Stallions Without Stereotypes

Story by Gareth Gryphonclaw on SoFurry

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#13 of Friendly Romping

Inspired by <a href="" target="_blank"></a> again, I wrote a thing for and with him.

(Contains male hyper-muscle, but less gratuitious than usual)

There are a lot of stereotypes about Vulpines. Actually, there are a lot of stereotypes about pretty much everyone. Sometimes, someone will try to avoid one of their own and end up grabbing someone else's. Since there's more to anyone than just first impressions, I try not to think in terms of them. When it does happen, though, I tend to get ashamed about it.

That's why, when I was passing by a thumpety, wubbly nightclub that evening and heard, "Hey, sexy Foxy guy!" I slapped my forehead in my mind when I thought, _So many horny Wolves, I could bring them all together and help them form a whole hockey team_and turned around to find he was actually Equine instead.

Now, I'm kind of tall for a red Fox, and I'm more athletic than bulky when it comes to physique, but this guy was much bigger - wider, too - than me. His hair was a lighter brown than his fur, and cut really short, and he had the bulk of a weightlifter with the definition of a bodybuilder; his low-riding pants and tight, sleeveless burgundy shirt both really showed off his body and parted to reveal the bottom of his eight-pack. The way he was standing made it obvious he was flexing a bit.

I told him, "Next time, you should try to introduce yourself first," but instead of continuing on, assuming I'd be all over him no matter what he said, he got all embarrassed and apologetic.

"Sorry! I just - well, not much was happening tonight and, uh, I'm Galthroc. My shift just ended, and I thought I remembered you from somewhere."

"Galthroc? Hmm - Yeah! I've heard of you. I've read some of the stuff you've written. I'm Gareth, and I didn't know you worked around here."

He grinned, rolled his eyes, and said, "Well, I'm just a bouncer part-time. I'm glad you like my stuff. Spab told me about you once, actually. Said you helped inspire him."

I was happy to find that we knew more about each other than we first thought. Besides, if we were mutual friends of Spab - a really great guy who thought of learning and exercise as different facets of the same kind of thing - then I figured we'd become fast friends as well. He mentioned heading back to his place, I asked if he'd eaten dinner, he offered to share some, and since I don't refuse to do every single thing that'd be expected, I made a quip about breakfast as well.

He had plenty of leftover noodles, which were okay, and over them, I learned about his love of male power fantasy, sexualized. A lot of muscle-headed guys loved the idea of being strength incarnate, and I could understand that, though I had different aims in mind for myself.

"Sure, it's magnificent, but for me, I don't just go for pure power. I'd rather run, jump, and climb than just lift."

He chuckled, fortunately with his mouth empty, and replied, "Yeah, for some guys, it's all about the gains. They ignore stuff like stamina or flexibility, but then they do it to look good more than feel good."

I was happy to find out that, even though he wasn't good at jumping rope, he still wanted to keep trying at it. When the food was finished, he rushed off to his bathroom; instead of waiting for my turn, I just pulled out some mouthwash I always had with me (gotta love extra pockets) and gargled in the kitchen sink. He hadn't told me anything really personal yet, so I wondered if he'd start by asking stuff about me.

Instead, he came stomping out of the bathroom completely nude, and half-hard at that. He raised his arms over his head and flexed his cannonball biceps, crouching down to squeeze his already solid thighs. His abs rippled, his pectorals stuck straight out, and his already huge maleness waved back and forth without even any set-up. "Awright, Foxy," he grunted, sounding as tough as he possibly could, "take it all off and get on the bed. Lemme see what you've got under that tail."

I wanted to tell him that he was being way too sudden and forward again and that his cock was surely too big to fit once he'd gotten rock hard, but I didn't want him to get discouraged in his seduction attempt. A thought hit me, and I managed to keep a straight face as I said, "As you command, O Hot One." With my back to him, I slowly unzipped and slipped off my vest, tossing it on a chair. I heard his whicker of approval as I stretched out and flexed my back, before undoing my shorts and stepping out of them. I curled up my tail, letting him see the small, yet comfy undergarment I had left, then got on all fours on his bed before sliding them off, giving him a glimpse of what I was packing. I felt a hot exhalation on my back and a big pair of hands on my rear, and a drip of pre as he pressed himself against me.

About twenty minutes of pushing later, he gave up when he started to soften.

"Maybe more lube? Do you need to relax more?"

"Actually," I turned my head to see him looking dejected, and felt sorry for him, "I don't think it's really a problem. You're just way too big. Don't get me wrong, you're still super-handsome and huge, but there isn't much I'd be able to do this way."

"Oh." His head and ears drooped as he sat down on the bed, hard enough to almost bounce me off of it. I leaned over to give him a hug, able to get one hand slightly under one of his pecs, and said, "Although, if you aren't... steadfast on positions, I could always mount you. I promise you won't feel weak, just good. Well, maybe tired if it's your first time, and you climax more than once."

He paused to consider it and replied, "I dunno. I've never really taken it. Most of the guys I've mated with have been, well, subbier, and I don't have the stuff for it."

"Oh, to keep it, uh, hygienic? I do - hang on!" I ran back over to my vest and pulled out some stuff. "It's the last one I have left, and it's easy to use. Just fill the bag with hot, soapy water, twist the end on, soap up the other end, and it should slide in easily. Squeeze the bag slowly, wait a little bit, then just, uh, let it out in the toilet and rinse off with the tub. I'll just wait here the whole time." Galthroc just gave me a silent nod and waddled off into the bathroom again. I hoped my playing along hadn't ended up giving him blue balls.

When he came back, I was lying on the bed with my tail draped over me.

"Hop on," I called out to him, though it was probably the better idea when he slid up next to me, instead.

"So, you take the lead-" I think Galthroc might've gotten to thinking things like, "Dominant Fox" back there, so it came as a pleasant surprise when I interrupted him with a hug. I just rolled over onto him and pressed my body up against his, rubbing my cheek against his face, around his shoulder, and down one arm. He got the hint and silently bunched up his fist, letting me feel the push of his arm as it bulged out. He only relaxed when I'd made my way up his forearm, so that he could run his fingers through my hair. When I went for the other arm, I had to use both hands, too. When I cuddled my way between his solid pecs and down his abs, I must've tickled him because he laughed a bit, contracting his muscles unintentionally. I could've curled up and taken a nap on him, but that would've been too relaxed for either of us. Instead, I just slid further down, tried to put even one of his balls in my mouth and failed, then cuddled my way down one leg and up the other. He raised each one as I went, letting me feel him flexed and relaxed.

Slowly and gently, I slid my way back up, barely touching his short fur, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. After a bit, he tried to kiss me, but since I could see it coming as big and sloppy, I ended up turning my head before he could connect. I could still feel him get hard again as he kept the kiss going, but stopped when I asked him how he felt.

His arms met around my back and he hugged me a little bit too tightly, replying, "I never felt so relaxed and turned-on at the same time before."

I squirmed my way up so I could say softly into his ear, "Great. I promise you'll feel like that all the way through. Just flip over onto all fours and I'll get you even more ready."

The enormous Equine kept his tail short too, so it never got in the way. I just took hold of his musclebutt and rubbed, letting him squeeze for as long as he wanted. When he stopped, I dripped some lube right on him, put some more on one finger, and slowly pushed my way in. He gave out a little grunt, but I held him steady with my other hand, gradually working my way in bit by bit.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. It only hurt a little. It doesn't now."

"That's good. Just a bit more..." I touched his soft spot, which felt big even considering the rest of him. I heard a lustful whinny, and smiled. Leaning over, I saw that he wasn't fully hard, but had already begun to pre in big droplets.

"Hey, Galthroc. Ever helped a guy you mounted cum hands-free?"

"Yeah, a few times. It was always super-hot."

"Yep. Now you're going to get to feel it for yourself!" I pulled almost all the way out to get another finger ready, and got them both in at the same slow pace. I did imagine myself taking him hard, or somehow being able to get mounted by him, but I knew it'd hurt either way. After shuffling around so I could give his dripping shaft a kiss, I tickled him from the inside a bit more before pulling out.

He asked me, "Are you ready?" as I was wiping off my hand.

"Yeah. Just take a deep breath." I was good-sized and rock hard, happy with how things were turning out. I placed my paws upon his muscular rear again, parted it slowly, and pressed myself against him. I pressed forwards, and he pushed back. He was still very tight, and I wondered for a bit if it would hurt me instead.

"You okay there?"

"Yeah... It feels... Ngh, great." He either wanted it or wanted me to keep going, and I still wasn't even halfway in. I didn't want to make his first time awkward or painful, so I rubbed him a bit more and tried gentle thrusts instead of a steady push. It felt like it was working, and he was getting into the pace, until he bucked himself backwards and pushed me the rest of the way in.

"Agh! Ow, ow..."

"Nngh, arhh, ungh. Sorry, Gareth, I thought - uh."

"It's fine. Should we stop?" I let go of him, but I could still feel him shudder through my cock. It felt good, but I wanted it to feel good for the both of us.

"No, it's okay." He took a deep breath or two, and added, "I thought it'd work like that." He turned around to look at me and smiled. "Heh, you like mounting bigger guys?"

"Hehe, in this case, yeah!" I leaned over, and saw the flow of pre increase. His balls twitched a bit, and I just stretched out and enjoyed the feeling of being balls-deep in such a big, powerful male.

"Okay," he said to me, "Ready!" Though I felt him tense, thinking I was going to go at it hard. Instead, I leaned over his back and embraced him, feeling him breathe and squeezing his chest. I twitched my cock as I hugged him, working his prostate and nuzzling the back of his neck. He let out a low, throaty groan, and I pressed my nose against his hair to inhale his lustful scent. I was happy to lie there on him, pushing gently, feeling the pleasure build all the way up to the -

"Hey, mf, Gareth? Are you gonna tie me?"

I tried to pull away a bit, but I was stuck. "I already did. How's it feel?"

"Yeah... Just like that. Woah..." He squeezed tightly against me, and my climax almost hit then and there. I wanted to feel his first, though. With a slow but steady pace, I took hold of him and rubbed him inside and out. He was quiet, at least from that way, and I wondered if it was a change from how he usually was in bed.

"Hey... I feel - I'm getting close." He turned his head and smiled proudly at me.

"Okay. Want me to hold on tight?"

"Yeaaahhh..." I sprawled out over him again and squeezed, even giving a kiss to the back of his neck. "Huge, powerful Stallion," I whispered to him, "You'll cum without getting your giant cock touched. It'll feel great..."

A shudder went up and down his body, and he squeezed against me before twitching and groaning. I leaned over to watch, and he didn't cum in spurts - it was just one long flow, his semen spilling out on to the bed in a growing, sticky puddle.

"Wow..." I patted his shoulder, then realized I'd stopped and started pressing his soft spot again. It was either multiple orgasms or one long one, and I forgot to ask, but it was still amazing, and he spilt a lot. Some even dripped off the sides of the bed before he was finished.

When his climax came to an end, he gradually let himself down until he was lying face-down in the pool he'd made. I sighed, "Way to go, stud," and humped him a bit harder. He was as relaxed as he was possibly going to get, and I even heard him laugh or chuckle a bit. I just buried my face in his back and melted all over his body, only coming back together when my climax hit. I climaxed in spurts, and he even squeezed a bit to draw it out further. When it finally subsided, I reached for his shoulders, trying to massage any tension left out of them. He pushed and flexed to sort of snuggle me with his back until I'd softened enough to pull out. Galthroc rolled over and pulled me close, getting me as sticky as he was. I let him kiss me, long and tightly; at least I could fit his whole tongue in my mouth. The way he ran his hands over me, even squeezing around me as I flexed for him, I think he was trying to give me the same treatment that I'd given him.

"So," I asked when the kiss had ended, "Was it fun?"

"Yeah, it was. Hey," he asked, a hand brushing my tail, "Have you ever - well, how was it like with Spab?"

I thought for a while, making sure what I would say wouldn't be gossipy. "Well, he also likes it careful sometimes. He likes to relax. Oh, and I can take him on well enough, if that's what you meant."

"Hm." I was about to ask him if I should help him clean up when he added, "Would you like it if the both of us invited you up here together?"

The thought of being held between two powerful Stallions got me hard again. "Yeah... Though, how'd it work if I, well, uh-"

He chuckled and interrupted me with, "It's okay. If it comes down to it, I can suck myself off."

I licked my lips and noticed Galthroc getting hard again too. I placed a hand on him to hold himself steady as he leaned forward. "Okay. Count me in!"