Commission: A Mirrored Reflection Part 1

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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#37 of Written Commissions

Jack is a typical human away at college. All of his life he's been bossed around by his parents, his teachers, and those around him. It was only a matter of time before his parents finally demanded that he purchase one of the anthros from the near by slave market, but can him and his newly purchased german shepard, Rex, function in their standard roles, or will they have to reverse those roles to learn what their true happiness together.

This was the first of a three part series. I know that there's a huge lack of sex in this one, but I promise that it will be made up for in the next part where the two start to learn how to function in their new roles with one another. Of course if the commissioner wants more sex involved in the first part then I'll be happy to add something in. Keeping clients happy is one of my top priorities.

All characters are owned by nobody and made specifically for the purpose of this story. Any similarities to characters or people are coincidence only.

The last box, the final box after moving and here it was finally sitting in the middle of his floor empty. It had been a short while after he'd taken up residence in this house, but it was much closer to the stores just off campus, and more important it had more privacy than the dorms. Being a late term student at the university he was able permitted to get a place just off campus. Normally this would give him more options so that he could pick up a room mate, but such an easier method of existence wasn't within Jack's fate. He didn't have much to move in, just a computer, some plates, the food that he'd lived with in the dorms, as well as clothing and books and this left this pre-furnished place to look a bit empty. There wasn't much he could do about this, though, his budget was set by his parents and they didn't abide for lucrative spending, not when he only another couple semesters left of college life and then would be traveling his way back home. Of course that didn't explain the latest demand from him of his finances.

From his pocket the loud music began to play, a mix of dance and rock that called forth to him with a heavy base line and a steady lyrical call for music. With trained instinct his hand shot instantly into his pocket, relieving the thin black box from his side in order to look at the lit up screen as it shined brightly with a name he'd typed in himself when programming numbers into it so long ago. His finger tapped the display where it showed a picture of a phone receiver lifted up, answering it and immediately pulling it to the side of his ear. The nerves of this young human made him almost shiver, his body feeling like it was about to start sweating when he listened to the digitized sound of the speaker. They say that these new phones were clearer than ever for listening to someone speak, but he always preferred to speak to people directly, not over a phone line.

"H.. Hey Mom." he said easily, his voice almost not wanting to come out knowing what this conversation was going to be about. "Yeah, I'm just finishing unpacking now.... no no, it's a nice place and I... Yes, ma'am, I'm planning to head to the market to pick one up, I just haven't... I know, I'm going to it I just wanted to unpack first, but I'm... I'm heading over there now. Thanks Mom, I love you too. Tell Dad I said 'Hi'."

With the conversation ending he'd pull the small black slab from his head and tap it, ending the call before returning it to his pocket and letting out a deep sigh. It wasn't that Jack was a coward, it just came down to speaking to certain people made him nervous, made him want to stop speaking to them. He'd always considered his parents to be rather intense, rather forceful, in their views of how things should work and how he should function in the world. It wasn't that they gave him a great deal of limitation, he was permitted to do just about anything he wanted, but when they had something set in their mind regarding what he should, or shouldn't, do then they would keep on him about it until he made the decision that they wished for him to make. Even coming to college was more or less their idea, but he didn't regret it. So far being in school was a great decision for him and he knew that it would open up a lot of options later one. For now, though, he moved over to wrap his pale hands around a near by coat and wrapped it around his body before easily slipping out of the house, locking the door and pocketing the key as he made the short trek towards the near by market area.

The block that it took to get there was an easy stroll for any college student to make given the amount of running around from one room to the other that they all had to do on a constant bases after few hours. Jack had no problem closing this distance and with his blue eyes turning around the corner he could see the line of stores all set with their glass dispay windows showing the depths of their inventory. When he'd first come here a half year ago this was a magnificent display of economy, but now he'd grown use to it. The store fronts he used to stand in front of and wish for more finances didn't interest him as much and instead he was easily passing his movements towards the one of the more rear shops, a building much larger than the others. There was no display window here, just the door and the front of the store. A bouncer that usually sits out front of it was gone today, there was no way for Jack to know what he was up to, but did remember that there was usually a rather strong looking guy in a suit that stands out front. With a hand gripping the door handle he'd enter the store immediately believing it would be a good time to leave as he saw where the bouncer ended up going.

The sight of a hard struggle occurring, many people backing away from the snarling dark colored canine, a german shepard, throwing a hard punch straight at the face of one of the patrons in order to knock the man back away from them. It was well known that anthros had been known as slaves for people ever sense they were invented so long ago. Many of them made excellent servants, obedient, kind, quick to serve their masters and mistresses anyway that they needed to, but here it showed that there was sometimes a dark side to them, a bit of struggling as the intelligence of the creature shined forth. The only other slave up on the stage was that of a tan colored rabbit that was also backing away, the canine hand coming to try slide that bunny boy behind him, obviously aiming to protect him. While many of the guards came onto the stage to subdue this shepard he'd struggle back against them, punches thrown, bites attempted, snarls and barks calling out as they surrounded him and slowly worked to try and force the dog down into the stage. As he pushed back against them it was only a matter of time before this dark canine yelped out loudly and finally gave in finding his body slammed down hard to the wooden floor, his arms forced behind his back and soon tossed into a chair to be put on full display.

Jack had never really cared for the idea of anthros being slaves, it wasn't something that appealed to him given that he was finally starting to be his own person all on his own, but his parents nearly demanded that he pick one up. The man didn't really see the difference between people and the animal-like folk, but this was how society saw it, they were slaves, at least for the moment. The slow rise of the furry movement was starting to make waves across the world to see these creatures as equal to man, but until such a day could come to reality they were going to still be considered beasts of labor for those who wished to spend enough money to afford them. This place, though, seemed to have only a selection of two for the day, and with the german dog favoring his ankle while he sat there in the chair whimpering it was clear that many people weren't likely to be volunteering to pick him up. The bunny, on the other hand, seemed fine enough for a purchase, but after the other guy got punched by the defensive canine, Jack wasn't all too interested in wanting to push himself on the lupine and clearly others felt the same as a good group of them were already getting themselves ready to leave.

In only a minute the only people to remain here for this day's purchase was just him and a few others that clearly weren't here to buy. The rabbit was already being taken into the back once again leaving the shepard sitting there and looking at those guiding his friend away with a soft growl, trying to warn them not to hurt the bunny or they'd be answering to this strong canine. When those yellowed eyes turned towards the young human still standing there watching him, the brown furred face quickly turned, providing a huff where he didn't quite care for the social status that he'd been born into, he'd only even survived this long thanks to the kindness of his friend that he'd only a few minutes ago punched someone over. Still this selling was going to happen, the auction not seeming to be an auction anymore thanks to there only being one clear bidder left to even begin trying to get him. With a sigh he was prompted to stand by the auctioneer, his feet coming to press against the wooden stage only to stumble a bit thanks to his ankle. Teeth gritted, but the dog didn't fall, his body keeping upright the best it was able. The clear display of a muscular build showed that this pet was bred and trained to do work outside, if it was plowing, herding, or some other method of labor it was clear to the human that this german shepard was designed just for it.

The brown furred canine huffed as he heard the first number call out, yelling about it the value of the slave that was bring presented today. Strong as he was the the auction house couldn't ignore the fact that he was hurt. That could be something as simple as an easy sprain or as complicated as a broken joint. Either way it meant that the canine's value had gone down and this left the auction needing to eat that value in order to still make some profit at all. The value of the shepard started at a reasonable price for a slave, five-hundred easy. It was clear from that alone that the crowd here wasn't about to bid, even Jack had to grip his pocket a little bit tighter at the sound of it. Instead he'd wait, see if the price would be dropped enough to be affordable for him as he stood there and waited. This was no longer an auction at all, not as long as only one person was buying, instead it was a haggle, but it was a haggle that Jack didn't have to speak out to participate in. He simply needed to remain silent in order for this house to lower the price, and lower it did. When it hit four-hundred that grip on his pocket loosened easily, but he wasn't buying just yet. While Jack wanted to make his family happy and do what they said, he couldn't afford such a price even for a well developed work slave like this one.

Instead he'd wait just a bit longer, the price dropped again another hundred and Jack finally spoke up, his hand shooting into the air. Those around him looking to the boy while they stared at him and this canine turned his eyes over to examine the human that just bid on him. This german shepard didn't have a problem with humans at all, only wanted to protect those he was close to. Instead he got himself hurt and it seemed that he wasn't going to be able to protect that bunny anymore after this. Teeth gritted a bit, but it was life, and he'd have to simply deal with it for now until he could find a way to make it better. Maybe plan an escape, maybe run away somehow to a safer area. Regardless of what he could plan later right now he had to deal with this human that had just called in for the auction. Seeing the hand lifted he'd watch this only bidder while the house counted it out, knowing that no other was going to be presenting any kind of resistance and yet still giving everyone a chance. Before the auctioneer's voice rambled fast and hard, drawing in bids, but now the counting was much slower, giving more than ample time for someone to simply walk through the door and claim the number for their own. Instead this never happened and the word "Sold" was announced loud for everyone to hear it even those in the back.

Moving to the side of the stage the collector would take the card that had been provided, scanning it with the correct amount before handing it back to the human kid with a soft smile over his aged face. It was only a few seconds later that Jack was handed a leash, blinking up at the buff brown canine that stepped down towards him off of the stage. The dog said nothing now, his movements limping slowly, but were already better now than they were when he was standing on the wooden platform. Jack knew that he couldn't simply allow the shepard to hurt himself more by walking on it, though, and moved to place himself under the dog's shoulder, helping to keep him up a bit more as the two walked from this building and towards the new house. The weight of this strong canine was more than he'd expected, muscle weighs more than fat and he was feeling that pressure on his back while he helped him. Even still the human wasn't going to simply let his new pet stumble about and injure himself further. Instead he'd take the time to make sure that each step was easily pressed, keeping most of that muscle-based canine weight on his own weaker shoulders so that the dog wouldn't be forced to suffer too much for protecting his friend.

It was another reason that Jack was so happy to have his new home so close to the markets, by the time he'd gotten out of the shop area this smaller human was already winded and felt that he needed to sit down. If only there was a chair, or a bench about that would be great, instead it was nothing but a straight walk over a block to get to his front door. The soft panting of the struggling human drew the attention down from the shepard, seeing him struggling and having to try and stiffle his sigh over the weaker creature. This canine had to wonder what kind of work he was going to be doing, as a guard based dog he'd like to handle himself in that way, being a protector, but most people saw him as a laborer and usually stuck him in gardening jobs such as plowing, or even harvesting. It made him feel more like a horse sometimes, but it wasn't something that he couldn't understand. A build like his showed that he was ready for that kind of work, most people would have paid eight, if not ten, times what he was purchased for today. The dog was simply lucky that his ankle got hurt or else he'd still be in that market now being forced back into those cold containment areas. The very thought of them drove him to realize that was exactly where his rabbit friend was right now, being forced to do as the slave guards wanted with no protection from himself.

Those brown ears twitched when he realized that the human had said something to him, turning his gaze quickly to the side in order to look at him. The thought of his friend had prevented the dog from hearing what he was being told. "I'm sorry, what?" He asked softly, trying not to be rude despite the pain in his ankle.

The boy quickly silenced himself, thinking about what he'd just asked and then looking up at this taller and far better built creature. "I.. uh.. I wanted to know what your name was." he asked almost sheepishly, not used to being in a position of authority, or power, over another living being.

He remained silent for a bit, thinking about this but leaving it as what it was, an inexperienced slave owner asking his pet what his name was, "In the pins I'm called Rex, but owners usually rename their pets when they get them." He explained realizing that this young human wasn't very well informed on how slave handling usually worked.

"Rex is fine!" he said quickly panting a bit louder and even cracking a bit of a smile to him as he turned to look at the house that he'd started renting, "That one." came the second quick call pointing at it and leaving the two turning their direction to start heading straight for it.

Rex wasn't overly impressed. It wasn't the greatest place he'd ever seen, but then again it wasn't a pin either so there wouldn't be any complaining from him. With the two making their way up the drive way it became instantly obvious that there was a huge lock of "car" in the location where one might expect it to be. Instead leaving to them entering through the side door that fed straight into the kitchen area. This gave the shepard a great view of the yard, and he had to realize that there was no garden, heck, there was barely a yard at all, and this of course drew the curiosity as to what he was going to be asked to do in this place. Careful steps up the stairs would take him onto this linoleum floor, the cabinets that were about driving him to notice the medium sized kitchen that may very well be just slightly too big for only one person to live here, but if it was then it wasn't by much.

This wasn't their stop though, the path continued through the house. By now Rex was starting to wonder what he would be doing here. What kind of slave was his new master going to force him into? The question burning further and further that the german shepard even opened his mouth slowly to ask, but as they turned around the corner, and the canine rested his eyes on the bedroom, it became instantly clear. The defeated sigh driving him to believe that he'd end up in this kind of position eventually anyway. No garden, no need for a guard, the place wasn't big enough for servitude, so what was he going to be doing? The bed had all of the answers to that question, the idea of being a human's private sex slave was always something he'd imagined he'd be put into, but there was a bright side to that as well. Most sex slaves didn't last long, servicing their masters and mistresses until they were satisfied and then falling into another roll in the house only once in a while returning to that original point until the owner got bored enough of them to sell them off once again. Rex could understand this, and while it didn't seem like it would be a complicated job he felt that he should do as his master wished enough to keep from getting boring too soon and be forced to return to those pins once again.

As the brown dog was guided towards the bed he'd find the softness slowly pressed down against his back, coming to finally have a chance to rest where he wouldn't need to worry about accidentally placing weight down on his bad ankle. Already it was feeling better, the swelling was still new, but it would go down in time leaving the human to sit down on the edge of the bed in order to finally have a chance to rest his foot. It was odd to be in the master's bed, though, even sex slaves didn't commonly take up their owner's actual bed, usually getting their own living area and taken there. This wasn't what he'd expected though, where he had been waiting for his master to climb on top of him in order to have his way with the somewhat hurt canine instead the human seemed to give him space. It was odd to think that he might be resting in this bed, but it Jack didn't seem to mind and as they both just waited for the other to say something it became more and more clear that he wasn't expecting anything lewd out of this at all. For a long time the shepard had been waiting for someone to purchase him and use him, to take him and put his capabilities to the test, and here the human was, leaning over him in order to pull the covers over the dog body, wanting to make sure that his new property was comfortable and with brown paws gripping the sheets he'd feel himself being tucked in. it wasn't something that Rex was used to, or even expected from belonging to someone.

The next words that came from the human's mouth was something of a complete surprise to him, the easy tone of his voice speaking out and asking, "Is there anything I can get you, Rex?" The question drew a long silence from the shepard, his hands still holding onto the sheets tightly about his body, not sure of what he should say to something like that.

"I'm.. kind of thirsty." he said softly to his master, watching as the boy ran off quickly through the doorway in order to return only a short minute later with a glass of water for the canine to enjoy. With a blink of his eyes Rex would reach his hand out, wrapping his fingers already the already sweating glass and take an easy sip of the cool refreshing water. He'd even allow it to linger at his lips for a bit while he enjoyed himself. There was no way that he was going to get this kind of treatment once his ankle was better, he knew this for certain.

The canine gave out a quick gasp, the feeling of his hurt ankle being gripped and slowly lifted up drawing his immediate attention as he looked down to the foot of the bed only to find his human coming to slip himself under that foot, offering himself as a prop for the leg so that it could be elevated. This helped to confuse the shepard further, watching his master babying him in this way and making Rex wonder if the human even really understood the how their relationship should work. It was well past the point of simply "taking care of the pet while it was hurt", this was something far more, far greater, and the human seemed to act far more submissive to the dog than he was used to. It was nice to have a gentle master that was willing to take care of him, but to offer up his bed and the his body to help with the canine's comfort. That was something far more reversed about their roles than even the german canine could like. It smelled of suspicion, of a trap of some kind. Rex had to test this, had to find out how he far he could push this human, and the only way he could think of was to do to Jack what the canine expected the boy to be doing to him already.

A movement of his finger would beckon the smooth skinned human, "Come up here and hold me." he said easily, softly to him, wanting to sound demanding but at the same time still a big nervous about giving commands when the canine knew that he could very well be punished for something like that. It was to his surprise that Jack would lift up quickly, moving to rotate from under that leg and come to rest his brown haired head directly on the strong chest of the shepard body. A slow, but nervous movement from Rex would slowly reach down to brush against Jack's hair some, just feeling the strands pass between the canine's fingers as he rested there, growing slowly more comfortable in each passing moment. It became clear that Jack wasn't interested in being a master, but preferred the appreciation that came with being a sub. This was something that the dog could handle having always been on the dom side of things.

A tongue crossed the shepard's lips as he thought about the words he wanted to say to his human, "From now on, you're mine, as long as we're in this house. If we're out in public it'll be normal, but here I'm the master and you get to be my pet. Understand?" He smirked easily to Jack, feeling confident in saying this, but not realizing that what he was saying was bad until he reflected on it and only then realized that there was a huge chance for Jack to refuse and take huge offense at the notion of it.

The human thought about this, though, and in what seemed to be forever just considered the entire situation, the scenario, the idea of it passing through his mind easily in one instance after another. For a while his face was stone cold, just calculating the full concept until finally he'd give a soft and submissive smile over his human lips, his tongue lightly moving to brush through the chest fur of his master before nuzzling into it tighter and cuddling up on him. "Ok, Master." he said softly to him stiffling his chuckle. It might take them a week at least to get the entire thing figured out, but Jack was more than happy to give it a try. If nothing else it took the pressure off of him and gave him the security that he wanted. It was a secret between them, a little game that nobody else could know about, but everyone else not knowing was going to be part of the fun, wasn't it?