaving him suspended over him. He didn't even care that his sheath was hanging just over Jason's chest as his licking continued on the injured ear. After feeling that it was good enough for the moment he leaned back to get a better view of the matted mop of hair atop the dog's scalp.

Maxi propped himself on his haunches, hovering only inches above the canines injured body, knowing that if he sat on him there was no amount of grooming that could repair that damage. He turned his head this way and that as he let the light catch on Jason's newly cleaned cheeks as he looked over his work. His quick feline reactions then caught himself as he stifled the gasp before it even left his muzzle as he viewed his next target. Between the submissively laid red ears was a mop of what he remembered as the silkiest hair he had ever run his fingers through. He could recall the at how the rich umber colored hair had laid in levels down the side of the dog's head, and was disheartened as he saw it in its new condition.

The hair that once easily was able to blow in any amount of wind, would now need the strongest of gales to displace it from the canine's scalp. What was left of the once beautiful hair, now lay in matted clumps stuck hard to the side of his head. The feline's paws slowly extended back into position on e either side of the other's head as he lowered himself to take a better look at his next project, and was almost knocked off by the sheer intensity of the smell. Apparently being in the cold car and then outside against the elements, he had never noticed the musk until being right next to it in a warm room. Holding his breath, he poked the crusty follicles which were hardened over with some substance as he could see leaves, twigs, and other assorted organic material wedged into it along with dust and other such air particles.

The lion then angled his head as he lowered it to an ear an nuzzled it in order to get it awake and off of Jason's head as he whispered into it. "your hair's a mess....I'm going to need to use my teeth...I had to warn you" as he pulled back and watched the canine give a slight nod. He could see the dog's paws clenching tightly as he lowered his muzzle to the hair and said a silent prayer as he opened it to revel his still growing fangs. Maxi was forced to choke back from throwing up as the taste was instantaneous, but still he closed his muzzle on the hair and gave a couple of tugs. After a few heart wrenching second and weak squeals from Jason, he managed to get the first section crust free, then turning his attention to the rest of his head.

The feline continued on as he used his nose, tongue, and teeth to rid the mop of hair of all foreign substances. Sometimes he even had to spit out large chucks of leaves or sticks that got tangled in the hair. Finally, after lifting Jason's head which caused him to groan so he could reach the back part and clean that off, he set about trying to fix it up. This process requiring a couple more uses of his teeth, which once again made Jason whimper softly at the pressure. Using his cat balance, he steadied himself on one paw and used the other to gently smooth out the remaining hair, licking the scalp when needed before he once again returned to his haunches and view the dog's face, now clean all for his muzzle. "You never looked better..." he obviously lied, and Jason knowing this as well blushed just under his thick curls as he couldn't speak.

Maxi once again relied on his innate sense of balance to carefully move back a bit so he could get a better look at the next place for his attention to go. One by one his front paws moved off the pillow and instead slipped between the pillow an mattress, as his rear paws moved back to about Jason's knees. The fact that he was naked was hidden somewhere in his mind, aware, yes....but thinking about it, no. he didn't bother to consider that they were in some broken down hotel, on some rusty bed where only god knows how many other people have laid, and that he was grooming his best friend, no...he thought again...his boyfriend. Slowly he came out of his train of thought as he could see the shimmer from Jason's eyes and leaned in closely to hear his breaths as he felt the warm air cascade over his face and ears.

Once again avoiding the still healing rope burns over the muzzle of the bed stricken canine, he looked down to his neck. Without even touching the fur, he could see the shimmer of some sticky substance that was keeping the curls locked tight against the skin. The lion's nose picked up the smell of wine instantly as he moved ever closer, grape he thought, and yet something was very familiar about that particular smell, like he had tasted it somewhere, another time, maybe even another life. as his head blocked the right that was coming from the one dusty side table lamp, he could make out the small ligature marks that were like bands of red licorice that stretched all around his neck. There were small crisscrossing bands as well which formed a tight weave of brown checkers along his neck outlined in a dull red. Under his breath he couldn't help but mumble to himself, "my god....what did they do to you?" but knowing that Jason would never fully tell him.

Jason's ears twitched slightly as they picked up only about half of the words, but enough to make an educated guess at what he was saying. His thoughts were beginning to dance back to hours before but were halted when he felt the first lick against his exposed neck. Even though the temperature was a bit warm for him in the room, he shivered from that coldness that seemed to reach right through his fur, right through his muscles and tissues, and strike deep into the core of his being. He gave rapid little pulses of breath as the rough appendage worked it's way from the left side to the right and all the tight curls in-between.

Maxi could taste the sharp bitterness of the wine as the sticky fluid still held enough flavor from the crushed grapes that he started to get a small buzz. Back and forth he went over the curls as he began to see them respond as they stood up at attention rather then laid down in submission. Just to make sure that the liquid was out, he ran a paw through the fur, pulling at any foreign objects in there as he stared intently at his work. In the light, he could see the deep contrast from their pelts, his being a shinny and glossy yellow with small highlights that seemed to give him a very lean look. While Jason's neck was a deep, rich, chocolate in color dressed up in tight wound up curls that seemed to stretch all along his body, save for the pads of his paws. And for a second he recalled once again the boy who had saved him all those years ago, and how magnificent he had looked in the fire's rays; while he, a son of a noble family, had been the naked and babbling fool.

The lion gave a quick single lick to the underside of Jason's muzzle as he returned to his haunches as he comes faced to face with his next problem. "Ummm...Jason, hey...you still alive over there?" he said jokingly, though there was real concern mixed in there. and when he saw Jason's one healthy eye flutter to attention he let out a small sigh before he got started talking. "Listen...puppy...I can't continue with your bath if you have your shirt on...do you think you can sit up enough for me to slide it off of you?" his fingers darting in and out of the many little holes on the upper half of the garment.

Jason's mind began to move again as he registered where and what was going on as he suddenly remembered that he was still clothed; the naked form of the lion hovering above him had him remembering differently. "Can't go on...shirt...in way" he said in a raspy voice barely heard over the nighttime outsides on the other side of the door. He then tried to sit up but could barely even left his head off the pillow as he rested it back down in defeat as he tried to come up with how to get around this, Jason really wanting the kitten to continue with his bath. "C...C-cut..." he sputtered along with a cough and some blood onto the bed sheet.

Maxi returned the words with a simple mew of utter confusion as he was about o ask what the heck he was referring to before Jason spoke again in his raspy voice. "S...S-hi-shirt..." followed by a quick downwards motion with his eyes to convey his message. Now with the extra information, the lion got a better idea at what he was referring to and slowly slid down Jason's body while still on his haunches, making sure not to loose his balance and come crashing down on top of the already injured male. As he got into position and was just about to ask a question, Jason spoke up again saying, "C-Claws...c-cut..."

After a couple seconds of thought, it finally sunk in what Jason wanted Maxi to do as the lion's face gave a signal of worry. "Jason...are you sure?...you have been though so much in the..." as he was cut off with a simple nod from the canines head. Solemnly, he too nodded as he extended his right paw and allowed his claws to extend a good inch. "Keep still" he said, his voice a little shaky as he leaned over and put the tip of one claw at the collar of the stained white t-shirt. Maxi poured all his concentration into his arm as he sliced the shirt from collar to the tip of right sleeve, before placing it back at the collar and slicing the garment down to the left sleeve. He then placed it just under the armpit of each arm and sliced the shirt down to his waist before taking a big breath, to prepare himself for what ever lay beneath.

Slowly, the lion pulled off the front of the shirt and tossed it aside as he open his eyes to a sight he certainly wasn't prepared for. He noticed that Jason's eyes were shut tight, like he knew what was coming as the cat saw what was there...or in truth, what wasn't. his fingers ran along the bare skin as he shuttered at each moment his pad lingered on Jason's body. "what did they do to you?" he said silently as he saw the pink bare chest of the dog. It seemed as though all the chest fuzz had been shaved off to revel the vulnerable skin, which just made the many numerous cuts that much more visible, like red streaks on a white page. He can feel the tears welling up in his eyes as he hangs his head low, "W-why didn't you run.....I told you to run."

Jason continued to keep his face scrunched up as he felt the fingers slowly moving around his bare chest. He knew that his entire belly had been shaved of his once soft and luscious curls, he remembered watching them drop to the floor as he felt the instant coldness of the lion's nails. His ears fell back against his head and his face compacted again as he registered Maxi's voice, "what are all these little spots...are they....oh my god!" knowing he had seen the marks.

Maxi shook his head as he saw the little quarter sized dark circles around the bare torso, his mouth not even able to formulate the words to explain them as he sat there on his haunches in silence. Slowly he placed his two front paws on either side of Jason's shoulders as he tried not to think about them until he got there. "I'll...start up here..." he said quietly to the canine as he began to lick at the collar bone, still covered in tight brown waves of fur. In his mind he tried to register all of the injuries that Jason had sustained, now adding the claw marks on each shoulder in some pattern he didn't try to understand. His tongue lapping at the fur until it became soft and flexible again, releasing the muscles underneath of their high state of tension.

A soft murr escaped into the air, overtaking the sound of the rough tongue scraping against the subdued fur. The noise floated around the room as the air currents picked it up and threw it to every corner, until it seemed as the room itself was becoming relaxed and releasing it's tension to the world. Maxi heard the canine's small response as he inwardly smiled and continued at his diligent task of leaning off each shoulder. He knew he was done with that piece of Jason's anatomy when he saw life try to spring back into each arm when they tried to pet his head. Smiling, he scooted forward on his haunches and placed Jason's right paw on his head, "there we go....is that alright?"

A slow smile crept over Jason's face as his paw tensed on the golden fur before slowly rocking back and forth. His arm was still weak and injured, not being given a tongue bath yet, still remained stiff as he tried his best to pet the lion. Maxi giggled slightly, bearing his small fangs as he set the arm down and got back into his licking position. Shifting slightly father down to Jason's feet as he lets his tongue rest against the furless chest, feeling the strange texture and the new taste. Quickly he gets himself acquainted as he moves back and forth over the upper half, just under his collar bone in short strokes. His mind all the time wondering about exactly what happened down there.

Jason would have squirmed had he been able to, but instead he simply kept the now goofy smile plastered on his face as he let our silent yips from the wetness against his bare chest. He could feel the hesitation as Maxi's tongue passed over his once muted pink nipples, now simply the color of aged ash, but not once did the feline make any comment. They seemed almost out of place against the flesh-toned chest encircled by curly brown fur, until one noticed the couple of other same sized marks around his torso. He even let out a small muffled laugh followed by a grunt of pain when he felt the tongue hit his belly button, being the ticklish little pup that he was. Hearing this, the lion's ears perked up as he stopped and looked towards the canine's face, "was that too much?...I can stop anytime you want."

Jason took in a deep breath as his chest rose and fell with words leaping into the room, "N-no...I'll be fine, thank...you." He then watched as Maxi nodded slowly and lowered his face back against his pink belly and continue with his tongue bath. Before he even realized it, he let out a small "eep" at the feel of the wet tongue run along the rim of his torn black jeans. The dog felt the small streams of saliva drip under the tight fabric as it ran against his fur again and dripped down to the tip of his sheath hidden within. He tried to concentrate on something else hoping his cheeks weren't too red to be noticeable by the feline as the lapping continued. The lion's path of grooming finally stopped as he went back and forth around the edge of Jason's chest before continuing back up his sides to give one final lick at the underside of the muzzle, still tasting a bit of wine on the fur.

Maxi ran his soft paws weakly over the now clean stomach as he sat back in his position and felt the now clean fur, free of sticky substances and other distractions. "You should be able to breath a lot better honey...I relaxed as much of your chest that I could. The rest should heal on it's own." But knowing full well that he wasn't done yet, as he still had plenty of curly fur to clean and press before this night was over. Deciding to finish with the upper body first, he took the dog's left arm into his paws as he began to lick at the fingers and pads. He could see the whittled down claws, the many small cuts around the sensitive areas between the worn down pads, and the now muted red indentation of a band around the wrist. He looked up once to see Jason trying to look at him over the pillow that his head had sunken into due to the constant weight and stillness of his body.

The weakened canine didn't need to see the lion's muzzle to know where his tongue was along his arm as he felt the licking continue. He marveled at the intensity that the lion was grooming his fur, getting even the stubbornness messes from his curly locks. Slowly he felt the laps advance up his arm, to his elbow as they covered the joint in a wet coating of saliva. He could feel his joint loosen and relax as the wetness continued to advance even higher, once again reaching his already cleaned shoulder and stopping for a moment. The dog then felt a small shift of weight and the grunt of the bed springs as Maxi got back down on all fours, still not touching the canine's body as he hovered overhead. Slowly, not wanting to undo the relaxation he gave the canine's arm, he slid it out to the side as he wanted to make sure the limb was fully relaxed.

Maxi was once again back over Jason as his face was now floating over the exposed underside of his left arm. Without a second thought he buried his muzzle into the dog's armpit as he breathed in and took in a deep smell of Jason's scent. Instantly he could feel himself getting excited as he knew his sheath was beginning to get ridged. Not wanting to loose himself in the dog's musk, he quickly began to lick at the underside of the joint, his nose now imbedded into the sweaty locks of hair. His tongue moving over the furry flesh as he could sense the joint wanting to move, his body really starting to react as he removed himself from the confines of the canine's inner arm and blushed when he sat back on his haunches. "Sorry, got a little carried away with myself...didn't I?" his paws going to cover himself up, knowing neither one of them was in any mood to pleasure the other.

They both let loose a flood of chuckles, squeals, giggles, and snickers as each one focused on the other's face, their eyes seeming to reach out into the their counterpart's mind. Finally calming down, Jason watched as the feline's eyes once again became the caring lenses that reflected only love in his direction. He murfed a bit when he felt the rough tongue he had got acquainted with so well over the moments lap against this right paw. His paw quivered as the cuts were sealed with a caring lick and the roughness was pulled from his body, only to be replaced with warmth, the warmth of love, something neither of them was able to fully give in a long time. The warmness spread over his entire arm as it followed out the path carved out in the curls by the lapping motions of the tongue of the feline.

Maxi continued to lap up the right arm until he once again reached the joint as he moved the arm sideways and stared once again into the armpit. After first willing his sheath to calm down, he slowly placed his muzzle deep into the joint as he felt Jason give a little jump from having the lions cold nose up against his fur. His tongue began to lap at the joint, feeling the arm struggle to move now that it's tension has been washed away. Finally he pulled back as he swung the arm back into place and slowly stared into the dog's eyes as he gave a wide grin, "how are you feeling so far?" his paws nervously twitching, hoping he did a good job.

Jason watched as the lion slowly slid off from over his body and land on the floor with his felineness grace amazing the canine. Using his now semi-relaxed arms, he pushed himself back a bit until his head was rested against the backboard of the bed so he could see out into the room. "G-great...Maxi, t-th-that was wonderful..." he said as he was impressed at how easily he could breath and how good his upper body felt after the bath.

The cat could feel himself blush badly as his cheeks became warm and flushed from the compliment. He twirled his foot on the ground as he grinned so widely he thought his face would tear in two, "you were a good patient...but...I'm not done yet." Maxi then looked up with a smile as he moved over the side of the bed and tossed away the ripped blanket that was still covering the black torn jeans as he became a bit more embarrassed. "I...I ummm, still have your lower half to do..." as he stumbled over his words at the prospect of grooming Jason's legs and crotch. And though they have been together as friends since that day three years ago, the lion was thankful that not once did the canine ever pressure him into getting into bed with him, and so they never did. Not to mention, Maxi thought, that he was required to remain a virgin until he found a mate by family tradition, which resulted him in still being one.

Jason sensed the feline's anticipation along with his uneasiness as he gave a weak smile, using most of his energy just to remain conscious. "Y-you don't have to...you know..." but was rewarded with a small head shake from the cat as he saw Maxi slowly lower himself as he planed a soft kiss on the dog's now clean right cheek. Once again the lion blushed as he slid down the side of the bed, stepped over half of the torn shirt, as he now stood looking over the snap of the black jeans that held more surprises with in, more pain, more injuries, and more ways for him to prove to the dog that he was thankful for everything.