Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Forty-fifth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#46 of Pathfinding-CYOA

The fun in the bathing chamber continues apace, and the water isn't the only thing that's steamy around here.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Forty-fifth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

Adel - yes/no: 9/22

Imogen - yes/no: 11/20

Rael - yes/no: 12/19

Wisselfleur - yes/no: 28/2

Additional Votes

* Skaeth is up to something - 8

* Introduce a centaur filly, and mare (mother-daughter pairing likely) - 14

* Shara gangbanged (suggestions for circumstances pending) - 3

* Tame Belthin - 4

* Challenge Jutta to a contest of strength, and the loser submits to the winner - 4

* Get the Valkyries to join the Blue Feather camp (may tie with the vote above) - 6

* Give Kyte to the Valkyries for taming - 1

* Hold Belthin's tower (Maji will stay there, as well as a Valkyrie contingent) - 2

* Rufus bottoms to Windtooth (his father, the Blue Feather alpha male) - 4

* More F/F scenes - 1

* More M/F scenes - 1

* Bring back Goro, the panda heavy - 1

* More smooth-skinned males - 2

* Kyte/Rufus - 2

* Dominate Skaeth, put the bull in his place - 12

* Give Kyte her dangly bits back - 3

* Pairing between Urtan and Jonna (long-term) - 1

* More Hanaro sex scenes (Rufus and Urtan primarily) - 2

* Imogen develops a spanking fetish - 3

* Less pregnancy scenes - 2

* Fix Urtan's throat, let him talk - 1

Vote Options in Progress:

* Wisselfleur and Imogen seduced by Rufus (Adel included)

* Kyte's submission, and more Kyte screentime

* Urta/Rael/Adel/Rufus scene; family dynamics in action

* The Steampunk Trio start work on sex toys...and use them on Spark!

* Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely)

* Rufus/Urtan scene, where they finally go at it

* Share Calanon and Durion with the Valyries (will take place at the Valkyrie city)

* Spark becoming a size queen/interested in Horse

* Lesage's gradual sexual corruption

Author Notes

Sorry for not managing to put up a second post this week: figures I would make an offer like that on the week my work doubled in workload. Also sorry for missing the votes for adding a centaur filly - this was an honest oversight on my part, likely due to votes replying to another person's comment/vote don't go to my inbox, and I sometimes forget to check the entry directly.

Pathfinding Forty-fifth Entry

Slowly rousing herself back to full consciousness, Rael raised her head at the sound of a sweet, girlish chorus as unicorn and hippogryph cried out together, their high voices mingling with the sounds of slurping as broad, smooth tongues lashed each girl's freshly-washed, utterly pristine, perfectly virgin tailhole. Rufus, heathen that he typically was, was treating Wisselfleur's small, tight little butt to an almost brutal oral mauling, his tongue circling her peachy chrysanthemum just enough to get her reslicked after Urtan's careful prior rimming, before squeezing forward, his head pumping up and down as he gave the winged cutie a good anal tonguestuffing, one of the two direct causes of her falconlike cries of swiftly-building pleasure.

Next to Rufus, his hip brushing that of his alpha as he, like the wolfen, lifted his muscular, masculine rump into the air to better position his muzzle, was treating Imogen to similar treatment. Similar, but not exact, for unlike Rufus' almost savage churning and thrusting, Urtan was in obvious awe of the gorgeous young unicorn, his large, rough paws handling her smoothly-rounded, softly-glowing white derrière like he would a religious relic. Spreading Imogen's girlish, yet still perfectly-formed cheeks apart, the gnoll beta paused a long moment, looking at Imogen's pure white rosebud, unknowingly nearly driving the unihorned filly crazy at the feeling of his hot breath on her most delicate parts. Urtan's attention was brought back to the matter at hand (or, more specifically, in his hands) when Imogen started to squirm in his grip, thrusting herself toward his muzzle eagerly as she whimpered needily. His tongue, like his penis, was a bit shorter than Rufus', but also a bit thicker, and soon Urtan extended that oral organ and began to lap along Imogen's tiny white pucker, making it tense along with Imogen's whole body as she began to moan softly, demurely at the intimate oral caress. With gentle, loving care, Urtan's muzzle parted as he teased his tonguetip into little Imogen, little by little, his ivory teeth lightly indenting the precious swell of her upraised tushie.

Catching Adel's eye, Rael crawled over, tail wagging, at a slight inviting motion of Adel's head. Spending a moment to kiss her "mother in the field," the two trading tongue, Rael took a small ceramic flash Adel handed her, and looked at it quizzically before twisting off the stopper and giving it a sniff: olive oil. The puppygirl promptly looked at Adel with some confusion, confusion that quickly departed as Adel poured out a generous quantity of oil onto her hands, and then encircled Rufus' penis, stroking his long, hard shaft until its entire grey-skinned length glistened, including the plum-colored and -sized tip. Learning by observing, Rael turned to do the same with Urtan's big hyenacock, her eyes wide as she sniffed up and down the thick, juicy brown length; she'd seen other males naked, of course, since wolfen in the wild weren't that concerned with modesty, having been blessed with fur, but she'd never had a chance to look at Urtan up close like this...or to smell him...or to taste him. Mmm...Rael didn't even bother resisting the impulse to pop Urtan's puppymaker in her mouth, her eyes closing as she savored the deliciously meaty taste of fresh-squeezed gnoll.

"Oh!" came the high-pitched cry to Rael's side, and her eyes snapped open, before she glanced over toward where Adel was fingering Wisselfleur's tight horsey bum with the fingers of one hand, her other hand guiding Rufus into position. "Ooooh!" moaned the slim little filly as Rael watched Rufus' cock sloooowly press forward...and then pop past Wisselfleur's tense grey tailring. The big wolf's hands squeezed down powerfully on Wisselfleur's tight runner's butt as he drove himself steadily forward, until his balls were pressed up nice and tight against the hippogryph girl's cum-leaking cunny.

Realizing suddenly that she probably ought to do something herself, greedy little Rael reluctantly slid her muzzle off of Urtan's cock, though not without giving his plump, heavily-leaking glans a parting lick of affection - he'd been tasty, and deserved it! Drizzling a light coating of the oil along the top of the hyenaman's member as he started to rise onto his knees behind Imogen, Rael stroked her hands (using both of them, due to Urtan's thickness - she couldn't quite wrap one all the way around) up and down his throbbing meat several times, until it glistened with slickness. Turning her head, Rael's eyes were suddenly frozen at the exquisite, otherworldly beauty of Imogen's softly-glowing presented parts, still leaking a slight drizzle of wolfcum from her quim. Tentatively, Rael reached out, lowering herself so that she was looking almost straight up, with a slight angle, her fingers gentle on Imogen's achingly soft white flesh as the little wolfgirl parted her cheeks, exposing the perfect flower of her tailhole. Compared to such exquisite grace, Urtan's cock looked brutal, brutish, like an ogre's club resting among daisies. It was too fascinating for Rael to look away, even as droplets of unicorn and wolfen juices dripped from Imogen's cunny onto her forehead, and fat drops of hyenapre dripped onto her cheeks from Urtan's leaky penis, while that bloated, throbbing dark organ thrust slowly forward...and then touched Imogen's tense, lily-white tailhole.

That contact was all it took, and suddenly Imogen gave a high-pitched whinny, Rael's eyes growing _huge_as she saw the precious pubescent unicorn's slick little cunny (already nearly back to its former, virgin dimensions, thanks to Imogen's natural healing ability) pulse and contract powerfully, as an orgasm ripped through her body. Imogen's tailhole similarly tensed, gripping the very tip of Urtan's cockhead, milking him as though coaxing him to push even more inside. Heavy, dark, furry hands gripping delicate white tushie tightly, Urtan began to do just that, looking almost straight down, even as Rael looked straight up, as Imogen's lionlike tail curled around Urtan's hip, the tufted tip stroking his firm bottom as he squeezed himself, nice and slow, all the way into Imogen's. Like an arrow through the curve of a lover's candybox heart, Urtan's penis split the perfect curves of the unicorn cutie's tushie so very, very wide, a lewd violation that was so obscene, it was as blasphemous as it was erotic.

Seeing the look of guilt on his pack-brother's face, Rufus paused in his slow shafting of extra-tight hippogryph tushie, and reached over to give Imogen's bouncy, perfect bottom a hard slap! The sudden impact made Imogen squeal loudly, which soon made Urtan grunt_as she orgasmed again, her tailhole squeezing down around the thick, blunt invasion of his immense brown cock. She was so _tight! The hyenaman's mind went suddenly and utterly blank, consumed only with raw, savage, primal instincts, instincts that told him to claim this female beneath him, to dominate her, to show her his true power. All the dark desires that Urtan had been bottling up for so long, the natural heritage of being a gnoll, suddenly came bursting out, and the powerful male started to thrust, holding nothing back, his hips slapping Imogen's perfect bottom again and again and again, sending ripples through the smooth flesh of her flanks, making her scream loudly before she bit into a pillow, squeezing it tightly to her chest, the soft silver of her puffy nipples rubbing against the fabric all it took at this moment of extreme sensitivity to make her cum again...and just not stop. Laughing at Urtan's enthusiasm, Rufus grabbed up Wisselfleur's flowing equine tail in one big paw, the other holding her hip tightly as he rose up on one knee, pounding almost straight down into the tomboyish teen's tushie until she was forced to mirror Imogen, sinking her beak into a pillow to stifle her loud falcon screeches and cries.

Not far off, Jonna was squirming in ecstasy herself, her own cries of orgasm muffled around the thick, juicy orcacock plugging her mouth. Despite the intensity of her pleasure's peak, however, the she-minotaur's soft brown eyes never left the scene before her of six beautiful creatures coupling with natural, primal abandon. With a pat on her perky butt from Adel to wake her up from her trancelike state as she watched Urtan pounding little Imogen, Rael suddenly pressed her muzzle forward, licking vigorously at the unicorn's soaking slit, her silvery sexflesh tasting indescribably delicious, the expression on her face as she dug in deeply the only possible explanation of its taste. Adel was similarly busy, turning her head this way and that as she sucked and nibbled on Wisselfleur's gushing pink cunny, her blue eyes heavy-lidded as she tasted deeply of mythic girljuices. Behind Jonna, Maji was moaning loudly, her hands squeezing her buoyant breasts tightly, until they started to run like water beneath her fingers, only to reform into their proper shape moments later.

Then, it happened. Instantly, Jonna felt herself connected to everything in the room, everything the water touched. Realizing in the one still-rational part of her brain that Maji, the orca elemental, must have something to do with it, Jonna's whole body arched, her bounteous breasts thrusting upward as Maji's cocktacle popped free of her mouth, spurting berry-flavored blue cum onto those bovine breasts as the she-minotaur screamed loudly in pure, raw, unadulterated ecstasy. This orgasm was matched almost immediately afterward by Imogen and Wisselfleur, their pleasures hitting a sudden, overwhelming peak, spots and flashes of light going off behind their eyes before everything just went all to black. Only sound and sensation told them what was happening next, as they both felt the copious splashing of cum inside their tailholes, before Urtan and Rufus popped their cocks free, spurting thick ropes of mancream over their bottoms and lower backs. The orgasms of these four was soon joined by a shuddering from both Adel and Rael as they trembled, Imogen's raw magical power coupling with the elemental-infused environment, letting the nubile pair share in the pleasure of the others, even if not quite to the same degree of intensity.

As Imogen and Wisselfleur slumped forward, Rufus and Urtan remained kneeling, panting hard, their cocks finally starting to become flaccid. Jonna was breathing hard as Maji lowered the she-minotaur gently onto some soft pillows not far from the others, letting the flushed warrior woman rest up a bit as well, while Maji's body melted into the water, allowing her to replenish herself in their soothing depths. This left Adel and Rael, kneeling in the rough middle of the recently-ended orgy. Adel turned, giving Rael a kiss on the cheek, followed shortly afterward by a naughty wink, before the little chipmunk girl crawled over to Rufus, then rested her hands on his chest before kissing him full on the lips.

"So...when is it my turn?" she said with a look of smoldering seduction that would have been enough to make a dead man stir. Rufus looked into Adel's beautiful blue eyes, then looked down at his still-flaccid self, then over at Urtan with a pleading expression, one which Urtan was forced to answer with a helpless shrug - refractory periods were a bitch.

Adel, though, obviously wasn't upset by this, and just giggled, kissing Rufus on the tip of his nose.

"You owe me, sweetie," she said with a slow wink. "Me and Rael."

Rufus looked a little alarmed.

"You're with me on this, right?" he said, glancing at Urtan. Urtan grinned wickedly, shaking his head. "Naw, man, don't even joke about this sort of thing!"

The girls laughed.

Path Choices

Now that we've finished the fun in the bathing chamber, which side scene would you like to see next? Our party will be travelling to the Valkyrie camp in their part of the next entry.

1) The events at the Blue Feather camp.

2) The taming of Belthin by her Valkyrie captors.

3) The wickedness of the Warlord.

4) The scene with the other party members (the ones that didn't show up in either the vault or the bathing chamber).